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IT’S OLYMPIA!!! PRESTONITES Vol. 08-09/ Issue 03

12 Pages

November/ December 2008


‘GREEKS’ win Cluster Lighting 2008 HOUSE IN THE


By: Yanique “Garage” Henry

luster Olympia walked away with the winning honours in the 2008 staging of the A. Z. Preston Hall’s Annual Cluster Lighting Competition. Olympia’s theme was ‘Christmas with the Gods on Mt. Olympus’. At the gate of Mt. Olympus, one was greeted with the soothing sound of the harp; and the beautiful harp players dressed in white and gold. One was then immediately taken into the clouds where lighted candles, clouds and snow led to the throne of the Greek God, Zeus, and his

lovely wife, Hera. Other gods and goddesses were elaborately decorated with a multiplicity of colours and lights to not only attract the eye, but also to depict the plot. Cluster Lighting is one of the most anticipated events on the Preston Hall calendar each year. It allows clusters to demonstrate their creativity by executing an artistic, imaginative and inventive Christmas theme of their choice. This year, all 13 clusters competed for the coveted title using colourful displays of props, lights and cloth to accentuate and properly depict their theme. That night, the clusters -Continued on pg. 3

- Page 3

Mr and Miss Preston 2008

Have Your Say - Pages 4 & 5


Vox-Pop - Page 6

Page 2


Nov/ Dec 2008



Preston Hall has conquered the five ‘holes’ at Rex Choir Fest yet again!!! Who would believe that a Shark could sing better than birds, lions, or dinosaurs? Of course a torch can’t sing! The Prestonites walked away with winning honours after Yes! Yes! Yes! Preston topping two sections of the competition. Preston has won the Hall is indeed the culcompetition for the four years it has been around. tural mecca of UWI Mona! Our talented Prestonites copped five awards at Tallawah 2K8. The pice was written and directed by Mr. Preston 2008, Rayon McLean.

fi real!!!


From the Editor’s Desk...

e have come to the end of the Semester 1. On behalf of the entire Shark Waves team, I wish all Prestonites the best in the End of Semester exams. May you perform well and stay on course for your dreams. I would like to thank all those who have contributed to the production of Shark Waves this Semester. Special thanks to the Hall Committe, and in particular, Kimberlee Lewis, our Hall Chairperson, and Roland Henningham, our Treasurer. They have helped the Publications Committee to realise the dream of having the newsletter published and printed and distributed monthy to hundreds resident and off-campus Prestonites without passing on the costs to them. Of course, I cannot forget the dedicated

team of writers, photographers, designers and Resident Advisors who have helped us to produce and maintain a newsletter of such a high standard. As we reflect, Shark Waves pause to congratulate those who have excelled in various endeavours througout the Semester. We urge those who have not seen their dreams materialise to not lose hope. As we look forward to the next Semester and the new year, let us all remain commmitted, not just to ourselves, but to the success of the entire Preston family. May we unite and go forth with a renewed spirt and keep the flag of the Aston Preston Hall flying high as we continue our journey in “relentless pursuit of excellence”.

-Andewale “Spain” McLaughlin

Shark Waves Production Team

Proofreader: Publications Committee Deputy Publications Joseph T. Farquharson Chairman and Editor: Committee Photographers: Chairperson: Jermaine “Polo” Headley Andewale “Spain” Benecia “Farmer” Samuels Mialisa “Vienna” Fenty McLaughlin Kadeem “Pillsbury” Grey Dr. Katanya Clarke

is the official newsletter of the Aston Preston Hall. It is published on a monthly basis by the Hall’s Publications Committee. Email comments to: [email protected]

PRESTONITES in the HOUSE Nov/ Dec 2008


By: O’rain “Oreo” Edwards

ovember was celebrated as Youth Month under the theme: “I can, you can, youth can achieve greatness”. Among the many speciallyplanned events was the 6th staging of the National Youth Parliament (NYP) at Gordon House on November 10. The sitting saw 60 empowered young Jamaicans bringing to the fore issues affecting the youth of today. Among them were two Prestonites- O’rain ‘Oreo’ Edwards and Angelique ‘Zidane’ Virtue. At that sitting, the Youth Parliament passed three motions covering crime and violence against young people; the sex trade; and youth and the

Cluster Lighting


Page 3

environment. Oreo, who was Min. of National Security and Justice lamented the position in which the youth currently find themselves as they are now Prestonite Youth Parliamentarians Oreo i n c r e a s i n g l y (left) and Zidane (right) take time out for a becoming targets shot with Opposition Spokesperson on of heinous Information and Youth, Lisa Hannah. crimes. He called for urgent need to empower appropriate interventions and motivate our young at the highest level to people as they are the bring to an end the spate future and we need to sustain a society that will of attacks. Zidane, who was allow the youth to become Minister of Youth, positive nation builders. Both Prestonites were at Information, Culture and Sports, urged the govern- their second sitting of the ment to improve the coun- NYP, as last year Zidane try’s current literacy rate. sat as Speaker of the She passionately spoke of House and Oreo was lack of youth representa- Minister of Transport and tion and how there is an Works.

‘Christmas in Heaven’. At the entrance to the cont’d from page 1 ‘Pearly Gates’ stood Peter, were transformed into dif- robed in white with the ferent ‘worlds’ and the book of life. There were true ingenuity of angels dancing in simPrestonites was demon- mering white and gold playing the harp and the strated. Second place winners, trumpet in unison invitEinheit, showcased ing us to experience a ‘pearly’ Christmas with them. One could almost feel the heavenly ambiance. Vikings was third with ‘Christmas in Texas’, followed by Regensen with Olympia 2008 “Christmas in Oz”.

Other themes this year were: ‘Christmas in Time Square’ (Porto Santo), ‘Christmas in Hollywood’ (Amsterdam) and ‘Follow the Yellow Brick Road’ (Burgplatz). Belgique showcased ‘Christmas in Candy Land’; La Maison ‘Christmas in the Garden of Eden’; Los Matadores‘Christmas in Gotham City’; Italia- ‘Christmas with the celebrities’; Sherwood Manor‘Chrislimpics’; and Shamrock – ‘Christmas around the world’.


Page 4


Mr. amd Miss Preston 2008 was definitely one of the events this Semester which showcased how talented, creative, intelligent, ... (wow! I can’t fit all the adjectives here!) our Prestonites are! It was definitely an event not to be missed! The evening started out with a bang and ended with much fanfare and celebration. The talent pieces for the evening were fabulous! They ranged from emotional pieces touching on topics such as slavery and even death to ones full of

life and enery. They included selections of song, drama, dance and poetry. At the end of it all, Rayon “Esso” McLean stood tall as Mr. Preston Hall 2008 with Andre “Crocodile” Bernard and Ryan Brown being the first- and second-runnersup. Reneece “68” Francis

Nov/ Dec 2008

copped the Miss Preston 2008 title. Second went to Kadeen “Vision” Henry and third to Shatha Richards. The other finalists were: Shavon “Mouse” Ferraro and Sean-Leonardo Knowles in the Mr. Presotn category and Nicolette Gayle and Kameka Pryce in the Miss Preston category.

Mr. and Miss Preston Hall 2008 Rayon McLean (left) and Reneece Francis (right) share a moment shortly after being crowned.

At left: Hall Secrtary and Mr. Preston Hall 2007, Odain Murray, hands over to Rayon McLean.

The ten contestants awaiting the judges’ verdict.

Miss Preston Hall 2007, Nekeisha Lewis hands over to Reneece Francis.

Nov/ Dec 2008

Mr and Miss Preston 2008 Feature

Page 5

Shark Waves (SW): What 68: I was ecstatic and I felt personal qualities do you accomplished but I wished my think gave you an edge over mom was there to celebrate with the other contestants? me. SW: Now that you are Miss 68: I have a hidden talent, Preston, how do you plan on repcharisma and a bubbly perresenting us Prestonites? sonality. SW: How would you describe 68: I intend to represent the period leading up to Prestonites with style, the big night? sophistication, and class Reneece “68” Francis thus presenting Preston 68: I found it tiring but Age: 19 all the hard work paid Hobbies: singing & dancing as the place where one can off at the end of it all. enjoy their college experiSW: How did you feel throughout the ence while attaining respectable qualities night leading up to the announcement? along with a quality education. 68: Anxious, scared and uneasy; yet con- SW: What have you learnt from the comfident in knowing what I had to do and petition? the fact that I was willing to do it. 68: I learnt that life is filled with obstaSW: What was your most memorable cles that will have to be overcome by being moment of the entire night? confident while humble enough to ask for 68: The reaction of the crowd to some- and accept help from those closest to us to aid our rise to the top. thing considered extremely personal. SW: How did you feel when the announc- SW: What are your plans for the future? er said your name? 68: I would love to be a movie producer. Interviews

by: Benecia Samuels & O’rain Edwards

talent piece. SW: How did you feel when the announcer said your name? Esso: I felt fulfilled after workShark Waves (SW): What ing so hard. I was just happy it personal qualities do you think paid off. gave you an edge over the other SW: Now that you are Mr. contestants? Preston, how do you plan on representing us Prestonites? Esso: On the night I possessed confidence and Esso: My plan is to revisit Rayon “Esso” McLean charisma. and reinforce the image of Age: 19 SW: How would you a real Preston man. This Hobbies: Lawn tennis, describe the period leading acting, singing & dancing involves awakening the up to the big night? true Preston spirit, always Esso: Spontaneous! The success [of the portraying the qualities of a gentleman, event] was [largely] dependant on the con- setting an example academically and by testants, and we did it. my general deportment. SW: How did you feel throughout the SW: What have you learnt from the comnight leading up to the announcement? petition? Esso: I started feeling quite confident Esso: The rewards of life are greater during the opening number. However, I when you confront your fears, address felt nauseous due to the many rehearsals your weakness and improve on your and a lack of food (laugh). strong areas/ strengths. SW: What was your most memorable SW: What are your plans for the future? moment of the entire night? Esso: To be a [film] director and a diploEsso: Mesmerizing the judges with my mat.

Page 6

Shark Waves Vox Pop



Shark Waves reporter Kimberley “Candy” Cunningham and photographer, Jermaine “Polo” Headley got feedback from Prestonites

“It was challenging but fun. It will help me to prepare for the next semester and the years to come.”

-“Top-Up” Gavina Mitchell

“It’s been a fairly good semester. I had a bit of challenges. Nothing bad has occurred. I’m looking forward to the next one.” -“Buzz Kill” Tarek Simpson

“It was interesting but a bit challenging. Life on Hall is fun.” -Sheridan Carrington home.”


Nov/ Dec 2008

“It was O.K. I haven’t been outside of Kingston. But I miss my

-“Stray” Chenere Nixon


“Good. School gets challenging at times but it’s always a good feeling when I go home to my fellow Prestonites.” -“Supply” Rhisa Davis

“It was has been entertaining because of the different activities on hall. It is a learning experience because you learn how to adapt to adulthood.” -Kerron “M&M” King


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Mrs. Elizabeth Chung (left) from JIIC presents Karlene Gordon with her prize of a laptop. Also sharing in the moment is the Aston Preston Hall Treasurer, Roland Henningham.

Amare Shaw collects the home theatre system on behalf of Coleen Weekes from Mr. Horton Dolphin. Mario Gayle collects his prize from Preston Hall Chairman 2007/ 2008, Gregory Simms (left).



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