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Pastor Jan Marcussen - P O Box 68, Thompsonville, IL 62890 - Phone 618-627-2357 - Fax - 618-627-2712 My web-sites are & - My newest website is WBNS.US November Y2K+5

“ And at

midnight there was a cry made, Behold,

the bridegroom cometh; go ye

Exhibit #1

out to meet him. . . . And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.” Exhibit #2

See exhibit #4

Exhibit #3

Dear SDA friends around the world, Read all the boxes in this letter, then come back here, and we’ll talk about what’s happening. Faith: What are the seven great disappointments for God’s professed people in the history of the world? Are six of them past, and the seventh great disappointment still future? Pastor Jan: In just a minute we’ll talk about that. But now I’m waiting for my airplane to take off while looking out the window of the airport in New York City. I can see the Empire State Building and the skyline of New York. The Twin Towers are missing. I’m coming home from speaking in the SDA church Sabbath. Our kind Father blessed so much that you can’t put it into words. He gets all the praise. The subject on the two screens was “The New World Order, the Sunday Law, and the 144,000.” The Holy Spirit and the angels of God were there - as they were with all of God’s dear people wherever they are. The pastor said that about 550 people were there. Four SDA pastors from other churches came up and greeted me after the afternoon meeting. One of them asked me how he could find a good wife. I told him what I did before our kind Father led Sweet Vennita to me, and told him that if he will totally surrender all to God and pray much, God will guide him as He did me - whether to work for God as Paul did after his conversion {without a wife}, or whether to have the perfect wife for him that God {not he} has chosen. “In this age of the world, as the scenes of earth’s history are soon to close and we are about to enter upon the time of trouble such as never was, the fewer the marriages contracted the better for all, both men and women.” 5T 366. Does that mean that it’s a sin for anyone to get married after that statement was made? When you look at all the marriages of the world, and the fact that most of them end in ruin, that quote is a true statement of love from the Exhibit #4 testimony of dear Jesus. “In the seventeenth of Revelation is foretold the Again the prophet said, “It is really not wise to have destruction of all the churches who corrupt themselves by children now. Time is short, the perils of the last days are idolatrous devotion to the service of the papacy, those who have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. upon us.” LDE 36. “Thus is represented the papal power, which with all Do these quotes mean that it’s a sin to marry and have deceivableness of unrighteousness, by outside attraction children? Did Sister White get married and have children? and gorgeous display, deceives all nations; promising These are true statements when looking at the six billion them, as did Satan our first parents, all good to those who receive its mark, and all harm to those who oppose its people of the world, and when realizing that most children fallacies. The power which has the deepest inward will be lost, and suffer more than if they were never born. corruption will make the greatest display.” 7BC 983. This With much prayer and total surrender, each individual will power with it’s “outward show” will fool most everyone in the world including most Laodiceans today. Why? be guided by our kind Father in view of these true Because it is “outward show” which most church statements. If most people of the wicked world, or halfmembers for the past 4,000 years want. “Outward show?” converted church members, would heed these true Remember those words. You’ll see them again in this letter, and you‘ll see what it has to do with the “seven great statements, there would be much less suffering than there disappointments.” will be from now until Jesus comes.

2 When you make a total surrender of yourself to God, you are so The Guardian, Barbara McMahon in Rome Pope Benedict XVI, in his first trip outside Rome happy that words cannot express it. Don’t listen to the devil if he since being elected, was greeted by enthusiastic tells you that if you constantly make that total surrender to Jesus every hour of every day, you’ll be unhappy. It’s just the opposite! crowds in the southern Italian city of Ban yesterday. At an outdoor mass attended by an estimated Our kind Father will make you more intensely happy than you or 200,000 people, he called for the rediscovery of the the devil could ever make yourself. Do you believe that? How meaning of Sundays as an antidote to the happy would you be if you knew that the entire universe would be religious rampant consumerism and religious indifference given to us poor humans as our inheritance? The word “universe” that was making the modern world a spiritual is made of two Latin words. 1) “uni,” meaning “one,” and “verse,” desert. meaning “a spoken sentence.” God made the entire universe with His word, and He will give it to us! Amazing! Listen - “All things are yours; Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all [the entire universe, Rev. 21:7] are yours; And ye are Christ’s; and Christ is God’s. I Cor. 3:21-23. Praise God!. Never be afraid to trust Him perfectly! ( On the way to New York, I sat on the airplane behind a man who had shaved his head, and looked like a 300 pound blob of muscles. He had a New York accent and looked like a real mafia mobster. The man just across the isle from him had wavy black hair, and looked like a 285 pound mafia mobster. While I was looking at them, the hairy mobster-looking man across the isle, reached his arm over and poked his finger into the ear of the In my last letter to you, you saw an article 300 pound mobster-looking man. When this man in front of me in the Sept. 26, 2005 issue of TIME entitled looked over to see the man across the isle who had poked his finger “Saddam’s Revenge.” The front cover asked the question, “Is it too late to win the war?” into his ear, that man waved his fingers at him. I could hardly Since then, I read an article saying that it is believe it. Later, the 300 pound mobster- looking man reached his now too late to win the war. Depending upon arm across the isle and poked his finger into the ear of the man with which war you look at, the article is correct. dark wavy hair. Soon after that, the same bald-headed man reached The Vatican New World Order is controlling across the isle and scrubbed his hand down the other man’s face the wars - with humongous defense under his right eye. After that, the wavy haired mobster-looking man contractors depending upon war to continue tore off a piece of wrapper from his bag of M&Ms, and put it down to exist - like the Carlyle Group - which you the back of the 300 pound man. After that, the bald 300 pound learned on the giant screens, is mainly owned mobster-looking man reached over and pulled on the pocket of the by the Bush family and the family of Osama other man’s pants when he was standing up. These things were very bin Laden. The prophet said, “In the last unusual. When I looked at their noses and ears, and heard them scenes of this earth’s history war will rage. . . talking about going to Grandpa’s house, I knew that they were We should be preparing for the mansions that brothers. “Let brotherly love continue.” Hebrews 13:1. I could tell Christ has gone to prepare for them that love that these two men really loved each other. What do we learn from Him.” Maranatha, p. 174. this? The first thing I learn is to not judge anything until you have the whole, entire picture, {which in some cases}, may be never on this earth. Faith: Do we also learn of the beauty of brotherly love? Pastor Jan: The Bible says, “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one Associated Press, October 17, 2005. another; Not slothful in business; SPRING HILL, Tenn. (AP) -- Spring Hill aldermen are facing a decision over fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; whether to go after do-it-yourself enthusiasts who violate an ordinance Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; banning construction work on Sundays. continuing instant in prayer; According to city code in this Nashville suburb, no construction work of Distributing to the necessity of saints; any kind can be done on Sundays. Spring Hill aldermen are now debating given to hospitality. Bless them which just how strict that ordinance is. persecute you: bless, and curse not. Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. Be of the You’ll see more and more articles like this as time gets shorter, and the exhausted people, along with their religious leaders, start thinking more about same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to a Sunday law to help our terrorized society with “peace and safety.” If you men of low estate. Be not wise in your want a copy of the documentation offered in this letter, just send anything to help cover the cost. Anything above that will be used to reach as many as fast own conceits. Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in as we can with God’s three angels’ messages. the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:10-21. We also learn that brotherly love manifests itself in different people in different ways. You and your brother may not express your love for each other as two mobsterlooking men would do. So we learn to “Judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who In exhibit #1 you see the man of sin with his “coat of both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, arms” in the upper right corner. His Tierra and dress are and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: covered with symbols of the sun, various sex symbols, like and then shall every man have praise of God.” I Cor. sea shells. The coat of arms in Exhibit #3 displays the bear 4:5. just like you see in the masonic symbol in exhibit #2. You’ve Before we talk about the seven great already learned that the pope is the head visible mason of disappointments, I want to share with you a few the world. The G in the masonic symbol is inside of the sun things that I learned on the news that reveal to us that symbol. The Vatican is filled with symbols of sun, 666, Jesus is coming soon. serpents, and sex. The bear of Daniel’s dream had three ribs 1) On his radio program Rush Limbaugh said that in its mouth = the three nations it conquered. This papal according to new research the sun is getting hotter. bear of the New World Order wants the three nations in its They have measured it burning more brightly than at mouth which started and maintained the Protestant any time during the past 1000 years. The ice caps on reformation - Germany, England, and the U.S. Exhibit #4 earth are melting. represents those churches which corrupt themselves with 2) According to the October 24, 2005 issue of U.S. devotion to the beast. Soon, every person on earth will do NEWS AND WORLD REPORT, the earth is heating up, that except those who have the seal of God in their causing the oceans to be warmer - causing powerful foreheads. In Rev. 7, John heard the number of those who hurricanes like Katrina, and Wilma. Though now had that seal. That number was 144,000. Will anyone be in subsided, Wilma was the most powerful hurricane heaven without the seal of God? The prophet said, “Only ever recorded in modern history, with 882 millibars of those who receive the seal of the living God will have the passport through the gates of the Holy City.” Mar. 241. “The pressure and winds of 175 mph. seal of God will never be placed upon the forehead of an 3) It was announced that Justice Ruth Bader impure man or woman. It will never be placed upon the Ginsberg on the U.S. Supreme Court believes that 12 forehead of the ambitious, world-loving man or woman. All should be the legal age to get married, buy beer, who receive the seal must be without spot before God – cigarettes; and that prostitution should be legalized candidates for heaven.” 5T 216. May you and I, and our dear that the Constitution provides for prostitution. ones have it is my prayer! Cling to Jesus! 4) WKFL radio news said that as many as 200,000 people could die in this country if the bird flu hits the

Town's Sunday construction ban could affect do-it-yourself work on Sunday

3 U.S. Sue Nicodemus {the Salt Lake City health department Dear A. Jan Marcussen, coordinator} was interviewed. She said that they [and probably I found the book “National Sunday Law” in health departments around the nation] are preparing for a flu the Laundromat. Since I read it my life has “pandemic” this winter season. changed completely. I have been a very fervent Catholic, hearing the mass every day. 5) The Bush administration said that the Salvation Army may fire Since I read your book, I’ve stopped that or hire people according to their religious beliefs, even though it practice. I threw into the dumpster all my receives most of its money for social services from the government. statues and pictures of the saints that made Federal Judge Sidney Stein this week ruled that it would be my apartment look like a Catholic cathedral. untenable for the Constitution to require a religion to water down its Yesterday I stopped helping as a volunteer at the Catholic mission. I told them that I believes simply because it accepts government money.” Bob Tuttle, renounce the Catholic church and the a law professor at [the Jesuit controlled] George Washington Catholic faith. This has hurt me terribly, but I University, said, “This ruling disperses a big cloud hanging over the prefer to please God. Today I told God that I president’s faith based initiative. With this ruling, the court has am going to be His worker. Please send me sided with the Bush administration. The White House should be as many “National Sunday Law” books as you can. Soon, I will be on the streets giving God’s celebrating.” truth to the people. Cordially, Ruth Rodriquez Pastor Jan: This new ruling emphasizes the fact that one leg of the image of the beast is now set up - namely, the federal government supporting the institutions of the church. The second leg to be set up soon is when the government enforces church rules - one of which being Sunday worship. We find these two in 7BC 976. 6) 10/10/05, NPR news reported that every year 100,000 This letter was sent from Nigeria to my SDA Americans die and are killed from what their doctors give them to friend and co-worker in Norway, Abel Struksnaes help them get well. Two million others {who manage to survive the poisons}, have adverse reactions from the drugs. To be frank, I was a devoted Catholic. But since someone loaned me the book “National 7) It is planned that the November 2005 issue of National Sunday Law” by Jan Marcussen, everything Geographic Magazine will have a special feature on “Adventists.” about my life has changed. That book caused I’m thankful for this good report. It will show how SDAs are one of me to make the decision that has made me a the three groups in the U.S. who live longer than most people Seventh-day Adventist today. The man who because of their common sense lifestyle of the 8 natural remedies loaned the book to me, took it back, but the contents of the book has been established in that Jesus Himself gave us through His prophet Ellen White. {I my heart. Nigeria don’t think that God’s prophet will be mentioned.] They are 1) good, natural, vegetarian diet, {which naturally and automatically controls your weight with its low calories; prevents many cancers with it high constipation preventing fiber and its heart attack preventing no cholesterol and low fat; and prevents many other diseases with its high vitamin and mineral content. 2) good exercise, 3) fresh, smokeless air, 4) fresh water inside and out, 5) just the right amount of joyful sunshine, 6) refreshing rest - daily, and on God’s holy Sabbath {rest} day, 7) Abstemiousness, {staying away from things that will hurt you}, and 8) Trust in God. You can’t improve on those 8. They are absolutely perfect and complete. Nothing can be added to them, that you need, and nothing can be taken away from them that you don’t need. Why? Because they are from the lovely Jesus. And He is perfect in Dear A. Jan Marcussen, knowledge and love. Who are we - who are Seventh-day Adventists I read your book “National Sunday Law” - ? - that God should love us to give us such light? Like ancient about a week ago and I’ve thought of it Israel, we are to love others, and share these with the world. Then continuously. It completely blew me away they can join us, and reap the delightful benefit from them too. and made me examine God’s word in a new Through us, God wants to bless the world like He wanted to do light. It’s so refreshing for someone to come out with the complete truth. I think that your through ancient Israel. We are modern Israel. That’s why the work is going to make a difference. But Apostle Paul said, “And so all Israel shall be saved.” But the great shouldn’t we all be doing more to reach the disappointments must be used to help us be in perfect alignment with people with God’s message? th Jesus. We’ll talk about those in a minute. And don’t forget our 37 medical missionary soul-winning school December 11-17. We’ll have two doctors, and other teachers, as well as myself. It’s only for one week. Come if you can! What you’ll learn there, you will never be able to learn anywhere else. I guarantee you that. Call my office for info before the cutoff deadline soon comes. Call 618-627-2357. Call now. 8) NPR News had a discussion concerning the making of a computer chip in the U.S. for every person in the country. 9) Doctor Kent Hovand reported {on his video called “The Age of the Earth”} that the moon is getting gradually farther from the earth every year. The sun is getting hotter. The earth spins 1041.6 miles per hour at the equator. The earth is turning slower than it did before, and therefore they have to have a “leap second” about every year and a half to compensate. Along with this, the magnetic field of the earth is getting weaker. The prophet talks about abnormal things happening in the weather in the end of the world. Do all of these things effect it? 10) “75% of all children raised in Christian homes who attend public schools will reject the Christian faith by their first year of college.” Let My Children Go,” by Carlyl Matritiano, {Vice President of “Jeremiah Films.”} The Vatican and the pope openly teach that they agree with the false theory of evolution, and say that the Bible is compatible with it. Thus, they destroy faith in the Genesis account of the creation and “trickishly” destroy faith in the entire Bible along with the Genesis account of the origin of God’s seventh-day Sabbath - preparing the way for world to ultimately submit to the law enforcing the day of the sun {the mark of the beast} which they brought in from pagan sun worship. Top Vatican leaders, who are high masonic priests of Lucifer, don’t secretly care who or what people worship on their way to hell as long as they are morally and financially loyal to the church. Faith: With all the things going on that are leading to the coming of Jesus, and the seven last plagues before that, and the close of Dear A. Jan Marcussen, probation before that, and the universal Sunday law before that, and Greetings from Uganda. I am extremely the national Sunday law before that, and the horrors and calamities delighted and pleased to read your book “National Sunday Law.” It’s very obvious and before that, please tell us how all of this will fit in with the seven certain that you must have been guided by the great disappointments to God’s professed people in the history of the Holy Spirit in writing this book. It is most world. Are six of them past, and the seventh great disappointment interesting how you have explained the books still future? What will bring it? And what effect will it have on of Daniel and Revelation, which most God’s church in our day? If God allows it to come to His church, it denominations find a problem to even preach must do them some good - since nothing is allowed by Him to come about. It’s clear that these prophecies stand as warnings to the people of God here in the unless it does them good. What good will a 7th great disappointment end of time. Yours in Christ, O. F. Assip do God’s SDA people? Isn’t God’s church going to get more and more prosperous and famous until it floats up to heaven - with no great crises to worry about? God’s people have disappointments all the time. I’ve never heard of seven great ones. Are you sure that they exist? Pastor Jan: Can you guess what the first great disappointment for God’s professed people was?

4 Hope: Was it when Adam and Eve were horribly disappointed Dear Sir, after they were told by the devil in disguise that by eating the I received a copy of “National Sunday Law” forbidden fruit they would rise to a much higher state of being and in my newspaper box with my Sunday paper. I couldn’t put the book down! I have read become gods, but instead, they became naked, cold, worried, and Daniel and Revelation over and over trying to scared as they learned that both they and the whole world had been understand. Your book has answered all my plunged into the horrors of death - before being driven out of their questions. I can’t wait to get your follow-up beautiful garden? book, “Great Controversy.” Yes, Praise God! Pastor Jan: And can you guess what the second great What a Saviour! disappointment for God’s professed people was? Charity: Was it when Eve was joyfully looking forward to the birth of her first beautiful baby - thinking that he might well be the promised Messiah and our Saviour from eternal death, but her first innocent baby turned out to be the first murderer? Pastor Jan: And can you guess what the third great disappointment for God’s professed people was? Faith: Was it when God’s professed people got worse and worse until they had gotten so mixed up with the world that when God told one godly SDA man to build a gigantic ship because He was going to destroy the world by a great flood, the church members didn’t believe it and became his greatest persecutors, and laughed the loudest at the crazy old man and his three sons? Was the third great disappointment when the church members knew for sure that the message of Noah was a delusion because their trusted church leaders and scientists told them so, but instead of seeing Noah turned into a fool, they saw their houses and churches swept away amid lightning, deafening thunder, and found themselves climbing higher and higher from the flood and choking with water going into their lungs until they were dead? Pastor Jan: Jesus said, “As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Matt. 24:37-39. And can you guess what the fourth great disappointment for God’s professed people was? Dear Jan Marcussen, Hope: Was it when God’s church was firmly established in the My wife Judy, found your book “National world, and God had promised that Israel would stand forever, and Sunday Law” at a pay telephone. She brought that He would never forsake His church, and He had driven the it home and gave it to me. I suspect that God heathen out of the land of Canaan, and blessed His people in the land had someone drop it off for me. I read the of “milk and honey” in the most beautiful part of the world, and whole book tonight. I agree with you 100%. I look forward to receiving your follow-up book. SDA church leaders and people were planning on God’s true church If it is half as good as “National Sunday Law” I spreading around the world and lasting forever {according to God’s will be spellbound. I hope that “National own word}, and for reproving the sins of God’s people they sawed Sunday Law” will become this world’s most the prophet Isaiah into two pieces {4BC 1137}, and for saying that read book. God’s SDA church was going to be taken into the Babylonian captivity and be scattered in Babylon for 70 years, they threw Jeremiah into an awful, slimy pit, and the church leaders told the king to hold out against Nebuchadnezzar because God would save His church, and that Isaiah and Jeremiah were crazy fanatics; and soon they saw Nebuchanezzar’s army come and beat down and walls of Jerusalem, and destroy the church headquarters in Jerusalem, and take the sacred vessels of God, and take the people of God in a shameful march to Babylon, where they were terribly disappointed, and wondered why God had allowed it after all His promises to save Israel, and save His church, and they hung their harps upon the willows? {DA 28}. {Read about it in Prophets & Kings.} Faith: What good would all of that horror and disappointment do for God’s dear church members, or for the wicked people in Babylon? Why did God allow it after all of His promises to save His church? Pastor Jan: You’ll see in a minute. Charity: What about the great disappointment at the tower of Dear Jan Marcussen, Babel? Why did you skip that one? I just finished reading your book “National Pastor Jan: That disappointment was experienced by the wicked Sunday Law.” Thank you for opening my eyes heathen who were in open rebellion against God and who built the to the facts that were hidden from me by the church. My wife and I are Roman Catholic. I tower in defiance against God, but not by God’s professed people. received a catechism as a gift but didn’t read Now can you guess what the fifth great disappointment for God’s it until I finished reading your book. I WAS professed people was? SHOCKED AT THE MATERIAL IN THE Faith: Was it when the lovely Jesus came to this earth according CATECHISM THAT DID NOT ALIGN WITH to His promise, and did mighty miracles across the land, and His SCRIPTURE!!! For years I bought into the lies disciples and the SDA church members and leaders of Israel were about Sunday, Christmas, Easter, and “All Saints Eve” {Halloween}. After I finished your looking for the Messiah to come like Superman, to put down the book, I had the blinders taken off my eyes! hated Romans, and make everyone rich, and make Israel great and Thanks to you, my friend, I now know the spread around the world - {according to God’s promise}, but instead TRUTH - and you are right - I am now held of seeing Jesus take the throne of David, they saw Him being accountable by the Almighty! Are you a betrayed by one of his most trusted disciples, denied with cursing and Seventh-day Adventist? Please send me your swearing by one of His closest friends, and beaten, spit on, mocked, follow-up book immediately! Hope to hear from you soon!!!! Sincerely Daniel Borders tried, found guilty as a horrible criminal, put with the vilest fiends, pushed along until the Son of God fell on His face in the dirt, and Praise God! Look at all these faithful Roman they saw great spikes beaten through His hands and feet, and the Catholics accepting God’s SDA Bible truth! God cross lifted by strong men and jammed into the hole until it tore his gets all the praise. The devil and the Jesuits hate flesh, and ripped His shoulders out of place, and He cried out “My it! Let them leap up and down. ( God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” “It is finished!” “Into Thy hands I commend My spirit,” and He bowed His head and died? Pastor Jan: Wonderful Jesus! The prophet reveals that this disappointment was so great that their faith in Him as the Messiah was totally dead. But never had they loved Him more. What a relief when it finally dawned on them that He had risen from the dead! How it told them of their own ignorance of the prophecies and of the word of God! {Like most Laodiceans today, who are unknowingly headed for the last great disappointment!} Peter, who was so ashamed of himself, later wrote that dear Jesus had begotten them again unto a lively hope by His resurrection from the dead. I Peter 1:3. And can you guess what the sixth great disappointment for God’s professed people was? Hope: It was when God’s SDA people heard the preaching of William Miller according to the prophecies of Daniel 10, and the “little book” was “sweet in the belly” as they looked for the soon coming of Jesus in the sky according to Bible prophecy, but instead of Him coming to earth at the end of the 2300 year prophecy of Daniel 9, He moved into the most holy place in heaven and began the investigative judgement that is going on right now, and God’s people were bitterly disappointed when He didn’t show up “with outward show,” and were mocked and made to look like fools in the newspapers, and books of the land. Pastor Jan: Yes. That 6th great disappointment was used by God to produce the sixth church of Revelation 2 - named Philadelphia. If you read it, you’ll see that dear Jesus did not have even one bad thing to say about that church. Those people of 1844 were so disappointed when He didn’t show up, and they were so on fire for God, that they were truly ready for Him to come. In the book Great Controversy, in the chapter entitled “The Time of Trouble,” God’s prophet

5 quotes some of the description of the people of Philadelphia, and places it in the future - as applying to God’s mighty 144,000 after probation has closed. In other words - we Laodiceans of the seventh and last church of Revelation 3 {which Jesus doesn’t say one good thing about} who are finally converted, will turn into spiritual Philadelphians before Jesus comes, and those who stay in the Laodicean condition in Rev. 3 will be “spewed out” to become Sunday keepers and go along with the Sunday law to receive the mark of the beast. This group will be the most disappointed by the 7th great disappointment. In fact, it will be to them an overwhelming surprise - along with the fact that {as part of the foolish virgins of Christ’s parable who wake up and say, “our lamps are gone out,”} they will find themselves lost forever. “Jesus climbed the lonely road up Calvary, and He Charity: I think I’m starting to see something. From what bore the heavy cross to set me free. But He fainted th you’ve said, am I right to conclude that it will be this 7 great ‘neath the load - how can it be that my Saviour would disappointment {which is soon coming at the Sunday law} have borne it just for me? I can never understand His which will produce in God’s people {church} everything that love for me. For to Him I was a bitter enemy. Oh, God has been trying to produce in them since His church began forever it will be a mystery - that my Saviour would have died for only me. Then they nailed Him to the with Adam and Eve, and be the fire that will help melt their hearts into the beautiful mold of the likeness of Christ - forever? cross by men’s decree. Yes they crucified God’s Son so shamefully, and they gave Him gall to drink - how Pastor Jan: Exactly! Praise God! So the coming great it be that my Saviour would have suffered just for disappointment will only bring good, and purification - leading can me? Oh behold Him hanging there in infamy. See the to glorification - to God’s church [the five wise virgins of the haughty priest, the scowling Pharisee. See the crown parable, though they’ll loose everything like Noah did, and be of thorns He wears - how can it be that my Saviour treated like Elijah, Isaiah and Jeremiah were.] Though I’m would have worn it just for me? See the darkness that telling many thousands about it in this letter, it will still be a descends on Calvary. See the lightning flash, the great disappointment to most SDAs because most of them earth quake violently. Hear His dying bitter cry of around the world won’t read these things or see this big picture. agony; and to think He would have died for only me! I can never understand His love for me. For to Him I Can you guess what good things will come from it? Faith: Will this 7th great disappointment result in spreading was a bitter enemy. Oh, forever it will be a mystery that my Saviour would have died for only me.” God’s three angels’ messages around the world [from them seeing SDAs on T.V. at their court trial, and in the newspapers for not going along with the Sunday law?] Pastor Jan: Yes! And what else? Hope: Will it result in burning away all dross and sin from God’s SDA church so that it will be “fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners” [after the majority - over 10 million - forsake us? See LDE 180.] Pastor Jan: Yes! And what else? Charity: Will it result in every honest person with reasoning power on the face of the earth being sealed with the seal of God so that all the number of God’s Dear Sir, I have never seen anything that has explained so jewels will be “made up,” and God’s church perfected in Jesus - to stay that way clearly God’s word in such a forever - will be taken to heaven after having been sentenced to death by the plain understandable way. Please wicked world like David against Goliath? send me another of your books Pastor Jan: Yes. And what else? entitled “National Sunday Law.” Hope: Will it cause them to hate sin so intensely and to cling to Jesus so Thank you, and may God bless you all. I will be sending for more completely that - by His power of grace - they will never sin again? of them later. Love in Christ, Pastor Jan: Yes! This great disappointment won’t be so great to those of you Anne who know about it and understand the beauties of why our kind Father is allowing it. Then can you guess why it will be such a great disappointment to most SDAs? And what kind of SDAs it will be such a disappointment to? Charity: Will it be a great disappointment to the majority of SDAs who think that God’s church {kingdom} “comes with outward show?” Pastor Jan: You hit the nail right on the head. For those church members to see their church buildings and headquarters swept away in Noah’s day, in Jeremiah’s day, in John the Revelator’s day, and in our day, is overwhelming to those who think that God’s kingdom comes “with outward show.” All down through history, human nature has been the same. Are we better and more holy now? Like in the days of Noah, Jeremiah, Daniel, and John, when it seems like the government has swept away the church “structure” and many wonder if God’s church has ceased to exist, how happy are they who understand what our kind Father is doing, why He is doing it, and understand the words of the lovely Jesus when He said, “The kingdom of God cometh not with outward show.” Luke 17:20. margin. They will also remember that nothing can hurt God’s church {people} as a whole, and remember Christ’s wonderful words - “Upon this rock {Himself} I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” How happy are those who have learned the “big picture,” and understand that 1) “With God outward show weighs nothing. The outward forms of religion, without the love of God in the soul, are utterly worthless.” RH 8/10/05. 2) “Those who are connected with our work should be adorned with the grace of Christ. This will give them the greatest influence for good.” CH 274. 3) “The desire for outward show proceeds from the pride and vanity Dear Amazing Truth, of a corrupt heart, and will perish with the user. The inward adorning I’ve been burdened to find how to convey is as enduring as eternity.” RH, 2/28/07. How happy will be those God’s last message to the people. I’ve tried tracts, tapes, and word of mouth. Nothing I’ve who face the 7th great disappointment, and who understand these tried seems to do much good. I can’t tell you words concerning those who went through the 5th one enough what a blessing the book “National “As priests and rulers combined against them, and they were Sunday Law” has been in accomplishing this! brought before councils and thrust into prison, the followers of Christ It explains the three angels’ messages in such a clear, concise, and powerful way, but in a rejoiced ‘that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His loving manner, concerning the grave and name.’ Acts 5:41. They rejoiced to prove, before men and angels, that serious times ahead. I thank Jan Marcussen they recognized the glory of Christ, and chose to follow Him at the for allowing the Holy Spirit to use his talents, loss of all things.” DA 508. Praise God! and I thank you for printing such a wonderful I’m thankful for our homes, and church buildings now while we book. Enclosed, please find my order form. God bless. Karen have them. Many poor Laodiceans who don’t know what’s in

6 this letter are glorying in large institutions and buildings, and talking about the great progress the church will be making 10, 20, or 30 years from now. How happy are those who understand what will soon happen to their own homes, church buildings, conference headquarters, hospitals, schools, universities, institutions, and know that after all those things are gone, as Jesus showed us in the last chapters of Great Controversy, God’s SDA church from the woods, and caves, and jails and graves, will go to heaven and stand forever! Even now Rome is attacking it - as I’ve exposed on my 15 part CCA video series. I will give that whole video series free to all who get 1000 of the little NSL preachers this month to help save souls for a donation of 39¢ each with free shipping. And I thank our kind Father that I can say for the 97th time that as an ordained SDA minister, I’m standing in loyal defense of God’s SDA church around the world against the Roman Catholic attack going on against it in the Vatican’s New World Order. Now watch what will happen “In the last great conflict of the controversy with Satan those who are loyal to God will see every earthly support cut off. Because they refuse to break His law in obedience to earthly Dear Jan Marcussen, I rarely write letters, powers, they will be forbidden to buy or sell. It will finally be decreed that they shall be put especially to people I to death. See Rev. 13:11-17. But to the obedient is given the promise, ‘He shall dwell on have never met. But I high: his place of defense shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall be given him; his thought that I would tell waters shall be sure.’ Isa. 33:16. By this promise the children of God will live. [Praise God!] you that I read your book “National Sunday When the earth shall be wasted with famine, they shall be fed.” DA 121,122. Law.” I have never “The time is soon coming when God’s people, because of persecution, will be scattered in read a more truthful, many countries.” LDE 152. Holy Spirit filled book, with the exception of “Jesus invites us to come to him, and he will lift the weights from all weary shoulders, and the Bible! place upon us his yoke, which is easy, and his burden, which is light. The path in which he invites us to walk would never have cost us a pang, had we always walked in it. It is when we stray from the path of duty that the way becomes difficult and thorny. The sacrifices which we must make in following Christ are only so many steps to return to the path of light, of peace and happiness. Doubts and fears grow by indulgence, and the more they are indulged, the harder are they to overcome. It is safe to let go every earthly support, and take the hand of Him who lifted up and saved the sinking disciple on the stormy sea.” PH100, p. 33, 34. “The people of God will then flee from the cities and villages, and associate together in companies, dwelling in the most desolate and solitary places. Many will find refuge in the strongholds of the mountains. . . and will thank God for the ‘munitions of rocks.’ But many of all nations and all classes, high and low, rich and poor, black and white, will be cast into the most unjust and cruel bondage [slavery]. The beloved of God pass weary days, bound in chains, shut in by prison bars, sentenced to be slain, some apparently left to die of starvation in dark and loathsome dungeons. No human ear is open to hear their moans; no human hand is ready to lend them help. [With no conference offices, no church buildings, and no homes, it may appear as if the SDA church has ceased to exist. This is the 7th great disappointment by which over 10 million SDAs {the “majority,” LDE 180, including most ministers} will be “blown away.”] “Soon there appears in the east a small black cloud, about half the size of a man’s hand. [Praise God!] It is the cloud which surrounds the Dear A. Jan Marcussen, Saviour and which seems in the distance to be shrouded in darkness. You have shown me the Bible, especially The people of God know this to be the sign of the Son of man. In for the last days, so clearly and backed it up solemn silence they gaze upon it as it draws nearer the earth, becoming with scripture like I have never seen or heard lighter and more glorious, until it is a great white cloud, its base a glory before!! “National Sunday Law” - what a great book. It makes me so hungry to hear like consuming fire, and above it the rainbow of the covenant. Jesus more of the truth “the real truth” and I thank rides forth as a mighty conqueror. Not now a ‘Man of Sorrows,’ to God for the day that you were born and for drink the bitter cup of shame and woe, He comes, victor in heaven and writing this truly amazing book!!! Now I want everyone to read it. I have a new hunger for earth, to judge the living and the dead. ‘Faithful and True,’ ‘in God like I never had before!!! righteousness He doth judge and make war.’ And ‘the armies which were in heaven’ (Revelation 19:11, 14) follow Him. With anthems of celestial melody the holy angels, a vast, unnumbered throng, attend Him on His way. [Just look at them!] The firmament seems filled with radiant forms – ‘ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands.’ No human pen can portray the scene; no mortal mind is adequate to conceive its splendor. ‘His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of His praise.’ As the living cloud comes still nearer, every eye beholds the Prince of life. No crown of thorns now mars that sacred head; but a diadem of glory rests on His holy brow. His countenance outshines the dazzling brightness of the noonday sun. ‘And He hath on His vesture and on His thigh a name written, King of kings, and Lord of lords.’ “Amid the reeling of the earth, the flash of lightning, and the roar of thunder, the voice of the Son of God calls forth the sleeping saints. He looks upon the graves of the righteous, then, raising His hands to heaven, He cries: ‘Awake, awake, awake, ye that sleep in the dust, and arise!’ Throughout the length and breadth of the earth the dead shall hear that voice, and they that hear shall live. [Praise God!] And the whole earth shall ring with the tread of the exceeding great army of every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. From the prison house of death they come, [Praise God!] clothed with immortal glory, crying: ‘O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?’ 1 Corinthians 15:55. And the living righteous and the risen saints unite their voices in a long, glad shout of victory.” GC 640-644. Praise God friend. Praise God! Your friend in Christ, Pastor Jan Please send me 1000 NSL preachers to help save souls for a donation of 39¢ each with free shipping, with the 15 part CCA video series exposing Rome’s attack on God’s SDA church ____. Don’t send the videos because I already have them __. Send me 2000 NSL preachers for a donation of 37¢ each with free shipping, and to come free to the one week medical missionary soul-winning school in mid December __. I want 100 NSLs for a donation of 53¢ each with free shipping __. I want 200 NSL preachers for a donation of 49¢ each with free shipping ___. Please send me the 15 part CCA video series exposing Rome’s attack on God’s SDA church for a donation of $150 __. Please sign me up for the one week medical missionary soul-winning school December 11-17 ___. Enclosed is my Reg. Fee for $300 ___. I’ll bring it when I come ___. Please send me Pastor Jan’s new book for young people entitled Cousin Henry Potter {and the Terrible Time Machine} for my donation of $15 ___. Please send me 2-9 for a donation of $10 each __, 10 for $8 each___. Please use this donation to help bulk mail NSL preachers to reach another million souls in the wicked city of Miami in the great 40 Million Man March _____. Number of books _____ videos ___ Amount of donation $___________ U.S. Name ____________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Address ________________________________________________City ________________________Zip_______ Make checks to M.V. Society of SDAs, P. O. Box 68, Thompsonville, Il. 62890 11.05