Noah Builds An Ark

  • July 2020
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  • Pages: 3
Noah Builds an Ark Main Points to Remember 1. The righteous will always be taken care of 2. Sinners will be punished Vocabulary Words Ark: A large boat Lesson Texts Noah and the Ark by Betty Belue Haynes Do you remember why God sent the flood? Why were Noah and his family saved when the great rains came? How does this fit in with what we know about God? ... Read the entire lesson text... The Great Flood by Betty Belue Haynes What do you think it was like to be in the great flood? How do you think Noah and his family felt when the rains kept coming down day after day? What would it have been like to have been shut up with so many animals for so long? Read the entire lesson text... After the Flood by Betty Belue Haynes Do you know why God gave the first rainbow? It still has meaning for us today. All nations during Noah’s time handed down stories to their children and grandchildren about the great flood. Knowing all about it should have made them want to worship a God so powerful. Doesn’t it make you know that God will keep his promises? ... Read the entire lesson text... Prayer Father, we are thankful that by following your plans we will be saved

Free 800x600 and 1024x768 images of the map to Mt. Ararat at right, as well as others from

True/False 1. Noah designed his own ark. (F God gave him the plans) 2. Noah ignored all the doomed souls around him. (F he preached to them) 3. The animals came in pairs to the ark. T 4. Noah's family was saved also. T 5. God promised never to flood the earth again. T Activity: hand motion story below

Big Boat smaller video .mpg (2 mb) better video .mov (8 mb) better audio Words Motions There was a big boat hold arms out in a circle and it had animals come on walk finger up palm of other 2 by 2, 2 by 2, 2 by 2 hand and then the rains came down wiggle fingers and drop from and the rains came down to low with each repetition and the rains came down and Noah opened the window hands flat, even w/ body open wide and out flew a bird flap arms Memory "By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not seen, prepared an ark for the saving of his household." Hebrews 11:7 Discussion: Out of all the people on the earth, only 8 were found following God's will. God's justice demanded that he punish mankind - but was not willing to destroy the 8 that pleased him. This is a great demonstration of both the severity of God's wrath, and his mercy on those who obey Him. We can either be numbered with those who will certainly perish for disobeying God - or we can trust that no matter how few there are that follow Him, we can be saved with them. Review Questions (can be used with gameboard) linguistic questions 1. What is an ark? a large boat 2. Name Noah's sons. Shem, Ham, Japheth 3. What book of the Bible tells us about Noah? Genesis activity questions 1. Draw an ark. 2. Act like one of the animals on the ark. 3. Draw a rainbow. emotion questions 1. What do you think Noah's neighbors thought about Noah? That he was a fanatic, and probably mad. 2. How did God feel about the evil on the earth? He was vexed to the point of destroying mankind 3. How did Noah feel when he stepped back on land? He worshipped God with thanksgiving

application questions 1. Is it important to follow God's plans exactly? yes 2. What should we do if no one else around cares about pleasing God? Follow God's law and try to teach others, just like Noah did 3. Will God save us if we obey Him? yes 4. Will God punish us if we disobey Him? yes

fact questions 1. How many doors did the ark have? 1 2. How many of each animal came into the ark? 2 of each, 7 of some. 3. How many days did it rain? 40

review questions 1. What does a rainbow mean? A reminder of God's promise not to flood the earth again. 2. God was willing to save how many people? 8 3. How long was the earth flooded? about a year.

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