Occupational Disease Anorexia- By Hitarth Mihs-istar

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  • Pages: 15


WHICH ARE THEY ? Silicosis Asbestosis Bysinosis  Occupational Asthma  Other occupational heath diseases like, Anorexia,Bronchitis,Sclaroderma,etc.


What is Anorexia ?  Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder as

well as a psychological disorder.  Anorexia is a condition that goes beyond dieting and the signs of anorexia can be hard to interpret and understand.  A person with anorexia symptoms might initially start dieting to lose weight.

ANOREXIA  It also means "nervous loss of appetite". This

definition is not particularly good, since it is based on misunderstandings. The people who suffer from Anorexia Nervosa do not at all have lack of appetite, they are only scared of putting on weight. Therefore, the term "selfstarving" would be more suitable, or even better expressed "weightfobia".  Eating disorders like Anorexia Nervosa have shown to occur more commonly in countries where these reasons are more apparent in the daily life.

HISTORY OF ANOREXIA  Anorexia Nervosa is more common today, than a century ago.  In 1684 Anorexia Nervosa was described for the first time, but it

was not until 1870 that it became identified and described with it's own diagnosis.  In1978, after almost three decades of clinical experiences of Anorexia Nervosa, the psychologist Hilde Bruch published a book about the disease "The Golden Cage".  It was based on clinical research in the 1970s showed that Anorexia Nervosa is a disease related to the culture we live in. This means that the disease is most common in the Western world, and a lot is depending on the different factors which has been described above.

Who is at Risk of Anorexia?  Approximately 95% of the ‘Females’ are affected by anorexia,  

but males can develop the disorder as well. It begins to manifest itself during early adolescence, it is also seen in young children & adults. In the U.S. and other countries with high economic status, it is estimated that about one out of every 100 adolescent girls has the disorder. According to the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), an estimated 0.5% to 3.7% of women will suffer from this disorder at some point in their lives. Many experts consider people for whom thinness is especially desirable, or a professional requirement like athletes, models, dancers, and actors), to be at risk for eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa.

TYPES OF ANOREXIA  There are two types of Anorexia. • Restricting type:-weight loss is achieved by restricting calories. Restricting anorexics follow drastic diets, go on fasts, and exercise to excess. • Purging type:-people get rid of calories they’ve consumed by vomiting or using laxatives and diuretics.

Signs and symptoms of anorexia  Dieting despite being thin , Follows a severely restricted diet,

Eats only certain low-calorie foods.  Pretending to eat or lying about eating or throws away food to avoid eating. Makes excuses to get out of meals (“I had a huge lunch” or “My stomach isn’t feeling good.”)  Dramatic weight loss – Rapid, drastic weight loss with no medical cause  Feeling fat, despite being underweight

 Using diet pills, laxatives, or diuretics, Abuses water

pills and other drugs for weight loss.

What causes Anorexia?  At this time, no definite cause of anorexia nervosa

has been determined. However, research within the medical and psychological fields continues to explore possible causes.  Some experts feel that demands from society and families could possibly be underlying causes for anorexia. For many individuals with anorexia, the destructive cycle begins with the pressure to be thin and attractive.  Restrictive dieting may prevent their bodies from developing in a normal manner, and in their thinking, restricts the maturational process and maintains the parent-child relationship that the family has come to rely on.


Biological causes:- Research suggests that a genetic

predisposition to anorexia may run in families Psychological causes:-People with anorexia are often perfectionists and overachievers. They’re the “good” daughters and sons who do what they’re told, excel in everything they do, and focus on pleasing others, they view themselves through a harshly critical lens. If they’re not perfect, they’re a total failure.

Family and social pressures:-In addition to the

cultural pressure to be thin, there are other family and social pressures that can contribute to anorexia.

The Effects of Anorexia Lack of energy and weakness Feeling cold all the time Dry, yellowish skin Constipation and abdominal pain Dizziness, fainting, and headaches

Diagnosis  Anorexia nervosa is a complicated disorder to

diagnose. Individuals with anorexia often attempt to hide the disorder.  Denial and secrecy frequently accompany other symptoms.  It is unusual for an individual with anorexia to seek professional help because the individual typically does not accept that she or he has a problem.

Treating Anorexia 

It involves, following steps :


restoring the person to a healthy weight; treating the psychological issues related to the eating disorder; and reducing or eliminating behaviors or thoughts that lead to disordered eating, and preventing relapse. Different kinds of psychological therapy have been employed to treat people with anorexia. Individual therapy, group therapy, and family therapy have all been successful in treatment of anorexia.

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THANK YOU  Source :-


 WEB SITES:- www.womenhealthfocus.com www.personality100%.com www.healpguide.org www.medicinenet.com

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