Occvltvm Illvmination - I. Seeking And Bringing Light

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  • Words: 1,320
  • Pages: 6

I. SEEKING WISDOM TO BRING FORTH ILLUMINATION Translated from the message of the Masters


1. The Journey In Seeking wisdom we are instructed by the message that is sought. The mysteries of nature are preserved for the children of light, the Seekers of the one true knowledge. The voice within and without is taught through this Seeking. From here, all truths penetrate into the world. All who Seek wisdom are connected in unity and, if so properly pro-ported, create community in the learning and sharing of their wisdom through self and other. In this community, all answers to mysteries are to be found. There is not one leader who proposes any assumed doctrine of thought. We illuminates walk various paths representative of one common goal, pure inner knowledge untainted by outer concerns and yet enlightened in the understanding of those concerns. From Within to Without There has always existed an outward representation of inner knowledge, Temples within the physical world that exist for the sole purpose of pushing forth this wisdom. The inner spirit of truth is expressed outwardly in both symbol and ritual. Therefore has always existed those communities of ones who are joined, anointed in Light and charged with the duty to share this Light with those who are capable of it. The single teacher for the evolution of humanity's mind is the Light itself. Disorder in the exterior world exists not at all as a hindrance to the order of the inner Light. United by the bonds of knowledge sought in perfect love, there has existed a constructing of one true reality in which Light should eventually become manifest.

2. It began with the first sign of understanding, the first conception of the outer world in correspondence to the inner Light. Deliverance from misery is given to those anointed in Light by knowledge herself. Conceiving the existence of any one physical or non physical entity allows one to know thine enemy and thus remove darkness, or “evil,” from the Light. Primitive knowledge both divine and natural made way for frailty as the population rose, of those who understood in the wake of illumination. Outer physical reality did move to cast a black, and nearly impenetrable, shadow over the truth which would be found through inner exploration. The exterior outweighing the interior made way for a misunderstanding of the inner spirit which could no longer be comprehended by the masses. And so began the rise of ceremony and ritual which brought forth a doorway to reach the inner sanctums of the universal mind which, although hidden, is essentially available to all. Physical pattern existed as an exterior symbol for reaching interior truth. When physically reaching the outer world became necessary for reaching the inner, and humankind lost the ability to see the truth in Light, outer deification became the truth. Weakness of humankind forgot the purpose of the physical symbol as representation of the inner spirit. The external was then separated from the internal, thus removing mass population from the understanding that they were in fact equal to the outside rather than separate from it. There are those, however, charged by the Masters, with the purpose of Bringing forth Light to others who are outside of disorder and Seeking the knowledge for the greater purpose.

3. The Bringers and The Divide In every nation such persons who are gifted with true grasping of Light are appointed to spread the message in any way necessary for understanding and a revival of the inner spirit to be made. Inner truth was then taken into every outer nation through the voices of these agents. Symbolic modifications were made to every message spoken in order to be made easily understood by masses nearly enslaved by their customs. All systems be made in such that pieces spread throughout the outer world contain the purpose of spreading generally the same clear message of the whole, in pursuit of instructing one absolute inner truth. Purity exists only within a unification of outer and inner realities. One must understand that the physical representation of the inner is only that, a representation and not merely the whole truth. But as the message spreads a divide is unfortunately made between the symbol and the invisible meaning of that symbol. This imperfection begets the dogmatic doctrine of secular religion. In this divide of physical and non physical is created patterns and ceremonial ritual outside of inner soul. The physical actions no longer contain the meanings they once did and instead become mechanical movements without purpose. In the wake of divide, truth becomes a part of the inner spirit only. Bringers of Light fall into silence in relation to the outer world but remain active in their pursuit of communion with other Seekers of the Light. Unfortunately, in lieu of the sacred work to be done, some Bringers fall to political strategism in hopes of reaching their goals. These men became or created great symbolic leaders to be lived by.

4. By the guise of true spiritual wisdom, political bias was made into absolute truth. In turn the push for freedom of thought, and thus freedom of word, rose high into the night only to enslave receptive followers who clung to the conceptual thoughts of the adept and perceptive Bringers of the Light. Each doctrine that was pushed was but only partially successful and so the systems of dogmas B and C, who led to the creation of D, E, and F, were born from the concepts of dogma A. The Fall Nature's Gift Nature's science was the next gift given to humanity by the Masters. The true essence of this gift was hindered still by political pursuit which aimed to make rules that would call for rigid and systematic understanding of nature observed. One Bringer of Light declared the concept “One” itself. One system would deliver the definitions of nature's categorical segments. One entity would Bring forth the keys to unlocking nature's spiritual secrets. The world within oneself, reachable by one, is the world within all, reachable by all. The world reachable by all calls within it all power and all knowledge. In this world is the community created by its members, those capable of receiving, perceiving, and Bringing Light. The Bringers of Light were formed in every generation with the purpose of passing interior knowledge into the exterior world. They continue to Bring true wisdom into the fold of dogmatic systems so as to shatter the doctrines followed as law. Only the most capable of people, recognizing the illusion of created reality, can attain the true wisdom afforded by these lessons. And so they are kept secret and science is left behind a

5. veil of symbol pushed forth as truth to teach the art. Oh but the inner spirit is hindered by the pursuit of outer goals. When the external world Brings political bias to wisdom taught, all spirit is removed from truth. Wisdom then becomes “Wisdom” hidden behind a screen, whose truths are kept in secret from all but those who Seek power in their pursuits. Within the society of the Bringers is found infinite wisdom through perfect love. The falsities of the world, born of expectations and of categorical definition, are left by the wayside. There are no battles between us for strict adherence to systematic thought is banished from this knowledge. All those continuing through their dogmatic ways never understand the gift of true wisdom. In this society, not one human is raised above the other for they are recognized as equal in their pursuit and understanding of the truly non-dogmatic nature of reality. Wisdom is kept secret from those who are unstable. Seekers and Bringers are recognized instantly according to presentation. Those who Seek wisdom must also Seek stability and logical assessment of the Inner Light. Those who do not see will never see.

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