Nmonthly Dec 08

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DECEMBER 2, 2008


This is the first of the many the start of an new era

Contents Iphone--------------2 Boliao news--------3 Special report-----4 Special events-----5 Recipe--------------6 Of the month list-7 horoscope----------8

If you love your software, you must make your own hardware --Someguy that Jobs quoted If you love your articles, you must make your own newsletter Good day People, I am happy and honored to be able to write for the finest Newsletter that Nitro Inc. has come out. This newsletter shall be a legacy when We look back 20 years from now and we have upmost confidence on myself and my team of writers to make the Nmonthly the funnest newsletter ever. So for

the next few pages, I and my team of writers will bring you a line of reviews, articles, thoughts, recipes and jokes. Hope you all enjoy it.

--Nitro Chan

-CEO of Nitro Inc Nitro Chan

MORALIZING NOTE FOR THE MONTH Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The enough to think they can change the world, are the rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the ones who do. square hole. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy



DECEMBER 2, 2008

IT IS THE IPHONE 3G SO WHAT SO BAD WITH IT Just Months since the iphone came on sale in sunny Singapore and already Singtel has earned enough to cover the whole financial crisis with mobile plans. So what is that of the iphone 3g that attracted so much attention. With a full internet in your pocket, e-mail, youtube, weather, GPS, stocks, scientific calculator, world clock, Videos, loads of third party Apps and a thousand music on the go. But good thing always comes with flaws, the iphone 3G is no exception. With the flaws mostly parodied it is no surprise that an old man in the streets can tell you all of them. A few of the flaws includes its inability for Upper: The iphone 3G in Black video conference, Video and white recording, unchangeable Lower: iphone call mode battery, MMS, no memory card slot, inability to delete a single

message. And some others. One very notable change from its Edge counterpart is its plastic cover. The iphone 3G has a black plastic cover and and alternative white cover for a 16GB model. The reason for the material change is because the metal cover that the Edge version used interfered with WiFi signals sometimes. The iphone 3G comes with a USB cable, charger and a cleaning cloth and can be purchased in any singtel Hello shops.

Warning: for disposal methods, it is not advisable to use a blendtec blending machine to dispose of the iphone 3G. for disposal methods please view the instructions

Iphone 3G Youtube, that connects beautifully and allows search you to search with ease

Stocks that connect through Wi-fi or 3G

Mail that can connect with Microsoft Exchange, Mobile Me, Gmail,Yahoo Mail, AOL and some others

Get the weather for the day and the next five days Updated for you

Maps with GPS could really help you find your way around

The safari web browser allows the user to surf the net through Wi-Fi or 3G.

For next months Gadget and Gizmos it will be on the Razor Keyboard. The biggest keyboard I have seen. If you want us to help review any Gadget just e-mail us at [email protected] and we will try our best to do a review out of it.



DECEMBER 2, 2008

WHO SAY HONG LIM PARK IS EMPTY! I you ever think that Hong Lim Park is empty, think again. I t seems that ever since the opening of the speakers corner, more ‘kpo’ uncles and aunties flock there. Wait they are there even when it is still a park.

polices at their quick disposal. So to Stupid buggers out there who wish to protest, forget it.

This Park today is filled with Registered Protesters standing in one of the hot field saying “We Protest! We Protest!” when hardly anyone is hearing. HeartLander Mr Brown (aka Lee Kin Mun) has said in a recent newspaper article in accordance to why the speakers corner is at Hong Lim Park. He quote that more ‘people’ will listen to them protesting at Mt. Vernon. Since the protesters know that no one is listening, they are still stubborn to get their message sent than sitting on a couch and watching TV with a Macdonald EVM smoothie. What a waste of natural resources. And for most peoples information Kreta Ayer Neighbourhood Police Post lie adjacent to the park. So just in case any violence happens their is

BLENDTEC TOTAL BLENDERS, KEY TO BLENDING ANYTHING The much popularize you blades is shown clearly how it tube Videos, Will it blend, has slices a strawberry in to multiple shown that this blenders can slices. At 10,00 frames per blend almost anything. From soft second with the maximum speed and blend-able Macdonalds of the blender, it can really Extra- Value Meal, medium and prevent a gumball from being partially blend-able iphone 3G to sliced as it tends not to fall, but Hard and solid Fake diamonds the force breaks the gumball in with a 8.5 reading in the hardness to pieces as it bounces it up. scale. The blade of this blender can With just a few buttons and option the blendtec total blender are truly easy to use. It has also shown that a universal remote can be paired with the blendtec total blender.

spin at 20,000 revolutions per minute. And the cover can stand blending 7 Molotov Cocktails. And just something to tell, the jar is made of bullet proof glass. So just imagine how strong it is.

With its finely portioned Blades. Under 10,000 frames per/ second. the Blendtec blender’s

HAVE SOMETHING INTRESTING THAT NEEDS OUR REPORTING write to us immediately at [email protected] and we will try our best to report it.



DECEMBER 2, 2008


A perambulator (often known as baby carriage, carrycot or pramfor short) is another form of baby transport generally used for newborn babies with the infant lying down facing the pusher. Prams have been widely used in the UK since the 19th century. As it develops, suspension have been added to make the ride smoother and more comfortable. However, prams are now rarely as they are large and expensive.

upper: A Perambulator or pram for short lower: a modern day stro#er

A stroller (often known as buggy or push chair) is a form of baby transport generally made for toddlers up to three years old. Strollers were founded by a garden architect

named William Kent when the Duke of Devonshire asked Kent to build a transportation for his children. Kent obliged by constructing a shell shaped basket on wheels that the children could sit in. Unlike the pram, the stroller is made for older children and has the child in a sitting position, usually back-facing the pusher. Also, no or very little strollers have been fitted with suspension up to date.

This article was written because our writter here is worried for safety of the future babies and wish the above suspensions fitted for cars to be applied.

WHAT IS A SUSPENSION IS IT NECESSARY Suspension is the term given to the system of springs, shock absorbers and linkages that connects a vehicle to its wheels. In-terms of a car, suspension contributes to handling and braking for safety and driving pleasure. It also keeps vehicle occupants comfortable and well isolated from road noise, bumps and vibrations. However, we happen to not be talking about cars here. We were on the topic of adding suspension to strollers. So firstly, picture this – a women is pushing a stroller with her baby inside. Her baby is fast asleep. As she approaches a curb, being too lazy to take the slope which was far away, she pushes the stroller off the curb. Due to uneven ground and the weight of the stroller, the front wheels of hit the ground with a great impact. As the back wheels hit the ground, the baby should wake up in fright or at least be disturbed from his sleep. These events cause a lot of shaking to occur and the shaking alarms baby as it is a huge contrast when compared to a few seconds ago when the ride was smooth. If suspension had been added to that stroller, most of the impact would have been absorbed and little shaking will occur. Thus, the baby would not be affected by the curb. Secondly, as in the car, suspension contributes to handling and breaking for safety and pushing pleasure. Pushing a stroller with suspension would mean less force applied as suspension will reduce friction in bumpy roads or steep slopes, allowing the pusher to use the stroller with less effort compared to one without suspension. This makes the pusher happier and not so stressed due to over exertion when pushing the stroller. Finally, suspension also helps to rock a tired baby to sleep as it makes the stroller shaky. This helps babies biologically as they do not have to take anymore sleeping pills jus to fall asleep. Sleeping pills are bad for a baby’s body and excessive dosage might kill them. Therefore, if you do not want to lose your baby, get suspensions installed in your stroller NOW!!!

Article by: KHORBS, Nitro Inc



DECEMBER 2, 2008

THE 2008 NITRO INC. BLOG AWARDS The Nitro 2008 blog awards will be held on the 24th of Dec and fellow bloggers are advice to check their e-mails on 25th Dec to check if they have won anything. Nitro Inc. will also advice people to check their junk mailbox too. To Qualify for the Nitro Inc. 2008 blog awards just sent an e-mail to [email protected] with name and blog address, or just place your e-mail on your blog. you can also promote your blog by sending us an e-mail.

blogskin is and goodie goodie category works the opposite.The alot of pop-up category speaks for its self so is the cannot work with safari category. The alot of swearing category, will see how much bad language dose your blog contain. As for the most Nitro inc. category, we will see which blog mention Nitro inc the most.

This year there will The ultimate category, The Dark-Side Category,  The goodie goodie category, The cannot work with Safari category, The lots of pop-up category, The a lot of swearing category, The speakers corner category and the most Nitro Inc. category. Let me explain one by one. The ultimate category’s winner is the king of all submitted blogs. Meaning the ultimate category is the test of the overall effect of the blog, from blog skin to blog text. The Dark-side category sees how dark your

THE NITRO INC. KNOCKOUT CHALLENGE 08’ The Annual knockout challenge is back with new characters this year. The characters include Mr Bean, L, Kyon, Naruto, Ben, Wanda, Syaoran, Sora, Mickey, Nemo, Pikachu, Alex, Teddy, Ryuk. The contestants will be split into two catergory and later remerge as one which will end up leaving us with the king character for the year. The first round to be taken place on 2nd December will feature Mr Bean and L and so on as the graph shows. To take part just visit any of the Nitro sites, nitroinc.blogspot.com, nitroworldoflaughter.blogspot.com, nitroworldoffantasy.blogspot.com and the nmonthly site too. So remember to take part!



DECEMBER 2, 2008

SUNNY SUNNY HAPPINESS Cheese wrap inside egg

Ingredients I. Eggs II. Cheese (recomanded to be the cheese from pizza hut) III. Salt IV. Grounded Pepper V. Garnishing Instructions 1. Beat the eggs and add salt and pepper to the beaten egg, stir well 2. Fry egg until its partially solid 3. Put staches of cheeze at the center of the egg. 4. Slowly fold the egg 5. enjoy!



DECEMBER 2, 2008


Video of the month Blendtec: iphone 3G http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLxq90xmYUs

Picture of the month

Word of the Month bountiful Meaning:

giving generously : he was exceedingly bountiful to persons in distress. Advice of the Month: Watch your back! Restaurant of the month: Jacks Place Steak house Kopitiam food of the month: Kuay chap Drink of the month Apple juice



DECEMBER 2, 2008

Calendar Dec 2nd, 2008

Aquarius (20 Jan- 18 feb): December is a good

Nitro Inc. Knockout Challenge 08’

time to give, so show your heart and give and try not to sow the usual bossy attitude.

Dec 21th, 2008

Pisces (19 Feb- 20 Mar): It should be time to

Dec 24th, 2008

give up on that look, try a new look and I am sure you will look good in it.

Nitro Inc. Blog awards 08’ Temperaly stop of Green to the end

Aries (21 Mar- 19 Apr): Looks like your luck is

Dec 25th, 2008

coming but to redeem your luck you have to show more than usual amount of kind and compasionate.

Taurus (20 Apr- 20 May): Time to get up and get going as your body will be at its best for anything this month.

Gemini (21 May- 21 Jun): Better not stress the

Green to the end week

Results Release and Merry Christmas Dec 31th, 2008 New Years Eve End of Green to the end Jan 1st,2009 Happy New Year

little brain for this month, just kick in and relax.

Cancer (22 Jun- 22 Jul): Your creativity and your helping hand will be at its best for the whole month, so make use of it.

Leo (23 Jul- 22 Aug): You are still the King, of boliaoness. Just make sure you have something to do when you are bored or risk it.

Virgo (24 Aug- 22 Sep): You are slowly turning into a sissy or soft bone. So try something like fixing Gundam models and play Soccer.

Libra (23 Sep- 23 Oct): Good fortune and happiness to come your way, but remember to balance the scale

Scorpio (24 Oct-21 Nov): You might like to try working solo for the time being, remember to control that flare in your mind.

Contributors NITRO CHAN Writer of most part of the news letter and recipe creator. CEO of Nitro Inc. KHORBS Writer of the suspension in strollers and is an active affiliate of Nitro Inc. Owner of many blogs.

Sagittarius (22 Nov-21 Dec): Your arrow is getting sharper, so is your mouth. Control that foul mouth of yours.

Capricorn (22 Dec- 19 Jan): Try not to eat corn for the time being or con-man attitude might rise again.


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