~*november Energies*~

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,533
  • Pages: 3
~*November Energies*~11/7/2009 Mars culminates at dawn – in Cancer (near Praesepe). It is just at the end of the winter in Mars’ Northern hemisphere now and with its North Pole facing us the North Polar cap should be prominent. Two meteor showers occur about a week apart in November. The first is the Taurid meteors, which begin around November 4 and peak overnight on November 11. Early darkness in November reveals bright Jupiter and meteor showers while the movie "New Moon" premieres during a New Moon. 11:11 2009 ( adds to 11, 11 ,11 = 6 ) The six card ' the Lovers The Lovers card represents the Fool, while embarking on his carefree journey coming across a mesmerizing woman whom he can not resist. She is "the One", the complement to his soul Another day for a global celebration and ritual. 11:11 is the sacred Gateway, as we pass from the age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. Please stop and pause that day, light a candle, meditate, do trance work, dream pathworking, ritual, sacred rites, for world healing. Apparently there is a culmination of energies hitting the planet thru these galactic gateway portals that will bring the wayshowers/forerunners directly in contact with the new and true while simultaneously shifting the mass consciousness with another round of outworn-system collapses. If you have been noticing that your perception is recently coloured with the vague feeling of impending doom, this could be why. Not that these proposed events are good or bad, only that the powerful energies behind them are kicking up collective dust for clearing and pushing us further beyond our perceived limits. These high frequencies are also purifying and preparing the members of the first brigade, who are now treading uncharted territory, to be fully equipped with new earth resources and connections that will precipitate and facilitate an easy transition into ascended living. In other words, you can't take it with you. All lower vibrating reality constructs MUST be eliminated or restructured to align with the new earth frequencies. And this means EVERYTHING...relationships, jobs, residences, finances, projects, creative endeavors, partnerships, businesses, etc. All of it must undergo a complete vibration upgrade if it is going with you into a higher state of being/living. This preparation period definitely accounts for those seemingly impossible relationships as of late...for example, if you are unable to connect with people who you normally connect with because of misunderstandings/conflicts/disharmonious energies/etc., most likely it is due to an upgrade...aka, letting go of any aspects of yourself and others that are hindering higher dimensional connections based in love, honesty, transparency, mutual support, respect, etc. As we shed the old perceptions of ourselves and others it can be challenging to relate to people with all the discordant energies rising for release and transmutation. If you can stay centered in your space as these energies work their way up and out, this will pass...and when it does, you will feel even closer to your loved ones. This energy is also severing relationships and ties with those who we may have outgrown vibration ally, so you may find it easier in some cases to just move on (sometimes temporarily) and let go of those who no longer serve

your highest good. Your gut will guide you well here. To create peace in your world, to create peace in your lives, to create peace in your relationships, you must create peace deep within yourselves first. Act on what you intuitively know, even if others cannot understand or argue against you, even if the world says you are wrong, even if you head fills you with doubt of being unqualified, know that you must trust your heart self. You can begin this trust process for yourselves and as an intention for others at the significant time of 11:11:11 (11/11/2009). This is one of the Master numbers of the universe and so is a powerful catalyst for change and transformation. I call to all Lightworkers to call others together on this significant date to perform ceremonies for transformation in the human consciousness. The work started on the 11:11:11 (11/11/2009) can be brought to fruition and consolidated further on the second 11:11:11 (29/11/2009 - numbers added together give 11/11/11). These two significant dates in one of your calendar months is an important portal for activating and anchoring higher frequency energies into the heart self and into the Earth Mother for the greater good of all humanity. Many of your world have been suffering dis-harmonies in the heart and throat chakra’s, these manifest in physical ways such a heart dysfunctions and diseases, throat and lung infections and diseases to battles of the will and mind fought with weapons of words which cause pain in the heart. Many have spoken problems into existence that did not exist previously, as a way of justifying their own actions and choices to ignore issues that a few simple words of communication could have healed and so erased the enormous amount of pain and unrest that has been caused. Now is the time to use the 11:11:11 dates to change your world with positive energy for the transformation of everything that is not in Balance and Harmony. However Dear Ones, Balance and Harmony is not necessarily how you may choose to see it. You must learn the difference between what your head desires and what your heart truly knows. The heart always wants Balance and Harmony that is in accordance with the Cosmic Lore’s. The head wants balance and harmony that is in keeping with the physical self and the ego, and that my dear ones, is rarely in accordance with ones higher self. This imbalance is what causes so much stress in the body and mind of humanity. The Tran formative powers of the 11:11:11 is truly an alchemical process in which humanity can realign itself with its true purpose and so live in Balance and Harmony on the Earth and with each other. You are all Divine creators and so must use the power of the 11:11:11 to create the transformations necessary, this is like a great vat of wisdom, beauty and love waiting for the final ingredient, YOU. You are the entire final ingredient necessary to make the transformations complete. You are infinite beings, capable of wielding great powers for healing and positive change. 11:11:11 is a magical alchemical number are the final ingredients in the alchemical process that can combine all the wisdom, love, beauty and healing powers together, without you, it cannot happen fully or completely. The ceremonies for 11:11:11 (11/11/2009 and 29/11/2009) must be worked twofold on both occasions. On the first 11th hour (11am) of the each 11:11:11 you must step aside and stop whatever you are doing and work on your own transformational process in whatever way is correct for you. Connect with your heart centre and listen to your true inner self. Then on the second 11th hour, (11pm) of each 11:11:11 you must work in groups with other like minded people to perform Tran formative energy anchoring ceremony for he Earth Mother. This twofold energy transformation process is necessary to take full advantage of the alchemical powers available to you on this auspicious occasion. Remember, alchemy is a process of transformation, not a single act, but a progressive movement towards a desired outcome. During the first transformational process on the first 11th hour (11am) of each 11:11:11, still yourselves and seek the quiet voice of inner knowing and wisdom deep within yourself, deep inside your heart center. You must then bring that

knowing up through the body and into the throat chakra and physically voice that inner wisdom, voice the inner desires of the heart, commit them to parchment (paper) so you can work with them daily and create your hearts desires and not your head’s desires. The head’s ego must be left out of the alchemical process. For too long it has ruled and ruined your lives and your world. Commit yourselves to carrying out your hearts true desire. At the second 11th hour (11pm), join with others in groups to grid crystals and anchor the transformative and healing powers of beauty, love and peace into the Earth and your world. Bring down the Violet flame and let it fill the crystals and pour into the Earth Mother and spread around the Earth mixing with those of other groups doing exactly the same thing as yourselves. This is a powerful time for humanity and so I must ask you, will you be a part of it ? I urge you all to step up to this challenge of the Master number 11 and be a part of the change. Will you step away from the mundane on the first 11th hour of each occasion ? Will you dare to defy conditioned ethic’s of the material world that you have created ? Will you resist the urge to ignore this universal alchemical call to power and finally step into your true selves? Will you be part of the change ? We all matter… Blessed Be I am a cancerian, with Aquarius moon mine is the swans road back to my home /|\

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