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Thi nkyoucanhandi capNFLgames?Pr ovei t —pr i ntof ft hi sNFL Week1Of f i cePoolandpl aywi t hyourf r i endsandcol l eagues!The poi ntspr eadi sl i st edi nbr acket snextt oal lt hef avor i t es.

TennesseeatPi t t sbur gh( 5) Thur sday,8: 30p. m.ET

Mi amiatAt l ant a( 4) Sunday,1: 00p. m.ET

DenveratCi nci nnat i( 3. 5) Sunday,1: 00p. m.ET

Mi nnesot a( 3)atCl evel and Sunday,1: 00p. m.ET

Det r oi tatNew Or l eans( 12. 5) Sunday,1: 00p. m.ET

Dal l as( 4)atTampaBay Sunday,1: 00p. m.ET

Phi l adel phi aatCar ol i na( 1) Sunday,1: 00p. m.ET

KansasCi t yatBal t i mor e( 8. 5) Sunday,1: 00p. m.ET

NYJet satHoust on( 4. 5) Sunday,1: 00p. m.ET

Washi ngt onatNYGi ant s( 6. 5) Sunday,1: 00p. m.ET

SanFr anci scoatAr i z ona( 6. 5) Sunday,1: 00p. m.ET,

St .Loui satSeat t l e( 7. 5) Sunday,1: 00p. m.ET

Chi cagoatGr eenBay( 3) Sunday,8: 20p. m.ET

Buf f al oatNew Engl and( 10. 5) Monday,7: 00p. m.ET

SanDi ego( 7)atOakl and 10: 15p. m.ET

* Somer est r i ct i onsappl y.SeeBet Onl i ne. com f ordet ai l s