Nrp Monthly Meeting

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NOVEMBER 17, 2009


11:30 AM TO 1:00 PM 21454 KOOP DR RM 329

Meeting called by:

Michele Avery

Type of meeting:

Northshore Rising Professionals: General Meeting


Michele Avery

Note taker:

Kelly Pontiff


Lauren Mayer, Chasity Kakela, Kristen Prestenbach, Amy Lang, Kelly Pontiff, Wayne Pontiff, Danielle Evans, Aimee Kitchen, Nathan Boudreaux, James Person, Craig Marinello, Tatem Richard, Meghan Early, Jack Brechtel, Sally Hoffstadt, Kellie Osbon, Toni Carruth, Eric Milazzo, Steve Tujague Jr, Tommy Buckel, Shellie Roberts, John McCants, Jennifer Taylor, Lauren Coudrain, Crystal Cook, Jennifer Buras, Clay Madden, Austin Speni, Paul Myers, Emily Miller, Joe Prisco, Paul Myers, Michele Avery.

Minutes Agenda item:

Welcome and Self Introductions


Michele Avery

Agenda item:

LSU Game Day Viewing


Joe Prisco


Update on the LSU Game Day Viewing to be held this Saturday Nov 21 at WOW on Hwy 59; Asked for input from NRP’s and for them to email ideas or questions to Emily Miller or Joe Prisco.


NRP will host an LSU Game Day Viewing this Saturday, Nov 21 at WOW on HWY 59, please bring family and friends.

Action items

Person responsible


Watch for emails concerning dates and times



Agenda item:

December Meeting



December Meeting to be held at Calypso in Covington on December 15; at this meeting the bags for the food drive will be collected and picked up by the Covington Food Bank.

Michele Avery

Action items

Person responsible


Watch for emails regarding meeting updates



Distribute bags/boxes to neighborhood/office and collect to bring to meeting


15 Dec 2009

Agenda item:

Lighthouse Project



Update on Lighthouse Project – Service Saturdays were unsuccessful; looking for other ways to use our skill sets to help with the project.

Michele Avery

Action items

Person responsible


Will report back about the Lighthouse project in January

Michele Avery


Agenda item:

Communications Committee


Lauren Coudrain


Had to create a new group with the new name and there are only a few NRP’s under the new group. Discussed sending out an email with the link so that everyone could join the new group.


An email will be sent out for the new Facebook Group, Northshore Rising Professionals, please make sure you become a fan.

Action items

Person responsible


Send out an email to let NRP’s know about the new Facebook Group

Lauren / Emily


Sign up for the new Facebook Group – Northshore Rising Professionals



Agenda item:

Logo Update



Undecided on the logo samples received, will try to tie down a logo in the latter part of January.

Agenda item:

HWY 190 Beautification Project Update


Brief Description on HWY 190 Beautification Project, need to contact businesses along HWY 190 to help fund; some companies have already promised to contribute money. But before donations could be received, a 501c(3) needs to be set up. Once set up, Michele will get back to NRP’s about contacting other businesses along 190 to help with the funding.


Michele Avery

Michele Avery

Action items

Person responsible


Set up 501c(3) company for donations received



Agenda item:

Next Year’s Chairman Introduction



Introduced Craig Marinello as next year’s Chairman. Craig asked for additional ideas from NRP’s for next year. No ideas brought up by NRP’s at that moment.

Agenda item:

Survey Results – guidelines for group structure


Survey results briefly reviewed by Craig – lunch meetings popular, as well as nightly socials; Demographics of group – most NRPs Married with 2 children. Current leadership group developed by first NRPs that showed consistent interest in the organization. NRP is looking for other ideas for socials and how to get more involved with the community. Joe Prisco & Paul Myers– suggested sponsoring booths at small community events.


Current structure is based on survey results – all concur 1) Lunch meetings every month 2) An informal nightly social once a month 3) Additional ideas are welcome

Agenda item:

Food Drive


Recapped history, purpose, and goals, showed flyer designed by Tommy’s coworker to attach to bags. Passed around spreadsheets to fill out to expose any duplicate efforts. Explained process – pick up bags at this meeting, deliver to your neighborhood, pick up from neighbors on designated date, return on Dec 15th – next meeting with all filled bags. Prize will be given for most items collected (not bags) – Will be done on the honor system, prize TBD.



Michele Avery

Michele Avery

Paul Myers

Action items

Person responsible


Send out email with Food Drive flyer to attach to bags Food Drive – Distribute bags, collect food, and return at next meeting

Paul / Emily ALL NRP’s

N/A 15 DEC 2009

Agenda item:

Guest Speaker – Jackie Calentato


Sally Hoffstadt


Background and origins of Covington Food Bank – Very small in the beginning, Poole Corps donated stock options to build a 6000 SF warehouse 8/10/05. Katrina hit and Covington Food Bank became the food bank for all areas North and South Shore. 70-100 Families, all nonperishable items needed primarily cereal, peanut butter, flour, sugar. Takes over $30,00 per month to keep doors open – no government funding – all donations and fundraisers. Food Bank Hours – Mon, Tues, Thurs 9-12p.m. Dental Clinic Mon 2-5p.m.; Wed & Fri 9-12p.m. Thrift Store Mon-Fri 9a.m. -2:30 p.m. Donations come from various sources Churches have monthly food drives for needed items Freshmarket, Rouses, & Albertsons give day old bread and pastries Also associated with St. Vincent de Paul – helps with rent, utilities, medicine, etc. All Saints Dental clinic – 30 patients a week, All dentist are volunteers, Many more dentist needed – 3 hours a week if possible Other ways to help Golf Tournament 5/17/09 Annual Harvest Dance 1st Saturday in November at Castine Center St. Paul’s delivers Christmas meals on Christmas day, guaranteed to be home to your family by 12p.m. – Contact John Baldwin of Baldwin Motors if you want to volunteer Invited everyone to come see their operation and feel free to contact Jackie with any questions. Pamphlets were passed around for everyone – Website is incorrect should be

Agenda item:

Future of NRP



Planning committee to meet, more structure will begin to emerge at the beginning of the new year. Website will be launched and more committees established. Please contact Emily to volunteer for any committees.

Agenda item:



Purpose of networking is to meet other people and get more involved. Everyone get up and introduce yourself to someone you don’t know.


Michelle Avery

Craig Marinello

Special notes: Excellent turnout this month. Please remember if you RSVP for a meeting and cannot attend please give Emily 24 hours notice.

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