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[Early civilizations of India and Pakistan]

3.1 October 6, 2008

To do: • Create-a-test day. • Read Section 1 • Create a list of 12 Questions. • True/false (4), multiple choice (4), short answer (4) • This should be an overview of the ENTIRE section. • List/define 12 terms on pg. 68 • Individual Work please. • Due Tomorrow.

Question #1 ---The natural landscape and geography of South Asia had little impact on the civilizations way of life…(T/F) Mountains (Himilayas) limited contact with others There were passes (i.e. Khyber) Geography divided area into regions Gangetic Plain Deccan Coastal plains

Question #2 --- Monsoons were an important part of Indus Culture because they brought: a. Cold winters, rainy summers b. Moist winters, dry summers c. Natural disasters that brought people together d. Dry winters, wet summers

Monsoons – seasonal winds that shaped Indian life Depending on direction, crops would face both dry season and moist season If they don’t come on time = starvation If they come too often = mass flooding

Question #3 ---the cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa were wellplanned and had organized governments (T/F) Cities had unknown hilltop structures Laid out in patterns, with main streets/rectangle blocks

Had complex plumbing systems (drains, baths, etc.)

Question #4 --- Statues and clay seals found indicate that the Indus religious beliefs were A. B. C. D.

Pantheistic Polytheistic Animistic Monotheistic

Like other early civilizations, they were polytheistic Possibly: a Mother Goddess (creation) and leading male God. Viewed animals as sacred. Foreshadowing veneration?

Question #5 ---By about 1900 BC, the Indus civilization was no longer. Explain what happened. 2600 BC – 1900 BC Quality of life dwindled, cities abandoned Possible reasons: 1. Attack from outside 2. Environmental factors 3. Major Flood/Quake

The Aryans 2000bc – 1500bc Migration from C. Asia to India Built NO CITIES, left behind little, except…

The VEDAS (sacred texts, hymns, chants)

Way of Life • Lead by rajahs (most skilled warrior) • Divided society – Brahmins | priests – Kshatriyas | warriors – Vaisyas | artisans, merchants – Sudras | servants – Dalits | work others wouldn’t do

Religious Beliefs • Polytheistic • Indra, chief God.

• [Evolved overtime] – Braham, single God – Mysticism, contact with divine – Both shaped future Indian religion

HINDUISM “God is one, but wise people know it by many names”

The basics. • • •

No Founder, No Sacred Text Complex, many gods, forms of worship Universal Beliefs: 1) Everything is part of force of Braham 2) Gods give concrete form to

Teaching recorded in VEDAS

BRAHMA | the creator

VISHNU | the preserver

SHIVA | the destroyer

| Goal of a Hindu Life | • • • •

All have a ATMAN, true self Goal is MOKSHA, or union with Braham HOW? = free yourself from selfish desires REINCARNATION (several attempts)

| Key Teachings | • • • •

KARMA, good and bad DHARMA, moral duties AHIMSA, nonviolence Caste systems, high and low dictated Hindu life

BUDDHISM Siddhartha Guatama “the Enlightened One”

| The Basics | • NO GOD. • Pain, sorrow and the cure • After becoming “enlightened” Buddha taught others what he had learned:


1 | All Life is full of suffering, pain, and sorrow.

2 | The cause of suffering is non-virtue

3 | the key is to overcome non-virtue 4 | overcoming non-virtue requires following the

ULTIMATE GOAL = enlightenment, NIRVANA (release from this earth (cycle of re-birth)

Maurya Empire

• {321- 185 BC} • Chandragupta Maurya = founder – Well organized bureaucracy – Ruled effectively, but harsh – Dissent was not allowed

Asoka Takes Reigns

• Expands empire, then denounces violence (convert?) • Encouraged spread of Buddhism • Unifies empires

Deccan Kingdoms • Diverse population • Dravidians/Tamil Kingdoms • Hinduism/Buddhism become popular • Trade was important

Guptas • 320-540 AD • REMEMBER THIS:

GOLDEN AGE [Def: a period of great cultural achievement]

GOLDEN AGE [Def: a period of great cultural achievement] • Schools! Religion and many other topics taught • Developed decimal system of numbers (~10) • Vaccinations! • >>>> White Huns ruin the partyUnity no longer.

Chinese Civilization 10/20/2008 Mr. Rathjen

[Beginnings] *History begins @ Huang River Valley -Yellow River Civilization *Loess – fine, windblown yellow soil

*“River Of Sorrows”??? -Discover silk, calligraphy, 1st books

[Shang Dynasty] *1766-1122 BC *Clans, headed by princes and nobles held most control *Social classes developed -top = royal family, warriors -bottom = peasants (*most people)

[Zhou (joh) Dynasty] *1122 – 256 BC *Mandate from Heaven (divine right to rule) *Zhou rewarded supporters with land -feudalism? *Downfall is _____________________??

Confucianism 1. Founded by Confucius 2. Focus on worldly goals of social order/good gov’t 3. Stresses accepting one’s place in society 4. Gov’t should set a good example

Daoism 1. Founded by Laozi 2. Focus on harmony with nature 3. Stresses virtue of yielding 4. Gov’t is unnatural & should govern as little as possible.

Chinese Unification 3.5 “Cracking his long whip, he drove the universe before him, swallowing up the eastern and western Zhou and overthrowing the feudal lords”

Shi Huangdi, “First Emperor”, rules Qin Dynasty in 221 BC (*last only until 206 BC) Start of classical age, or framework for later cultures

Legalism Huangdi rules with Legalism – Harsh rules/punishments – Authoritarian rule – Disbands feudalism

Builds GREAT WALL to protect state Qin falls to revolts over policies (remember dynastic cycle?)

HAN Dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD) WUDI, most famous emperor: 1. Confucian ideas 2. Strengthened economy (MONOPOLY) 3. Expansionism 4. Opens trade routes/Silk Road (4,000 miles) 5. Civil service system (merit driven appt)

HAN Dynasty Warlords overthrow HAN Achievements: 1. Academics/Astronomy 2. Acupuncture 3. Paper making Also, Buddhism eventually reached China (more personalized/emphasized suffering)

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