News Release Takeover Day[1]

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NEWS RELEASE 11 MILLION led by the Children’s Commissioner for England

3 July 2009

30,000 TARGET SET FOR 11 MILLION TAKEOVER DAY 2009 Building on the growing success of 11 MILLION TAKEOVER DAY, the Children’s Commissioner today set a challenge for 11 MILLION and decision-makers in England to support 30,000 children and young people to have their voices heard on Friday 6 November 2009 – this year’s official date for 11 MILLION TAKEOVER DAY 2009.

Sir Al Aynsley-Green called on adults to support 11 MILLION in highlighting the great contribution to society that children and young people make, by signing-up to 11 MILLION TAKEOVER DAY 2009.

Sir Al Aynsley-Green, the Children’s Commissioner for England, said:

“We are delighted that every year more and more children and young people are taking part in 11 MILLION TAKEOVER DAY. Therefore, 11 MILLION TAKEOVER DAY will be an annual event.

“Our sincere thanks are due to the 700 organisations across England who supported 17,000 children and young people in England last year – an increase of 7,000 children compared with 2007.

“For 2009, I have laid down the challenge to 11 MILLION to almost double our success by asking England to support 30,000 children on 6 November 2009.


Registered company: 11 MILLION, 1 London Bridge, London SE1 9BG

“The day benefits adults, children and young people. Those who have taken part all tell me they learn a great deal from working alongside each other and they look forward to taking part again. Anyone can get involved in 11 MILLION TAKEOVER DAY because there is no one size fits all formula.

“I hope that this year’s 11 MILLION TAKEOVER DAY will give even more children and young people a chance to have their say and that it is used as a platform to demonstrate the positive contributions that they make to our society. I urge all adults to sign up via our website now.”

11 MILLION TAKEOVER OVER DAY is a national event offering children and young people across the country opportunities to work alongside adults and to get involved in decision-making in a diverse range of organisations.

Last year saw 17,000 children and young people ‘takeover’ jobs at nearly 700 organisations including schools, police and fire services, the Department for Children, Schools and Families, media, BT, charities, youth groups, local authorities, councils and many more.

11 MILLION TAKEOVER DAY 2009 takes place at the end of a week of activities during National Youth Work Week, which is run by the National Youth Agency (NYA) from 1 to 7 November 2009.

As the first sign-up to 11 MILLION TAKEOVER DAY 2009, Children’s Minister, Baroness Delyth Morgan said:

“I am delighted to support 11 MILLION TAKEOVER DAY, it was a great success last year and the Secretary of State and I are looking forward to welcoming children and young people into the Department in November. 11 MILLION TAKEOVER DAY provides organisations across the country with a unique opportunity to give thousands of young people the chance to get involved with decision-making processes and for organisations to give back to the people they are directly affecting and influencing. I look forward to working with the Children’s Commissioner to make this year’s TAKEOVER DAY even more successful than the last.”

Fiona Blacke, Chief Executive of The NYA:

“11 MILLION TAKEOVER DAY is an excellent opportunity for young people to take an active part in learning about and shaping the services they use and to participate in their community life. Their participation in local organisations can help to bring about change through improving policy and services, ensuring they are more 2

successful and leading to better outcomes all round. The things that young people show they can do as part of TAKEOVER DAY help change public attitudes and reverse negative perceptions. Of course they won’t change the world in one day, but they can start the process of influencing those in power and putting forward a youth perspective. We’re delighted to be part of it and would urge all young people and organisations with an interest in young people to get involved too.”

Kim Bromley-Derry, President of the Association of Directors of Children’s Services:

“Takeover Day is a great opportunity to give children and young people the chance to show what they can do, to express their views and make a positive contribution to the places that they live. We should do everything we can to make the most of our young people and all that they have to give.”

The Diana Award will again work in partnership with 11 MILLION to link young people with organisations wishing to take part in 11 MILLION TAKEOVER DAY.

Maggie Turner, Director of the Diana Award:

“Diana Award Holders are positive young role models that are passionate about the work they do to make a difference in their communities. Our network of over 27,000 Award Holders, from across the UK, would be an asset to any workforce and we hope to build on our involvement with 11 MILLION TAKEOVER DAY last year.”

ENDS Notes to Editors: 1. Further information and guidance to assist children and young people and adults to plan their TAKEOVER DAY will be available on the 11 MILLION website: (in the TAKEOVER DAY room) 2. 11 MILLION, formerly the Office of the Children’s Commissioner, supports the 11 million children and young people in England to have their voices heard. The Children’s Commissioner for England was established under The Children Act 2004 to be the independent voice of children and young people and to champion their interests and bring their concerns and views to the national arena. 3. Youth Work Week is from 1-7 November 2009 and supports a focused period of themed activities for youth workers, while also raising the profile of the youth service as a whole. Being resilient and resourceful are the themes for this year. 4. The Diana Award gives recognition to outstanding young people who make selfless contributions to their communities and invest a huge amount of energy and compassion to improve the lives of others. There are three main categories; The Diana Award for individuals who make a sustained, selfless contribution to their community, and who demonstrate exceptional personal qualities; The Diana Certificate of Excellence 3

for groups of young people who have worked together to make their communities a better place to be and the Diana Anti-Bullying Award for young people who have tackled bullying in their schools and communities.

MEDIA ENQUIRIES Please contact Denise Malcolm on 05511 437 834 or 0844 800 9113 Out-of-hours: 07920 765 454


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