Notes From 4.27.09

  • April 2020
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Notes from 4.27.09

April 27, 2009

Year 19531954

Iran: Middle East

1954 Guatemala Latin America

1956 Egypt Middle East

1958 Cuba Latin America

1960 Paris Summit


What really happened?

The Iranian Parliament (was a democracy) wanted to nationalize the oil industry because it was all foreign owned. They wanted the profits to help the people of Iran. The new Prime Minister was a leader of the fight.

Eisenhower authorized the CIA to overthrow of Prime Ministers government and replace him with a Shah who had been thrown out of power. Once in power the Shah used secret police to keep power by killing many. The US secured the flow of oil and created a nation that hated it.

Jacobo Arbenz was the current leader of Guatemala. Arbenz became a target of U.S. imperialism for threatening to carry out modest land reforms against the interests of produce giant, United Fruit Company.

CIA ran some covert operations to remove the current government that was too friendly to communists. The US placed a dictator in charge who would assist the US in keeping communism out and the supply of fruit to America constant.

Leader of Egypt, President Nasser, wanted to nationalize the Suez Canal so the profits could be used to build the Aswan Dam. Nasser was friendly with the USSR. Great Britain, France and Israel attacked Egypt and took over the dam.

The USSR and the US condemned the attack and they gave the dam back to Egypt.This shows that the United States views hostile attacks towards other nations as wrong.

Communist Revolution led by Fidel Castro to overthrow Fulgencio Batista. Castro had ties to the USSR as well as communist sympathies. He began seizing American owned properties.

When Castro seized American property in Cuba, Eisenhower responded by cutting diplomatic ties and halting exports to the island. Cuba then turned to the Soviet Union for economic and military aid which they relied on for the next three decades.

The superpowers decided that they must have some communication between them so they decidedto have a summit at Paris. Two weeks before, a U-2 Spy plane was shot down while spying on Soviet military institutions.

Eisenhower said he had no idea and that it could not be a U.S. pilot. The Pilot was produced and the USSR demanded an apology. The US refused. End of the conference before it began.

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