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Sept/Oct 2008 Copyright 2008 NY NETNEWS, GLNY F & AM All rights reserved

Permission to reprint articles contained herein with credit to NY NETNEWS is granted.

Published electronically by The Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of the State of New York

Volume 3 Issue 5

Message from the Grand East In this Issue Message from the Grand East Table of Contents From the Editor Navigating NETNEWS Grand Master's Message GM Day at Tappan Robert R. Livingston Library Words of Wisdom Brother Honored in California Heart of a Freemason Grand Lodge Calendar Masonic Hall Tours Gland Lodge Committee Chairmen Brotherhood Fund Public Relations Child ID MSAT MUNY Fellowship Committee West Point Parades Salt Water Fishing Fresh Water Fishing Golfing Masonic Care Community Youth Order of DeMolay Scottish Rite Order of the Eastern Star Masonic Medical Research Laboratory MMRL Masonry in Stamps From Whose Bourne… Sickness & Distress Around The State In The NEWS Lodge Services - Grand Lodge Forms

My Brothers, families and friends …. When I was a youngster we learned a poem in school that went something like this, "In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue ..." Of course this was just the start of a life long lesson in history involving the "discovery" of the new world, disproving the notion that the world was flat, and it was and is a lasting tribute to Italian heritage, exploration and the tenacity of man ... and the lesson evidentially stuck. This year Columbus Day is Monday, October 13th and many of our Masonic Brothers will be observing the holiday and participating in Columbus Day Parades. In New York City Garibaldi Lodge, together with many Brothers of Italian heritage (real and adopted), will parade down Fifth Avenue for all the world to see and applaud. I want to take this opportunity to salute all of you, who for one day at least, are Italian ... and we thank you for all you do for our gentle craft and our nation. With warm fraternal regards and best wishes on behalf of Helen and myself, Virginia and our Deputy Grand Master RW Vincent Libone, and our entire Grand Line ... Viva L' Italia ! Edward G. Gilbert Grand Master

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Sept/Oct 2008

Table of Contents Message from the Grand East


Child ID


Table of Contents


From the Editor


Masonic Student Assistance Training (MSAT)


Navigating NETNEWS


Grand Master’s Message



19 19

Grand Master’s Day @ Tappan


Fellowship Committee West Point Parades Salt Water Fishing Fresh Water Fishing Golf

20 21 21 22 23 24

Masonic Care Community




Order of DeMolay


Scottish Rite


Order of the Eastern Star


Masonic Medical Research Laboratory (MMRL)


Masonry In Stamps


From Whose Bourne


Robert R. Livingston Library


Words of Wisdom


Brother Honored In California


Heart of a Freemason


Grand Lodge Calendar


Masonic Hall Tours


Grand Lodge Committee Chairmen


Sickness & Distress


Brotherhood Fund


Around The State


Public Relations




Lodge Services – Grand Lodge Forms


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Sept/Oct 2008

From the Editor Welcome to the new NETNEWS! For those of you who are new to this publication, we hope you enjoy what you see and come back. For everyone who has enjoyed these pages during the last two years, you will see some changes. With your help, there will be more. If you are planning an event, let us know and we can let others know who may not necessarily be in your area. During the last two years, we have received communications from Canada, Great Britian and Austrailia, to name a few. Some have been additional information while others have been requests to find a Brother from years ago. Below you will find all you need to know in order to submit articles or pictures and the timeframes for those submissions. Suggestions and opinions are welcome. In any case, we are gearing up for another exciting year of Freemasonry and we hope you are as excited as we are. Here are a couple of guidelines with regards to submitting information to NETNEWS. As before, NETNEWS will focus on: Messages from Grand Lodge Officers;

Messages from Grand Lodge Committees;

Local items / News by District;

News from around the state; and

Calendars & upcoming events by District. Input for NETNEWS comes from the Grand Lodge Officers, Committee Chairmen and Appendant Bodies. However, content will also be collected and/or generated by individual Lodges. Every month, you will be able to count on NETNEWS to provide you with important Masonic information you may not find elsewhere. Please remember a couple of important rules regarding submissions that are not identical to those of ESM. The two publications may be similar, but NETNEWS is a monthly publication and ESM is quarterly. ESM deadlines are on the first of the months due and NETNEWS is due on the 5th. • • •

ALL INPUT DUE BY THE 5TH OF THE MONTH -- Remember, since NETNEWS is published on the 15th of the month, events for the first fifteen days of a month must appear in the previous month’s issue. Written information should be in Microsoft Word, Text File, or Email Please include your name and contact information (address, email and/or phone number) with your submission. All submissions selected for publication will be reviewed and you will be contacted to confirm authenticity. Please understand that anything submitted without the proper permission or forms cannot be published.

Anything you submit must either be original or, if it has been published before, must be accompanied by written permission of the publication in which it appears as this is now copyrighted. If you wrote the article, please include a paragraph to that effect.

Photographs must be scanned at no more than 150 DPI and saved in JPG format. Photos must be accompanied by a release stating that you have been granted permission to publish the person’s likeness. If a child (under the age of 18) is in the photo, a “Child ID Photo Release Form” must accompany your submission. This form is available by going to the Forms Page on the ESM website: http://esmason.com/forms.html Please make sure to tell us who is in the photo! A separate release is required for each person in the photo.

Input and questions should be sent to: [email protected] OR; Steven P. Koch 43 Robert Lane Wappingers Falls, N.Y. 12590

The NETNEWS team looks forward to serving you, our Brothers, with the latest information on a regular basis, every month of the year. C&F Steven P. Koch – NETNEWS Editor

Associate Editor – Bro. Mel Lipetz Initial Layout, Design & Consultant – Bro. Louis Gaal Page 3

Sept/Oct 2008

Navigating NETNEWS A Note About Navigating NETNEWS As you already know (since you are reading this), NETNEWS is produced in Portable Document Format (PDF). For those new at working with PDF files, here’s a quick hint to getting around the document quickly. While you have NETNEWS open on your computer, use your mouse to click on the page you are currently viewing.

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tab and you will go to that page. For indicate that you are looking at the bookmarks tab. Click any topics in the example, if you click, the page containing Navigating NETNEWS will be displayed.

tab to see miniature pictures of each page. The label at the top of Click on the the menu changes to display . Think of this as a visual table of contents. If you would prefer to see the text in a larger or smaller font, look in the menu at the top of the PDF Viewer. You will see a number followed by a percentage sign. If you want to make the text bigger, choose a higher percentage. If your viewer has and buttons on either side of the magnification size, use those to increase or decrease the magnification instead. Currently, the


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I hope this helps you to navigate quickly and easily to your preferred articles in NETNEWS. There is something for everyone, so please read it all! S&F Louis Gaal -- Masonic Computer Geek

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Sept/Oct 2008

Grand Master A NEW YEAR’S GREETING FOR OUR JEWISH BRETHREN My Brothers, families and friends …. In a few days our Jewish Brethren and Jewish people worldwide will celebrate the start of the observance of the Jewish High Holy Days, the Jewish New Year 5769. This year the holidays begin with Rosh Hashanah on the evening of Monday, September 29th and ends with the observance of Yom Kippur at sunset on Thursday, October 9th. This very solemn holiday is a ten day period during which Jews begin intense self-examination; it is a time for personal introspection and repentance and acts of charity. It is also known as the “Days of Awe.” Tradition has it that on this holiday we are all inscribed in the “Book of Life.” Therefore, it is appropriate that we pause to pray that we are all inscribed by the Great Architect for a good year … a year of good health, close family ties, and personal fulfillment … a year of close friendships and much love … a year of service to our fellow man … and a year of peace worldwide … SHALOM ! It is appropriate that we pause to wish our Jewish Brothers and their families our warmest wishes for the New Year 5769. On behalf of Helen and myself, Virginia and R: .W. Vincent Libone, our Deputy Grand Master, the entire elected and appointed Grand Line, I extend our personal greetings to all of our Brothers of the Jewish faith … and we pray we may all be inscribed for a good year! L’ Shanah Tovah! Fraternally, EDWARD G. GILBERT Grand Master

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Sept/Oct 2008

Felloship Committee - Tappan

Bro. C. F. William Maurer [email protected] th

An Historic Sunday, October 12 , Columbus Day Weekend, at the De Wint House in Tappan The last shots were fired at Yorktown – October 19, 1781 – when the British forces finally surrendered. This put an end to fighting in the War for American Independence. Yet the British forces continued to occupy New York (and America) for another two years! In 1783, General and Brother George Washington had a very busy year. He put down a revolt of his officers at the encampment in Newburgh in the spring, met at the De Wint House with Sir Guy Carleton and planned the evacuation in May, took a tour on horseback of upstate New York visiting the battlefields of the French and Indian War and the American revolution during the summer and, in the early fall, protected the young Congress at Princeton. In November he was scheduled for a trip to West Point to check out the area to store supplies for the Army and to secure a place to educate young men for leadership in the future military. On his way, he encountered a fierce snow storm and stopped at the De Wint House in Tappan for the fourth and final time (Nov. 11-14). He then, when the snow stopped, visited West Point and, on November 25, 1783, led the victorious Americans into New York City as the British finally “evacuated” the city. Freedom for America – and New York – had finally become reality.

On Sunday, October 12, 2008, was Grand Master’s Day in historic Tappan at the De Wint House. Masonic brothers from all across the state enjoyed a full brunch at the “Old ’76 House” then met at the De Wint House for ceremonies, some history and remarks from the Grand Master.

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Bro. C. F. William Maurer [email protected]

Fellowship Committee - Tappan


HARPER’S MAGAZINE, NOVEMBER 1883. HISTORIC DETAILS ON THIS PERIOD AND MASONIC PARTICIPATION MAY BE FOUND ON THE WEB AT http://www.earlyamerica.com/review/2008_summer_fall/ See article “The Forgotten Holiday”

Dutch Treat Buffet from 11:00 to 1:00 P.M. At the Historic Old ’76 House Easel Display: Evacuation Day 1783 In front of the De Wint House Program Begins – 2 P.M. Entrance of the “Grand Line” Under the direction of RW Robert Finley Grand Marshal Invocation Rabbi Bro. Eli Mallon, M.Ed., LMSW Presentation of the Colors By the Masonic War Veterans under the command of Commander General of Grand Post RW Eustace Kiryakos and the Heroes of ’76, National Sojourners #13 led by RW Edmund Kolb Jr. Pledge of Allegiance Welcome and Introduction of Guests RW C. F. William Maurer Committee Chairman

Remarks MW Richard P. Thomas President Trustees of the Masonic Hall and Home Special Presentations by the Trustees of the Masonic Hall and Home Introduction of Elected and Appointed Grand Line Officers RW Robert Finley Grand Marshal Introduction of MW Edward G. Gilbert Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York RW Robert E. Morlang Jr. District Deputy Grand Master Orange-Rockland District The Grand Master’s Address MW Edward Gilbert Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York Benediction RW Kenneth Wagner Grand Chaplain

Special Presentations RW Eustace Kiryakos, Commander General of Grand Post Presentation to MW Edward G. Gilbert of his Commander in Chief Cap

Taps RW Raymond P. Alvarez PC General of Grand Post Masonic War Veterans

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Sept/Oct 2008

Bro. Thomas Savini [email protected]

Robert R. Livingston Library Dear Brothers,

On behalf of the Trustees of the Library and myself, please accept our deepest fraternal thanks for all of the work put into the plans for the upcoming Processus tour in October. Almost all of the details of the trip are planned, and are listed on the attached Word document. We are still firming up a possible Friday evening event in Buffalo, and details on that event will follow once completed. I believe that each of the sites have received a copy of the Press Release, for distribution to local Masonic groups and local non-Masonic interested parties where applicable. Please remember that we have high-quality images of the Processus here at the Library- if a local newspaper, etc., wants to publish some images along with the press release, just let me know, or have them contact me directly, whichever you prefer. In Buffalo, our afternoon event is being presented in co-sponsorship with the Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society, thanks to arrangements by Jeff and Marlon. The Society has a copy of the press release, and their public relations staff will be making any necessary changes, and distributing the release through their procedures. Once I receive a completed copy from the Society, I will pass it on to Jeff and Marlon for Masonic distribution. It looks like the Society wants to handle press contacts for the event taking place at the Society, and I will defer to their wishes. We will also send a release to Jeff and Marlon for the evening Masonic event when it is planned. Here are some details for everyone's information: The program will be presented by RW William J. Thomas, Trustee of the Library, and myself, RW Thomas M. Savini, Grand Rep of the GL of Estonia and Director of the Library. We are better known as 'Bill' and 'Tom.' We are asking each site to plan its own agenda for the evening. Neither Bill nor I have any preferences as far as entrances, etc., and we will be happy with whatever decisions are made at each site. Please have a designated master of ceremonies/toastmaster for the event, who will be the man to start up and close down the presentation, and generally run the event. Bill and I will present our information for about 30 minutes, then take questions and comments for whatever amount of time is designated. Any other speakers or presentations are entirely in your hands. You each know your areas the best, and know best who needs to be acknowledged, welcomed, and so on. We will be travelling with Bill's wife, Susan, who will join us at the open events. Please keep her in mind if any dinner plans are being made. We will also be joined by other Library Trustees and certain sites- now that I think of it, a good third of you are Library Trustees! I know that in Troy, we will be joined by RW Aldo Ghirarduzzi, Treasurer, Library Trustees; in Cooperstown, RW Richard Vang will be with us; in Syracuse, RW Manfred Liehs and RW Richard Powell will be with us; and other Trustees may join us along the way. Our needs at each site are pretty small. We need two folding-type tables, to display the Processus, especially the facsimile parchments, which are quite large. We need a screen or a large blank wall to show a Powerpoint presentation (we have our own laptop and projector). We need a powerstrip/extension cord for the laptop and projector. And that's about it! We will bring handouts, in the form of trifold brochures about the Processus; one about the Library; and copies of the booklet Pathways to More Masonic Light. We are so grateful to each of you for the warm welcomes and enthusiasm each of you have expressed about the tour. We are very excited about this, and looking forward to the visits. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments as the dates approach. Sincerely and fraternally, Tom Thomas M. Savini, Director Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library of Grand Lodge 71 West 23rd Street, 14th floor New York, NY 10010

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Sept/Oct 2008

Words of Wisdom The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being. She said, 'Hi handsome. My name is Rose. I'm eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug?' I laughed and enthusiastically responded, 'Of course you may!' and she gave me a giant squeeze. 'Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?' I asked. She jokingly replied, 'I'm here to meet a rich husband, get married, and have a couple of kids...' 'No seriously,' I asked. I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age. 'I always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting one!’ she told me. After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake. We became instant friends. Every day for the next three months we would leave class together and talk nonstop. I was always mesmerized listening to this 'time machine' as she shared her wisdom and experience with me. Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her from the other students. She was living it up. At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet. I'll never forget what she taught us. She was introduced and stepped up to the podium. As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she dropped her three by five cards on the floor. Frustrated and a little embarrassed she leaned into the microphone and simply said, 'I'm sorry I'm so jittery. I gave up beer for Lent and this whiskey is killing me! I'll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know.' As we laughed she cleared her throat and began, ' We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You've got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die. We have so many people walking around who are dead and don't even know it! There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don't do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old. If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty-eight. Anybody can grow older. That doesn't take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change. Have no regrets. The elderly usually don't have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets.' She concluded her speech by courageously singing 'The Rose.' She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily lives. At the year's end Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years ago. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep. Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example that it's never too late to be all you can possibly be. These words have been passed along in loving memory of ROSE. REMEMBER, GROWING OLDER IS MANDATORY. GROWING UP IS OPTIONAL.

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Sept/Oct 2008

Brother Honored in California California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and First Lady Maria Shriver announced on May 28, 2008, that the late BROTHER Leland Stanford, former member of Michigan City Lodge No. 47, California and Prometheus Lodge No. 17, Wisconsin, will be inducted into the California Hall Of Fame. The induction ceremony will take place December 10, 2008 and Stanfo rd family descendant, Tom Stanford will accept the honor in his place. Amasa Leland Stanford was born March 9, 1824 in Watervliet, New York, one of eight children of Josiah and Elizabeth Phillips Stanford. Stanford's ancestors settled in the Mohawk Valley of New York around 1720. He attended Clinton Liberal Institute, in Clinton, New York, and studied law at Cazenovia Seminary in Cazenovia, New York and later in Albany. He was admitted to the bar in 1848, and then moved to Port Washington, Wisconsin, where he began law practice with Wesley Pierce. He married Jane Elizabeth Lathrop in Albany on September 30, 1850, the same year he was nominated by the Whig Party as Washington County, Wisconsin, District Attorney. He was also the founder of the newspaper in Washington County now known as the Washington Herald. In 1852, having lost his law library and other property by fire, he moved to California during the California Gold Rush and began mining for gold at Michigan Bluff in Placer County, California. He subsequently went into business with his three brothers, who had preceded him to the Pacific coast. During this time he worked with his brothers as keeper of a general store for miners, served as a Justice of the Peace and helped organize the Sacramento Library Association, which later became the Sacramento Public Library. In 1856 he moved to San Francisco and engaged in mercan tile pursuits on a large scale. As one of "The Big Four" railroad magnates, he co-founded and was made president of the Central Pacific Railroad company in 1861, when he was again nominated to run for Governor of California. The railroad's first locomotive was named Gov. Stanford in his honor. As president of the Central Pacific, he directed its construction over the mountains, building 530 miles in 293 days. As head of the railroad company which built the first transcontinental railway line over the Sierra Nevada, Stanford hammered in the famous golden spike in Promontory, Utah on May 10, 1869. In 1870, the Central Pacific Railroad acquired the Southern Pacific Railroad, forming one of the most powerful railroad monopolies in history. In 1871, Stanford began experimenting with winemaking, leading to his establishment of his 'Vina' winery. In 1872 Stanford commissioned Eadweard Muybridge to use newly invented photographic technology to establish whether a galloping horse ever has all four feet off the ground simultaneously, which they do. This project, which illustrated motion through a series of still images viewed together, was a forerunner of motion picture technology. Stanford moved to San Francisco in 1874, where he assumed presidency of the Occidental and Oriental Steamship Company. Stanford served as president of Southern Pacific Railroad from 1885 to 1890, wh ile continuing to serve as the head of the Central Pacific Railroad until his death in 1893. As a railroad developer, Page 10

Sept/Oct 2008

Brother Honored in California Stanford encouraged Chinese immigration to find workers for the railroad construction. However, when jobs were scarce, Stanford made them scapegoats. Stanford encouraged the California legislature to pass taxes and unfair regulations which specifically targeted Chinese. He also owned two wineries, the Leland Stanford Winery, founded in 1869, and run by brother Josiah, and the 55,000 acres Great Vina farm in Tehama County, containing what was then the largest vineyard in the world at 13,400 acres, the Gridley tract of 22,000 acres in Butte County and the Palo Alto Stock Farm, which was the home of his famous thoroughbred racers, Electioneer, Anon, Sunol, Palo Alto and Advertiser. The Palo Alto breeding farm gave Stanford University its nickname of The Farm. The Stanfords also owned a stately mansion in Sacramento, California (this was the birthplace of their only son, and now a house museum used for California state social occasions), as well as a home in San Francisco's Nob Hill district. Their Sacramento home is now the Leland Stanford Mansion State Historic Park. Stanford, a leading member of the Republican Party, was politically active. In 1856, he met with other Whig politicians in Sacramento to organize the California Republican Party at its first state conv ention on April 30. He was chosen as a delegate to the Republican Party convention which selected US presidential electors in both 1856 and 1860. In the interim, he became the majority stockholder in Amador Quartz Mine. Stanford was defeated in his 1857 bid for California State Treasurer, and his 1859 bid for the office of Governor of California. He was the eighth Governor of California, serving from December 1861 to December 1863, and the first Republican governor. During his gubernatorial tenure, he cut the state's debt in half, and advocated for the conservation of forests. He also oversaw the establishment of the California's first state normal school in San José, later to become San José State University. Following Stanford's governorship, the term of office changed from two years to four years, in line with legislation passed during his time in office. He later served slightly more than one term in the United States Senate, from 1885 until his death in 1893 at age 69. He served for four years as Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and his legislative focus included core Populist elements - worker cooperatives as a solution to labor conflict, and free silver to enhance economic growth. With wife Jane, Stanford founded Leland Stanford Junior University as a memorial for their only child, Leland Standford, Jr., who died as a t eenager of typhoid in Florence, Italy while on a trip to Europe. Approximately US$20 million (US$400 million in 2005 dollars initially went into the university), which held its opening exercises October 1, 1891. The wealth of the Stanford family during the late nineteenth century is estimated at approximately US$50 million ($US1 billion in 2005 dollars). Leland Stanford died at home in Palo Alto, California on June 20, 1893, and is buried in the Stanford family mausoleum on the Stanford University campus. The Memorial Church at Stanford University is also dedicated to his memory. Brother Leland Stanford was raised a Master Mason in Prometheus Lodge # 17, Port Washington, Wisconsin in March of 1850. He demitted from that Lodge in 1852 to become a charter member of Michigan City Lodge # 47, Michigan City, California.

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Heart of a Freemason

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Sept/Oct 2008

Grand Lodge Calendar Thur. Oct 16 Thru Sat Oct 18 Saturday October 18 Saturday October 18 Sunday October 19 Friday October 24 Saturday October 25 Tuesday October 28 Wednesday October 29 Saturday November 1 Thurs. Nov. 6 Thru Sat. Nov 8 Fri. Nov. 7 Thru Sun. Nov 9 Tuesday November 11 Thursday November 13 Saturday November 15 Saturday November 22 Thursday November 27 Thursday December 4 Saturday December 6 Sunday December 7 Sunday December 7 Sunday December 14 Sunday December 21 Thursday December 25 Thursday January 1

Grand Lodge of Ohio Grand Commandry Reception Junior Grand Deacon Apron Presentation AASR Cornerstone Metro DD Assoc Dinner Grand Master's Ball Order of the Eastern Star KC/Masonic Night Speaker

Ohio Hornell Baldwin Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Saratoga Staten Island

Deputy Grand Standard Bearer Apron Presentation Grand Lodge Virginia RCC Eastern Regional Veteran’s Day Northrop Lodge No. 998 DeMolay Hall of Fame Masonic Toys for Tots @ Russo’s on the Bay Thansgiving

Smithtown Virginia Grantville

Masonic Toys for Tots @ New York Hospital – 70th & York Ave Masonic Toys for Tots @ Masonic Hall Interfaith Breakfast (AM) Metro DD Association Party Red Cross of Contantine Hanukkah (Begins at Sundown Christmas

Northrup Lodge Bear Mountain Russo’s

NYC NYC Floral Park NYC Buffalo

Happy New Year

Bro. John Andrades Jr.

Masonic Hall Tours

As interests are increasing in knowing more about FREEMASONRY the Masonic Hall Tours are experiencing many more visitors each year. Many visitors have been duly noted to say that our meeting rooms "Speak for themselves." We welcome our world wide members of the craft, their families and friends. We have been eager to increase conducting tours for the guests and families of our immediate brethren within our Grand Lodge of New York. We ask the Masters of the lodges if they would stimulate interest in group tours of the Masonic Hall Tours, located at 71 W 23rd Street, NY, NY, 10010 4149, for more information Telephone 1-212-337-6602.

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Sept/Oct 2008

Committee Chairmen COMMITTEE





Griffith Jones III

(716) 833-8612

[email protected]

Awards *

Carter Dorzbacher

(914) 769-4374

[email protected]

Brotherhood Fund *

Robert D. Stack

(516) 569-1951

Camp Turk

David F. Stoy

(607) 988-2545

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Charters *

John E. de Meurers Sr

(315) 783-9832

Child Identification

Donald H. Elliott


Child Identification F.A.S.N.Y. C.H.I.P

Joseph M. Keeler


Community Service

Kenneth E. Wagner


Constitutions *

John Leventhal

(212) 600-1420

Correspondence & Relations

Gary Henningsen


Credentials of Members & Returns of Lodges

Edmund Kolb Jr.


Custodians of the Work *

Richard Friedman

(585) 425-1981

Distinguished Achievement Award

Gary Henningsen


Endowments *

Ivan S. Obolensky

(212) 861-4240

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Finance *

Alan J. Berk

(212) 861-3012

Fraternal Correspondence

Gary Henningsen


George Washington National Memorial

Ronald Sablosky


[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

George Washington Tappan

C.F.' Bill' Maurer

(201) 391-1631

[email protected]

Grand Historian

James H. Rice


Grand Lodge Convention

Kurt Ott

(845) 735-4557

GL Educational Asst. Program

H. Stephen Lieb

(914) 723-4476

Law Enforcement *

Martin A. Danoff

(212) 682-4500

Lodges and Buildings *

Fred C. Fredrickson

(518) 512-3105

Long-Range Planning *

M. Donald Darrohn III


[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Masonic Benevolence Committee *

Wesley Powell

(631) 691-7367

[email protected]

Masonic Blood Donor Program

Sheldon D. Stachel

(718) 998-8569

Masonic Brotherhood Foundation

Gary Henningsen


Masonic Family Fellowship

Roy Puckhaber

(631) 754-8467

Masonic Hall Tours

John Andrades Jr.


[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Masonic Home Activity

Leonard E. Coon

Leadership & Education Services *

Marino Cesarini

(516) 741-6989

Library & Museums

Edward G. Gilbert


Masonic Jurisprudence *

Bruce Widger

(315) 673-9142

Masonic Student Assistance Training (MSAT)

Tim McMullin


Masonic University of NY (MUNY)

Stephen King


Membership Development

Bruce Chilton

Military OutReach

David Crawford & Thomas M. Paglia

(585) 478-4631 (585) 482-0400 & (585)227-2046

Necrology *

Herbert M. Groce, Jr.

(973) 361-8816


Steven P. Koch

(845) 298-2502

Pay of Members & Representatives

Tommy Lam



Steven Rubin

(212) 643-5402

Public Relations

Ronald J. Steiner


Publications Committee *

Ronald N. Bower

(716) 434-4946

Related Organizations

Vincent Libone

(718) 229-2841

Restorations *

Manuel Abad

(631) 331-3256

Surviving Spouse & Loved Ones

William C. Jones



Stu Card

(315) 845-6249

Unity *

Daniel M. Semel

(212) 628-5613


Cary S. Cohn

(516) 781-1157

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

* Standing Committee

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Brotherhood Fund

Bro. Robert D. Stack [email protected]

October 2008 To all Lodge, District, Area Chairmen, District Deputies, and Worshipful Masters: Dear Colleagues, The success of each year’s Masonic Brotherhood Fund Campaign is dependent upon the efficiency & knowledge of all our Chairmen, and their ability to properly solicit donations. The MBF meetings, in different locations around the State, attribute to these goals, and make the system of recording run smoothly. It is important that the Lodge, District, and Area Chairmen, particularly the new appointees, as well as the DDGMs, attend in their areas. There are many changes this year; new reports, new categories, etc. I realize that I am asking you to take some of your valuable time, and we have tried to make the locations easily accessible, and a time, which allows for convenient travel. The dates and locations are listed below. All meetings will start at the time designated and will be over as soon as the material is covered. Please return the RSVP card quickly, so that proper arrangements can be made for refreshments. I look forward to seeing you this Fall. Please make every effort to attend. Thank you. Fraternally, Robert D. Stack, PGT State Chairman

Location and Dates 2008–Check time for each location October 25thth Buffalo-Marriott Hotel 10AM October 30th New York City-Grand Lodge 7:30 PM

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Sept/Oct 2008

Bro. Ronald J. Steiner [email protected]

Public Relations Public Relations Seminars Continue Brethren ...

As part of our ongoing Public Relations mission, we continue to offer training for PR Liaisons at the Lodge and District level throughout the state. As of this writing, we have held successful and well attended sessions in Metropolitan New York City at Masonic Hall and in the Capital area in Latham. We have scheduled additional Public Relations Seminars for all PR Liaisons at the Lodge and District level as well as for all interested Brothers. Here is the schedule and information for the rest of this year: Utica area - Saturday, October 18 at 9:00 AM in MMRL... RW Ron Kamp Site Coordinator E-Mail

[email protected]

(315) 732 -5988

Southern Tier - Saturday, October 18 at 1:00 PM Maine Masonic Lodge in Maine, NY north of Endicott, NY RW Ted Pierce is Site Coordinator

E-Mail [email protected]

(607) 739 - 0875

Buffalo region - Saturday, October 25 at 9:30 AM at Buffalo-Niagara Marriott Hotel RW Richard "RJ" Kessler is Site Coordinator


[email protected]

(716) 873 - 0207

Lower Hudson Valley and Metro NYC Saturday, November 1st at 10:00 AM at George Washington Masonic Historic Site in Tappan NY RW C.F. William Maurer, Site Coordinator


[email protected]


(201) 391-1631

Long Island and Metro NYC; Saturday, November 15th at 10:00 AM Meridian Lodge, 592 Main Street, Islip, NY RW Robert J. Brovetto is the Site Coordinator E-mail: [email protected]

(631) 929 - 4777

Please pass the word, mark the date on your busy calendar and RSVP ... It is important that we know in advance who will be attending so we can make proper arrangements and have sufficient handouts and print material available. PLEASE confirm your attendance with the Site Coordinator in advance. The agenda will encompass a concise introduction to Public Relations at the Lodge and District level and how a Brother who has been appointed PR Liaison can effectively do that job. We will have a power point presentation and ample time will be provided for Questions and Answers. Printed handouts will be available. Light refreshments ... coffee and ... will be available at each session. Good publicity brings new brothers into your lodges and increases the morale of your present brothers and, importantly, their families and your community. Come spend a few hours with us ... we think you will be glad you did. Fraternally, Ron Steiner R:.W:.RONALD J. STEINER N.Y. GRAND LODGE PUBLIC RELATIONS [email protected] (845) 354 - 4192

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Sept/Oct 2008

Child ID

Bro. Donald Elliot [email protected]

Brothers, Would you please help me get Masons to look at the net news blog at: http://www.nymasons.org/cms/blog. For your convenience, my latest blog is below. As the new State Chairman I’m going to provide a daily update for Brothers to keep informed on Chip Events. S & F, Don Elliott, State Chairman ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

In this article we will look at comparisons from Jim Collins book “Good to Great,” as it relates to how some organizations make a quantum leap from being average to being great. How do they do this, you might ask? One of Jim’s analogies is that of the bus and making sure the right people are getting on the bus and that they are in their correct seats. Our program is similar: we need people (we need all of you!) to assist with the Child ID Program. People have to want to get on the bus and be willing to find a place that best matches their strengths. To be effective, the bus needs to have people who understand where we are going, what our objective is, and how we are going to achieve our goals. Of course, all of this is about the children in our communities; their well being and safety are paramount. It is also about educating the parents and the children on the importance of safety and awareness of their surroundings. Our program provides Identification Cards, CDs, as well as safety tips for teens and coloring books for the younger kids. For the upcoming year, our goal is to provide educational tools to help 100,000+ children remain safe and to prevent anything from happening to them. While this number may seem high, I know we can do it; however, we cannot do it alone. We need the help of you; our brothers, sisters, family and friends on this important community service program. Are you willing to get on the bus and take a seat where needed? Let’s make this good program a great one! It is up to each member of the craft to make sure they have attended one training session, or schedule a training session for your local lodge. Just think about the joy we can all share by helping to make our world a little safer for our children. What if you were the one who provided important information to a child that would make them much more aware of their own environment to keep them safe? On the flip side, what if a child participating in our program was found as a result of critical data we supplied law enforcement through the Amber Alert System to bring that child home? You cannot put a price tag on such things, but know that everyone of you who participates can make a difference in the lives of others. As said many times by one of our dedicated Brother’s, Jim Meek, “although free, this program could become priceless.” Thank you Most Worshipful Grand Master Edward R. Gilbert for the opportunity to drive the “bus.” Brothers, please step up to the plate and support this program through participation. Remember your continued financial support through donations to the Masonic Brotherhood Fund, earmarked for the NY Masonic Child ID Program remains the backbone of this program. God Bless us all. 1 Collins, Jim. Good to Great: Why Some Companiew Make a Leap and Others Don't, HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 2001 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Help is needed for a 2 day Child ID EVENT on October 18th & 19th 2008. The event will take place in Croton Point in Westchester. If you have experience with the Machines, it is greatly needed. If you can be there to just to help either or both days please lend a hand to your Brethren.

Contact RW Nick Panariello, Grand Sword Bearer at [email protected]. Please pass this along to your Lodge Brothers.

S&F RW Ed Weigert, PDDGM 5th Manhattan Page 17

Sept/Oct 2008

Masonic Student Assistance Training MSAT

Bro. Tim McMullin – Chairman [email protected]

MSAT Workshops Pay Unexpected Benefits RW Tim McMullin, Junior Grand Warden and still Chairman, Masonic Student Assistance Training Program (MSAT) was in Dunkirk, NY, for a three day MSAT training session which, began on Tuesday, August 12. This was the second MSAT training held this summer. In case you missed it, the first summer MSAT session was held in Oxford, NY, July 15,16,and 17. We had 85 educators, who were from schools in a four county area. RW McMullin discovered that the participants really lived in towns that represented an eight county area. They left with new ways to help kids stay in school and get on track, and also with a view of Masonry that they didn't have. In fact, two of the male teachers asked for and received petitions to join the Fraternity. They saw our good work and wanted to be a part of it. By chance, one of the principals was a member of Oxford Lodge, and he supplied the petitions. We Masons do good work, and educators are seeing that. MSAT (Pronounced EM-sat) is a three-day workshop for educators sponsored by the Masonic fraternity in New York. An MSAT workshop is directed at a school based team. The MSAT workshop unveils a multi-step system for helping young people who engage in behavior that puts them at risk, such as drug or alcohol abuse, gangs, or even suicide. Educators deal with student issues that affect attendance, behavior, health (mental and physical) and academics. A school building should plan to send at least four to six educators who will form a core building team. Educators leave an MSAT Workshop after three days, saying, "This is the best workshop I ever attended - and I mean, EVER!" The Core team of educators examine the Masonic Model, compare it to what they do, make modifications, and better support their at risk population. The model can be implemented immediately. All costs (estimated at $400 per teacher) are paid by the Masons, so there is virtually no cost for a school to attend. Since MSAT began in New York State in October 2001, there have been 32 MSAT Workshops offered in the state, and a total of 356 school based teams have attended, composed of 1900 New York Educators. For this coming school year 2008-2009, there will be three workshops offered on the campus of the Masonic Care Community in Utica, NY. The dates for Utica are 10/21-23, 08; 1/27-29, 09; 3/31-4/2, 2009. At the Utica site, rooms and meals are provided for the participants. Rooms and meals are funded by the New York Masonic Fraternity There will also be regional workshops in different parts of the state. At the regional sites, lunch is provided daily, but participants commute from home daily. Regional workshops dates for the summer are: For Delaware/Chenango/Madison/Otsego BOCES - July 15, 16, and 17, 2008 at Oxford, NY. (85 attended) For Chautauqua and Erie Counties - August 12, 13, and 14, 2008 at Dunkirk, NY. (75 attended) Additional regional workshops are planned as follows: For Western NY, on Nov 18, 19, and 20, 2008 site at the Carrier Center in Angola, NY in Erie County For the NY Metro area, including Long Island, during December 1-5, 2008. For more information about MSAT and how you can help, or to register a school team, call 1-888-694-0511 or e-mail [email protected] By all means, Visit

www.nymasons.org/cms/msat for the latest information

Thanks, Tim

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Sept/Oct 2008

Bro. Stephen S. [email protected]


As the new Masonic Year begins across the State, it’s time to sign up for the many educational opportunities the Grand Lodge makes available to New York Masons. The brochure and application for the Individual Development Course (iDC) can be downloaded from this issue of NetNews, or from the Grand Lodge websites. Those who are interested in this worthwhile course should notify the Grand Lodge Staff Officers in their Districts so that the MUNY Committee can coordinate course offerings in as many areas as possible. This year there is great flexibility in how the course will be offered, with the intent being to fit the specific needs of the Districts and Brothers who wish to participate. We can announce as well that after years of hard work we are ready to present the on-line version of the Leadership Development Course (LDC-8). It would be very helpful to the Committee to have people unfamiliar with the course content help us to finalize the offerings. Anyone interested in either course can start the ball rolling by mailing the MUNY Committee at [email protected]. As in the past, your MUNY Committee looks forward to serving the needs of Brothers throughout the State. Please take advantage of these unique resources offered by our Grand Lodge. RW Steve King, PJGW Chairman

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Sept/Oct 2008

Bro. Roy Puckhaber [email protected]

Fellowship Committee Masonic Family Fellowship ROY PUCKHABER Chairman (Lorraine)

45 Alton Ave, Greenlawn, NY 11740-2126 (R) (631) 754- 8467 (F) (516) 333-8027 B) (516) 333-4311 (E) [email protected]

GEORGE TODD Vice Chairman 3372 Martin Rd Hamlin, NY 14464 (R) (585) 964-5809 (C) (585) 298-0852 (E) [email protected]

My Brothers, Hello Brothers. We closed another season of “Masonic Family Fellowship” and we look back at the good times that we shared the last few months experiencing Masonic Fellowship, by joining with our Brothers in different outings whether it is fishing, golfing, horseshoes, parades etc. We have to remember that anything we do as a group together with our Brothers is “Masonic Fellowship” and that it is important to all of us that know that Masonry is not just going to meetings but rather a way to live our lives as individuals and as Brothers. The objective for this committee is to help promote that Fellowship throughout the Grand Lodge Jurisdiction of the State of New York. Unfortunately “Grand Masters Day at West Point” was cancelled this year due to the lack of support from the Brothers. Even though it was promoted more this year then the past few years we just could not get the Brothers out in support. I spoke with the Grand Master, M∴W∴Edward Gilbert about the financial commitments that we had to make to proceed with the event and after much deliberation it was decided that it would be in the best interest to suspend it for this year. Rest assured that we are already planning for next year, when the Grand Lodge calendar will have fewer apron presentations and homecomings planned. As we enter the winter season our minds turn from golf, fishing, baseball and the other summer activities we enjoy and we look towards the different winter activities. How many of you are skiers and can plan a weekend getaway for the Brothers of your Lodge along with the ladies and children? How many of you are snowmobilers and can set up a weekend or a weeklong trip though the trails of our state. Whatever your interest is, it can be planned as a group. How about a District bowling league or a District basketball league? My Brothers these are just a few ideas for you to keep the Fellowship alive in your Districts. Speak with your District “Masonic Family Fellowship” chairman or speak with your District Deputy about events you would like to plan and enjoy together. The coming months will be filled with apron presentations and other activities that will get us together in groups of the District. I urge all of you to speak with your Brothers and come up with different activities that you can enjoy together as a group. I also urge you to arrange meetings where you can have an open forum to discuss different ideas that the Brothers may have and how to implement them. Keep in mind that you may have to think about alternate ways to achieve your goals. Think “Outside the Box”. Do you have any new sport competitions you wish to begin with your Brothers? Please let the committee know so that we can assist you in any way we can. We would also like to share your ideas with other Districts that may be having trouble coming up with their own fresh ideas. Please contact your District Deputy for the name of your District “Masonic Family Fellowship” chairman and keep this brother informed of your activities. He may have the answers to your questions that may arise. Haven’t gotten involved yet? What are you waiting for? Start planning today! Sincerely & Fraternally, RW Roy Puckhaber, Masonic Family Fellowship Chairman

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Sept/Oct 2008

Bro. Roy Puckhaber [email protected]

Fellowship Committee Bowling Chairman; GERALD R. DIEVENDORF (Judy)

Family Day at West Point Chairman; RONALD STOVELAND (Patricia)

19 Rose Court, Delmar, NY 12054 (R) (518) 439-6684 (E) [email protected]

3 Austin Court, Monroe, NY 10950-2301 (R) (845) 783-1405 (E) [email protected]

Fresh Water Fishing Chairman; SCOTT G. PATRICK

Salt Water Fishing Chairman; Al Li

2134 Turnpike Road, Hornell, NY 14843 (R) (607) 324-5862 (B) (607) 324-4300 (E) [email protected]

4 Norton Street Freeport, NY 11520-6500 (R) 516-867-8299 (E) [email protected]

Masonic Parades Chairman; GARY R. SOLBERG (Janice)

Golf Chairman; RICHARD J. ARTHUR

1229 78th St, Brooklyn, NY 11228-2717 (R) (718) 833-4169 (E) [email protected]

220 Snyder Avenue Syracuse, NY 13206 (R) 315-463-1565 (E)

Horseshoes Chairman; RICHARD WITTHOHN (Barbara) 46 Pine Street Babylon, NY 11702 (R) 631-669-7749 (E) [email protected]

Bro. Ronald Stoveland [email protected]

Fellowship Committee – West Point

The Grand Master Edward G. Gilbert and RW Roy Puckhaber, Chairman of the Grand Master's Day at West Point have decided after much deliberation that the West Point event will be canceled. The timing of the event due to the selection for dates and other Grand Lodge events made participation in this event not viable at this time.

Bro. Gary Solberg [email protected]

Fellowship Committee - Parades Parade



Contact Person

Veterans Day Parade



Robert L. Parry

Masonic Position Bro.

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[email protected]

Sept/Oct 2008

Fellowship Committee – Salt Water Fishing Salt Water Fishing Derby- 2008

Bro. AlbertA. Li [email protected]

Are you an avid fisherman? Send us photos of yourself with your biggest catch! Include the size, weight and bait used to catch same.

Salt Water Contest Rules 1- There will be two divisions in the contest. Division 1- For members in good standing in a New York State Masonic Lodge Division 2- Family Members; Wife, child, grandchild or parent of member. 2- Salt Water Classes; Fluke, Flounder, Bluefish, Striped Bass (from surf), Sea Bass, and Black Fish. 3- You may enter as many fish in as many classes as you desire but you cannot win more than one first place award in the classes covered by Rule 2 based on fish weight. 4- Contest is limited to New York State and its border waters. In the Salt Water division, boats must operate from a New York Port and return within 36 hours. 5- Fish must be legally caught and entered within 15 days of being caught. If on vacation they must be entered within 7 days of returning from vacation. 6- Fish must be entered on an official entry form below. All questions must be answered. Weight determines the winner. In a case of a tie, the earliest date of entry breaks the tie. 7- One point will be awarded per pound of fish caught between April 1st and November 30th. 8- One first place award will be made for the contest.



Individual Masonic Entry [


Anglers Name: ___________________________________________ Phone No.: ________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ Division:

Salt Water: Boat [


Salt Water: Surf [


Fish Class: _______________ Length: _______________ Girth: _______________ Weight: _______________ Where Caught:_______________________________________________________ Date: _________________ Anglers Signature: __________________________________________________________________________ Witnessed by: ______________________________________________________________________________ Remit to:

Al Li 4 Norton Street Freeport, NY 11520-6500

Phone: 516-867-8299 E-mail: [email protected]

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Sept/Oct 2008

Fellowship Committee – FreshWater Fishing

Bro. Scott G. Patrick [email protected]

Fresh Water Fishing Derby- 2008 Fresh Water Contest Rules 1- There will be two divisions in the contest. Division 1- For members in good standing in a New York State Masonic Lodge. Division 2- Family Members; Wife, child, grandchild or parent of member. 2- Fresh Water Classes; Small Mouth Bass, Walleye, Brook Trout, White Perch, Brown Trout, Lake Trout, Pickerel, Large Mouth Bass, Northern Pike, Rainbow Trout, Muskellunge, Yellow Perch, Atlantic Salmon (landlocked), 3-You may enter as many fish in as many classes as you desire but you cannot win more than one first place award in the classes covered by rule 2 based on fish length. 4-Certain classes of fish caught in Lake Ontario or Lake Erie (see Rule 9A & 9B) are not eligible. Enter in special contest (Par. 9). 5- Contest is limited to New York State and its border waters. 6- Fish must be legally caught and entered within 15 days of being caught. If on vacation they must be entered within 7 days of returning from vacation. 7- Fish must be entered on an official entry form below. All questions must be answered. Length determines the winner. In a case of a tie, then the weights will break the tie. If still tied, the earliest date of entry breaks the tie. The decision of the judges is final. 8-Lake Erie and Lake Ontario Special Contest. 7a- Includes St. Lawrence River and all Lake Tributaries upstream to the first impassable fish barrier 7b- For Coho, Chinook Salmon, Lake Brown and Steelhead Trout. 7c- One point will be awarded per inch of fish caught between April 1st to midnight November 30th. 7d- One first place award will be made for the contest.



Masonic Entry [


Anglers Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ Division:

Salt Water: Boat [


Salt Water: Surf [


Fish Class: _______________ Length: _______________ Girth: _______________ Weight: _______________ Where Caught:_______________________________________________________ Date: _________________

Anglers Signature: __________________________________________________________________________ Witnessed by: ______________________________________________________________________________ Remit to:

Scott G. Patrick 2134 Turnpike Road Hornell, NY 14843

Phone: 607-324-5862 E-mail: [email protected]

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Sept/Oct 2008

Bro. Richard J. Arthur [email protected]

Fellowship Committee – Golf

For the golfers out there, let’s get those golf outings planned. The new chairman, Brother Richard Arthur, has been active in the Masonic Golf Club for many years now and has decided to merge that club with the Fellowship Committee. Here is a Brother with almost 20 years experience in arranging golf outings waiting to help you make your outing a success. Since 1952 the “New York State Masonic Golf Association” has been holding a golf tournament in different cities around the State each year. From the Catskills to the Capital Region and Buffalo to Central NY golfers have enjoyed Masonic Fellowship on the links. Over the years they have tried different formats, and scheduled events at different times of the year to get the best possible turnout The Committee is made up of directors from all over New York State. They meet twice a year to assist one of the directors in scheduling the State Tournament in his area that year. They are lacking Directors in a few areas, Albany, St. Lawrence Region, Buffalo and NYC Area. The NYSMGA Tournament is held in a different area each year and they would like to expand into areas that they haven't been in a few years. The Spring meeting is in Syracuse because it is centrally located. The second is held at the tournament site after play. The MYSMGA welcomes anyone interested in becoming a member; especially from the areas that lack directors. They are looking for new Directors from the Thousand Island Region, The Capital District, Utica-Oneonta Region, Catskills and NY City area. They would like to have representation from all over the state and expand into new areas where they can schedule tournaments each year. They meet twice a year, in the spring in Syracuse and the fall at the course that they will be playing at the following year. Anyone interested in joining the group can contact Bro. Richard Arthur at 315-463-1565 and he will send you an application. The NYSMGA have a two-day weekend planned. Friday for a Directors’ Scramble with fun twists during the round and Saturday for the tournament with Callaway scoring. Non-Masons are allowed to play as well; they are requesting that there be at least one mason per foursome. Women are welcome and compete only against other women but can play with the men in a foursome. This year, the Tournament will be at Woodgate Pines (not too far from Boonville, NY) on July 25th & 26th. The cost is $65.00 per person, which includes golf, cart, prizes and dinner after the tournament on Saturday. If you are interested in playing in the Scramble or Tournament you can go to the Grand Lodge web site under the Fellowship and Family Involvement Committee and down load the forms. Brother Richard Arthur is waiting to help you promote your golf outing. If you are a first time planner, here is a small guide in planning your outing. If you have more questions, please give this Brother a call for their assistance. 1 - The most people you should have in a golf outing is 144, which will consist of 2 groups of 4 on each of the 18 holes with a shotgun start. Every hole would have an A group and a B group. When the outing starts everyone goes to their assigned hole # and starts at the same time. The A group would go first and once they are done the B group would go. Every golf course varies on how many people they require in order to shut down the course just for you. If you do not have enough to get the entire course you can just book a section of tee times depending on how many players you have. You should always put 4 people in a group with 2 people per golf cart. 2 - Usually the golf course that you are going to will set up a location near the course and have breakfast in the morning and lunch after the round with beverages if you would like and you have enough people. They will tell you what the fee would be. At most outings shirts or hats are given to each player with this cost being included in the amount charged to each person to play in the outing. Usually a sleeve of balls or other small giveaways are included. A ticket is also given for a drink and a hot dog or hamburger during the round. 3 - You will also need to decide what type of prizes to announce at the end. Normally there is one for Best score, longest drive on a designated hole, and you would pick 2 par 3 holes and give a prize for the closest to the pin on each hole. An idea that works well is to get some donated golf items for prizes or buy some gifts and do a raffle after each round. 4 - The round of golf should not take more than 5-6 hours depending on how many people you have. If you are taking over the course make sure you find out how much time the course gives you. If you take too long they may charge you extra which can become very costly.

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Sept/Oct 2008

Bro. Ira B. Cooperman [email protected]

Masonic Care Community Can’t Visit the Masonic Care Community? Invite a Representative to Come to Your Lodge

The fall is here and that means it’s time to plan programs for your Lodge. To learn more about the Masonic Care Community -- its new skilled nursing care facility, the residential adult care at the new Wiley Hall, and the beautiful retirement apartments at Acacia Village -- invite Bro. Ira Cooperman or Bro. Rob Lauducci to visit your Lodge and speak about the amazing transformation that has taken place on its lovely 400-acre campus in Utica. Of course, if your Lodge can arrange to take a bus tour and visit Utica, every member of your bus tour will be entitled to a lovely complimentary luncheon. In addition, a member of the Masonic Care Community staff will be pleased to make a brief presentation and show you the Masonic “Home” that has served Masons and their families for over 115 years and which in turn has been so generously supported by members of the Fraternity. Bro. Cooperman, Director of Philanthropy, and Bro. Lauducci, Director of Volunteers, will gladly arrange to come to your Lodge and talk about the exciting developments at the Masonic Care Community. For further information, please call Ira or Rob toll-free at (800) 322-8826. Ira Ira B. Cooperman, CFRE Director of Philanthropy Masonic Care Community of NY 2150 Bleecker Street Utica, NY 13501-1788 Direct office tel.: 315/798-4703 Toll-free phone: 800/593-3353 e-mail: [email protected]

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Sept/Oct 2008


Bro. Cary Cohn [email protected]

We congratulate the following Lodges for going out into their communities to recognize good work done by others. These following Lodges show through concrete action that Masons care! We encourage all Lodges to share their talent, time, concern, and the resources of their Lodge buildings, to provide service to other worthy organizations and institutions in their individual communities.

General Douglas MacArthur Award for Exemplary Service to Youth Niagara No.375, Niagara –Orleans District, will honor Lawrence E. Koch 10/22/08 for his work in the community teaching hunting and firearms skills to the youth in the community. Appleton-Lockport, N.Y. Schenectady No.1174, Schenectady-Rensselaer District, will honor Ronald Batcher Sr. for his work as a Scout Leader. Scotia-Schenectady, N.Y.

Eagle Boy Scout Recognitions Hendrick Hudson No.875 Dutchess District, honored two Eagle Scouts from Boy Scout Troop 42, Hudson Valley Boy Scout Council 374. Red Hook, N.Y. Liberty No.521, Sullivan District, honored two Eagle Boy Scouts from T1097, Hudson Valley Boy Scout Council 374, Liberty, N.Y. Pleasant Hill No.304, 10th Masonic District, Deep Run, North Carolina, Troop 447, East Carolina Boy Scout District, honored one worthy Scout. Jamaica-Queens Village No.546, Queens District, honored one worthy Eagle Scout from T138 in Fresh Meadows, Queens, N.Y. Greater New York Council 640. Wantagh –Morton No.63, First Nassau District, honored one worthy Eagle Scout from T656, Theodore Roosevelt Council 386, Wantagh, N.Y. Lodge of the Ancient Landmarks No.441, First Erie District, will recognize three worthy Eagle Scouts from T352, Lancaster-Buffalo area, Greater Niagara Frontier Boy Scout Council 380 in November.

Dan Beard Masonic Scouter Award Attica No.462, Genesee-Wyoming District recognized Brother Todd S. VanSon, Iroquios Trail Boy Scout Council 376, for all his hard work in connection over the past 13 years with Cub-Scout Pack 60 and Troop 60 Attica, N.Y., where he serves today as Scoutmaster.

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Sept/Oct 2008

Order of DeMolay The Officers, Members and Advisors of Franklin Delano Roosevelt Chapter, Order of DeMolay Cordially Invite You to our Public Installation of Officers Date: Sunday October 26th 2008 Time: 2 O’clock in the Afternoon Place: The Malcolm R. Hunter Masonic Post Lodge 150 Myers Corners Road Wappinger’s Falls, New York Brother David Berry Master Councilor Elect Brother Brent Latino Senior Councilor Elect Brother Sawyer Bell Junior Councilor Elect Refreshments immediately following Installation in Dining Hall Please RSVP to Dad Bob Siebold 845.635.9688 or at [email protected] We look forward to seeing you at our Installation

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Sept/Oct 2008

Scottish Rite

Photo L – R: Ill. Curtis A. Banks 33° Ill. Clifford T. Jacobs 33° Ill. William C. Brunet Sr. 33°

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Sept/Oct 2008

Scottish Rite Five New York State members were elected to receive the 33rd Degree in Boston, Massachusetts in August next year. These Illustrious Brothers alphabetically are: Joseph Bourcy, III - Rochester Robert Crump - Norwood-Syracuse Michael Derry - Albany Vincent Libone - NYC Gilbert Savitzky - NYC Please congratulate them when you can! Congratulatory notes may be sent as follows: JOSEPH E. BOURCY 3 Packetts Grv Fairport, NY 14450-2157 ROBERT W. CRUMP 3672 County Route 14 Madrid, NY 13660 E-mail: [email protected] MICHAEL D. DERRY 310 Junction Rd Howes Cave, NY 12092-9733 E-mail: [email protected] VINCENT LIBONE 209-05 39th Avenue Bayside, NY 11361 E-mail: [email protected] GILBERT SAVITZKY Grand Lodge F & AM State of NY 71 West 23rd Street New York, NY 10010 E-mail: [email protected] The 33rd Degree Achieving the 33° is an honor that can be bestowed upon a Scottish Rite Mason. It is not something that is campaigned for. It must be granted solely by recognition from the Supreme Council. A 33° mason is a master mason who has exhibited knowledge, passion and sacrifice to his craft. The Supreme Council will award the 33° as a way of honoring outstanding and selfless work performed in the rite or in public life. At its annual session the Supreme Council elects members of the Rite to receive the Degree. Members unanimously so elected20become honorary members of the Supreme Council. The cap for an Inspector General Honorary is white with a white band edged in gold, featuring the symbol for this honorary Degree, a red slanting Patriarchal Cross.

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Sept/Oct 2008

Order of Eastern Star (OES) Order of Eastern Star chapter turns 100 Horseheads-based group supports nursing home, provides scholarships. By Larry Wilson • [email protected] • September 14, 2008 HORSEHEADS -- Julia Ames of Horseheads joined the Order of the Eastern Star about 25 years ago for the same reasons many other women are drawn to the organization. "Relatives on my husband's side were all members, and my friends invited me to join," she said. Ames said her membership in Horseheads Chapter 423, which celebrated its 100th anniversary Saturday, has provided fellowship and an opportunity to reach out to the community. "We support a nursing home in Oriskany and give scholarships each year to (Horseheads) high school students," Ames said. An auxiliary of the Masonic Lodge, the Order of the Eastern Star originally limited its membership to wives of men who were Masons. That restriction no longer applies, Ames said. Saturday's celebration from 2 to 6 p.m. featured the state leaders of the organization, Grand Matron Jodelle C. Fletcher and Grand Patron Clifford L. Gross. Fletcher said Horseheads is one of several chapters in New York state celebrating a 100th anniversary this year. She said the chapter's longevity resulted from "a lot of dedicated people committed to charity, truth and loving kindness." The local chapter had about 200 members at its peak, but has shrunk to 76 today. "We have one of the stronger chapters in New York state," said Mary Ann Mathieu, matron of the Horseheads organization. "We help each other, and we do a lot." Statewide, membership in the order is also shrinking, Fletcher said. "We have about 250 chapters and about 23,000 members," she said. "We used to have 60,000. We'd like to encourage younger people to join." Membership in the Order of the Eastern Star isn't limited to women. Alan Hutchinson of Harris Hill Road serves as chaplain of Chapter 423. "The chapter has endured because these are very strong women who hold high values," Hutchinson said. "They are very community spirited and volunteer in a lot of other areas." Hutchinson's wife, Barbara, who serves as conductress of the chapter, has been a member for more than 50 years. The member with the most years of service is Betty Mosher of Pine City, who joined 67 years ago. The Horseheads chapter received its charter on Nov. 23, 1908. Two members of the chapter have served as state leaders of the organization. The chapter meets in the Masonic Temple at 111 S. Main St. Entertainment for Saturday's event was provided by the Crystal Chords. Nearly 100 people attended the celebration. Our good Brother RW Ted Pierce arranged for the following coverage in the local daily paper for a community news event regarding our local Masonic and Masonic related Easter Star Chapter ... Well done. And Happy Birthday ladies. Fraternally, Ron Steiner NY Grand Lodge Public Relations

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Masonic Medical Research Laboratory (MMRL)

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Bro. Ronald Kamp [email protected]

Sept/Oct 2008

Masonic Medical Research Laboratory (MMRL)

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Bro. Ronald Kamp [email protected]

Sept/Oct 2008

Masonry in Stamps Bro. Ted H. Jacobsen, secretary of Harry S. Truman Lodge No. 1066 creates Masonic First Day Covers for USPS stamps of Masonic relevance. Below are his latest offerings. Here is a cacheted cover I designed and printed to commemorate Albert Bierstadt who specialized in painting Yosemite Valley. A copy of one of his exquisite paintings was issued as a U.S. stamp on August 14, 2008. Bierstadt was a Freemason and a member of Holland Lodge No. 8, here, in New York City.

From Whose Bourne… I have been informed that RW Edgar Beckvar PDDGM 2nd Nassau District and PM of Bethpage Lodge entered the Celestial Lodge on July 6,2008 In Jensen Beach Florida. The family held a small memorial service. Mrs. Marie Zidel, mother of RW Gerald Zidel, Grand Sword Bearer for the First Nassau District passed away on Saturday August 30, 2008. Please send condolences to RW Jerry at his residence; 43-18 248 Street Little Neck, NY 11363 It is with deep regret that I advise you of the passing of one of the Brothers of Niagara Lodge No. 375, and a longtime member of the Masonic Fraternity. W. James E. Richardson, past Master (1976 and 1981), was called from his earthly labors, after a lengthy illness, and passed to the care of the Grand Architect of the Universe, on Monday, September 1st, 2008. Brother Richardson was an innovative and respected leader in Lodge, and served his Lodge and Fraternity with vigor and dedication. Jim is survived by his loving wife Phyllis Richardson; daughter Kathryn Rawls, sons Martin & Michael Richardson; several grandchildren, nieces & nephews. A Masonic Service was held. In lieu of Flowers memorials to the Masonic Research Laboratory, Utica, NY. Cards & Prayers may be sent to Phyllis Richardson and family, at 431 South Street, Lockport, New York, 14094. It is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing of a long time brother of Unity Lodge No.9. After 97 years, my father-in-law, W Edmund C. Geraldi, DSA, laid down the working tools of life on Monday, September, 1st, 2008. A Masonic Service was held Wednesday evening. The Family has requested that Memorial contributions be made to Community Hospice of Columbia/Greene or the Brainard United Methodist Church in care of the funeral home, P.O. Box 9, Stephentown, NY 12168. Cards and Prayers may be sent to Anna Geraldi and Family at 195 County Route 5A, New Lebanon, NY 12125 It is my sad duty to inform the Brothers that Carol Wund, beloved wife of RW Larry Wund, District Deputy Grand Master of the 9th Manhattan District, has passed away on Wednesday, August 20th.

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From Whose Bourne… It is with a very heavy heart that I write to you today to inform you of the passing of W Ronald Collins, Master of . He was discovered on Monday night by the NYPD after W. Herb Goldman called them and requested they check in on him. They estimate that he was dead almost a week. There are very few details at this time but if anyone on this list has any information regarding his family or next of kin please forward it to my attention so that we can get in touch with them and make plans for a service. W Laverne C. “Lefty” Atkinson, age 77, of Oak Orchard Estates, died September 5, 2008 in Batavia. He was born March 16, 1931 in Holley, a son of the late Lawrence and Ruth (Ricebrook) Atkinson, and had lived in this area all his life. He was a graduate of the Rochester Institute of Technology. He retired from Guaranteed Parts Co., and at the time of his retirement, he was General Manager of the Canadian Division for the company. He was a SGT in the US Air Force and served in the Korean War. He was a 48-year member and Past Commander of the Sheret Post No.35 American Legion, past Commander of Orleans County American Legion and the 8th District. Lefty was a life member of both Holley VFW Post 202 and Medina DAV Post No.204. He was also Vice Commander of the 7th and 8th District, and for many years was the Chairman for Boys State in Orleans County. Lefty was a 32nd Degree Mason in the Valley of Rochester, Scottish Rite, member and Past Master of Renovation Lodge 97 F & A.M. He was raised on October 10, 1961. He was Master of Renovation Lodge 97 in 2003 & 2004.He was the current High Priest of the Royal Arch Masons and a member of Knights Templar. He holds a private pilot’s license and was a director of the Vintage Aircraft Group. He had worked for several years as a literacy volunteer in Albion and in 1999, he was selected “Adult Tutor of the Year “for Orleans County. He served four years as a member of the Volunteer Services Committee for the Orleans Correctional Facility, and also volunteered for the Orleans County Veterans Van Service, where he registered nearly 1500 hours of service to date. A Masonic Service was held. Memorials may be made to the charity of your choice. Visit www.christophermitchell.com to sign an on-line guest book. Your Prayer are most welcome to the family, cards may be sent to Marc Atkinson, 1255 Five Mile Line Rd, Webster, NY 14580. The Dean of Shakespeare Lodge's Past Masters has entered the Celestial Lodge. Bro. Samuel P. Pritz died June 28, one week after his beloved wife of 63 years, Florence R. Pritz died on June 22. Sy was 100 years old, and had been a member of Shakespeare Lodge No.750 in New York City for 73 years. Each of our veterans can recount numerous stories of Sy and his life, and that's how he shall be remembered. Samuel P. Pritz Born June 14, 1908 Initiated October 18, 1934 Passed November 1, 1934 Raised December 6, 1934 Master 1941 At rest June 28, 2008 It pleased the Great Architect of the Universe to call from earthly labors, VW Ronald Bryant, Assistant Grand Lecturer and Past Master of Webster Lodge, Noble of Damascus Shriners and member of the Damascus Wheelers. RW Charles C. Hansen, father of Joyce Bidnick, father-in-law of MW Neal Bidnick and Grandfather of Brian C. Bidnick passed away on August 20th at the Masonic Care Community in Utica, NY. Brother Hansen was 93 years old and a 60+ year member of Sibelius-Bredablick Lodge No. 880. He served as Master of the then Bredablick Lodge No. 880 in 1963, Grand Director of Ceremonies in 1984, a member of the Valley of Rockville Centre and Potentate of Kismet Temple, AAONMS in 1994. He was Patron of Bredablick Chapter, OES several times and served as District Grand Lecturer in 1964. He was devoted to his family, Masonry and was most importantly a Good Man. With sadness, Scotia Lodge No.634 observes the passing of W Edwin Wolff, Past Master of Evangelist Lodge. As you know, Scotia is the surviving amalgamation of several affiliated Lodges, one of which was Evangelist No. 600. Brother Wolff laid down his working tools on August 14, 2008.

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From Whose Bourne… It is my sad duty to report the passing of RW Ralph Griffith's wife, Lida. Our sincere condolences to the family. It is with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of the Treasurer of Harry S. Truman Lodge No. 1066 RW Michael A Hyman. I am sad to report that the Master of Millennium Lodge No.1179 in Williamsville, W Charles T. Selcoe, lost his wife on Monday, September 15. Please keep Bro. Selcoe and his family in your prayers. RW Glenn C. Past entered into Eternal Rest on Saturday, September 20, 2008 at Woodlake at Tolland. Glenn was a Past Master of the Master Builder Lodge No. 911 F. & A.M. in Kenmore, NY, a Scottish Rite Mason, Valley of Buffalo, and an A.A.O.N.M.S. Shriner. In July of 2001, he was designated Grand Representative of The Grand Lodge of Morocco by The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of The State of New York. A Masonic Funeral Service was held. Memorial donations in memory of Glenn can be made to the Woodlake at Tolland Expansion Fund, 26 Shenipsit Lake Rd., Tolland, CT 06084. For online expressions of sympathy please visit www.pietrasfuneralhome.com It is my sad duty to inform you of the passing of RW John C. Glenn, Past Grand Steward from the First Oneida District 2006-2008. [RW Brother John C. Glenn was Raised in 1997 and served as Master of Sanger Lodge No.

129 in 2002 and 2003; He was currently the secretary of Sanger Lodge No. 129; and he held dual membership in Alliance Lodge No. 1097] John had a horrific fall from the roof of his front porch. Masonic Services were conducted by Sanger Lodge No. 129 F & AM.

W Robert F. Gooshaw, 75, passed away on September 23, 2008 A Masonic graveside service will be held on Saturday, October 4, 2008 at 11:00 AM in Notre Dame Cemetery on Black Lake Road in Ogdensburg. W/ Bro. Gooshaw, DSA, was a Member of DePeyster Lodge 573 and an Honarary Member of Ogdensburgh Acacian Lodge 128.

It is my sad duty to inform you of the passing of RW Brother Christian D. Besson (77). Past Grand Director of Ceremonies from the 10th Manhattan District 1994-96, Bro. Besson was initiated in La Sincerite Lodge No 373 on October 4, 1977, passed on November 1, 1977 and raised on Januray 10, 1978. He served as Master of La Sincerite Lodge No 373 in 1988-89. He held dual membership in American Lodge of Research. Bro. Besson was retired in Marseille - south of France since a couple of years. A Memorial Service was held by his family on Saturday September 27 in Marseille (France).

Brethren, it becomes my sad duty to announce the death of our W. Bro. Harold F. Squires, who lost his battle to cancer on Tuesday, October 7, 2008. Bro. Squires was Initiated in Allied Lodge on 3/7/1977, Passed on 5/21/977, and Raised on 10/17/1977. His Masonic membership covered a period of 31 years, 7 months. A Masonic Funeral was held.

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Sept/Oct 2008

Sickness & Distress My name is Brother Robert Haibi. I am a member of Queensboro Lodge No. 892. My father is very ill and currently he is in the hospital. Please take a moment to say a prayer for him. So motte it be. Get Well Cards may be sent to my address: 9-45 119th Street College Point, NY 11356-1646 Our cherished Brother RW Harold H. Halper is recovering from successful major surgery to remove a benign tumor in his colon. Harold is a life member of Joseph Warren-Gothic Lodge in the Seventh Manhattan District, a Past DDGM, Past Chairman of Camp Turk Committee and long time member of the Grand Lodge Convention Committee. He is also a recipient of the Wendell K Walker Award. Please keep all these Brothers and their families in your prayers. RW Robert Brovetto, Suffolk DDGM is in the hospital as of last night and in being treated for a high fever and issues relating to a procedure he underwent last week. At this time, his family is requesting no visitors and that phone calls be kept to a minimum. Please keep Bob and his family in your prayers. Get Well Cards may be sent to:

Robert J. Brovetto P.O. Box 228 Ridge, NY 11961-0228 The Grand Master of The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge in the State of New York, MW Holley, was in a car accident on Sept 27th. He is doing fine, the car is totalled. That is the only information available thus far.

The Grand Treasurer, RW Brother Marino Cesarini, reports that his wife, Theresa, is doing well and recovering nicely after a long-day of surgery at North Shore University Hospital on Long Island. She will be recuperating at the hospital for approximately seven to ten days. North Shore University Hospital 300 Community Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 (516) 562-0100 Please keep Marino and Theresa in your thoughts and prayers.

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Sept/Oct 2008

Around The State Greetings my Brothers My goal this year as the Commander of the Grand Post is to insure a flag presentation to as many open Lodge functions and D.D.G.M. Official visits as possible. I am looking for your help and assistance to spread the word out to all the Lodges to seek out all the War Veteran Masons to join their District Post and if a District does not have a Post, the District Deputy should contact me, the Commander of the Grand Post or the Adjutant Gen and we will Charter a new Post for your District. The only requirement is that the Charter members should be a member in good standing with a Lodge in the State of NY and be a War Veteran. I am looking forward to working with you in this very important undertaking. With your help we can have a Post in every district, spreading patriotism, respect for the men and women serving our country and spreading good will to all of our Lodges and Communities across the State. A Post in your District will act as a strong right arm to the District Deputies in all Districts, Presenting our flag will bring honor and dignity to the office of the District Deputy Grand Master in all official visits, Patriotic Celebrations and other Lodge Ceremonies. May God bless our Troops for our freedom, God bless our Fraternity, God bless the Veterans and may God bless Our United States of America. With fraternal regards. Eustace G. Kiriakos Commander General +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

POUGHKEEPSIE LODGE No.266 PRESENTS PAST MASTERS APRONS On September 2, 2008, at their first regular communication after summer break, Poughkeepsie Lodge No.266 presented Worshipful Peter Turchin with his Past Master’s Apron. It was presented by RW Steven Koch, current DDGM for the Dutchess District, R W Lawrence Perretta, (Past Grand Sword Bearer 1983-84) and W Joel Pollak, current Master of Poughkeepsie Lodge. W Peter Turchin served as Master of Poughkeepsie Lodge from 2002-2004. In addition, W Karl Jessen was presented with his Past Master’s Apron on June 17, 2008, just before summer break. He served as Master of Poughkeepsie Lodge for 2005-2007.


Queens District Grand Director of Ceremonies Apron Presentation Public Representation of Commission, Jewel & Apron for RW Jay D. Marksheid, Grand Director of Ceremonies, Queens District, to be held at the Whitestone Masonic Temple on Wednesday, October 29, 2008. Dinner at 6:30 PM, Ceremony to commence at 8 PM. RSVP to Bro.Greg Artinger, JW of Queensboro Lodge 892, [email protected].

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OCTOBER 1, 2008

Save The Date!

Robert Burns Supper 2009 Sponsored by Shakespeare Lodge No. 750 Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons Of The State of New York Masonic Hall 71 West 23rd Street, New York City Friday, January 23, 2009 6:30 – 9:30 PM “Open to the world” Celebrate the birthday of Scottish bard Brother Robert Burns (1759 –1796), Scotland's favourite son, and a celebration of all things Scot. Scotch Tasting, Piping, Music, Dance, Poetry, and Traditional Burns Supper Tickets go on sale December 1, 2008 Contact: W.˙. Patrick A. Kelsey, Master, Shakespeare Lodge No. 750 [email protected] / www.shakespeare750.com / 718-689-0620

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R.·. W.·. Sheldon D. Stachel, Chairman, Masonic Blood Donor Program Committee

Masonic Blood Donor Program Committee Blood Drive Announcement Masonic Hall, 71 West 23rd Street, New York City Monday, December 8, 2008 (3:00 — 8:30 PM) Wednesday, March 11, 2009 (3:00 — 8:30 PM) Monday, May 11, 2009 (3:00 — 8:30 PM) Masonic Hall, 28 Lincoln Avenue, Rockville Centre Thursday, January 29, 2009 (3 — 8:30 PM) Masonic Lodge No. 981, 5808 Main Street, Williamsville, New York Saturday, November 7, 2008 (3:00 – 8 PM) Bring Valid Photo ID ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— NOTE: if you have never donated blood and/or have questions about your eligibility you are strongly encouraged to contact the New York Blood Center at 1-800-688-0900 (Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM) or visit www.nybloodcenter.org in advance of the blood drive.

Contact: W.˙. Patrick A. Kelsey, Vice-Chairman, State Masonic Blood Donor Program Committee www.nymasonicblooddonorprogram.com 718-689-0620 / [email protected]

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Sept/Oct 2008

Around The State September 22, 2008 RW Daniel Eckman and RW Harvey Holtz received their purple aprons at an affair held by Joshua Lodge No.890 at Westbury Manor on September 17. RW Eckman has attained the level of Grand Steward and RW Holtz is now the Grand Representative to Mato Grosso Brasil. The event was attended by 80 people, including RW Gilbert Savitzky and DDGM Joseph Bonsignore of the 7th District. Both gentleman spoke, along with an array of felicitors from Joshua Lodge and the District. RW Leonard Taubenblatt presented the aprons to both Right Worshipful's. The jewel was presented to RW Eckman by W. Michael Sellinger and Bro. Michael Lyons. Bro. Adam Holtz presented the jewel to his father. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

"A Freemason Speaks Out For Peace" Bro. Patrick Swift, member of Highland Park Lodge No. 1150, continues his campaign of "A Freemason Speaks Out For Peace" with his book One Mountain Many Paths. He will be in Ohio in February. Here's the link: http://www.mccoycenterforthearts.com/events/?id=63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Past Junior Grand Warden Rides for Charity Past Junior Grand Warden Steve King at the starting line of the annual Buffalo to Albany Erie Canal Ride held in July. The Canal Ride is a 400 mile tour over eight days that follows the original route of the Erie Canal across the State. Bro. Steve used the event as a fundraiser to support Masonic Benevolence efforts underwritten by the Capital District Masonic Charities Association (CDMC) in Albany. The Association provides scholarships and funds charitable programs in the Albany, Rensselaer/Schenectady, Greene/Ulster and Columbia Districts. Per-mile pledges for the ride this year totaled about $1,000.

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Sept/Oct 2008

Around The State American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk Sunday, October 19 On August 13, 2006, my sister Cathy lost her battle against breast cancer. As a living tribute to her I have started a team in her memory with the Breast Cancer group of the American Cancer Society. The mission of this team will be to raise awareness of breast cancer in an effort to assist the ACS in their hopes of discovering a cure for this disease. I am participating in the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk on Sunday, October 19 at Jones Beach. Making Strides has no registration fee, which means that more people can participate. They are making great strides in the fight against breast cancer, but I won't quit until there is a cure. Hope Starts Here... With Me! I am inspired by the spirit and love that Cathy had for everyone she knew. I am positive that she is watching over and is pleased that we are getting involved so that others affected by this disease may someday have a cure. There are many ways to help. You may come and join the team at the walk and best of all you may know of someone that I may have forgotten to include in this e-mail and let them know. The more contacts we make, the bigger our circle of hope becomes. Remember, hope is a good thing! If you would like to walk with us on October 19, 2008 please let me know. We will have coffee, bagels, donuts (no Cop jokes!), water and juices prior to the walk. We will also have available tee-shirts that support "CathysCrew". I will let you know where we will be set up prior to that morning. Feel free to contact me at 516-314-8156 or at [email protected] , if you have any questions or comments. I deeply appreciate everyone's concern, assistance, and love. I also completely understand if you are unable to get involved at this time. Your thoughts and prayers are all that I can ask for. With love and warm regards, RW Charles Catapano, District Deputy Grand Master - First Nassau District ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

RW Stuart Card Apron Presentation At its next regular communication, on Tuesday October 7th, Amicable Lodge No.664 in New Hartford NY will be presenting RW Stuart W. Card, who is the Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge of Prince Hall Masons of the State of Massachusetts with his apron, Lodge opens at 7:30, we'll run through the minimum of business before the presentation with Refreshments in our dining hall immediately following the presentation. For those planning on attending, please R.S.V.P by either phone or email by September 29th so that we can have enough refreshments to go around. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

7th Manhattan Presents Aprons RW Daniel Eckman and RW Harvey Holtz received their purple aprons at an affair held by Joshua Lodge #890 at Westbury Manor on September 17. RW Eckman has attained the level of Grand Steward and RW Holtz is now the Grand Representative to Mato Grosso Brasil. The event was attended by 80 people, including RW Gilbert Savitzky and DDGM Joseph Bonsignore of the 7th District. Both gentleman spoke, along with an array of felicitors from Joshua Lodge and the District. RW Leonard Taubenblatt presented the aprons to both Right Worshipful's. The jewel was presented to RW Eckman by W. Michael Sellinger and Bro. Michael Lyons. Bro. Adam Holtz presented the jewel to his father.

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Around The State Chancellor Walworth Lodge # 271 Free and Accepted Masons Cordially and Fraternally Ask that you Join us for the

Public Re Presentation of The Right Worshipful Nicholas Panariello Grand Sword Bearer Grand Lodge State of New York October 28th, 2008 At 7:00 PM Collation to Follow Doric Room 8th Floor of the Grand Lodge 71 West 23rd Street New York, NY 10010 R.S.V.P. October 6th, 2008 R:. W:. Edward Weigert (718)-375-6200 [email protected]

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Around The State

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Around The State Service City Geba Lodge No. 1009 Free & Accepted Masons Most Cordially & Fraternally Invites You , Your Masonic Friends & Family to Attend The Public Presentation for

R∴W∴Lawrence J. Hammel, Jr.

Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Mato Grosso Do Sul Near the Grand Lodge of The State of New York to be held at ADVANCE MASONIC TEMPLE 21-14 30th Avenue Long Island City, N.Y. 11102 on Wednesday Evening, November 5th 2008 Reception of Delegations at 7:45 P.M. OFFICERS DRESS: FORMAL PAST MASTERS: FORMAL - APRONS & JEWELS

Dinner 6:30 PM By Reservation Only RSVP to Master or Secretary by 10/27 REFRESHMENTS TO FOLLOW

W Louis Leone Master

RW Lawrence J. Hammel, Jr. Secretary

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Around The State

Dutchess District to Host Special Display of Processus Contra Templarios Sunday, October 19, 2008 2:00 pm Wappingers Lodge # 671 150 Myers Corners Road Wappingers Falls, NY

This event will be open to the public. Apron Presentation & Refreshments to follow

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Around The State Public Apron Presentaion Sunday, October 19, 2008 Following Processus Contra Templarios Presentation Wappingers Lodge #671 150 Myers Corners Road Wappingers Falls, NY R W STEVEN P. KOCH DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTER DUTCHESS DISTRICT 2008-2009


A refreshments will be served following the ceremonies. Please R.S.V.P to V W Richard Moysey 845-473-4544

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Around The State

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Around The State

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Sept/Oct 2008

In The NEWS America has reached a somber milestone in the Global War on Terrorism. The 500th service member has fallen in Afghanistan. As you read this, please take a moment of silence and prayer in their honor. Please remember all they’ve given for our freedom and the lives we’ve lost … fathers and sons … mothers and daughters … neighbors and friends.


Commemorative Johnstown medallions available to public By MICHAEL ANICH, The Leader-Herald POSTED: September 17, 2008

St. Patrick’s Lodge No. 4, Free & Accepted Masons Present Master Robert Shell, left, presents 250th anniversary commemorative medallions to Johnstown Mayor Sarah J. Slingerland Monday at City Hall. At right is Past Master Wayne Schermerhorn.

JOHNSTOWN - The local Masonic lodge presented 250th city anniversary commemorative medallions to city officials Monday night, and said nearly 1,500 of them now are available to the public. Representatives from St. Patrick's Lodge No. 4, Free & Accepted Masons - Present Master Robert Shell and Past Master Wayne Schermerhorn - presented the medallions at the Common Council meeting at City Hall. The medallions, also referred to as coins, show the Masonic emblem on one side and the city seal on the other. The 1,500 coins are numbered. The Masons gave numbers one and 250 to the city and number 200 to the city Fire Department, which is observing its 200th year. The rest of the medallions are available to the public for $10 each. The lodge, located at 22 N. Perry St., was praised by Mayor Sarah J. Slingerland. "We will appropriately archive these," Slingerland said. Schermerhorn said people who want to buy a medallion may call 762-7015 and leave a message for him. He said the public also can stop by the lodge building from 6:30 to 10 a.m. on Wednesdays. Schermerhorn presented a brief history of Sir William Johnson and his connection with the Masons. Johnson was raised a Master Mason on April 10, 1766, in Union Lodge No. 1, located in Albany, which is now Mount Vernon Lodge No. 3. On May 23, 1766, a charter was issued to St. Patrick's Lodge No. 8 in Johnstown - now St. Patrick's No. 4 - to constitute a regular lodge to be held on the second floor of Johnson Hall. The local Masonic lodge's first meeting took place on Aug. 23, 1766, with Sir William Johnson as charter master, his nephew Guy Johnson as senior warden, Daniel Claus as junior warden and John Butler as secretary. Schermerhorn said the original jewels and charter are in the lodge's possession. The lodge moved eventually to a home in Johnstown on Main Street, and on to its present location in 1924. Johnson's further Masonic offices included the titles of provincial grand master of New York, and master of the "Ineffable Lodge" at Albany, which was probably the precursor to the present-day Scottish Rite organization. Slingerland praised the local Masonic lodge for helping the city. "It's one of the oldest in the entire country," the mayor said. "Thanks to the Masons. They play a very important role in the community." Slingerland also praised those involved in Saturday's 250th anniversary parade, themed "Time Marches On," and the program that day at the Johnson Hall State Historic Site. "Thanks to all the people in the community who helped us with this weekend," she said. "I think it was a great day for the city and a great day for the region." Slingerland offered special thanks to city resident Ruth White and other organizers for an "outstanding parade." Page 49 Sept/Oct 2008

Health E-News October 3, 2008

Time for a Flu ShotProtect yourself and your family!In this issue: Who Should Get a Flu Vaccine? Influenza Can Kill. Flu Shots Save Lives You Can't Get the Flu From a Flu Shot! Where to Get a Vaccination A Nasal Vaccine Spray for People Under 50 Stop the Spread of Infections Click here for more...Health Bulletin #65 is one in a series on issues of pressing interest to all New Yorkers. All Health Bulletins are available in English, Spanish, and Chinese, and many are available in other languages. For copies, call 311 or visit nyc.gov/health.

The Westchester editions of today's Journal News (Friday, October 10th) had a feature article remembering RW Walt Gillis, Past Grand Lodge PR Chairman who passed away this past Spring, and his efforts as an organizer of the annual Harry Chapin "Run Against Hunger." To view the contents on www.lohud.com, go to: http://www.lohud.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/200810100230/NEWS01/810100385

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Lodge Services The sources listed below are available through Lodge Services

Medal for Fifty Years of Service to the Craft 24 Inch Gauge Compleat Master

$15.00 $45.00 $12.50

LDC-8 Course - includes course, pin & certificate Lodge System of Masonic Education LSOME (five part book) Lodge System of Masonic Education LSOME (four part book) The Craft and Its Symbols by Allen E. Roberts Masonic Memorial Service incl. Officiant's Guide Masonic Graveside Service incl. Officiant's Guide Masonic Development Course (MDC)

$25.00 3 for $10.00 or $4.00 each 4 for $10.00 or $3.00 each 3 for $20.00 or $7.50 each $4.00 $2.00 $20.00

Both for $9.00 Both for $5.00

The forms listed below are available from the Youth Committee or through your District Deputy Grand Master.

Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award Douglas MacArthur Award for Exemplary Service to Youth Eagle Scout Nomination Form Frank M. Totten Essay Contest 2009 Girl Scout Gold Award Certificate Application Service to Youth Nomination Form

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