Observational Study

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 186
  • Pages: 1

Observational study PERSONAL INFORMATION 1. 2. 3. 4.

Name Age Sex Address

5. 6. 7. 8.

Education Occupation Monthly Income Caste and religion

II. HISTORY 1. Family History : - major illness,(Hereditary illness, and infectious illness) 2. Personal Health status: - (regarding factors contributing for the existing health status, G&D Pattern, Rearing etc.) 3. Socio – Cultural: - IPR in family, at work and society and attitude towards health practices. 4. Economic : - financial provision (specifically during illness) 5. Environment: - physical facilities available for living, risk factors in environment. 6. Past Illness History: - duration , treatment and result 7. Present Illness history: - chief complaint, duration, nature, treatment prior to hospitalization. 8. Medical Diagnosis: 9. Physical, Systemic, Specific Examination. ( for conformation of the subjective data) 10. Investigation: - to rule out the systemic pathological changes due to the illness. 11. Current Treatment: - Medicine, Surgery, Therapy 12. Progress: - Improvement, Stability or Deterioration 13. Summary: - Impression of self to the case, (because of the hospitalization, the quality of the care, the outcome are with in the expected limits or not)

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