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Starlit Tales

The Official Newsletter for The Starlight Circle Players, Creations for Stage and Circle October/2008;Vol. 2 No. 12 Editor: Lezlie Kinyon http://www.starlightcircleplayers.com On-line edition: http://sites.google.com/site/starlittales/Home/october-2008-starlit-tales

Banner art by Shea R. Williams

If you can't get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance. - George Bernard Shaw, 1856 - 1950

Starlit Tales—OCT 2008

Quick Contact guide: The Core Group:  Michelle Johnson – Tech Director. List moderator michelle9lynn-at- yahoo.com  Mark Ungar – Founding Member, website maintenance. mark-atmoremoose.com  Lauren Renee Hotchkiss, Founding Writer/Director – laurhot-at- sbcglobal.net; 510-601-6130 (Contact for “A Question of Sanity” aquestionofsanity-at- yahoo.com)  Tatyanna Wilkerson – Grantwriting - tatyannamw-at- gmail.com  Evelie Delfino Såles Posch – Founding member - evelie511-at- gmail.com.  Lezlie Kinyon – Founding Writer/Director – doclezlie-at-gmail.com (contact for “The Ring, A Mummer’s Play for Yule” & newsletter) To contact a Core Group member, write to the general e-mail address with the name of the person you want to contact in the subject line. NEEDED:  ARTISTIC DIRECTOR  PRESS & PRIOMOTIONS  COSTUME CHIEF Inquire at: starlightcircleplayers-at- yahoo.com. Contact to purchase a copy of “Pyrate Lunacy”, Fundraising, music concerts, donations, and all other matters: Mailing address: c/o 1156 Miller Av. Berkeley Ca 94708 General info e-mail: starlightcircleplayers-at- yahoo.com. For Submission to the newsletter (art, reviews, essays on theatre, events) or for guidelines for submitting a play to be considered by the troupe: doclezlie-at- gmail.com or laurhot-atsbcglobal.net Deadline for October Starlit Tales is September 20.

Starlit Tales—OCT 2008

For your copy of “Pyrate Lunacy”: Attach and send a check or money order payable to: The Starlight Circle Players. Address: TSCP c/o Lezlie Kinyon / 2998 Shasta Rd./ Berkeley CA 94708. No credit cards please! Allow two to three weeks for delivery.

Cover art by Fontain Riddle, all rights reserved, 2007. Web: http:starlightcircleplayers.com

PRICE SLASHED!!! The cost is $10 per copy and $3.00 to cover postage and shipping. (TSCP member discount: $3.00 per copy ordered.) Name: Mailing Address: Number of copies desired: Amount enclosed: Would you like to be on our mailing list for the TSCP monthly newsletter? E-mail address: 1. “Drunken Sailor” (Key West style) (traditional), performed by Loren Davidson, used by permission and all rights reserved 2006 2. “Drunken Sailor, Oy Vey!” Michael Fallon 2006 Accompanied by The Hilltones. 3. “Betrunkener Matrose une eine Flasche des Rums” Lauren Renée Hotchkiss 2006 4. “Dead Man’s Chest” Celeste Paradise; 5. “15 Men on a Dead Man’s Chest” M.U.S.E. 6. “What Shall We Do With a Drunken Sailor?” Steve Taylor-Ramirez 2007. “Drunk Lee Sailor” Tom Bruce 2006 8. “Yo Ho!” written and sung by Heather Alexander, copyright 2004 Sea Fire Productions, Inc. (BMI) 9. “Yo Ho and a Bottle of Rum” - Performed by The Original Cast of Deadmen Tell No Tales”

Starlit Tales—OCT 2008

Starlit Tales—OCT 2008

From Yer Editrix… About the Starlight Circle Players, Creations for Stage and Circle

TSCP is doing a Mummer’s play! Returning to our roots in folk-themed ritual theatre, just in time for the Holiday season, Amy Baldwin has written a charming adaptation of this ancient Holiday custom. In collaboration with Entanglement Sword and Mad Molly, (as well as some stray Morris dancers) TSCP will perform around the Bay throughout December and early January, culminating at Pantheacon in February. Major roles are open as of this writing, contact Evelie and Lezlie at starlightcircleplayers_at_yahoo.com for a scrip synopsis and cast list.

(The fine print …)

Father Christmas he opens the door, And the Holly knocks Oak the to the floor, But with Rosemary, The Quack cures him again, And there's really not very much more.


The Starlight Circle Players, Creations for Stage and Circle is an ongoing, independent collaboration of visual artists, writers, actors, musicians and other artists. We prefer to send this newsletter in electronic copy, however as we understand that not everyone has e-mail access and will provide a hard copy version as a courtesy to our members, supporters and friends. Small donations to cover the copying and postage costs of the hardcopy versions of this newsletter are gratefully accepted. We live in Berkeley, our URL is: http://www.starlightcircleplayers.com (Please note change of address): To support “The Starlight Circle Players” make checks payable to ““The Starlight Circle Players” and send to:

TSCP C/O 1156 Miller Av. Berkeley CA 94708 I f you would like your donations to be earmarked for the newsletter, a specific project or play, please note the name of the project on your check or money order. Thank you. You will receive a letter of acknowledgment in 3 to 4 weeks -- and our undying gratitude. For donations in kind to TSCP or to audition or volunteer, contact us directly at starlightcircleplayers-atyahoo.com. DEADLINE for inclusion in the November 2008 “Starlit Tales” is October 20, 2008. Submissions of events, rites of passage, letters to the ed., short essays on theatre, ritual, and music, and theater/arts resources are all welcome. For art or graphic submissions, please contact yer Editrix. October 1, 2008 All rights Reserved. The Starlight Circle Players,

Sadly, we must also report that, after a near super human effort on the parts of Lauren Hotchkiss, Dick Bagwell and their very talented cast, they have made the extremely hard decision to cancel “A Question of Sanity” for the time being. Lauren assures us that "I'm keeping the latter around as I'm in the very early stages of negotiations with the [another troupe] about their taking it on as a production). Best of luck with your present and future projects. " This opens the summer and – possibly – autumn of 2009 for play submissions, please contact us for submission guidelines if you have an idea for a production you’d like to direct or a play that you have been burning to seen “on the boards”. In other news, Evelie S. Posch is music director at Reclaiming’s annual Samhain Spiral dance, if you haven’t attended this special event, make this year the one to attend! Lezlie (yer editrix) will be assisting in the evocations, and other TSCPers and friends are singing in the chorus and playing in the band. This month’s issue is full of resources, silliness, TSCP news, and a very special essay about the tradition of Mummer’s Play by Amy Baldwin. The first of several essays on folk theatre and hoodening rituals (please contact yer editrix if you'd like to submit an essay for this series).

Sona Samhain, Happy Halloween, and a joyous Dia de Las Meurtos from all of us at TSCP!

Play Bill Future projects: proposed & in the works – See you on the boards!

Starlit Tales—OCT 2008



P PLLEEAASSEE JJOOIINN UUSS,, SSEEVVEERRAALL TTEERRRRIIFFIICC RROOLLEESS AARREE SSTTIILLLL OOPPEENN!! AUDITIONS: are informal: musicians, actors, and dancers. Loosely based upon Mallory’s L’Morte d’ Arthur: Lord: Holly or Winter King (shares characteristics with Arthur), Rosemary: The Queen, Gwenyth: The Queen's twin, a mysterious Queen; Fool: who is very Foolish, (not a clown, jester, or joker); The Betty (played by a man); (“Quack”) Doctor. MUSIC: British/Celtic seasonal folk. (e.g.: vocals, pennywhistle, bodhrán, guitar, squeezebox, mandolin, fiddle & viola, harp…) THE FIRST MEETINGS ARE: NOW- Contact Evelie or Lezlie to read for a part. Note: Double casting is expected due to Holiday schedules. The cast may change for the Pantheacon performances. You must have your own instruments, reliable transportation, and commit to performances. At least two performances will include Neo-Pagan ritual. FOR MORE INFORMATION, A CAST LIST AND SYNOPSIS: RSVP to Lezlie Kinyon & Evelie S. Posch (music direction) at [email protected] REHEARSALS: Tuesday and Thursday evenings in Berkeley. 6-10 PM (ish). Listen for Life One World Walk Center. Through November 30 and three additional dates in February (potluck working dinners are strongly encouraged). CONFIRMED PERFORMANCE DATES: Dec. 2, 6, 9, & 14 at difference locations around Berkeley & Pantheacon Feb. Feb 13 – 16, 2009 (Check our website for more info.) (http://www.pantheacon.com/09/index.php (note: if you are only attending to perform, there is no charge) - there will be others. THE PLAN is to earn the fees for this conference/festival through our performance schedule.

Theatre & arts resources & Call Board:

Starlit Tales—OCT 2008

This column is a regular feature of this newsletter. Please send your resources for inclusion in future newsletters to: [email protected] (preferred) or c/o 1156 Miller Av., Berkeley, CA 94708

Jobs for Money… criteria for listing: must be legitiment work, pay actual money, and be relevant to the arts. University of San Francisco Assistant Professor (tenure track) http://www.pw.org/content/assistant_professor_tenure_track_nonfiction_and_genre_coordinator?d estination=joblistings%3Fpage%3D1: The candidate must have a strong publication record with national exposure, with at least one book of nonfiction. Non-fiction and Genre Coordinator The MFA in Writing Program at the University of San Francisco invites applications for a tenure-track position in Creative Nonfiction at the Assistant Professor level to begin Fall 2009. The teaching requirement is two to three classes per semester. Supervision of students’ creative theses may constitute the equivalent of one course. Applicants should submit the following documents electronically in PDF format to [email protected]: a letter of application, curriculum vitae, graduate transcripts, research statement, reprints, teaching statement, evidence of teaching ability (including student evaluations), and three letters of recommendation. The Subject Line of your email(s) should begin with your full name: e.g., Subject: Mary L. McEnroe - MFA Search Any remaining elements that cannot be submitted electronically in PDF format should be mailed to: c/o Search Committee Chair MFA in Writing Program Kalmanovitz Hall University of San Francisco 2130 Fulton Street San Francisco, CA 94117-1080. Completed applications must be received by October 15, 2008, in order to ensure full consideration. Please visit our website for more information: http://www.usfca.edu/hr/ The University of San Francisco is a Jesuit Catholic University founded in 1855 to educate leaders who will fashion a more humane and just world. Candidates should demonstrate a commitment to work in a culturally diverse environment and to contribute to the mission of the University. USF is an Equal Opportunity Employer dedicated to affirmative action and to excellence through diversity. The University provides reasonable accommodations to qualified applicants with disabilities upon request. University of California, Santa Cruz Creative Writing (Poetry) and Literature -- Assistant or Associate Professor Lorina Fleming Academic Personnel and Budget Coordinator Department of Literature University of California 1156 High Street Santa Cruz, CA95064 Please refer to Position #509-09 in your reply. Closing date: The position will remain open until filled. Screening will begin with applications postmarked by November 1, 2008. All letters will be treated as confidential documents; please direct your references to UCSC’s confidentiality statement at http://apo.ucsc.edu/academic_policies_and_procedures/cappm/confstm.htm. Please refer to the Department of Literature, University of California, Santa Cruz website for a full job description at URL http://literature.ucsc.edu/E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 1 831-459-3247 The Department of Literature at the University of California, Santa Cruz, invites applications for a tenure-track or tenured position in Creative Writing-Poetry. The campus is seeking a poet with a broad range of interests. Teaching assignments will include creative writing workshops and courses in literature. Minimum qualifications: M.F.A. in poetry and/or a significant record of publication in poetry required; creative talent of a high order as testified to in letters of recommendation and as manifest in published and/or unpublished writing required; demonstrated record of successful college level teaching required. Ph.D. desirable.

Theat r e & ar t s r eso ur ces & Cal l Bo ar d, co n’t :


8 …As I went out one morning for to take the pleasant air, The birds were singing in the trees and the weather, it was fair; I sat for a while to rest my back at the foot of a shady oak, And by there came a band of men with their faces black as smoke. (Rise up Jock! Words and music by Bob Pegg)

Starlit Tales –Oct. 2008

Theat r e & ar t s r eso ur ces & Cal l Bo ar d: T his column will become a regular feature of this newsletter. Please send your resources for inclusion in future newsletters to:[email protected](preferred) or c/o 1156 Miller Ave Berkeley, CA 94708

Auditions, Gigs, and Performance Calls (A service to the Bay Area Performing Community and an extremely eccentric list of opportunities…) 2008 Annual Samhain Spiral Dance, Volunteers, Chorus, and Band http://www.reclaiming.org: Evelie Delfino Såles Posch Evelie511_at_gmail.com. Volunteers also needed. Spiraldancevolunteers_at _yahoo.com Yachats (Oregon coast) Celtic Music Festival: Workshops, bands (booking now), volunteers: http://www.yachatscelticmusicfestival.com/ Hanz Araki [email protected] NOVEMBER 7th & 8th, 2008 Tickets available at ticketswest.com and at the Yachats Chamber of Commerce $35 in advance $45 at the door. Timothy Hull, Crumac Nancy Conescu and Paddy O'Brien with Mike Doolin, Kevin Burke, and Cal Scott ... and, more!

COMING SOON TO TSCP, CON’T…. Question of Sanity Cancelled. Comrades, this makes me very sad as well. I did my best to bring home a successful production, but continued logistical and financial problems finally forced me into making no other decision. Regretfully, Lauren “Mustering Home” By Kay Pannell, August 2009 – Cast list, synopsis, and information: kay_pannell-at-hotmail.com In collaboration with: MART, Presidio Interfaith, others



Mumming is a sport of this festive season which consists in changing clothes between men and women, who, when dressed in each other's habits, go from one neighbor's house to another, partaking of Christmas cheer, and making merry with them in disguise. In the ancient Saturnalia there were frequent and luxurious feastings among friends: presents were mutually sent, and changes of dress were made: that Christians have adopted the same customs, which continue to be used from the Nativity to the Epiphany: that feastings are frequent the whole time, and we send what are called New Year's Gifts: that exchanges of dress too are common. In the Tract entitled "Round About Our Coal-Fire or Christmas Entertainments" is this description: "Then comes Mumming, or Masquerading, when the squire's wardrobe is ransacked for dresses of all kinds. Corks are burnt to black the faces of the fair, or make-deputy mustachios, and every one of the family except the squire himself must be transformed." Almost all English folk plays are of the "hero-combat" type in which a hero challenges all comers. The challenge is accepted. One of the combatants is slain. A doctor is called for and he revives the fallen man. This is the basic framework common to all the plays. A simple death and resurrection theme is the crux of the matter. It is said to be symbolic, but of what is not clear. Saint George is the likeliest hero. Challengers include a dragon, Bold Slasher, Turkish Knight, Little Man John, the Black Prince of Paradine, Bold Soldier, something military or belligerent. Only the Doctor keeps his title unadorned with rare additions of a surname like Dr. Good or Dr. Phoenix. Father Christmas is normally in attendance during the Christmas plays to act as introducer or "letter-in". The remaining players, not essential to the main business, are there to add colour and encourage a bigger take. Thus they are knockabout characters with fantastic names like TenPenny Nit, Saucy Jack, Trim Tram, Old Father Beelzebub, and Little Derry Doubt. Costume is a disguise, often impenetrable. Alex Helm in "The English Mummers Play" has pointed out "it was a fundamental necessity to preserve anonymity, for to be recognized broke the 'luck'." However, in most cases, it is perfectly easy to recognize the performers, though evidently bad form to say so. There are three main categories of costume. The most simple involves turning coats inside out and putting on anything that comes to hand. The second type is to dress in character. In other plays the much older disguise is preferred, with identical or similar costumes for all. The English folk play is entirely a winter custom performed between All Soul's and Easter, particularly at Christmas. The plays are often belted out in loud voices at great speed. Usually the words make little sense, but the overall effect is marvelous. References: The National Trust Guide to Traditional Customs of Britain by Brian Shuel


Starlit Tales –Oct. 2008

Member Passages & EventsIf it’s not here, it’s because you didn’t send it. (Edited ruthlessly for space.) Send to doclezlie-at-gmail.com by OCTOBER 20 to be included. Many TSCPers are working on the 29th Annual Spiral Dance presented by Reclaiming Community by singing in the chorus, playing in the band, dancing in the evocations. You Tube video: Evelie S. Posch is – once again – music director. Lezlie Kinyon is assisting with the evocations. Nov. 1 Kesar Pavilion, San Francisco. Info & tickets: www.reclaiming.org. Volunteers are still needed: spiraldancevolunteers-at-yahoo.com Evelie Delfino Sales Posch (Core Group member) Beloved Family, Friends, Kindred Hearts and Spirits, you are cordially invited to these upcoming events. I hope to see some of you there! Love Ev Saturday Oct 4th, 2pm Evelie sings with the Revels Solstice Singers Dimond District October Fest, Oakland http://www.oaklandoktoberfest.com/ Saturday Oct 4th, 6:30pm 10pm Evelie sings with Dharma Rose at Yoga Society 2872 Folsom St @24th St, SF. Saturday Oct 11th, 1:30pm and 2:30pm Evelie sings with the Revels Solstice Singers Fairyland at Lake Merritt, Oakland http://www.fairyland.org/whats_happening/two_month_calendar.htm Sunday Oct 12th, 10:30am Rev Kurt Kuhwald "Indigenous People's Day: Heart Drum, World Drum" Evelie sings for the Unitarian Sunday Service BFUU, 1924 Cedar (at Bonita, one block east of MLK Jr Way), Berkeley www.bfuu.org Saturday Oct 18th 5pm Evelie sings with Dharma Rose @Wisdom Festival Fort Mason Center, Pavilion (www.wisdomfestival.com) Friday Oct 24th 7pm Evelie sings with Jennifer Berezan Women's Spiral Dance Lafayette, Ca (www.daughersofthegoddess.com) Sunday Oct 26th, 10:30am Rev Kurt Kuhwald "All Souls Celebration & Renewal" Evelie sings for the Unitarian Sunday Service BFUU, 1924 Cedar (at Bonita, one block east of MLK Jr. Way), Berkeley www.bfuu.org Saturday Nov 1st 7:30pm Reclaiming's 29th Annual Spiral Dance Evelie sings with & directs the 40-voice Spiral Dance Chorus and 13piece Band Kezar Pavilion, 755 Stanyan St SF at the tip of the Panhandle/Haight-Ashbury district See a video at

Abel Gomez (Intern 2008) Jai Maa! Goddess traditions have been kept alive for millennia in India. The richness and beauty of ancient wisdoms merge with contemporary consciousness in them, offering us in the west one pathway to an integral vision and direct experience of the Divine. In this ritual celebration honoring the Dark Mother, Goddess Kali, we bring a synthesis of eastern and western devotion together with modern and post-modern insights and worship methodologies for the creation of a powerful, embodied, fun and safe space for communion and connection with deeper aspects of self and world. All are welcome to attend! WHAT: A goddess celebration in the Sha'Can tradition embracing of all faiths and honoring our Divine Mother, Kali Maa WHERE: The Cultural Integration Fellowship 3rd Avenue at Fulton in San Francisco WHEN: Saturday, October 25th at 6pm R.S.V.P. to [email protected] or call 415-5056840 for more details or to reserve your advance ticket! Donation of $15 - 21 requested. No one turned away for lack of funds. Please feel free to share or forward this announcement in your communities! For more information, visit us at: www.SHARANYA.org We look Lezlie Kinyon (Core Group Member) In addition to directing TSCP’s upcoming production of The Ring, A Mummer’s Play for Yule will be putting on her “Dr” hat at Myth and Fairy Tale SIG Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 30th Annual Conference in Albuquerque, NM. February 25-28 2009 Hyatt Regency Albuquerque 330 Tijeras Albuquerque, NM 87102 Phone: 1.505.842.1234 Fax: 1.505.766.6710

Steve Taylor-Ramírez (TGWTTS 2006) http://www.myspace.com/thestevetaylor 10/09/2008 7:30 PM - La Peña Cultural Center 3105 Shattuck Avenue Berkeley, California 94705 US Cost: $8 general/$6 students and seniors It's the Bay Area's first tribute to the great Mexican songwriter José Alfredo Jiménez!! Fans of ranchera music, young and old alike, know of Jiménez' life and work. He's a hero in Mexico, where his stature could be compared to that of Hank Williams in the U.S. With groove goddess Theresa Perez (http://www.myspace.com/theresaperez) and trovador extraordinaire Alfredo Gomez (http://www.myspace.com/alfredoguitarra). For a great article about José Alfredo Jiménez please visit: http://www.ocweekly.com/music/music/if-they-allow-us/25839/%20rel=/ For samples of his music, please visit: http://www.myspace.com/josealfredojimenezelrey. La Peña Cultural Center: http://www.lapena.org/event/880 10/26/2008 8:00 PM - Great American Music Hall 859 O'Farrell Street San Francisco, California 94109 Cost: $35/Dinner Ticket $59.95 I'm opening for Tania Libertad, a major voice in Latin American trova music. Tania Libertad represents fearlessness and freedom, tastefulness and vocal virtuosity, absolute integrity, passion and commitment to life and to humanity. The emotion her singing elicits in the listener is summarized in a beautiful quote from the great Nobel Prize-winning Portuguese author Jose Saramago: "The first time I heard Tania Libertad sing, it was a revelation from on high - from a place where only a naked voice might go, alone in the world, unaccompanied by any instrument. Tania was singing the Rafael Alberti composition "La Paloma" acapella, and each note touched a string in my soul until I was completely dazzled." José Saramago Thanks, Steve Taylor-

Sona Samhain! Happy Halloween! Joyous Dia De Los Muertos! And… a lovely Sukkot to one and all. Remember: October 2 is national Name Your Car Day! Drive safe, and watch for the trick or treaters!



Starlit Tales –Oct. 2008

RESOURCES FOR WRITING & WRITERS GRANTS, FELLOWSHIPS, MARKETS, CONFERENCE & PAPER CALLS, WITH A FOCUS ON RITUAL WORKS, PLAYWRIGHTS & PERFORMANCE … AND, THE OCCASIONAL ESSAY ... GUERRILLA REP: Seeks orig. unpublished full-length plays (90+ min) on contemporary themes for staged readings & possible full production during 2009-10 season. Submit: submissions-at-guerrillarep.org. Info: guerrillarep.org. COPYRIGHT LAWS — For Playwrights, Theatre Managers, Producers, Artistic Directors, Theatre Department Chairs, High School and College Teachers, Directors, and Sound Designers http://lecatr.people.wm.edu/copy.htm Monthly Columnists Required: The Pagan Activist http://www.thepaganactivist.com/staffvacancies.htm Pagan Soldier Columnist - To write about life as a Pagan Soldier (obviously nothing classified), how this career sits with your beliefs as a Pagan and what Pagan community you have around you or not etc. Must be serving/have served in the Armed Forces. The Stinging Fly http://www.stingingfly.org/submissions.html welcomes submissions from Irish and international writers. We are looking for writers who have something to say, and who have taken the time to say it well. We've a particular interest in promoting the short story form. The postal address for submissions is: The Stinging Fly, PO Box 6016, Dublin 8. We do not accept e-mail submissions. Editor: Declan Meade Poetry Editor: Eabhan Ní Shúileabháin. The Stinging Fly PO Box 6016 Dublin 8 Ireland Call for Papers: Religion and Theatre Focus Group Emerging Scholars The Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) 2009 Conference “Risking Innovation” New York, August 8-11, 2009. http://athe.org The theme for the 2009 conference is “Risking Innovation.” The religion and theatre focus group invites new scholars who have not yet presented at ATHE to submit papers to the Emerging Scholars Panel that consider how religious and theatrical innovation correspond and overlap. Please send your one page abstract to Claire Blackstock at [email protected]. Include your name, affiliation, the title of your paper, mailing address, phone number, and email address with your submission, as well as a short bio. If applicable, please also specify what AV equipment you will require. The deadline for abstracts is October 21, 2008. You can find out more about ATHE at www.athe.org. We look forward to your submission! Best regards, Claire M.C. Blackstock Graduate Student Representative Religion and Theatre Focus Group, ATHE Call for Papers for PROTOCOL: Journal of Translation, Creative and Critical Writings [email protected] This is a biannual journal refereed journal. The three special issues to come up are 1. Literature of the North-East in India 2. Indian Literature in Translation 3. Theatre. You can also send papers of general interest. The publication frequency is April/May and November/December every year. Send to: Dr. Jyotirmoy Prodhani Editor Protocol: Journal of Translation, Creative and Critical Writings Dept. Of English North-Eastern Hill University (Tura campus) Chandmari, Tura. PIN: 794 002 State: Meghalaya, India. Competition: This year's Fish Short Story Prize (http://www.fishpublishing.com/) opened on 1 September 2008; the closing date is 30 November 2008 Prize: First Prize is €2,500, Second Prize a week at Anam Cara Writer's and Artist's Retreat on West Cork's Beara Peninsula, with €300 travelling expenses [email protected] URL: www.anamcararetreat.com an Irish retreat for writers and artists overlooking Coulagh Bay and the mountains and farmlands of the sub-tropical Beara Peninsula in West Cork

Band sites of the month (Know a good band? Send the URL!) Cul An Ti. "The premier Irish music group in the Northwest" http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=375410339

Swiped from their website:

Leaving many wondering, "why didn't we think of that?" the premiere musicians on the world-class Northwest Celtic music scene have joined forces to create a sound unlike any on the west coast. Dublin-born box-player-power-forward Johnny B Connolly ignites the crowd with the accordion, Hanz Araki, "The Best-Dressed Man in Irish Music" dazzles and defies with flutes and vocals, Cary Novotny shakes the pillars of heaven with his guitar, Ezra Holbrook brings the thunder on the drums, Danny O'Hanlon delivers the low-blows on bass and out of the bull-pen, the rangy left-hander Dave Cory picks at 30,000 LPM on the banjo. The result is a traditional Celtic band that rocks and a rock band that transcends the conventional. Cul An Ti. Prepare To Be Subdued. How do you become a Starlight Circle Player? Volunteer for an on-going administrative task or participate in a play! General info e-mail: starlightcircleplayers-at- yahoo.com. Check here for specific opportunities: http://www.starlightcircleplayers.com


Starlit Tales –Oct. 2008


Include time, date & URL for events & your name & email for letter to the Ed. (No, I don’t “check up” on listings sent to this newsletter. Ed.)

Designer/Director Clambake Just Theater holds an awesome event that brings designers and directors together. Check it out! Just Theater's 2nd Annual Designer/Director Clambake When: Sunday, October 12, 7-9:30PM What: The Clambake is a chance for designers and directors to get together & get to know one another Where: Z Space, Studios 131 10th Street, San Francisco Who: Designers, techies, companies and directors are invited to show off portfolios and websites or just nosh and schmooze in an informal environment Self-promotion highly encouraged! Last year brought more than 40 designers and over 20 local companies together at the first ever Bay Area Designer/Director Clambake. Help increase the connections - let's make it a splash. Register at http://www.justtheater.org/. Donations welcome at the door. Greetings everyone! Yachats Celtic Music Festival is in its 9th year! I apologize for the late notice and hope you can join us! November 7th, Friday Night Concert (7PM): Timothy Hull Crumac Nancy Conescu and Paddy O'Brien with Mike Doolin Kevin Burke and Cal Scott November 8th, Saturday: Afternoon Ceili with Sam Keator and the Paddy O'Brien Ceili BandPiping by Kevin Auld Concert: Rebecca Lomnicky Circled By Hounds Stringed Migration Cul An Ti Tickets available at ticketswest.com and at the Yachats Chamber of Commerce $35 in advance $45 at the door. It looks like Kevin Burke is also doing a workshop on Saturday. I'll have more details on that once he's done touring all over the world. Vash (of Circled By Hounds) is also doing a percussion workshop, and if anyone has any requests for additional classes, please let us know; I'm sure we can set one up! Thanks a million and see you soon! NOVEMBER 7th & 8th, 2008

For Sale – Trade – Rent – Housing Dear friends, My home has an in-law unit on the ground level, which will be available for rent by the end of Sept. Before listing it, I'm letting you know because I prefer to find a tenant who is open to an eco house co-op type living situation. We could share vegetarian meals once a week or once a month and/or have regular potlucks. For the last couple of years the rent has been $930 including utilities. I call it a studio because the kitchen, small BR, and LR aren't separated by full walls but partitions that have 2 shelves at the top without doors. Beginning in Feb there will also be a couple of bedrooms available in my home. North Berkeley hills, Cragmont Ave above Euclid. Parks nearby, nature. There's a small cave in the backyard and a hot tub. ~ Cheers, Phoebe 510595-5575 24 hour voicemail http://www.phoebesorgen.net FREE! Cleaning the Garage! Older 10-speed bicycle – not for a small person. Double bed sized: Mattress & Box spring (must take both) Free if you pick them up tabruce_at_gmail.com, ask for Tom.

Other Things:


Autumn Reading… Review: Stirring The Cauldron: A Collection of Recipes from the Members of Covenant of the Goddess 2007 Covenant of the Goddess, PO Box 1226, Berkeley, Ca 94701 http://www.cog.org/ With an Introduction by Amber K. By Lezlie Kinyon OK! OK! You never expected a book review of a cookbook in a theatre troupe’s newsletter. The only excuse is that this is an exceptional cookbook. Compiled as a fundraiser for Covenant of the Goddess and written by real-life Witches, this little book is full of terrific recipes for large and small gatherings. Included are quick and easy dishes for beginning (or, time-stressed) cooks and challenging ones for the more experienced “kitchen witch”. And- not one “boiled frog’s eyeball fricassee” in the lot. Lots of great recipes with intriguing names like, Lammas bread, Celtic Mabon Soda Bread, Beltane Love Cake, and (!) Chocolate Kahlua Cheesecake. Easy to read, with entertaining anecdotes, this book is a culinary treasure for any cook’s bookshelf. I can’t find mention of it on COG’s website, but I bought my copy at Ancient Ways Bookstore in Oakland. You may have to special order a copy. Here’s a sample recipe (All Rights Reserved, COG) just in time for your Samhain feasting: Pomegranate Risotto (From Rowan Fairgrove - all rights reserved) 4 cups Arborio rice* Medium chopped onion 2 cloves crushed garlic 9 cups stock or bouillon 1 cup wine 1/4 cup olive oil 1 cup pine nuts 3 cups wild mushrooms 1 cup pomegranate seeds Lemon zest Have warm stock prepared. Cook onions and garlic in a little olive oil over low heat 2 minutes, but don't let them brown. Add rice, stirring until grains are coated with oil, then add the hot stock and wine, one cupful at a time, making sure each cup is absorbed before adding the next. In another pan use more olive oil to brown the pine nuts and then add the mushrooms and then the pomegranate seeds. When mushrooms are softened to desired consistency, add mixture to rice and stir in. Stir in the cheese. Garnish with more pomegranate seeds and a sprinkle or three of lemon rind if desired. (* Arborio rice is a short grain rice from Italy for making risotto that becomes creamy and soft when cooked in this technique. Ed.)

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