Newspaper 10 2007

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NEWSPAPER 10 June/July 2007

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SA in the news The South African newspaper industry is doing well and shows no signs of slowing down.

According to the latest ABC report (Jan-March 2007), local daily newspapers show a 10 per cent growth (1 997 893 in total, including foreign papers). Local weekly newspapers have grown by seven per cent (726 135 including foreign titles) and local weekend papers by 5.4 per cent (2 644 184 including foreign titles). In total the newspaper circulation for Jan-March 2007 is 5 368 212, up from 5 112 879 during the previous corresponding period. “We have seen very good growth during the past few years and although three new titles didn’t make it, there are others that have proved their potential – Sunday Sun, Daily Sun, Daily Voice, Ilanga Langesonto, etc. It’s significant that these papers are all tabloids,” says Sarel du Plessis, general manager, RCP Media. Fergus Sampson, general manager, Northern Newspapers, Media24 agrees. He believes that because the industry has had to reinvent itself, “over the last five or six years, there has been a lot of excitement and life with regard to new newspaper projects.” Perhaps the most significant aspect of the latest ABC results is the fact that tabloid Daily Sun is now the biggest circulating newspaper in the country, with over half a million copies. Other tabloids that are aimed at the ‘emerging black market’ also post regular and substantial circulation increases, pointing to the incredible strength that this target demographic is demonstrating.

According to local publishers, this target market growth is only the beginning. “We’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the emerging market – there is definitely room in the market for additional products. Society is developing extremely rapidly and we haven’t even begun to discover the complexities of our market yet,” admits Sampson. Arthur Konigkramer, managing director of Ilanga, South Africa’s oldest Zulu newspaper, has been busy expanding the publication to include new supplements for the first Sunday Zulu newspaper and for the youth market. While he believes that there is still considerable growth potential in the black African market, a similar potential for growth exists for newspapers aimed at Afrikaans speakers. The launch of Sondag, a new Sunday tabloid, now caters to the Afrikaans, Sunday and tabloid markets. Local newspapers are no longer able to cover the whole market and therefore products such as the Daily Sun, Son and Soccer Laduma reach very specific niche target audiences. “These newspapers have added a large audience of middle income, younger readers,” says

Francois Groepe, CEO, Media24 Newspapers. Peter du Toit, publisher and editor of Soccer Laduma, believes that there are big changes on the way, driven by newspapers and motivated by the FIFA 2010 World Cup, amongst other things. “Soccer is sexy and hip. What the rest of the media hasn’t cottoned onto as yet is the fact that our footballers are megastars and that the World Cup will drive a greater demand for niche newspapers such as Soccer Laduma.” The rest of the industry are on the look out for these niche gaps. Afrikaans daily, Beeld, for example, has found geographic niche gaps. Beeld currently offers substantial inserts for Mpumalanga, West Rand, East Rand and Tshwane. “We are launching in the North West and wherever else we find hubs and community pockets,” says Lucille van Niekerk, general manager, Beeld. Niche gaps are not the only thing on the cards for local publishers. The last year has also brought about an attitude change towards incorporating online. Publishers are scrambling to offer better designed websites that are filled with multimedia content and a positive outlook on citizen

journalism. “For newspapers to attract a younger audience, we need to be online. The digital generation are the readers of the future,” says Gisele Wertheim Aymes, general manager, advertising strategy & trade marketing, Newspaper Division, Johncom Media Investments. The launch of the new daily, The Times – a fully integrated print and digital title – will demonstrate if the market is ready for such innovation. Finding the right skillset for full integration remains a major challenge. “As more publications launch, our resources remain the same. We absolutely have to develop new skills such as writing for print, podcasts, online and mobile – and the industry needs to work together in order to do this,” says Greg Stewart, publisher, The Citizen. The other big news of the day – over and above the launch of the two new titles, Sondag and The Times – is the emergence of the first free commuter newspaper. The Citizen has launched Citizen Metro (which is not affiliated to the Swedish group but to the name of our bus transportation company). Publisher Greg Stewart won’t be changing the initial print run of 45 000 until more buses are introduced to the

Overall, the South African newspaper is vibrant and growing and the next few years should see some interesting innovations and shake-ups. This really could be a case of ‘Who Dares Wins’.

Metrobus fleet. “We found a gap in the market, as bus commuters weren’t reading. Citizen Metro fills this deadtime. We also have advantages over the taxi market in that 98 per cent of our readers are working and we know where they come and go,” he says. An interesting aspect of this news is that as little as a year ago all publishers shied away from the freesheet and announced that it was not in their plans. Newspaper 10 has heard rumours of a free newspaper for the taxi commuter market, although no publisher has laid claim to it yet. Nevertheless the attitude towards freebies has made an about-turn. “We will probably see more of these newspapers being launched. I do however anticipate that the business models will have to be refined: they will need to evolve in order to make these ventures sustainable locally,” says Groepe. Du Toit expects that there will be more free newspapers and that advertisers will drive them. Deon du Plessis, publisher of the Daily Sun, agrees that they’re on the way, even though a free taxi paper would go head-to-head with his publication. Sarel du Plessis on the other hand, is looking with interest at the free model that The Times (existing subscribers only) is employing. Overall, the South African newspaper is vibrant and growing and the next few years should see some interesting innovations and shake-ups. This really could be a case of ‘Who Dares Wins’.



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New Times Ahead South Africa’s biggest-selling weekend newspaper, The Sunday Times, has just launched a daily newspaper that is aptly named, The Times. Given the recent highprofile failures of Nova and ThisDay, owners Johncom are playing it safe by not launching the newspaper on-shelf. Instead it will be distributed to its loyal subscriber base. This gives the daily a guaranteed circulation of 127 000 from its very first issue. If distribution proves to be a problem for those situated in areas that are more remote, Roy Hartley, editor of The Times, says that they can e-mail a PDF file if necessary.

tabloid with hard breaking news and trends. The added bonus is the digital medium that includes a website with video, blogs, audio and podcasts. Constant updates will also be filtered through by SMS and e-mail. Readers will constantly be reminded throughout the print edition to update themselves online. Engaging with its readers is a huge theme and Hartley says that The Times will be utilising citizen journalism, including video uploads. Content will be included from The Times (UK) as well as the New York Times, with columnists such as David Kau, David

Lucille Page 4 Girl: Lucille van Niekerk, general manager, Beeld. Visit for more hot news

Fast Facts Readers • Fifty-two per cent female, 55 per cent black, 25 per cent white, 15 per cent Indian, 5 per cent coloured • 62 per cent are aged between 16-49 years old • One in five have a household income of R20 000+ a month It is this digital attitude that represents the most exciting aspect of the launch. It’s not the guaranteed circulation as much as the fact that The Times is touted as South Africa’s first truly interactive newspaper. “We have rebuilt our Internet strategy for The Times and we have a converged newsroom and plenty of multimedia content in order to capture the younger market,” says Hartley. Designed to compete against established dailies such as The Star and The Citizen, the theme behind the paper is ‘smart, fast, fun.’ After extensive research it was found that a large proportion of the Sunday Times subscribers do not read a daily newspaper and don’t want a heavy broadsheet on a daily basis. The aim is to deliver a 48-page

Shapiro and Justice Mahlala. A major aim for The Times is to grow the subscriber base of the Sunday Times, getting younger readers to migrate to the Sunday paper in the future. The Times will not be made available through a subscription of its own. Those who are interested in the daily will instead have to subscribe to the Sunday Times. According to Hartley, advertising is integrated – print, online and cellphone – which will be an interesting challenge for many advertisers. “They will now have to think differently about how to integrate their advertising. We can customise inserts for regions; customise advertising online and we’re also looking at barcodes for special offers on cellphones, for example.”

Local reflections By Winnie Graham and Lynne Smit When Maggie M leaves home to catch a bus to work in the mornings, she stops to buy a newspaper. This is a new experience for her. Ten or 15 years ago she didn’t bother. She admits that although she would occasionally listen to news reports on the radio, she wasn’t particularly interested in them because the news did not affect her. ”We lived in a different world then,” she says. “At that time I had problems of my own. Why should I have worried about a war in Bosnia or a rail accident in India when I didn’t have money for lunch? I think that newspapers have changed since then. I also have a different job now and I am expected to be informed. The paper that I buy looks at matters that concern me. It tells me what’s happening in my township – not just what is happening in Joburg.” Maggie, a mother and office receptionist, reflects the views of the changing newspaper readership in South Africa. Not that long ago, the readers of most major newspapers in this country were white and the content of these publications focused peripherally on issues that were of interest to black readers.


The change in reading patterns has had another effect as well. While black readership of newspapers has increased significantly in South Africa in the past 10 years or more, in many instances white readers have tossed their papers aside, irritated because the news focuses too much on ‘black’ issues. Forging a common South African identity is proving difficult. While this is a local issue, the question of readership is of concern to publishers and editors around the world. The growth of hourly radio news reports, online news services and (more recently) cellphone news flashes, could well be impinging on circulation. These media provide an immediacy that newspapers cannot match. The question is: are they the threat to daily newspapers worldwide that they are generally believed to be? While some internationally known newspapers have indeed closed down, there is a flipside to this coin. Mathatha Tsedu, editor of City Press, sees the online component as a boon. In many instances the online version is growing more rapidly than the newspaper itself. “The online version of the Guardian in the UK makes more


money than the printed edition,” he says. “The one has not taken advertising from the other. Rather a new stream of revenue has been created. It only requires a slight adjustment. The two mediums exist comfortably side by side.” Trevor Ncube, president of the Newspaper Association of South Africa and chief executive and owner of the Mail and Guardian, agrees. “We need to leverage the opportunities that are offered by new media. We shouldn’t see blogging or the Internet as a threat. I have great faith in the future of the newspaper industry,” he says. “If we all focus on delivering credible, analytical content to our readers, I have no doubt that we will survive.” While newspapers cannot provide readers with immediacy, their websites can – and while websites are not geared to provide lengthy reports, newspapers are able to fulfil this need. This has prompted a change in the way that news is published. According to Tsedu, although readers may turn to websites for instant information, they buy papers for background material and analysis. They want in-depth information across a range of

matters that affect them. He views the growth of black readership as a natural progression. “It was inevitable that black people would start reading papers as they moved out of poverty and into the middle class,” Tsedu says. “You become sensitised when you see issues that affect you being reflected in a public arena. In this way, the paper speaks to you and you begin buying it on a regular basis.” The emerging black middle class is now recognised as a serious target market for newspaper publishers. Yet despite the growing black readership, newspaper penetration in South Africa stands at only 13 per cent. An enormous potential for growth exists with regard to the newspaper readers of the future. Ncube recognises this potential. It is one of the reasons for his great faith in the future of the newspaper industry in Africa. “On the whole, newspapers are only reaching the urban population,” he says. “We haven’t exhausted their sales capacity because we have not reached the rural markets. The majority of Africans have not had access to newspapers. Although there are problems with distribution, there

is also a tremendous opportunity for growth.” While the urban youth in Africa – who are adept at using their cellphones and computers – are perhaps yet to appreciate the benefit of newspapers, the majority of the older readers are less likely to be lured away by electronic media. Coupled with the issue of the survival of newspapers, is the survival of a free press. This right is guaranteed by the constitution and enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In all democratic states it is taken for granted that citizens have a right to their opinions and to express themselves without interference. Yet there is increasing concern that government, irritated by the views of certain newspapers, may introduce legislation to curb this freedom as a form of ‘damage control.’ The proposed amendments to the Film and Publications Act are causing jitters in many circles. This raises the question: What use is a newspaper that is not free to state its views – and is the struggle for freedom about to begin again? Ncube is concerned. “When continued on page 8

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The state of the news media 2007 The State of the News Media 2007 by the Project for Excellence in Journalism has been released. While the report only deals with US media, it provides an insight into potential newspaper trends for South Africa. According to the report, there are seven major trends: • News organisations need to do more to think through the implications of this new era of shrinking ambitions • There is mounting evidence that the news industry needs to become more aggressive about developing a new economic model • The key question is whether the investment community sees the news business as a declining industry or as an emerging industry in transition • There are growing questions as to whether the dominant ownership model of the previous generation – the public corporation – is suited to the transition that news-

rooms now need to make • The Argument Culture is giving way to something new – the Answer Culture • Blogging is on the brink of a new phase that will probably include scandal and profitability for some, as well as a splintering into elites and non-elites over standards and ethics • While journalists are becoming more serious about the Web, as yet no clear models exist for how to practice online journalism – some qualities have still only been marginally explored. While generally positive, the newspaper section of the report has also found some alarming and worrying trends. The good news is that it’s estimated that in the US over 50 million people still buy a paper on an average day – and that 124 million people still read one. When the figures for both online and print readers are combined, the newspaper audience is larger than ever. However, as far as print goes, circulation is declining and

Eye Track 2007

advertising is flat. Another concern highlighted by the report, is that online may never produce the revenues that print can and that newspapers will not be able to reduce their traditional manufacturing cost structure quickly enough. In 2006 the indicators were negative and circulation fell even faster than in 2005. Industry revenues were flat. Print retail, national and car classifieds all showed weakness. Earnings fell. Layoffs at some of the big metro papers were announced, while others closed their national and foreign bureaus. The industry started looking for positive stories by proposing some new audience measures. Some of the new measures involve combining the total reach of print, online and niche products, those that read at least one edition in the course of a week or how much time someone spends with the newspaper. According to the report, journalists and publishers have reacted slowly to new

technology and to how this has affected the way a consumer consumes information. It also criticises newspaper publishers for spending too little on R&D and for not seriously investigating new economic models. The report expresses concerns about the news itself, as newspapers are the most likely medium to cover the broadest spectrum of information and to provide news for the Internet and other media. The combination of a reduction in staff and a reduction in the physical size of newspapers, as well as a focus on more targeted and analytical information (such as the Wall Street Journal), could have serious consequences for news agendas. One final thought from the report is that this is the year when numerous redesigns are due to take place (both online and print). It could well be that a smaller US newspaper, targeted to older, well-educated readers, becomes the norm. For the full report visit www.stateofthenews

Research undertaken by Poynter has unearthed some quite astonishing facts. The EyeTrack07 survey tracked the eye movements of around 600 people while they read website content, as well as both tabloid and broadsheet newspapers. Over 350 elements were tracked, including headlines, photographs, graphics, blogs and podcasts. The survey was undertaken in the US. Fifty-six per cent of the sample was 18-41 years old and 44 per cent was aged 4265 years old. There were an equal number of male and female readers. Seventy one per cent of the group read print or online four or more times a week and were regular readers of the publications they were asked to read. There were some surprising results. Readers read more of a particular story online, than they did in print: online readers read 77 per cent of what they chose to read, compared to 62 per cent for broadsheet and 57 per cent for tabloid. Two kinds of reading were found: methodical and scanning. Print readers tended to be more methodical in their reading than online readers, of whom approximately half were scanners. Poynter also released information on its prototype portion, which demonstrated how readers reacted to alternative story forms. Three versions were made for print and three for online. Each of the stories included identical information, although they were presented in different formats. For both print and online, respondents who’d read the version with the most alternative structure (Q&A, timelines, sidebars etc) answered the most questions correctly when quizzed. As expected, large headlines and photos drew the most attention in print. Mugshots rarely captured any attention and colour photographs received more attention than black & white. For online readers, navigation bars, teasers and story lists drew attention. Poynter is looking for partners to work with EyeTrack studies on various topics, such as news delivery on large format screens, high definition and small screens and search ability and interactivity online. For more information, visit

The Facts – Not the Myths – About Newspapers in 2007 by Timothy Balding, chief executive officer, World Association of Newspapers It’s difficult to pick up a newspaper or magazine today (or read a blog) without seeing negative news about the newspaper industry itself. According to these commentators – who claim to see clearly into the future – newspapers will soon be extinct and the Internet will be the only way that anyone ever gets their news. However, there is a serious disconnect between the actual facts about newspapers and the negative press about the newspaper industry. Contrary to conventional wisdom and existing misconceptions, newspapers are not in a terminal decline. In fact, the opposite is true: newspapers are a growing, innovative and vital medium with a bright future. Consider the following: • Global newspaper sales

increased by nearly two per cent last year, to a total of more than 510 million paid-for copies. • The number of new newspaper titles (i.e. paid-for titles that don’t include the new free newspapers) has grown to more than 11 000 for the first time in history. • More than 1.4 billion people read a printed newspaper each day. • Free daily newspaper circulation has more than doubled over the last five years to a total of 40.8 million copies per day. • Print is the biggest advertising medium in the world, boasting a 42 per cent share. Newspapers alone are the second largest, representing 29.4 percent of global advertising spend. This means that newspapers get more advertising

Timothy Balding

revenue than the combined advertising value of radio, cinema, magazines and the Internet. • More than US$6 billion have been invested in newspaper printing and production equipment during the last 18 months. So what accounts for the nega-

tive publicity? Much of it is generated in the United States, where newspapers are facing numerous challenges (while still churning out margins that are the envy of other industries). However, the United States is not a proxy for media markets elsewhere. With the exception of North America, newspapers in every region, including Europe, showed an overall growth last year. Nowhere is this better illustrated than in South Africa, where paidfor newspapers recorded a healthy growth in 2006, while free newspapers enjoyed doubledigit increases. This picture only represents the printed publications – when newspaper websites are added, newspaper audiences are growing as never before. All the above figures are a

preview of the World Association of Newspapers’ World Press Trends survey. This survey was presented in its entirety on 5 June in Cape Town, when the world’s press gathered for the 60th World Newspaper Congress, the 14th World Editors Forum and Info Services Expo 2007. These events in themselves attest to the vibrancy of the newspaper industry. Approximately 1 500 publishers, chief editors and other senior newspaper executives from 95 countries will gather to examine and discuss the latest strategies and cutting-edge innovations that are making this the most exciting time for newspapers in the last 400 years of their history. This is certainly not a picture of an industry in decline. More about WAN and its activities at

Sunday Sondag Finding the niche gaps in the local market is a hit and miss affair and Media24’s latest addition to the stable, Sunday Afrikaans tabloid Sondag, may just hit the mark. The first unclaimed niche for Sondag is the missing Afrikaans weekend reader who doesn’t buy Volksblad and/or Rapport. The second and more important market for the future of the Afrikaans newspaper is the younger reader. According to Mike Vink, editor of Sondag, the tabloid complements Rapport and falls in-between this paper and true tabloid, Son. “Sondag will cover the overall Afrikaans market a little better,” and it certainly seems to slot in NEWSPAPER 10 • PRINTED ON


between the conservative and the sleazy. “It even uses colourful language that runs between Rapport and Son,” says Vink. For advertisers Sondag is a welcome breath of fresh air. Vink explains that it’s not constrained by the usual rules of newspapers: “We can run ads in the middle of pages if we wish and we challenge advertisers to come up with something exceptional.” Sondag also offers the only full page back cover in the Sunday market, although as Vink explains, the ad has to be full size and unique. The front cover of Sondag is regionalised and has a website to promote interactivity with its readers.

Fast facts • Target: 800 000 readers: 300 000 new readers/500 000 duplicated readers (also read Rapport/Son) • 64 pages • Strong emphasis on colour • Bigger graphics, less type • First 20 pages are news, full-colour photos, highlights and news snippets • The middle of the paper is covered by sports events, mainly rugby • The next pages are entertainment • The rest of the paper carries features. Its more modern approach also means that interactivity will be increased through using SMS. The paper is backed by a huge

radio and TV campaign, which should help to make its target of 100 000 circulation within the first couple of years.

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Whatever happened to the newspaper ad? As a staunch advocate of the newspaper medium, The Jupiter Drawing Room founder and executive creative director, Graham Warsop, recently completed a European and South African roadshow in which he gave a talk entitled Whatever Happened to the Newspaper Ad? We caught up with him in his offices in Johannesburg and chatted to him about his passion for the newspaper medium. Newspaper 10: What prompted you to give a series of lectures entitled Whatever Happened to the Newspaper Ad? Graham Warsop: Towards the end of last year I traveled to Ireland as a guest speaker to launch the National Newspaper of Ireland’s initiative ‘the essential pleasure of my newspaper.’ During my stay, I met Gavin O’Riley and we found that we shared a passion – a love of the newspaper medium. Following that meeting, I was invited to a WAN Board meeting in Kiev, as well as to the World Association of Newspapers’ Congress in Zurich in February, where I delivered the paper Whatever Happened to the Newspaper Ad? Largely due to Gavin’s charm, I also agreed to write a global advertising campaign for The World Association of Newspapers. N10: The title Whatever Happened to the Newspaper Ad? suggests that there are no longer any newspaper advertisements. Surely this is not the case? GW: In my talk I make it clear that I’m not referring to classified ads, recruitment ads or retail ads. I’m referring to those big (normally full page) brand ads that were commonplace in newspapers 20 years ago. If one looks back through annuals of the great print work that has been done in the world, one will see that a large variety of brands used newspapers to advertise themselves. It was an era of copy rich, persuasive advertising that worked tremendously hard to build brands and to increase sales.

N10: Have you found that people are sympathetic to your plea for the return of copy rich, persuasive advertising to the pages of newspapers? GW: I have – and when you look at the great newspaper ads of the past and see that they would still work today, it’s a difficult argument to refute. Newspapers should be Graham Warsop making a concerted attempt to attract brand advertisers back to their pages. At the moment newspaper revenue relies to a significant extent on retail advertising. With the ascendancy of the Internet, retail will increasingly move online. Unless newspapers can attract the prestigious brands back to their pages, their advertising revenue will suffer. N10: So what would you advise the newspaper industry to do? GW: One of the things I would recommend is to encourage full page advertising. Sell packages. Unless they are exploiting a tactical opportunity, most brands will need to run ads in newspapers a number of times in order to achieve the desired impact and the required memorability. Newspapers should be more proactive in putting together packages for clients, as opposed to selling them one off ads. N10: In your experience, is it difficult to sell clients on newspaper advertising? GW: Generally speaking, no. As an agency that believes in the power of newspaper advertising, we normally try to ensure that newspapers have a role to play in the communications mix. Having said this, newspaper advocates (such as myself) can only do so much to persuade clients to place their advertising in newspapers. Clients are unlikely to pay the premium if the cost per thousand is significantly more expensive in newspaper than it would be to achieve the same reach in another medium. Newspaper advertising needs to be priced competitively.

N10: To what do you attribute the demise of these great newspaper ads of the past? GW: Creatives in agencies have fallen prey to the ‘print advertising as poster’ trend. Creating print advertising without words helps work to succeed at international award shows (where the jury is composed of judges of several nationalities). A picture is universal. In the UK’s Campaign Press Awards, one currently has the ridiculous situation in which the Grand Prix for press has just gone to the same piece of work that won the Campaign Poster Awards several months ago!

N10: In addition to being a medium through which to advertise brands, newspapers also offer tactical opportunities, do they not? GW: Absolutely. There have been many excellent examples of tactical ads that have been put together quickly to take advantage of events occurring in the media. I remember one fantastic ad for Flora margarine that appeared the day after Van Gogh’s Sunflowers went on auction. It was a full page ad that showed a picture of the Flora sunflower margarine tub sitting at the foot of the vase in Van Gogh’s famous painting. The Flora tub was made to look as though it had been painted by the artist himself. The line simply read ‘Very tasty if you’ve got the bread’ (the painting had sold for an amount in excess of £20m.).

N10: Isn’t there also the argument that people aren’t prepared to read advertising anymore? GW: Yes, I’ve heard that argument but I think its nonsense. People have and will always read what interests them. I don’t think that people are not prepared to read ads anymore. It’s more that we no longer seem to be building a generation of copywriters who are capable of writing ads that people want to read anymore.

N10: In your experience, do newspapers seek to attract a better quality of advertising? GW: Frankly, in my experience they don’t, which is strange because advertising is not ‘just advertising.’ The quality of the advertising also raises or lowers the tone of the editorial. Newspaper advertising sales people need to understand that they’re not simply selling space. They should desire something that enhances the aesthetic content of the newspaper.

N10: Is this trend of ads without copy restricted to newspapers or is it true of magazines as well? GW: The death of copy impacts most on the newspaper medium, which is also the one where copy works best. Glossy magazines on good quality stock better lend themselves to images that rely on photography or illustration. Newspapers are more workman-like. They are the ideal medium to use words and pictures to persuade readers into a particular point of view. Magazine advertising doesn’t need to rely on words. My contention is that the best newspaper advertising does.

N10: What other suggestions do you have to encourage agencies and clients to produce newspaper advertising? GW: I think it’s important that newspapers promote their own unique advantages. They truly are the ideal medium to house persuasive arguments in favour of a client’s brand. It’s important that newspapers do not simply align themselves with magazines under the ‘print medium’ banner. Newspapers need to distance themselves from magazines and promote their own unique advantages.

Follow the money Newspaper readership has been impacted by developments in the black middle class. The Black Diamond study (conducted by TNS Surveys and the UCT Unilever Institute of Strategic Marketing) reveals that the black middle class has increased by 30 per cent in the last year to an estimated 2.6 million. It is now worth R180 billion. Spending power is also hefty within the townships – for example, according to, it is estimated that the Soweto market has R4.3 million in retail spend. Daily newspapers have increased their reach into the middle income market since the launch of Daily Sun and Son, according to Francois Groepe, CEO, Media24 Newspapers. These papers, along with Soccer Laduma, have added a large audience of middle income, younger readers to their demographic profiles. “Ad revenue is increasing and will continue to do so as black spending power rises, provided we produce quality and relevant newspapers,” says Arthur Konigkramer, managing director, Ilanga. He also says, “Without Daily Sun on a schedule, an advertiser loses a third of the newspaper audience.” The Daily Sun is perhaps the most interesting case in point, having grown 12 per cent in the last year, according to Deon du Plessis, the paper’s publisher. “What overrides everything is the changing of the broad public opinion. It’s now in the hands of the middle class black guy. This is a megatrend and the black middle class market are the opinion makers,” says du Plessis. While all this bodes very well for the newspapers that target the middle classes, Ingo Capraro, editor-in-chief, Son, maintains that middle class does not necessarily translate into more highbrow reading habits. However, Fergus Sampson, general manager, Northern Newspapers Media24, goes on to say that since the Daily Sun’s entry into the market, it has evolved to include more women and more LSM 4-7 readers. “One million readers are in LSM 8-10 – now that’s amazing. The opportunity is ripe in this market: there is an influx from rural areas and a strengthening of the townships.”



N10: Is this what the advertising campaign you’ve developed for the World Association of Newspapers is meant to do? GW: The campaign is there to increase creative awareness of the fact that newspapers today are still one of the most vital mediums in existence. Last year the headline ‘Who Killed the Newspaper?’ appeared on the front page of the Economist. The article was not up to the normal high standard that one would have expected from the magazine, so we have a dig at it in the first ad in the new campaign. The headline says ‘People say the silliest things.’ Below this are a series of amusing quotes of silly things that people have said. The last one is a quote from The Economist article that says ‘Newspapers are now an endangered species.’ Given that newspaper sales have never been higher globally, this is a pretty silly remark, don’t you think? Local reflections from page 4 politicians propose legislation of this nature, we must never be naïve and think there’s no agenda,” he warns. He follows this statement with: “However, perhaps we should give them the benefit of the doubt. The legislation as it is currently formulated is never going to see the light of day because it is unconstitutional and something that we don’t need in our democracy.” Tsedu is less worried about these concerns. “All governments are alike when it comes to freedom of the Press,” he says. “They don’t like criticism. Fortunately, we have the protocols in place that ensure the freedom of the Press and freedom of speech. It is part of our ongoing battle to fight to keep these in place.” Tsedu says that the constant in depth reporting on crime by certain papers is a way of capitalising on the public’s concern in this regard. These papers create a niche for themselves and as a result turn every little crime into a big issue. While this is not to suggest that reports of crime should not be published, greater efforts should be made to create a balance. He is also upbeat about the future of newspapers and about their overall quality. “Given the circumstances, we are doing very well,” Tsedu says. “Although there is a movement out of the industry (much of our journalistic talent has been lured away into high-paying jobs), I believe that 10 years from now South Africa will be producing its best newspapers ever.”

Local reflections from page 4

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Community News


Roots 2007 The National Advertising Bureau (NAB), Caxton and TNS Surveys recently released its third Roots Survey (ROOTS 2007) report detailing retail and readership in South Africa. Over 22 000 face-to-face interviews were conducted in 92 communities across all nine provinces. For the first time, some of South Africa’s largest townships were included: Soweto, Alexandra, Gugulethu and Khayelitsha. In total, 35 new urban areas were included, representing around 2.2 million households and 4.3 million purchasing decision makers. The full content of the report delves into demographics, health, clothes, home owner-

ship, technology, furniture, money, and importantly media. An overview of the report shows clearly that each community has a character – language, wealth, shopping habits etc. Editors and journalists need to ensure that the editorial in the community papers are speaking to those people and media planners and advertising need to understand what language and tone to use. This is easier said than done, as the changes occurring in South Africa’s urban areas are incredible and moving quickly. The racial profile of communities is the most significant finding.


Beeld and Huisgenoot. In Centurion, 21 per cent have e-mail, Internet. Mamelodi is 100 per cent black with 52 per cent SePedi speaking. In Pretoria East, 32 per cent have e-mail/Internet and 38 per cent are LSM 10.

Soweto/Alexandra Soweto and Alex weren’t measured on the same criteria as other urban areas. Some vital stats: 48 per cent is LSM 7-10 in Protea, Dobsonville, Diepkloof – R8 400 a month. Zulu is the predominant language in Protea and Diepkloof. Setswana is the predominant language in Dobsonville, Sepedi in Pretoria Central. The overwhelming majority of the communities are female, aged 35+. The majority of the community is black (95 per cent) with 38 per cent speaking Zulu and 19 per cent Sotho. The average monthly household income is around R5 200. The top shopping destinations are Southgate Mall, Johannesburg CBD and Protea Gardens Centre. Average issue readership for community papers is 70 per cent, with 40 per cent for Daily Sun and 14 per cent for Sowetan Sunday World. In Alex, 63 per cent are female, 98 per cent black with 31 per cent speaking Zulu. Average issue readership is higher for the Daily Sun than the Alex News and 10 per cent for the Sunday Times. Five per cent have e-mail/Internet and they should at Balfour Park and Sandton City. Forty-seven per cent are in LSM 6 and 43 per cent aged 16-34. In Diepkloof, 12 per cent have e-mail/Internet and one-third speaks Zulu with 20 per cent Setswana. Average issue readership for the Diepkloof Urban News is 83 per cent. Almost half of the community is aged 50+. In Dobsonville, the average monthly household income is around R6 600. Eldorado Park is 89 per cent coloured and 74 per cent Afrikaans speaking. In Protea, 9 per cent have e-mail/Internet with an average monthly household income of R8 400. Average issue readership for the Protea Urban News is 66 per cent and 88 per cent shop at the Protea Gardens. East Rand (Brakpan, Benoni, Bedfordview & Edenvale, Boksburg, Germiston, Heidelberg, Kempton Park, Nigel, Springs) Fifty-five per cent of PDMs in the East Rand are female; 56 per cent of PDMs who read the local community newspapers are female. The top two shopping destintations are East Rand Mall and Eastgate Centre. Sixty-eight per cent of the community is white with 44 per cent English speaking. Average monthly household income is around R17 600. The local community newspapers enjoy an average issue readership of 73 per cent with 23 per cent for the Sunday Times and 13 per cent for You magazine. Northern Joburg (Fourways, Killarney, Midrand, North Eastern Joburg, Northcliff/Melville, Randburg, Sandton) Fifty-six per cent of PDMs in Northern Joburg are female with 58 per cent of PDMs who read the local community newspapers also female. The biggest age group is 35-49 years old with a high proportion of the community in LSM 9-10. Forty-one per cent have e-mail/Internet. The top shopping destinations are Cresta and Sandton City. The area is 64 per cent white and 67 per cent English speaking with an average monthly household income of around R21 400. The average issue readership for local community newspapers is 68 per cent, with 36 per cent for Sunday Times and 27 per cent for The Star. In Sandton, 41 per cent of the community is LSM 10 and 57 per cent female. In Randburg 50 per cent have e-mail/Internet. In Northcliff/Melville, most people shop at Cresta and 45 per cent have e-mail/Internet. In Midrand, 54 per cent are black and 61 per cent speak English with 44 per cent aged 16-34. In North Eastern Johannesburg, it’s 60 per cent female and 36 per cent LSM 9. In Rosebank and Killarney a huge 59 per cent have e-mail/Internet, a high proportion of 35-49 year olds and no LSM 1-5. In Fourways, 64 per cent are in LSM 9-10. West Rand (Krugersdorp, Randfontein, Roodepoort and Ruimsig) The community is majority white (80 per cent), 57 per cent Afrikaans speaking with an average monthly household income of around R16 900. The top shopping destinations are Westgate Mall and Clearwater Mall. Fifty-four per cent of PDMs in the West Rand are female as well as those who read the local community newspapers. The largest age group is 35-49 years old followed by those 50+. There are no members of the community in LSM 1-5. Over a third of the community have access to e-mail and Internet. In Roodepoort, over 80 per cent is LSM 8-10 and 34 per cent have e-mail/Internet. Southern Joburg (Alberton and Johannesburg South) The top shopping destinations are The Glen and Alberton City. The community is 49 per cent white and 35 per cent black. Almost half speak English and the average monthly household income is around R15 700. The largest LSM group is those in 6-7 and the biggest age group is 35-49 year olds. Average issue readership of local community newspapers is 67 per cent with 19 per cent reading Sunday Times, followed by the Daily Sun. Pretoria (Centurion, Gezina, Hatfield, Montana, Mamelodi, Pretoria East, Pretoria West) Pretoria is predominantly white (66 per cent) and Afrikaans speaking (59 per cent) with an average monthly household income of around R16 100. Fifty-five per cent of PDMs are female and the top shopping destinations are Menlyn Park and Kolonnade. There’s an average split between all ages groups 16-50+ with the highest proportion in LSM 67. Average issue readership for local community newspapers is 65 per cent followed by



Vaal (Meyerton, Sasolburg, Vereeniging, Vanderbijlpark) The top shopping destinations are the Vaal Mall and Vaalgate. Average issue readership for local community papers is 71 per cent, followed by Daily Sun and Huisgenoot. Over half the community is black with 53 per cent speaking Afrikaans and 35 per cent an African language. Average monthly household income is around R13 300.

Limpopo (Polokwane, Tzaneen) Average issue readership for local community newspapers is 69 per cent, followed by 39 per cent for a weekly newspaper and 46 per cent for a weekly magazine. The top shopping destinations are Savannah Mall and Checkers Centre. The community is 63 per cent white, 61 per cent Afrikaans with an average monthly household income of around R16 400. The majority of the community is 35-49 years old and a relatively high Internet and e-mail penetration at 25 per cent. North West (Brits, Hartebeespoortdam, Klerksdorp, Mafikeng, Rustenburg) The community is 56 per cent female in the North West, mainly in LSM 8-9 and 16-49 years old. The top shopping destinations are Game Centre and Mega City. The average issue readership of local community newspapers is 71 per cent with 49 per cent weekly newspapers and 41 per cent for dailies. The racial profile is 52 per cent white and 46 per cent black with 46 per cent speaking Afrikaans and 36 per cent SetSwana. The average monthly household income is around R13 300. In Brits 42 per cent are aged 16-34, 75 per cent are white and 77 per cent are Afrikaans. Average monthly household income is around R16 000. In Hartebeespoortdam, 34 per cent have e-mail/Internet, 90 per cent white and 76 per cent Afrikaans. Average monthly household income is R19 500. In Rustenburg, average issue readership of the Rustenburg Herald/Heraut is 80 per cent and there is no one in the community in LSM 1-5. In Mafikeng, 50 per cent of the community is aged 35-49 years old and it is 93 per cent black with 83 per cent speaking Setswana.

Community glamour Free community magazines (MyWeek and Get It) broke onto the scene approximately a year ago and have since made their presence felt. (According to the latest figures it’s a very strong presence, with a circulation of over half a million, Jan-March 2007). They have a community lifestyle focus and cover community news and events, decor, shopping and food, as well as local celebrity (community leader) interviews. They offer advertisers the ability to target consumers in specific regions, who want a slightly more glamorous edge than the community paper. “We’re seeing new advertisers coming in at a local level who can’t afford to go into the mainstream media (TV, radio, Cosmopolitan etc). Community magazines have filled a gap, giving these advertisers the magazine environment at an affordable price,” says John Bowles, joint MD, Newspaper Advertising Bureau (NAB). As a result, the response from advertisers has been very good. The magazines are growing fast, as publishers identify regions and areas that hold potential for advertisers (and the communities that are served by them). Initially consumers were not too sure about free community magazines or their role. Bowles says that it took a while before consumers realised that ‘free’ doesn’t mean ‘cheap’ and that these magazines now have a huge appeal. “Although they don’t have the same numbers as free community newspapers and they don’t offer total market cover in the same way that these papers do, they have a longer lifespan – they can be placed on coffee tables (in reception areas etc),” says Bowles. Whereas free community newspapers must deal with challenges around distribution and access to gated suburbs, community magazines have less to worry about. They are generally distributed to shopping centres (and placed in front of stores and restaurants). Furthermore, publishers can build relationships with the body corporates of gated suburbs or complexes and arrange for access and delivery of the free magazines, says Bowles. Publishers are looking to take these magazines online and into the growing township market in the near future. “At the moment, we are still growing our township newspapers – we will look at taking the community magazines into the townships further down the line,” says Bowles. Media24’s MyWeek is available across Gauteng, Cape Town, Bloemfontein and KZN (with a total of 34 magazines). Caxtons’s Get It has 20 magazines in its stable, most of which are Johannesburg based. Joint ventures in Bloemfontein (with OFM) and Cape Town (with publishers, Ramsay Son & Parker) facilitate their distribution processes in these regions.

Community News



Community growth While the dailies and weeklies of the newspaper world fret over the pressures of online and free news, community newspapers are enjoying growth and development. Loyal readers, growing ad revenues and the subsequent circulation growth are driving community papers forward. In the US, newspapers are narrowing their focus to local news, in an attempt to create the kind of content that is not available online or through the mass media. Large publishers are looking to buy out small community papers to cash in on it all. Locally, the community press industry is now at 459 465, an increase of just over 60 000 copies (Jan-March 2007) compared to the previous corresponding period. The free distribution community papers are at an alltime high. The free newspaper figures from the latest ABC report (Jan-March 2007) are standing at 4 506 039, an increase of 595 910 in the last year, including an additional 20 new newspapers. “Readers love our local newspapers and clearly advertisers get a good response from spending their money with us,” says David Hill. Independent Newspapers Cape division publishes 14 titles, with a total distribution of 595 368. The National Advertising Bureau (NAB) boasts 120 community papers. In order to keep up the astonishing growth, free community paper publishers are finding gaps in their existing distribution areas, as well as new potential footholds in newly developing areas (eg townships and Midrand in Gauteng). “Nationally we are seeing a trend where newly

developed areas are evolving into self sufficient communities and therefore there is a need for more clearly defined community newspapers,” says Gill Randall, joint managing director, NAB. During the last few months, NAB’s community papers have expanded into areas such as the Zululand region of KZN and the Lowveld in Mpumalanga. According to Hill, Independent Newspapers Cape has seen growth in areas such as the Boland and Cape Town city centre. The major township developments (new shopping malls, commercial nodes, housing, etc) are creating excellent opportunities for community papers. “There is growth in the emerging sector and it is kicking in amongst LSM 4-5 and above. They are more educated and their literacy levels are higher,” says John Bowles, joint managing director, NAB. Randall adds that at the end of March 2007, NAB saw a notable incline in national advertising sales throughout their 10 Soweto offerings. She anticipates that with six shopping centres up and running in Soweto (and more developments to follow), advertising interest is likely to continue its upward trend. Thus far, NAB is reaching 80 per cent of Soweto (and is therefore tapping 80 per cent of the household expenditure). Independent Cape’s township offering, Vukani (which is bi-lingual English-Xhosa) is also in high demand. “Pagination has grown by 25 per cent in the past two years. We expect this growth to continue,” says Hill.

While this increase is to be applauded, it’s not without its challenges, some of which could seriously hamper future growth. The biggest challenge for community papers is gaining access to complexes and cluster developments. “The massive challenge is distribution, especially in boomed off areas,” says Bowles. While industry sources will not reveal much at present about their plans to overcome these issues, solutions are being worked on. However, this doesn’t seem to be a problem in all distribution areas. Hill maintains that in the Cape, for example, demand for community newspapers is such that residents of gated complexes make arrangements with Independent to receive them. In spite of the challenges, community papers are seeing exciting innovations. NAB is planning to go mobile within the next two years and is currently studying revenue models. “We will also be online when it becomes more affordable for everyone – we have the infrastructure in place already,” says Bowles. For Independent’s papers, the move online is expected to be seamless once the group’s community papers have switched to the Prestige editorial system (something that is set to happen in the near future). “We’re looking forward to a synergy between our papers and the Internet,” says Hill. Beyond this, community papers appear to be focusing on getting the relevant publications to their communities, so that they can deliver the right product to their advertisers.

Eastern Cape (Port Elizabeth and East London)

Cape Town

The top shopping destinations are Green acres and Vincent Park Centre. The average issue readership for local community papers is 62 per cent with 46 per cent for daily newspapers and 42 per cent for weeklies. Fifty-eight per cent of PDMs are female, 41 per cent are white with 33 per cent coloured, 46 per cent speak Afrikaans and average monthly household income is around R10 800. In Port Elizabeth, 44 per cent of the community is over the age of 50. Its racial profile is 50 per cent white and 37 per cent coloured. Afrikaans speakers are at 54 per cent and English 40 per cent. In East London, 60 per cent are female, 54 per cent aged 35-49, 55 per cent speak Xhosa and 28 per cent Afrikaans.

Cape Town North (Brackenfell, Bellville, Durbanville, Goodwood, Melkbosstrand, Milnerton) Seventy four per cent of the population is white; 51 per cent is Afrikaans, and 50 per cent is English. The average monthly household income is around R18 400. Thirty two per cent of the population has access to e-mail/Internet access. 74 per cent read the local community paper while 53 per cent of PDMs are female. Forty-two per cent are above the age of 50 years, and one per cent fall into LSM 1. The top four shopping destinations in this area include Canal Walk/Century City, Tygervally Shopping Centre, Cape Gate, and the N1 City Mall. In Milnerton/Melkbosstrand, 81 per cent of the community is white, and 86 per cent speak English. The average monthly household income is around R18 900 and 41 per cent has e-mail. Seventy-eight per cent read the Tabletalk community newspaper. In Parow/Goodwood, 75 per cent of the population is white, with 56 per cent speaking Afrikaans and 29 per cent fall into LSM 9. The average monthly household income is approximately R16 700 and 61 per cent reads the Tygerburger.

Garden Route (Mossel Bay, George, Knysna, Plettenberg Bay, Sedgefield, Wilderness and Grootbrakrivier) Fifty-eight per cent of PDMs are female with a racial profile of 55 per cent coloured and 37 per cent white. The majority speak Afrikaans (81 per cent) and the average monthly household income is R9 200. The top shopping destinations are Garden Route Mall and Pick ’n Pay Centre. The biggest LSM grouping is LSM 6 with an even split across age groups. Average issue readership is 55 per cent for local community newspapers and 48 per cent for weekly newspapers. In Sedgefield/Wilderness/Grootbrakrivier, 40 per cent of the community is aged 50+, 60 per cent are white, 87 per cent speak Afrikaans and 37 are in LSM 6-7.

KwaZulu-Natal Durban Top shopping destinations are The Pavilion and Gateway. Fifty-five per cent of PDMs are female with 77 per cent speaking English. The racial breakdown is 54 per cent white and 26 per cent black. Average monthly household income is around R14 600. Average issue readership of local community papers is 70 per cent with 46 per cent for weekly newspapers. The majority of the community is 35+. In Berea, 38 per cent have e-mail/Internet, 38 per cent are also over the age of 50 and 39 per cent are aged 16-34. In Highway, 77 per cent are aged 35 and older. In Chatsworth, the community is 90 per cent Indian, 92 per cent are English speaking and the Chatsworth Rising Sun has an average issue readership of 82 per cent. On the South Coast, 30 per cent have e-mail/Internet and 42 per cent are aged 50+. In Amanzantoti, 38 per cent have e-mail/Internet. In Ladysmith, the community is 41 per cent black and 36 per cent Indian and 26 per cent are LSM 9-10.

Mpumalanga (Witbank, Bethal/Secunda, Middelburg, Ermelo, Nelspruit) There is an almost even split between white and black in Mpumalanga with 43 per cent speaking Afrikaans and 30 per cent Zulu. The top shopping destinations are Pick ’n Pay and Shoprite Centre. Average issue readership for local community newspapers is 79 per cent with 48 per cent for weeklies and 47 per cent for daily newspapers. Witbank has a community whereby 44 per cent are aged 35-49, 69 per cent are white and 55 per cent speak Afrikaans. In Ermelo, 65 per cent are Zulu speaking, 87 per cent are black, 46 per cent are in LSM 6, 61 per cent are female and 56 per cent are aged 16-34.

Cape Town Central (Cape Town, Athlone, Gugulethu, Belhar, Kuilsrivier, Blue Downs, Michell’s Plain and Khayelitsha). Ninety-six per cent of the population is coloured, with 65 per cent speaking Afrikaans and 46 per cent are over the age of fifty years. Seventy seven per cent read the local community newspapers. In Athlone, 98 per cent is coloured, 58 per cent speak Afrikaans and 49 per cent are over the age of 50 years. Fifty-seven per cent are female and seven per cent have e-mail/Internet access. In Mitchell’s Plain, the community is 98 per cent coloured and 60 per cent are Afrikaans speaking. The average monthly household income is about R7 700. Fifty four per cent are female, and half the population is over the age of 50 years. Thirtysix per cent fall into LSM 7 with 78 per cent reading the Plainsman. Gugulethu has a 98 per cent black population with 97 per cent speaking Xhosa and 44 per cent between the ages of 16 and 34. Southern Seaboard (Constantia, Fish Hoek, Hout Bay, Seapoint, Southern Suburbs) The majority (57 per cent) of the population is white, and 30 per cent is coloured. Eightysix per cent speak English. They shop primarily at Cavendish Square and Canal Walk/Century City. The average monthly household income is around R15 800; 42 per cent are between the ages of 16 and 34 years. Forty six per cent of the population has email/Internet access. In Constantia, 44 per cent are over the age of 50 while 37 per cent are between 16-34 years old. Thirty-nine per cent have access to e-mail/Internet. In the Southern suburbs, 57 per cent of the population is white, and the majority of the population is English-speaking. Twenty eight per cent fall into LSM 8, and the average monthly household income is around R16 900 with 56 per cent having access to e-mail/Internet. In Hout Bay, 44 per cent has e-mail/Internet.

Somerset West Eighty-four per cent of the population is white, and the majority are Afrikaans speaking and almost half are in LSM 10. Forty seven per cent have e-mail/Internet access. The average monthly household income is almost R19 000.



12 •

International Special Report




Two journalists have been killed in China in the last year, both at the hands of the police, albeit in completely separate and unrelated incidents. (WAN)


Eight journalists have been shot and killed in the last year in the Philippines. (WAN)  

Most major newspaper report circulation declines in the latest UK ABC results. The Guardian was the biggest loser in the national daily market. The Sun also fell but retained its number one spot. The Financial Times redesigned and was one of the few national dailies to post an increase for the latest ABC figures. The Guardian News & Media will cut jobs over the coming year whilst adding jobs in digital media. thelondonpaper leads London Lite in the latest ABC figures, but both papers are being watched carefully after video footage of dumping was reported. Free newspapers across the UK have posted increases in circulation. The Sun website claims 56 million new readers from around the globe in 2006.

The Wall Street Journal announces its capability to publish scented ads. USA Today, the country’s biggest newspaper states that ad revenue is down 14 per cent in February compared with February 06. The New York Observer redesigns from a broadsheet into a tabloid. The Washington Post reduces cost in the newsroom by shrinking and focuses on its website. The latest ABC figures show a decline in paying customers and circulation figures. The New York Times employs a ‘futurist in residence’, Michael Rogers, to help it with new technology developments. The paper opens permanent access to TimesSelect in a bid to attract students. Publisher of the New York Times, Arthur Sulzberger Jr, doesn’t know, or care, apparently whether the paper will be in a printed format in the future. The New York Post runs its first front page ad. According to a recent Gallup poll, 44 per cent of Americans use a daily newspaper, a figure that has remained steady since 2004. Thirteen per cent say they use a newspaper several times a week while seven per cent of Americans read a national newspaper every day.

One journalist has been killed in Guatemala. (WAN)

Four journalists have died in Columbia. (WAN)

Freelance reporter, Herliyanto was murdered in Indonesia. (WAN) 


Circulation figures for Australian daily newspapers show a decrease but an increase in Sunday papers, from 1995-2005.

According to major Australian news organisations, press freedom is under threat and wants government to lift restrictions.


Raúl Sanchez Sandoval and José Luis León Desiderio were killed in Ecuador. (WAN)

International Special Report


The oldest known newspaper in circulation, Sweden’s Post och Inrikes Tidningar, has gone digital and will only be available online.

Bi-lingual and bi-monthly (English and Polish) freesheet, Gazeta z Highland is launched by Scottish Provinical Newspapers

Three journalists were killed in Russia last year: Anatoly Voronin, Anna Politkovskaya and Yevgeny Gerasimenko. (WAN)

Ogulsapar Muradova died in jail in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan last year after serving less than one month of a six-year sentence. The time and circumstances of her death remain unclear. (WAN) 

Axel Springer launches daily newspaper, Dziennik, in Poland

Boston gets another free daily – Boston Now.

Six journalists in Mexico were murdered in the last year. (WAN)

Two journalists were shot last year in the Dominican Republic. (WAN)

Layal Nagib and Suleiman al-Chidiac were killed in July in Lebanon during missile and air stikes from Israel. (WAN) 

The Palestine Times was launched in Palestine in November and is printed in English.

Mohammed Taha Mohamed Ahmed was murdered in September last year in Khartoum, Sudan. (WAN)

Six journalists have been killed in the last year in Guyana. All were shot. (WAN)

Seventy-three year old freelance journalist, Ajuricaba Monassa de Paula was beaten to death in Brazil. (WAN)


Freelance journalist Bapuwa Mwamba was murdered in the Democratic Republic of Congo last July. (WAN)

Benicio Wedeinge and Augusto Sebastiao Domingos Pedro were killed last year in Angola. (WAN)


Three journalists have been killed in Venezuela. (WAN)

Three journalists were killed in Afghanistan last year. (WAN) Iran lifted a ban on the Shargh newspaper in March after being shut down in September. Ayfer Serce, a female Kurdish journalist working in Iran was killed in July 06. (WAN)


The Emirates Evening Post has been closed down in the UAE. The Xpress weekly tabloid freesheet was launched in the UAE in March

Abed Al-Usaili was killled in Yemen in July last year. (WAN)

Martin Adler was killed last year in Mogadishu, Somalia. (WAN)

Bellal Hossain Dafadar was killed in Bangladesh in September last year. (WAN) Four journalists have been murdered in Pakistan within the last year – three of the four were shot. (WAN)


Forty five journalists have been killed in the last year whilst in Iraq. (WAN)

A total of five journalists have been killed in Sri Lanka. (WAN)

Rumours abound regarding Rupert Murdoch’s launch of an English tabloid in India. The Wall Street Journal and HT Media launch Mint, an English language newsapaper in India. Three journalists in India were murdered in the last year. (WAN) Associated Newspapers inks deal with the India Today group to launch newspapers into the Indian market.

A Zimbabwean court refuses an application to restart two sister newspapers that were shut down four years by the government.

New Afrikaans Sunday paper, Sondag, launches in South Africa. The Times, a new daily newspaper owned by the Sunday Times, launches to subscribers in South Africa.



14 •

Australian News


The Media Revolution

By Richard Duncan, Sydney, Australia, [email protected]

In an interview with group marketing director Joe Talcott of News Limited, Sydney Australia, we get an insight into the mind of one of the world’s biggest news corporations and we learn about the new kind of thinking that is spreading through the media world, as newspapers face some of the greatest circulation threats of the last century. History has shown that the media are a vital barometer of progress in the modern world. This is still the case today, as newspapers face their greatest challenge in the last century. It is one of such epic proportions that unless they revolutionise the way in which they think and operate, they too will go the way of the dinosaurs, in a no less spectacular fashion. While this may seem to be an unnecessarily alarmist statement, newspapers currently face a great many more challenges in retaining their circulation than ever before. Gone are the days when newspapers were consumers’ sole source of information. They now have a multitude of opportunities and sources from which to get the news that they once relied on obtaining from the morning paper. The proliferation of competition

can therefore excuse newspaper executives if they adopt a measure of pessimism regarding the future of their business. After all, this traditional medium has its physical limitations. It shares none of the freedoms that the Internet, radio, cellphone or TV offer. During the Gulf War for example, history was being created so quickly that the ink had barely dried on the newspapers at the presses before the published information had changed and become old news. In spite of this Talcott believes that the newspaper business will not only survive, it will prosper, as the various channels continue to converge and the drivers of the news business evolve. History supports his confidence. When television was born, there was a fervent belief that it would replace radio.

While this still seems to be the case today, Talcott is adamant that the marriage between newspapers and the Internet has not yet arrived where he thinks it should be. The challenge, as he sees it, is to determine the right place and the right manner in which to deliver certain messages, in ways that are relevant to readers. This can be seen in the explosion of freesheets both here and abroad, as the newspaper business seeks to meet the public’s seemingly insatiable hunger for news. News Limited gained first mover advantage when they launched a free newspaper called MX in Melbourne and then again in Sydney as a commuter paper. They capitalised on a distribution opportunity to reach large volumes of people as they left the city in the afternoons, through a

“I think (certainly in Australia) that there is a misconception that newspapers are dying and that all the people who have been reading newspapers have migrated to the Internet to get their information. The evidence clearly doesn’t support this theory.” – Joe Talcott, group marketing director, News Limited, Sydney, Australia and the plethora of media channels have increased their volume of choice. When consumers go about their daily business, they can watch the TV over breakfast, turn on the radio in the car or listen to their iPods on the way to work. They can also log onto the Internet at work or at home or when they go out for a cup of coffee. The news business today is truly 24/7. It’s on-demand in every room in the house and it’s even available on household appliances such as the fridge! Given the growing familiarity and popularity of innovative cellular technology amongst today’s modern consumers, it will be a small wonder if newspapers survive the cold winter that is ahead. So what has changed in the news business? For a start, it is now more closely related to the entertainment business than its purist founders might have hoped or envisaged. Consumers today also have a voracious appetite for the news and consume far greater amounts of information than their forefathers did. In addition, rapid change and speedy technology also mean that we don’t have to wait for the news, as we can get the latest up-to-date reports 24/7. Rather than wait for the morning or evening paper, today’s news consumers can sign up for bulletins that will discreetly update them via SMS, e-mail or RSS Feeds throughout the day. One NEWSPAPER 10 • PRINTED ON

This was not the case. It did, however, act as a catalyst for change in both mediums. Both radio and TV have continued to evolve with the times, to the point where they now provide exciting formats – such as talk shows and reality shows – that make the most of their mediums. They have joined forces with the other mediums rather than opposing them. They employ the Internet to offer their information hungry viewers and listeners access to more data via SMS, enabling the passionate to interact with their programmes by casting their votes, asking their questions and entering their competitions. If this is anything to go by, we are dealing with a case of media convergence rather than media divergence. Central to the survival of each media channel is the value that it delivers to the consumer. In Talcott’s own words: “We used to talk about Content is King and while I still think that this is so, I believe that context is even more important.” Just as radio and TV channels have evolved their thinking and formats to maximise their strengths and value to the consumer, the same holds true for newspapers and their upstart challenger, the Internet. When newspapers adopted the Internet they fell into the same trap as the forefathers of the radio and TV business: they regarded the Internet as just a newspaper on the web.


relatively small number of distribution points. The launch was a good example of marrying context and content, as the paper was designed to be a 20-30 minute read to match the average commuter time. Its content was heavily entertainment driven and included information on news that had broken after the other papers had gone to bed. The paper served the additional purpose of reaching a younger audience for whom free news was the accepted norm, thanks to the Internet. This made its free status all the more important and appealing. This is not a new phenomenon. Many of the factors that motivate newspaper purchases are lifestage driven, which is why few young people read newspapers (as was the case in the 1940s). They have other things to do, even if they do seem to find the time to scan the Internet. Change within the newspaper business has come about in many ways. While previously executives knew that their newspapers weren’t just products, they didn’t think of them as brands either. They saw them as newspapers and mastheads at best. They now realise that they own some powerful brands, which if managed correctly, can live in other places as well. This represents a significant shift in the cultural attitude within the newspaper business. For example, there is no reason why

the Australian newspaper’s ‘Confidential’ gossip, entertainment and movie section shouldn’t deliver the same message on TV and the Internet. Similarly, the New York Post has its own ‘Page Six,’ which possesses huge credibility as a turn-to section that offers a guide to what’s happening in New York. They also publish an annual issue – a big seller – that shows that the right content can live in many different places. The challenge is to provide constant value and connectivity for news customers. In this way the readers of the morning paper can check the website for comments on articles that they have read and they can provide their own feedback. They are also able to turn to the paper the next morning to read the online comments that have been published. This means that the opportunity exists to have a brand that intersects with people’s lives in different places, which is of enormous appeal to advertisers and marketers alike. This also provides the necessary platform for newspapers to connect directly with their readers – something that has hitherto not been possible because the traditional distribution model requires newsagents. It is this new level of connectivity and collaboration that will shape the future of the news media landscape, just as iTunes has done in the music business and has done in the publishing world. In the same way, we can expect the traditional distribution models for news to change along with the times. While speech developed in the time of the caveman, the second advance in human communication – writing – took place only a few thousand years ago. Writing allowed people to preserve knowledge and thoughts from generation to generation and acted as a time machine of sorts, as it permitted communication with the future. The next significant advance (which only came into being a few hundred years ago) was publishing, which allowed one person to communicate with many people. In this way education was democratised and science was made available to the masses. Cinema, television, radio and outdoor are all part of the third advance, as they are a small group communicating with many. Talcott believes that we are only just entering the fourth advance, which has been enabled by the Internet. This allows people to connect individually and en masse. It has revolutionised the publishing model since all these individuals are publishers and content generators. Now people truly have the power to influence

content directly, something that was once the sole domain of the editor, the publisher and the producer. This dynamic is changing communications. Companies like Lego, for example, now outsource a big portion of their research and development to their customers, rather than relying on six Danish scientists who are locked in a room building models. They now have thousands of people all around the world experimenting with their products and building new creations. McDonald’s has put together a community of young mothers in the UK who speak openly and assist the company in navigating its way through important health and nutritional issues (this may be the key to the company’s recent radical product development). P&G is another company to come up with its own co-creation model by utilising two online consumer panels, ‘Tremor’ and ‘Vocalpoint’ to canvass the opinions of over 750 000 customers. Similarly, the millions of MySpace members and YouTube uploaders are evidence that the masses are the media now – and that you can have a vibrant media on the Internet without having a media company involved. In a similar vein, Tom Friedman has said that the next breakthrough in biochemistry is likely to originate with a Romanian high school student rather than coming from a university. With so many millions of publishers on the net, hundreds of thousands of producers and millions of researchers and contributors to Wikipedia, the media of tomorrow will have the challenge of harnessing the power of connectivity and delivering news in such a way that it creates a continued demand for their products. The traditional model will change forever. Whilst content will remain important (with millions of channels to choose from), the key differentiators will be talent, context and brand strength. For years the media have grown along their path, sometimes quietly and sometimes not. However it seems to that the last few years have revealed a new kind of energy and drive for change deep within the industry. Clearly they don’t want to be left behind. They are driven by hard nosed owners with keen entrepreneurial minds and an instinct for survival that is fueled by new entrants into the executive ranks, who hail from the fields of retail, FMCG and consumer marketing. One has the sense that the giant has been woken and that this time he is determined not to let Jack get away with the golden egg.

16 •



Legal Column

Criticism of the films and publications amendment bill. 2006 The Films and Publications Act (“the Act”) was promulgated in 1996. The primary objective of the Act is to regulate the distribution of certain publications, as well as the exhibition and distribution of certain films, through the following: i) classification ii) imposing age restrictions iii) providing consumers with guidelines in respect of certain material. The Act therefore aimed, amongst other things, to set distribution standards for films and publications. It appears that the Films and Publications Amendment Bill, 2006 (“the Amendment Bill”) now seeks to further broaden the objects of the Act, to include the regulation of what may or may not be published or broadcast. Its purpose is to protect children from being exposed to potentially disturbing, harmful and inappropriate materials in, inter alia, publications, films and the Internet. Clause 16 of the Amendment Bill provides that “any person who, for distribution or exhibition in the Republic, creates, produces, publishes or advertises any publication that contains visual presentations, descriptions or representations of or amounting to: • sexual conduct; • propaganda for war; • incitement to imminent violence; or • the advocacy of hatred based on any identifiable group characteristic shall submit in the prescribed manner such publication for examination and classification to the classification office before such publication is distributed, exhibited, offered or advertised for distribution or exhibition.” The Act clearly distinguished between publications and films, in that publications were generally not required to be submitted for classification prior to publication. The general view was that written publications were less likely to fall foul of the provisions in the Act. Furthermore, the perception was that there was a lesser need to censor publications because they generally serve to inform the public of the issues of the day. Consequently publications operated on the principle, ‘publish and be damned.’ However in terms of clause 16

of the Amendment Bill, creators and publishers must submit materials for classification if the material contains presentations or descriptions of, inter alia, sexual conduct. Therefore (in terms of clause 16 of the Amendment Bill), publishers of newspapers will be required to submit proposed articles for classification if the articles, for example, describe the manner in which a victim was raped or sexually harassed. Accordingly, reporting on stories such as the Jacob Zuma rape case or the rape allegations against Judge Desai, may be subject to the scrutiny of the classification office. This amounts to a violation of the media’s right to the press freedom prescribed in Section 16 of the Constitution and introduces pre-publication censorship. The requirement that the material be submitted to a classification panel prior to publication is likely to disrupt the deadline system involved in processing news. This requirement will make it difficult for newspapers to meet their publication deadlines in particular, resulting in readers not receiving news and information in good time, which will be to the detriment of the public as a whole. The pre-publication classification requirement may also have an impact on the type of news that is delivered to the public. Editors and journalists may begin to censor their own work, in an attempt to meet the deadlines imposed by the newspaper and to avoid having to seek pre-publication classification. This will compromise the standard and quality of the news that reaches the public. While I acknowledge and support the legislature’s intention to protect children from being exposed to potentially harmful material, I am of the view that the legislature has taken for granted the role that is played by parents in protecting their children. In attempting to achieve its objectives, the Amendment Bill is over-regulating the films and publications industry, resulting in the violation of the media’s right to the press freedom that is entrenched in the Constitution. The Amendment Bill is interfering with the media’s obligation to provide citizens with news and information. The result is that the public’s right to receive information is also severely curtailed.

By Portia Mngomezulu, attorney, Webber Wentzel Bowens


Press Freedom In 2006: • 81 journalists and 32 media assistants were killed • at least 871 were arrested • 1 472 attacked or threatened • 56 kidnapped • 912 media outlets censored. Those at the bottom of the Press Freedom Index haven’t really changed – North Korea, Eritrea, Turkmenistan, Cuba, Burma and China are still the worst offenders. While this is no surprise, the US (53rd), France (35th) and Japan (51st) have dropped significantly down the index. Kuwait is at the top of the list for the Middle East (73rd). Bolivia (16th) and Bosnia-Herzegovina (19th) have now broken into the top 10. In Africa, Benin (23rd) still leads the pack, followed by Namibia, Mauritius, Ghana, Mali and South Africa has dropped 13 places and is now in 44th, only slightly ahead of Cape Verde and Mozambique.


Africa Americas Asia Europe Middle East Total 2005 2004

Physically Media outlets attacked or censored threatened


3 16 16 5 41 81 63 53

258 65 328 112 108 871 807 907

300 476 517 98 81 1 472 1 308 1 146

Source: The 2006 Round-Up – Reporters Without Borders for Press Freedom.

Worldwide PressFreedom Index 2006 – Reporters without Borders


The ranking




1 5 6 8 10 14 16 19 23 26 27 29 30 31 32 34 35 39 40 41 -

Finland 0,50 Iceland 0,50 Ireland 0,50 Netherlands 0,50 Czech Republic 0,75 Estonia 2,00 Norway 2,00 Slovakia 2,50 Switzerland 2,50 Hungary 3,00 Latvia 3,00 Portugal 3,00 Slovenia 3,00 Belgium 4,00 Sweden 4,00 Austria 4,50 Bolivia 4,50 Canada 4,50 Bosnia & Herzegovina5,00 Denmark 5,00 New-Zealand 5,00 Trinidad & Tobago 5,00 Benin 5,50 Germany 5,50 Jamaica 5,50 Namibia 6,00 Lithuania 6,50 United Kingdom 6,50 Costa Rica 6,67 Cyprus 7,50 South Korea 7,75 Greece 8,00 Mauritius 8,00 Ghana 8,50 Australia 9,00 Bulgaria 9,00 France 9,00 Mali 9,00 Panama 9,50 Italy 9,90 El Salvador 10,00 Spain 10,00

43 44 45 49 50 51 52 53 57 58 62 66 68 69 70 73 75 76 77 80 82 83 84

Taiwan 10,50 South Africa 11,25 Cape Verde 11,50 Macedonia 11,50 Mozambique 11,50 Serbia & Montenegro11,50 Chile 11,63 Israel 12,00 Japan 12,50 Dominican Rep 12,75 Botswana 13,00 Croatia 13,00 Tonga 13,00 USA 13,00 Uruguay 13,75 Fiji 14,00 Hong-Kong 14,00 Poland 14,00 Romania 14,00 Central African Rep 14,50 Cyprus (North) 14,50 Guinea-Bissau 14,50 Honduras 14,50 Madagascar 15,00 Togo 15,00 Ecuador 15,25 Nicaragua 15,50 Burkina Faso 16,00 Kosovo 16,00 Lesotho 16,00 Congo 17,00 Kuwait 17,00 Brazil 17,17 Argentina 17,30 Mauritania 17,50 Senegal 17,50 United Arab Emirates17,50 Albania 18,00 Qatar 18,00 Paraguay 18,25 Timor-Leste 18,50 Liberia 19,00




101 74 478 183 76 912 1 006 622



85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 95 97 98 101 103 105 107 108 109 111 112 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126

Moldova 19,17 Mongolia 19,25 Haiti 19,50 Tanzania 19,82 Georgia 21,00 Guatemala 21,25 Angola 21,50 Malaysia 22,25 Comoros 22,50 Zambia 22,50 Niger 24,50 Seychelles 24,50 Morocco 24,83 Bhutan 25,00 Côte d’Ivoire 25,00 Turkey 25,00 Armenia 25,50 Malawi 25,50 Indonesia 26,00 Sierra Leone 26,00 India 26,50 Ukraine 26,50 Lebanon 27,00 Cambodia 27,25 Guinea 27,50 Jordan 27,50 Bahrein 28,00 Cameroon 28,25 Peru 28,25 Gabon 28,50 Venezuela 29,00 Uganda 29,83 Tajikistan 30,00 Kenya 30,25 USA (extra-territorial) 31,50 Nigeria 32,23 Djibouti 33,00 Thailand 33,50 Kyrgyzstan 34,00 Chad 35,50 Burundi 39,83 Algeria 40,00



127 128 130 131 132 133 134 135 137 139 140 141 142 144 146 147 148 149 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168

Swaziland 40,50 Kazakhstan 41,00 Rwanda 41,00 Afghanistan 44,25 Colombia 44,75 Mexico 45,83 Egypt 46,25 Palestinian Authority 46,75 Azerbaijan 47,00 Israel (extra-territorial)47,00 Bangladesh 48,00 Equatorial Guinea 48,00 Sudan 48,13 Zimbabwe 50,00 Sri Lanka 50,75 DRC 51,00 Philippines 51,00 Maldives 51,25 Somalia 51,25 Singapore 51,50 Russia 52,50 Tunisia 53,75 Gambia 54,00 Yemen 54,00 Belarus 57,00 Libya 62,50 Syria 63,00 Iraq 66,83 Vietnam 67,25 Laos 67,50 Pakistan 70,33 Uzbekistan 71,00 Nepal 73,50 Ethiopia 75,00 Saudi Arabia 76,00 Iran 90,88 China 94,00 Burma 94,75 Cuba 95,00 Eritrea 97,50 Turkmenistan 98,50 North Korea 109,00

18 •

Business News & Technology


Blogged out of journalism? By Ken Daniels As the digital age continues to influence all aspects of modern life, one of the fiercest debates is whether online publications and blogging by individuals will have any significant effect on the print media. The question draws a wide range of responses. On the one hand, there are those who believe that the access provided by electronic advances to the mainstream media will sink print media institutions for good. On the other hand, there are those who believe that the printed word is so ingrained in our society that it will never disappear entirely. However, the main body of thinking suggests that it does not have to be a head-to-head contest in which only one player survives. Matthew Buckland, publisher, Mail & Guardian Online, believes that the two can definitely work in a complementary way. “I think that media companies these days are not too concerned about whether their online edition will ‘replace’ their print properties. A media company is about disseminating information on a variety of platforms and capturing audiences. It doesn’t really matter whether this comes from its online, print or broadcast entity,” he says. He also believes that print will not die out – especially in developing countries on the African continent, where the printed word is a cheaper medium than the Internet. Trevor Ncube, president of the Newspaper Association of South Africa and chief executive and owner of the Mail & Guardian, agrees: “Any threats to the print

industry are subdued because of our stage of development. Few people in rural Africa have computers or access to the Internet.” Buckland firmly believes that even in the developed world there will always be a niche market for people who will want to consume their news on paper. “It’s a simple question of preference. Even though I am a new media evangelist, I still consume my news via a mixture of websites and newspapers. In the future, however, newspapers and online will eventually converge and newspapers will be read on cheap, flexible digital boards that are always connected via wireless. Websites and newspapers will become the same thing.” According to Buckland, we have entered the ‘age of the reader.’ Audiences are increasingly becoming ‘small media owners’ and are participating in the publishing game. This is so even in the advertising arena, where ads are placed by blogs via Google, for example. “Big media and the blogosphere have a mutually-dependent symbiotic

relationship – one that is both competitive and complementary. Mainstream media online publishers need bloggers, as they link to articles and provide traffic and commentary. They also fulfil an important watchdog function and are able to tackle niches that are often ignored by big media. Bloggers are able to convey useful commentary with a brutal and often acerbic honesty that is not constrained by the corporate civilities of a big media organisation.” One of the problems with blogging at present appears to be a lack of the structures or guidelines that ensure standards of quality, taste and credibility. Easy accessibility and almost negligible cost have virtually created an open season for anyone who feels that they have something to say. However, among the hundreds of thousands of frivolous blogs, there are those that are operated by people with significant standing, who have a major contribution to make to the global flow of information. Buckland agrees that one

of the weaknesses of the so-called citizen media is its non-adherence to the formal standards and ethics of mainstream journalism. “Citizen journalists are not able to access resources in a coordinated manner, such as those that are required to tackle a big investigative article, for example. This is the benefit which mainstream media brings, that citizen media cannot. I think that blog aggregators, Technorati’s authority weightings and search engines like Google have a role to play in helping us to sort the good stuff from the rubbish.” Buckland adds that while the role of citizen media will grow, it will never replace traditional media models. “Organised, corporate structures with incentives (such as salaries) produce quality and get the best out of human beings. It’s worked for centuries,” he says. One of the most successful players to tap into the power of electronic media is Craig Newark, founder and creator of Craigslist, a global online classifieds system. Writing in the report of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University, Newark attributes the success of his business to building a sense of trust in the community in which he operates. “We all wonder whom and what to trust and want to know how information is verified. And we can only hope that people have the opportunities, as I’ve had, to really think about a how a free press preserves democracy. I’m hopeful that what I’ve learned about trust in our online community can help journalism to achieve this in their digital enterprises.”

Google ads Taking a step forward (or is it a step back?) Google is now offering ads that will appear in the print editions of 50 major newspapers in the US. Already in beta testing, Print Ads, according to the newspaper companies involved (including Gannett, the Tribune Company, The New York Times Company and the Washington Post Company) is doing well, so far. Approximately 100 advertisers, including some of Google’s favourite online partners, have been asked to take part. Once out of beta, the project is aimed at getting those that have taken their advertising away from newspapers, as well as smaller advertisers who wouldn’t normally be able to afford it, into print. While Google is not taking any revenue during the test phase, revenue sharing will be decided upon after the test phase is complete. The process works on a bidding system. An advertiser chooses a newspaper, days of the week, preferred section and ad size, etc; putting in a price it is willing to pay. Publishers then respond and either accept or reject the price – and the haggling begins. A number of newspapers can be chosen and creative can be uploaded for multiple newspapers at the same time. Naturally, there are concerns regarding the programme, which include the effect on advertising and media agencies, as well as ad rates. Only time will tell how successful Print Ads will be. Unfortunately for local newspapers, the service is only available in the US. However, knowing Google, it may not be too long before it’s available worldwide.

Packaging news to appeal to young audiences The Associated Press creates a unique news vehicle to reach young web users by implementing a multimedia approach. By Ted Anthony In the months since the launch of asap, the new Associated Press (AP) multimedia service for readers in their 20s and 30s, the operative word has been ‘evolution’. In its pilot phase until the end of 2006, asap aims at taking the best of the AP resources and directing them toward a multimedia service for the 18-to34year-old demographic. To do that, we currently employ 26 staffers, including the editors and designers at New York headquarters and journalists in New York, Los Angeles and Denver. We also draw heavily on AP journalists from around the world. They use video, audio, interactives, graphics and photographs to make stories come alive and actually conceive their stories from the idea phase with those media


in mind. We do stories that are entirely video, stories that are a combination of photographs and audio packaged in a Flash interactive presentation, pieces that are audio-driven, and stories driven by the design of custom-built web pages We are doing podcasts and video mini-documentaries regularly now. Song downloads are just around the corner. We have done hard news to first-person diaries of reporters on the scene, which gets the insights of the world’s AP correspondents to our readers quickly. We have done sports, from the X Games to the Olympics to gonzo poker. Our business and technology coverage includes a personal-finance column for young adults and frequent fea-


tures on the latest must-have technology. And we do entertainment and popular culture like no one else – everything from full and exclusive coverage of the Oscars to explorations of the oddest corners of American culture. The form that the journalism takes is limited only by the creativity of asap’s staff. The material that appears on asap is exclusive – it appears nowhere else in the AP’s report. Since our launch on September 19, 2005, asap has changed, as it should. We have listened to feedback from pilot participants and focus groups, and we have honed what we do. We are doing more ‘chunky’ text and ore items off the news. More audio used with stories to

make them come alive. More creativity conceived Flash presentations that turn the news in to a visual experience. But above all, we are doing more video – something we have heard over and over that pilot participants want. AP recognises that for asap to achieve and maintain its maximum relevance, it must never stop evolving. The best hope we have for asap is that it will never get to where it wants to be.

Instead, it will keep changing with the times, making sure that it brings AP values and strong AP journalism to whatever it takes to grab this valuable audience. Ted Anthony is editor of the Associated Press’ asap found at He is based in New York City, USA and reached by e-mail at [email protected]. This article first appeared in ideas magazine June/July 2006 (p.39). For more information, visit

Covers of the year



GOT IT COVERED 2006/2007



20 •

Letters & Agonia


Letters to the editor Dear Ed I need your help. There’s a tidal wave of hype around this whole blogging thing. Look, I’m not even sure that I know what it’s all about. It seems to me that all these ‘bloggers’ are just ordinary folks telling stories and sharing ideas online. They also share videos, pictures and personal details on social networking sites. Strange. Gimme a fax anyday! It’s funny though, in spite of all the rubbish out there, every now and again I stumble across a real literary gem. I wonder if these ‘ordinary folks’ would ever have bothered to write if not for blogs? This is where I need your opinion. Do you think I can trust these unfiltered, unedited sources? I mean, these guys and girls are just people like me – and what do I know about journalism? Still I feel drawn to the human tone of these sites. They speak the way I speak. It feels more intimate than I’m used to. I can identify with these digital strangers. It’s fast too! I thought you guys were fast but these people publish their stuff in seconds. It really is a new world – and I get to speak back! They let me comment on their stuff. I love your publication. There is an old romance to flipping open my weekend edition over a cup of steaming hot coffee. I’m beginning to need these new channels… the new interactions too. I look forward to watching you adapt and evolve. Your faithful reader Mike Stopforth MD, Cereba

Dear Editor When driving down a busy suburban road there’s no way I can miss your bold, quirky (sometimes concerning) but always catchy newspaper headlines displayed on street poles, garages, corner cafes and presented by street sellers as I jostle through morning and afternoon traffic. It entices me to buy the product, piques the curiosity to read about that story and at the same time, catch a more in-depth view of the other news items I saw on TV last night. Needing to be situationally aware at all times means I have a continuous relationship with the newspaper medium. It’s the one platform that’s always available to inform, electricity or not! If I want to see what movies are on over the weekend? Check the paper. Want more in-depth reports on that juicy business story or are if I’m more interested in what my local municipality is or isn’t doing? It’s all there in black and white. Tangible, entertaining, informative and credible, a newspaper as a resource has the ability to give me as much or as little information as I need. Take it with you anywhere, consume it when you want to, read it back-to-front or front-to-back but face it, the newspaper is here to stay. Chirene Campbell Account Director Owlhurst Communications

Dear Editor Thank God for your black print and headlines. From the short news ‘n coffee break snatched out of a busy day in the office, to a weekend indulgence (in a house filled with kids), newspapers provide me with a break from the helter skelter of life. While news and information are pretty much a given, my newspaper fix is also about opinion. It’s my window onto what is going on both at home and abroad. It offers me a way to watch the turning of the world and make up my mind about what it all means and if it means anything at all. I’m not the only one who feels this way. In the course of our insight work with consumers, we’ve heard people talk about your pages as a source of many things: education, career advice, social planning, trusted financial advice, independent opinion and consumer protection. They are a link into the communal joys and woes of living in our crazy country. Time and again, people across all levels of the social divide speak of the ritual of their daily or weekly fix. For each one it is unique and personal: the taxi ride tabloid; the Sunday in bed or the breakfast business report. Each fix is folded or divided or sectioned in a particular, idiosyncratic way. Some read from cover to cover; some read from comics to obituaries and some read from sports page to movie listings. All readers have something to turn to (sometimes squabbling over the pickings). Not surprisingly, consumers connect with your brands, usually choosing those that make them feel closest to the way they want to feel: informed, connected, in the know – or deliciously shocked. While editorial emphasis may change and opinion may shift, newspapers will continue to adapt. It seems to me that they will always have a place in our lives: they keep us grounded in the world. I’m glad – I’m not ready to give up this Sunday indulgence just yet.

Dear Editor Newspapers started the entire advertising industry back in the good old days when people still talked to each other. People read newspapers in order to be honestly and factually informed about what was happening beyond their immediate surroundings, as they had stopped trusting messengers who tended to embellish the stories. Or was it the other way around? Then some clever brokers started placing adverts in those newspapers – and hey presto! So what has changed? I have often wondered what Alexander Graham Bell would have said if he had seen a cellphone. Is this what he had in mind all along? Did the creators of computers envisage that some day people would walk around with computers in their pockets that would have the same capability as the original that filled an entire building? So what do our newspaper editors and publishers believe will happen to their beloved newspapers? They have survived the onslaught of thousands of radio stations, hundreds of magazines and a multitude of TV stations that provide everything imaginable. Now the biggest threat of all is about to be unleashed – fast and affordable (if not free) Internet access. The rich will move away from newspapers first and the rest will follow gradually. The only people left to read newspapers will be the very poor, who require them for everything other than the news! How they will keep warm under a cellphone or for that matter what they will use for their fish and chips, is uncertain. This is sad – but true. So here’s a stab at the newspaper of the future: ‘The Daily Brain.’ Have this convenient microchip inserted in your ear lobe (which makes it reusable) at any of our convenient ear piercing or tattoo outlets and we will transfer all the breaking news directly into your brain at 4am each day. In this way you will awake inspired, informed and intelligent (and ready to buy). Imagine what the brain brokers are going to do with this capability.

Yours sincerely Keith Stevens MD, Added Value

Wayne Parry Momentum McCann MD McCann Worldgroup

Ask Agonia: Dear Agonia, I fear that I have missed my calling in life. I have recurring dreams about working as a veterinarian and I wake up feeling very nostalgic. Although I enjoy my current job as a newspaper reporter, I feel that it lacks the emotion and personal reward that make veterinary practice so engaging. Should I leave my job and become a vet instead? Dilemma

The fact that you’ve published it on the company website blog means that company employees, partners, shareholders and potential clients have access to it. To top it all you now look like a terrible employee. So yes, you have good reason to be sweating. Remove the post immediately. If you are confronted about it admit that you are a hairbrained, childish twit who cannot control his temper tantrums. In the meanwhile, invest in some lip balm (… you’re going to be doing a lot of arse-kissing).

Dear Dilemma Have you lost your mind? The last time I took my beloved pooch to the vet, he had to squeeze certain glands … neither he nor my pooch gained any personal reward from this experience. Stick to journalism… it smells better. Besides, nothing beats the thrill of getting the scoop (and I’m not referring to the poop scoop either).

Dear Agonia I have a rather embarrassing habit – it’s becoming a bit of a problem, actually. I’m in the habit of reading the whole Mail & Guardian (in itself a good thing) whilst on the toilet. It’s not that I have lengthy bowel movements – I just really love to read the paper in the comfort of the loo and once I start, I can’t stop. This means that I am away from my desk and unavailable for hours every day. Please help! Pooh Bear

Dear Agonia, I have really put my foot in it this time. I’ve vented my frustrations regarding my boss’s new policies and stupid morning meetings rather creatively on my blog and I’m afraid that he might have seen it while surfing the company website. What should I do? I think he’s planning to fire me. Sweating Dear Sweating Yes, blogs are there for the expression of personal opinions and experiences. (Seems harmless enough until you consider just how quickly that blog entry can be e-mailed around the office.) In this instance, your opinion is damaging to your boss’s reputation and standing.



Dear Pooh Bear I am wiping tears of laughter from my eyes as I read your letter! I’m inclined to think that your habit is rather disgusting but before I launch into a lecture about your personal hygiene, let me address your problem. You simply cannot be away from your desk during the week whilst you take in your daily M&G. Consider subscribing to their online newspaper – you can read it from the comfort of your desk. You can also subscribe to RSS feeds that will alert you to updates and interesting news stories. Now I do understand that it may take some time for you to feel comfortable reading at your desk (and not on the potty). However, I’m certain that in no time at all you will come to love online news as much as you love your toilet reading.

22 •

Business News & Technology


A shift in attitude What a difference a year makes. Newspaper 10 interviewed many of South Africa’s newspaper editors and publishers last year and the response to online, while generally positive and enthusiastic, was that it wasn’t a major priority. Come 2007 – and the attitude of the vast majority has changed. “I see it as an opportunity to provide content in a variety of platforms. Should paper products decline, online and new media will take up those readers,” says Sarel du Plessis, general manager, RCP Media. The online agenda has definitely moved up a few notches, although selling as many copies as possible and improving the print product is naturally at the top of the list. This is evidenced by the amount of mobizines, RSS feeds, blogs, podcasts and video clips that are starting to appear on newspaper websites. Online news sites also rank as some of the country’s most visited websites. While online innovation would go even faster if South Africa wasn’t hampered by slow and expensive broadband offerings as well as relatively low access to the Internet, newspaper publishers are finally trying to put themselves ahead of the curve in preparation for the inevitable. For a start, we have the launch of The Times – ‘SA’s first truly interactive newspaper’ – a sure indication of the shift in mindset. Even the new Afrikaans Sunday tabloid, Sondag, has a website: its aim according to editor Mike Vink, is to promote interactivity with its readers. Interactivity is the buzzword for newspaper publishers and most are striving to achieve this, not only with their readers but within their own newspapers as well. The Western Cape’s daily Afrikaans newspaper, Die Burger, has developed the first multimedia newsroom, putting both their online and print editorial teams together in one space. Beeld has now followed suit with a cultural mindset that says that every department on the newspaper has to work together. “We all have to follow the same strategy and the online division is now under the publishing division,” says Lucille van Niekerk, general manager, Beeld. Deals are being negotiated within the media houses themselves to bring online into the fold. A case in point is the Sunday World newspaper and CareerJunction collaboration last year, which followed on the success of the Sowetan deal. This partnership sees all of CareerJunction’s jobs displayed on the Sunday World website. “Online is the way to go: interactivity must be achieved,” says Gisele Wertheim Aymes, general manager, advertising strategy and trade marketing, Newspaper Division, Johncom Media Investments. Even Ilanga, SA’s oldest Zulu newspaper, has a website, although managing director, Arthur Konigkramer, admits that they havn’t advanced very far, as


SEO challenge While there are still challenges ahead, some of them can be made easier. The Online Publishing Association figures demonstrate that there is an international audience for local newspapers, which can only grow as South Africa heads towards the FIFA 2010 World Cup. Search engines can create a major flow of traffic, from which browsers will head for South African websites. Simple training for journalists and editors on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), as well as learning new techniques for entering headlines online in order to jump up the search engine list, can drive more traffic to websites. Many of the international newspapers employ SEO techniques in order to achieve traffic. Other helpful hints on improving SEO results include: linking stories that are related; checking out the most popular keywords on search engines at any given time; adding keywords to the headline and opening paragraphs and providing keyword titles for images.

would be certain columnists, crosswords, dating services etc. “The answer here is unique content. You can sell content that nobody else has,” says Ingo Capraro, national editor, Son. Buckland agrees: “Paid content works for publications that are highly niched, although I am of the opinion that paid content doesn’t work as far as generalist news sites are concerned.” Of course, giving away free content is one of many ways to drive traffic to a website. Giving editorial power to readers is another.

RSS Feeds online is not a burning issue in their target market right now. Nevertheless, it is something that they will be attending to in the months ahead. While the shift in attitude towards online is positive, the industry must still battle with a number of challenges, not least of which is the battle for ad revenue. However, as Matthew Buckland, publisher, Mail & Guardian Online points out, ad revenue is growing at a pleasing rate as advertising agencies increasingly buy into the concept. Newspapers are also offering print and online package deals, providing the opportunity to introduce new advertisers (who would normally shun newspaper advertising) into the mix. Wertheim Aymes points out: “Right now, print is strong and online offerings make it even stronger.”

Blogs Die Burger Mail & Guardian Innovative ideas that incorporate readers, advertisers, newspapers and online, such as Independent’s online event auctions, represent one of the ways to attract interest from all parties. While this is not a new concept from an international point of view, the event last October, pairing the Sunday Tribune and The Mercury, was a first on the African continent. The next one is to be held in July between The Star and the Pretoria News and retailers will pledge their goods or services for the auction. These will be displayed on the The Star/Pretoria News bidnsave website, as well in the two newspapers’ catalogue supplements on go-live day. When the goods are sold, the retailers will be given the full value of the goods in advertising credits, as well as a database of all the bidders that expressed an interest in them. Readers are able to obtain the goods and services at auction prices. According to Felix Erken, publisher of JobMail and JunkMail, they became successful when he realised that they were no longer traditional publishers. “We brought buyers and sellers together and print was one of the methods we used to achieve this. Now there are other ways to do this and


we have found a new medium through which we can do what we do well.” Erken also straddles one of the main challenges of paid for and free content, by offering most content on a paid for basis and giving some away for free. “We keep experimenting with the balance until we get it right.”

Video Sowetan Sunday Times Die Burger Beeld Paid for or free content has become one of the great online debates. The majority of local publishers provide free content, while Independent Newspaper’s website is one of the few that has paid for content. “Access to the full news articles and pages that appear in our paid titles, are available to our subscribers via the IOL website,” says Michael Vale, marketing manager, Independent Newspapers Cape. The overwhelming majority of newspaper publishers are of the opinion that while news itself should be provided free (after all, you can find the same stories by using search engines), it is possible to block off certain content that has to be paid for. Examples of this

Beeld, Cape Argus, Cape Times, The Citizen, Daily News, The Herald, Isolezwe, The Mercury, Pretoria News, The Mercury, The Star, Mail & Guardian, The Post, Independent on Saturday, Sunday Independent, Sowetan, Sunday Times, Sunday Tribune Weekly football newspaper, Soccer-Laduma is intending to do this with the launch of its revamped website. The new website will have all the bells and whistles and according to owner and publisher, Peter du Toit, “there will be a lot of content – stories and opinions voiced by our readers – on the website.” Du Toit also points out that while SoccerLaduma’s readers are mainly from the black market, it is clear that they are moving up on the LSM scale. “While we are still getting letters and faxes, we receive more e-mail. Added to the blogs, SMSs etc (and the proposed new website), these provide us with even more loyalty from our readers, keeping them with us for a longer period of time,” he says. Locally, citizen journalism is a growing market. Thousands of

South Africans are blogging away and over 3 500 ‘reporters’ are registered on Johncom’s The next step for newspapers will be to create social networking sections on their websites, allowing users to upload their own video clips and sound bites. Now that’s interactivity and promoting loyalty. Still, not everyone is convinced. Local tabloids such as Son and Daily Sun are reluctant to go with online (although Son does have a paid for website for its girls) and could potentially be caught off guard, should the online adoption curve suddenly spike upwards in the future, as many expect it to. “Online demographics are growing in the lower LSMs and younger age groups,” says Francois Groepe, CEO, Media24 Newspapers, “and these readers are already using or beginning to use online. If you don’t provide it, a competitor will. Access from the workplace also plays a big role in these market segments. Regrettably, due to the monopoly, one has to accept that the Internet’s growth (in this country) will be slower than in the rest of the world.” Still, despite the gripes regarding the slow penetration of the Internet and broadband, publishers are pushing forward with multimedia platforms. Recent months have seen many websites offering podcasts, blogs, video and audio clips. All of these functions can help to provide the all-important exclusive content that news sites require, although the marketing of these assets seems to have fallen slightly behind the actual introduction of the digital innovations. “We are innovating and launching new products but we’re not being given the credit for it,” says Wertheim Aymes, although as Van Niekerk points out, “newspapers were (previously) in a comfortable position – now we really have to market ourselves.”

The State of Online in the US According to The State of the New Media 2007 report from the Project for Excellence in Journalism, while news websites are gaining in popularity, overall news consumption leveled off in 2006. Some exceptions were noted, such as the number of Americans who go online for election news and the readership of blogs. It is estimated that in 2006 approximately US$40 million was spent online for political advertising. According to research conducted by PQ Media, this figure represents a 38 per cent increase over the 2004 elections. 2006 was a record-breaking year for online advertising, with ad revenue reaching $12.1 billion during the first nine months. Online video generated approximately $410 million. In 2005 US marketers spent about $763 million on news and current events websites, compared to $1.1 billion spent on portals such as MSN, Yahoo and AOL. Four websites dominated online news: Yahoo News, MSNBC, CNN and AOL. According to Nielsen//NetRatings, TV news websites experienced the largest gains last year: CBS News was up by 29 per cent, ABC News by 22 per cent and Fox News by 17 per cent. The good news is that trust in the Internet is rising. Fifty-five per cent of Americans aged 12+ who go online consider the Internet to be reliable and accurate. Research conducted by Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, found that 39 per cent of Americans say that convenience and accessibility are why they prefer the Internet to other news platforms. Younger Americans express more trust in traditional media sources than they do in blogs. A survey conducted by the Knight Foundation found that 45 per cent of students say that TV provides accurate news, followed by newspapers (43 per cent) – blogs came in at only 10 per cent. A survey conducted by the Online News Association found that online managers valued content-related skills such as news judgement, grammar and copy-editing skills, over technology-related skills such as audio and video. The report stated that it had found that the news industry was ‘moving towards digital journalism with new seriousness… and that attitudes had begun to change.’ The report mentions that one reason for this shift is that online activities are finally beginning to pay off and that news companies are starting to see revenue growth. It found The Washington Post website to be one of the best that it had studied. The report’s content analysis also found that some papers were still simply using websites to post their old copy. For the full report visit

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Business News & Technology


Newspaper Reader

On the move

Microsoft has launched a new software application, using Vista’s Windows Presentation Foundation, which allows newspapers to build unique digital readers. Already in use – by publications such as the New York Times (Times Reader), Associated Newspapers (Mail eReader), Forbes ( Reader) and Hearst (news reader) – the applications allow publishers to provide users with abilities such as navigating story lists, picture galleries and viewing content offline, with online info continually being updated. Users of the digital readers can customise their digital newspaper by choosing fonts, layout, content relevance etc. Currently the software only works for laptops and PCs, although Microsoft says that it will become available for use with cellphones at a later stage. While the use of electronic newspapers is not new, the best part of Microsoft’s new software for publishers is that the digital reader application can be customised. A publisher starter kit will be available free of charge shortly. Questions have, however, been raised in various blogs with regard to having to download different applications for different newspapers.

South Africa’s entry into the cellphone market has been nothing short of dramatic. Although there are no official figures (the existing numbers differ), it is estimated that at least half of the population uses a cellphone. For this reason, the potential for newspapers on cellphones is immense, with most newspapers already offering mobizines. “Mobile is a strong growth area for online news,” says Matthew Buckland, publisher, Mail & Guardian Online. While most publishers currently offer mobizines, those that don’t, such as Beeld, are seriously considering the concept. “We will have Afrikaans content on the cellphone, with breaking news etc,” says Lucille van Niekerk, general manager, Beeld. Podcasting, which is only offered by a few newspapers at present, is also on Beeld’s radar. Even the mighty Daily Sun is not averse to mobizines, although given its ‘blue overalls’ readers, this is going to take some time. “While the online audience for the Daily Sun is miniscule right now, cellphones are enormous. We’re not saying that we’ll never go electronic, especially when it comes to cellphones,” says Deon du Plessis, publisher, Daily Sun. Those that have taken the plunge seem to be quite content with their progress. One of the latest newspapers to add a mobizine is The Citizen. According to The Citizen publisher, Greg Stewart, although progress is slow, there are over 100 000 mobizines being downloaded on a regular basis – and advertisers are happy so far. Stewart also believes that mobile and online will become the biggest areas of competition for newspapers over the next two years. Mobizines have uses beyond merely providing advertisers with another platform on which



to build a brand and putting more money into newspaper publishers’ coffers. Francois Groepe, CEO of Media24 Newspapers, explains: “This technology provides us with two things: Firstly, it creates a feedback loop that is much more immediate and interactive than anything we have had to date, which leads to a greater knowledge and understanding of our readers. This is far more than just developing a responsive strategy in order to present them with content that they value: it also gives us a better understanding of their worldview and their micro needs and requirements. Secondly, it enhances our role as a facilitator of communication on and around topics of interest. Our ability to provide our readers with a platform through which they can participate in the sharing of information across all levels, is what will set us apart.” The potential for growth is huge and what’s even more exciting is that the mobizine era has only just begun. Local research company, African Response, recently hosted Steve Garton, global head of media at Synovate, who talked about media trends that included the ‘third screen’ – the small screen found on a cellphone, iPod or PSP. Research conducted in Asia, where third screen usage is high, found that it was used for ‘deadtime’ and that favourite content included real time news, music videos and sports. Using AMPS 2006 data, African Response found that locally 16 per cent of the total population sent SMSs weekly and that it’s especially popular with 25-34 year olds. With regard to using a cellphone for the Internet and e-mail, only 0.8 per cent of the population used e-mail and 1.2 per

Who offers what? Mobizines Cape Argus, Cape Times, The Citizen, Daily News, Isolezwe, The Mercury, Pretoria News, The Mercury, The Star, Mail & Guardian, The Post, Independent on Saturday, Sunday Independent, Sunday Times, Sunday Tribune Podcasts Mail & Guardian Sunday Times The Citizen cent have browsed WAP or the Internet from their cellphones. As cellphones manufacturers begin to provide bigger and better screens – particularly if Mobile TV (DVB-H) comes to fruition – this could further boost the use of mobizines in South Africa. Across the world, newspaper groups are looking at ways of enhancing mobile offerings. Recent news reports indicate that News Group is working at enabling consumers to upload cellphone videos onto The Sun website. News of the World is looking at Qode technology, which links special bar codes in print to the mobile Internet. In the US, Cellsigns, a mobile applications company, launched Cellifieds multi-medium mobile solution for newspapers at NEXPO. Cellifieds links offline, online and mobile channels. One of its most innovative aspects is that a website browser is able to send a coupon, story or ad from a particular website to his/her cellphone.

• Using the restrictions of All Media Split and Excluding SP

• Report covers the time period from 01-Jan-06 to 31-Dec-06

2006-01 Expenditure

2006-02 Expenditure

2006-03 Expenditure

2006-04 Expenditure

2006-05 Expenditure

2006-06 Expenditure

14,229,918 51,645,653 34,401 5,736,669 471,033 45,715,585 86,008,870 76,012 1,340,133 8,250,695 13,832,114 47,922,581 787,168 299,839 107,688,170 5,361,123 4,094,355 7,910,632 148,968,855 10,456,402 33,090,837 80,125,970 79,815 12,173,343 27,026,386 47,545,592 8,487,392 918,317 35,491,004 5,853,929 217,236,199 20,203,439 190,592 1,699,140 1,065,325 2,315,187 65,535,160 1,119,867,835

14,321,470 55,168,750 137,895 14,308,224 438,404 37,255,671 104,650,554 111,040 981,307 14,134,042 14,404,403 72,397,132 1,307,186 145,945 112,866,621 5,059,870 3,384,361 9,160,393 216,305,749 8,634,692 33,217,969 79,231,127 68,815 13,350,491 31,083,669 57,678,845 11,490,195 928,607 47,389,238 5,841,987 244,297,127 25,785,014 274,974 1,503,679 1,045,301 2,726,774 97,676,418 1,338,763,939

15,259,460 49,636,785 58,780 18,418,233 426,937 45,263,490 108,925,958 76,609 1,610,918 17,509,974 24,251,050 91,060,012 1,229,544 136,858 127,092,217 7,222,324 3,879,017 10,945,183 236,733,477 10,180,459 51,491,890 102,993,452 68,815 12,920,383 35,322,219 65,869,989 12,637,920 939,447 48,966,994 6,280,828 337,349,402 27,695,840 235,530 1,058,343 942,458 5,099,828 92,928,128 1,572,718,751

14,483,302 52,109,178 151,000 11,104,721 627,335 41,687,016 107,017,390 87,179 1,167,959 13,741,740 14,814,378 66,052,002 1,124,818 36,056 138,246,299 7,164,750 5,174,462 8,594,597 184,420,963 11,525,431 65,311,559 117,874,420 28,152 12,213,336 30,071,743 70,827,399 11,155,145 346,567 44,440,985 6,293,038 331,139,726 27,492,578 242,866 1,057,850 892,648 4,082,471 106,560,488 1,509,361,547

13,012,753 55,861,897 187,526 17,531,256 140,534 28,830,752 110,907,113 150,532 1,453,440 14,822,403 16,364,188 79,880,018 1,163,834 119,911 139,221,739 6,311,813 4,315,944 11,933,269 241,171,603 12,102,139 64,230,650 121,159,702 69,152 14,571,311 29,659,522 75,682,636 10,809,685 668,317 46,562,769 8,568,371 342,021,467 28,407,381 155,153 214,314 1,148,098 1,113,937 3,553,240 101,750,979 1,605,615,034

13,252,804 58,634,094 43,020 18,297,145 662,948 30,032,472 124,709,825 174,492 1,446,982 19,644,913 17,334,460 93,789,959 1,123,654 263,231 149,384,590 6,969,598 5,084,966 12,066,785 251,604,338 11,007,456 88,880,820 133,101,362 69,152 13,908,424 32,574,418 80,825,233 10,924,089 753,067 47,760,335 8,494,207 372,983,291 30,021,852 152,140 1,632,898 976,803 5,723,421 106,012,365 1,750,383,783


Business News & Technology



Online Publishing Association Q1 results Top websites SA only The leading website for Q1 2007, (part of Media24) once again emerged at the top of the list with an average of 726 175 unique browsers, although it came in third in terms of page impressions, with an average of 16 293 012. Independent Newspapers came third, with an average of 487 742 unique browsers for Q1. moved into fifth place in terms of page impressions, with an average of 8 250 837. It must be noted however, that – for both and – these figures are for the news portal and not for the individual newspapers that each media house owns. The Mail & Guardian came tenth with an average of 184 083 unique browsers and an average of 1 962 809 page impressions. Junk Mail racked up an average of 147 988 unique browsers and an average of 3 898 028 page impressions. Sunday Times had 111 554 unique browsers and 1 485 746 page impressions. Business Report posted an average of 105 669 unique browsers for Q1 and 484,705 page impressions, while Jobmail scored an average of 99 435 unique browsers and 2 872

Profile of SA’s Internet Users: April 2007 Sex M: 54% F: 46% Age 18-29: 34% 30-39: 31% Education Degree: 37% Post Graduate Degree: 15% Income: Household income > R400K: 17% Source: Nielsens//Netratings April 2007

435 page impressions. Business Day recorded 66 855 unique browsers and 736 004 page impressions. The Star brought home 66,407 unique browsers and 391 533 page impressions and The Sowetan posted 46 778 unique browsers, with 1 083 635 page impressions. After its redesign in February, SA only unique browsers rose by over 7 000 in March. The Q1 average unique browsers total was 3 290 585 for all 46 websites. The above- mentioned websites totaled 1 976 279. Top websites local and international When local and international traffic is taken into consideration, Media24’s still tops the list with an average 1 722 041 unique browsers, earning second place with 22 984 624 page impressions. Independent’s again comes second with

1 287 941 unique browsers and again comes fifth with 1 287 941 page impressions. Once again, this is for the news portal of both companies and not for the individual newspaper websites. Mail & Guardian moves up to seventh place with 457 261 unique browsers and posts an average of 3 399 290 page impressions. Sunday Times comes in at 16th place with 226 636 unique browsers and 2 455 205 page impressions. Business Report posts 197 492 unique browsers, with 725,998 page impressions. Junkmail-za has 171 257 unique browsers and an impressive 4 376 446 page impressions, while Business Day follows close behind with 168 034 unique browsers and a much lower average page impression figure of 1 154 377. The Star’s website manages 126,192 unique browsers and 624,064 page impressions, while Jobmail posts 114,958 unique browsers and 3 224 322 page impressions. The Sowetan’s website offers 63 480 unique browsers and 1 449 934 page impressions. Independent’s posts results of 56 635 (bottom of the table) but racks up an impressive 1 267 831

SA’s richest netizens According to Nielsen//NetRatings, SA Market Intelligence report, almost one quarter (24%) of SA’s Internet population comes from high-income households – R400 000+. Online brands with the greatest affinity for R400 000+ income households Brand R400 000+ HHI Business Moneyweb 38.7% Financial info Runner’s World 34.6% Running magazine Golf Digest 34.6% Golf portal Mining Weekly 34.2% Mining magazine Business Day 33.3% Business newspaper SuperGolf 32.5% Golf news ITWeb 31.4% Technology news Mineweb 31.1% Mining news WINEmag 30.2% Wine magazine SuperAthletics 28.8% Athletics news According to Alex Burmaster, Internet analyst, Nielsen//NetRatings, few other online markets display the close correlation between wealth and sport that occurs in South Africa. SA Internet Population by household income Up to R50 000: 13% R50 001-R100 000: 12% R100 001-R200 000: 21% R200 001-R300 000: 17% R300 001-R400 000: 13% R400 000+: 24% Please note: SA’s Internet population is not representative of the country’s entire population. page impressions – perhaps iol has hit on something here. In total, all the above- mentioned websites

take 4 409 099 out of an average Q1 total of 7 735 454 and a total of 49 websites.

2006-07 Expenditure

2006-08 Expenditure

2006-09 Expenditure

2006-10 Expenditure

2006-11 Expenditure

2006-12 Expenditure

Grand Total Expenditure

12,741,196 57,859,065 51,143 15,386,544 743,946 24,502,067 117,170,190 169,876 1,394,368 15,219,847 16,672,548 77,652,594 1,021,658 321,870 145,723,018 4,602,008 5,059,943 11,761,255 218,769,843 10,569,400 89,081,810 138,196,895 41,152 13,300,552 31,300,172 83,849,199 9,825,677 865,067 41,693,484 8,446,032 360,719,725 28,428,749 167,888 2,189,035 1,269,195 4,309,720 116,603,824 1,667,664,807

13,474,326 60,278,415 174,228 18,298,145 951,808 32,522,254 129,899,095 127,088 1,208,095 16,253,149 15,562,264 87,226,124 957,749 322,018 142,713,789 8,388,963 4,654,720 11,272,377 247,248,356 11,567,664 80,662,707 139,839,077 41,152 14,792,781 36,739,942 83,686,816 13,156,820 1,634,362 52,765,866 8,403,258 365,716,776 34,034,646 267,824 2,541,756 1,144,350 4,394,556 97,248,544 1,740,071,924

12,280,789 63,463,133 58,200 21,047,059 1,550,842 23,897,244 132,939,019 81,993 1,515,861 19,566,519 18,631,725 97,332,865 1,331,680 205,636 168,693,785 9,136,805 5,553,227 11,104,869 229,610,630 10,236,733 95,774,672 148,896,549 41,152 16,736,931 38,535,804 87,323,047 12,067,487 1,159,275 50,819,984 8,123,894 361,391,461 29,772,895 114,604 2,003,249 2,070,681 5,360,244 109,724,967 1,798,308,730

16,684,718 66,528,093 0 23,164,567 522,730 21,265,651 144,367,764 135,484 1,205,411 18,566,718 16,304,877 87,114,144 1,642,006 108,682 177,292,444 9,128,047 4,624,005 11,152,778 260,141,291 12,975,159 113,093,542 159,708,410 60,292 16,772,626 40,030,967 88,500,175 14,394,453 973,639 58,167,337 8,222,132 396,019,895 33,575,939 76,490 4,197,767 1,354,710 1,688,135 144,855,440 1,954,654,632

17,542,312 65,436,875 8,400 23,293,364 497,521 23,221,099 169,487,924 163,935 1,928,646 21,507,552 26,963,989 101,417,073 1,633,306 113,668 194,356,568 12,519,334 5,872,904 15,863,505 292,617,332 12,932,212 140,728,429 181,972,464 104,492 17,118,475 45,851,624 99,531,810 14,564,067 828,989 62,761,091 8,850,290 459,911,704 23,831,439 59,949 4,240,887 1,272,048 3,011,812 144,066,477 2,196,100,107

17,309,698 62,316,528 0 10,429,210 704,702 31,337,084 134,670,231 131,010 1,691,598 21,543,596 17,667,051 84,456,965 1,326,450 0 164,404,049 9,753,508 4,713,000 11,288,224 219,678,628 14,156,998 123,902,012 158,756,567 133,841 16,215,540 41,697,645 78,059,545 12,940,014 1,233,514 59,852,423 9,766,183 398,062,088 23,196,106 2,152,324 4,554,159 1,526,836 2,680,759 108,955,459 1,849,171,170

174,592,746 698,938,466 904,593 197,015,137 7,738,740 385,530,385 1,470,753,933 1,485,250 16,944,718 200,761,148 212,803,047 986,301,469 14,649,053 2,073,714 1,767,683,289 91,618,143 56,410,904 133,053,867 2,747,271,065 136,344,745 979,466,897 1,561,855,995 805,982 174,074,193 419,894,111 919,380,286 142,452,944 11,249,168 596,671,510 93,144,149 4,186,848,861 332,445,878 27,826,861 14,674,292 44,946,147 1,291,918,249 20,102,682,259

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TV Guide





Your favourite newspaper has a lot more on offer than just the news. Daily:

Margaret Fuller (1810-1850) Margaret Fuller was America’s first female war correspondent and book review editor. A transcendentalist and womens’ rights activist, her classical education and precocious curiosity won her admission to the male-only halls of Harvard University’s library. She served with famed US poet, Ralph Waldo Emerson, as an editor on The Dial, a literary and philosophical journal. In 1844 Fuller was invited to join the New York Tribune as a literary critic, after founder Horace Greenley read her book, Summer on the Lakes. She became the first female journalist to work on the staff of a major newspaper and it was here that she developed her reputation as a literary critic. In 1846 she was sent to Europe as the paper’s foreign correspondent, where she covered current events and interviewed political and artistic leaders.

Katharine Graham (1917-2001) Katharine Graham took over the Washington Post after the death of her husband (who was also the Post’s publisher) and became the first woman to lead a Fortune 500 company. Under her leadership, the Post printed the Pentagon Papers and broke the Watergate scandal (which earned the paper a Pulitzer Prize). Graham’s father, Eugene Meyer, bought the Washington Post in 1933 and her mother, Agnes, worked as a newspaper reporter. Katharine herself began to work for the Post as a journalist in 1938. She married law graduate, Philip Graham, two years later and he took over as the Post’s publisher in 1946. In 1959 he became chairman of the Washington Post company, which expanded its empire to include TV channels and Newsweek Magazine. In 1963 Philip committed suicide and Katharine took over the Washington Post, although she only formally assumed the title of publisher in 1979. Two major cases defined both her career and the Washington Post. In 1971 she ignored government pressure (and the advice of her lawyers) and published the Pentagon papers (the secret history of the Vietnam War). In the following year The Post pursued the Watergate scandal – once again amidst government pressure – and it is believed that this coverage played a major role in President Nixon’s decision to resign. The Washington post was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for their reporting of the scandal. In 1973 she assumed the title of Washington Post Company Chairperson, where she served until 1991. In 1997, the book containing her memoirs, Personal History, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize.

Carl Bernstein (1944- ) Carl Bernstein is remembered as the Washington Post journalist who covered the Watergate scandal, together with his colleague, Bob Woodward. At the age of sixteen, he used his typing skills to apply for a job as a copy boy for the Washington Star. As they refused to employ him without a university degree, he applied for a position at the Washington Post, where he was successful. He quickly established his reputation as a good reporter and was assigned to cover the Watergate story, along with fellow Post reporter, Bob Woodward. Their reporting won the Post a Pulitzer Prize for outstanding public service. They later published two books that contained the details of the scandal (All the President’s Men and The Final Days). In 1977 Bernstein left the Post and took a position as senior correspondent for ABC News. Bernstein has written for several high profile publications (including Time, Newsweek, the New York Times and Vanity Fair).

Robert ‘Bob’ Woodward (1943- ) Bob Woodward is the assistant managing editor of the Washington Post, where he has also served as an investigative reporter. Woodward helped to uncover the Watergate scandal, working with co-reporter, Carl Bernstein. Following his service as a naval officer Woodward persuaded the Washington Post to give him a two week trial period of employment on an unpaid basis. The Post subsequently decided that he lacked the necessary experience and he was assigned to work as a reporter for the Montgomery County Sentinel. In 1971 however, he joined the staff of the Post. During his career as an investigative reporter, he earned the Post a Pulitzer Prize on two occasions. The first was the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service, which he earned as a result of his work with Bernstein. The second was the Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting (2002), which he won for his work on the aftermath of the September 11 attacks. Woodward has also authored more than 12 non-fiction books, many of which have made it onto the bestseller lists. He is regarded as one of the top reporters of his time.

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) Rudyard Kipling, the British author and poet, is perhaps best known for his children’s books (namely The Jungle Book). Kipling was raised in India and England. As a young man, Kipling settled in India in 1882 to become the assistant editor of the Civil & Military in Lahore. While working at this newspaper, Kipling began writing short stories and verses. In 1884 Kipling left India and travelled home to England via San Francisco, Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan, writing articles for The Pioneer en route. In 1907 Kipling was awarded the Nobel prize for literature, making him the first English language writer to receive it. He was also regarded as the peoples’ Laureate poet (he had been offered both the Laureateship and a knighthood, although he had declined both). Between 1898 and 1908, Kipling and his family travelled to South Africa, visiting with their friends, Cecil Rhodes, Lord Milner and Dr Jameson. During this period Kipling helped to start the newspaper, The Friend, for British troops in South Africa. The Kiplings travelled a great deal and Rudyard Kipling died at the outset of one of their many trips in 1836.



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Beeld: Sport-Beeld: local and international sports news and results. Sake24: local and international business news Kampus Beeld: student supplements, targeted to individual universities Motor-Beeld: weekly motoring, and motorsports news. Plus: music arts, movies, fashion, TV, lifestyle and entertainment. Jip: teen supplement

Die Burger: Sake24: national and international business news. Buite: nature, tourism, tourism in Africa, and outdoor life. Leefstyl: lifestyles, food, health, wine and gardening. NJ (NaweekJoernaal): arts and entertainment. Motors: aimed at motoring enthusiasts. Eiendomme: property guide for the Southern Cape. Kleinburger: aimed at the tweens. By (with newsreview): Saturdays; topical features and news items. LandbouBurger: aimed at the agricultural community. Netads: daily classifieds, radio and TV guides and entertainment info. Funda: aimed at the development of reading and writing. Leer-en-Presteer: a bi-weekly educational supplement.

Business Day: Appointments: job listings, and new appointments. Management Review: business management supplement; news, info, advice. Real Business: business case studies, news and resources. Property: all the news, advice and info on the property markets. Homefront: focused on homes, decor and home renovations. Motor News: motoring news and info Technology@Work: info, news and opinions on new technology and media. The Tourist: tourism news and info Wanted: lifestyle magazine supplement The Golfer: explores the golfing industry. Business Law and Tax Review Health News: medical and health news. SA Exporter: all the import and export news. Auctions: news and info on auctions

Cape Argus: Jobshop: recruitment and job listings Tonight: TV schedules, film reviews, gossip and horoscopes. Classifieds Puzzles: 16-page supplement, full of crossword puzzles, sudoku puzzles, etc. Business Report

Cape Times: Career Times: career advice, recruitments and job listings. Life Times: entertainment guide. Property Times: property guide. Drive Times: motoring supplement. Top of the Times: lifestyle, food, entertainment. Business Report: business reports, finances.

The Citizen: Citizen Business: financial news. Vibe: food and recipes, health, home and entertainment. Motoring: motorsport news, car releases and tests Citizen Racing Express: daily racing update. Hammer and Gavel: listing of legal and auctioneer advertisements. Trucking and Transport: the road transport sector Citigaming: online casino news. Citibike: focused on motorcycles. Citicollege: educational information for school-goers and students.

Daily Dispatch: Indabazethu: lifestyle supplement, written in Xhosa and English.

Daily News: Motoring: new car reviews, product launches etc. Business Report: business news, finances.

Daily Sun: Sun Money: weekly financial news. Sun Houses: DIY, the how to of property ownership and finance etc.

TV Guide

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Sun Wheels: motoring supplement. Sun Shopper: a consumer guide that highlights the latest trends and developments in fashion, music, technology, music, etc.

The Herald: La Femme: a supplement for women Tales From Abroad: (online) expats share their stories.

Pretoria News: Motoring: motorsport news, car price guides. Tshwane News: community news and events. Tonight: TV guides, cinema schedules, movie reviews and gossip. Business Report: business news and info; financial reports.

Sowetan: Sowetan Sports Voltage: local weekend sports news, school sports, international news. Sowetan Job Market: advice and recruitment Sowetan Travel: travel focusing on local destinations. Road Rave: provides readers with info on the latest buys, new products and road safety. Sowetan Happy People: focused on community. Time Out: entertainment focused. Sowetan Education: targeted to school-goers in grades 10-12.

The Star: Motoring: motorsport news, test drives, and product launches. Travel: travel reviews and information. Tonight: TV schedules, cinema schedules and celebs. Workplace: jobs and career advice. Business Report: business news and info; finances.

Saturday Star: 48 Hours: weekend entertainment guide.

Volksblad: Joernaal: arts and entertainment Volksblad-Sake: business news. Volksblad-Motor: aimed at motor-vehicle enthusiasts. Huis en Tuin: homemaking, interior decorating and gardening. Kontrei: news and events from the Free State countryside. Jip: youth supplement

The Witness: Home Improver: monthly supplement; home DIY and decor. Farm Focus: price guides, product reviews and launches aimed at the agricultural community. Motoring: new cars, price guides, road tests.

Weekly: Ilanga: leTheku: supplement covering music, theatre, fashion, travel, and entertainment; aimed at township and city dwelling contemporary youth. Written in a mixture of informal Zulu, English and Tsotsi Taal.

Mail & Guardian: M&G Campus: quarterly student supplement. Greening the Future: 8 June 2007; honouring and celebrating the achievements by companies and organisations which are playing a role in the efforts to ensure a sustained and healthy planet for all people. Higher Learning: 8 June 2007: the first of a monthly supplement on Higher Learning; Youth Day: 15 June 2007; the centrepiece will be a round table discussion between people from both sides of this debate (ie. ANC Youth League and Cosatu on one hand, and the Solidarity trade union on the other). 150 + Young South Africans: 15 June 2007; will be used to introduce different sectors of South African society to each other. BEE: 22 June 2007: exploring the vital areas of the BEE arena. National Arts Festival: 29 June 2007; exclusive supplement on the National Arts Festival.

Weekend: Sunday Times: Sunday Times Read Right: educational supplement for school-goers. Lifestyle: lifestyle supplement including news from the New York Times. Sunday Times Magazine: celeb interviews and TV guides. Sunday Times Sport: sporting news, reports, opinions and info.




Jackson Northman Anderson (1922-2005) Jack Anderson, as he was known, was an American newspaper columnist, who is today regarded as one of the fathers of modern investigative journalism. He was hired by the Washington Post in 1947 to write for Drew Pearson’s Washington Merry-Go-Round column. He took over Pearson’s column after his death in 1969 and relinquished it in 2004, when Parkinson’s disease left him too ill to write. His aggressive and tenacious reporting earned him a place on President Nixon’s ‘enemies list’ and many politicians regarded him as a very dangerous man. Anderson is best known for his reporting on the Watergate scandal; J. Edgar Hoover’s ties to the Mafia; the John F. Kennedy assassination and the CIA plot to assassinate Fidel Castro. In 1972 he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting, after he had investigated the secret American policy decision-making between the US and Pakistan, during the Indo-Pakistan War.

Mark James Cameron (1911-1985) James Cameron is the British journalist, broadcaster and author, in whose memory the annual James Cameron Memorial Lecture is delivered. He witnessed the Vietnam and Korean wars, amongst others. Cameron began his journalistic career in 1935 by working at the Weekly News as the office dogsbody. He later worked for Scottish newspapers, as well as for the Daily Express in Fleet Street. He was rejected for military service in World War II and after the War he reported on the Bikini Atoll nuclear experiments – an experience which prompted him to help found the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. He continued to work for the Daily Express until 1950, when he transferred to the Picture Post. Here he joined forces with photographer, Bert Hardy, in covering the Korean War (the photographs of Inchon won them the Missouri Pictures of the Year Award). In 1952 Cameron moved to the News Chronicle, where he spent the next eight years as a reporter. With the advent of television he became a broadcaster, producing a number of television films on contemporary subjects (he also presented several series’ for the BBC).

Paul Mackintosh Foot (1937-2004) Paul Foot was a British investigative journalist and radical activist for the socialist movement. He was a graduate of the Shrewsbury School and University College in Oxford, where he met his friend, Richard Ingrams (who was later to found and edit Private Eye). After graduating in the early 60’s, Foot began writing for the Daily Record in Glasgow, which led him to join the International Socialists. He began to write for the Socialist Worker, something he would continue to do throughout his career (he edited the paper between 1972 and 1978). In the mid-1960s he wrote for the Sunday Telegraph on a part time basis and in 1967 he joined Ingrams and Peter Cook at Private Eye. In 1979 the Daily Mirror editor, Mike Molloy, offered him a weekly investigative column of his own. He remained at the Mirror for 14 years, after which he fell out with the new editor, David Banks, over the story of Robert Maxwell’s death. He rejoined Private Eye in 1993 and began writing a regular column for The Guardian. During his career, Foot was best known for his work as a campaign journalist. He brought to light the corruption of architect, John Poulson; overturned the convictions of the Birmingham Six and the Bridgewater Four and he exposed the framing of former British intelligence officer, Colin Wallace. He also campaigned for the pardon of James Hanratty, who was later proven guilty of the A6 murder. Following his death, The Guardian and Private Eye joined forces to set up the Paul Foot Award, offering an annual £10 000 prize for outstanding investigative/campaigning journalism.

Ronan B.M.E. Keenan (1942-2007) Ronan Keenan was born in Queens, New York. He immigrated to South Africa with his family in 1940 and began his writing career at the age of 14, when the now defunct Natal Herald published his boxing article. He went on to establish a stellar career as a sports writer in South Africa. In 1956 he published the book, Boxing’s Greatest Wars, which was nominated for the South African Writer’s Association Book of the Decade award in 1960. In 1965 Keenan became editor of Sporting Affairs Magazine, where he remained until 1976. He wrote about black athletes at a time when the South African media were ignoring sportsmen who were not white. Although Keenan wrote academic pieces (under the name B.R. Keenan), he continued to write about sports, namely boxing, for various online publications (including and until his death in 2007.

Walter Winchell (1897-1972) Walter Winchell is regarded as the inventor of the gossip column. Born in New York, he spent his youth performing in vaudeville troupes. He wrote gossipy bulletin board notes about his fellow troupe actors and in the early 1920s he began to write for the Vaudeville News (a Broadway publication). In 1924 he approached the New York Evening Graphic – a tabloid paper – and was given a job as a columnist and a drama critic (his Broadway experiences had lent him the right credentials and the right contacts). He then moved to the New York Mirror, where he started to write the gossip columns that would change tabloid journalism forever. In the early 1930s he began presenting a weekly radio show that made him immensely popular. It’s estimated that he reached 50 million US households through his newspaper columns and his weekly radio show. During the 1950s, Winchell’s luck turned and he began to be perceived as cruel and ruthless. His public image soured as the advent of TV dimmed the New York social scene that had fed his talents for over two decades. Winchell became increasingly political in ways that alienated him from his fans and supporters. Winchell’s popularity was in part due to the style of his reporting. He developed a language full of New York slang, forever changing the American vernacular. NEWSPAPER 10 • PRINTED ON


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Travel & Books



World Congress on Global ethics for the Media in the 21st Century Lusaka, Zambia 30 August-1 September 2007 Keynote speakers, panel debates and workshops will result in a formal statement on global media ethics for the 21st century.

Media Events, Globalisation and Cultural Change Bremen, Germany July 6-7 2007 The keynote speakers are Daniel Dayan, Eric Rothenbuhler and Ingrid Volkmer. Topics to be discussed include: sport games and media events, political communication as media events, digital media events and media events and future research.

Asia Asia Pacific Publishing Convention Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2-3 August 2007 The theme of this year’s conference is Integrate Publishing with Digital Technology Profitably.

Australia PANPA 2007 Annual Conference Melbourne, Australia 6-8 August 2007

The Future of Newspapers Cardiff, UK 12-13 September The conference will focus on the highly contested future of newspapers with contributions from the international community of academics, along with newspaper executives, trade unionists, journalists and regulators. INMA Classified Advertising Warsaw, Poland

27 Sept 2007 INMA Web 2.0 Seminar 28 September 207 INMA Europe Conference Vienna, Austria 1-4 October 2008 Restrictions and Possibilities. The Media in Discourses of Migration, Citizenship and Belonging in Africa Uppsala, Sweden 5-7 October The workshop invites research papers that critically discuss aspects of the media and media texts in discourses of migration, citizenship and belonging in contemporary societies in Africa and its diasporas. 2nd World Digital Publishing Conference & Expo/10th World Editor and Marketeer Conference & Expo Amsterdam, The Netherlands 17-19 October 2007

Business Models for Newspaper Publishers Lisbon, Portugal 25-26 October 2007 The focus is on future developments in both technology and media markets.

India Ifra India 2007 Chennai, India 4-6 September 2007 If you’re interested in the Indian newspaper market, Ifra now has an exhibition focused entirely on the Indian newspaper market to coincide with the conference, which includes a publishers and technical forum.

USA NEXPO 08 Washington, DC, USA 12-15 April 2008 NEXPO is the world’s largest annual newspaper exhibition and conference.

It combines workshops and seminars on industry topics as well as a showcase of the industry’s products and services. Classified Advertising Conference Naples, Florida, USA August 23-24 2007 National Newspaper Association’s 121st Annual Convention & Trade Show Norfolk, Virginia, USA 26-29 September 2007 Society of News Design Annual Workshop & Exhibition Boston, USA 11-13 October 2007 This year’s speakers include Mark Porter, Sara Quinn and Pegie Stark Adam from the Poynter Institute Eyetrack study, Archie Tse and Stig Ørskov.

Book Corner Analysing Newspapers: An Approach from Critical Discourse Analysis by John E. Richardson (Palgrave Macmillan) In this book, which is aimed at journalism and communications students, John E Richardson, a lecturer in the Department of Journalism Studies at the University of Sheffield, offers a practical guide to the way the language of journalism works. Using case studies, Richardson provides an easy framework to use for applying critical discourse and analysis to newspapers from around the world, while studying the effect and power of language. Ripper Notes: How the Newspapers Covered the Jack the Ripper Murders by Dan Norder (Inklings Press) Any book related to Jack the Ripper is worth reading and this collection of essays regarding the newspaper coverage of the case is especially interesting. Ripper Notes covers many aspects of the murders, including foreign coverage, the inaccurate reporting of the facts and their cultural impact on Victorian society. Spy: The Funny Years by Kurt Anderson, Graydon Carter, George Kalogerakis (Miramax Books) The original satirical magazine is back, this time in book form. It celebrates everything there was to adore about the magazine, still regarded as one of the most influential in America in its time. The book includes Separated at Birth, Naked City and Fine Print, as well as some examples of the magazine’s best writing, investigative journalism, photography and illustrations. Writing for Comics by Peter David (North Light Books) Writing for, or developing a comic, is an absolute skill. Peter David, a writer on Spider-Man, Wolverine, Hulk, Star Trek and Babylon 5 amongst many others, is one of the top comic writers in the world. This book is the ultimate guide to writing for this genre and in it David teaches one how to create a comic from beginning to end. This is a valuable resource for both beginners and seasoned writers. It’s an easy how-to guide, featuring illustrations and comics from major publishers.

Blood and Sand by Frank Gardner (Bantam) Imagine watching as your friend is killed instantly by gunmen – and then having those same gunmen shoot you repeatedly, while people stand around you waiting for you to die. This happened to Frank Gardner while he was filming a report on Al-Qaeda with his cameraman in Riyadh in 2004. Incredibly, Gardener survived. This is his story of how a chance encounter with Wilfred Thesiger led to his immense interest in the Arab World and to becoming a BBC journalist. Gardener has a unique insight into this world after spending much time in North Africa and in the Middle East. He creates a perspective on the ‘war on terror’ and what it means, from a well-informed point of view. A must-read. The Insider: The Private Diaries of a Scandalous Decade by Piers Morgan (Ebury Press) It doesn’t matter who you are – everyone loves skinner and scandal. Piers Morgan is a master gossiper, who became editor of the UK’s News of the World at the age of 28. During the 90’s the extraordinarily media-savvy Morgan kept his own diaries on celebrities, political secrets and top-level meetings in the UK. This enthralling and entertaining book is filled with juicy details about Rupert Murdoch, Princess Diana and Tony Blair, as well as everyone who was anyone during his time at the News of the World and The Mirror, which he later edited. Another Bloody Love Letter by Anthony Loyd (Headline Review) Anthony Loyd is an award-winning foreign correspondent for The Times and has covered numerous conflicts that include Iraq, Afghanistan, Sierra Leone and Bosnia. His memoirs relate to the coverage of these wars. The book is also about his very personal battle with heroin addiction and having to cope with the deaths of close friends and family. An intense but extremely rewarding read. Words and Deedes: Selected Journalism 1931-2006 by William Deedes (Macmillan) William Deedes is one of the greatest journalists ever to put pen to paper. This is a collection of his very best columns, leaders and articles, spanning 70 years of British, European and world events – a remarkable achievement and an even more remarkable read.

P. S.: On a Life in Newspapers by Peter Stephens (Melrose Books) Peter Stephens has seen and done it all on his way up from the city papers to Fleet Street. He is credited with helping to turn Rupert Murdoch’s The Sun into the UK’s top tabloid, while working closely with the man himself. This is about Stephens’ journey. It covers his travels in journalism and coping with Parkinson’s disease. It will inspire anyone who reads it.

Rolling Stone 1, 000 Covers: A History of the Most Influential Magazine in Pop Culture by Jann Wenner (Harry N. Abrams, Inc) This is the stunning second edition of the pictorial history of pop culture from Rolling Stone, the leaders in this genre. This revised and updated edition presents a collection of Rolling Stone covers in full Technicolor – along with excerpts from the magazine – from 1967 onwards. Of course, the stunning photography is enhanced by the fact that the world’s best photographers, including Herb Ritts and Annie Leibovitz, did so many of the covers.

News and the Net by Barrie Gunter (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc, US) News and the Net, as the title suggests, is an in-depth examination of newspapers, the newsroom and the implications of the Internet. Author Barrie Gunter takes a holistic look at how newspapers have developed online; how some news organisations have developed their strategies and how the Internet has developed as a source of information for both journalists and consumers. Gunter takes a critical look at the lack of new models that effectively explain the impact of online communication. He also examines and discusses the opportunities that online presents for news organisations.

Advertising in the News: Paid-for Content and the South African Print Media By Adrian Hadland, Lesley Cowling and Bate Felix Tabi Tabe (HSRC Press) Increased commercialism has led to increased competition for ad revenue; print media have responded by incorporating increasing amounts of paid-for content (supplements, advertorials, etc). Through interesting local case studies, the authors question the consequences that paid-for content has for the South African print media (for media ethics, profitability and editorial integrity, for example). They question to what extent the commercial media regulate and manage paid-for content. This is a must read for anyone involved in the media or advertising.



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Crossword, Weather & Horoscopes

The Headbanger Stumper Crossword Clues ACROSS 2 Easy as 1,2,3 national Spanish daily 7 Joburg’s daily 10 SA capital’s newspaper 12 Pro-Islamist daily from Bangladesh 13 Popular morning paper in the Mother City 14 An everyday newspaper 15 New Afrikaans Sunday tabloid 20 Largest newspaper in the world 22 Daily broadsheet based in Kiev 23 Biggest Afrikaans daily 25 Afrikaans Sunday paper 26 Weekend Zulu paper 28 Afrikaans sleaze 34 Associated’s London freebie 36 Popular intellectual Slovakian daily 39 Newspaper Advertising Bureau 41 New Polish daily 42 English daily in Palestine 44 Indian newspaper found in KZN 45 Latest Zulu paper 46 Named after SA’s most famous township 47 New free daily in SA

DOWN 1 Oldest Zulu newspaper 3 Cape Town’s afternoon read 4 Healthy Hong Kong newspaper 5 SA’s only football focused newspaper 6 Early morning Pakistani newspaper 8 Australia’s biggest daily 9 UK biggest redtop 11 Bulgarian daily and the favourite of Sonic the Hedgehog 13 Distinctly African newspaper 16 SME news you can use for SA’s richest province 17 Biggest selling newspaper in Europe 18 Popular leader of newspapers 19 US capital’s newspaper 21 Trevor Ncube’s newspaper 24 Dow Jones’s own 27 NI’s London freebie 29 Wish upon it everyday 30 SA’s business read for the weekend 31 Wanted, to buy section 32 The world’s greatest newspaper 33 A neighbourhood read 35 SA’s paper for the everyman 36 Largest SA weekend paper 38 Biggest-selling paper in SA 40 Different newspaper versions 43 Japan’s leading national quality daily; part of the Shimbun family

Weather Report Daily forecast: Fair weather for most of the country although somewhat cloudy by the coast, where temperatures will drop. Weekly forecast: Sunny, clear skies, with a gentle breeze. Temperatures moderate and pleasant in most parts of the country. Weekend forecast: Larger cities and towns will experience warm, sunny conditions.

Aries (21 March-20 April)

Libra (24 September-23 October)

As the first born, pioneering Ram of the zodiac family, you’re extroverted and smug. You spend most of your life charging into situations head-on and with reckless bravado – no wonder you spend so much time complaining about your head injuries. You’re definitely a Son reader (bold headlines, juicy content). You have a volcanic temper that flares up and explodes with great energy, although it also cools quickly. You’re easy to pick out amongst the crowd: always first in line, displaying a lot of guts (and delusions of glory). It’s a pity that you never finish what you start.

Hamlet’s ‘to be or not to be’ soliloquy defines your bipolar personality. You may be a super trendy fashion slave, but you cannot decide what to wear without first consulting your therapist. You can’t decide which paper to read either, so you listen to the radio instead. You’re constantly worried about what other people think and you panic under the mildest scrutiny (you invented paranoia). Fortunately, you make a great mediator as you are both diplomatic and very laidback.

Taurus (21 April-20 May)

You are titillated by conspiracy theories and alien abductions: it’s no surprise that Halloween occurs during your birthday month. You like to think of yourself as the most mysterious personality in the zodiac but the truth is that no one else can tolerate your delusions of mystique. You’re a borderline sex addict, which explains why you subscribe to the Sunday Times (you simply loved the online video that showcased a Brazilian wax). You are vengeful and stubbornly hold grudges if scorned.

This is a stubborn beast with a brooding and emotional disposition. Although you’re tough to figure out (you answer questions with questions), this doesn’t mean that you are interesting. You can be resentful and petty. Your love of the ‘good life’ explains your rounded figure. As far love is concerned, you are both possessive and impatient. While you like to think of yourself as the ‘strong, silent type,’ everyone else thinks you’re obstinate, boring and inflexible. Your paper of choice is Die Volksblad: no mess, no frills.

Gemini (21 May-20 June) Everyone loves a Gemini because everyone loves a schizophrenic (you believe that Isolezwe sits on the end of your bed at night). You’re the duplicitous, inconsistent and two-faced twin of the zodiac, with a childish streak that endears you to your friends (and drives them crazy at the same time). Although very outgoing and progressive, you are also prone to a pushy and overbearing manner. Gemini’s are often caught talking to themselves (usually in a high pitched voice in the bath tub). Arguing is your real strength, as you possess a quick wit and are prone to artful retorts.

Cancer (21 June-22 July) You’re the home-body, book-club-loving housewife of the zodiac: you love knowing what’s going on in the lives of other people. You enjoy nurturing those that surround you (in fact you’re such a mummy that you would breast-feed the world if you could). You read The Post (gossip, recipes and gardening). You’re easily manipulated and although you won’t admit it, you feel useless if nobody wants to use you as a doormat. You are naturally defensive and have a wild inferiority complex.

Leo (23 July-22 August)

Scorpio (24 October-21 November)

Sagittarius (22 November-21 December) This is the zodiac’s philosophising adventurer and party planner. You have a weird ability to put up tents in the wild with no instructions (and no pegs). Rather than doing something the easy way, you prefer to sustain an injury by doing it the hard way. You’re also completely tactless and will tell your friend that ‘her bum looks fat in those jeans.’ You’re generally trendy which may explain why you read Beeld.

Capricorn (22 December-20 January) You’re hard working and reliable and will carry out your responsibilities with absolute attention to detail. You’re also duller than a fat free, wheat free, gluten free cracker. Whilst you think you’re charismatic, you’re actually a nit-picky, tight-fisted geek – your parents probably gave you law books so that you could underline legal loopholes. You love to read Business Day for its market reports and financial jargon and like to be seen talking on your cellphone (even if you’re faking it, since you have no real friends).

Aquarius (21 January-18 February)

You’re the drama queen of the zodiac, grabbing attention in any way you possibly can and sulking when ignored. You’re the ultimate narcissist and spend hours kissing your reflection in the mirror. While Leos seldom marry (no one is good enough for them), they adore receiving physical affection. You are stubborn, pompous and snotty when you’re not in the limelight. You read the Sunday World, largely because you’re convinced that you will see yourself on the celeb pages.

You are the epitome of the eccentric party animal and love being naked in public (it should come as no surprise that Paris Hilton is an Aquarius). You adore social gatherings that allow you to pull out all your party tricks. You read the Daily Sun because it’s full of crazy stories that somehow make perfect sense to you. You’re the only sign in the zodiac to allow yourself every possible vice on the planet (while not giving it a second thought). You make great rock stars but poor lovers, due to your frequent hangovers and your strange concept of romance.

Virgo (23 August-23 September)

Pisces (19 February-20 March)

You give new meaning to the term ‘obsessive compulsive.’ You take your job as critic of the zodiac very seriously, subscribing to Mail & Guardian and returning each copy with corrections marked in red. You use pointers and elaborate charts to explain simple concepts and you don’t hesitate to clean everyone else’s desk so that you can feel better about your working environment. Brainy and methodical, you’re a perfectionist in the most uptight way imaginable.

You are a pretentious, cry-baby, artsy fartsy dreamer, deeply confused by the idea of sex. You like to think the nonsense you write is poetic and meaningful. You use community newspapers to make papier-mâché sculptures (but love reading inserts and supplements). You’re extremely sensitive: even when you ask for honest criticism, you break down in tears (or try to commit suicide) when you receive it. You consider Narnia to be your ideal home and you’re perpetually zoned out.







ess sin Bu y Da

Bus ine ss Day

Beeld Die Burger Business Day Cape Argus Cape Times The Citizen Daily Dispatch Daily News Daily Sun Diamond Fields Adv The Herald Isolezwe The Mercury Pretoria News Son Sowetan The Star Volksblad The Witness

Jan-March 2007 105 363 90 279 41 976 75 935 52 044 74 077 32 363 52 106 508 512 10 105 28 383 98 990 38 857 28 560 80 994 143 167 177 899 28 708 23 692

Jan-March 2006 103 714 95 208 41 623 75 860 51 794 72 472 32 508 52 023 452 368 10 075 28 738 97 370 38 614 28 502 – 131 458 177 665 27 844 23 755

Oct-Dec 2006 Beeld Die Burger Business Day Cape Argus Cape Times The Citizen Daily Dispatch Daily News Daily Sun Diamond Fields Adv The Herald Isolezwe The Mercury Pretoria News Son Sowetan The Star Volksblad The Witness

July-Sept 2006 Beeld Die Burger Business Day Cape Argus Cape Times The Citizen Daily Dispatch Daily News Daily Sun Diamond Fields Adv The Herald Isolezwe The Mercury Pretoria News Son Sowetan The Star Volksblad The Witness

104 932 92 319 41 981 73 417 49 718 71 858 31 027 52 339 467 681 9 093 26 979 88 456 38 246 27 584 – 133 195 168 776 28 004 22 729

Apr-June 2006 Beeld Die Burger Business Day Cape Argus Cape Times The Citizen Daily Dispatch Daily News Daily Sun Diamond Fields Adv The Herald Isolezwe The Mercury Pretoria News Son Sowetan The Star Volksblad The Witness

105 114 99 288 42 022 75 714 51 405 71 582 32 583 60 738 463 691 9 431 27 245 91 316 43 097 28 104 – 131 562 168 878 27 669 23 603

Beeld Going: Wet-Fast Beeld is certainly going all out from the starting gate and its persistent driving has paid off. A bobble at the end of 2006 however, does not diminish the achievements the Afrikaans daily has made over the last year.

Daily Sun Going: Fast This stallion shows no signs of slowing. Celebrating its fifth birthday this year, it continues to set track records. Now it’s the fastest front runner and leads by a good few furlongs. Its latest winning streak put the graduate at 508 512 (Jan-March 2007).

Die Burger Going: Heavy Die Burger is going all-out but is constantly bearing in and out with its handicap for Jan-March 2007 sitting at just over 90 000.

Isolezwe Going: Good This Zulu filly is now working at a breeze as it matures. Although it has gained over 27 000 over two years, the last year has seen a definite slowdown. Its current status is 98 990 (Jan-March 2007).

Business Day Going: Frozen Business Day is hung with very little variation from race to race. Cape Argus Going: Frozen The afternoon paper for the Western Cape is running evenly since its gain in 2006. The latter half of the year tends to falter although it remains steady. Cape Times Going: Frozen The Cape’s morning paper has the blinkers on to avoid any distractions, and it works. Like its sister, the first half of the year runs more evenly than the second half but overall, it’s a consistent steady runner. The Citizen Going: Firm The Citizen is going all-out and racing evenly over the last year with small incremental gains. Its recent winnings state 74 077 (Jan-March 2007).

ws Ne ily Da

Dail yN ew s

99 162 91 216 41 914 73 414 49 647 71 432 31 666 50 229 494 875 9 364 26 860 96 485 40 683 29 776 72 049 134 818 163 332 28 476 23 089

Daily News Going: Firm Daily News is an even bet and breezing through the course. Its latest three month stretch shows 52 106 (Jan-March 2007).

The Mercury Going: Frozen Another even run for The Mercury, a favourite with KZN’s elite, and it is racing in hand. Pretoria News Going: Frozen Few falters and an even temperament make for good odds, but it is neither extended or driven giving it a run of 28 560 (Jan-March 2007), an increase of only 58 copies over the corresponding race period. Sowetan Going: Fast With a lot of driving from its owner, Sowetan is easily running. It’s got over its early hurdles and is now a great stretch runner. Its current winnings sit at 143 167 (Jan-march 2007). The Star Going: Frozen A steady performer for many years, it’s still a front runner despite it being under wraps. The last two years over the corresponding periods have seen blanket wraps of around 200 copies a time. The Star is currently sitting at 177 899 (Jan-March 2007). Volksblad Going: Good This mare still has life left in her and while it’s not setting a blistering pace, it is a closer. In the last year, it’s gained almost 1 000 copies to pass the finish post at 28 708 (Jan-March 2007).



34 •




Beeld Die Burger The Citizen City Press Ilanga Langesonto Independent on Sat Pretoria News Rapport Sat Dispatch The Sat Star Southern Cross The Sun Independent Sunday Sun Sunday Times Sunday Tribune Sunday World Volksblad Weekend Argus Weekend Post Weekend Witness The Weekender

Jan-March 2007 88 299 108 056 54 516 201 235 74 878 53 764 17 250 318 359 25 249 148 599 10 857 42 807 209 474 499 033 109 509 193 584 24 381 108 399 30 230 29 804 9 752

Jan-March 2006 85 706 112 787 55 593 185 540 46 501 53 626 16 879 312 561 26 608 148 374 10 482 42 001 183 045 504 013 109 428 153 822 24 399 108 371 30 930 31 195 –


The Saturday Star

This Afrikaans racer is revving its engines and moving slowly but steadily up the grid again. However, it must watch out for those tight corners and hairpin bends if it wants to carry on making it into the top eight for some points. Current points in the drivers table are 88 299 (Jan-March 2007).

Holding its position over the last season, The Saturday Star is performing at a steady pace but it’s not rising through either the constructor or driver’s table with just a few wins. Currently has 148 599 points (Jan-March 2007).

Die Burger Die Burger is slipping down the table after a number of chassis failures and driver errors. Still, its technical team is working on a brand new engine, so we’ll see what happens for the rest of this year. Current points are 108 056 (Jan-March 2007)

The Citizen Sitting in the middle of the drivers’ and constructors’ tables, The Citizen is falling behind slightly this season. However, a host of new drivers and new body work should rev up the team. Present points: 54 516 (Jan-March 2007).

City Press With a new management team and race director in place, City Press is moving rapidly up the drivers table. It has also managed a few choice pole positions in the last few months. In fact this has gained them sorely needed points of 201 235 (Jan-March 2007).

Only moving up a couple of places, The Sunday Independent is holding its position with 42 807 points (Jan-March 2007).

Sunday Times Still at the top of the table for both constructors’ and driver’s although a few engine failures and crashes have dropped its normal high number of points down 499 033 (Jan-March 2007).

Sunday Tribune Reliability is never an issue for the Sunday Tribune although it could do with some pole positions and podiums to increase its points which have remained constant for over a season. Currently sitting on 109 509 (Jan-March 2007).

Sunday World Squealing out of the pit lane with the quickest car on the grid, Sunday World is zooming up the drivers’ table with 193 584 (JanMarch 2007).


A recent entrant on to the circuit and already Ilanga Langesonto is setting a strong race pace. A huge jump up the driver and constructors’ tables should spur it on to greater heights. It’s currently sitting pretty on 74 878 points (Jan-March 2007).

Dropping a couple of places down the table due to tyre problems, Volksblad is a constant and steady race team with 24 381 points (Jan-March 2007).

Weekend Argus A steady season overall sees the Independent on Saturday in the middle of the table on 53 754 points (Jan-March 2007) although it needs some podiums to increase its standing.

After a shaky season a couple of years ago, a new team combination produced a result that sees the Weekend Argus holding a steady position on 108 399 points (Jan-March 2007) although it hasn’t moved up the driver’s table since last season.

Pretoria News Saturday

Weekend Post

Rising slowly up the table, Pretoria News Saturday has managed a few pole positions and now sits on 17 250 points (Jan-March 2007).

Weekend Post is in the same position as last season with 30 230 points.

The Weekender Rapport Burning rubber, Rapport has finally found the traction it needs and is revving up the table. Currently sitting second in the table with 318 359 points (Jan-March 2007).



Oct-Dec 2006 84 305 103 862 52 217 183 101 70 291 59 905 19 761 300 338 24 431 137 196 11 171 42 617 200 315 504 475 113 681 185 772 23 877 104 013 28 788 29 521 9 368

The Sunday Independent

Ilanga Langesonto

Independent on Saturday

Beeld Die Burger The Citizen City Press Ilanga Langesonto Independent on Sat Pretoria News Rapport Sat Dispatch The Sat Star Southern Cross The Sun Independent Sunday Sun Sunday Times Sunday Tribune Sunday World Volksblad Weekend Argus Weekend Post Weekend Witness The Weekender

The Weekender is the Lewis Hamilton of the F1 scene. The newcomer has got off to a flying start with a couple of podium finishes but still has to prove itself. So far, it’s doing pretty well for a niche audience with 9 752 points on the board.

Beeld Die Burger The Citizen City Press Ilanga Langesonto Independent on Sat Pretoria News Rapport Sat Dispatch The Sat Star Southern Cross The Sun Independent Sunday Sun Sunday Times Sunday Tribune Sunday World Volksblad Weekend Argus Weekend Post Weekend Witness The Weekender

Jul-Sept 2006 86 444 109 218 52 002 186 224 58 391 53 574 17 000 311 573 24 625 136 335 10 700 44 020 216 686 504 376 106 863 181 090 23 763 104 275 29 033 29 265 7 548

Beeld Die Burger The Citizen City Press Ilanga Langesonto Independent on Sat Pretoria News Rapport Sat Dispatch The Sat Star Southern Cross The Sun Independent Sunday Sun Sunday Times Sunday Tribune Sunday World Volksblad Weekend Argus Weekend Post Weekend Witness The Weekender

Apr-June 2006 90 176 109 926 53 507 187 741 52 224 60 375 16 746 313 528 25 969 141 859 10 745 45 867 195 850 504 301 119 300 178 620 24 363 108 013 29 519 31 294 5 076





Ilanga Mail & Guardian The Post Soccer-Laduma Son UmAfrika

Jan-March 2007 103 965 47 133 46 556 322 865 74 082 28 509

Jan-March 2006 103 044 42 116 46 208 283 593 189 045 24 858 Oct-Dec 2006 Ilanga Mail & Guardian The Post Soccer-Laduma Son UmAfrika

100 906 48 292 47 151 303 461 76 830 32 978

July-Sept 2006 Ilanga Mail & Guardian The Post Soccer-Laduma Son UmAfrika

97 072 43 102 46 700 311 621 192 757 35 262

Ilanga Although Ilanga dropped from the top of the Castle Premiership to the Mvela Golden League for the season 2005-2006, it has since stabilised in the league and playing a steady albeit unspectacular game. Its current score is 103 965 (Jan-March 2007), around 900 points up on the corresponding previous period. Mail & Guardian The M&G is climbing the Premiership with a number of hefty goals scored (against at the SABC in particular) which has pushed its position further and further up the table. As a result, the number of fans has grown to 47 133 (Jan-March 2007). The Post An overhauling of the team a few years ago has paid off and new signings put it back on track and moved it from the bottom of the Premiership. Although The Post has only scored a few goals in the last season, it’s still comfortable in the middle of the table with a score of 46 556 (Jan-March 2007).

Apr-June 2006 Ilanga Mail & Guardian The Post Soccer-Laduma Son UmAfrika

97 822 43 050 46 641 295 833 184 179 32 288

Soccer Laduma Soccer Laduma is at the top of the league and holding the Premiership title. Its unprecedented goal scoring ability of 322 865 (Jan-March 2007) is not due to any new signings or exclusive branding deals, but simply investing in and honing the skills of its team. Unbeatable. Son This Afrikaans team has let in too many goals this year although its own goal scoring ability has kept it in third position. A few key strikers leaving the team and major injuries has resulted in a goal scoring average of 74 082 (Jan-March 207), a huge loss of over 100 000 from the corresponding previous period. UmAfrika The team of highly educated Zulu footballers are definitely is clawing their way up the Premiership although the start to this new season there have been a few missed penalties. Having said that, the team is playing much more tightly together compared to the corresponding previous period. UmAfrika is sitting with 28 509 goals scored (Jan-March 2007).

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