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St Neots and Huntingdon Methodist Circuit NEWSROUND NOVEMBER 2009


Don’t forget the Circuit Mission Evening at Buckden, Nov 3rd at 7.30pm when the Uganda team will show us all how the money was spent, what they did and want they learned. Videos, pictures, music, dancing and food! Hope you managed to receive and use the poster that was sent a week ago By the way The winners of the sponsor a brick, and guess the number of bricks used in the building of the dormitory are: 1st Jill Farley of Wolverhampton Methodist Church 2nd P Craig of Birmingham 3rd Frankie Lasman of Alconbury Surgery (This winner was quite appropriate as she was the lady doctor that gave all the help with the medicines) (Isn’t it wonderful how wide a circle of friends we have!) And the number?

12,545 We know there were several people around the 12,000 mark, so well done to you all, and thanks so much for helping raise over £30,000!


AUTUMN FAYRE Saturday 7th November, 10am-2pm, stalls, crafts, bric-a-brac, Christmas gifts, refreshments and lunches. All welcome


Free Coffee & Cakes Saturday 7 November 09


Gt Barford Coffee Morning Saturday Nov 14th From 10.30am all the usual attractions (except bric a brac)

Eaton Ford FUND RAISING EVENT COFFEE AND STALLS CHRISTMAS CARDS & PAPER FOOD AND MORE SATURDAY 28 NOVEMBER 2009 10:30—12:00 IN AID Of ACTION FOR CHILDREN If you can help please come along at 10am. If not, please come and support us. For more information please speak to Barbara King —tel 475964 or Vivien Almond—tel 457124

RELAX  EAT  SHARE  THINK After a hard day, you deserve some


Relax in an informal atmosphere where you can Eat a tasty meal, Share with friends and find space to Think Thursday 19 November · 7.00pm until 9.30pm Sawtry Methodist Church “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest ”

LOCAL PREACHERS’ STUDY DAY, NOW OPEN TO EVERYBODY November 21st 10 .00am : Hilton Methodist Church On Saturday, November 21st Professor Morna Hooker-Stacey is coming to Hilton Methodist Church to lead a Study Day on the gospel of St John. She is an eminent speaker and Local Preacher and we are privileged to have her. Whilst the day is primarily for Local Preachers, anyone who would like to develop their understanding of the gospel will be welcome. It should be a most interesting and entertaining day, as anyone who has heard her will testify, and not to be missed. The day will start with tea/coffee, of course, at 10 am. There will be a break for lunch, so please bring your own sandwiches etc but drinks will be provided. The finish time will be 3 - 3.30 pm. If you would like to attend please let me know either by telephone, 01480 474028, or e-mail [email protected] as soon as possible.

And don’t forget the Christmas Tree Festival at Huntingdon and the Christmas Fayre at Tempsford both on Dec 6th

PREPARING FOR CHRISTMAS have commissioned a bus stop poster and prepared two humorous, yet challenging radio adverts. The invitation is for churches or groups of churches to buy advertising space at the bus stop or pay for advertising time on their commercial local radio station. also offers five easy steps to guide you through the process and make the cost more affordable For more details, go to their website

From Sandy Monk at Hilton Dear All I would like to thank those of you who donated online sponsorship for the trek I am doing in Nepal. By the time you read this I will no doubt have completed the trek. I have raised from donations and my own efforts £480 so far for the Esther Benjamin Trust which helps rescue and rehabilitate children in Nepal who have been sold into slavery of one sort or another and provides them with a safe home and education. My website will remain open for a little while longer should anyone want to still donate and is; Many thanks to you all Sandy Monk from Hilton Methodist Church.

A NEW MONTHLY MINISTRY BEGINNING AT ST IVES METHODIST CHURCH "Circle of Light" Meditative Music to relax, release, restore and renew. If you wander in to the small meeting room at St Ives Methodist Church between 4pm and 5pm on the second Tuesday of the month you'll be able to simply relax and listen to improvised piano music. This often seems to catalyse peace and wellbeing. People can feel released from burdens (in line with Isaiah 61). Anyone is welcome - from the church or outside, and people can wander (quietly) in and out as the music plays. Just as Jesus needed time to 'recharge' with time spent with his Father - he went up the hills in the evenings for this purpose - we too need to rest awhile with Him. We can then receive that peace which passes all understanding (even in the middle of difficult times), and we can find our strength renewed – 'He who waits upon the Lord will renew his strength - he will rise up like an eagle .' Isaiah 40. For further information about the Circle of Light drop-in sessions, please contact Peter Shearer on 07879 637607 or email [email protected]

Please pray for our Circuit As you will be aware, with Revd Chris Giles leaving our circuit next August, the process of ―stationing‖, when choices and decisions about new minsters are made, is now underway. It is a stressful time for all who are involved, so please pray; -

for all ministers on the move for all of Chris’s churches facing a time of change for Revd Graham Thompson who will represent our Circuit at the stationing committee. that God will bring to us the right person and the process will be an easy one

Ever needed some help with funding? In a time of credit crunch it is easy to think that we must put on hold our vision for our churches. If this is you, the Circuit Leadership Team would like you to know that there is a fund for mission and education. If you are thinking outreach to you community, a project for your building that will help with mission, or a germ of an idea that could do with financial help to get started then let a member of the CLT know. We will talk it over together and see if it is something we can help you with. But remember MONEY does not need to be a barrier in our mission and ministry. At a time of cutbacks let’s make sure mission does not suffer as well.

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