Numbers 10b 11

  • November 2019
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N umbers 10b-11

Leaving Sinai and Complaining Begins Numbers 10:11-11-35 I. Context Who are the main characters in the passage? What do we know about them? Moses: The Israelites: When and where does this passage take place? When: Nu mbers 10:11-12 tells u s that the Israelites set ou t from Sinai on the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd year and then traveled for 3 days (10:33). Where: The passage begins in the desert below Mt. Sinai (10:12), then moves to Taberah/Kibroth Hattaavah (11:3, 34), which is believed to be abou t 30 mi. NE of Sinai (Easton's Bible Dictionary), and finally ends at Hazeroth, which is believed to be abou t 40 mi. NE of Sinai (Easton's Bible Dictionary). What is going on? (Summary of Events) The Israelites set out from Mt. Sinai on the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd year (10:11-36) The Israelites complain about their hardships and lack of meat (11:1-9) Moses expresses his frustrations with the people to the Lord and was given the help of 70 elders who prophesied when the Spirit that was on Moses was allowed to rest on them (11:10-30) The Lord sent quail for the people to eat, but as they ate, the Lord struck them with a plague (11:31-35)

II. Interpretation What principles are illu strated in this passage? What wou ld you consider the theme of this passage? What do we learn of God's character from this passage? Does this passage point u s toward or connect with Christ? If so, how? Discu ss Moses' response to God regarding the people's complaints. Do you think that it was good for Moses to express his fru strations in this way? Why or why not? What was God's reply? Discu ss the "anointing of the Spirit" u pon the 70 elders (11:24-30). We're not told what they prophesied, so what was the pu rpose of their prophesying? How is this different/similar to the anointing of the Holy Spirit u pon the apostles on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2:1-12? III. Application The Lord wants u s to come to him honestly with ou r fru strations and problems; however, we mu st be carefu l of the attitu de we have when we approach him. The Israelites complaints were not brou ght to God in an attitu de of hu mility and thankfu lness, bu t in u ngratefu l and disrespectfu l complaints. In the same vein as #1, we mu st be carefu l what we ask for. The people's complaints revealed a heart issu e of u ngratefu lness for the food God had already provided. The resu lt was that the Lord promised to give them meat, bu t not ju st enou gh to satisfy them; he promised they wou ld eat meat "for a whole month--u ntil it comes ou t of you r nostrils and you loathe it" (v. 11:20). When the Spirit rested on the 70 elders, they prophesied. It wou ld appear that this served as a means to show in an ou tward way that the Spirit of the Lord was u pon them. It was not something they sou ght, bu t was the resu lt of what the Lord did. As we learn abou t spiritu al gifts, we mu st remember that the pu rpose for those gifts is to glorify the sou rce of the gifts, not the recipient, and we need to recognize that these gifts (especially those considered "sign" gifts) are not frivilou sly given and u sed, bu t always exercised for a pu rpose.

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