No More Hiding

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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 998
  • Pages: 4
NO MORE HIDING I have come to realize through experience and observation that one of the greatest undoing of mankind is mans inherent attitude of always trying to hide his sins and mistakes from God and fellow men. In a bid to hide our sins and mistakes from God and fellow human being we do more harm than good to ourselves. This article which I tittled “NO MORE HIDING” is written so as to expose satans long existing tricks against mankind cum help those who are still struggling with secret sins to be open and sincere to themselves by accepting their sins and mistakes, make confession to God and also go an extra length of looking for an adequate person they can confide in for help. Juliana (not real name) was just 17 years when she finished her senior secondary certificate examination. She then travels to one of her cousins in Cameroon to spend her summer holidays with him. One thing lead to the other (using her exact words) and she slept with her counsin. While this abomination last for close to three years her cousin took up the responsibility of paying her school fees as well as taking care of her other financial needs; an attitude her parents wrongly interpreted as a kind gesture of her cousin towards her. But, as years roll by Juliana realized that she is no longer her usual self. It all started by having some strange dreams which will shortly after having the dreams began to manifest in her physical life.

From loosing her retentive memory (as she use to be a very intelligent and brilliant young girl) to loosing interest in her looks, depression that its origin is not traceable. The situation got too bad to the extent that whenever she sees any girl who she feels is prettier than herself, she will feel so grieved in her heart. For close to three years she was been tormented by satan until that fateful day. I had shortly finished presenting a seminar when a young pretty girl handed a letter over to me. Immediately I got home I quickly opened the letter only for me to behold the story of young innocent girl who has fallen victim of molestation by an “occultic cousin”. I wouldn’t want to bother you with all the depressing detail of what happened after her opening up her secret sin to me but, suffice it to say that; today Juliana is now leaving a happy life in Christ. I know that the story might sound like a mare folktale but believe you me sincerely it is true life story. Did you remember the incident that took place at the Garden of Eden between God and Adam? Please, permit me to take you to the word of God in Gen 3 VS 10 “And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked and I hide myself”. Reading through this verse a couple of years ago, I began to have a flash back of how I over the years tried to hide my sins and mischief from God and fellow beings. Adam had committed the greatest sin on earth “DISOBEDIENCE TO THE COMMANDMENT And

INSTRUCTIONS OF GOD”. He has broken his covenant with God and instead of him to accept his failure and ask God for forgiveness, he chose to hide himself from God regardless of God’s voice calling on him. But, can one really hide himself from God? Hear the word of God through His prophet Jeremiah “For mine eyes are upon all their ways: they are not hid from my face, neither is their iniquity hid from mine eyes” Jer 16 vs 17. No matter where we ran to we cannot hide from God. The nakedness of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is of great spiritual significance. This is one of the greatest strategies satan uses against mankind: (both believers and non-believer) taking them to the so called “hiding place” where he can then finish his wicked work on them. Learn to be “naked” before God, stop hiding those sins, nature, weakness, mistakes etc. After all, he knows about them more than you probally do; He only wants you to admit them and confess and He will forgive and help you out. As I round up this article, there is this interesting story I would like to share with you. A boy coming back from bird hunt which proved abortive sighted the duck of his grandmother and decided to try his skill with the sling. “Fiam” the pebble went out and hit the duck straight away on the head and the duck died instantly.

The boy in a bid to hide his mischievous act immediately carried the duck to go and hide it only for him to hear the voice of her younger sister calling on him. Oh! Chinny has seen me he lamented. Over the months, her younger sister Chinny used this mistake his to subject him to doing all house cores meant for both of them to do by threatening to tell his ground mother that he killed the duck if he refuses to oblige to her request. Until, one day the boy decided that enough is enough by owing up to his ground mother about the incident. To his greatest astonishment, his ground mother also saw him on that fateful day and was just waiting for him to come and confess. A story you may call it but, how often has satan held us captive in our sins and mistakes by continually accusing us of our past sins and taking undue advantage of us. Don’t listen to him because he is just an accuser, GO AND SORT IT WITH GOD! That is what matters. It is crucial for all to know this powerful truth. Satan is afraid of light truth and openness anywhere, anytime. ONCE AGAIN, NO MORE HIDING!!! BR. OGUGUA CHINEDU EMMANUEL

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