Nexgen 5000-system Overview.pdf

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Messung Systems is certified for ISO 9001:2000 (Standard for Quality Management System)

ISO 9001 : 2000

Certificate:44 100 047173/01-E3


Manufacturer of PLCs,




Messung Systems, a leading pioneer in indigenous PLC in India, has constantly innovated to achieve global standards in designing and manufacturing PLC products. With pride, it has now launched a high performance series of world class CPUs viz. Nexgen 5000; coupled with basic building blocks of its earlier launched and established Nexgen 4000 PLC. This Nexgen 5000 PLC family offers a wide range of CPU variants, with IEC 61131-3 compatibility, having performance excellence and Windows® based programming software.

In the earlier days of industrial automation, application specific machines or process plants were designed with huge control panels having Relay Contactor Logic and Hardware Timers, Counters, Thumbwheels. These were very bulky in size, complex for fault finding, less reliable with limited and unpredictable life. Similarly these systems were very rigid in terms of any up-gradation. This has evolved concept of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) which were compact in size, having better edge over earlier electro-mechanical devices. PLC implementation has resulted in several benefits like: minimized panel and wiring volume, expedited program development, reliability of operations with an improved life, PLC re-usability across the applications (conditionally), easy and quick fault finding, and ease of interface with HMIs, SCADA like external devices. Over the time, only application specific hardware and software products were developed by various vendors, which addressed the problem of compatibility and portability. This has initiated necessity of products standardization in terms of hardware as well as software. Similarly, with the growing Industrial Automation, industry has started facing typical problems of PLC processing speed, memory, handling of a complex or very big program, logic re-usability, avoiding duplicate variables in programming, choice of programming language selection as per application, user friendly software along with documentation, standardized program interface. Subsequently, International Electro-technical Commission worked upon complete design of PLC, which comprised of hardware design, installation, testing, programming and documentation. Several inputs from various machine manufacturers, end-users and research institutes has evolved five part IEC 61131 standard. This international standard IEC 61131-3 is the first substantial endeavor to standardize programming languages for industrial automation. It emphasizes on consistent method of PLC programming which encourages the development of quality software. IEC 61131-3 provides tools to improve intrinsic quality of software in terms of its persistent correctness, integrity, reliability, robustness, modularity, flexibility and safety. It also deals with programming, installation and maintenance phases of software development projects in industrial control. IEC 61131-3 compatible programming yields Rapid Application Development. Nexgen 5000 series of CPU family is programmed with CoDeSys, the Windows® based, IEC 61131-3 compatible programming software.



Max. 32 modules

modular PLC NEXGEN

l More

I/O Capacity - 1024 Inputs / 1024 Outputs

l Enhanced

Data Memory - 160 KB 64 KB - Data Memory (Selectively retainable) 32 KB - Marker Memory (Selectively retainable) 64 KB - File Marker Memory (Super retainable) - 0.4 µsec - 1.2 µsec

l Better

processing speed - Boolean Word

l Higher

program memory Application Program Code - 256 KB Application Source Code 1 MB

max. upto 9 mtrs.

l Wide

assortment of Analog modules - Thermocouple, RTD, Fast Analog Input and Output Modules Nexgen 5000 PLC with full capacity


RS-232C interface

operation - Program mode or Open Protocol

l Auto

detect programming cable plug in & switch to program mode

l User

memory cassette interface

l Supports

all protocol FBs


retained battery backed up memory

l Not cleared l Large

by cold start or even after program change

capacity of 64K bytes

PLUGGABLE KEYBOARD DISPLAY UNIT (OPTIONAL) The Keyboard Display interface is a extremely user & maintenance friendly tool, which provides 4-character alpha-numeric display with 6 keys key-pad.

Highlights : l User

has an optional choice of pluggable keyboard display

l It has

built-in freely programmable 6 functions keys & 4 character alphanumeric display

l The keyboard

display can be used as a self diagnostic tool. This is helpful for assistance in : n Displaying

fault messages

n Displaying

systems messages

n Viewing

/ modifying PLC variables

n Redirection


of Digital I/O points

l The display and keyboard are freely programmable for application specific functionality. Display

and keyboard is accessible in the application program through the system variables. Using these system variables, the user can develop their own function blocks to handle display and keypad as per the application need. l Standard FB library for I/O/M Monitoring, Redirection of Digital I/O points are also available. l The Keyboard Display Unit can be fixed to / removed from,

the Processor module during the

module powered ON condition.

COMPACT & HANDY MEMORY CASSETTE : The memory cassette is used to store an application program code and source code. It is a flash PROM type of intelligent memory cassette. The cassette is compatible with all the Nexgen 522x & 523x series CPUs and it is available in various memory sizes. The application program code and source code can be downloaded to processor module (Nexgen CPU) from the cassette. Application Program Transfer : CoDeSys to Memory Cassette The front side provides a push button and two LED indications for user interface. The backside provides 9-pin D female connector for the interface with PC or processor module.

APPLICATION PROGRAM DOWNLOADING l First, cassette needs to be set using PC based software 'Bootstrap Loader Tool'. l For transferring a program, memory cassette is plugged in to serial port-1 of PLC. Now pressing a

push button twice, initiates the 'Program Transfer'. l If an application program code is valid, green LED will be ON. If the application program code

is blank, green LED blinks with 1Hz frequency. In case of invalid application program, red LED will be ON.

Memory Cassette

Cassette adapter

Programming cable 9910

Bootstrap Loader Tool / CoDeSys PC COM Port

30 VAC to 5 VDC power supply 5 VDC Power supply

To 230 VAC power supply Fig : Set Up to download the Program to Memory Cassette


IEC 61131-3 : A GLOBAL STANDARD l Better Structuring of large programs l High Reusability l Combination of ladder program and high level programming language


ST : Structured Text

l ST : Structured Text l FBD : Function Block

Diagram l IL : Instruction List l SFC : Sequential

Function Chart l CFC : Continuous

Function Chart LD : Ladder Diagram

FBD : Function Block Diagram

HIGH PERFORMANCE EVENT TASK SUPPORT l Execution of POU on an event occurrence (Immediate action, as per priority) l Dynamic attach / detach POUs to events l Global masking via application program

INCREASED PROGRAMMING FUNCTIONALITY Online functionality : Program modifications, Monitoring of all l variables, Power flow monitoring l Offline simulation now possible (limited) l Variable trace function with graphical display l Visualization (Limited for process monitoring)

ADVANTAGE - BUILT IN PROTOCOL FUNCTION BLOCKS l Modbus RTU Slave / RTU Master l Nexgen Slave l XMP8-10 Micro PLC Master l Frequrol - Inverter l Printer



PSTN Network


Port - 1, RS-232 C


Dial-up modem

Dial-up modem

Remote programming / on-line monitoring of Nexgen-5000 PLC via dial-up modem is possible on PG port. The PLC programming software- CoDeSys can communicate with Nexgen-5000 PLC via modem.

Highlights : l Users can remote Login via dial-up modems. l Project, source upload/download extended via modem l On-line project modification is possible Configuration : Communication Parameters

l Remote on-line debugging via modem support

The modem used at PC end could be internal modem or it could be external modem. The communication speed depends upon the line conditions and the link may establish at lower Baud-Rate than default setting of 38.4kB.

REMOTE PROGRAMMING VIA LAN : Nexgen 522x / 523x CPU P : Port - 2 / 3, RS 485

The PLC programming software-CoDeSys can communicate with Nexgen-5000 PLC via TCP/IP connection.



In this setup, the programming software 'CoDeSys' is running on PC1 and the gateway server is running on PC 2. The link between CoDeSys & Gateway Server is established via TCP/IP bus. The Nexgen-5000 PLC is connected to COM port of PC2, the link between Gateway Server & PLC is established via RS-232 bus. Or otherwise the PC2 can be directly interfaced with PLC via programming cable. Gateway Icon

Following settings are to be set up in order to initiate the Gateway Server - PC 2 In order to run the gateway server, double click on 'Start' 'Programs' 'CoDeSys V2.3' 'Communication' 'Gateway'. Then instance of the gateway server run on PC 2 and its icon appears in the task bar as shown.


MODBUS CONNECTIVITY MADE EASIER MODBUS Master and MODBUS Slave l l Nexgen 5000 series PLC provides MODBUS connectivity as software feature rather than any

hardware module. This is quite fascinating feature for every application developer. l While communicating with SCADA or other Nexgen 5000 PLC, one may implement MODBUS Slave. l Similarly, while communicating with the field devices like relays, energy meters (which implement

MODBUS), PLC implements MODBUS Master.


Master : Nexgen 5000 PLC Slave : Enercon Energy Meter P : Port - 2 / 3, RS 485





Network having 31 nos. of Enercon Energy Meters as slave connected to one Master Nexgen-522x / 523x CPU, using MODBUS Master.

Master FB : This FB handles serial communication with MODBUS RTU Protocol as master device. It is useful to interface HMI, SCADA as a slave with Nexgen 5000 PLC. PLC communication can be established with one PLC as Master and other(s) as slave(s). It can also be used to have CPU as data logger to collect the data from Energy meters, VFDs etc.

Highlights : l User need not know the MODBUS protocol. l Protocol implementation is physical layer independent i.e. it can be used with RS232C, RS422 or

RS485. l Communicates with any third party MODBUS RTU slaves inclusive of Messung PLCs with the

MODBUS RTU_Slave FB l Easy interface with various SCADA and HMI packages as slaves is possible with appropriate FBs. No

need to develop any special driver. l Easy connection to multiple Beijer E-terminals with it's MODBUS Slave driver l Easy application interface by defining data exchange records with various stations l Allows exchanging data via I, Q and M devices in Nexgen 5000 with MODBUS devices in various

stations l Data exchange records can be grouped and called in manual, auto-cyclic and super cyclic modes. l Flexibility in data exchange records programming. l Programmable Retry and Time-out facility if a station fails to respond.

Supports variety of baud rates to suit the application needs. l


These FBs are useful l To interface Beijer make E terminals as master or slave with MODBUS RTU Driver. l To interface any SCADA software as master or slave which supports MODBUS RTU protocol. l For PLC to PLC communication in Nexgen 5000 PLC. One PLC can be a Master PLC and other/s can

be slave/s.


Master : Nexgen 5000 PLC Slave : Nexgen 5000 PLC P : Port - 2 / 3, RS 485




Converter for RS 232C to RS 485 Slave-1



Network having 31 Nos. of Nexgen 522x / 523x PLCs as slave connected to one Master Nexgen 522x / 523x CPU, using MODBUS Master and MODBUS Slave.

MODBUS Slave FB : It emulates MODBUS slave functionality. This FB handles serial communication with MODBUS RTU Protocol as slave device. The RTU slave FB is useful to communicate with any external master PLC, SCADA or DCS systems. Communication speed can be up to 56Kbps.

Highlights : l User need not know the MODBUS protocol l Protocol implementation is physical layer independent i.e. it can be used with RS232C, RS422 or

RS485. l Communicates with any third party MODBUS RTU master or Messung PLC with MODBUS

RTU_Master FB Easy connection to various SCADA and HMI packages. No need to develop any special driver. l Easy connection to Beijer E-terminals with it's MODBUS Master driver l Allows to exchange data via I, Q and M devices in Nexgen. l Ready to use FB with few parameters to define to go l Flexibility in station number programming. l Supports variety of baud rates to suit the application needs.



DATA EXCHANGE VIA MODEM Multiple PLC Data Collection Via Modem PLC : Nexgen 5000, with CPU 522x / 523x

PLC 1 PLC 2 Dial-up modem

Dial-up modem

PSTN Network



SCADA package with protocol driver and modem connectivity

Dial-up modem Dial-up modem

Multiple PLCs can be connected to PSTN network via modem. Multiple PLCs can communicate with one or more PC/PLC at a time through modem. Either of PLC / PC or both can initiate a communication. Once the communication is established, Protocol FB like MODBUS, Nexgen or Micro can take over a control for Data Exchange.

PLC to PLC Connection Via Modem PLC : Nexgen 5000, with CPU 522x / 523x



Dial-up modem PLC 3

Dial-up modem

Dial-up modem

PSTN Network


Dial-up modem

PLC initiates a call via modem FB. Now, modem FBs establish a communication between any of the two Nexgen-522x / 523x PLCs ( As shown in above figure ). Once the connection is established, the control is passed to protocol FBs like MODBUS, Nexgen protocol. The calling line / connection status can be monitored and failure of the link can be detected. In case of lines getting busy or unreachable auto redial, auto retry is possible. Dial-In facility with auto connect modems & Dial-Out predefined number is also feasible. Various communication speeds can be gained based on line conditions. Connect, Initialize and Hang-up sequence for the modem can be also controlled. Nexgen-522x / 523x PLC, which initiates a call will implement Dial-Out FB. While PLC at other end i.e.the responding PLC, will implement Dial-In FB. Note : The calling PLC ( i.e. PLC which has initiated a communication call ) can be a Master or Slave.


CONVENIENT FAULT MESSAGE ALERT User can be alerted, on occurrence of faults, by : Sending SMS ( using GSM Modem ), Numeric Message or Mobile Ring Alert ( using dial-up Modem ) PLC : Nexgen 5000 with CPU 522x / 523x P : Port 1 / 2 / 3 , RS-232C

PLC : Nexgen 5000 with CPU 522x / 523x P : Port 1 / 2 / 3 , RS-232C Pager




Mobile Numeric Message


PSTN Network

Dial-up modem

P GSM modem with SIM card

Dial up modem connected to Nexgen 5000 CPU , sends Numeric Messages on pager, or only Ring Alert on mobile.

GSM modem connected to Nexgen 5000 CPU, sends SMS (text messages )

The relevant FBs can be implemented, as per application requirement.

SERVOS NOW CONNECTABLE PLC : Nexgen 5000, with CPU 522x - P4 or 523x - P4


Interface Cable 4944

Patch Panel 4960 / 4962


AC Servo Motor

A Typical Nexgen 5000 PLC Set-up with CPU-522x-P4 / CPU-523x-P4

Special CPU varieties with HSC/PTO and Motion Control : The special features offered are High-speed counter (HSC) & Pulse train output (PTO). Processor modules with following extensions support added functionalities. These functionalities are summarized as below.


CPU 522x - P4 : 2 ch HSC + 2 ch PTO + Z Interrupt I/Ps CPU 523x - P4 : 2 ch HSC + 2 ch PTO + Z Interrupt I/Ps There are two variants in the patch panel a. PNP type ( 4960 ) : The output of PTO is PNP type & can be interfaced to 24V signal level. b. Differential type ( 4962) : The output of PTO is differential type & can be interfaced to Rs422 differential signal level HSC-PTO Function Library : Nexgen 5000 CPU provides 2 channels of HSC I/P and 2 channels of PTO O/P. To handle these hardware resources the OS of Nexgen 5000 CPU supports external FB library PTO lib.

Applicable for CPU 522x-P4 and CPU 523x-P4

HSC MFIP Axis1 Analog Pot

Data In

PTO Axis2 CANbus

H/W Driver FBs

MC-MoveAbsolute MC-MoveRelative MC-MoveVelocity MC-Stop MC-ReadActualPosition MC-ReadParameter MC-ReadBoolParameter MC-WriteParameter MC-WriteBoolParameter MC-MoveHome 2 Axis_Interpolation Electronic_Gearing Phasing CAM_Control

Axis_Ref Data

PLC open Motion Control FBs

Analog Out PWM Data Out PTO Under Development


H/W Driver FBs

Schematic diagram depicting motion control

Its based on PLC open motion control FB guidelines. It's a universal method of motion control irrespective of front-end interface. HSC PTO features supported in Motion Control applications : l HSC, Potentiometer position input, Infrared position input l Pulse Train Output, Analog output, PWM output, Motorised potentiometer control l (PTO) features supported in Motion Control l Point To Point Positioning l Absolute and Relative Positioning l Acceleration / Deceleration control l Emergency stop with controlled deceleration l Velocity Control FBs l Positioning Profile Handling l Co-ordination Interrupts

These special modules can be used in variety of applications like Packaging, Printing, Cut to length, Bottling, M/C tools etc.


NEXGEN SLAVE Nexgen slave FB is provided in FB library. By defining input parameters of FB, user can select communication port and communication parameters to establish communication with HMI. This FB handles serial communication with Nexgen 5000 as slave device and interfaces HMI, SCADA as a Master.

This FB is useful to interface Sr



l Beijer make E terminals with NEXGEN 4000 Driver l SCADA software which supports Nexgen protocol



l It emulates Nexgen 4000 HMI port protocol

F 940 F 930

l Allows connection to Smartline, E-Terminals

and SCADA with Nexgen Drivers l The HMIs or E-Terminal can be attached to any


E-Series Operator Terminal

Com port and can be instantiated as desired

Mitsubishi Make Graphic Operator Terminals

l Communication speed can be set, up to

56K for connecting E-Terminals or SCADA Slave

Graphic Operator Terminal ( GOT ) Connectivity l GOT-F Series and A Series are supported l Modbus RTU is used for serial Communication l Nexgen 5000 CPU works as Modbus Slave l Memory mapping of I(X), Q(Y), M(M&D) supported





: : : : :

Nexgen 5000 PLC or PC Micro PLC Converter for RS 232C to RS 485 ( 6010 ) Port - 2 / 3, RS 485 Network Adaptor ( 6011 )









Network having 31 Micro PLCs (XMP81x Series i.e. XMP-8 11/12/13/15/16/17) are connected to a Master Nexgen 5000 PLC, where PLC implements XMP8_10 Master block.

Here, 31 Micro PLCs are networked with one master, where master can be : Nexgen 5000 PLC using RS 485 port - PC with SCADA Here, FB used is XMP8_10Master.



Master : Nexgen 5000 PLC or PC Slave : Freqrol (Mitsubishi make Inverter) P : Port - 2 / 3, RS 485



Slave 1

Slave 2

Slave 3

Slave 31

Nexgen 522x / 523x interfaced with Beijer HMI E-Terminal on 2'nd port and network of Mitsubishi make Inverter is interfaced with 3'rd port.

User need not know the Inverter interface protocol. It Reads/Writes data to multiple inverters. l It can have direct serial inverter control from user program Transfer data to central SCADA / HMI on other port l Extendible to serial connection up to 31 inverters l Fast response to set point changes l Direct Inch, On/Off control l Cyclic updation of actual data from inverters l Individual Inverter Error handling l Automatic communication recovery as soon as Inverter is switched ON l Inverter data may be modified or controlled from HMI, SCADA or result of application program l Communication on 9.6K or 19.2K baud l Easy access to parameters via structured data for each inverter. l l Support some On-demand command execution such as initialisations etc. l Predefined Parameters Handling (selectable)

- Write control : Start, Stop, Reset, Set Frequency. - Read info : Frequency, Voltage, Current, Inv-status.


Automation of 'Two For One' (TFO) Twister

Two-for-one (TFO) Twister is used to produce consistently high quality for spun, filament and even ply. This has a line of motors, for producing a wide range of highgrade knotless yarn. Induction motor rotate bobbins with constant speed. Servo controls the traverse movement. PLC generates Pulse Train Output (PTO), with preset maximum speed. Traverse stroke is controlled from encoder feedback. High-speed counter controls interrupt, which facilitates the accurate control of traverse stroke and direction reversal. HMI provides setting options and machine status.

Automation of 'Form Fill Seal' (FFS) Packaging Machine The Form Fill Seal (FFS) machine can have two channels and the machine operation speed is 5,000 Bags/ hour. Both the drives move by

a single motor. Each drive is having an

encoder. High Speed Counter (HSC) and Interrupts are used here to achieve desired frequency. Entire recipe data is stored at *File Marker Memory of Nexgen 5000 PLC . Sr. HMI is used for operator friendly messages and parameter setting.

And Many More Applications . . . Machine Tools

: SPMs for Welding, Drilling, Tapping, Grinding, Boring, Press, Die-casting, Industrial Washing, Industrial Test Rigs, Axis Control applications, Cut to length etc.

Material Handling

: Ash Handling, Coal Handling, Belt Conveyors, Electroplating Plants, Paint Shops, ‘ANDON’ Systems etc.


: Plastic Injection Moulding Machines, Blow Moulding, Extrusion, Sheet Line Lamination etc.


: TFO Twisters, Dyers & Jiggers, Winders, Sectional Warping Machines, Winders etc.


: Sterilizers, Auto-clave, Liquid Injection, Lab Equipments-Chilers etc.


: FFS, Auger Filling, Coil Wrapping Machine


: Biscuit Making Lines, Ovens etc.


: DG Sets, Compressors, Energy Monitoring




16 bit Micro controller Boolean

0.6 µSec

0.4 to 0.6 µSec

Word ( Move )

1.2 µSec

1.2 µSec

Maximum Scan Time

Permissible up to

1 Sec

Default setting

250 mSec IEC 61131-3

Software (Version)

Version 2.3*



Remote Programming

Memory Configuration Data Marker (RAM) Memory (Retainable)

Application Program Code

Structured Text


Function Block Diagram


Sequential Function Chart


Continuous Function Chart Supported, using dial-up modem 320 KB

256 KB 1 MB

Program Execution is through RAM



Can be uploaded along with comments, with password protection Automatic program transfer takes place from Flash to RAM, at every power on. Except MB0 to MB127

Not Applicable 256 KB


Memory available for HMI / SCADA Connectivity Memory Retains after cold start or even after a program change.

320 KB


For run time execution Used as application data memory. Essentially consumed by instances of FBs (e.g.Timers,Counters etc.)

64 KB

Data Memory

Memory Cassette

On-line Features

Instruction List

Marker bits


Battery Back-up


32,256 bytes

Application Program Source Code

Program Execution


* Recommended Version 2.3 or onwards Ladder Diagram

64 KB

File Marker (Super Retainable)



256 KB

Data (Retainable)


Windows ® based


Application Memory


User can modify with System variable _wLimitMaxScan




CPU 523x

Execution Time

Memory Configuration ( Flash : On-board )


Specifications CPU 522x

320 KB

Ni-MH, 3.6 V DC, 800 mAH Yes


6 Months**

Source code Modifications


Write / Force Variables Watch-Receipt for PLC Variables

Supported Supported

Used for storing an application program code and an application source code. Has on-board battery * If powered on, battery starts charging ** If PLC is not powered on, battery gets discharged




Specifications CPU 522x

CPU 523x

Project File Application Program Security

Task Supported


Password Facility



Periodic Event


Interrupt Event

Unlimited *


1 ms

Max. Range Retentivity

24.855 Days User Selectable

Numbers Counters

I/O Capacity Rack Capacity

Diagnostic Tools

Unlimited * 65536


User Selectable

Input points



Output points







Keyboard & Display are programmable through an application program

4 Character Alpha-numeric Run, Stop, Single Cycle

Run, Stop, Single Cycle, Bootstrap












Port 1

RS 232C

Default as programming port(PG)

Port 2

RS 232C / RS 422 / 485 (Identical Ports)

All these ports are with open protocol

Port 3 CAN Port



Communication Baud Rate

All Serial ports CAN

Communication Buffer Memory

For Transmission

256 Bytes

For Reception

256 Bytes

Up to 57.6 Kbps 10, 20, 50, 125, 250, 500, 1000 KBDS

Ambient Temperature

0 - 55°C

Relative Humidity

5 - 95 %

Current Consumption

Racks are available accommodating 3 I/O / 5 I/O or 8 I/O Modules

User Configurable

Diagnostic LED Indications

Noise Immunity

* 1024 as local *1024 as remote

6 Keys


Operating Modes

*Limited by available data memory. TON, TOFF, TP, RTC Supported by user definable retentive feature

*Limited by available data memory. CTD, CTU, CTUD

Max. Count


Communication Ports



Numbers Timers

Read / Write Password available

Source Code Uploading

Power Supply Serial Ports At 5V DC

As per IEC 1000 - 4 - 4 600 mA

CANopen Protocol User selectable for Serial ports Non-condensing 2 KV conductive noise 1 KV capacitive coupled noise -


Nexgen 523x : CPU Variants And Communication Ports Nexgen 523x is advanced PLC core CPU backed by internationally accepted CANopen protocol. The CAN bus connectivity is built in and any CANopen device having NMT slave capability can be interfaced with this CPU. Apart from controlling remote stations, it has got capability to interface & control Local I/Os also.

For CAN bus interface 5 pin removable connector is provided on the topside of the module. The connections from the front side are shown in the figure 8 as below: Shield CAN_H V+ 5

CP 5230-P4 CPU with HSC PTO



V 4




1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

CP 5230-B0 1 port CPU

Ordering Code BO P4

CP 5230 CAN Port, Port 1 CAN Port, Port 1 2 HSC + 2 PTO + Z Interrupts



VCAN_L Shield CAN_H V+

CP 5232-P4 CPU with HSC PTO

CP 5232-B0 3 port CPU

CP 5232 CAN Port, Port 1, Port 2, Port 3 CAN Port, Port 1, Port 2, Port 3 2 HSC + 2 PTO + Z Interrupts

* CP 523x P4 requires a patch panel and cables, for servo connectivity.

CAN Bus Connections: The wiring topology of a CAN network should be as close as possible to a single line structure in order to avoid cable reflected waves. Essentially it depends on the bit timing rates, trunk cable length (Lt) and drop cable length (Ld) where reflections will be tolerated. In practice short stubs (Ld) are necessary to connect devices to the bus line successfully. They should be as short as possible.

Node 2

Node 3

Node 4

Ld Node n

Node 1 Lt

According to DN specifications the power supply to the CAN interface must be connected via V+ and V- terminals. Power supply rated at +24V must be with in range of +15V to +30V.

Termination resistance: A 120-ohm terminating resistor must be fitted at each end of trunk line between CAN_L and CAN_H terminals. BOTH END TERMINATIONS IS MUST.


Nexgen 522x : CPU Variants And Communication Ports Nexgen 522x series itself has 6 CPU variants. This wide range of CPU empowers user to select a CPU as per application specific requirement, with enhanced memory viz. feature wise as well as capacity wise.

CP 5220-P4 CPU with HSC PTO

CP 5220-B0 1 port CPU

Ordering Code BO P4

CP 5221-P4 CPU with HSC PTO

CP 5220 Port 1 Port 1 2 HSC + 2 PTO + Z Interrupts

CP 5221-B0 2 port CPU

CP 5222-P4 CPU with HSC PTO

CP 5221 Port 1, Port 2 Port 1, Port 2 2 HSC + 2 PTO + Z Interrupts

CP 5222-B0 3 port CPU

CP 5222 Port 1, Port 2, Port 3 Port 1, Port 2, Port 3 2 HSC + 2 PTO + Z Interrupts

* CP 522x P4 requires a patch panel and cables, for servo connectivity.

The processor module supports three independent serial communication ports with well defined availability criteria as : Port-1 is RS 232C only

(Applicable to 5220, 5221, 5222, 5232 CPUs)

Port-2 is RS 232C/422/485

(Applicable to 5221, 5222 & 5232 only)

Port-3 is RS 232C/422/485

(Applicable to 5222 & 5232 only)

All the serial ports are provided on-board and are open for user to define communication parameters and handle serial communication using function blocks as per requisite protocol. The communication port-1 is RS 232C hardware interface port and it automatically gets assigned for programming through programming software 'CoDeSys', if programming cable (having an ordering code 9910) is connected. Otherwise it is open for user to define protocol and handle serial communication through application program. Port 1 is used to transfer an application program, from memory cassette to PLC, when ever required. The detailed pin configuration is illustrated in below diagram. For the communication port 1, 9-pin D male connector is provided on the Processor module. The figure below shows front view of the connector.

5 GND : 5 5V:4 TxD : 3 RxD : 2 Carrier Detect : 1

9 9 : Modem Ring Indicator 8 : Reserved for programming 7 : No Connection 6 : No Connection



Nexgen 522x / 523x : Port 1

Pin-1 provides carrier detection status when modem is connected. This status is available in application program on activating PORT_STATUS. Pin-9 provides ring indicator when modem is connected and if any controlling device is dialing. Pin-4 and Pin-5 provides 5 VDC* and Ground, which is used for memory cassette operation.

* This 5 V DC is strongly recommended only for restricted use. ( Not for driving the 5V DC operated external devices.)


Communication Port 2 and Port 3 Communication Port-2 and Port-3 are open for RS 232C/422/485 hardware interface. The signals are terminated on different pins on 9 pin D connector. The processor module provides requisite hardware for serial interface. The operating system provides driver functions and function blocks which directly controls the hardware interface. For a serial port, processor provides system buffer of 256 bytes each for reception and transmission. The relevant driver function blocks like Nexgen_Slave and RTU_Slave are provided in the library Nexgen 522x.lib / 523x.lib. For the communication ports 2 and port 3, 9-pin D male connectors are provided on the Processor module. The figure below shows front view of the connector. The connections for both ports are identical.



GND : 5

9 : Rx+ (RS 422) 8 : Rx- (RS 422) 7 : Tx- (RS 422) 6 : No Connection

Tx+(RS 422) : 4 TxD (RS 232C) : 3 RxD (RS 232C) : 2 Carrier Detect (RS 232C) : 1



Nexgen 522x / 523x : Port 2 / 3 The detailed pin configuration is illustrated in above diagram. Pin-1 provides carrier detection status when modem is connected. This status is available in application program on activating PORT_STATUS.

NEXGEN - 5000 : CPU SPECIFICATIONS Instruction Execution Nexgen 522x / 523x series CPUs are faster in execution, which makes it suitable for any sophisticated application, where processing speed and computation matters. Nexgen 522x / 523x series CPUs are faster (about 30%) than 521x series. Due to built -in optimization, it consumes 20 % less of Application Program Memory. Execution Speed for Various Instructions and Data Types ( *Following Data is for CPU 522x ) INSTRUCTION LOAD







0.4 to 0.6




























Logical AND / OR / XOR












MOVE (Load & Store)

Above execution time is in micro seconds (µsec)

Memory Configuration Nexgen 522x / 523x series CPU has two on-board memory resources viz. RAM and Flash PROM. This is similar to Nexgen 521x, but it has enhanced memory capacity and also has file marker memory.

RAM Nexgen 522x series CPU has 256 KB RAM with battery back-up, where this is further enhanced to 320 KB in Nexgen 523x series CPU. This has various memory components like Input process image, Output process image, Application program code memory, Data memory, Marker memory, File marker memory and system variable memory.



Memory Type

Address Specifier In Application Program

CPU : 522x

CPU : 523x

Input Process Image


128 Bytes

256 Bytes

Output Process Image


128 Bytes

256 Bytes



32,256 Bytes

32,256 Bytes


Addressable by Name

64 KB

64 KB

File Marker

Addressable Indirectly

64 KB

64 KB

System Variables

Addressable by Name

System Area

System Area

Application Program Memory

Not Addressable

256 KB

320 KB

Marker Memory is used to store the intermediate results and stored at addressable global memory area, accessible to external devices like HMI, SCADA. File Marker Memory is the data memory, which needs to retain after a PLC cold start or even after program change. Thus it is used to store the reciepe, history and data logged. This memory is accessible to user only by using specific functions and function blocks in application program. It is possible to access the file marker area for external devices also via serial communication by MODBUS_RTU and Nexgen protocol. Data Memory is used to store the intermediate results like instances of function blocks and variables used in application program. Unlike marker memory, data memory addressing is not handled by application developer, but these addresses are generated by compiler. Hence data memory is not accessible to external devices like HMI and SCADA. System Variables are implicitly global and used to exchange the information with PLC operating system and its functionalities. Flash PROM Nexgen 522x / 523x series CPU has 512 KB Flash PROM. This serves as on-board backup memory. Operating System This contains core code of processor module which handles various functions of the processor. Operating system code can be upgraded by a software tool 'Bootstap loader’


Size CPU : 522x CPU : 523x

Application Program Code

256 KB

320 KB

Application Program Source Code Memory

1 MB

1 MB

Run-time Execution, Downloading and Boot Project PLC run-time execution takes place through RAM only. PLC programming software downloads executable binary code in RAM and the same is optionally transferred to Flash PROM, creating Boot Project. Programming software (CoDeSys) facilitates user to select source code downloading option. Unless specified explicitly, Executable Binary code will get transferred to RAM. For every power ON operation, program gets transferred from Flash PROM to RAM. In case of no program in Flash PROM, 'MEMR' gets displayed on CPU Display.In case boot project is not created, RAM and Flash PROM will have two different programs. On next power ON, this will cause copying of old program from Flash PROM to RAM. On-Line Application Program Change During run-time, program executes from RAM. When on-line change in an application program occurs, modified application program is transferred to additional memory space in RAM. During this download, PLC continues to execute the earlier program from standard memory location of RAM. When downloading is completed, from immediate next scan, latest (modified) program gets executed. Application Program Source Code PLC programming software (CoDeSys) generates application program project file in a compressed format. This file gets downloaded to Flash PROM as source code download occurs. This project file contains all project related data like ladder, comments, variable name, variable declaration, password, libraries (optional).


Source Code Uploading This uploads the complete project from CPU to PC. Here, password protection facilitates controlled access for uploading. Battery Back Up PLC variables are stored in RAM, which is of volatile nature, demands a battery backup to retain its contents. This battery also serves as a backup to on-board RTC. Nexgen 522x / 523x CPUs use 3.6V Ni-MH (Nickel Metal Hydride) rechargeable battery, which is mounted on board. The battery provides backup period around 6 months, from its fully charge status. Keypad and Display Unit Optional pluggable keyboard display unit can be used as diagnostic tool. It provides 4-character alpha-numeric display with 6 keys keypad. This is helpful for: l Displaying l Viewing

fault messages

l Displaying

/ modifying PLC Variables

system messages

l Redirection

of I/O points

Display and keypad are accessible to application program and its information is available in form of system variables. User can develop customized function blocks to handle the display and keypad routines as per required by application. _BKEYSTATUS is the system variable (byte). Its first six bits access corresponding to key of the keypad. _ADISPLAY is the system variable (array of 4 bytes). Each byte represents an individual character of the alpha-numeric display.

SPECIAL CPUs WITH ADVANCED FEATURES Nexgen-5000 series has introduced special CPUs viz. 522x-P4 ( 522x Series) and 523x-P4 (523x Series).These CPUs facilitates 2 independent Channels for, High Speed Counter (HSC) and Pulse Train Output (PTO), each. CPU 522x-P4 / 523x-P4 has an upper edge with its built-in support for 2Interrupts.

On-board Interrupt Inputs (Available with CPU 522x-P4 and CPU 523x-P4Only) Industrial automation applications are ever demanding with increased level of sophistication. Especially real-time systems demand flexible and configurable control over the execution of different parts of program, which can be in response to any Interrupt Event. Interrupts suspend the current (normal) execution, completes the interrupt-linked POU execution and then returns back to suspended point, to resume normal execution. In case of multiple interrupt events, these event needs to be prioritized. System interrupt events like serial communication interrupt, internal timer interrupt are executed at highest priority. Here scheduler manages the execution of queued events as per defined priority. The general specifications are as: Maximum Two Numbers Event Number No . of on-board inputs


Event Number








EVENT_Z2_F_TRIG Differential

Open collector Selectable by inputs at patch panel

18-30 V DC inclusive of ripple



7 mA

15 mA

Patch Panel Accessories

Interface cable

Ordering code 4960

Ordering code 4962

Ordering code 4944

( 0.5 Meter Length )

Ordering code 4945

( 1.0 Meter Length )

Minimum ON and OFF time duration are 5 m s



High Speed Counters (HSC) 522x - P4, CPU 523x - P4 provide 2 independent channels for high speed counters. Each channel provides three input interfaces as A, B and Z. This channel provides hardware interface for open collector (PNP / NPN) inputs of 24 VDC or differential 5 V inputs. To configure for its use, these CPUs provide driver function blocks for each channel in library PTO.lib. This facilitates application developer to set the mode of operation and fetch the accumulated count and status of Z input. Counter provides pulse count in double integer format. High Speed Counter Input Channels

2 nos.


A, B and Z


100 KHz Maximum

Counting Range

-2147483648 to 2147483647

Type (Selectable by input connections at Patch Panel)

Open Collector* (18-30 VDC inclusive of ripple)


Differential / TTL (5V DC) 7 mA For open collector type of Input.

Min. ON time duration

5 µs

Min. OFF time duration

5 µs

15 mA

For differential type of Input.


Mode of Operation (Software Selectable)


Mode 0 (100 kHz)

Mode 0 (20 kHz)

Mode 1 (100 kHz)

Mode 1 (20 kHz)

Mode 2 (50 kHz)

Mode 2 (10 kHz)

Pulse input, Direction input and Reset input Pulse input, Direction input and Reset input Phase A input, Phase B input and Zero Marker input

Counts at rising edge of input depending upon Direction. Counts at rising and falling edge of input depending upon Direction. Counts at rising and falling edge of phase A input and phase B input.

* Open collector : PNP / NPN

Pulse Train Output (PTO) 522x - P4, CPU 523x - P4 provide 2 independent channels for pulse train outputs. This channel provides two output interfaces where output functionality depends on mode of operation selected. Relevant function blocks are located in PTO.lib. The driver function block selects mode of operation, number of pulses, output frequency and direction. Pulse Train Output Channels

2 Nos.


FP and RP

Frequency 522x

Frequency 523x

100 KHz, ±1% maximum for differential output with patch panel 4962. 5 KHz, ±1% maximum for open collector (PNP) output with patch panel 4960. 20 KHz, ±1% maximum for differential output with patch panel 4962. 5 KHz, ±1% maximum for open collector (PNP) output with patch panel 4960.

Duty Cycle

50 %

Pulse output range

0 to 4294967296 with Direction

Type (Selectable by type of patch panel)

Open collector (18-30 VDC including ripple)

With patch panel 2 HSC & 2 PNP type PTO (Ordering Code-4960) With patch panel 2 HSC & 2 RS 422 type PTO


(Ordering Code-4962)

60 mA maximum for differential output with patch panel 4962. Current

1.5 Amp maximum for open collector (PNP) output with patch panel 4960.

Mode of Operation (Software selectable)

Mode 0

Pulses and Direction

Mode 1

Forward Pulses and Reverse Pulses

External Power Supply

For pulse output driving circuit. 24 VDC ( 18-30 VDC including ripple), 100 mA


IEC 61131-3

CoDeSys is a Windows ® based, an international quality software which is IEC 61131-3 compatible. CoDeSys is Controlled Development System for Nexgen 5000 series of programmable logic controllers. It is a PLC program developer's suite.

Microsoft Windows® (32 bit) Platform With the Windows® based platform, application developer can avail the inherent benefits like Copy, Cut, Paste

and Delete operations. Using Import-Export facility developer can copy/re-use the Program Organisation Unit

(POU) across the applications. Global Search and Global Replace are features for the ease of program


Modular Programming CoDeSys encourages use of modular programming. Developed application is called as project, which has .pro as

file extension. Every CoDeSys project must have at least one POU. POU stands for program organisation unit

which either could be a program, function-block (FB) or function. One project can have many POUs.

PLC_PRG is a program, which is mandatory POU in every project. This PLC_PRG is a master routine where from

all the other POUs (sub-routines) are called. In a way, PLC_PRG can be viewed as main function in C language.

Hence, rather than dumping the complete logic into one POU (PLC_PRG), multiple POUs are developed, as per

objectives. Thus any project can be developed into split components. This approach resembles with object

oriented programming in higher level languages like C++ or Java.

Powerful Library Management CoDeSys provides a powerful way of library management. Modular programming facilitates having multiple

POUs in the same project. But it sensed more to have a provision of external storage of POUs, which are

application specific or required frequently i.e. just develop a POU once and for all, store it in application specific

library and implement it,as and when/where required.

This reduces development time for a machine manufacturer or end-user. Simply write it once and implement

many times. Password protection facility conceals the application logic in POUs (function & function blocks).

Modular programming and library management has indeed eased the task of application program development,

to a great extent.

Powerful Program Editor CoDeSys has powerful program editor which facilitates a user set of six programming languages: two textual

languages and four graphical languages.


Ladder Diagram (LD) It is the simplest graphical method of PLC programming comprised of normally open and normally closed contacts and coils, widely used in discrete control applications. IEC ladder program encourages, use of other program organization units (POU) i.e. functions, function blocks and programs. This has enhanced its wide acceptance to process control applications also. As per IEC 61131-3, symbolic addressing is implemented rather than absolute addressing. IEC ladder can deploy function, function block or program, in a ladder irrespective of IEC programming language, in which the POU is written.

Typical example of ladder programming comprised of normally open contacts, normally closed contacts, coil outputs and Function Block.

Instruction List (IL) It is a textual language which follows simple microprocessor assembler level instructions, similar to mnemonics used in earlier PLC program development language. It is the most primitive and fundamental level programming language; hence every PLC programming language can be converted to Instruction List. It is comprised of sequence of instructions and operates single instruction per line. It is a bit tricky and tedious for novice to implement. It has its own unique grace and glory, especially while dealing with compact and crucial applications, where performance and optimization are of prime importance. Its program editor is characterized with line numbers - visible for quick reference error messages and comment

mode to have programs translated by

non-programmers. In a nutshell, Instruction List has a series of instructions, where each instruction begins with new line and contains an operator and one or more

Example narrating series of instructions in a typical Instruction List Program

operands separated by comma.


Structured Text (ST) It is a textual language resembling with high level programming language like Ada, Pascal or C. It exhibits its suitability for logic with complex algorithms or mathematical computations. It can be used to build POUs i.e. functions, function blocks or programs. This can be very well harmonized with ladder. ST supports powerful control structures like IF ELSE THEN, DO - WHILE, REPEAT, FOR and many more. It eases use of data structures like ARRAY, STRUCTURE and User Defined Data Types. It also supports SIZEOF operator and Pointers for memory optimization.

Snapshot for typical POU with Structured Text (ST) as programming language

Function Block Diagram (FBD) It provides graphical development of a program using the basic building block from IEC Function Block Library. It has wide acceptance in process control application development as it expresses behavior of functions, function blocks and the programs as a set of interconnected graphical blocks. In a nutshell, FBD works with a list of networks whereby each network having a structure which represents either a logical or an arithmetic expression, the call of function block and the return instruction.

Typical network in function block diagram

Sequential Function Chart (SFC) It is a graphic language which provides the diagrammatic representation of a process. It provides fragmenting of a program into manageable logical sequences. This function chart is made up of steps and transitions which are interconnected with directed links. Steps are linked with action blocks and transitions. Each state represents a particular state of system being controlled. A transition is associated with a condition, activating or deactivating an earlier and next step as per status of condition. Steps are linked with action blocks, which are performing a certain control action. Each element can be programmed with IEC language, including SFC itself.


This snippet explains a program with various steps and, an action for the 'init' step.

A simplified step consists of an action and flag to indicate whether the step is active. An IEC step has a flag and one or more associated actions or Booleans. An action has series of instructions in either of IEC language. In addition to step action, there can be an entry action and/or an exit action. These entry and exit steps get executed once only, right after the step is activated or just before step is deactivated, respectively.

Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Apart from these five programming languages, CoDeSys also supports Continuous Function Chart (CFC), which is of graphical type. In operates with freely placeable elements, rather then network like in FBD. This allows a feedback. The elements of sequential process list includes boxes, input, output, jump, return, label and comment. Inputs and outputs of the element can be connected by dragging a connection with mouse. The connection lines are automatically drawn and automatically adjusted when elements are moved. Graphical flexibility and ease of feedback makes it suitable to use it in any process application or application where SFC or FBD can be used. CoDeSys has powerful program editors where toolbar icons, menu items are automatically adjusted as per IEC language selected.

Sample for CFC programming displays freely placed blocks rather than a grid.

Off-line Simulation CoDeSys has an off-line simulation facility. This is very vital utility for an application program developer, as one can develop complete program logic independent of PLC. This feature helps the developer to complete the application program development on or before scheduled time. Off-line simulation is built-in* feature of CoDeSys. Please note that offline simulation does not support some of the CPU resource specific function / function blocks. (e.g. it does not support RTC related, System variable related functions and function blocks. *In case of some PLC vendors, Application program development software and simulation software are different.

On-line Functionality CoDeSys has on-line program monitoring and on-line program modifications features. This makes it suitable for continuous process application, where program modifications without process interrupt may be required. Watch and Receipt window facilitates to monitor multiple variables, simultaneously from multiple program organization units (POUs). On-line power flow monitoring serves as ready tool for fault diagnostics.

Watch & Receipt window, shows, different variables from, various POUs.


PLC I/O Configuration Hierarchical and Graphical method of PLC rack configuration and module configuration minimises the chance of errors in I/O addresses. Once, user selects the module, I/O addresses are automatically assigned to the selected module. Hence the user is not required to calculate or memorise the I/O addresses.

PLC configuration for 3 IO Rack System with module details

PLC Browser CoDeSys facilitates use of PLC Browser for viewing or setting certain PLC parameters. PLC Browser is textual command monitor which is a analogous to DOS prompt. It has command entry line cum result display window, which is like a combo-box. It has smart history of latest executed commands, which

Sample for using PLC browser, a handy and quick tool for developer

displays it without repetition of command. User can check /set RTC from PLC browser.

Dynamic Data Exchange CoDeSys facilitates Dynamic Data Exchange utility. This makes user to fetch the PLC variable information in Microsoft® Excel Sheet or Microsoft® Word. The concurrent and continual data logging is possible by devising advanced programming techniques in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. CoDeSys is responsible only for the displaying dynamic values of PLC variables in Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet cells. These values in Excel spreadsheet sheet cells get overwritten, on very next pre-defined time interval in CoDeSys project. This assists the handling and storing, these dynamic values, with advanced programming techniques in Microsoft® Excel.

The above snippet depicts implementation of DDE, where a current value of a counter in PLC project is monitored.

In case direct DDE Server is used, which works with symbols rather than addresses, CoDeSys is not required to read the variables from PLC and transfer them to application with DDE interface. Direct Addresses are not read with DDE Server. One needs to use symbolic variables. CoDeSys has assured and tested DDE interface, with Microsoft® Excel 97 and Microsoft® Word 97, only with Microsoft Windows® NT 4.0


Sample Trace Function with Graphical Display This on-line feature of CoDeSys enables user to monitor progression of maximum eight different analog or digital variables, simultaneously in trace window (graphical format). This sampling rate is user settable. The sampled values are stored in internal trace buffer. If this ring buffer gets full, data purging takes place i.e. older values are overwritten with newer ones. Trace configuration facilitates user to set various parameters for sample trace. The trace configuration settings can be saved to a file, which can be reloaded with option load trace feature. Similarly, sampled data can be saved in text file. The detailed parameters description for trace configuration is as explained here. Typical example of sampled temperature and pressure, in a process application

Other features like stretch, compress, Y Scaling allows user to adjust the trace window for the requisite visibility. Enabled show grid option makes grid as well as X-Y axis values to be visible. Parameter


Trigger Variable

This terminates sampling activity. (Trigger OFF)

Trigger Level

This initiates sampling activity. (Trigger ON)

Trigger Position

This decides percentage of measured values, which will be recorded before Trigger On event occurs. Positive

Triggering occurs after the rising edge of Boolean


Triggering occurs after the falling edge of Boolean


Triggering occurs both at, rising and falling edge of Boolean


Triggering does not occur at all.

Number of Samples





Sampling Rate (ms)


1 ms


20000 ms


Displays only once the samples 'Number of samples'


Displays continuously selects 'Number of samples'


Used to read trace recording with 'Read Trace' from ‘Extras'

Triggering Edge



These are variable for sampling ( Maximum 8 )

Help Manager

This is a navigator to locate/select 'Variable' from the entire project, for sample tracing.

Similarly the saved text file for sampled data can be readily transported to Microsoft Excel, where user can take further analytical and database storage actions.


Process Visualisation for On-Line Testing This on-line feature of CoDeSys facilitates a user for designing interactive graphic user interface or screens. This allows user to design application specific screens, using various GUI elements or visualisation elements like: rectangles, rounded rectangles, ellipse, polygon, polyline, curves, BMP images, buttons (with limited events) and the other visualisation itself. It also facilitates a user to have a regular configuration of these elements. e.g. rectangle has shape, text, line-width, color, motion-absolute, motionrelative, variables, input and tool-tip. These configuration parameters vary as per visualisation element. This makes Visualisation as very handy tool for viewing the dynamically changing data in textual or even graphical form. User can simulate a mimic or even a process using these visualisation elements. Also user can force PLC outputs from this interactive Sample for Visualisation for PLC output and PLC display scrolling speed control


In comparison with other front end tools (Visual Basic, Power Builder, Oracle Forms), this has limited capacity and features. Even though it is comparable to SCADA, one should not use this feature as SCADA, as its response and performance are not assured. It is strongly recommended to use this tool for test and monitoring purpose rather than control action.

POUs and Data Types POU stands for Program Organising Unit and it can be either a program, function or a function block. Hierarchy of POU entities is as : i) Program

ii) Function Block

iii) Function

As a general rule, any POU (calling POU) can call other POU (called POU), which is hierarchically at equal or lower level of calling POU. A POU can not call other POU, which is hierarchically above the calling POU. Thus, a function block can call other function block or function and cannot call program.

CoDeSys supports standard data types, which are as: Type





8 Bit


0 to 255

8 Bit


0 to 65535

16 Bit


0 to 4294967295

32 Bit


-128 to 127

8 Bit


0 to 255

8 Bit


-32768 to 32767

16 Bit


0 to 65535

16 Bit


-2147483648 to 2147483647

32 Bit


0 to 4294967295

32 Bit





-3.4 E ±0


to -1.176 E

+1.176 E-38 to +3.4 E+38 It is a set of characters. ( '/0' is the termination character, automatically added by system )

32 bit (IEEE floating point)

User defined size ( default 80 Bytes )

CoDeSys supports other data types, which are specific to date and time. Type






1 ms

25 Days ( Max Value )


32 Bit


1 sec

Counts from 1'st Jan.1970


32 Bit


1 sec

Counts from 1'st Jan.1970


32 Bit


1 ms

Counts from 12.00 am, everyday


32 Bit

CoDeSys supports special data types, which are as: Type



It is sequential storage of same type of data


It is collection of different types of data in a record type approach

Similarly, an application developer can have, User defined Data Types.

Class Class defines the scope of the variable viz. local and global. Global elements are accessible to all the POUs in a project. CoDeSys compiler forcibly insists data type declaration for an every variable used in the project, except PLC addresses.

Local Variables: These variables are declared & defined specifically for the POU, thus the scope is valid only for the declared POU.

Global Variables: These variables are declared and defined for a POU, with its widen accessibility. Thus these variables can be referred in other POUs of the same project.

VAR These are the local variables, necessarily meant for storing intermittent results of any POU. VAR variables restrict their accessibility to the POU itself.

VAR_IN These are read only type local variables, acting as inputs to POU (e.g. function block). Value of the variable can be given along with the call, in calling POU.

VAR_OUT These are local variables, acting as output to POU (e.g. function block). Value of these variables are returned back at the calling POU. These variables can be used further, in the POU.

VAR_IN_OUT These are local variables, acting as input as well as output of any POU. Value of such a variable is always passed by reference rather than value. These variables are not applicable to the function.


Nexgen 5000 Series of CPUs supports extensive instruction set to built the control logic across variety of applications, from machine tools to process industry. The CPU is capable of handling various data types. Data types supported are Boolean l

l String

of sequential ASCII characters

8, 16, l

1-, 2-, l

3- dimensional arrays

32 bit signed / unsigned numbers

Real numbers l Date, l

Structures l

(32 bit IEEE floating point format)

(User Defined Data Types)

Time, Date and Time.

The CPU can handle various instructions like: l Boolean l Timer



l Counter

Real l


instructions like AND, OR, XOR, NOT

l Application l Arithmetic

specific instructions like SHL, SHR, ROL, ROR

instructions like ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, MOD, SQRT

l Trigonometric l Statistical

time clock handling instructions

I/O module l

type conversion instructions

l Logical

handling instructions compare, search, left,

right etc.


l Comparison l Data

String l

handling instructions

Event l

interrupt handling instructions

Serial l

communication handling instructions

High l

Speed Counter handling instructions

Pulse l

Train Output handling instructions

instructions like SIN COS, TAN, ASIN, ACOS, ATAN

instructions like MIN, MAX, MOD, variance etc.

l Logarithmic

instructions like EXP, LN

Variety of application specific libraries Process l

FB libraries like P, PI, PID

Communication l

FB's like MODBUS RTU master, RTU slave, Mitsubishi Frequrol master, Mitsubishi UC24 slave, printer

and many more l FBs for

data exchange via. modem interface, sending SMS via GSM modem etc.

l Motion

control FBs as per IEC61131 guidelines

COMMUNICATION BASICS Communication is handled with seven layers. But, still most of the time communication is handled with Application Layer, Protocol Layer, Data Link Layer and Physical Layer.

Physical Layer Physical layer is comprised of several elements viz. media of transmission (like wires, fiber optics, wire-less), signal drivers, method of transmission, inter connections, connectors and inter signal converters. Most commonly employed physical layer protocols are RS 232C, RS 422 and RS 485. RS 232C

RS 422

RS 485

Basic Signals


4 Wires TX+,TX-,RX+,RX-

2 Wires Data +, Data -

Signal Voltage

-12 V / +12 V

5 V Differential

5 V Differential


15 Feet

Up to 1 KM *

Up to 1 KM *



1:1, 1:N

1:1, 1:N, N:N


No resistor reqd.

At Both ends, 4* 120 ohm RX,TX

At Both ends, 4* 120 ohm (Data +, Data -)

* Isolator drivers are required for a distance more than 50 m. ( Maximum supported distance is 1 KM )


RS 422 to RS 485 Conversion As a common practice, RX+ is shorted to TX+ and RX- is shorted to TX-. The RS 485 connected station is called as Half Duplex as it either receives or transmits the signal. In some cases, TX needs to put to tri-state when receiving starts. Such convertible ports are marked as RS 422 / RS 485. Nexgen 522x / 523x series having serial 2'nd and 3'rd port, are convertible from RS 422 to RS 485 and vice versa.

Signal Converters Used in various Interface Schemes RS 422 / RS 485 To RS 422 / RS 485 Isolator Conversions These are used in high speed long distance serial communication as an isolated signal repeater, RS 422 ( 4 wire ) to RS 485 ( 2 wire ) converter and vice versa conversion. This is characterized by : l Optical isolation between input and output signals

l Auto detection of direction, in case of RS 485

l Can be used as RS 422 isolated repeater

l Supports 3 baud rates viz. 9600,19.2,38.4 Kbps

l Can be used as RS 485 isolated repeater

l Provides diagnostic LED indications

l Operates directly on 85-260 V AC range

l DIN rail mountings

l Does signal level correction

l Provides output signal short circuit protection

l Provides auxiliary output power supply for local device connection Item Function Input supply voltage Operating modes Auto direction sensing Baud rates supported Signal isolation

Description RS 422(4 Wire) to RS 485(2 Wire) Conversion or Vice versa 85-260 VAC,15VA, 50/60Hz RS 422 (4-wire) or RS 485(2 wire ), set by switch settings Facility available for RS 485(2-wire) interface 9600, 19200 and 38400 ( set by DIP Switch setting ) 1.5 KV optical isolation

Signal short circuit protection


Auxiliary power output

Model 6012 24 V DC, 250 mA Model 6013 12 V DC, 250 mA Model 6014 5 V DC, 500 mA 2 Amp miniature glass fuse protection at input supply Diagnostics LEDs for communication signals TX ( Down Arrow ) , RX ( Up Arrow )

Supply protection Diagnostics Mounting Dimensions (H x W x D)

DIN rail 100 mm X 60 mm X 75mm

RS 232 to RS 422 / RS 485 Conversions These are used in various networking schemes where PC (RS 232) side is interfaced with RS 422 / RS 485 or vice versa. This is characterized by: l Optical isolation between input and output signals

Auto detection of direction, in case of RS l

l Operates

Supports l

3 baud rates viz. 9600,19.2,38.4 Kbps

Provides l

diagnostic LED indications

l Does

directly on 85-260 V range

signal level correction

l Provides

auxiliary output power supply for

local device connection

DIN rail l



Provides l

output signal short circuit protection


Item Function

Description RS 232(3 Wire) to RS 422/485(4/2 Wire) Conversion or Vice versa

Input supply voltage

85 260 VAC,15VA, 50/60Hz

Operating modes

RS 422 (4-wire) or RS 485(2 wire ), set by DIP switch settings

Auto direction sensing Baud rates supported

Facility available for RS 485(2-wire) interface

Signal isolation

1.5 KV optical isolation

Signal short circuit protection


Auxiliary power output

9600, 19200 and 38400 ( set by DIP Switch setting )

Model 6010

24 V DC, 250 mA

Model 6015

12 V DC, 250 mA

Model 6016

5 V DC, 500 mA

Supply protection

2 Amp miniature glass fuse protection at input supply


Diagnostics LEDs for communication signals TX ( Down Arrow ) , RX ( Up Arrow )

Mounting Dimensions (H x W x D)

DIN rail 100 mm X 60 mm X 75mm

Protocol Protocol is synonymous to language as both the devices should communicate and understand the same language. It is predefined sequence of codes for data exchange. By using protocol converter, two devices having un-identical protocols can communicate. A protocol is command and response having, header, body and a trailer. Header is indicative of a new message begin, body is comprised of command number, data and any other information need to communicate. Trailer has error checking checksum and end of transmission character. Protocols work independent of physical layer. MODBUS is a widely used protocol in industry being established and open for use. Messung Protocols are specific to Messung products and are not open for its use. To communicate with Messung products, application developer has to write a protocol converter like SCADA driver. Typical communication string has Header, Station ID, Length, Command/Response byte, Data, Checksum and Trailer. Communication parameters are Baud rate, Data bits, Parity bits and Number of stop bits. Typically one byte frame consumes 11 bits and at 9600 bits per seconds, it takes 1ms per byte frame. Nexgen 5000 has an Application Layer and Protocol Layer, which are open to user, Data Link Layer which is implicitly handled by PLC operating system and Physical Layer which is hardware dependent. Function blocks for MODBUS master and slave are developed by Messung, for Nexgen 5000 PLCs. Nexgen5000 has two buffers viz. RX buffer and TX buffer which simultaneously handle transmission and reception, functions independently and in parallel to PLC scan. Data Link Layer handles conversion of Data Frame to Byte Frame.

Protocol Function Blocks Protocol



SCADA, E-series HMIs Connectivity, Compatible Field Devices

Slave FB

Nexgen 5000 to Nexgen 5000 Network, SCADA Connectivity

Nexgen 4000 Slave FB

HMI Connectivity Messung Smartline Sr, Jr and Beijer E Series

XMP8-10 PLC Micro Master FB

Network of Micro PLC Slaves with Nexgen 5000 Master PLC

Mitsubishi UC-24 Slave FB

Mitsubishi GOT Connectivity

Freqrol Freqrol Master FB

Read/Write Data to Multiple Inverter, Serial control for inverter. Transfer data to HMI/ SCADA on other port


Protocol FB get executed in logic scan and consumes application as well as data memory. It delivers same throughput, facilitates variety of communication speeds and exerts complete control on communication scheme.

MODBUS Protocol MODBUS protocol, introduced by MODICON, is open to everybody for use, which has MODBUS RTU (binary), MODBUS ASCII and MODBUS TCP protocols. Presently Messung supports MODBUS RTU protocol, which is efficient being in binary format. Messung FB has MODBUS Master


Read Coil Status ( 1 bit )


Read Holding Register ( 16 bit )


Read Input Register ( 16 bit )


Write Single Coil / Preset single holding register


Write Multiple Coils / Preset multiple holding register

and MODBUS Slave which support various commands as :

MODBUS RTU_Slave It emulates MODBUS Slave functionality. User can create only single instance of the block and can be attached to any port . It is interface able with SCADA, DCS, E Terminals, Nexgen PLC with MODBUS Master FB.

MODBUS RTU_Master Its design is characterized by its facility to handle Cyclic, Super Cyclic and On-demand data updates, User defined exchange requirements in source as well as destination formats of records and Error reporting with record number.

RTU_MAST Port : BYTE ComSet : RTU_ComSet GrSel : BYTE RecNo : BYTE

Status : BYTE LastRec : BYTE LastResult : BYTE RecTable : RTU_RecStruct (VAR_IN_OUT)

Start : BOOL MaxRec : BYTE Rec Table : RTU_RecStruct (VAR_IN_OUT)

ModeSel can have values as 0, 1 or greater than 1. Its 0 value stands for on-demand or manual updation, only once but in overriding mode. Its value 1 stands for cyclic execution but only once per network scan. When ModeSel has value greater than 1, it can be grouped and gets executed along with cyclic. MODBUS supporting devices may not support all the MODBUS commands, this emphasizes due care while putting such a device to network. Nexgen 5000 to Nexgen 5000 communication can be established with MODBUS Master function block.

Nexgen_Slave It emulates Nexgen 4000 HMI port protocol, facilitating connectivity for Smartline Sr., Smartline Jr., E-Series HMIs and SCADA with Nexgen Drivers. Communication speed is selectable up to 56 Kbps, incase of E-series HMIs and SCADA only. This can be attached to any of the Nexgen 5000 communication port.

Freqrol Inverter FB This block facilitates a user to connect 31 freqrol Inverters and user need not know Inverter interface protocol. User can have control over Direct Inch, ON/OFF operations, Cyclic data updation, Individual error handling and automatic communication recover on Inverter switched ON. It reflects fast changes to set point changes. Communication speed is settable to 9.6 Kbps or 19.2 Kbps.


Base Plate The base plate holds Power Supply, CPU and I/O modules. It is available in varieties to suit I/O and expansion requirement. The base plate is available with or without expansion connector to offer economic solution. Both the base plates are available in 3 I/O, 5 I/O and 8 I/O slots.


next to each other or one below other. The expansion


In multi-rack system, the expansion plate can be mounted plate is available in varieties to suit I/O and power supply


Expansion Plate

requirement. It is available with or without power supply connection facility. Both the expansion plates are available in 3 I/O, 5 I/O and 8 I/O slots. At the most 3

3 I/O Base Plate (248 mm)

expansion plates can be connected to the base plate.

5 I/O Base Plate (332 mm)

(Depth 145 mm)

8 I/O Base Plate (458 mm)

Base & Expansion Plate : Pin Hole to Pin Hole Length Plate

3 I/O

5 I/O

8 I/O

x mm

230 mm

314 mm

440 mm

(Base plate and Expansion plate are of the same size)

POWER SUPPLY MODULE Power Supply Module, with 220VAC Supply Input The power supply provides 5 V DC power to the processor, I/O modules and 12 V DC power for interfacing HMI Jr to HMI port. In multi-rack system, additional power supplies can be connected into expansion plates.

Input supply

220VAC, ± 15 %, 50 Hz, ± 6%, 50VA

Inrush current

8A for 2 msec

Output voltages

5V DC - 5A, 12V DC - 0.5A

Fuse protection for incoming mains Protections

3A / 20 mm glass fuse l MOV

for incoming over voltage short circuit protection

l Output


8 pin (removable)

Ordering Code


Power Supply Module, with 24VDC Supply Input 2 24 VDC


24 VDC


Input supply

24VDC (18 TO 30 VDC including ripple) 45 Watt

Inrush current

25A for 10 msec

Output voltages

5V DC - 5A, 12V DC - 0.5A

Fuse protection for incoming supply

5A / 20 mm glass fuse

Protections provided

l Reverse polarity diode protection l Output short circuit protection


8 Pin (removable)

Ordering Code


R2 + 24 V NC DC -

250V 5A


Digital Input Modules

32 pt DC Input Module

16 pt DC Input Module


Inputs Type

16 pt AC Input Module

Response Time (ms)

Operating Voltage (V)





Backplane Current (mA)

6 @ 24V DC








6 @ 24V DC








8 @ 230V AC 4 @ 120V AC








Per Common

DC Sink/Source selectable



DC Sink/Source selectable




Input Current(mA)

Ordering Code

Digital Output Modules

16 pt DC Output Module

32 pt DC Output Module

Output Output Type

Response Time (ms)

Load Current (A) Per

16 pt Relay (Potential Free) Output Module

8 pt AC Output Module

Max per





DC Source





DC Source










Relay (Potential free) type







Backplane Current (mA)

10m A





10m A















Off State Leakage

To use 16pt. Relay (Potential free) type module "4721" with "2 independent commons" arrangement, we recommend to use Prewired Terminal Block, 38 pin

Ordering Code



MIXED DIGITAL I/O MODULES Mixed 16 pt DC Input / 8 pt DC Output Module

Mixed 16 pt DC Input / 8 pt Relay Output Module

Inputs Inputs Type DC Sink/ Source selectable

Total Per Common 16 8 Output

Outputs Type

Total Per Common DC Source



Relay (Potential free)



Input Configuration Input Response Time (ms) Operating Voltage (V) Current (mA) On Off On Off 15-20 15-20 18-30 0-5 6 @ 24V DC Output Configuration Load Current (A) Response Time (ms) Max Per Off state Leakage On Off Output Group 1.5 4.0 10m A 0.1 0.4 5 NA 0.75 3mA 10

Backplane Current (mA)

Ordering Code

220 220

4425 4424

8 Channel Non-isolated Analog Input Module - (A successor module to 4308 with much improved performance) Converts analog voltage and current signal values into equivalent binary values.


interface on all 8 channels - in differential mode. High

Input type

voltage withstanding capability for a short duration on

± 10 VDC Resolution ± 5 VDC ± 1 VDC 1 to 5 VDC 0 to 20 mA 4 to 20 mA

8 differential or single ended non isolated Sigma Delta with digital filter Input type Output type ± 32,000 ± 10 VDC ± 32,000 ± 5 VDC ± 32,000 ± 1 VDC 6,400 to 32,000 1 to 5 VDC 0 to 32,000 0 to 20 mA 6,400 to 32,000 4 to 20 mA Effective Significant Bits Resolution (50 Hz filter) 312.5 m V 15 bits + Sign 156.3 m V 15 bits + Sign 45 m V 14.7 bits + Sign 156.3 m V 15 bits 0.625 m A 15 bits 0.625 m A 14.7 bits

Overall accuracy* with 50 Hz filter

At 25°C ± 5°C ± 0.2 % of FSR

Analog to digital Filter freq. conversion time 10 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz Voltage Absolute

Channel update time Significant bits 320 ms 15 bits + Sign 60 ms 15 bits + Sign 50 ms 15 bits + Sign 12 ms 12 bits + Sign 6 ms 9 bits + Sign 220 VAC / 220 VDC if voltage signal is connected across channel terminals Vn+ and Vn- i.e. for differential input connections ± 30 mA

User programmable filter and averaging feature.


4309 module can be used in Nexgen-4000 & Nexgen5000 CPU based PLC Systems. This module has enhanced performance for 0-20 mA current signal

any of the analog inputs.

No. of Input Channels Conversion Method Voltage Analog input type and output range


maximum input protection


At 55°C ± 5°C ± 0.65 % of FSR

Channel to Channel Nil Channel to internal circuit 1.5 KV optical External power 24 VDC, 200 mA supply requirement (18 to 30 VDC including ripple) External power l 315 mA miniature glass fuse on module l Reverse polarity protection supply protection Configuration Error Indications l No 24V SUPPLY l l Channel Status (8 Nos.) l CPU FAULT Back-plane current 210 mA


Accuracy is degree of correctness of ADC output Repeatability is degree of consistency between ADC output readings under the same condition.

n n

*Overall accuracy includes both accuracy and repeatability and is defined separately at 25°C and 58°C Ambient, considering temperature drift.


I/O points consumed

8 Input Bits & 8 Output Bits

Terminal / Connection

Removable 38 pin Terminal Block

Ordering Code


8 Channel Thermocouple Input Module The module converts thermocouple input mV values o

into equivalent temperature values of 0.1 C resolution

No. of Input Channels

8 Sigma Delta with digital filter

Conversion Method

with Cold Junction Compensation and Linearisation. Thermocouple Input Types And Output Range


From (°C)

To (°C)

-210.0 -270.0 -270.0 -270.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -270.0

760.0 1370.0 400.0 1000.0 1760.0 1760.0 1820.0 1300.0

Temperature Resolution 0.1°C Thermocouple Linearization In Steps Of 10°C Cold Junction Compensation LM 35 IC Sensor Mounted On Terminal Block Itself Analog to Digital 60 mSec per channel Conversion Time Channel to Channel Nil Isolation Channel to internal circuit 1.5 KV optical Input Impedance 1 M Ohms External Supply 24 V DC, 100 mA Requirement (18-30 VDC Including Ripple) External Supply Protection l 315 mA miniature glass fuse on module. l Reverse polarity protection. l No 24 V Supply l CPU Fault Indications l CJC Fault l Channel Status(8) Back-plane current 250 mA I/O points consumed 8 Input Bits And 8 Output Bits Terminal/Connection Removable 38 Pin Terminal Block Ordering Code 4310

8 Channel RTD Input Module

No. of Input Channels

The module converts RTD input resistance values into

Conversion Method

equivalent temperature values of 0.1oC resolution with

RTD Input Type and Output Range

Lead Compensation.

3 Wire PT 100 (385)

-200°C To 850°C -200.00°C To 140.00°C

-200°C to 850°C range

Temperature Resolution Overall Accuracy*

8 Sigma Delta with digital filter

-200.00°C to 140.00°C range 0.025°C -200°C to 850°C range

-200.00°C to 140.00°C range

At 25°C ± 5°C

At 55°C ± 5°C

± 0.2 % of FSR i.e

± 0.5% of FSR i.e.

± 2°C

± 5°C

At 25°C ± 5°C

At 55°C ± 5°C

± 0.15 % of FSR i.e. ± 0.5 % of FSR i.e. ± 0.5°C

Analog To Digital Conversion Time

Accuracy is degree of correctness of ADC output


Repeatability is degree of consistency between ADC output readings under the same condition.


*Overall accuracy includes both accuracy and repeatability and is defined separately at 25 °C and 58 °C Ambient, considering temperature drift.


± 1.5°C 60 mS per Channel Nil 1.5 KV optical


Channel to Channel Channel to internal circuit

Excitation Current External Power Supply Requirement

1 mA 24 V DC, 100 mA (18-30 VDC Including Ripple)

External Power Supply Protection

l 315 mA miniature glass fuse on module. l Reverse polarity protection.


l No 24 V Supply l CPU Fault l Channel Status (8 Nos.)

Back-plane current I/O points consumed Terminal/Connection Ordering Code

250 mA 8 Input Bits and 8 Output Bits Removable 38 Pin Terminal Block 4311 A


4 Channel Non Isolated Analog Output Module The module converts digital values data from CPU to equivalent

analog output voltage.It provides 4 non-

isolated channels with 16 bit resolution.

No. Of Output Channels

4 Non Isolated, 16 Bit

Conversion Method

R-2R Ladder

Input Range

-32,000 To +32,000

Output Voltage Range

-10 To +10 V DC


312.5 m V

Load Resistance

> 1 K Ohm

Load Current

10 mA Maximum

Output Protection

Infinite Short Circuit Protection.


0.5 % of Full Scale Reading.

Conversion Time

50 m S (Irrespective of No. of ON Channels)



Nil Channel to Channel Channel to internal circuit 1.5 KV optical

External Power Requirement

24 V DC, 300 mA 18-30 VDC, Including Ripple)

External Supply Protection

315 mA miniature glass fuse on module


l No 24 V Supply l Channel On (For Each Channel)

Back-plane current

150 mA

I/O points consumed

8 Input Bits And 8 Output Bits


Removable 20 Pin Terminal Block

Ordering Code


2 Channel Isolated Analog Output Module (Voltage/Current) The module provides 2 isolated channels with 12-bit resolution. Output type can be Voltage/Current.

No. Of Output Channels Conversion Method Voltage Types Current

2 Isolated, 12 Bit R-2R Ladder -10 to +10 VDC

Voltage / Current Range Resolution -10 to +10 VDC 4 to 20 mA Voltage Load Resistance Current Conversion Time

Significant Bits 12 Bits 11 Bits > 1 K Ohms 500 Ohms 20 m S

4 to

20 mA Resolution per LSB 4.88 mV 7.8 m A

Isolation Channel to Channel 1.5 KV optical Channel to internal circuit External Power Requirement 24 V DC, 500 mA Reverse Polarity Protection External Supply Protection

Fast Analog I/O Module This module converts 4 differential analog voltage inputs to equivalent binary numbers with ADC, 16 bit resolution. Similarly it converts binary data from CPU to analog voltage output with DAC, 12 bit resolution.


No 24 V Supply

Back-plane current

150 mA

I/O points consumed

32 Input Bits and 32 Output Bits


Removable 20 Pin Terminal Block

Ordering Code


4 Differential Sigma Delta with digital filter 0 - 10 VDC, 0 - 20 mA 0 - 32000 (unipolar) 312.5 m V (15 bit) 625 m A (15 bit)

No. Of Input Channels Conversion Method Input Range Output Range Resolution

Analog To Digital Conversion Time 1 mS per Channel Isolation Channel to Channel (Input Channel to internal Channels) circuit Input Impedance

Voltage Current

No. Of Analog Output Channels

1 M Ohms 250 Ohms 2 Non-Isolated

Conversion Method

R-2R Ladder

Output Voltage

0 To 10 V DC

Output Voltage Range

0 - 32000 (unipolar)

Resolution Load Resistance

2.50 mV (12 bit) > 1 K Ohm

Load Current

10 mA Maximum

Output Short Circuit Protection


Maximum Conversion Time

200 m S


Input Channel To Output Channel


Note: This module does not require any external power supply.

Nil 1.5 KV optical

Nil l CPU Fault l Analog Input Channel Status (4)

Back-plane current

1000 mA

I/O points consumed

8 Input Bits And 8 Output Bits


Removable 38 Pin Terminal Block

Ordering Code



4 Channel Counter Input Module 4 Channel Counter Input Modul provides: 4 channels for counter inputs as A, B & Z. Four Z inputs can be configured individually either as normal inputs (with



Type of Inputs

Sink/source/differential selectable by type of connections to module

minium 10 mS pulse width) or as pulse catch input (with minimum 10 mS pulse width) or reset to computer

Counter Input Channels

4 maximum


10 m S 10 m S for pulse catch type of input & reset type of input 50 Khz in Counter Mode of Operation 25 Khz in Encoder Mode of Operation 10 m S for counter inputs 10 m S for counter inputs

Minimum Pulse Width Maximum frequency ON time minimum OFF time minimum Indications Current

l GREEN LED for each input l Yellow LED for Error l 7 mA for Sink/source input l 17 mA for Differential input


Optical (1.5KV from internal bus)

Back Plane Current IO points consumed Terminal Connections Ordering code

205 mA 16 Input bits and 8 output bits Removable 38 pin terminal block 4634

Multifunction Input Module The Multifunction Input module provides mix of inputs with programmable filter time, pulse catch input, interrupt input and counters with programmable 16 bit operational mode. Programmable filter (10ms) and up counter is the default configuration. In such case, the inputs are not available as normal inputs. The pulse having minimum 500 m sec ON time can be detected. Upon detection of interrupt signal, the operating system of PLC branches to predefined interrupt task. The counters can be configured for : i) 4 up counters or ii) 2 up/down counters or iii) 2 up & 1 up/down counter The counters can be programmed for external reset using normal inputs. Counting direction for up/down counter can be selected by external inputs



Input type


Filter Time / Max freq.

Programmable Delay

12 (max)

100 m sec 1ms, 10 ms


24 V field interface. These inputs can be selected in groups of 4.

Programmable Delay Pulse catch


500 m sec

Up Counter with programmable reset


10 m sec / 10 Khz

12 / 24 V field interface. These are accumulating type counters. The count is added to predefined register

Up-Down counter with direction input and programmable reset


10 m sec / 10 Khz

12 / 24 V field interface. The counter has external direction input. This count is available in predefined register.

Back plane current :

205 mA

I/O points consumed :

16 Input Bits and 16 Output Bits

Ordering code



Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI) are panel mounted devices that provide effective dialogue between the operator and machine. Equipped with programmable display and keys, HMIs allow easy operation and monitoring in the production area. HMIs display operational and fault messages, enable machine specific parameters to be monitored and modified in suitable format. HMI keeps the operator fully informed of the current status of operations at all times. Benefits of using Human Machine Interface along with PLC ! Replaces conventional push button panel (and related wiring), indicating lamps etc. ! Connects to PLC via serial interface. So easy and quick installation ! Simple operation and control ! Clear display of information ! Fault messages and instructions help reduce down time thereby improving productivity directly

The table summarises key features of Smartline series of Human Machine Interfaces.


HMI - Jr.

HMI - Jr. Ex (V2)


16 charaters X 2 lines

20 characters X 4 lines

Display type

LCD with back-lit

20 characters X 2 lines 20 characters X 4 lines Blue Backlit LCD with Blue Backlit LCD with white text display white text display


4 bicolour LEDs with 2 flash frequencies

8 bicolour

8 bicolour

28 LEDs

User Configurable Keys

4 (+ fixed function keypad)

20-12 fixed + 8 function keys

24-12 fixed + 8 function keys






Potential free contact



3 levels

3 levels

3 levels



16 K Flash

16 K Flash


Maximum screens PC Based Software Package





SFL V4.22

SFL V4.22

SFL V4.22

SFL V4.22

Programming Cables

PRG CBA 03 00 PRG CBA 04 Derives power from PLC



SL CAB 0300

External 24 V DC

External 24 V DC

External 24 V DC


HMI - Sr. Ex

HMI - Sr

LCD with back-lit / VFD

Dimensions W X H X D (mm)

125 x 75 x 45

155 x 109 x 34 ( V2 Model)

160 x 113 x 34

200 X 180 X 55

Panel Cutout (mm)

117 x 67

125 x 82

125 x 82

186 x 141

Item Description

Ordering Code

SMARTLINE Jr. HMI with 16 Ch. X 2 Lines LCD (Backlit)

SL JR 1602 L “X”*

SMARTLINE Jr. HMI Ex with 20 Ch. X 2 Lines LCD (Backlit)

SL JR Ex 2002

SMARTLINE Sr. HMI Ex with 20 Ch. X 4 Lines LCD (Backlit)

SL SR Ex 2004

SMARTLINE Sr. HMI with 20 Ch. X 4 Lines LCD (Backlit)

SL 2004 L “X”*

PC Based Software Package SOFTLINE V4.02, DOS based HMI configuration software on IBM compatible PC-XT/AT

SFL V4.02

* - “X” Stands for type of PLC Connectivity (e.g. N - for Nexgen PLC Connectivity) Programming Cables For HMIs Description

Ordering Code

1. Basic programming cable ( for Micro / Mini PLC and HMI Smartline Jr.) 2. Programming cable for HMI Smartline Jr.

PRG CAB 03 00 PRG CAB 04

Smartline Sr.

Programming cable for HMI Smartline Sr.

SL CAB 03 00

Smartline Jr. Ex & Smartline Sr. Ex

Programming cable for HMI Smartline Jr. Ex & Sr. Ex


HMI *Smartline Jr.

* For HMI SmartlineJr both the cables are required, as specified in above table.

Product development is a continuous process. Consequently specifications are subject to change without prior notice. For latest information please contact our nearest sales office.









Display type LCD

Backlit STN

Backlit STN

Backlit STN

Backlit STN

Backlit STN

Backlit STN, black / white

Backlit STN, 16 grays, touch

Presentation form





Graphic + Text

Graphic + Text

Graphic + Text

2 rows x 16 characters

2 rows x 20 characters

2 rows x 20 characters

4 rows x 20 characters

240 x 64 pixels

240 x 128 pixels

320 x 240 pixels

Active area of display W x H (mm)

55.7 x 11.0

73.5 X 11.5

73.5 X 11.5

70.4 x 20.8




Backlight Lifetime (h)

Display size








Text height (mm)












5 (two colors)

16 (two colors)

16 (two colors)


Function keys



6 (text strip)

5 (text strip)

8 (text strip)

16 ( 8 with text strip)


Dual drivers








Transparent mode (1)








Passthrough mode








Web functionality








Terminal reflection via Internet








Multi Language / Unicode


· /-

· /-

· /-

· /·

· /·

· /·

Recipe handler








Alarm management




1 group

Up to 4 groups

Up to 4 groups

Uup to 5 groups

Time channels








Real-time clock








Trend graphs





Real time



Report printouts








Password for security


8 levels

8 levels

8 levels

8 levels

8 levels

8 levels









16 kb Flash

64 kb Flash

64 kb Flash

64 kb Flash

400 kb Flash / 8 Mb expansion

400 kb Flash / 8 Mb expansion

400 kb Flash / 8 Mb expansion








Memory for application Number of expansion card positions

Communication interfaces RS422 or RS 232C Support for PalmTMhandhelds ·

RS485, RS422, RS422 and RS 232C RS422 and RS 232C RS422 and RS 232C RS 232C (4)







Support for extended keyboard








Ambient temperature

0 ºC - + 50 ºC

0 ºC - + 50 ºC

0 ºC - + 50 ºC

0 ºC - + 50 ºC

0 ºC - + 50 ºC

0 ºC - + 50 ºC

0 ºC - + 50 ºC

IP65, NEMA 4X (2)

IP65, NEMA 4X (2)

IP65, NEMA 4X (2)

IP65, NEMA 4X (2)

IP65, NEMA 4X (2)

IP65, NEMA 4X (2)

IP65, NEMA 4X (2)

EN 50081 -1, EN 61000-6-2

EN 50081 -1, EN 61000-6-2

EN 50081 -1, EN 61000-6-2

EN 50081 -1, EN 61000-6-2

EN 50081 -1, EN 61000-6-2

EN 50081 -1, EN 61000-6-2

EN 50081 -1, EN 61000-6-2

UL 508, UL 1604 (3) UL 508, UL 1604 (3)

UL 508, UL 1604 (3)

UL 508, UL 1604 (3) UL 508, UL 1604 (3)

UL 508, UL 1604 (3)

UL 508, UL 1604 (3)








+ 5 V DC ± 5 %

+ 5 V DC ± 5 %

+ 5 V DC ± 5 %

+24 V DC, 20-30 V

+24 V DC, 20-30 V

+24 V DC, 20-30 V

+24 V DC, 20-30 V

200 mA (5 V)

200 mA (5 V)

200 mA (5 V)

150 mA (24 V)

450 mA (24 V)

450 mA (24 V)

400 mA (24 V)

104 X 69 X 38 (401” X 2.7” X 1.5”)

142 X 100 X 29 (5.6” X 3.5” X 1.1”)

142 X 100 X 29 (5.6” X 3.5” X 1.1”)

147 X 163.5 X 38 (5.8” X 6.4” X 1.5”)

211 X 198 X 69 (8.3” X 7.8” X 2.7”)

214 X 232 X 879 (8.4” X 9.1” X 3.4”)

200 X 150 X 69 (7.8” X 5.9” X 2.7”)








Waterproof front EMC UL DNV Power supply Power consumption Dimensions W x H x D (mm) Weight (kg)


RS422 and RS 232C RS422 and RS 232C

E615 / E615T


Backlit STN / TFA colour, touch



Graphic 60K color TFT-LCD, resistive touch



Graphic 64K color TFT-LCD

Graphic 64K color TFT-LCD

Graphic + Text






320 x 240 pixels

640 x 4800 pixels

800 x 600 pixels

1024 x 768 pixels

640 x 480 pixels

800 x 600 pixels







40,000 / 50,000




















16 (8with integrated LED and text strip

22 (10with integrated LED and text strip








· ( dependent on driver)

· ( dependent on driver)

· ( dependent on driver)

· ( dependent on driver)

· ( dependent on driver)


· ( dependent on driver)

· ( dependent on driver)

· ( dependent on driver)

· ( dependent on driver)

· ( dependent on driver)













· /·

With upto 10 languages in one project







Up to 5 groups

Up to 16 groups

Up to 16 groups

Up to 16 groups

Up to 16 groups

Up to 16 groups

























8 levels --

Up to 8 levels ·

Up to 8 levels ·

Up to 8 levels ·

Up to 8 levels ·

Up to 8 levels ·

400 kb Flash / 8 Mb expansion

32MB (Intel strataFlash) Application Memory: 4MB

32MB (Intel strataFlash) Application Memory: 4MB

32MB (Intel strataFlash) Application Memory: 4MB

32MB (Intel strataFlash) Application Memory: 4MB

32MB (Intel strataFlash) Application Memory: 4MB







RS485, RS422, RS 232C (4)

Ethernet 10/100 Nbit/sec Rj45 connector, USB host, USB device, RS485/RS422 25-pin D-sub contact)RS485 available through Rs422 with software setting), Rs232 9-pin D-sub contact













0 ºC - + 50 ºC

0 ºC - + 50 ºC

0 ºC - + 50 ºC

0 ºC - + 50 ºC

0 ºC - + 50 ºC

0 ºC - + 50 ºC

IP65, NEMA 4X (2)






EN 50081-2, EN 61000-6-2 / EN 50081-1, EN 61000-6-2 /

EN 61000-6-2 immunity, EN 61000-6-4 emission

EN 61000-6-2 immunity, EN 61000-6-4 emission

EN 61000-6-2 immunity, EN 61000-6-4 emission

EN 61000-6-2 immunity, EN 61000-6-4 emission

EN 61000-6-2 immunity, EN 61000-6-4 emission

UL 508, UL 1604 (3) / -

UL 1604 Class I, Div. 2,UL 508, Ul50

UL 1604 Class I, Div. 2,UL 508, Ul50

UL 1604 Class I, Div. 2,UL 508, Ul50

UL 1604 Class I, Div. 2,UL 508, Ul50

UL 1604 Class I, Div. 2,UL 508, Ul50

· /-






+24 V DC, 20-30 V

+24 V DC, 20-30 V

+24 V DC, 20-30 V

+24 V DC, 20-30 V

+24 V DC, 20-30 V

100-240 V AC / V +24 V DC, 20-30 24 V DC, 20-30 V

450 mA (24 V)

Max 0.9 A

Max 1.0 A

Max 1.7 A

Max 0.9 A

Max 1.0 A

200 X 150 X 69 (7.8” X 5.9” X 2.7”)

219 X 154 X 61 (8.6” X 6” X 2.4”)

302 X 228 X 64 (11.89” X 8.97” X 2.52”)

398 X 304 X 66 (15.66” X 11.96” X 2.59”)

285 X 177 X 62 (11.22” X 6.96” X 2.44”)

382 X 252 X 64 (15” X 9.92” X 2.52”)


1.7 --

1.7 --

1.7 --

3.5 --

3.3 --


GT 1595-XTBA

GT 1585-STBA

GT 1575-STBA

GT 1575-VTBA

GT 1575-VNBA

GT 1572-VNBA

Performance Specifications Item



Resolution Display size Number of Display display characters

Specifications GT1575-VTBA GT1575-VTBD


TFT color display (High-brightness, wide viewing angle)

Type Screen size


TFT color display

12.1” 15” SVGA:800 x 600 [dot] XGA:1024 x 768 [dot] 304.1(W) x 228.1(H) [mm] 246(W) x 184.5(H)[mm] For 16-dot standard font For 16-dot standard font :50 chars. x 37 lines (two bytes) :64 chars. x 48 lines( two bytes) For 12-dot standard font :85 chars. x 64 lines(two bytes)


Number of touch keys

Memory *4

C drive

Life (number of writings) Battery Backed up data Life RS-232


TFT color display (Highbrightness, wide viewing angle)

TFT color display

171(W) X128(H) [mm]

For 16-dot standard font : 40 chars. x 30 lines (two bytes)

For 12-dot standard font :66 chars. x 50 lines(two bytes)

For 12-dot standard font : 53 chars. x 40 lines (two bytes) 256 colors 16 colors 16 colors 256 colors / 65536 colors*1 Right/Left:65o,Up:50o, Down:60o Right/Left:45o,Up:20o, Down:20o Right/Left:45o,Up:30o, Down:20o 200[cd/m2] 380[cd/m2] 150[cd/m2] 4-step adjustment 8-step adjustment 4-step adjustment Approx.41,000 hours (operating ambient temperature: 25°C)

Cold cathode fluorescent tube (replaceable) with backlight OFF detection function, and selectable backlight OFF / screen save time Approx.50,000hours or more Approx.40,000hours or more (time for display intensity to become 50 % at operating ambient temperature of 25°C) 1200 keys per screen 1900 keys per screen 3072 keys per screen (30 lines x 40 columns matrix resistive type) (481ines x 64 columns ) (38 lines x 50 columns matrix resistive type) Min. 16 x 16 [dots] Min. 16 x 16 [dots] Min. 16 x 16 [dots] (per key) (per key) (16 x 8 at final line only) (per key)

Touch Key size panel No. of simultaneous Simultaneous touch touch points prohibited*3 (1 point only) Life Detection distance Human Detection range Sensor Detection delay time


8.4” VGA:640 x 480 [dot] 211(W) x 158(H) [mm]

256 colors / 65536 colors*1 Display color Right/Left:75o, Up:50o, Down:60o Right/Left:60o,Up:40o, Down:50o Right/Left:50o,Up:35o, Down:45o Right,Left,Up,Down:85o View angle Contrast adjustment 350[cd/m2] 280[cd/m2] 380[cd/m2] 450[cd/m2] 8-step adjustment Intensity Approx.52,000hours(operating Approx.50,000 hours Life ambient temperature:25oC) (operating ambient temperature: 25°C) Back light Life *2


1(m) Right, left, up, down: 70° 0 to 4[sec]

Max. 2 points 1,000,000 or more operations (pressing force of 0.98N or less) ----

9 MB built-in flash memory (for saving project data, extended function OS/optional function OS)

5 MB built-in flash memory (for saving project data, extended function OS/optional function OS)

9 MB built-in flash 5 MB built-in flash memory (for saving memory (for saving project data,extended project data,extended function OS/ function OS/ optional function OS) optional function OS)

100,000 writings GT15-BAT type lithium battery (optional) Clock and maintenance schedule notification data Approx. 5 years (operating ambient temperature: 25°C) RS-232, 1ch, Transmission speed: 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800 bps Connector shape: D-sub 9-pin (male) Application: Communication with connected devices, connection to personal computer (for project data uploads/downloads, OS installation, FA transparent function)

USB Built-in interface CF card Optional Function board Multi-color display Extension unit Buzzer output Environmentally protective construction

USB (Full Speed 12Mbps), device, 1ch, Connector shape: Mini-B Application: Connection to personal computer (for project data uploads/downloads, OS installation, FA transparent function) Compact Flash slot: 1ch, Connector shape: TYPE I, Application: For data transmission and data saving 1 ch for optional function board installation 1ch for multi-color -1ch for multi-color display board installation display board installation 2ch for communication unit installation Single tone (tone length is adjustable)


JEM1030 Front face:IP67f*5 Inside paneI:IP2X

External dimensions 303(W) x 214(H) x 49(D) [mm] (without USB port cover) 397(W) x 296(H) x 61(D) [mm] 316(W) x 242(H) x 52(D) [mm] 289(W) x 200(H) [mm] Panel cut dimensions 383.5(W) x 282.5(H) [mm] 302(W) x 228(H) [mm] 4.9 [kg] 2.8 [kg] 2.4 [kg] 2.3 [kg] Weight (excluding the mounting bracket) (excluding the mounting bracket) (excluding the mounting bracket) (excluding the mounting bracket) GT Designer2 Version 2.18U or later Supported Drawing software software package Simulator function GT Designer2 Version 2.18U or later *1: 65,536 colors when multi-color display board is installed. *2: Using the GOT screen save / backlight OFF functions prevents screen burn-in and extends the backlight life. *3: Analog resistance film type screen. When 2 points on the screen are touched simultaneously, if a switch is located in the middle of the 2 points then the switch will be activated. Therefore, avoid touching 2 points on the screen simultaneously.

241(W) x 190(H) x52(D) [mm] 227(W) x 176(H) [mm] 1.9 [kg] (excluding the mounting bracket)

*4: The internal memory is a ROM that permits new data overwriting without having to delete the existing data. *5: Conforms to the IP67f (JEM1030) standard when the USB port cover is installed. (The USB interface conforms to IP2X (JEM1030) when a USB cable is connected.) However, this does not guarantee protection in all user environments.

On LCD screens, bright dots (permanently lit) and black dots (not to be lit) generally appear. Because the large number of display elements exist on an LCD screen, it is not possible to reduce appearance of the bright and black dots to zero. Note that the existence of bright and black dots is a standard characteristic of LCD screens, and it does not mean that the products are defective or damaged.


GT 1565-VTBA

GT 1562-VNBA





Performance Specifications Specification

Item Type

GT1150-QLBD STN monochrome (black/white)display 5.7"

Resolution Display size

QVGA:320 x 240 [dot] 115(W) x 86(H) [mm]

Display color View angle Contrast adjustment Contrast adjustment

256 colors Right / Left: 50°, Up: 50°, Down: 60°

16-tone gray scales 256 colors Right / Left: 45°, Right / Left: 50°, Up: 20°, Down: 40° Up: 50°, Down: 60° 16-step adjustment 350 [cd/m2] 220 [cd/m2] 8step adjustment Approx. 50,000 hours (operating ambient temperature: 25°C)

350 [cd/m2]

16-tone gray scales Right / Left: 45°, Up: 20°, Down: 40° 220 [cd/m2]

Cold cathode fluorescent tubel(not replaceable) with backlight OFF detection function and selectable backlight OFF / screen save time

Backlight Life*1


GT1150HS-QLBD STN monochrome (black/white)display

For 16-dot standard font: 20 chars. x 15Lines (two bytes), For 12-dot standard font: 26 chars. x 201ines (two bytes)

Intensity Life

Touch panel

GT1155HS-QSBD STN coIor display

Screen Size

Number of display characters


GT1155-QSBD STN color display

Number of touch keys

Approx. 75,000 hours or more

Approx. 54,000 hours or more

Approx. 75,000 hours or more

Approx. 54,000 hours or more

(time for display intensity to become 50 % at operating ambient temperature of 25°C) 300 keys per screen (15 lines x 20 columns matrix resistive type)

Key size No. of simultaneous touch points Life C drive

Min. 16 x 16 [dots] (per key) Max- 2 points 1.000,000 or more operations (pressing force of 0.98N or less) 3 MB built-in flash memory (for saving project data) 100,000 writings

Life (number of writings)

GT11-50BAT type lithium battery Battery

Backed up data

Clock, alarm history, recipe data




Built-in interface RS-232

USB CF card

Approx. 5 years (operating ambient temperature: 25°C) RS-422, 1 ch, Transmission speed: 115200, 57600,38400,19200,9600,4800 bps Connector shape : D-sub 9 pin (female) Application: Communication with connected devices



RS-422/232, 2 ch (select 1ch when using Transmission speed: 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800 bps Connector shape : Round 32- pin (male) Application: Communication with connected devices

RS-232, 1ch, Transmission speed. 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800 bps Connector shape: D-sub 9 pin (male) Application: Communication with connected devices, connection to personal computer (for project data uploads/ downloads, OS installation, FA transparent function)

USB (Full Speed 12Mbps), device, 1ch Connector shape: Mini-B Application: communication with personal computer (for project data uploads/downloads, OS installation, FA transparent function) Compact Flash slot 1ch. Connector shape: TYPE I, Application: For data transmission and data saving

Optional Function board

1 ch for optional function board installation

Buzzer output

Single tone (tone length is adjustable)

Environmentally protective construction External dimensions(without USB port cover) Panel cut dimensions Weight Supported software package

RS-232, 1ch, Transmission speed: 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600, 4600 bps Connector shape: Mini-DIN6-pin (female) Application: Communication with connected devices, connection to personal computer (for project data uploads/ downloads, OS installation, FA transparent function)

JEM1030 Front face:IP67f*3 Inside paneI:IP2X 164(W) x 135(H) x 56(D) [mm] 153(W) x 121(H) [mm]

Drawing software

0.7 [kg] (excluding the mounting bracket) GT Designer2 Version 2.18U or later

Simulator function

GT Simulator2 Version 2.18U or late

JEM1030 IP65f*4 176(W) x 220(H) x 93(D) [mm] -1.0 [kg] (Main unit only)

*1: Using the GOT screen save / backlight OFF functions prevents screen burn-in and extends the backlight life. *2: The internal memory is a ROM that permits new data overwriting without having to delete the existing data. *3: Conforms to the IP67f (JEM1030) standard when the USB port cover is installed. (The USB interface conforms to IP2X(JEM1030) when a USB cable is connected.) However, this does not guarantee protection in all user environments. *4: Does not apply when IP65f-rated interface covers on top and rear face are removed. On LCD screens, bright dots (permanently lit) and black dots (not to be lit) generally appear. Because the large number of display elements exist on an LCD screen, it is not possible to reduce appearance of the bright and black dots to zero. Note that the existence of bright and black dots is a standard characteristic of LCD screens, and it does not mean that the products are defective or damaged.


General Specifications

*1: Wet bulb temperature for STN display type is 39°C or lower *2:Refer to the Communication Unit User's Manual for vibration re-sistance specifications when using a 0 to 50°C*6 Operating ambi- Display MELSECNET/10 communication unit ent temperature Other than display 0 to 55°C*6 (GT15-75J71LP23-Z, GT15-75J71BR13-Z) or a CC-Link Storage ambient temperature -20 to 60°C Communication unit (GT15-75J61 BT13-Z). Operating ambient humidity*1 10 to 90 % RH, no condensing Communication units specs. are different from GOT specs. *3: Do not operate or store the GOT unit in pressurized 10 to 90 % RH, no condensing Storage ambient humidity*1 environments where the pressure exceeds the 0m elevation Frequency Acceleration Single amplitude Sweep count atmospheric pressure, as this could result in abnormal Based on 5 to 9Hz -3.5mm If intermittent 10 times operation. JIS B 3502, vibration occurs 9 to 150Hz -in each 9.8m/s2 *4: Assuming that the device is connected at some point Vibration resistance*2 IEC61131-2 between a public power distribution network and local of X, Y, and Z 5 to 9Hz 1.75mm If continuous 4.9m/s2 system equipment. Category II applies to devices that are directions vibration occurs 9 to 150Hz --supplied with power from fixed equipment. The surge Impact resistance Based on JIS B 3502, IEC 61131-2 (147m/s2, 3 times in X, Y and Z directions) withstand voltage is 2500V for devices with ratings up to 300V. No corrosive gas Operating atmosphere *5: Index that indicates the level of foreign conductive matter in 2000m or less Altitude*3 the operating environment of device. Contamination level 2 Inside the control panel Installation location denotes contamination by non-conductive matter only, II or lower Overvoltage category*4 though momentary conductivity may occur due to occasional condensation. 2 or less Contamination*5 *6: 0 to 40°C for GT115 HS. Self cooling Cooling method *7: Excluding GT115 HS.



Power supply specifications Item

Input power supply voltage Input frequency Input maximum voltampere Power consumption with backlight off Rush current Permissible instantaneous failure time

Specifications GT1575-STBA GT1575-STBD GT1575-VTBA GT1575-VTBD GT1155-QSBD GT1150-QLBD GT1575-VNBA GT1575-VNBD GT1585-STBD GT1155HS-QSBD GT1150HS-QLBD GT1585-STBA GT1595-XTBA GT1572-VNBA GT1572-VNBD GT1565-VTBA GT1565-VTBD GT1562-VNBA GT1562-VNBD 100 to 240VAC (+10 % , -15 % ) 24VDC (+25 % , -20 % ) 24VDC (+10 % , -15 % ) 50/60Hz±5 % ----110VA (at max. load) 90VA (at max. load) 31 W or less (1290mA/24VDC)26 W or less (1080mA/24VDC) 9.84W or less (410mA/24VDC) 9.36W or less (390mA/24VDC) 51W or less 28W or less 26W or less 20W or less (830mA/24VDC) 4.32W or less (180mA/24VDC) 28W or less 20W or less 20W or less 50A or less (4ms, at max. load) 45A or less (4ms, at max. load) 40A or less (4ms, at max. load) 115A or less (1 ms, at max. load) 15A or less (2ms, at max. load) Within 20ms (100VAC or more) Within 10ms Within 5ms

Noise resistance

Noise width 1 µs, and noise frequency 25 to 60 Hz, by noise simulation with noise voltage 1,500 Vp-p

Noise width 1 µs, and noise frequency 25 to 60 Hz, Noise width 1 µs, and noise frequency 30 to 100 Hz, by noise simulation with noise voltage 500 Vp-p by noise simulation with noise voltage 1,000 Vp-p

Dielectric withstand voltage 1500VAC between power supply terminal and ground for 1 minute 500VAC between power supply terminal and ground for 1 minute 500VAC between power supply terminal and ground for 1 minute 10MW or higher with an insulation resistance tester Insulation resistance 10M W or higher with an insulation resistance tester (500VDC between power supply terminal and ground) (500VDC between power supply terminal and ground) Applicable wire size 0.75 to 2[mm2] 0.75 to 2[mm2]*1 Crimp terminal Crimp terminal for M3 screw RAV1.25-3, V2-S3.3, V2-N3A, FV2-N3A Crimp terminal for M3 screw RAV1.25-3, V2-S3.3, V2-N3A, FV2-N3A*1 Tightening torque (terminal block's terminal screws)

0.5 to 0.8 [N.m]

0.5 to 0.8 [N.m]*1 *1 : Excluding GT115 HS.

Component Names





Item Product model name ([ ] 0 or 3)








General specifications Supply voltage 24V DC current consumption (Backlight OFF)

24V DC +10, -15 %(service power supply of PLC or separately prepared DC power supply) 650mA/24V DC *1

390mA/24V DC

410mA/24V DC

200mA/24V DC

220mA/24V DC

(400mA/24V DC)


Built-in (non-replaceable)

Allowable momentary power failure time

Operation continues after power failure for 5ms or less

Built-in lithium battery Ambient temperature

PM-20BL (Iife: Approx. 5 years) 0-50°C*2

Ambient humidity Working atmosphere

FX2NC-32BL (life: Approx. 3 years)



35 to 85 % RH (no condensation)

Impact resistance

Free from corrosive gas and excessive dusts Frequency Amplitude Acceleration 10-57Hz 0.075mm 10 times in each of X, Y and Z directions In conformance to JIS B3502 With intermittent vibration 57-150Hz 9.8m/s2 (for 80 min) and IEC 61131-2 0.035mm 10-57Hz With continuous vibration 57-150Hz 4.9m/s2 2, In conformance to JIS B3502 and IEC 61131-2 (147 m/s 3 times in each of X, Y and Z directions)

Noise resistance

By noise simulator of 1,000 Vp-p in noise voltage, 1µs in noise width and 30 to 100 Hz in frequency

Vibration resistance

Withstand voltage

500V AC for 1 min (between all power terminals and ground termlnal ) 5 MW or more by 500V DC megger (between all power terminals and ground terminal) Class D grounding (If grounding is impossible. it can be omitted)

Insulation resistance Grounding Protective Rating

Equivalent to IP65f *7*8

Screen display specifications Display Device Number of Colors

TFT color LCD

STN color LCD

256 colors

8 colors


480 x 234 dot 60 characters x 14 lines

Dot Pitch

0.324mm (0.013") Horizontal x 0.375 mm (0.015") Vertical

Effective Display Size

7"(6.7") diagonal 155mm (6.12") x 87.8 mm ( 3.46")

Range of view angle Max. Number of Screens Language displayed on the User screen Life

English,Western Europe*4 Korean, Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), Japanese (Shift JIS level 1, 2)

Backlight *5 User

Screen data


Other data ROM transfer

0.47mm(0.019") Horizontal x 0.47 mm (0.019") Vertical

6"(5.7") diagonal 115 mm(4.53") x 86mm( 3.39")

4"(4.4) diagonal 117 mm ( 4.61") x 42 mm ( 1.65 ") Left and right: 30°,

Left and right: 30°, Upper and Lower: 30°

English,Western Europe*4, Korean,Chinese (Simplified,Traditional),

Upper: 20°, lower: 30° 500 User screens No. 1001-1030 System screens allocated English,Western Europe *4, Korean. Japanese (Shift JIS level 1)

Japanese (Shift JIS level 1)

Approx. 50,000 hours or more (working temperature: 25°C) Guarantee period is 1 year 50,000 hours or more

40.000 hours or more

50,000 hours or more

Cold cathode fluorescent tube backlight (working temperature: 25°C), Guarantee period is 1 year Flash memory 256kB (built-in) Flash memory 1 MB (built-in) Flash memory 512kB (built-in) RAM (Keeps Recipe. Alarm frequency. Alarm hlstory and Sampling data)


(F9GT-40FMB only) Max. 50 touch keys / screen, 30 x 12 matrix

Touch keys

STN monochrome LCD 2 colors (White and Blue) 240 x 80 dot 30 characters x 5 lines

0.36mm (0.014" ) Horizontal x 0.36mm (0.014") Vertical

500 User screens No. 1001-1030 System screens allocated

500 User screens 30 System screens

Display element

320 x 240 dot 40 characters x 15 lines

Left and right: 50° Upper: 45°, lower: 60°


STN monochrome LCD 2 colors (White and Black)

Max. 50 touch keys / screen,

Max. 50 touch keys / screen,

20 x 12 matrix

15 x 4 matrix

Communications Serial



#4-40UNC Inch screw thread RS-422

*1 *2 *3 *4

9-pin D-Sub, male port, 2 channels,

9-pin D-Sub, male port, #4-40UNC Inch screw thread 9-pin D-Sub, female port., M2.6 Metric screw thread

When the power is turned ON a maximum current of 750 mA/24V DC is consumed. *5 The life of the backlight above indicates the value at 25°C. 0 to 50°C when the screen is installed laterally. 0 to 40°C when the screen is installed vertically or horizontally. *6 Between all power terminals of the PLC and ground terminal. 0 to 40°C when the extension interface is used. *7 This test result does not provide any guarantees that the Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Spanish, German, Portuguese, French product stands against use in all types of environment *8 As regarding the front panel


Nexgen 5000 PLCs and HMI Interface CPU 522x / 523x 1st port Setup (RS 232 C)

CPU 522x / 523x - 2nd / 3ndport Setup (RS 422)



6016 (Port converter)

+ 12V Supply

+ 12V Supply Smartline Jr.

Smartline Jr.

+ 24V Supply

+ 24V Supply

Smartline Sr.

Smartline Sr.

+ 24V Supply

+ 24V Supply Smartline Jr. Ex & Sr. Ex

Smartline Jr. Ex & Sr. Ex

+ 5V Supply

+ 5V Supply Mitsubishi E50 / E100 / E150

Mitsubishi E50 / E100 / E150

+ 24V Supply

+ 24V Supply

Mitsubishi E200 onwards

Cable Length ( Max 3 mtrs.)

Mitsubishi E200 onwards

Cable Length ( Upto 25 mtrs.)

When an HMI Smartline Jr. is to be interfaced with CPU 522x / 523x-1st / 2nd / 3rd Port: + An external 5VDC / 12VDC power needs to be provided. + The same is also true for Beijer make HMI models E-50, E-100, E-150.

Nexgen 522x / 523x Series of CPU Connectivity to Messung HMI 522x / 523x - B0 / P4

5221-B0 / P4, 5222-B0 / P4 & 5232-B0 / P4

Port 1

Port 2 / Port 3




U CAB 03 09


SL JR U CAB ü ü SL JR CAB PS ü ü 09 23

SL CAB 03 09 23

SL CAB ü ü 09 23

Jr. Ex

SL SR / JR EX CAB 03 09 01

SL SR / JR EX CAB ü ü 09 23

Sr. Ex

SL SR / JR EX CAB 03 09 01

SL SR / JR EX CAB ü ü 09 23


ü ü : 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 Mtrs.

Nexgen 522x / 523x Series of CPU Connectivity to Beijer HMI & Mitsubishi GOT HMI

5221-B0 / P4 & 5222-B0 / P4


Port 2 / Port 3 Beijer E50, E100, E150 Beijer E200 onwards

Port 1 : RS 422 Port 2 : RS 232 C Port 1 : RS 422 Port 2 : RS 232 C

Mitsubishi GOT F930 / 940 Mitsubishi GOT A 900 Series


ECAB ü ü 09 23 ECAB 020 05 09 123 ECAB ü ü 09 23 ECAB 020 05 09 123 GOT CAB ü ü 09 23 GOT A CAB ü ü 09 23

ü ü : 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 Mtrs.

Sr. No. I

Ordering Code

Item Description


Back Plane Current (mA) at 5 V DC

Processor Series : 522x 1

Basic CPU with Only PG Port .

CP 5220-B0



CPU with PG Port & 2HSC+2PTO.

CP 5220-P4



Basic CPU with 1 AUX Port.

CP 5221-B0



CPU with 1 AUX Port & 2HSC+2PTO.

CP 5221-P4



Basic CPU with 2 AUX Ports.

CP 5222-B0



CPU with 2 AUX Ports & 2HSC+2PTO.

CP 5222-P4



Pluggable Keyboard + Display for CPU 522x / 523x Series.



Blanking Module for CPU 522x Series.



Processor Series : 523x 1

Basic CPU with 1 PG Port, and 1 CAN Port

CP 5230-B0



Basic CPU with 1 PG Port + 2 AUX Ports + 1 CAN Port

CP 5232-B0



Basic CPU with 1 PG Port + 2 AUX Ports + 1 CAN Port & 2 HSC + 2 PTO

CP 5232-P4


Accessories to be used along with CPU 522x-P4 as well as with CP 523x-P4, as per the application requirements... 1

Patch Panel, 2 Ch.,100 KHz Max. HSC & 2 Ch.,5 KHz Max. PNP Type PTO



Patch Panel, 2 Ch.HSC,100 KHz Max. & 2 Ch.,100 KHz RS-422 Type PTO



Interface Cable (0.5 Meter Length)



Interface Cable (1 Meter Length)



Program Memory Cassette - 256 KB



Serial Communication Cable between CPU 521x series & PC, for programming purpose





Serial Communication Cable between CPU 522x / 523x series & PC, for programming purpose Docking Station


'CoDeSys' - Windows based Programming & Documentation Software


Item Description

Ordering Code

Item Description

Ordering Code


BASE PLATES 8 I/0 without expansion connector




8 I/0 without Slot for Aux Power Supply

5 I/0 without expansion connector


5 I/0 without Slot for Aux Power Supply


3 I/0 without expansion connector


3 I/0 without Slot for Aux Power Supply


8 I/0 with expansion connector


8 I/0 with Slot for Aux Power Supply


5 I/0 with expansion connector


5 I/0 with Slot for Aux Power Supply


3 I/0 with expansion connector


3 I/0 with Slot for Aux Power Supply


The expansion cable is used in multi-rack system for connecting base or expansion plate to expansion plate. These cables are available in different lengths.

Expansion Cable (Length)

Ordering Code

0.5 meter


1 meter


2 meters


3 meters



POWER SUPPLY MODULE PSU 220 V AC, 5 V DC - 5 A, 12 V DC - 0.5 A PSU 24 V DC, 5 V DC - 5 A, 12 V DC - 0.5 A PSU 95 - 265 V AC, 5 V DC - 3 A, 24 V DC - 0.4 A


Ordering Code

4110 Terminal block - 20 pin 4112


Terminal block - 38 pin


Prewired Terminal block - 38 pin



I/O MODULES DISCRETE INPUT MODULES 16 I/Ps 24 V DC, Source/Sink Selectable 16 I/Ps, 110/220 V AC: 32 l/Ps, 24 V DC, Source/Sink Selectable 16 Channels, Multifunction Input, Source/Sink Selectable 4 Channel Counter Input Module

Ordering Code


Back Plane Current (mA) at 5 V DC

Terminal Block Required

4616 4617 4632 4633 4634

110 90 110 205 205

20 20 38 38 38

pin pin pin pin pin

4711 4732 4716 4721

210 315 200 185

20 38 20 38

pin pin pin pin

16 DC I/Ps, 24 V Source/Sink Selectable, 8 Relay O/Ps (Potential Free) 24-250 V AC @ 0.75 A



38 pin

16 DC I/Ps, 24 V Source/Sink Selectable, 8 DC O/Ps 24 V @ 1.5 A with shot circuit protection, source type



38 pin

DISCRETE OUTPUT MODULES 8 Triac O/Ps, 110/220 V AC @ 1.5 A with fuse protection 32 DC O/Ps, 24 V DC @ 0.2 A with short circuit protection, Source Type 16 DC O/PS 24 V DC @ 1.5 A with short circuit protection, Source Type 16 Relay O/Ps (Potential Free) 24-250 V AC @ 750 mA


ANALOG INPUT MODULES 8 Channel, V/I selectable, 16 bit Analog Input Module



38 pin



38 pin

8 Channel, RTD 850°C / RTD 140°C Interface Analog Input Module



38 pin

ANALOG OUTPUT MODULES 2 Channel, 12 bit, Isolated Output Module (Voltage/Current Type) 4 Channel, 16 bit, Non-Isolated Output Module

4332 4334

150 300

20 pin 20 pin



38 pin

8 Channel, 16 bit, Thermocouple Input Module, For Interfacing J,K,T,E,N,R,S,B type of thermocouples

FAST ANALOG INPUT & OUTPUT MODULES 4 Channel, High Speed , Non-isolated, 16 Bit Analog Input (V / I) & 2 Channel, Non-isolated, 12 Bit, Analog Output (Voltage type)

* Please note that if current consumption at 5 V DC of CPU, for all Digital & Analog Module I/O modules exceeds 5 A, an additional power supply is required to be ordered. 4366A is superceded version of 4366




CANopen Network

Nexgen 5232-B0 With CANOpen Interface









Node ID 2

Node ID 31

PLC : Nexgen 5232-B0 as Master

CP 5232-B0 + 5910

CP 5232-B0 + 5911

RiX Hardware Specifications Module Specifications CPU Memory

CP 523x with 16 bit Micro Controller Same as Nexgen 522x Series ( Exception : Application Memory is enhanced to 320 KB )

Module Power Supply Specifications 11 to 30 V through 5 - Pin Network connector Module Power Supply Operating Temperature

0 to 55 deg. C

Relative Humidity

5 to 90 % Non Condensing

Protection Structure

IP 20

Reverse Polarity Protection



DIN rail or Panel Mount

Dimension (Base / Expansion)

140mm x 54mm x 46mm (W x H x D)

Networking Specifications Distributed Nodes

31 Maximum (Each node can have of base unit & maximum 3 expansion units) i.e. Up to 64 I/O point

Network Supply

24V DC Shielded cable with two twisted pairs ( One for Data, One for Network Supply ) LAPP Cable LI2YCY 2 x 2 x 0.22 for Network upto 100 mtr. Leoni/Belden/Helukabel Thick CAN cable for Network above 100 mtrs. 120 Ohm, 1/4 Watt ( Required at both ends of network )

Network Cable Termination Resistor T-Junction Communication Baud Rate ( KB ) Network Length ( Meters )

5 A Current carrying capacity of Network power lines 125 250 500 500



1000 25

Default Value is 125 KB

Master : Configurable Settings EDS Interface, Network Baud Rate, PDO parameters, Default SDO parameters, Guard Time, Life Time Factor Setting RIO : CANOpen Field Bus Specifications CANopen Trans-receiver, Physical Layer

As per ISO 11898

NMT Error Control Service Settings for Node ID




Node Guarding 2 to 99 - Through two 10-position rotary switches. Total Numbers

One TPDO and One RPDO

Transmission Modes

Synchronous cyclic & acyclic, event drive




Variable as per expansion/s connected

One Server SDO





CANOpen Version

CIA Standard DS 301 Version 4.2

Device Profile

CIA Standard DS 401 Version 2.1


RiX CANopen Remote I/O Module Dimensional Details: 140 C6616

Base Unit : 16pt. 24 VDC Input x10





















Node Id x1



17 16

50 54




Note : All Dimensions are in mm

Ordering Information : CANopen Slave Ordering Code

Item Description


RiX CANopen Base Unit 16 Point, 24 VDC sink/source Input


RiX CANopen Base Unit 8 Point, 110 VAC/ 220 VAC Input


RiX CANopen Base Unit 8 Point, 1 A, Relay Output, 24 VDC/ 110 VAC/ 220 VAC Potential free Contact Type


RiX CANopen Base Unit 8 Point, 24 VDC Source, 1.5 A Output


RiX CANopen Base Unit 16 Point, 24 VDC Source, 250 mA Output


RiX CANopen Base Unit 8 Point, 24 VDC sink/source Input + 8 Point, 24 VDC Source, 250 mA Output


RiX CANopen Base Unit 8 Point, 24 VDC sink/source Input + 6 Point, 500 mA, Relay Output, 24 VDC/ 110 VAC/ 220 VAC


RiX CANopen Base Unit, 4 Point, 24 VDC sink/source Input + 4 Point 24VDC/250 mA Source Output + 8 Point programable Input/Output (Input: 24VDC sink type only. Output: 24VDC/250 mA Source type.)


Expansion Unit - 16 Point, 24 VDC sink/source Input


Expansion Unit - 8 Point, 110 VAC/ 220 VAC Input


Expansion Unit - 8 Point, 1 A, Relay Output, 24 VDC/ 110 VAC/ 220 VAC Potential free Contact Type


Expansion Unit 8 Point, 24 VDC Source, 1.5 A Output


Expansion Unit 16 Point, 24 VDC, Source, 250 mA Output


Expansion Unit 8 Point, 24 VDC sink/source Input + 8 Point, 24 VDC Source, 250 mA Output


Expansion Unit 8 Point, 24 VDC sink/source Input + 6 Point, 500 mA, Relay Output, 24 VDC/ 110 VAC/ 220 VAC

Ordering Information : RiX Spares & Accessories 6929

RiX Spare Part - RiX 5 Pin Connector, for Network Connection


RiX Accessory - RiX I/O Wiring Arm, 20 Pin Terminals (Push Type)


RIO Network Cable 4 Core Shielded, (LAPP Make) Li2YCy(TP) 2 x 2 x 0.22 Unitronic


RiX T - Junction for Easy Multidrop Connections


RiX Power Junction for Easy Power Connections


RiX Spare Part - RiX Cable Between Base/ Expansion & Expansion,

FRC Type, L = 70 mm


RiX Spare Part - RiX Cable Between Base/ Expansion & Expansion,

FRC Type, L = 350 mm

Benefits and Applications Distributed I/O system can have numerous applications, almost in every industrial sector, because of it's inherent benefits like: ! Distributed development approach simplifies and expedites the application development ! Reduces the cabling cost due to distribution of nodes near the field elements, inside Junction Boxes ! Easier integration or removal of distributed nodes for existing system This justifies its suitability for numerous applications like:

Material Handling

: Ash Handling, Coal Handling, Belt Conveyors, Electroplating Plants, Paint Assembly lines, ‘ANDON’ Systems etc.

Food Process

: Biscuit Making Lines, Edible Oil Processing, Ovens etc.



: Energy Monitoring, Machine Supervisory Management Systems, MCC Panels Monitoring Systems

Machine Tools

: Various SPMs, Presses, Industrial Washing Machines, Ultrasonic Cleaning Machines etc.

Many More Applications : Building Automation, Elevators, Furnace Control, Boiler Control, Asbestos Sheet Mfg. Plant etc.


* Introducing Soon ! RiX Modbus Remote I/O Series

* Also Available - RiX DeviceNet Remote I/O Series

Version : 2.3 Release Date : May, 2008


Manufacturer of PLCs,

Kohinoor House, EL-2, J Block, M.I.D.C. Bhosari, Pune - 411 026. India Tel. : +91(020) 27102000 / 27102125 Fax: +91(020) 27102100 email: [email protected] Website:




PUNE MESSUNG SYSTEMS TEL:+91(20)27123130 27128927 FAX:+91(20)27128108 NAGPUR TELEFAX: +91(712) 2284020

MUMBAI MESSUNG SYSTEMS TEL:+91(22)26674308 / 66949564 FAX:+91(22)26674309

BANGALORE MESSUNG SYSTEMS TEL:+91(80)41732564 41732592 FAX:+91(80)41320758

NEW DELHI MESSUNG SYSTEMS TEL:+91(11)29216128 / 29226129 FAX:+91(11)29226130

HYDERABAD MESSUNG SYSTEMS TEL:+91(40)27722519 / 27720308 FAX:+91(40)27722519

BARODA MESSUNG SYSTEMS TEL:+91(265)2314699 / 2358137 FAX:+91(265)2333307




BANGALORE LEONARDO AUTOMATION TEL:+91(80)23287161 23283030 FAX:+91(80)23282613

CHENNAI C/MOS AUTOMATION INDIA PVT.LTD. TEL:+91(44)52060145 52060146 FAX:+91(44)52060148

KOLKATA NASHIK TTS SYSTEMATIX PVT. LTD DIGILOG SYSTEMS TEL:+91(33)24814921/22 TEL:+91(253)6610070/ GURGAON 6615976 TEL:+91(124)4267466/67 FAX:+91(33)24814921 FAX:+91(124)4267466

AHMEDABAD DOCUMENT NO: 6317 (1000;05/2008)

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