Nursing Oaths And Poems

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 11
I Believe I believe in God, the Father Almighty, as Lord and Healer of us all. I Believe that by caring for those in need I am serving Him in a truly meaningful way. I Believe I have a unique challenge to protect the quality of life of those who come into my care, to do all I can to aid the spirit as well as the body, and to treat each person with respect, concern and compassion. I Believe that patience, kindness and good humor are important elements of quality care, and I promise to do my best to practice them always. I Believe that it is my sacred duty to use my training and talents for the good of all those who need and trust in my care... and for the greater glory of God. Amen NURSE'S PRAYER When I falter, give me courage. When I tire, renew my strength. When I weaken because I'm human, Inspire me on to greater length. If doctors and patients become demanding, And days are too short for all my duty, Help me remember I chose to serve, To do so with grace, and spiritual beauty. In humility, Lord, I labour long hours, And though I sometimes may fret;

My mission is mercy. Abide with me, that I may never forget. Amen.

A Nurse's prayer Dear Lord, From whom all goodness flows, Giver of all good things, I come to you with an open heart, Thanksgiving and prayers I bring. This work is truly a gift from you. Serving those in pain In the daily giving of ourselves, we are the ones who gain. Whenever patients need our care May we welcome them with grace. Gentleness and compassion May they see on every face Help us do the best we can Alert at every hour. Round the clock, tireless be, And from duties, never cower. Be our strength and guidance, Lord, Let us work as a team, For all these Lord I pray to you Make me steadfast as I envision You say, "well done, Faithful servant" You've fulfilled your life's mission "Ten Reasons To Become a Nurse" 10. Pays better than McDonald´s (though the hours aren´t as good.) 9. Fashionable shoes and sexy nurses uniforms. 8. Needles: ´tis better to give than to receive. 7. Confidence in reassuring patients that all bleeding stops ... eventually. 6. Opportunity to expose yourself to rare, exotic, and exciting new diseases. 5. Interesting aromas. 4. Courteous and infallible doctors who always leave clear orders in perfectly clear handwriting. 2. Celebration of holidays with all your friends ... at work. 1. Comfort in the knowledge that most of your patients survive no matter what you do to them.

A Nurse's Prayer Let me dedicate my life today to the care of those who come my way. Let me touch each one with healing hands

and the gentle art for which I stand. And when tonight when the day is done. Oh, let me rest in peace if I have helped just one...

A Nurse's Prayer Lord, Give me the intelligence, intuition, and knowledge to Assess. Give me the reason, rationality, and understanding so I may Plan. Give me energy, agility, and tenderness during Implementation. Give me the wisdom, perception, and fairness to Evaluate. Most of all Lord, give me Patience, Compassion, and Kindness for all people.

A Nurse's Prayer Give me strength and wisdom, When others need my touch; A soothing word to speak to them, Their hearts yearn for so much. Give me joy and laughter, To lift a weary soul; Pour in me compassion, To make the broken whole. Give me gentle, healing hands, For those left in my care; A blessing to those who need me, This is a Nurse's prayer.

A Nurse's Prayer Please, God, help me to use the power within me to help those in need today. Help me to stay focused on why I'm here during this patient's stay. The day is long, and demands have grown stronger. My aching feet tell me the miles on my legs have grown longer. I must remember to help and heal the children of God as part of his will. If instead of praise I hear criticism let me focus on Christ and all he has given.

Nurse's Prayer Dear Lord, please give me strength, To face the day ahead. Dear Lord, please give me courage, As I approach each hurting bed. Dear Lord, please give me wisdom With every word I speak. Dear Lord, please give me patience, As I comfort the sick and weak. Dear Lord, Please give me assurance, As the day slips into night. That I have done the best I can, That I have done what's right.

To Be A Nurse Is To Walk With God To be a nurse is to walk with God, Along the path that our Master trod; To soothe the achings of human pain, To faithfully serve for little gain, To lovingly do the kindly deed,

A cup of water to one in need, A tender hand on a fevered brow, A word of cheer to those living now; To reach the souls through its body's woe Oh, this is the way that Jesus would go. Oh, white-capped nurses with hearts so true, Our Great Physician is working through you.

FOR A SPECIAL NURSE Long before you entered nursing The Lord had played His part, Planting seeds of love and kindness In the portals of your heart. For it's clear that you've been gifted With a sympathetic ear, And blessed from the beginning With a willingness to cheer. And the people who you care for Are better off by far, When they're touched by your compassion, By the person that you are. For in times of woe and worry When they're frightened or they're blue, No one could be more consoling than the friend they'll find in you.

The Nurse's Prayer Be Be Be Be Be Be

my my my my my me

voice to the deaf. faith where there is doubt. hope where there is despair. light where there is darkness. joy where there is sadness. in the world.

Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be

my my my my my my my me

eyes to the blind. consolation to those who need to be consoled. understanding to those who need to be understood. healing to those who need to healed. love to those who need love. forgiveness to those who need to be forgiven. death to those who need me. in the world.

Nurse's Creed

Lord, let me begin today with your blessing To provide care for those who need me. Give me the patience to listen, Intuition to see beyond the visible, Knowledge to practice the art of nursing, And the attitude to deliver care with humility. Help me to see every patient clearly Unbiased, and with individual respect. Help me to face fear and anxiety With kind words and a gentle touch. Help me to see the joy and wonder each new day brings And let your healing light shine through my hands.

ABC's of Nursing is for assessment. Nurses are great at assessing everything, e.g. patients, nursing care, each other, the work environment, and physicians. is for body, which becomes someone else's when one is admitted to the hospital. Nurses take care of the body, along with the mind and soul. is for charting, which is never ending. Student nurses need to be warned that when they are graduate nurses, they will probably have to chart on 10 different pieces of paper for every day - unless their hospitals use the other "C" word - computers. is for death, which nurses must face and work with, but should never give in to. is for endless, which is what nursing care activities mostly seem to be. is for finances, which is what keeps the hospitals open and the nurses employed. Most nurses know about hospital finances, especially when it impacts on the personal finances.

is for goals. These are usually identified for the patient, but can be personal if the need arises. is for healthy, which nurses want to be because they don't want to be admitted to a hospital and have to be a patient. is for infection, also known as cystitis, which some researches claim nurses have more of because they never have time to go to the bathroom. is for joy, which nurses experience when their patients (both favorite and unfavorite) recover enough to go home. is for knowledge, which nurses have a lot of. They know about nursing, doctoring, diets, teaching, giving helping, caring facilitation, consulting, and fixing. They use most of it, so they try to keep getting it. is for laboratory reports, which have a tendency to show up on the wrong charts for the wrong patients at the wrong time, which nurses have to look out for constantly. is for movement, which nurses oversee so that patients either do or don't do, helping patients understand what and how to do or not do. is for needles. Nurses are concerned today because needles not only stick the patients; they may also stick the nurse with something that can be life threatening. is for orientation, which tells the new nurse that he or she is either going to fit or not fit into the hospital's culture. It is not too late to change your mind.

is for priorities, which nurses must be great at setting whether it's patient care, preparing the operating room for surgery, or generating a budget. is for questions, which nurses answer a million of a day from patients, families, other members of the healthcare team, nursing colleagues, or administration. is for risk taking. Nurses take risks daily to attain the optimum care they think their patients need. is for surgery. While nurses don't do the cutting, they do the preparing, planning, assisting and teaching, which contributes to the outcome. is for teaching, which is an original major function of nursing. Since today there is a shortage of nurses and an abundance of physicians, many physicians are identifying teaching as a medical function, which nurses should be aware of in order to not lose it. is for uniform, which used to always be white for nurses on the units and scrubs for nurses in specialty areas. But today, nurses may wear scrubs or street clothes on the units and nurses in specialty areas are wearing jump suit cover-ups, or space suits, which is why name tags are required. is for values, which nurses and administrators often seem to have differences in. This is okay as they can be worked out in the decision-making process. is for walking, which nurses must be sure the ambulatory patients can do before they are discharged. It also can be the miles that nurses walk each day just doing their job. (Some have guesstimated 20 miles a day on

an average, busy unit.) is for x-rays, which nurses must be sure they don't get too much of, in order to ensure there are enough new little nurses to carry on the profession. is for you, the most important person in nursing. The heart of nursing is giving of yourself, but be sure not to give it all away and have to leave nursing. is for zoo, which is where nurses often say they work, but then, doesn't everybody?

When God Created Nurses When the Lord made Nurses He was into his sixth day of overtime. An angel appeared and said, "You're doing a lot of fiddling around on this one." And the Lord said, "Have you read the specs on this order? A nurse has to be able to help an injured person, breathe life into a dying person, and give comfort to a family that has lost their only child and not wrinkle their uniform. They have to be able to lift 3 times their own weight, work 12 to 16 hours straight without missing a detail, console a grieving mother as they are doing CPR on a baby they know will never breathe again. They have to be in top mental condition at all times, running on too-little sleep, black coffee and half-eaten meals. And they have to have six pairs of hands. The angel shook her head slowly and said, "Six pairs of way!" "It's not the hands that are causing me problems," said the Lord,

"It's the two pairs of eyes a nurse has to have." "That's on the standard model?" asked the angel. The Lord nodded. "One pair that does quick glances while making note of any physical changes, And another pair of eyes that can look reassuringly at a bleeding patient and say, "You'll be all right ma'am" when they know it isn't so." "Lord," said the angel, touching his sleeve, "rest and work on this tomorrow." "I can't," said the Lord, "I already have a model that can talk to a 250 pound grieving family member whose child has been hit by a drunk driver...who, by the way, is laying in the next room uninjured, and feed a family of five on a nurse's paycheck." The angel circled the model of the nurse very slowly, "Can it think?" she asked. "You bet," said the Lord. "It can tell you the symptoms of 100 illnesses; recite drug calculations in it's sleep; intubate, defibrillate, medicate, and continue CPR nonstop until help arrives...and still it keep it's sense of humor. This nurse also has phenomenal personal control. They can deal with a multi-victim trauma, coax a frightened elderly person to unlock their door,comfort a murder victim's family, and then read in the daily paper how nurses are insensitive and uncaring and are only doing a job." Finally, the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek of the nurse. "There's a leak," she pronounced. "I told you that you were trying to put too much into this model." "That's not a leak," said the Lord, "It's a tear." "What's the tear for?" asked the angel. "It's for bottled-up emotions, for patients they've tried in vain to save, for commitment to the hope that they will make a difference in a person's chance to survive, for life." "You're a genius," said the angel.

The Lord looked somber. "I didn't put it there," He said.

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