Ocean As A Resource

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 2,535
  • Pages: 8
Ocean: As a Resource Ocean or water mass on the planet earth covers 71% of the total area, though, this colossal water body has different names in different region, yet they are interlinked with each other, and land masses are separated by these oceans. There are four principal oceans: viz (i)

The pacific

(ii) The Atlantic (iii) The Indian and (iv) The Arctic Ocean There oceans have peculiar characteristics. Pacific is the largest ocean occupying, two fifth of the total area of hydrosphere, is called ‘the water hemisphere’. The Atlantic Ocean is Sshaped and opens into the Arctic Ocean in the north and into the Antarctica Ocean in the south (The Antarctic ocean is supposed to extension of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean). And the Indian Ocean, the only ocean named after a country is bounded in the north by South Asia. Well, right from the beginning of civilization these Oceans giving its favour to human beings by means of transportation, defence and fishing. Though, these Oceans are potentially full of resources but initially human beings were unable to exploit these marine resources. Nevertheless, the exponentially increasing population have been exhausted the land resources which ultimately moulds towards Ocean and hence, developed the technology in order to exploit marine resources e.g. Oil and gas, mineral resource like, sulpher, gold, salt etc. The properties of Oceans (i) Oceanic Water is Saline: - Ocean water is Saline and its average salinity is around 35%, though it varies latitudinally but the constitution of salt into the water is remaining same everywhere. It contains, sodium chloride, Magnesium, Calcium Sulphates and Chlorides etc. (ii) Temperature: - Temperature of the Oceanic water varies latitudinally as well as vertically, hence, it has different average temperatures in different regions i.e. in tropical region average tamp is around 26.50 C, in the temperate region 15.50 C and 1.110 C, in Sub-polar region. (iii) Density: - Greater than normal water. (iv) The Ocean water is always in motion and it has three sorts of movements i.e., currents, waves, and tides.

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(v) The Oceans have verities of marine life, ranging from the unicellular protozoa to huge multicellular mammals. (vi) Oceanic deposits: - Oceanic bottoms have mineral depositions, from two sources viz..... (a) Terrigenous deposits, (from, rivers and waves) and (b) Pelagic deposits (from volcanic dust and Oozes). (vii) The contact zone of the land and Sea is known as the datum plane. Elevation and depths are measured with reference to the datum plane. (viii) The inundated coasts which abound in extensive continental shelf and natural harbors are especially favourable and ideal for economic activities. Usage of Oceans for Man: Potentially Oceans have great economic Significance for human beings and it also play important role in several ways viz.... 1. Oceans Influence on climate: Oceans are the main source of rainfall. And the winds coming from the Oceans control the temperature in the coastal areas. Sea Breezes keep the coastal areas cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Oceanic currents also control the temperature of coastal areas e.g. the Gulf stream off the eastern coast in the USA and the North Atlantic Drift off the coast of north western Europe, keep coastal areas warmer during winter. Consequently ports located in these areas remain open for trade the whole year. Besides, the ocean is an integral component of the world’s climate due to its capacity to collect, drive and mix water, heat and carbon dioxide. The ocean can hold and circulate more water, heat and carbon dioxide than the atmosphere although the components of the Earth’s climate are constantly exchanged, hence act as “Climate Buffer”. 2. Oxygen production Phytoplankton’s account for possibly 90% of the world’s oxygen production because water covers about 70% of the Earth and phytoplankton is abundant in the photic zone of the surface layers. Some of the oxygen produced by phytoplankton is absorbed by the ocean, but most flows into the atmosphere where it becomes available for oxygen dependent life forms 3. Health and Recreational Values of Oceans:

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Moderate climate of coastal regions is very much favourable for human health. Indeed, three major characteristics of coastal climate i.e. equability, same humidity, and variability prove favourable for human body. In tropical and sub-tropical coastal regions people frequently visit for their recreation. 4. Food supply from Oceans: Well, food from Oceans, people are extracting right from the beginning. Fish is major source of food, obtained in the Oceans. In 20th century fishery is well developed occupation for temperate countries particularly in the northern hemisphere like, China, Japan, USA, India, Canada, UK etc. There are three main types of edible fish, fared on the location where they live, viz.: (a)

Pelagic Fish: Leave near the surface and include the species life mackerel, tuna, herrings and anchovies


Demersal Fish: It obtained near the sea bed of the continental shelves, down to a depth of about 200 mtrs. Important species are cod, haddock, halibut, and sole of the temperate regions and garoupa and snapper of the tropical regions.


Anadnomous Fish: It is migratory fish which live in the Sea but swim into the fresh water of certain costal rivers every year, i.e. Salmon fish.

Important fishing grounds of worlds are: (a)

Grand banks off the Atlantic coast of eastern USA


Dogger banks off the coast of north Western Europe.


The east pacific coast of North America from California to Bering Sea.


The coastal areas of north eastern Asia (west pacific). Including Japan, Sakhalin, eastern Siberia and northern China and


The Peruvian coast in South America

Besides, Fishes. Planktons, Seaweeds, invertebrates, Myctophids, krill etc also used as food resource. These food resources are very important because: (a)

They have amino acids in the correct ratio for human use.


They are better source of vitamin B12


They are low in cholesterol and saturated fats, and


They are high in poly unsaturated fats and the essentials fatty acids.

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5. Minerals from the Oceans: Humans began to mine the ocean floor for diamonds, gold, silver, metal ores like manganese nodules and gravel mines in the 1950s when the company, Tidal Diamonds, was established by Sam Collins. Diamonds are found in greater number and quality in the ocean than on land but are much harder to mine. When diamonds are mined, the ocean floor is dredged to bring it up to the boat and sift through the sediment for valuable gems. The process is difficult sediment is not easy to bring up to the surface but will probably become a huge industry once technology evolves to solve the logistical problem. Metal compounds, gravels, sands and gas and petroleum hydrates are also mined in the ocean. Mining of manganese nodules containing nickel, copper and cobalt began in the 1960’s and soon after it was discovered that Papua New Guinea was one of the few places where nodules were located in shallow waters rather than deep waters. Although manganese nodules could be found in shallow waters in significant quantities, the expense of bringing the ore up to the surface proved to be expensive. Sands and gravels are often mined for in the United States and are used to protect beaches and reduce the effects of erosion.

6. Water: The world's oceans, with a total volume of more than 500 million cubic kilometers, hold more than 97 percent of all the water on Earth. However, the 3.5-percent salt content of this water makes it unusable for most human needs. The extraction of fresh water from ocean water has been carried out for many years, but provides only a very small portion of the water used, and remains quite expensive relative to land-based water resources. Technological advances, especially in reverse osmosis, continue to increase the efficiency of fresh-water extraction. However, geographic limitations and dependency on world energy costs pose major barriers to large-scale extraction 7. Energy resources from the ocean: With the advancement of technological development, scientists are started to extracting renewable energy recourses from the oceanic waters. The important energy resources are viz...

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(a) Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC): It works upon the natural temperature differences between the warm surface and the cold deep waters of the oceans. Surface waters, which easily heated by sun in Tropical areas whereas deeper waters cooled by polar under oceanic currents and this difference, is about 200C which is suffice to produce electricity. (b) Osmotic pressure: Since the oceanic water is saline and salinity increases the density of water, hence where abundance of fresh water like mouth of the river is is ideal condition for electricity generation. Because these places have density differences consequently the water level in the salty region will rise until the pressure on salty water is equivalent to a column of water, and the increased pressure stops the flow of molecules through membrane. This pressure differences known as osmotic pressures differences, could be used to produce electricity by passing the water under pressure through turbine. (c) Tidal energy: Periodic rise and fall of oceanic water which is popularly “Tides”. Since it carry

tremendous amount of energy therefore, very conducive for the generation of

electricity 8. Ocean navigation: The art of navigation has evolved gradually. People of ancient Egypt, China, Mesopotamia and India and in medieval period Portuguese, French Italian Germany etc. advanced the navigation. Nowadays, modern and highly mechanized steamers, ships and liners are being used for navigation purpose. There are following features which support navigation in ocean viz.... (a) Oceans are free highways, they do not entail laying of roads or railways and setting up stations. (b) Heavy and bulky goods are easily transported. (c) Steamers use less fuel then locomotives (d) Very few chances of accident (e) Maintenance cost is negligible 9. Oceanic waters keep the costal areas clean: The upcoming and going tides and waves kept on cleaning the impurities in costal areas

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Problems with the oceanic resources: In due course of time, the land resources gradually coming towards it extensions which spontaneously mold mankind towards oceans, but again these sources of resources are polluted out of impolitic exploitations by human beings . There are follwong problems associated with it. viz... (i)


In theory, shipping can have a low impact on the environment. It is safe and profitable for economies around the world. However, serious problems occur with the shipping of oil, dumping of waste water into the ocean, chemical accidents at sea, and the inevitable air and water pollution occurring when modern day engines are used. Ships release air pollutants in the form of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. Chemicals dumped in the ocean from ships include chemicals from the ship itself, cleaning chemicals for machine parts, and cleaning supplies for living quarters. Large amounts of chemicals are often spilled into the ocean and sewage is not always treated properly or treated at all. Alien species riding in the ballast water of ships arrive in great numbers to crash native ecosystems and garbage is dumped over the side of many vessels. Dangerous industrial waste and harmful substances like halogenated hydrocarbons, water treatment chemicals, and antifouling paints are also dumped frequently. Ships and other watercraft with engines disturb the natural environment with loud noises, large waves, frequently striking and killing animals like manatees and dolphins. (ii) Tourism: Tourism is another threat because it gradually devastating coastal habitats likes mangroves, coral reefs, wetlands and estuaries. Garbage and sewage generated by visitors can add to the already existing solid waste and garbage disposal issues present in many communities. Often visitors produce more waste than locals, and much of it ends up as untreated sewage dumped in the ocean. The ecosystem must cope with eutrophication, or the loss of oxygen in the water due to excessive algal bloom as well as disease epidemics. Sewage can be used as reclaimed water to treat lawns so that fertilizers and pesticides do not seep into the ocean. Other problems with tourism include the overexploitation of local seafood, the destruction of local habitats through careless scuba diving or snorkeling and the dropping of anchors on

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underwater features. Ecotourism and cultural tourism are a new trend that favors low impact tourism and fosters a respect for local cultures and ecosystems. (iii) Mining: The ocean can be devastating to the natural ecosystems. Dredging of any kind pulls up the ocean floor resulting in widespread destruction of marine animal habitats as well as wiping out vast numbers of fishes and invertebrates. When the ocean floor is mined, a cloud of sediment rises up in the water interfering with photosynthetic processes of phytoplankton and other marine life in addition to introducing previously benign heavy metals into the food chain. As minerals found on land are exploited and used up, mining of the ocean floor will increase. Some other source of oceanic pollution: (iv) Pesticides (v) Toxic metals (vi) Radioactive elements (through weapon testing’s, via atmospheric fallout and from atomic power industries etc.) Apart from pollution due to excessive whaling and fishing, the population of whales and fishes pathetically went down. Deceasing number of whales and species of fishes is great threat to marine ecosystem. Nevertheless, marine resources are only raise of hope for the men kind after extinction of land resources. Hence, there should be must careful management and planning of these resources, which would ultimately usher sustainable development. Though, the immediate dangers of marine life due to humane intervention are local rather than global, confine to certain costal areas where mixing rates are slow, especially in bays and estuaries. In such circumstances the non-tidal and enclosed seas (like Mediterranean and the Baltic Sea) obviously present the special problems. Although, some programmes have already been implemented which promotes policies and science that support ecologically sustainable and economically viable ocean management since 1996 and it emphasizes upon: 

Ecosystem approaches to ocean and fisheries management

Ecosystem-based science programs for management Page 7 of 8

Conservation of the world's seabirds and shorebirds 

Funding for ocean science, management, and conservation

Besides, some other programmes also launched viz....

Coastal Ocean Currents Monitoring Programme In 2003, the Ocean Policy Program was able to play a key role in securing $21million of state bond funds for what has become the Coastal Ocean Currents Monitoring Program (COCMP). The program, using relatively inexpensive, shore-based monitoring technologies such as high frequency radar, is providing information expected to benefit a wide range of ocean management concerns, including oil spill trajectory modeling, coastal water quality monitoring, and fisheries management. Near shore Fishery Management Plan (2002) The Near shore Fishery Management Plan (FMP) lays out the state's path to adopting risk-averse management that incorporates ecosystem concerns. The Near shore FMP is one of the pioneer efforts in the fisheries world in incorporating fundamental elements of ecosystem approaches management. There is no qualm that all these programmes are mastermind but still its implementation is either on the paper or very local in nature, hence, in order to make human life prosperous, it is necessary to galvanize all these programmes globally. Mukesh

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