N umbers 12 & 13
Family Opposition and Exploring the Promised Land Numbers 12:1-13:33 I. Context Who are the main characters in the passage? What do we know about them? Miriam: Aaron: Moses: When and where does this passage take place? When: It is u ncertain how mu ch time has passed since the Israelites left Sinai and the beginning of this passage. Nu mbers 10:11-12 tells u s that the Israelites set ou t from Sinai on the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd year and then traveled for 3 days to Kibroth Hattaavah (10:33, 11:35). After the qu ail incident at the end of Nu mbers 11, we're told they traveled to Hazeroth, bu t it is not given how long they traveled to get there. Also, at the end of Nu mbers 12, we're told that they left Hazeroth and camped in the Desert of Paran, bu t again it is not given how long they traveled to get there. Where: Last week's passage began in the desert below Mt. Sinai (10:12), then moves to Taberah/Kibroth Hattaavah (11:3, 34), which is believed to be abou t 30 mi. NE of Sinai (Easton's Bible Dictionary), and finally ends at Hazeroth, which is believed to be abou t 40 mi. NE of Sinai (Easton's Bible Dictionary). This week's lesson takes place in Hazeroth and then moves to the Desert of Paran (Nu mbers 12:16) and then we have an accou nt of a grou p being sent into Canaan to explore it and bring back a report to the people (Nu mbers 13) What is going on? (Summary of Events) Miriam and Aaron speak against Moses and are judged. (Numbers 12:1-15)
Moses sends a group of men to explore Canaan and when they return, all but two give unfavorable reports (Numbers 13:1-33)
II. Interpretation What principles are illu strated in this passage? What wou ld you consider the theme of this passage? What do we learn of God's character from this passage? Does this passage point u s toward or connect with Christ? If so, how? How was God's relationship with Moses different than that of other prophets? What were the problems with Aaron's and Miriam's actions? Discu ss the spies' report on the Promised Land. Why did they give a bad report? What does this indicate? III. Application The central issu e of this passage is faith. In Chapter 12, we see Aaron's and Miriam's lack of faith in Moses and in Chapter 13 we see the spies' lack of faith in God's ability to deliver the inhabitants of Canaan over to them. When God sets something before u s to do, ou r su ccess depends mu ch more on ou r faith in God's action, not ou rs.