Ni Luh Yosin Supiawati (022) 2.1.doc

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  • Words: 370
  • Pages: 2
Name : Ni Luh Yosin Supiawat NIM

: P07120017022

Grade : 2.1 Complicatons of Hypertension Almost everyone can experience hypertension. Every year people who suffer from hypertension contnue to increase. Hypertension is a disease that is often called a silent killer because this disease does not cause long-term symptoms. Because hypertension is a hidden disease and difficult to detect, we need to check blood pressure regularly. If it is not detected early and treated on tme, hypertension can lead to serious complicatons of the disease. Various complicatons of diseases caused by hypertension are atherosclerosis and heart failure. Hypertension can cause hardening and thickening of the arteries of the arteries. This is called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis causes blockage of blood vessels, so the heart does not get enough oxygen. When the inner lining of the arteries is damaged, blood cells and others will clot in the damaged area. Over tme, plaques formed from cholesterol will also accumulate and harden in the damaged area. This causes the arteries to narrow further, so that blood flow is blocked. If the blood flow cannot flow smoothly, the organs and tssues in the body cannot functon properly. The second complicaton caused by hypertension is heart failure. When high blood pressure, the heart muscle pumps blood harder to meet the blood needs of all parts of the body. This causes the heart muscle to thicken so long that the heart has difficulty pumping enough blood. Consequently, heart failure can occur. The main symptoms of heart failure are shortness of breath, fatgue, and swelling of the legs and ankles. These symptoms can develop gradually or occur suddenly. With hands, feet, stomach, and blood vessels in the neck.

Arterosclerosis and heart failure are a small number of diseases that are part of the complicatons of hypertension. Living a healthy lifestyle can reduce while preventng the risk of

developing hypertension. Some ways that can be done is to consume healthy foods, keep your ideal weight, exercise regularly. And what's no less important is quitting smoking. Some hypertensive patents are required to take blood pressure-lowering drugs for the rest of their lives. Therefore, it is important to take precautonary measures as early as possible, especially if you have hypertension risk factors.

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