N.H. Citizens for Health Freedom & N.H. Pure Water Coalition 8 Green Acres Road., Keene, NH 03431 Tel.& Fax 603-355-2202 Director: Gerhard Bedding e-mail:
[email protected] WEB SITE: www.nhhealthfreedom.org
WHO ARE WE, WHAT DO WE DO ? NEW HAMPSHIRE CITIZENS FOR HEALTH FREEDOM (NHCHF) was founded in March 1998 to support individual choice in all aspects of health care, including choice of doctors, health practitioners, therapies, medicines, and food supplements. We also support outreach and education on alternative and holistic healing practices and nutrition. Minimum membership is $ 10 per year. Many members contribute $20 or more. Members receive a newsletter three or four times a year. N.H. Citizens for Health Freedom is a non-profit grassroots organization chartered by the State of New Hampshire. Donations are not tax deductible. Our approach to health freedom issues is level-headed, objective, and respectful. Our board includes a chiropractic doctor, a science writer, and a registered nurse. Our advisers include a dentist, a medical doctor, and a naturopathic doctor. N.H. PURE WATER COALITION (NHPWC) is a branch of N.H. Citizens for Health Freedom, dedicated to making the New Hampshire public aware of the scientific controversy and freedom of choice issues surrounding the fluoridation of drinking water. N.H. Pure Water Coalition funds are administered separately from the treasury of N.H. Citizens for Health Freedom. If the fluoridation issue is important to you, you are invited to make a special contribution to the NH Pure Water Coalition. What Do We Do? Some especially significant projects we have been or are involved in: l Oct. 1998 Manchester Conference “Vaccinations and Child Health”, featuring Philip Incao, MD, Bart Classen, MD, and Barbara Fisher. Conference was attended by close to 400 people. A video with full proceedings of this conference is still available. l Public presentations in Dover, Manchester, Merrimack, Nashua, Keene, Peterborough l OpEd articles and letters to the editor in most New Hampshire papers l Participation on radio shows in Manchester, Nashua, and Keene l Legislation in the NH House and Senate from 1998 through the present. l A law suit on aspects of fluoridation. l Participated in the Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Food.
More Guiding Principles and Networking. In addition to the purposes described above, we generally support the Declaration of Health Freedom of the National Health Federation (NHF), PO Box 688, Monrovia, CA 91017, which follows below. (Items marked with an asterisk * are slightly modified or abbreviated from the original NHF declaration). 1.* We demand the freedom to eat fresh, clean food without pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, poisons, or irradiation. 2. We hold the right to supplement our diets with vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, and enzymes -- without needless government regulation. 3. We preserve our right to breathe clean air, and to drink water free of toxic chemicals such as fluoride. 4.* We defend our right to protect our children by refusing some or all of the often dangerous childhood vaccines 5. We defend the right of military personnel to refuse to accept mandatory vaccines such as anthrax.
6.* We demand the right to receive alternative and complementary forms of medicine administered by medical doctors, naturopathic doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, clinical nutritionists, and we demand that these specialists shall be covered by our national health insurance organizations. 7.* We oppose Codex Alimentarius and any other attempt to take control of the natural health industry by the multinational pharmaceutical and food corporations. We view this as a great threat to our health freedom today. Manufacturers and purveyors of vitamins and minerals shall be free to disseminate truthful research and information regarding supplementation and health aids. 8.* Alternative medical practitioners shall be free to determine and practice those modalities best suited for their patients without government intervention. 9.* We oppose the use of aspartame, a proven poison used as a sugar substitute in over 90 countries. We believe the truth should be known concerning the dangers of this product, and others marketed by non-caring multinational corporations such as the deadly drug tobacco. 10.* We advocate the privacy of our medical records.
We also intend to network and cooperate as much as possible with the following organizations: * American Association for Health Freedom * Aurum Foundation (supports natural health care in New Hampshire) * Fluoridation Action Network (FAN): www.fluoridealert.org * Holistic Moms Network, NH Chapter and national organization. * National Health Federation * National Health Freedom Coalition * National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) * Organic Consumers Association * Vaccination Liberation * Weston A. Price Foundation (published Nourishing Traditions) ________________________________________________________________________
N.H. Citizens for Health Freedom & N.H. Pure Water Coalition 8 Green Acres Road., Keene, NH 03431 Tel.& Fax 603-355-2202 Director: Gerhard Bedding e-mail:
[email protected]
MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION ___ I support the goals of NH Citizens for Health Freedom. and would like to become a member. My payment of $ .........., made out to NHCHF, is enclosed. (Minimum $10 per year. Many members contribute $15 or $20). ___ I would like to make an extra contribution to the NH Pure Water Coalition, knowing that it will be used exclusively for questioning and opposing fluoridation. Enclosed is a separate check for $ .........., made out to NHPWC NAME: _________________________________________________________ ADDRESS, ZIP: __________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: __________________ E-mail:__________________________ Please cut out this application and mail the completed form with your check to: NHCHF, 8 Green Acres Rd., Keene, NH 0343
If your check is made out for more than $ 10, please indicate clearly on the check how you want the money applied -- for one year or for multiple years. Many of our members now renew for two or more years with one check. For example, if we receive a $ 20 check we need to know whether it is intended as a a two-year membership or a generous one-year membership. Contributions to NHCHF and NHPWC are not tax-deductible. (We want to be free to influence legislation.)