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Organizational Behaviour - 1 1. The relationship in which one person influences others to work together willingly on related tasks is known as ________. Correct Answer Leadership 2. Congruent change in attitude means movement in:Correct Answer The same direction 3. Commanlities and differences suggest in certain respects, every person is like Correct Answer All other people , Some other people , No other person 4. In the case of intra-organizational negotiations, groups often negotiate as representatives. Correct Answer True 5. Cultural elements and their relationships create a pattern that is identical in all organizations. Correct Answer False 6. Social displacement and ________ are the important social reasons to be considered by a manager while dealing with resistance to change. Correct Answer Peer pressure 7. Research activity emphasizes least collaboration and team work among workers. Correct Answer False 8. The discipline of Organizational ________ tries to synchronize internal organizational environment with external social environment. Correct Answer Behaviour 9. The different types of defense mechanisms are :Correct Answer Rationalization , Aggression , Fantasy 10. Half page advertisement is given in the newspaper by XYZ Ltd. This is done to attract attention of customers. Which external attention seeking factor is being emphasized in this case? Correct Answer Size 11. In the counter shock phase, the defensive mechanism becomes passive. Correct Answer False 12. Major determinants of personality Correct Answer Biological , Situation 13. Which type of motivators are involved in granting additional authority to an employee in his activity? Correct Answer Responsibility and recognition 14. The people who cre________te unnecessary stress for themselves pertain to type A category. Correct Answer A 15. Match The Following Correct Answer

Your Answer Ideal self Roger Per sonare to sound through Ego Frend Traits All port Physical structuring Sheldon 16. The more successful the organization is, the less effective is its internal communication. Correct Answer False 17. Select the organizational stressors which are intrinsic to the job :Correct Answer Boredom , Time pressures and deadlines , Exorbitant work demands 18. Whenever the manager of the assembly shop left for a meeting, his subordinates reacted in one of the two ways; either aggressively or apathetically. This group exhibited outbursts of aggression whenever their manager left the shop. Which style of leadership is being followed by the concerned assembly shop manager? Correct Answer Authoritarian 19. The ________ job loading is also known as job enlargement. Correct Answer Horizontal 20. Which of the following is the best way to deal with frustration? Correct Answer Defense mechanism 21. According to Frend the human mind is composed of Correct Answer Preconscious mind , Conscious mind , Unconscious mind 22. Ego controls Correct Answer The gateway of actions , Select the feature of environment , Decides what instincts will be satisfied. 23. In a strong organizational culture :Correct Answer Goals are aligned , Employees are highly motivated , Performance is outstanding 24. The primary concern of ego is to determine whether the action proposed by superego is right or wrong. Correct Answer False 25. Good match between individual personality and organization is essential because of Correct Answer Some people have passion for bureaucracy , Some people prefer autonomy flexibility in operation 26. Perception of others will be more accurate if the perceiver can avoid:

Correct Answer Generalizing from a single trait to many traits , Placing too much reliance on physical appearance , Assuming that a single behavior will show itself in all situations 27. Cohesiveness is influenced by the degree of compatibility between team goals and individual member's goals. Correct Answer True 28. What are the important ideas mentioned in the Salvatore Maddi's definition of personality? Correct Answer Each employee in an organization is unique and may respond differently to a situation , Personality influences are not limited to behaviors, situations or people , Personality is stable and has continuity in time 29. The stress which refers to a state of happiness is known as ________. Correct Answer Eustress 30. Select the morale indicators :Correct Answer Rate of finished goods rejections , Rate of raw material wastage , Resignation by skilled employees 31. The social needs are so strong that even the cruelest criminals dread the punishment of solitary confinement. Correct Answer True 32. Whatever an individual does, there is always some sort and some amount of stress on him. Correct Answer True 33. Noise is regarded as a distracter, because it interferes with/affects :Correct Answer Work efficiency 34. What is the other name for vertical job loading? Correct Answer Job enrichment 35. The discipline of Organizational Behaviour is based on ________ studies of human behaviour at the work settings. Correct Answer Empirical 36. Match The Followin Correct Answer Affiliation motive Desire to be accepted by others Achievement motive Desire to be successful Primary motive Avoidance of pain Power motive Desire to control others 38.

Rest periods are important because :-

Correct Answer They help the worker to recover from fatigue , They provide an opportunity to talk about non-job activities , They are a break from a seemingly interminable activity 39. The scuffle in the organization for achieving the organizational status ant the power, is the essence of the ________ needs. Correct Answer Esteem 40. According to Freud's theory, what is considered to be the executive part of the personality only because it controls the gateway of action, selects the features of the environment to which it will respond and decides what instincts will be satisfied? Correct Answer Ego 41. In Organizational Behaviour, 'caused behaviour' means :Correct Answer By his own behaviour, a manager can affect how an employee behaves. 42. In Bank wiring room studies were carried out by :Correct Answer An observer and an interviewer 43. Cultural diversity brings with it concerns like :Correct Answer Intra organizational conflicts , Communication difficulties , Intra organizational Turnovers 44. The ________ skills relate to a person's knowledge and ability in any organizational functional area. Correct Answer Technical 45. It is important to create a work environment that is :Correct Answer Favourable 46. Motivation represents a relationship between need, drive and goal. Correct Answer True 47. To change organizational culture successfully we need to :Correct Answer Find the most effective sub-culture and use it as an example , Practice what we preach , Include employees in the change process 48. On the managerial grid, a manager falling in the ________ category will have maximum concern for both people and production. Correct Answer 9.9 Your Answer 9.9

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