October 14, 2009

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 204
  • Pages: 6
October 14, 2009 Write a review of the class so far. What have you liked about the class? What have you not liked about the class? What do you want to see happen more? What would you like to see happen less?

Homework  

None I only have 2 of my 3 classes, so no homework However, if you want to earn some extra credit, do the following:

Extra Credit Homework: 

Mr. Slater said that slavery was a good thing because it brought slaves to Western Civilization. Phillis Wheatley, the first published African American poet, agreed. What do you think? Argue for or against.

Circle Discussion Circle discussion – what does African American history mean to you?  We will, as a group, talk about this 

First Person Account 

Of what it was like to be captured by slave hunters Read it and answer questions Underline what you think is important ¼ to 1/3 is as much as you should underline – maybe less

Jigsaw 

Pair up (three or four people are ok) and divide the reading Report back to the others what was important in what you read Read the questions first

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