Noli Me Tangere

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 361
  • Pages: 9

'Those who cannot see where they came from will never get to where they are going.'

Jose’s Background ■ ■ ■

Born to a wealthy family Both parents were educated Studied at Santo Thomas University in Manila Studied Philosophy and Medicine in Spain, France and Germany Wrote Noli, his first novel 1886


Written in Spanish Means “touch me not” Book is a passionate expose about the evils of the Spanish friars in the Phils. wrote a sequel in 1891, “El Filibusterismo” (The Subversive)

In Exile ■

■ ■

Came back to the Phils. at the age of 26 Exiled to Dapitan (South) in 1892 Early1896 - got involved with the katipuneros- freedom fighters December 1896 - executed

TO MY MOTHERLAND (Jose Rizal, 1886) ■ ■

An introduction that Rizal wrote for Noli He equates colonialism to Cancer

Noli Chapter 1 ■

The Gathering – Who are the guests? – What kind of priest is Padre Damaso? – Compare Franciscans and Dominicans. – Describe the female guests. – Who are the Indios? – Role of a friar.

Noli Chapter 2 ■

Crisostomo Ibarra – “The Cub of a Lion will always be a lion” – “I do not call upon inspiration to drag itself down and to tell lies.” – “The prosperity or misery of a people is in direct proportion to its liberties or concerns and consequently to the sacrifices or selfishness of its ancestors.” (Agree or disagree?)

Chapter 3 ■

The Dinner – Jele-jele bago quiere - A pidgin Spanish Tagalog saying, meaning that one pretends not to desire a thing which is in reality one wants. – Age, Dignity and Rulership

– The young blond man wrote: In the Philippines the most useless person in a supper or feast can be thrown out in the street: to begin with, the master of the house can be thrown out into the street and everything will proceed as usual. In the actual state of things , it is almost for the good of the Filipinos not to be allowed to leave the country or to be taught to read.

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