Occult Symbolism In Regina Spektor

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 1,634
  • Pages: 14
Occult and Masonic Symbolism in Regina Spektor’s “Fidelity” Music Video The video starts with an overwhelming blackand-white theme, most obvious being the checkerboard floor, which is typical of the floor used for the holding of Masonic rituals. It is cliché for those familiar with the proliferation of such symbolism. The legs are crossed, rubbing up and down, and the repetition of the lyric “always one foot on the ground” might be a reference to the Star Tarot card, where the bird on the card resembles the ibis bird or Thoth of ancient Egypt, later seen as a duck in this video.

Now we have Regina, a Russian Jew, clutching onto two pillars. I say pillars because we never actually see the swing we assume she is sitting on. The Two Pillars of Jachin and Boaz are of course a very important symbol in Freemasonry. There is a usually a third pillar with the “Eye” above, illuminating. There is a black horned object to the right. She could be symbolizing Isis appearing between the Two Pillars, with the object above her head symbolizing Isis’s horned sun disc.

Now we have this crazy set, which looks like a Masonic Tracing Board all in itself. Checkerboard floor, illuminated pair of shelves with pairs of objects, four black squares, all in black-and-white. The Mad Hatter should be popping in for tea at any moment now. Regina flashes so many Masonic signs in this video it is hard to keep a good count. Here she hides one behind the cup.

Here she is standing at attention on her mark to participate in the Masonic ritual of summoning a demon spirit. Her head is always “framed” in this shot, probably with the blue lilies or lotus flower of Egypt. She is wearing a black with white stripes, one of three or four outfits she wears in this video.

This one-second cutaway shot to two dog bookends seems random and out of context unless you are familiar with the pair of Sphinxes that usually stand guard at the door over the mysteries or hidden knowledge at Masonic Temples (notice the books).

Now the “cup” or vagina is empty, with the spoon at the ready (or the pot), and we have a clear shot of her black nail polish, her hands as if waiting for an order to proceed.

Here is the Baphomet/Prior of Sion spear pose while waiting obediently for the “call” of the ritual to summon the evil spirit to begin, and get the “illumination” (knowledge from these beings “summoned from a parallel dimension”) from that lamp. The lower panels resemble that of a Scottish Rite Freemason temple room.

Back to this shot. A single white rose is symbolic of Masonic wedding and found in the center of the Rosy Cross (Rosicrucian) symbol. The pinky finger is extended, possibly a slight symbol concealed by the flower. The legs are still in an “X” position, which marks the site of the summoning, and is a sexual reference. The left chair for the awaited demon, for which ritual preparations are being made, is evident.

Now she fondles the phone, the cord of which is the “ladder” connecting to the evil spirit’s world. The phone symbolizes the path between two worlds. She caresses it with the two fingers usually folded in the “devil’s horns” salute, a move which is repeated throughout the video.

Here is the next instance of the devil’s horns sign subtly being flashed. Getting tired of the blackand-white yet?

Now the pace is picking up, because we have a double “X” sign being made, which means the doors or Stargate to both sides are being opened.

And more hand signs thrown in for good measure.

This is real progress. The coffee is in the cup and the spoon is stirring. This is your Tantra magic sex ritual in action. More “stirring” still to come. A depraved act is required to kick off the ritual.

It’s working! We have the outlines of demon. It is dressed in white with black stripes, the opposite of Regina’s ritual outfit. This is some kind of drawn-out sex scene I gather. Still stirring. We have the duck where the demon’s head should be, a reference to the ibis-headed diety of Thoth in ancient Egypt.

Still stirring and enjoying. Hey? Where is that cup which belongs to the demon? Is it under the table? Where’d he hide it?

Still no coffee cup in sight. She is making an unusual hand gesture again.

Hand over mouth…those two fingers curved down a bit. Alternatively, it is the “M” symbol for Masonry, prominent in so many paintings of famous people and photos of celebrities.

Well the cup’s finally back and she’s standing up now. She’s still serving the duck-headed creature.

This Masonic hand sign is known as the Devil’s claw.

Tight shot of the “illuminated couple” on the shelf. Both of the shelves are significant. Nothing has been placed randomly.

The ritual is still underway. There is contact between the two words. The demon is being summoned. The devil’s horns sign is flashed yet again.

Another Masonic sign?

On the demon’s side, his right arm makes a triangle…

…and she mirrors it on her side. Interlocking triangles, sexual intercourse reference.

Is this a retarded video of a headless body talking on a phone to a woman, or are the makers of this video really into this occult crap? Gee, I bet it symbolizes the “personification” of her ideal dream guy… faceless and a tacky dresser?

Oh, snap! He’s pulling out all the stops now. Dinner jacket and a Blues Brothers hat! The duck on the shelf is now gone, as is framed photo of a black cube, the symbol for teleportation. It’s materializing!

Now we have the watchful “EYE” of the camera watching over the whole proceeding, representing Satan of course. The button is just floating there, presumably manned by a demon. Then we have the flanking portraits with a horrid screaming, drop-jawed horned demon skull in the center, flanked by illuminati owls in the top corners and more demon faces in the bottom corners. The “pillar” candles repeat the symbolism and the horned black machine is visible. The EYE watches over the ceremony and there is a flash of light which whites out the video for a moment.

Now they are becoming a couple. They have the framed square “photo of their union” in hand, both seated with legs crossed in “X” position.

The ritual between the “two dimensions” is still not over. Yet another devil’s horns hand sign is flashed.

Still not done. She seems to be going for his junk now.

Some chanting is thrown in for good measure. Supposedly saying “better”, but it sounds more like “Baal”, before ending in a growl. She’s been chanting a-a-a-a-a-a in the whole video about how “It breaks my heart.” What does? This whole satanic ritual, that’s what.

We’ve progressed and now we have a more cleavage-revealing outfit. The hairstyle is different too. This will be more apparent when the demon materializes.

This shot is a classic. It looks so ritualistic. A dummy would say he’s proposing marriage to her, but the whole thing is just rife with Freemason symbolism. The demon is making three triangles (similar to Star Tarot card pose also), also a craft oath pose. Her pose is very unusual if this is her dream guy, especially since she “rips her heart out” (the pendant) a second later and raises it as an offering. Ritual sacrifice on the horizon.

This is the second hairstyle and busty dress, but her lips are still plain, no lipstick. The whole time her “white heart” pendant has been dangling there.

Back to this again. Her hand makes a strange creeping movement to her knees, like spiders crawling.

Still “stirring”. The ritual is not over. This is not enough to satisfy the beast. She makes a tired facial expression.

The heart is offered up for ritual blood sacrifice.

It’s as if she’s sad to part with it, but this is actually a Masonic hand sign symbolizing the willingness of the person to be killed if they divulge Craft secrets.

The heart falls and shatters. We have color for the first time. This is actually blood being spilled on the checkerboard floor, a major element of Masonic ritual magic for the summoning of evil spirits.

Immediately she changes. Now here lips are bright red and she is wearing a red heart earring, which will soon be visible. Her hair is tied up in a knot on one side for some reason.

The demon stands up as if rising out of the ground. He vacant stare gives the impression that he is not even human.

Even when a hot chick starts rubbing him, he still doesn’t know what to make of it at first. It is not human.

Her “red heart” is now visible.

Blood on the hands from ritual sacrifice?

They blow dust on each other’s “faces” in a voodoo magic ritual.

Again, dust in the face voodoo ritual.

And again.

Is this for real? Making “angels” in blood dust on a checkerboard floor? They are just adding to all the Masonic reversed symbolism of insulting formal religion in their ritual to Satan.

And now that she’s completely humiliated and degraded herself for Satan, covered in blood, she now has the assistance of the evil spirits for her to obtain her worldly wealth and fame.

Is this supposed to be romantic or Night of the Living Dead? Those flowers in the frames could likely be lotus flowers (with psychotropic qualities).

The demonic alliance or “possession” is sealed with a symbolic grip. The end. Makes you pine for the days when your programming through entertainment came without the heavy dose of illuminati drek.

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