Nit In

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,193
  • Pages: 32
List ListListe een nnin ining gg

Int IntIntroducti roductiroduction onon � Part of Communication � Hearing -a physical aspect � Listening is an intellectual, and emotional process that integratesphysical, emotional and intellectual inputsListening is a mental process

De DeDefi fifinit nitnition ionion Leland Brown � Listening is an activity that can be turned on and off consciously and unconsciously. It starts with the receiver�s becoming aware that they should listen and become attentive to what is being said.

D DDe eefin finfini iiti tition onon M.V. Rodriques � Listening is a process of receiving, interpreting and reacting to the messages received from the communication sender

Def DefDefi iini ninition tiontion Keith Davis � Listening is a conscious, positive act requiring will power. It is not a simple, passive exposure to sound

Nature NatureNature �We spend � 60% time in listening �Most of us are 35 � 55% efficient in listening �Must have mutual understanding foreffective communication

Prin PrinPrinciples ciplesciples -Good L Good LGood Listen istenistening inging � Listen Patiently � Understand the feelings of the Speaker � �Bhavnao Ko Samjho� � Allow time for discussion - feedback

Prin PrinPrinc ccip ipipl lle ees ss -Good GoodGood List ListListe een nnin ining gg � Avoid cliches / jargon � Respond to the speakers comments � Listener should have a purpose for listening � Time Differential � we speak 100 � 150 wpm. -& we think 400 � 500 wpm

Process of Li Process of LiProcess of Listeni stenistening ngng � Awareness � Speaker should say something�new� � what the audience does not know New ideas, thoughts, information, thus NEWS

Process of Li Process of LiProcess of Listeni stenistening ngng � Reception & Hearing � listener to be attentive and aware � Get closer to a personwho is deaf / hard of hearing � Keep an open mind � notthe �I know it all� attitude

Process of Li Process of LiProcess of Listeni stenistening ngng � Perception by thelistener � correctlyunderstanding themessage � depends on age, maturity, knowledge, experience, attitude, values, etc. � Understand the Speaker -the feelings � Bhavana

Types of Lis Types of LisTypes of Listenin tenintening gg � Active Listening � listening to a person without passingjudgment � Deliberate listening � � Listening ByObservation � bodylanguage, smile, gestures etc.

Types of Lis Types of LisTypes of Listenin tenintening gg � Projective Listening � process to observe and understand. Commonly used in meetings and discussions � Marginal / Partial Listening -

Types of Lis Types of LisTypes of Listenin tenintening gg � Passive Listening � tape or radio � Evaluating � takes time to evaluate what the Speaker is saying � Fake

Listen ListenListenin ining St g Stg Style yleyles ss Re ReResul sulsult ttss-s-sty stystyl lle ee: :: Interested in the bottom line or result of a

message. Re ReRea aaso soson nns ss-st -st-style: yle:yle: Interested in hearing the rationale behind a message. Pr PrProce oceocess-s ss-sss-style tyletyle: :: Likes to discuss issues in detail.

T TTh hhe ee Ke KeKeys to ys toys to Effe EffeEffectiv ctivctive ee L LLis isist tte een nnin ining gg K KKey eyeys to s tos to E EEffect ffectffecti iiv vve L e Le Li iist ststen eneni iin nng gg 1. Capitalize on thought speed 2. Listen for ideas 3. Find an area of interest 4. Judge content, not delivery 5. Hold your fire The BadListenerThe Bad Listener Tends to daydream Listens for facts Tunes out dry speakers or subjects Tunes out dry monotone speakers Gets too emotional or worked up by something said by the speaker and enters into an argument T

TThe hehe G GGoo ooood dd Liste ListeListen nner erer Stays with the speaker, mentally summarizes the speaker, weighs evidence, and listens between the lines Listens for central or overall ideas Listens for any useful information Assesses content by listening to entire message before making judgments Withholds judgment until comprehension is complete

Th ThThe K e Ke Keys eyseys to E to Eto Eff ffffe eec ccti titiv vve ee L LLi iis sste teten nni iin nng gg ( ((c cco oon nnt) t)t) K KKey eyeys to s tos to E EEffect ffectffecti iiv vve L e Le Li iist ststen eneni iin nng gg 6. Work at listening 7. Resist Distractions 8. Hear what is said 9. Challenge yourself The BadListenerThe Bad Listener Does not expend energy on listening Is easily distracted Shuts our or denies unfavorable information Resists listening to presentations of difficult subject manner

T TThe hehe G GGoo ooood dd Liste ListeListen nner erer Gives the speaker full attention Fights distractions and concentrates on the speaker Listens to both favorable and unfavorable information Treats complex presentations as exercises for the mind 10. Use handouts, overheads, or other visual aids Does not take notes or pay attention to visual aids Takes notes as required and uses visual aids to enhance understanding of the presentation

B BBar ararr rri iie eer rrs ss of ofof List ListListe een nnin ining gg

Barri BarriBarrier erers ss of Lis of Lisof Liste teten nnin ining gg � Wandering Mind � � Partial Listening � � Distraction of mind � � Lack of motivation � � Emotional block � beliefs, prejudice, fear, dislike, bias, apprehension, etc

Barri BarriBarrier erers ss of Lis of Lisof Liste teten nnin ining gg � Taking Notes � � Rebuttal Instinct � something said is wrong, and gradually results in quarrels � arguments � Jumbled/Mumbled Words � Monologue � go on and on

Barri BarriBarrier erers ss of Lis of Lisof Liste teten nnin ining gg � Selective Listening � � Listening only for words � False Listening � Lack of interest � Noise � Poor perception / understanding

Ba BaBad dd L LLi iist stste eenin ninning gg H HHa aabi bibits tsts � Listening attitudes formed in early life � � Parents� influence � Authoritarian Parents � � Warm parents who listen to you � you respond positively

Ba BaBad dd L LLi iist stste eenin ninning gg H HHa aabi bibits tsts � Timid nature / submissive behaviour � Wandering mind � Calling the subject �uninteresting�

Ba BaBad dd L LLi iist stste eenin ninning gg H HHa aabi bibits tsts � Technical talk � not interested or not clear � Fake listening � �I know it All� attitude

G GGu uuid idide eelin linline ees To s Tos To Ef EfEffe fefec cct ttiv ivive ee List ListListe een nnin ining gg

Prof. C.S. Rayudu suggests the following techniques to overcome poor listening habits and to accomplish an effective listening and improved listening

� Listener to maintain eye contact � Listeners body language � nod your head, posture, etc � Avoid uninterested gestures � looking at watch, SMS, reading paper, playing with pen / pencil, etc. � Ask questions � shows interest � after the Speaker has finished speaking

� Listen patiently � � Avoid arguments � � Hold your temper � Be honest with your answers � Listen and understand the total meaning of the message � Drop personal biasness

T TThan hanhank kk Y YYo oou uu

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