Nsa Warrantless Wiretapping Program

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NSA Warrantless Wiretapping Program Written August 18, 2007

C-SPAN: America & The Courts -- Hepting Vs. AT&T (Wednesday, Aug. 15th 2007) Introduction It is believed that the US Government’s NSA (1) has an espionage relationship with AT&T Corporation, in which they use AT&T Telecommunication Services to obtain surveillance data of the US Public. The NSA is protected under the “State Secrets” Privilege to not disclose whether they do this or not, and to what extent they do this or not. Millions of US Citizens believe that the NSA may misuse this privilege to perform Widespread Dragnet Surveillance of ALL US Citizens through the use of the AT&T Mass Telecommunications Network, which includes wireless cell phones, wired telephones, and high-speed internet. Evidence: Court Sworn Testimonies of Multiple Witnesses A splitter cabinet exists within the AT&T Building, which splits / sends a signal from the 7th floor to the SG3 Secure Room (2) on the 6th floor. This room is a Private / Secret Study Room, and is controlled by NSA without legal authorization / a warrant (a warrant may exist, but NSA is protected under “State Secrets” Privilege to not disclose this info). Access to this room is limited to individuals with NSA clearance. It is within this room where the NSA most likely performs their surveillance / acquisition of telecommunications data without our consent. A mass handover / copy of ALL AT&T communications has been proved to occur.(3) We do not know the extent of what occurs inside this room, i.e., human / NSA study of surveillance data, monitoring, filing, transfer, storage, circulation, sharing, etc. It could be speculated that NSA officials would copy, store, and transfer / share this data from their AT&T Control Center on the 6th Floor.(4) And, with whom do they share this data, and for what purpose/s? NSA is protected under “State Secrets” Privilege, and under Congress Enacted Statutes (5). Also, they have been given this liberty as a result of the 9/11 terrorist attack. NSA has 100% Freedom to perform ANY and ALL surveillance they believe is necessary. They do not need to provide certification or a court issued warrant for these surveillance activities. Giving them (the Executive Branch / NSA) the ability to simply do what they want, and to claim “State Secrets” Privilege whenever they want. State Secrets Privilege (6) This privilege grants the Executive Branch / NSA the ability to act independently from the Judicial Branch, hence, no need for Court Ordered Warrants. Therefore, the Executive Branch through the NSA goes unchecked. We got a problem with that. hahaha. Our Government was established to prevent any Branch or Order, whether so-called Secret or not, from acting on their own / independently from the Judicial Branch and from the House of Representatives. However, the Congress and Executive Branch may work together to form Congress Enacted Statutes, and once again leaving our Judicial Branch of Government in the dust. hahaha. I don’t like it. The Executives (so-called secret or not) and the Representatives can now work together to establish / form whatever they want. Not Good! Our Government was designed to function cohesively in Three Parts, not One So-Called Secret Part, and not Two Parts either, but THREE. What happened over time? Where did we go wrong? When was the New Order created, which did away with the First Original Order? Hmmm. A question we must ALL ask ourselves.

When was the So-Called Secret Services Department of the Government created? By whom? And, for what purpose was it created? I propose that it was created; so that, over time they could work independently to do whatever they want. Hmmm. Not TRUE FREEDOM for us then. It sounds more like slavery. Oops. When was the NSA established? By whom? And, for what purpose was it created? Most likely to give the Executive Branch of the Government the Ability to function outside of the Judiciary Branch, by working closely with the House to establish Congress Enacted Statutes, which give the Executive Branch / NSA the ability to work independently, and also to do whatever they want through “State Secrets” Privilege. Do you know what amazes me? The NSA goes unchecked, and no one can question anything they do in Court, because they simply claim “State Secrets” Privilege. Who established this Privilege? When? Why? For what purpose/s? You figure it out. It was established in order to perform unchecked mass surveillance of everyone. And, once again, they simply claim “State Secrets” Privilege, and get away with it all. NO LONGER FOOLS! YOUR TIME IS UP! YOUR DAY IS OVER! AMEN. Certification Provision / Conclusion If AT&T or ANY other carrier / service provider get certification, then they are obligated to keep service confidential with respect to what surveillance was granted certification. The NSA can assert “State Secrets” Privilege at anytime to ‘cover-up’ Uncertified Surveillance, and thus Liberates our Government / NSA creating a Libertarian Governmental State, as opposed to the Democratic State that our Forefathers envisioned and created through the Declaration of Independence, and in the American Constitution. Congress is being used to Enact Statutes that may override our Individual Constitutional Rights. The Judicial Branch may function outside of the Constitution, as well, by deciding cases, and making orders outside of our Constitution; or, by simply dismissing cases, and once again, due to “State Secrets” Privilege. The Executive Branch, including NSA, may receive Power / Liberty to override our Constitutionally Given Rights. Perhaps, they already have.?! We must be aware, we must be alert, we must be awake, we must be careful, and we must endure until the end. We must act before ALL of our Constitutionally given rights, privileges, and freedoms are taken away.

Peace Always |/ (8) Joshua David Gunther AMCOR


(1) http://www.nsa.gov/about -- NSA: A high technology organization, NSA is on the frontiers of communications and data processing. And, it seems they are working quite closely with AT&T. Don’t fall for AT&T’s Grand Marketing Scheme/s. Go with another provider instead. Hahaha. However, they ALL will be controlled by the NSA if we are NOT careful. :) Look Out. (2) Hepting Vs. AT&T: Lawyers have proved through sworn testimonies of AT&T employees / witnesses that this SG3 Secure Room exists within AT&T. (3) Hepting Vs. AT&T: Lawyers have proved through sworn testimonies of AT&T employees / witnesses that a mass handover / copy of ALL AT&T telecommunications occurs at the splitter cabinet on the 7th floor to the 6th floor SG3 Secure Room. (4) Hey Guys Great Choice of Floor. You chose the 6th Floor to perform your duties. hahaha. Kind of obvious huh. :) id-ots (5) Congress Enacted Statutes: Statutory Provisions established, so that we do not have to be notified that we are under surveillance by use of a device. Then, the NSA goes unchecked and does whatever they want with the data collected. (6) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Secrets_Privilege (7) http://z10.invisionfree.com/Loose_Change_Forum/index.php?showtopic=14039 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppRKfXiXBLM (8)


NOTES: making of copy, routing of copy and sending data to ‘NSA Room’ access to room is limited to individuals with NSA clearance. Lawyers have proved that this ‘NSA Room’ exists within AT&T electronic surv. acquisition with a device without consent data / internet traffic / phone call content ALL internet traffic is included in this ‘signal split’ as well NSA clearances NSA and AT&T is a secret according to Government, but Lawyers have proved Statutory Language SCR 697 a need to know = a person who assists or performs a gov. funct. = NSA 1801f, 1806f, 1810 sub paragraph 2 acquisition with device without our consent mass handover / copy of ALL communications Statutory Appendix Title 3 3rd clause disjunctive Congress Enacted Statutes protective perimeter of our privacy mass interception Dragnet of ALL communications data DC circuit case = mosaic intelligence analysis = NSA has 100% Freedom to perform surveillance NSA = no need to provide certification Certification Provision If carrier got certification, then they are obligated to keep surv. confid. with respect to what was cert. assert “state secret” priv. to ‘cover-up’ uncertified Surveillance. 25.11 2a2 DC Circuit Court / Judge trying to dismiss this case Lawyers Appealing to Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ‘state secret’ case with secret and non-secret evidence / surveillance. requesting to segregate secret and non-secret evidence check before and after minutes 1:22:00-1:31:00 of video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppRKfXiXBLM The Russell Declaration FIZA / FISA Court

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