Obama Failure Rexhail Ramadani 1

  • June 2020
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Obama's failure, the consequences of this failure and the way of salvation.

Rexhail Ramadani President Obama is in very disfavor position and I would call him fortunate or unfortunate, because it takes the U.S. presidency at the time exactly, when is need to make radical changes of historical character for USA .From his inauguration as a president of USA Obama, in any moment he has not shown the character of one of the great statesman,he has been more devious from reality making mistakes after mistakes.His uncertainty and incompetence bring U.S. on the verge of economic collapse, which means catastrophic consequences for all planet.Some great intelectuals which knows well American reality have diagnosed at him Nero complex syndrome that is Narcisoid syndrome (man who has lost connection with reality and plays grandiose man) that means he comes in a very high position with the greatest responsibility, as has saying the great Friedrich Shileri during french revolution: "Time of great revolution find a very little mens ". Until Rome was burned Nero made adventure ,already condemned his adviser Seneka with several others for alleged implication in the plot against him. Nero was historical example of how unresponsible ,infantile and a man with psychiatric complex govern a place of

power with great responsibility for others live so “if you don’t learned from history you are condemned to repeat it”. In the G 20 summit he thought that he was in excursion in London ,he couldn’t realise what was vital interests of USA, and he was entirely predominated by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.He continued the Bush’s bail out policy of banksters ,regarding aspect of salvation banks giving 1.5 trillion dollars while annual income taxes are 2.3 trillion dollars and the federal government inherited a debt of 13 trillion of dollars. His advisers Peter Orszag, Larry Summer ,latter is known because of the abolishment of "Glas Stegal act" which was set up by Roosevelt ,that was banking regulatory system that make the separation between commercial and investment banks ,today is chairman of the Economic Council of president Obama. These are advisers of president Obama, they are behaveiourist economists, they as a measure to alleviate the crisis have proposed reforms in health care, that has to do with reducing the budget nearly 30% or 600 biliard dollars. This reform provides for restoring eutanasia to chronically ill patients, patients with greater degree of invalidity under the principle of "no value for life that they live”. This reforms resembles with that of Hitlers reforms in health care called T 4 Tiergarten program. Dr.Karl Brand and Philip Bouhler were choosen by Hitler in order to implement this plan that envisioned the implementation of eutanasia to a serious patients categorized in the group "be worthless you to live" and following the Nazi measures were implemented before the start of deportation hebrews.Until now Obama has been only wrong, and his rating has started to come down. This economic measure falls in the category of Schachtianism which is political economy doctrine of “Hitlers” nazi economics minister Hjalmar Schacht.These measure was implemented before Hjalmar Schacht by choncelor Franz von Papen and Bruning, that has to do with reducing budget expenditures for social purposes or otherwise known as fiscal austerilty .The rescue of bankers has tried Herbert Hover but without result during the time of the Great Depression that occurred in 192930.Because annual income amount to 2.3 trillion dollars, while 1.5 trillions dollars was


given to bankers for bail outs, 700 billion for debt oblications and 500 billion to keep American military in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc., while for social purposes, capital investment, agro-industrial infrastructure missing financial means so America jeopardized by the fiscal collapse, and if printed more money and infused in to the system ,these will risk value of the dollar and increase inflation, huge debt the ranks even more, so the U.S. has no exit from recession but still enters deeper into economic crisis.How much more fall value of dollar and the decline of U.S. economy that has great impact on China's economy, which depends on exports, and global market, thus shrinking the global market is very heavy consequences for the economy of China, but China also holds a large number of treasury bills of American government and American dollars so, America has a debt of about more than 1 trillion dollar to China.Devaluation of dollar and falling down of American economy has catastrophic consequences of China's economy, but if China's economy falls which is a huge producer and many countries are dependent even America and Europe from its products because ,during Nixon administration 1968-71 was imposed logic of free market in the USA by Chicago School of economy by Milton Friedman and based on this logic the U.S. and Europe exported their industry in China this affects the further deepening crisis of global economy. Therefore from the state of the U.S. economy depends economy of the entire planet because the system is based on the dollar. That is if the American economy undergoes colaps , will have chains of falls in the large economies starting to China, Russia which also depends on the export of oil and natural gas and this will hit the real economic sector, the level of world production levels will be declined very critical for the maintenance of world population and this de mark the entry in the dark period.

Origin of global economic crisis To understand accurately the global financial crisis ,must well known history of

American revulution and permanent conflict between British and american’s system within europian civilisation. All this scenario that already is in the process of disintegration, the problem lies in the system and solution should not be required within the system but in changing the world financial system that was held by the IMF, World Bank because it is Keynesian model of monetarism that mean independent(private) central bank control of economy.Keynes was challenged by Roosevelt in New Hampshire in the Bretton Wood conference in 1944 precisely on the central bank issue, but Roosevelt was more decidive to establish american methods after war as a mean to fight british colonialism.In these conference he set up inetrnational monetary system based on fixed currency exchange, the dollar tied to gold reserves and approved the Marshall Plan for Western European economic recovery , but Roosvelts aim was to assist in the global economic recovery, while in international relation , he had intended to eradicate British colonialism and restore westphalian system of independent countrys and governments and for this purpose he re-established the United Nations to maintain world peace and to hinder the political oppression in the world, while the IMF and World Bank was designed by Roosvelt in a way to assist nations to recovery economicaly and politicaly after war.His plan was four gendars to maintainin world peace these gandars was U.S., Russia, China and England but everything of his vision ending with his death.Roosevelt was proponent of American political and economic System and implement it so fanatically because originally he had family ancestors which had served to American revulution. But everything ended when Roosevelt died in his place comes Hurry Truman that was only a tool of Winston Churchill, he admits Keynesian model of FMN-s and World Banks, and Chrchill with his tool Truman worked in a direction of destroyng all of that of what Roosevelt arrived. In 1971 during President Nixon ends Roosveltian ideology .His vision for the last time Kennedy was trying to restore ,he had challenged the bankers of Wall Street he wanted again to promote industrial policy but had failed. JF Kenedy wanted to nationalize


the Federal Reserve and began to issue national banknotes and this was why banksters made a plot against him. American history knows three other presidents who was comploted ,because they did press the federal government’s money and not deal with usury of international bankers. Abraham Lincoln were issued "greenback "which were first banknotes issued by the federal governments ,after founding fathers then James Garfilld, William McCinley. Morgans attempt to prepare plot also against Roosevelt but he had saved , all these presidents was ploted because they wanted to restore the American system, where printing money is in the hands of the federal government as Alexander Hamilton had designed who also was killed by British district agent Aron Buor.Aleksander Hamilton is the largest figure in the history of modern sovereign republic of America, he was a promoter of the idea that the federal government should issue money ,he was for strong federal government because he saw that confederations of the colonies was dysfunctional ,he was very good educated in greek and roman classic and compared american confederacies with city-state of ancient greece confederacies with their viability and he was founder of modern sovereign republic ,he was great intelectual figure which set up first modern republic in the world and break up with feudalism ,he designed american system of economy and invent national credit for physical economics development he was genius and great mind in history of europian civilisation. Confederations of colonies in the new world was dysfunctional and their economys bankrupted because they was vasals of international bankers which enslaved them by usury.So Alexander Hamilton in the Federalist papers together with John Jey and Madisoni promoted a federation of American colonies and a strong central government , Hamilton also designed first American national bank , control and issue money by federal government for physical economic development , this system was called the American system of economy.This system characterized by "infantile industry" as called Hamilton and decided protective tariffs to foreign cheap products of british empire , these was import tariffs in order to

for federal government to invest in infrastructure, industry and agronomy .Hamiltoni was revolutionaries , he joined the genuine physical model of economy that has to do with the introduction of machinetool (technology) in the process of production that simultaneously ekonomize work ,increase production for km2 and per capita two necessary parameters to increase the potential density relative to that of population.So economic development and increasing population density is a function of technologic development, as well as the exact energy density of the energy flux because the machine tool for production requires energy. Cameralists were local leaders advisor for economic policy during rainissance in Italy,they thougt economic policy to serve to general welfare , but Leibniz was revulutionaries ,he worked in polytechnic school with Denis Papinin ,he did spark economic revulution by putting machine tool in proces of production , but the introduction of machine tool in the production of primordial so we brought ancient Egypt during the reign of Ptolomey dinasty when Alexander the Great made Alexandria the city of science and knowledge in Egypt, so in the function of physical economy is monetary system with Hamilton’s ideas of national credit and the federal government has right to issue money for physical development and this is the essence of the American economic system as proudly calls Henry Carey , Abraham Lincoln’s economic adviser.Circles of Laibniz and founding fathers worked diligently for the establishment of the modern republic, sovereign constitutional republic under idea’s of Athenian philosopher Plato, so Benjamin Franklin put Leibniz ideas in the preambulle of the American constitution that has survived until today and that share humankind universale value which is expressed in " life, liberty and pursuit of happiness " on this spirit USA was founded and this republic was designed by great mind’s of europian civlisation to break from the feudal system that prevailed in medieval Europe dominated by religious wars. Liberal philosophy and its followers


The British system or anglo-dutch liberal culture founded by aristotelian venetian Paolo Sarpi who was atheist priest,and they are guided by a philosophical spirit of the founder of the Rotchild dynasty , Mayer Rotshilidit "Give me to control nations money and for me is no matter who is lawmaker", therefore the policy of this elite bankers was to install this philosophy in their financial activity in the direction of establishing global government to control world financial system from World central Bank.So this elite bankers from Venice put under the control first bank of England, and then want to check their colonies in the world. Liberal way of being wealth realized by controling market, control of raw materials, production resources and enslaving workers. The Bankers Establishment was behind the great megacompany British East India company which operated in India.they a re imperialists which seek slave workers, raw materials and their manufactured products by slav labours to sell in European markets with higher prices to gain maximum profit.They wanted Exploitation of their free labor and raw materials and search markets where they selling with high prices set to the highest possible and this would ensure maximum profits at the expense of enslaving the people and devalued their work.This lies in the basic logic of liberal capitalism or otherwise liberal imperialism, this origin of capitalism was also based on numerous works revulutionares Roza Luxemburg. Liberal capitalism requires new markets and exploitation of labor, underdeveloped countries using minerals and resources.Liberal capitalists make policy keep in such condition, in opression ,they achieved by introducing held in fictitious debts, so with the right Roza Luxemburg in her famous work of capital accumulation writes a chapter on international debts, as a tool to subject countries and to be exploited, so this logic of capitalism creates two camps, a camp of super rich and powerful to extreme bondage, this is the logic of the functioning of IMF ,NATO like international instruments, megacompanys to work in the environement to maintain liberal capitalism to function , but this logical brought the global financial crisis, greed for maximum profits exported industries in

underdeveloped countries where workers used like slave labour . The U.S. and Europe suffered more transformation and shift from productive economy to consume oriented economy since 1971, when Milton Friedman put logic of free market and deregulation based on the idea of Adam Smith that the state should not interfere with the economy, growth of economy measured through GDP, but this increase was based on slavery because it shows no paramater for the distribution of wealth, and was abandonment the original ideas Roosvelt which was based on american system of economy and industrial development. This kind decoupling between the real economy, physical and financial that what the risks breakdown of economic system. Destroying of Breton Wood system of fix currency exchange with the floated exchange rate and decoupling of the dollar with gold reserves open the era of financial speculation ,banks accepte the logic of fractional banking reserves of commercial banks and production of money by thin air after the oil crisis in 1973 provoked the socalled "oil shock" which asks Henry Kissinger banks elite agent )wanted King Feisal and the Shah of Iran to raise oil prices and this crisis helped the dollar to fall more in the hands of the bankers elite and these changes and destruction of Bretton Wood system unable long-term investment because of accommodation floating exchange system. During President Jimmy Garter implement logic of deregulation and spirit of the free market recommended by association Mont Pellerine and economic school of Chicago who chaired by economics nobel price winer Milton Friedman. The spirit neoliberalism entered in the U.S. economy and since then U.S. and global economic system was introduced to the disintegration process that consisted essentially from decoupling of economic system between real economic or industrial sector and financiar and monetary aggregates .The aim of this bankers elite was concentration of economic and political power .Hitler in a speech in Munchen said that England "has used the combined economic and political power to enhance the economic and political power


" .Economic welfare of the people from that time had began gradually to decline. All this operation was directed from London or exactly by the City of London which is in heart of London and is a real crown of England.

What is the solution of the problem? The answer is very simple the solution is found in the U.S. constitution, with its accurate preambule, stating that the republic must serve to the general welfare of the population, because the American constitution calculates that all humans are born equal by nature and residents have the right to freedom, equality and the pursuit of happiness. Since its establishment the U.S. fought with british imperialists which wanted to maintain their colonies in the new world. Founding fathers of the American state as George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson realized the threat that was coming from bankers and gave warnings egzample John Adams says that "Nations are enslaved by sword and by debt." Alexander Hamilton was a smart guy who was brought in the new world by Republican circles so it all his life consecrate for establishment of this modern republic, he was an advocate of strong federal government and national bank ,many American writers, although many enemies of USA try to discredit these historical figure .So Hamilton is the founder of the American system and the idea of a national bank to print money with the federal government control, formed the basis of independence and sovereignty of the new England colonies against Britain.Because British Empire controlled through controlling the finance of private bankers, she used the free market system for the colonies to be held back, precisely as Adam Smith wrote ,he was BritishEast India Company servant and at the request of Lord Shelburnit he wrote the work "Wealth of nations “he

plagiarize physiocrats and created basis of liberal market economy in order to keep the colonies dependent and backward so they do not allow industrial development and financial independence . British imperialist doing this to destroy american system to discredit American revulutionarists, by entering insiders from within thus we distinguishe presidents who served to the American system and those who served to imperiliasts. Abraham Lincoln’s war was war between systems ,that Lincoln presented American system, the idea of union antislave and Confederation of British control .Linkolni was in trouble how to fund the war for war began to issue "greenback" northern or union money is precisely this reason that he was killed, is this the reason that John Kennedy was assassinated, James Garfild, William McCinly because they were People of the American system that is characterized by ekonomic national bank and industrial development, protective and infrastructure and agronomy development.American System is based on control over the monetary system, so in Jekyll Island bankers elite design again the central bank to be in the hands of private bankers, who will issue money to borrow the U.S government while private bankers thus reached his goal in 1913, through continuous artificial panic ,they created the need of the central bank, but these to public was sold that federal reserve which is central bank of america was government agency but is not true ,the federal reserve banking is banking cartel who control the money supplies of USA. All this history requires to find a solution to financial crisis, but esential is to have curageous president , and president which will challenge wall street and London where is the center financiar oligarchy .Historical precedent to be set free from this liberal financial empire it is: American National Bank , issued money rights should have only, only federal government and not private bankers or anyone else, so eradication of monetarism logic , or logic control money supply from private bankers should be abandoned it will turn towards the consolidation of America as a great economic power and will revive his political mission ,that mission of founding fathers which was to rescue humanity all over


the world . Big banks like JP Morgan and Chase, City Bank. Llazard Freere, Goldman Sachs, etc. are some of the main shareholders of the Federal Reserve and Treasury Secretary usually also is one of theirs, example has been Timothy Geithner chief of Federal Reserve of New York, Henry Paulson before becoming treasury secretary has been employed at Goldman Sachs and Federal Reserve, leaders as A. Greenspan, Ben Bernanke so this is why that the rescue of these banks from taxpayers money, which banks were to guilty for the crisis.Alan Grenspan invented financial derivatives that are financial instruments that enables bankers to steal properties of others through betting, then gave the money with low interest in the real estate sector that is unproductive, then Ben Bernanke that guide Federal reserves from 2006 being a monetarist, he thinks depresioni of 1929-30 is being caused by contracting the money supply into the system, and therefore sees this as a solution infusion of monetary aggregates ,since the moneatry system sees as separate from the real economic sector, while the American system or actual physical ekonomy is primary in the economy while monetary system serve to real economic development .The economy depend from physical economy and doesn’t physical economy is function of the monetary system . Therefore, Obama must be returned to American history,the nation will sink if he doesn’t returned to Alexander Hamilton’s policy that I consider the father of American republic and to apply the principles he had set for this sovereign republic, modern , federal and installation of its monetary system emerges from the U.S. crisis very quickly and US will become hope for all humanity.This system in America is bankrupted after the failed rescue plans and threatens America, in October when it becomes fiscal bilance the fiscal year 2009 / 2010, America will enter in deeper crisis, but even deeper economic collapse and endanger the exit control the situation so that Obama should prepare for real change . Through similar to Pecora commission to investigate the work of JP Morgan Chase,City bank, Goldman Sachs and others rioganize banking system but not on principles of bank monetarism but to nationalize the federal reserve to establish a national bank under control of the federal

presidents as Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, Franklin Roosevelt he should imediately do these radical changes otherwise it remains in the range of those who have betrayed the national interests of the American nation like Woodrow Wilson who had allowed the legalisation of private central bank to control U.S monetary system by the private banking cartel in 1913 that are partners with the U.S. government ,and U.S government serve only like a borrowers of these private bankers ,so from that time U.S inherit these enormous debt today. The federal government have 13 trillion dollar debt to the bankers and some trilions loan mainly to China .Next step should outlaw all the toxic instruments of financial derivatives , and should establish Glas Stegal act as Roosevelt in (1933) ,with this act Roosevelt had intended to control financial speculation, this act was abolished by Obama economic adviser who was Treasury secretary during the administration of President Bill Clinton in 1999,these law was named as Gramm Leach Bliley Act, which act against the measure of Glas Stegal separation between commercial and investment banks so that enable banks to introduce these speculative activities, and therefore to speculate depositors money, mortgage crisis was only the tip of the iceberg of a banking system,the real cause is that what we have desintegration of world economic system.From 2007 is the start of fall of the hiperboles of the financial aggregates,systematically falling real economy or physical economy combined with infusion of monetary aggregates into the system by Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke or helicopter Ben which make infusion of system with more and more money .With this policy of Ben Bernankes is that which threatens the U.S. economy with hyperinflation if the economy continues with this trend that has began with collapse of the Bretton Wood system when was introduced fractional reserve logic of money making of thin air,free trade and deregulation of U.S economy.So the only measure to revive global economy is to follow Roosevelt precedent of New Deal policy and that economic system that was established in Bretton Wood by Roosevelt tipify with fixed exchange of currencies and


the dollar link with gold reserves and abandonment of fractional reserve banking. This is the essential step to create new global credit system with compromise of big powers as USA , China, Russia and India that giant step in creation of new world monetary system based on national credit will revitalise global economy and this will mark the end of globalisation which is based on the free market logic, primitive accumulation of capital as Karl Marx said, abandoning practices made by the IMF to countries with enormous debt creation, abandonment of free market logic and the non interventional logic in state affair or economics .It is a time of profound global change of historical character so Obama may be tragic or historical figure it depend from him . America has always been in a permanent war to be sovereign nation , so the exit from crisis and gaining of his sovereignity is associated with control of its monetary system.


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