Nominations Committee July 1st 2019-July 1st 2021
2 Executive: Carla Strong, Pam Fisk 3 Membership: Valerie Caward, Tracy Voorheis, Pam Fisk Chairperson: Carla Strong
President * Vice President * Secretary * Treasurer
Thursday, March 28th Committee will contact all buildings for soliciation of names to be considered for new terms of office. ○ Provide a brief description of each role ○ Via ballot sheet to be distributed in all member mailboxes ○ April 11th ballots due to the Chairperson
Wednesday, April 24th Chairperson shall report all nominations to the Exec. Board Meeting ○ Committee will confirm consent to having individual names on the slate ○ Encourage a brief biography ○ Everyone eligible, only one nomination needed
Wednesday, May 15 candidates names released to membership (two weeks prior to election)
Wednesday, June 5 Officer elections ○ Consider absentee ballot voting