November December 09

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November / December 2009

cheshvan / kislev 5770

Join us for a Moving Experience! Ground-Breaking Ceremony for our new congregational home. Be there as we make history and celebrate with a festive reception! TY East Greenwich Groundbreaking Ceremony Sunday, November 15th at 11:45 am Free Parking and Shuttle Service for all Attendees: 1351 South County Trail, East Greenwich

Building Torat Yisrael’s Future Thank You to the East Greenwich Planning Board! On Wednesday, October 22nd, Andrew Sholes, chair of our Building Committee, Rabbi Levin, and the principal of our engineering firm appeared before the East Greenwich Township Planning Board to address that body's last remaining questions about the master plan we had submitted for their approval. Changes in our plans for the grade of our driveway, our outdoor lighting plan and a guard rail along our driveway were all answered to the satisfaction of members of the Planning Board and they voted unanimously to grant final approval to our master plan.

appeared at and spoke at the meetings. It takes a village to secure final master plan approval! The building committee and the interior design committee have been engaged in other aspects of our building project at the same time. Recently Ann Wilson, our interior designer, presented the joint committee with a series of proposals for carpeting, wall color, wall tiles, upholstery fabrics, and other design elements. Keeping our commitment to the principle of green building in mind, Ms. Wilson focussed on carpeting made from recycled materials, environmentally friendly paints, etc., while making sure that all surfaces are durable and easy to maintain. The committee members have approved color schemes that, in the sanctuary, works well with the beautiful view of the woods that constitutes the sanctuary's eastern wall; in the social hall will provide a pleasant and flexible backdrop for a variety of decorating themes for holiday celebrations and life-cycle simchas, in the administrative areas will provide a pleasant and light work environment and in the education wing will provide a cheerful and durable backdrop for our school programs.

This vote is the culmination of a process that began about a year and a half ago with our first appearances before the East Greenwich Zoning and Planning Boards in 2008. So many people contributed to this effort with good will, expertise and persistence: Andy Sholes himself, of course, who drove the entire process; our first consulting architect, Jay Litman; our current architects, Michael Landau and Gary Graham; the principal of our engineering firm, David D'Amico; Rabbi Levin, who testified before both boards; Reverend Don Anderson, Father Craig Burlington, Reverend Barbara Fast, Reverend Linda Forsberg, Reverend Bill Trench, all members of the East Greenwich clergy association who wrote letters, appeared at numerous meetings and testified on our behalf; members of Torat Yisrael who

With all of this work accomplished, it's time to celebrate! Every Torat Yisrael member has received an invitation to our November 15th groundbreaking. Drop everything! Clean out the basement a different Sunday! Come celebrate with your Torat Yisrael family! 1

Greetings from Susan Smoller Shalom Fellow Congregants,

will be NO parking on the temple site. There will be a shuttle service between the parking area and the temple. There will be rides available from the temple in Cranston. Please contact the office at 401-785-1800 if you would like a ride from Cranston. For additional information related to the event please contact me or the TY office.

Torat Yisrael’s Board of Trustees and officers were installed in a beautiful ceremony on October 2. This meaningful installation ensures that our volunteer leaders are acknowledged by the congregation and assume the mantle of leadership in our synagogue. Mazal tov to all and thanks to Rabbi Levin. A list of the Board members is in this bulletin.

As the weather changes, I hope that you remain warm and check out all the various opportunities for fun, education and social events at the temple. We have programs for all tastes and hope to see you soon.

November 15th is the date of our official groundbreaking! What good fortune we have to experience this opportunity and to be leaders in Jewish life within Rhode Island. I sincerely hope to see you at the groundbreaking and to have a chance to imagine together the beautiful new structure and the impact on our congregation and on the Jewish community. As mentioned, there

Please contact me at any time with any comments or questions. B’Shalom Susan

Kesher Corner: Nicole Jellinek Settling Into the “New Normal” Nicole Jellinek LICSW of the congregation, but I specifically refer to Rabbi Levin and me. For our members struggling through this economic downturn: use this congregation as a support, ask for assistance and guidance, for connection to resources and a community to provide containment and connection.

With the new year upon us, we take stock: the recession remains, unemployment is high, and any hopes we had of quick recovery are gone. We are settling in, and although the markets are rebounding, it’s clear we are living in a different age. It’s unclear how long this “new normal” will last. While the crisis seems to have passed for some, many others are still living it, and still others fear it to be close: unemployment looms large for many who still have jobs, as they see their companies struggle and wonder if more layoffs are ahead. Those in the “golden years” may not today have the cushion they expected. In short, across the spectrum of young or old, employed or not, many are making changes in day-to-day living—shopping for sale items, clipping coupons, not buying new clothes until the kids have truly outgrown the old, forgoing air conditioning until it’s really hot, avoid eating out, downgrade cell phone or cable services.

I’m not yet certain how to be most helpful with this transition, and I invite you to help me shape my role in this. What do you feel you need from the Kesher social worker at this time? Do you need to talk with me individually? Do you have ideas for a program we could put together? Please contact me with thoughts and suggestions. Finally, as I was thinking about this idea, that of a “new normal,” I turned, as I often do, to Google. I found a posting on a site for cancer survivors, using the terms “new normal” to describe life after diagnosis and treatment. I have taken the liberty of substituting for the word “cancer” in the following paragraph, as I think it’s relevant—but have left my substitution in quotation marks.

Unemployment and financial insecurity often trigger powerful feelings of shame and guilt for people—and in turn, individuals may be less likely to ask for help because of these feelings. In fact this is exactly the time we want people to ask for help. “We” here could be many members

“Life is not the same after ‘unemployment/the recession’ for the survivor or for those who love 2

him or her. When someone you care about has ‘lost their job,’ it requires you to be flexible and to develop a new normal. For survivorship, this means incorporating the realities of ‘financial insecurity’ into your future dreams. It does NOT mean giving up your dreams (retiring to an island, traveling, fishing for hours…), just adjusting your dreams to fit current circumstances. As circumstances change (and

they will, of course, because that’s the way life works), your new normal may also change. A roller-coaster of feelings will become part of your new normal. Over time, individuals learn to recognize the pattern of ups and downs, and hopefully both you and your loved one will be able to prepare for, and manage, the pattern.” Please contact me if I can be of assistance.

The Cohen School News As we ushered in the Hebrew month of Cheshvan, the only Hebrew month with no holidays, we ushered in a period of time in the Jewish education world that allows us the time to focus on some of the occasions that occur more regularly in the Jewish calendar. Shabbat, a weekly celebration has such an important place in our Jewish calendar, that we celebrate each week. Jews all over the world have celebrated in the past weeks. The solemn, thoughtful time of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, followed by the joyous celebration of Sukkot and Simchat Torah afforded our community to worship, socialize and celebrate together. While the rituals of many holidays are centered in our homes, there are some which are celebrated as part of a warm, caring community. While we chant Kiddush and light candles to honor Shabbat and holidays in our homes, greeting friends and family after services on Rosh Hashanah and catching up on the latest family news are an important part of holiday ritual for many. Standing in a sanctuary filled with Torah scrolls dressed in their white coverings and listening to the Chazzan chant the Kol Nidre is not an experience that can be duplicated in our homes. Enjoying the celebration of the Torah on Simchat Torah, including the

unrolling of a Torah in its complete length and glory, is not an experience that can be shared except in the synagogue. As we continue to learn and celebrate together, I look forward to greeting our entire school community on November 7th at our first Shabbat Yachad which will take place at our synagogue in Cranston. November Calendar November 1, 3 Regular Classes November 7 Shabbat Yachad November 8 No classes November 10 Regular Classes November 15 Regular Classes until 11:30 followed by Groundbreaking November 17 Regular Classes November 22 Regular Classes, Torat Tots November 24 Regular Classes November 29 No Classes December December December December December December December December December December

Calendar 1 Regular Classes 5 Shabbat Yachad 6 No Classes 8 Regular Classes 13 Family Program 15 Regular Classes 20 Regular Classes, Torat Tots 22 Regular Classes 27, 29 No Classes

Librarian’s Corner by Laura Steele, Torat Yisrael Librarian Anita Diamant has written a new book called Day After Night. In her compulsively readable latest, she sketches the intertwined fates of several young women refugees at Atlit, a British-run internment camp set up in Palestine after WWII. There's Tedi, a Dutch girl who hid in a barn for years before being turned in and narrowly escaping Bergen-Belsen; Leonie, a beautiful French girl whose wartime years in Paris are cloaked with shame; Shayndel, a heroine of the Polish partisan movement whose cheerful facade hides a tortured soul; and Zorah, a concentration camp survivor who is filled with an understandable nihilism. The dynamic of suffering and renewed hope through friendship is the book's primary draw, but an eventual escape attempt adds a dash of suspense to the astutely imagined story of life at the camp: the wary relationship between the Palestinian Jews and the survivors, the intense flirtation between the young people that marks a return to life. Diamant opens a window into a time of sadness, confusion and optimism that has resonance for so much that's both triumphant and troubling in modern Jewish history. It is a memorable book which I encourage you to look at. 3

Don’t forget the Book Fair is coming to the Temple on November 10th at Hebrew School from 3:30-5:30 pm and at the Board meeting at 7pm, and then on November 15th from 9-11 am at Sunday School!! Help support the Temple Library!! Hope to see you there!!

Mazal Tov!

We held our Leadership Installation Shabbat on October 2nd and the following members were installed:

Our Congregation’s Executive Committee:

President: Susan Smoller Vice-President: Finance: Barry Golden Vice-Presidents: Membership: Michael Field, Beth Salk Vice-Presidents: Ways and Means: Bruce Weisman, Steve Shapiro, Frank Prosnitz Vice-Presidents: Programming: Sharon Field, Lynn Field Treasurer: Anita Olinsky Assistant Treasurer: Linda Weisman Recording Secretary: Candy Shuman Corresponding Secretary: Evelyn Nussenfeld

Our Congregation’s Board of Trustees Term ending 2010: Daniel Adler, Beverly Goncalves, Phil Greenberg, Pearl Kaplan, Lois Lury, Lorraine Rappoport, Andrew Sholes, Sue Sidel, Charlie Ziegler Term ending 2011- Roberta Arsac, Fran Cohen, Barbara Karetny, Harvey Rappoport, Elaine Shapiro, David Smoller, Joyce Wacks, Larry Wacks Term ending 2012: Marc Davis, Alan Field, Andrew Gilstein, Dr. Judith Lubiner, Morton Paige, Beverly Prosnitz, Sara Pulner, Marcia Slobin, David Wasser Honorary Trustees: Myer Grossman, Rosalind Herman, Dorothy Kramer, Ruth Ross, Herbert Spivack

Honorary Corresponding Secretary Evelyn Nussenfeld

Past Presidents’ Cabinet

Jeff Davis, Carl Lefkowitz, Alan Olinsky, Frank Prosnitz, Leonard Sholes

Our Sisterhood Leadership Candy Shuman – President Anita Olinsky – Treasurer Ruth Ross – Secretary Pearl Kaplan – Past President Bev Prosnitz – Coresponding Secretary Members at Large: Ilene Bojar, Marcia Slobin, Roberta Arsac, Sara Pulner

Committee Chairs Building Committee: Andrew Sholes By-Laws: Alan Olinsky Communications Committee: David Wasser Dues Committee: Anita Olinsky Finance Committee: Barry Golden Gift Shop: Ilene Bojar House Committee: Steve Shapiro Israel Affairs Committee: Beth Salk Investments Committee: Barry Golden Men’s Club: Barry Kaplan Personnel Committee: Barbara Karetny Public Relations Committee: Frank Prosnitz Religious Services Committee: Lawrence Charap School Committee: Beverly Goncalves Sisterhood: Candy Shuman

In Our TY Family Mazal tov to everyone celebrating a Birthday in November! Laura Sidman, Ira Fleisher, Brad Harris, Steven Moss, Joanna Charap, Les Cohen, Carole Goldman, Ruth Ross, Susan Richter, David Talan, Jack Silverman, Rosalind Herman, Susan Abbotson, William Karetny, Fred Lury, Lorraine Rappoport and Simone Levy Mazal tov to everyone celebrating an Anniversary in November!

Lewis & Jo-Ann Antin (7 years)

Mazal tov to Sheryl Ponder and her husband, Mike! They are proud new grandparents! Caleb Michael Sugrue was born on October 16th. Best wishes to Caleb’s parents, Mandy & Jeffrey! May God who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah, bring blessing and healing to: Beverly Adler, Neil Alterman (Ron Alterman’s father), Judy Chorney (friend of Florence Sarenson), Frances Dorsch (Maurice Wine’s sister), Joseph Dress (Annette Dress’ father), Pearl Gorden, Douglas Greenberg, Ida Gregerman (Evelyn Nussenfeld’s cousin), Maurice Grossman (Myer Grossman’s son), Myer Grossman, Lynn Gruenberg (Paul Pouler’s friend), Hanna Jozefowicz (Trude Sholes’ mother), Gladys Lane (Alan Olinsky’s aunt), Gloria Lefkowitz, Barbara Levine (friend of Florence Sarenson), Sherri Levine (friend of Florence Sarenson), Bonnie Lury, Steve Matzner, Anita Olinsky, Sally Pressman, Sara Pulner, Zenas Pulner, Leon Resnick, Ron Richter, Susan Richter, Harold & Sylvia Roggen (Barbara Karetny’s parents), Louis Russian, Sylvia Shocket, Herb Spivack, Matthew Streich, Mandy & Caleb Michael Sugrue (Sheryl Ponder’s daughter and grandson), Meyer Teya (Marcia Slobin’s father), Steve Tragar, Diana Francesca Wantoch (friend of Beverly Prosnitz), Moe Wine, Jonathan Winer (Laura Steele’s brother) and Eileen Winkler (Rochelle Ziegler’s parents) 4

Thank you to our Yom Kippur Break Fast Sponsors! Alan & Anita Olinsky (In Memory of Idelle Dress) / David & Susan Smoller / Ruth Ross Barbara Zenofsky (In Memory of Ted and Sarah Zenofsky) / President’s Discretionary Fund

Welcome to our New Members! Our Torat Yisrael family is delighted to embrace our newest members. Welcome to: ◊ Laurie and David Strauss-Inman and their children, Jonathan & Melanie ◊ David and Staci Steinberg and their children, Garrett and Dylan ◊ Harry and Jeanne Pass

Short Announcements Sign Up For E-mail List: Would you like to receive Rabbi Levin’s weekly Shabbat Shalom e-mail? Send your e-mail address to: [email protected].

Hospital Visits from Rabbi Levin: Hospitals, by law, cannot notify Rabbi Levin if you are their patient. Please call Evelyn Nussenfeld in the office (785-1800) for notification of hospital visits.

Torat Yisrael Seniors, welcome to the Mealsite! Contact Neal Drobnis or Steve Tragar for more information. Monday – Friday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm at 781-1771.

Would an Interest-Free Loan Help You Through a Difficult Time?

The Hebrew Free Loan Association of Providence: Interest free loans granted from hundreds to over two thousand dollars. For more information contact or 331-3081 Also: Pawtucket Hebrew Free Loan Association at 729-1312.

The Full Plate Kosher Food Pantry

Open Tuesday and Friday from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm except on Jewish holidays. Contact Susan Adler at 621-5374 or via email at [email protected]. 100 Niantic Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island 02907, in the former Calibri building.

Fresh Kosher Food Now Available at Miriam Hospital

The Miriam Hospital is now offering fresh kosher meals to patients upon request. Under the direction of Rose Forrest of Daniel Catering, the meals offered will be strictly glatt kosher and under Va’ad supervision.

TTY Sisterhood Cookbooks on Sale! Beyond a Bagel Cookbook is on sale! So don’t miss out! Make checks payable to Temple Torat Yisrael Sisterhood for $10.00. If you buy three; the price is $25.00.

Be a Torat Yisrael Lobbyist! Edgewood Food Closet Donations

Pick up a great read!

Pick up a few items like canned tuna and salmon, canned soups, breakfast cereal, canned vegetables and fruits for our Food Closet Bin. Also needed: toiletries such as shampoo, toothpaste, diapers.

Which you’ll find at our Book Exchange corner in the TTY lobby! For a 25¢ donation, you are welcome to help yourself to any book on the shelves and then return it when you’re done. Come browse at your leisure!

TYNet Café! Come Schmooze!

Recycle Here!

Torat Yisrael is wireless and caffeinated! Are you coming in for a meeting? Just looking for some good coffee or tea and a place to chill? Our TY Lobby has it all!

Plastic containers with higher recycle code numbers like medicine vials and yogurt and cottage containers. (Not processed by our municipal recycling facilities.) Please wash containers before depositing in our recycling bin.

Meadowcrest Clothes Closet!

Kosher Food Pantry

The young students of the Meadowcrest Early Learning Center of East Providence have been coming to school without adequate clothing. You can help by donating lightly used or new clothing and outerwear 4x-6x sizes.

Please bring kosher non-perishables to our lobby collection bin to help support Rhode island’s vulnerable Jewish residents.


Temple Torat Yisrael Email Addresses, Facebook and Twitter Rabbi Amy Levin: [email protected] Hazzan Devin Goldenberg: [email protected] Susan Smoller, President: [email protected] Ronni Guttin, Education Director: [email protected] Nicole Jellinek, Social Worker: [email protected] Anita Olinsky (Dues Committee): [email protected] [email protected] - Michael Field/Beth Salk (Membership Committee Chairs) [email protected] [email protected] Sheryl Ponder, Bookkeeper/Office Manager: [email protected] Stephanie Reinsant, Rabbi’s Secretary: [email protected]

2010 Entertainment Books are here!

These make terrific gifts as well as providing great savings for you. You save and support Torat Yisrael at the same time. That’s a “win-win”! Call (785-1800) or e-mail ([email protected]) to order your 2010 Entertainment Books. $25 each.

Now It’s Easier Being Green! Quick Ideas

Unplug it! Turn off lights when you are leaving the room and unplug electronics when not in use. Shorten It! Reducing your shower time by 3 minutes will save gallons. Water It! Use leftover water from water bottles or glasses to water plants or in your pet’s water bowl.

Connect to the Past; Build for the Future – The Gift of Israel! Partner with Torat Yisrael and JFRI to provide an Israel experience for your child. Enroll now to receive up to $2,000 free! For information, contact Beth Brier (401-331-0956, ext. 223 or email: [email protected]).

Are you raising Jewish children…but you’re not Jewish?

The Mother’s Circle is a free educational and welcoming program empowering non-Jewish mothers to create Jewish homes. Jewish holidays, practices, rituals, and ethics, resources and tools for enriching Jewish family life at home. Free childcare available upon request. For more information contact Kit Haspel, Mothers Circle Coordinator at 401-331-0956 x184 or [email protected].

Hug N’hamah: Circle of Consolation A Bereavement Discussion Group meeting on alternate Thursday evenings at 7:30 pm providing a supportive circle to bring the emotional and spiritual challenges of grief. Facilitated by Torat Yisrael member, Dr. Judith Lubiner, a licensed psychologist, and Rabbi Amy Levin. TY members and non-members equally welcome. November 12

December 17

Another opportunity to observe the mitzvah of Pikuach Nefesh (Saving a Life): blood drive will take place on Sunday, November 1st from 8:30 am - 12:30 pm.

Knit & Kvetch

Temple Torat Yisrael’s knitting circle: Sunday, November 1st from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm in Cranston. Share your knowledge of knitting, crocheting, embroidering and needle-pointing. For more information please contact Beverly Goncalves ([email protected]) or Lynn Field ([email protected]). 6

Mah Jong!

Please join Sema Davis and her assistant, Joyce Wacks if you would like to learn how to play Mah Jong! People of any level can come – novices and those who just need a refresher! You don’t need to bring anything - just a willingness to laugh and learn! Sunday, November 1st from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. Please RSVP to the TY office; 785-1800.

Shabbat Yachad – TY’s Very “Together” Shabbat Shabbat Yachad: TY's Very Together Shabbat!: November 7, 2009 Thank you to Ronni and William Guttin who are sponsoring the November Shabbat Yachad luncheon honor of our wonderful Frederic G. and Lawrence G. Cohen and Yeladon faculty! Please RSVP to the Torat Yisrael Office ([email protected]); 785-1800, to place your free reservation for Shabbat Yachad lunch. We want to make sure there is plenty of food for everyone!

Hadassah Invites You to Join Them for an Afternoon of Fun The Rhode Island Chapter of Hadassah and Temple Torat Yisrael invite you to an afternoon of Bunco (a dice game) on Sunday, November 8th from 3–5 pm at Temple Torat Yisrael in Cranston. Please RSVP by November 2nd to the TY office, 785-1800. Refreshments will be served. Donation $10 at door.

Book Fair: Fundraiser for our Cohen Religious School Great Chanukah Gifts! Books for kids of all ages and adults, too! November 10th from 3:30-5:30 pm at the Religious School in East Greenwich November 10th from 7:00-9:00 pm at TTY in Cranston November 15th 9:00-11:30 am at the Religious School in East Greenwich

Shabbat Service and Dinner Honoring our Veterans Please join us on Friday evening, November 13th for a 6:00 pm Shabbat Service honoring Veterans with dinner to follow. (Flyer enclosed)

Join Us for a Moving Experience!

Ground Breaking in East Greenwich! Our entire Torat Yisrael Family, our friends, State and Local dignitaries will all gather on Sunday, November 15th at 11:45 am as we celebrate breaking ground for our new spiritual home in East Greenwich! All parking at 1351 South County Trail / free shuttle service provided. There will be carpooling available from Temple Torat Yisrael in Cranston. Please call the Temple office at 785-1800 by Wednesday, November 11th if you would like a ride.

Our November Topic: Arguing the Jewish Way! East Greenwich: Tuesday, November 17th: 12:00-1:30 p.m. – Lunch & Learn at T’s Restaurant, 5600 Post Road (in the Benny’s Plaza), East Greenwich – each participant orders from the menu and we study Jewish sources addressing current issues. Everyone is welcome, bring a friend! th

New! Cranston: Thursday, November 1 9 :

12:00-1:30 p.m. – Lunch & Learn at the Cozy Grill Restaurant, 440 Warwick Avenue, Warwick – each participant orders from the menu and we study Jewish sources addressing current issues. Everyone is welcome, bring a friend! Look for us in the back room! 7

Simchat Shabbat/Shabbat Service in East Greenwich 6 pm – 6:45 pm: Early Shabbat Service for all. Enjoy an early Shabbat service and then arrange for a relaxed Shabbat meal at home with your family and friends. 6:45 pm: Kid-friendly Shabbat dinner at our East Greenwich house– Cost: $10.00 per family. DATE: November 20th RSVP to the TY office by November 17th; 785-1800 or [email protected].

Knit & Kvetch

Temple Torat Yisrael’s knitting circle: Sunday, November 22nd from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm at the Village Lower School in East Greenwich. Share your knowledge of knitting, crocheting, embroidering and needle-pointing. For more information please contact Beverly Goncalves ([email protected]) or Lynn Field ([email protected]).

Temple Torat Yisrael Presents…… The Annual Ira S. & Anna Galkin Program

Please join us on Sunday, December 6th at 3:00 pm for Ruth Kaye’s “My Grandmother, My Mother and Me” one-woman show - the perfect intergenerational program. (Flyer enclosed)

Shalom to Shabbat: Unwind and Nosh Before Shabbat Services Friday, December 11th at 7:00 pm for wine and refreshments before our Shabbat Service.

Rabbi Levin’s Fifth Annual Chanukah Open House

Please join me on Sunday, December 13th from 5 to 7 pm for my Fifth Annual Chanukah Open House! I’ll need your helping eating those latkes and jelly doughnuts! I’m looking forward to welcoming you to my home: 84 Roger Williams Circle. Instead of a gift, please bring a donation for the Edgewood Food Closet or the Kosher Food Pantry.

Thank you!, Rabbi Amy Levin

Rhode Island Family Shelter Christmas Dinner is Cooking At Torat Yisrael Wednesday, December 23rd starting at 6:00 pm we will be cooking dinner to be delivered to the shelter Christmas afternoon. For more information contact Lynn Field at [email protected].

Mark Your Calendars for These Great December Events!

Saturday, December 5th: Shabbat Yachad, 9:15 am Sunday, December 13th: Knit & Kvetch at the Village Lower School in East Greenwich, 9:00 am Tuesday, December 15th: East Greenwich Lunch & Learn/T’s Restaurant, 12:00 pm Thursday, December 17th: Cranston Lunch & Learn/Cozy Grill, 12:00 pm Friday, December 18h: Simchat Shabbat in East Greenwich, 5:45 pm, 6:15 pm Early Shabbat Service

Torat Yisrael is Returning to Israel!! Mark off April 18, 2010 and plan to join us for an exciting and inspiring Congregational Mission to Israel. We will be travelling with our friends from Rodef Sholom Temple of Hampton, Virginia (our travel partners in 2005). For itinerary and price information check our website: or contact Nancy Waszkis through the Torat Yisrael office: 785-1800.


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