Obama 100 Days

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29 April, 2009




New Dem Specter Votes No On Obama’s Budget

Obama’s Stand In Auto Crisis Shows Early Resolve: CNBC

APR 30, 2009 12:18A.M.

APR 29, 2009 11:49P.M.

It didn’t take long for Sen. Arlen Specter to let his new colleagues in the Democratic Party know that his vote won’t be taken for granted.

By the time he sat down in the Oval Office to brief Michigan’s Congressional delegation, President Obama had made up his mind. Days earlier, he had decided to oust the head of General Motors and give it and Chrysler weeks to fix themselves. If they could not, he was prepared to let them go bankrupt, a prospect fraught with economic and political repercussions.

A day after abandoning the Republican Party for the Democrats, saying the latter better represented his political philosophy, Specter voted against President Obama’s budget — which he and other Democrats have described as a manifestation of the party’s political philosophy.

More on Barack Obama Specter was greeted warmly by his new fellow party members on his way into the chamber. “Welcome,” said Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), extending his hand when he saw Specter exit the elevator. Specter was joined in his opposition to the president by the entire GOP. Not a single Senate Republican voted to support the budget. Sen. Ben Nelson, a conservative Democrat from Nebraska, also voted no. It passed 53-43. - GOOGLE NEWS Get HuffPost Politics On Facebook and Twitter!

Obama: ‘I’m not a miracle worker’ - Politico

More on Arlen Specter

APR 29, 2009 11:47P.M.

Obama: ‘I’m not a miracle worker’

Politico, DC By JONATHAN MARTIN | 4/29/09 6:43 PM EDT Photo: AP ARNOLD, Mo. – President Barack Obama laced his assessment of his first 100 days in office Wednesday with a healthy bit of hedging, buying himself some more time by reminding Americans of his ...



29 April, 2009



Barack Obama’s first hundred days as president pictured in new ... - Telegraph.co.uk

Obama’s first 100 days: Foreign policy - BBC News

APR 29, 2009 11:36P.M.

By Kim Ghattas BBC News, Washington

APR 29, 2009 11:21P.M.

Barack Obama’s presidency has been dominated by the economic crisis, but that has not stopped him from trying to launch a massive recalibration of US foreign policy. Barack Obama’s first hundred days as president pictured in new ... The breadth of issues he has tackled in this short time is unprecedented, prompting former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to write recently in the Washington Post that “the possibility of comprehensive solutions is unprecedented”.

Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom Barack Obama may have passed just 100 days in office, but the White House has released nearly three photographs for every one, risking accusations of hubris for a president who was said not to place much significance on such landmarks. ...

There is no guarantee that any of it will lead to success over the next four years, but the new administration is aiming high.


Within a few days of his inauguration, Mr Obama started checking off the long to-do list he had discussed during his campaign.

Obama say tough economy means `more will be lost’ - The Associated Press

Mending relations He announced the appointment of a special envoy to the Middle East to tackle the intractable conflict, declaring that peace in the region was “important to the United States and our national interest [and] important to me personally”.

APR 29, 2009 11:30P.M.

He shifted attention away from a war he opposed, in Iraq, back to the “clear and focused goal, to dismantle, disrupt and defeat al-Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan,” a mission started under President George W Bush but which lost steam as the Iraq War unravelled.

Obama say tough economy means `more will be lost’

The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is warning that “more will be lost” during a recession that has already cost millions of Americans their homes and their jobs. Marking 100 days in office, Obama was holding a prime-time news

He reached out to the Muslim world and started mending America’s image around the world, declaring he would close the controversial detention centre in Guantanamo Bay. “ The administration has launched the country on an important diplomatic enterprise. It now needs to fulfil its vision with a diplomatic plan ” Henry Kissinger Former secretary of state

conference on ...

He sought to reset relations with Russia - and mark what could be turning points in America’s relations with Cuba and Iran. On every foreign trip, in every meeting with a foreign leader, President Obama has said he wants to listen, not dictate, hoping to set the stage for a more co-operative foreign policy. “I think it’s been very important, the tone that President Obama, Secretary Clinton, Secretary Gates have fashioned,” says Wendy



29 April, 2009

Sherman, a state department official during the Clinton administration who now works for the Albright Group, a foreign policy think tank.

The rivalries that plagued the first term of George W Bush have been avoided, despite a cast of very powerful players.

“It is a tone of leading and listening... [Understanding] that the world is a complicated place [and] the United States alone cannot solve all of these problems,” she says.

Contrition ‘does nothing’ But as he undoes past policies, Barack Obama is also facing criticism, albeit from expected sources.

“But also understanding that the US has a responsibility to lead, accepts that responsibility, will be held accountable for that responsibility.

“I think going abroad and being so contrite for so many alleged sins of the United States is not something that Americans want to see in their leaders when they’re travelling abroad,” says John Hannah, who was an adviser to former Vice-President Dick Cheney.

“So, I think they’ve gotten off to a tremendous start in probably the most complex world I’ve seen in my lifetime.” But critics say that President Obama’s attempts to reach out to allies to win their co-operation is a gamble that has not (so far) paid off.

He added that the policy of contrition was not even proving effective in changing the behaviour of countries in the world that were of concern to the US, like Iran or Cuba.

Commentators writing about Mr Obama’s trip to Europe said it was a success on many levels, but he had still come home empty-handed on issues like European troop commitments for Afghanistan.

President Obama has tried to engage with America’s long-time foe, Iran, issuing a video address to both the people and leaders of Iran and calling the country by its official name, the Islamic Republic Iran, to signal that Washington was not seeking regime change.

Changing landscape So far Mr Obama has delivered plenty of foreign policy vision, but less in the way of substance.

On Cuba, he has lifted restrictions on travel and remittances for CubanAmericans, but his handshake with Washington’s bete noire, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, prompted critics to say the president had to avoid turning engagement into pandering.

Many experts say that is what the first 100 days are all about - but the gaps need to be filled out soon.

The new approach is helping to change the mood and perhaps even the internal dynamic in places like Tehran and Havana, as Cubans and Iranians start to debate the benefits of engagement with the US.

“The administration has launched the country on an important diplomatic enterprise. It now needs to fulfil its vision with a diplomatic plan,” wrote Mr Kissinger. Complicating some of the policy formulations is a fast-changing world.

On her first trip abroad, Mrs Clinton said that by engaging “something positive might actually happen, you never know”.

Crisis and conflicts have erupted in Mexico, Pakistan and even Iraq where violence is rising again.

“But if you stand at opposite sides of the room and refuse to engage, it’s guaranteed nothing will happen,” she added.

Elections are changing the political landscape in which the administration has to operate and the interlocutors it ends up with, from Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel to potential new regimes in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon and Iran.

The momentum and goodwill are still there and the vision has been laid out in the first 100 days, but the next 1,000 days will determine whether this administration will be able to implement its vision and achieve results or whether it has bitten off more than it can chew in a complex world.

By the president’s side is a straight-talking secretary of state with her own star-power and some 60,000 air miles already under her belt Hillary Clinton.

The biggest tests are yet to come.

The administration’s new emphasis on diplomacy means the state department is squarely back at the heart of America’s efforts to engage with the world, from allies to rivals. The policy formulation in this administration is a tightly controlled process, closely co-ordinated between the White House, the National Security Council and the Pentagon, with everybody so far seemingly onmessage.



29 April, 2009


Obama’s first 100 days / Netanyahu has his work cut out - Ha’aretz


Obama’s 100 Days Press Conference: Video

APR 29, 2009 11:08P.M.

APR 29, 2009 10:59P.M. President Obama is holding his third prime time news conference to mark the 100th day of his term. HuffPost will be streaming live video of the event. Below are streams from MSNBC and The White House. Check back at 8:00pm EST to watch live.

Obama’s first 100 days / Netanyahu has his work cut out

Ha’aretz, Israel By Aluf Benn During his first 100 days in office, US President Barack Obama set his aims high, but he took careful, moderate steps in practice, avoiding confrontations or adventures that might undermine his support in Congress or among the

Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

American ... More on Barack Obama THE PAGE

Michelle Obama Wears Silver Sneakers To Food Bank (PHOTOS) APR 29, 2009 11:05P.M. Michelle Obama and Jill Biden spent their 100th day in Washington bagging food for hungry children at the Capital Area Food Bank. Read more about their visit here. For the occasion both women went super casual. The first lady wore cropped gray capri pants and a yellow argyle cardigan with silver and metallic pink sneakers. Dr. Biden did preppy chic in a blue and white striped shirt paired with cropped white pants and silver flats. See photos below. More on Michelle Obama Style



29 April, 2009


WASHINGTON (AP) President Barack Obama says he’s pleased with the progress his administration has made in his first 100 days in office, but he says he’s “not satisfied.” During a town hall in Arnold, Mo., Obama said he’s “not a miracle worker,” and ... Video: Swine flu death KXAN.com Stewart: ‘The last 100 days’ Creative Loafing In swine flu, Obama faces big domestic test Reuters Reiten Television KXMB Bismarck - KXMC

CNN Story On Obama’s “Swagga” The Most Embarrassing Ever? (VIDEO) APR 29, 2009 10:58P.M. We all expect a bit of fluff from cable news considering they have 24 hours a day to fill and there are only so many events to be “rocked” by, but when we hit a point at which CNN is spending Obama’s 100th day in office “assessing his swagga” something is amiss.

all 19,562 news articles

T.J. Holmes sat down with four men who were never identified by name or title (as if we weren’t supposed to care about who they were, just that they were black) to talk about Obama’s “swagga.” They were sweet and did the best they could with such a ridiculous topic, but anchor Kyra Phillips was way over the top. She asked for the theme song to “Shaft” to be played, she talked about Obama’s “flava” and she insisted on getting a fist bump at the end. Here are her choicest moments...


Grade Obama’s First 100 Days As President - Seattle Post Intelligencer APR 29, 2009 10:52P.M.


Grade Obama’s First 100 Days As President

Seattle Post Intelligencer By TV GUIDE NEWS President Barack Obama marked his 100th day in office on Wednesday. How do you think he’s doing so far? He has certainly made an effort to keep us in the loop. He’s made several prime-time TV appearances since his inauguration in ...


Obama pivots from first 100 days to rest of agenda - The Associated Press

Swine flu alert upped...Obama’s first 100 days...Consumers open ... - KXMC

APR 29, 2009 10:41P.M.

APR 29, 2009 10:58P.M.

CBC.ca Obama pivots from first 100 days to rest of agenda

The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — His first 100 days behind him, President Barack Obama expressed confidence about the next hundred

Swine flu alert upped...Obama’s first 100 days...Consumers open ...




29 April, 2009


and accelerated his drive toward contentious goals — sweeping health care overhaul, new rules to curb global warming and

A hundred points of light Hindustan Times

financial ...

APR 29, 2009 10:34P.M. - GOOGLE NEWS

Obama pivots from first 100 days to rest of agenda - The Associated Press

A hundred points of light

Hindustan Times, India Today marks the end of 100 days since US President Barack Obama’s inauguration. There were many factors about him and his campaign that appealed to most Americans. This included his use of technology, age and oratory skills. Crucially, his

APR 29, 2009 10:41P.M.

promise of ... Obama pivots from first 100 days to rest of agenda

The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — His first 100 days behind him, President Barack Obama expressed confidence about the next hundred and accelerated his drive toward contentious goals — sweeping health care overhaul, new rules to curb global warming and


Why President Obama Needs to Tweet - New York Times

financial ...

APR 29, 2009 10:32P.M. In his first 100 days in office, Barack Obama has updated his Twitter account only twice. I voted for the guy, but I can’t stand by while President 2.0 throws away the online cred he built during last year’s campaign.


A hundred points of light Hindustan Times

Two weeks ago, daytime-TV host Oprah Winfrey and second-tier celebrity Ashton Kutcher drew national attention — Winfrey for using Twitter on her show, Kutcher for collecting a million followers at twitter.com. No one seems to have noticed the President has racked up a million followers without even trying. Imagine if he posted something!

APR 29, 2009 10:34P.M.

The standard excuse made by Obama apologists – “he’s too busy” – is at best naïve. More often, it’s dishonest. The President records a fiveminute video every week. Anyone who’s done video knows a five-minute clip takes a lot more than five minutes of preparation, shooting, and reshooting. A few days ago, Oprah figured out Twitter live on camera in less time than it takes Obama to explain PAYGO in this week’s address.

A hundred points of light

Hindustan Times, India Today marks the end of 100 days since US President Barack Obama’s inauguration. There were many factors about him and his campaign that appealed to most Americans. This included his use of technology, age and oratory skills. Crucially, his

It’s frustrating to watch, because there are two outstanding reasons President Obama or an aide should tweet one line per day:

promise of ...

First, Twitter’s text-only, 140-character-max simplicity is ideal for putting out a statement or a call to action without the need to script a longer essay or speech. Obama’s two updates were perfect examples: One asked for questions about the economy, the other linked to a Web site that collects the President’s 100-day accomplishments. The White House staff could easily deliver one solid message per day. They could start by



29 April, 2009

tweeting each week’s video address, to remind us to watch it.

The Associated Press A look at key events during the first 100 days of Barack Obama’s presidency: Jan. 22: Obama orders the closure of Guantanamo Bay prison within a year and declares that the United States will not engage in torture. Jan 23: Obama lifts ban

Second, Twitter, used as a sort of micro-blog, is a humanizing medium that can put a face on the sprawling, distant bureaucracy of government. California Secretary of State Debra Bowen tweets several times a day. She’s followed by people who previously didn’t know California even had a Secretary of State.

on federal ...

It might be weird if the President of the United States of America were to type, like Bowen, “made a peets-stop on the way to the convention, haha.” Then again, it might be incredibly cool. Now that almost no one trusts the government or the media, it could change the game if the most powerful person on Earth were to step out front of Washington’s


I’m not a miracle worker, Barack Obama tells America at the end of ... - Times Online

carefully constructed messages and TV’s contrived arguments.

APR 29, 2009 10:20P.M. - GOOGLE NEWS

President Barack Obama’s first 100 days in office - The Associated Press

I’m not a miracle worker, Barack Obama tells America at the end of ...

Times Online, UK President Obama marked his 100th day in office yesterday by pleading for patience, acknowledging “I’m not a miracle worker” and warning America that it faced “a much longer journey ahead”. Mr Obama has reached the symbolic milestone with his

APR 29, 2009 10:30P.M.

popularity ... President Barack Obama’s first 100 days in office

The Associated Press A look at key events during the first 100 days of Barack Obama’s presidency: Jan. 22: Obama orders the closure of Guantanamo Bay prison within a year and declares that the United States will not engage in torture. Jan 23: Obama lifts ban


I’m not a miracle worker, Barack Obama tells America at the end of ... - Times Online

on federal ...

APR 29, 2009 10:20P.M. - GOOGLE NEWS

President Barack Obama’s first 100 days in office - The Associated Press

I’m not a miracle worker, Barack Obama tells America at the end of ...

Times Online, UK President Obama marked his 100th day in office yesterday by pleading for patience, acknowledging “I’m not a miracle worker” and warning America that it faced “a much longer journey ahead”. Mr Obama has reached the symbolic milestone with his

APR 29, 2009 10:30P.M.

popularity ... President Barack Obama’s first 100 days in office



29 April, 2009


guardian.co.uk, UK AP foreign, Wednesday April 29 2009 The Associated Press= President Barack Obama marked his 100th office on Wednesday, but it’s hardly the only digit that matters to the new administration. $3.6 trillion — Total spending in Obama’s

Doing the math on Obama’s 100 days - The Associated Press APR 29, 2009 10:18P.M.

proposed federal ...


Doing the math on Obama’s 100 days - guardian.co.uk

Doing the math on Obama’s 100 days

The Associated Press President Barack Obama marked his 100th office on Wednesday, but it’s hardly the only digit that matters to the new administration. Some highlights of Obama’s first 100 days, by the numbers: $3.6 trillion — Total spending in Obama’s

APR 29, 2009 10:18P.M.

proposed federal ... Doing the math on Obama’s 100 days - GOOGLE NEWS

guardian.co.uk, UK AP foreign, Wednesday April 29 2009 The Associated Press= President Barack Obama marked his 100th office on Wednesday, but it’s hardly the only digit that matters to the new administration. $3.6 trillion — Total spending in Obama’s

Doing the math on Obama’s 100 days - The Associated Press APR 29, 2009 10:18P.M.

proposed federal ...


Obama Adviser: ‘Now it Truly Begins’ - ABC News

Doing the math on Obama’s 100 days

The Associated Press President Barack Obama marked his 100th office on Wednesday, but it’s hardly the only digit that matters to the new administration. Some highlights of Obama’s first 100 days, by the numbers: $3.6 trillion — Total spending in Obama’s

APR 29, 2009 10:10P.M.

proposed federal ... Obama Adviser: ‘Now it Truly Begins’ - GOOGLE NEWS

ABC News By DAVID CHALIAN President Obama’s top advisers have spent most of the day playing the media-driven game of marking the president’s 100th day in office. President Barack Obama delivers remarks on the economy, Tuesday, April 14, 2009, at

Doing the math on Obama’s 100 days - guardian.co.uk APR 29, 2009 10:18P.M.

Georgetown. ...

Doing the math on Obama’s 100 days



29 April, 2009



Obama Adviser: ‘Now it Truly Begins’ - ABC News

Obama tries to reshape US economy in first 100 days Xinhua

APR 29, 2009 10:10P.M.

APR 29, 2009 10:06P.M.

Obama Adviser: ‘Now it Truly Begins’

ABC News By DAVID CHALIAN President Obama’s top advisers have spent most of the day playing the media-driven game of marking the president’s 100th day in office. President Barack Obama delivers remarks on the economy, Tuesday, April 14, 2009, at

Obama tries to reshape US economy in first 100 days

Xinhua, China by Xinhua writer Liu Hong WASHINGTON, April 29 (Xinhua) — Since Franklin Roosevelt launched many of the New Deal programs in his first three months of governance to tackle the Great Depression, the 100th day of a US president’s first term

Georgetown. ...

has become a ... - GOOGLE NEWS

Obama tries to reshape US economy in first 100 days Xinhua


Obama marks 100 days - ABC Online

APR 29, 2009 10:06P.M.

APR 29, 2009 10:05P.M.

Obama tries to reshape US economy in first 100 days

Obama marks 100 days

Xinhua, China by Xinhua writer Liu Hong WASHINGTON, April 29 (Xinhua) — Since Franklin Roosevelt launched many of the New Deal programs in his first three months of governance to tackle the Great Depression, the 100th day of a US president’s first term

ABC Online, Australia By North America correspondent Michael Rowland for AM US President Barack Obama has been marking his first 100 days in office with some good political news and some horrible economic developments. Mr Obama has been celebrating the

has become a ...

defection of a key ...



29 April, 2009


ABC News By KATE BARRETT On President Obama’s 100th day in office, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel today weighed in on whether Obama is trying to change too much too soon, and evaluated whether the president got more than he bargained for.

Obama marks 100 days - ABC Online APR 29, 2009 10:05P.M.



Rahm Emanuel Reflects on First 100 Days - ABC News

Obama marks 100 days

ABC Online, Australia By North America correspondent Michael Rowland US President Barack Obama has been marking his first 100 days in office with some good political news and some horrible economic developments. Mr Obama has been celebrating the defection of

APR 29, 2009 09:54P.M.


a key ...


Rahm Emanuel Reflects on First 100 Days

Obama’s Energy Plans Remain Works In Progress - NPR

ABC News “I think what we can extract from the first 100 days is that this is a president who is not afraid to meet the challenges,” Emanuel later added. “I’ve always said that the best kind of metaphor is the president has a very open hand but a firm handshake ... 100 days with some of America’s 100 most beautiful people guardian.co.uk Obama: ‘Communicator’ in ‘crisis’ The Swamp - Tribune’s Washington Bureau

APR 29, 2009 10:03P.M.

Obama’s Energy Plans Remain Works In Progress

all 13 news articles

NPR by Christopher Joyce The president has asked for the design of a new electricity grid to deliver more solar and wind energy. A project of this scale would be a huge undertaking. iStockphoto.com For more on Obama’s first 100 days, check out


half-truths and contradictions San Francisco Chronicle

NPR’s ...

APR 29, 2009 09:47P.M. - GOOGLE NEWS

Rahm Emanuel Reflects on First 100 Days - ABC News APR 29, 2009 09:54P.M.

half-truths and contradictions

San Francisco Chronicle, USA During the campaign, candidate Obama promised to “eliminate all income taxation of seniors making less than $50000 per year.” No such relief was in Obama’s first budget proposal or the stimulus package. While discussing increasing drug violence in

Rahm Emanuel Reflects on First 100 Days

... 10


29 April, 2009


Katie Couric’s Notebook: 100 Days - CBS News


half-truths and contradictions San Francisco Chronicle

APR 29, 2009 09:41P.M.

APR 29, 2009 09:47P.M.

Katie Couric’s Notebook: 100 Days

CBS News, NY Change. It’s a word we heard over and over again when President Obama took office 99 days ago. Today, pundits are arguing whether changes so far have been helpful or harmful, but there is no doubt as Mr. Obama’s First 100 Days come to a

half-truths and contradictions

San Francisco Chronicle, USA During the campaign, candidate Obama promised to “eliminate all income taxation of seniors making less than $50000 per year.” No such relief was in Obama’s first budget proposal or the stimulus package. While discussing increasing drug violence in

close ... they ...


Katie Couric’s Notebook: 100 Days - CBS News

Obama touts progress in 100 days - United Press International

APR 29, 2009 09:41P.M.

APR 29, 2009 09:40P.M.

Katie Couric’s Notebook: 100 Days

Obama touts progress in 100 days

CBS News, NY Change. It’s a word we heard over and over again when President Obama took office 99 days ago. Today, pundits are arguing whether changes so far have been helpful or harmful, but there is no doubt as Mr. Obama’s First 100 Days come to a

United Press International US President Barack Obama speaks to a crowd at Fox High School during a town hall meeting about his first 100 days in office in Arnold, Missouri on April 29, 2009. Obama spoke about the economy, defense and education before taking questions

close ... they ...

from the ...




29 April, 2009



Obama touts progress in 100 days - United Press International

The Most Memorable of Obama’s First 100 Days - New Yorker

APR 29, 2009 09:40P.M.

APR 29, 2009 09:36P.M.

Obama touts progress in 100 days

The Most Memorable of Obama’s First 100 Days

United Press International US President Barack Obama speaks to a crowd at Fox High School during a town hall meeting about his first 100 days in office in Arnold, Missouri on April 29, 2009. Obama spoke about the economy, defense and education before taking questions

New Yorker, United States When the history of Barack Obama’s Presidency gets written, it may very well be that the speech about the economy he gave at Georgetown University a couple of weeks ago will be a footnote at best. It was a slightly wonky, detail-oriented address, ...

from the ... “100 DAYS - GOOGLE NEWS - GOOGLE NEWS

Denver news update: swine flu misses Colorado, President Obama ... - Examiner.com

The Most Memorable of Obama’s First 100 Days - New Yorker

APR 29, 2009 09:31P.M.

APR 29, 2009 09:36P.M.


The Most Memorable of Obama’s First 100 Days

Denver news update: swine flu misses Colorado, President Obama ...

New Yorker, United States When the history of Barack Obama’s Presidency gets written, it may very well be that the speech about the economy he gave at Georgetown University a couple of weeks ago will be a footnote

Examiner.com The Obama Administration turned 100 days old today. The landmark opening stretch of Barack Obama’s first term as president has been characterized by a flurry of activity resulting in increased spending and legislated borrowing from future generations ... Video: Swine flu death KXAN.com Stewart: ‘The last 100 days’ Creative Loafing In swine flu, Obama faces big domestic test Reuters KXMC - Reiten Television KXMB Bismarck

at best. It was a slightly wonky, detail-oriented address, ...

all 23,215 news articles



29 April, 2009


Bill Clinton demonstrated deep interest in policy, most notably health care. But he also was known for his inability to cooperate with Congress. “The opening play of the Clinton presidency may have some of the appearances of amateur night,” wrote Richard Harwood in 1993. “It’s clear Clinton jogged past his 100-day mark a weaker president than he was at his inauguration,” wrote Richard Cohen on May 6, 1993. Some polls had Clinton’s approval rating as low as 46 percent at the time.

Judging Presidents in 100 Days - Washington Post APR 29, 2009 09:25P.M.

Judging Presidents in 100 Days George H.W. Bush and Obama had at least one common leadership strategy in the early months of their presidencies. Both utilized campaign-style rallies around the country to pitch their ideas. They also both claimed high approval ratings. “What the polls do suggest is that Bush has managed to project a distinctively new and apparently comforting image — not a Reagan clone, not a commanding figure, but also not the wimp with a mean streak that so many seemed to see not so long ago,” wrote Philip Geyelin on May 2, 1989.

RePosted Tuesday, April 28, 2009 5:52 PM Editor’s Note: This essay is part of our RePosted feature, where we dig through The Post’s archives for commentary that sheds light on current events. Franklin D. Roosevelt set a high standard for new presidents during his first 100 days, launching a raft of New Deal reforms over his first three months in office. But since, a president’s first 100 days have been at least as much about establishing a new chief executive’s leadership style as about legislative victories.

Ronald Reagan’s first 100 days were known more for the attempt on his life than for any specific qualities or accomplishments. But, like Obama, Reagan focused on the economy. “The remarkable thing about Mr. Reagan’s presidency has been his ability to keep it focused singlemindedly on his economic strategy,” a Post editorial proclaimed. “To be sure, there’s been an element of luck in it. No distracting blowups have come along abroad, or serious political diversions at home.”

On the campaign trail, Barack Obama was Mr. Cool, and that has become an early trademark of his time in the White House. Post columnist Eugene Robinson has called it his “no drama” approach to governing and has even chided the president for not using more theatrics to advance his agenda.

Unlike Obama, Jimmy Carter was a Washington outsider before he took the White House, a fact reflected in his first 100 days. “Carter has no feeling for institutional political necessity and little visible appreciation of the human, folksy, disorderly relationships that are an important feature of political life on the Potomac,” wrote Meg Greenfield in an April 20, 1977 column. Still, in some polls Carter enjoyed a 76 percent approval rating. Joesph Kraft wrote on April 24, 1977: “Carter is quintessentially a presidential leader. While not strongly committed to the issues, he has a superb sense of national mood.”

Of course “no drama” doesn’t mean Obama has shied away from bold moves — championing a massive stimulus bill, meeting with adversaries, committing to closing Guantanamo and putting more troops into Afghanistan, to name a few. Along the way there have been some slips. One came when taxpayer-rescued AIG reported it paid members of its Financial Products unit large bonuses. Obama quickly moved past his initial expressions of outrage: “I think the calm and collected Obama is both more authentic and more persuasive than the guy who was simulating anger the week before,” wrote columnist David Broder.

Like Obama, when Gerald R. Ford entered the White House the national mood was to cleanse the oval office of past wrongdoing. But Ford didn’t seem to sympathize, instead retaining some of Richard Nixon’s former staff. Of the decision, Roland Evans and Robert Novak wrote: “The clear indication is that President Ford appears far more content with the established order in his inherited administration than in boldly striking out for new faces and policies essential to give it a uniquely Fordian quality. Some discerning friends of the President view this failing as the syndrome of a longtime leader of a weak Republican House minority who, as President, has not yet come to grips with his vast new powers, or how to use them.” David Broder wrote that, while Ford was relaxed and conscientious, “he is surely the simplest man to occupy the White House in modern times, but the times are not simple. And after 100 days, there is still a question whether Mr. Ford can develop a method of presidential leadership that suites both his character and the national situation.”

But despite some criticism, particularly from the right, a look at The Post’s archives reveals that Obama’s leadership style has been largely regarded as a strength. How does that compare with his recent predecessors? Long before Sept. 11, 2001, George W. Bush was noted for his “toughmindedness,” particularly on foreign diplomacy. “It has not been 100 days of soothing diplomacy or of smooth sailing. The style of this president and his senior aides is too quick and too blunt for that,” wrote Jim Hoagland in an April 29, 2001 column. An editorial the day before cautioned Bush: “One of the lessons of the first 100 days is that even at a time of unrivaled U.S. power, a president must listen to the world if he is to lead it.” While Obama’s diplomatic maneuvering contrasts with Bush’s, both presidents carried a similar approval rating at the 100-day mark: Bush with 63 percent and Obama with 65 percent, respectively.

— Adam Ross Take our presidents at 100 days quiz.



29 April, 2009

mark: Bush with 63 percent and Obama with 65 percent, respectively. - GOOGLE NEWS

Bill Clinton demonstrated deep interest in policy, most notably health care. But he also was known for his inability to cooperate with Congress. “The opening play of the Clinton presidency may have some of the appearances of amateur night,” wrote Richard Harwood in 1993. “It’s clear Clinton jogged past his 100-day mark a weaker president than he was at his inauguration,” wrote Richard Cohen on May 6, 1993. Some polls had Clinton’s approval rating as low as 46 percent at the time.

Judging Presidents in 100 Days - Washington Post APR 29, 2009 09:25P.M.

Judging Presidents in 100 Days George H.W. Bush and Obama had at least one common leadership strategy in the early months of their presidencies. Both utilized campaign-style rallies around the country to pitch their ideas. They also both claimed high approval ratings. “What the polls do suggest is that Bush has managed to project a distinctively new and apparently comforting image — not a Reagan clone, not a commanding figure, but also not the wimp with a mean streak that so many seemed to see not so long ago,” wrote Philip Geyelin on May 2, 1989.

RePosted Tuesday, April 28, 2009 5:52 PM Editor’s Note: This essay is part of our RePosted feature, where we dig through The Post’s archives for commentary that sheds light on current events. Franklin D. Roosevelt set a high standard for new presidents during his first 100 days, launching a raft of New Deal reforms over his first three months in office. But since, a president’s first 100 days have been at least as much about establishing a new chief executive’s leadership style as about legislative victories.

Ronald Reagan’s first 100 days were known more for the attempt on his life than for any specific qualities or accomplishments. But, like Obama, Reagan focused on the economy. “The remarkable thing about Mr. Reagan’s presidency has been his ability to keep it focused singlemindedly on his economic strategy,” a Post editorial proclaimed. “To be sure, there’s been an element of luck in it. No distracting blowups have come along abroad, or serious political diversions at home.”

On the campaign trail, Barack Obama was Mr. Cool, and that has become an early trademark of his time in the White House. Post columnist Eugene Robinson has called it his “no drama” approach to governing and has even chided the president for not using more theatrics to advance his agenda.

Unlike Obama, Jimmy Carter was a Washington outsider before he took the White House, a fact reflected in his first 100 days. “Carter has no feeling for institutional political necessity and little visible appreciation of the human, folksy, disorderly relationships that are an important feature of political life on the Potomac,” wrote Meg Greenfield in an April 20, 1977 column. Still, in some polls Carter enjoyed a 76 percent approval rating. Joesph Kraft wrote on April 24, 1977: “Carter is quintessentially a presidential leader. While not strongly committed to the issues, he has a superb sense of national mood.”

Of course “no drama” doesn’t mean Obama has shied away from bold moves — championing a massive stimulus bill, meeting with adversaries, committing to closing Guantanamo and putting more troops into Afghanistan, to name a few. Along the way there have been some slips. One came when taxpayer-rescued AIG reported it paid members of its Financial Products unit large bonuses. Obama quickly moved past his initial expressions of outrage: “I think the calm and collected Obama is both more authentic and more persuasive than the guy who was simulating anger the week before,” wrote columnist David Broder.

Like Obama, when Gerald R. Ford entered the White House the national mood was to cleanse the oval office of past wrongdoing. But Ford didn’t seem to sympathize, instead retaining some of Richard Nixon’s former staff. Of the decision, Roland Evans and Robert Novak wrote: “The clear indication is that President Ford appears far more content with the established order in his inherited administration than in boldly striking out for new faces and policies essential to give it a uniquely Fordian quality. Some discerning friends of the President view this failing as the syndrome of a longtime leader of a weak Republican House minority who, as President, has not yet come to grips with his vast new powers, or how to use them.” David Broder wrote that, while Ford was relaxed and conscientious, “he is surely the simplest man to occupy the White House in modern times, but the times are not simple. And after 100 days, there is still a question whether Mr. Ford can develop a method of presidential leadership that suites both his character and the national situation.”

But despite some criticism, particularly from the right, a look at The Post’s archives reveals that Obama’s leadership style has been largely regarded as a strength. How does that compare with his recent predecessors? Long before Sept. 11, 2001, George W. Bush was noted for his “toughmindedness,” particularly on foreign diplomacy. “It has not been 100 days of soothing diplomacy or of smooth sailing. The style of this president and his senior aides is too quick and too blunt for that,” wrote Jim Hoagland in an April 29, 2001 column. An editorial the day before cautioned Bush: “One of the lessons of the first 100 days is that even at a time of unrivaled U.S. power, a president must listen to the world if he is to lead it.” While Obama’s diplomatic maneuvering contrasts with Bush’s, both presidents carried a similar approval rating at the 100-day

— Adam Ross



29 April, 2009

Take our presidents at 100 days quiz.



White House creates Flickr photostream - AFP

100 days with some of America’s 100 most beautiful people - guardian.co.uk

APR 29, 2009 09:01P.M.

APR 29, 2009 09:01P.M.

White House creates Flickr photostream

AFP WASHINGTON (AFP) — The White House posted hundreds of pictures on online photo-sharing service Flickr on Wednesday chronicling President Barack Obama’s first 100 days in office. The “official White House photostream” at

100 days with some of America’s 100 most beautiful people

flickr.com/photos/whitehouse ...

guardian.co.uk, UK Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama’s chief of staff, is on People magazine’s Most Beautiful People list. Photograph: Brendan Smialowski/Getty As the Obama administration marks the president’s first 100 days, People magazine offers its own


Obama calls first 100 days tense but fruitful - The Associated Press

contribution with the ...


APR 29, 2009 09:01P.M.

White House creates Flickr photostream - AFP APR 29, 2009 09:01P.M.

Obama calls first 100 days tense but fruitful

The Associated Press ARNOLD, Mo. (AP) — Marking his symbolic 100th day in office, President Barack Obama told Midwesterners Wednesday: “I’m pleased with the progress we’ve made but I’m not satisfied.” “I’m confident in the future but I’m not content with the present,” the

White House creates Flickr photostream

AFP WASHINGTON (AFP) — The White House posted hundreds of pictures on online photo-sharing service Flickr on Wednesday chronicling President Barack Obama’s first 100 days in office. The “official White House photostream” at


flickr.com/photos/whitehouse ...



29 April, 2009


Obama calls first 100 days tense but fruitful - The Associated Press APR 29, 2009 09:01P.M.

Obama calls first 100 days tense but fruitful

The Associated Press ARNOLD, Mo. (AP) — Marking his symbolic 100th day in office, President Barack Obama told Midwesterners Wednesday: “I’m pleased with the progress we’ve made but I’m not satisfied.” “I’m confident in the future but I’m not content with the present,” the ...


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