NO CRIMINAL OFFENSE AFFIDAVIT I Mr/Ms. XXXXX son/daughter of YYYYYYYYY, INDIAN, HINDU/MUSLIM/CHRISTIAN, and residing at (UR FULL ADDRESS inc city, state) do hereby solemnly affirm and sincerely state as follows:1. I am the deponent herein. 2. I am residing at the above said address with my parents for the past ZZ years. 3. I have completed my XXXX (degree with major) at ****** university between 2004 -2008. I wish to join TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES LIMITED. 4. I declare that there is no CRIMINAL OFFENCE REGISTERED/ PENDING against me in the Court of Law. I take the oath and solemnly declare that the particluars furnished by my above are true and correct and that I have not concealed or misrepresented any facts.
(notary sign) Solemnly affirmed and signed before me at ***** (place) on **** (date)
(ur sign) DEPONENT