ntp_server_configuration(master-primary) clock timezone ist 5 30 clock calender-valid ntp master 8 ntp server prefer ntp server ntp update-calender int gig 0/1 ntp broadcast end wr exit --------------------------------------------------------------------ntp_server_configuration(master-secondary) clock timezone ist 5 30 clock calender-valid ntp master 8 ntp server prefer ntp server ntp update-calender int gig 0/1 ntp broadcast end wr exit ------------------------------------------------------------------ntp_client_configuration(router) conf t clock timezone ist 5 30 ntp broadcastdelay 4 ntp server prefer ntp server int fa 0/0 ntp broadcast client end wr
exit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ntp_client_configuration(switch) conf t clock timezone ist 5 30 ntp broadcastdelay 4 ntp server prefer ntp server end wr exit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ntp_client_linux_configur on linux, /etc/ntp.conf file for ntp configuration. just specify the following lines. server or restirct for specific network to access. enable the service #chkconfig ntp on (linux) (otherunix check with startup script or inetd configuration) #services ntpd start -- to start ntp deamon. #ntpdate -u -- manually upate time with ntp server or restart ntpd services. #date -- to check current time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ntp_client_windows_configur date and time properties --> internet time --> enable automatic update with ntp server and specific ntp server ip or host name.