Newest Bulletin

  • November 2019
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FEBRUARY 19, 2012 TODAY’S FOCUS – Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: God is merciful and desires to pour forth this mercy upon our lives. We only need to come to Him through His Son Jesus. We know that Jesus healed body, mind and soul as He forgave sins. He has empowered and commanded the Church to continue this ministry of healing and forgiveness. We only need to say Yes to His offer.

STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION The sacrament of Penance is a sacrament of healing. Through Isaiah God revealed that though He chose the nation of Israel to be His own, Israel kept sinning and turning from Him. God’s message is that he will wipe out the offenses and remember them no more. In the gospel Jesus, too, chooses to forgive sins when he is given the opportunity. When Jesus heals the body of the paralytic, he also heals his soul by forgiving his sins. As we pray each time we sat the Lord’s Prayer, may we be forgiven in the same way we forgive others. Please remember to name Our Lady of Lourdes or St. Mary’s Colgan Schools in your will. May we leave a legacy of faith and education for the generations to come. Please consider informing Fr. Mike or the parish office of your legacy plans, [email protected]



REV. MICHAEL E. BALDWIN, Pastor REV. CHAD J. ARNOLD, Associate Pastor REV. ADAM J. KEITER, Associate Pastor & Chaplain, St. Pius X Newman Center WEEKDAY MASSES (During School Year) 6:30 am Monday through Friday 8:00 am Tuesday , Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 11:30 am Tuesday, Thursday & Friday WEEKDAY MASSES 6:30 am 8:00 am SUNDAY MASSES Saturday Sunday

(During the Summer) Monday through Friday Tuesday through Saturday 5:30 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 Noon Mass in Spanish—2:00 p.m.

En Español: La misa en español, cada domingo a las 2:00 pm, confesiones a las 1:30 pm antes de la Misa. Se puede llamar al Padre Adam Keiter (620) 231-2135 CONFESSIONS (OR BY APPOINTMENT) Before the 8:00 a.m. weekday Masses —7:30-7:50 a.m. Saturday — 4:00-5:15 p.m. MARRIAGES-Contact a parish priest at least four months prior to desired wedding date. PSR—Parish School of Religion (School Year) In the Elementary School (Grades K thru 12) Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 p.m.


STEWARDSHIP OFFERING Weekly Sunday Offering needed to sustain Parish Budget: Sunday Offering Last Week Surplus or

$42,000.00 $42,134.13 $ 134.13


Deadline for signing up for Passover at Our Lady of Lourdes. The Passover is on Sunday, March 4th, 6:30-8:15 p.m. at the parish hall. The deadline for registration is Ash Wednesday (Feb. 22nd). Jesus, the Lamb of God, celebrated the Last Supper at Passover time. Participating in a Seder/Passover liturgy [complete with the ritual foods, lamb and four small cups of wine or grape juice] helps understand the background to the institution of the Eucharist which we Catholics celebrate on Holy Thursday. The Passover meal will include a drink, lamb, potatoes and gravy, a salad, the choice of apple or chocolate pie, and humus with pita bread. Some of the youth of the parish will help make the occasion festive with a traditional Jewish dance. The donation for adults will be $10 per person for adults and $6 for children under 12; payment is expected at the time you register. To register, please contact the parish office or contact Gary or Fran McGrath , 620-231-5410.

Parish Concert—Today This Sunday there will be a Holy Hour and a concert with Catholic recording artist Michael John Poirier, @ 4:00 p.m. in the church. Michael has received the “Best Devotional Album” award by the United Catholic Music and Video Association. The focus of his music, some traditional and some selfwritten, is the Eucharist, Mary, unconditional love, and God’s call in each of our lives. There is no cost for this program.

Parish Family Meetings Our Annual Parish Family Meetings this Spring will be: • Sunday, April 15 at 10am and at 6:30pm, • Wednesday, April 18 at 6:30pm, and • Sunday, April 22 at 10am and at 6:30pm. We hope all parishioners are able to make one of these important meetings, held in the high school auditorium. Those with children enrolled at St. Mary's Colgan Schools are required to attend one of the meetings. Meetings last approximately 1hour 15minutes. Preregistration for the meetings is not required.

ASH WEDNESDAY IS THIS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND LENTEN FASTING & ABSTINENCE REGULATIONS The Catholic Church cannons regarding fasting and abstinence: Fasting The law of fasting requires a Catholic from the age of 18th to 59 to forgo the normal amount of food eaten. The Church defines this as one normal meal a day, and two smaller meals which together would not exceed the main meal. Such fasting is obligatory on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. The fast is broken by eating between meals and by drinks which could be considered food. Abstinence The law of abstinence requires a Catholic 14 years of age until death to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday and Fridays of Lent in honor of the Passion of Jesus on Good Friday.

ST. PIUS X NEWMAN CENTER Providing Catholic Ministry to Pittsburg State University


REV. ADAM KEITER, CHAPLAIN [email protected]

MRS. AMY LOMSHEK, SECRETARY Office Hours: 9:00-2:00 M-F [email protected]

MASS SCHEDULE SUN 6:00 pm Mon 8:30 pm Wed, Thu 9:00 pm RECONCILIATION 30 min. before Mass ADORATION Thursday 10:00-3:00 See the website for full weekly schedule. ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK Evening Prayer Monday 8:15pm Wednesday and Thursday 8:45pm Stump the Padre Monday 9:00pm Rosary Tuesday and Wednesday 9:30pm Ash Wednesday February 22nd—Mass at 9:00pm Catholicism Project Thursday 6:00pm Spring Cleaning at the Newman Center Saturday 10:00am LOOKING AHEAD Busy Student Retreat February 26th-March 2nd Website Sponsorships Available! In the weeks ahead, our representative from Solution, Inc., will be setting up the advertising for our website for the year. Please consider participating in this effort since the revenue from the ads is what makes the website possible at no cost to the Newman Center. Advertisements may be purchased for a business, family memorial, or you can sponsor an ad supporting Catholic Charities, Knights of Columbus, Vocations, etc. Please give these ideas some thought. We need and appreciate your help! If you are interested or just curious as to prices and want more i n f o r m a t i o n , p l e a s e contact 620.670.4681 or [email protected]. G.O. Board Featured Items Want to help out in an EXTRAORDINARY way? Here are some items needed at the Newman Center. Lamp $40.00 Paper Cutter $50.00 Microphone for Chapel $105.00 Check our website: for more information and all G.O..Board items

GIFT Event - One of the highly acclaimed Catholicism series by Father Robert Barron. You may have seen some of the episodes on EWTN – we will be showing all ten in the next several weeks. You do not have to commit to all ten episodes, but can pick and choose the ones to attend. A list of episode topics will be given out at the first event. For the next two weeks (2/19 and 2/26) we will show the video in the elementary music room (still at 6pm).

ST. PAUL’S GROUP will meet this Sunday, February 19th at l:00pm in the Activity Center. The hostesses will be: Theresa Yoakam, Helen Braden, and Marilyn Bradshaw. We will have a short meting, dinner and bingo. New members are always welcome. The Colgan High School Theater Dept. will be presenting “In to the Woods.” Show time are Friday, Feb. 24th @ 7:30 pm, Sat. Feb. 25th @ 2:30 & 7:30 pm, and Sun., Feb. 26th @ 2:30 pm. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for students and seniors. SMC JH and HS students are free of charge. Need an extra hand? The BIG EVENT is the largest one day community service project at PSU. On April 14 more than 700 students will work together to help out the community of Pittsburg. Services such as raking leaves, cleaning gutters. To request these services, call 235-4810.

LOOKING AHEAD Sun (19) St. Paul’s Group Sun (19) Holy Hour and Concert Sun (19) GIFT Event Tues (21) First Confession Wed (22) ASH WEDNESDAY Wed (22) NO PSR Classes Wed (22) NO RCIA Classes Fri (24) Knights of Columbus Fish Fry Sun (26) GIFT Event Mon (27) Our Lady’s Prayer Group

GOODWILL HOURS Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00am—3:00pm First Saturday of each month 9:00am—3:00pm We are accepting clothing and household items at this time.

RELIGIOUS GIFT STORE Thursday, Friday 10:00-3:00 Saturday 10:00-12:00 Elizabeth 249-6865 Denise 232-6955

RELIGIOUS GIFT STORE First Communion items are in. Shop early for the best selection! Also, the gift store is in need of a volunteer to work every other Friday morning from 10:00-12:00. Please call Elizabeth (232-6865) or Denise (232-6955) if you are interested in helping! That Man Is You Herb Krumsick After 8:00 mass on Saturday, March 3rd, Herb Krumsick, former St. Mary’s graduate and real estate entrepreneur will be our program speaker. Mark your calendar to be there. WE will continue to meet on the remaining Fridays in February.

Activity Center, 1:00pm Church, 4:00pm Elementary School, 6:00pm 7:00pm Grade School,6:30am Elementary School, 6:30pm Activity Center, 5-7pm Elementary School, 6:00pm Adoration Chapel, 6:00pm

SCHOOL LUNCHES Mon (20) NO SCHOOL Tues (21) Chicken & Cheese Crispitos, Corn, Pineapple Chunks, Cookie Wed (22) Fish Sandwich, Fries, Mandarin Oranges Thurs (23) Chili Dog, Tater Tots, Banana, Cookie Fri (24) Mozzarella Maxx Stix w/marinara, Salad, Pears

Do you know a young adult, 14 years or older, who is experiencing feelings of loss from a parental death, divorce, abandonment, or separation? The Young Adult Beginning Experience (YABE) is a peer ministry retreat where they will be in a safe environment to work through their loss and discover they are not alone. The next YABE weekend will be March 16-18, 2012. Call or email Karen at 6 2 0 - 8 9 6 - 7 6 6 4 o r [email protected] for location, questions, or to register. Register on or before March 2, 2012 and save $10 on the cost of this weekend retreat Upcoming Marriage Encounter Weekend is February 24 – 26 at the Spiritual Life Center. Come for a weekend of discovery and discover a lifetime of love. To register, please call Alex and Mary Ann Krauska at (316) 7211650.

Missionary Catechists of the Poor

Spanish Sisters 620-235-1732 Prayer Line 9:00am – 5:00pm 231-3786 5:00pm – 9:00pm 231-8816

Altar Society Goodwill Store 235-0564 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 9 am-3pm 235-0564

Religious Gift Shop 235-7448 Thursday: 10:00am-1:00pm Friday: 10:00am-1:00pm Saturday 10:00am-12:00pm

MASS INTENTIONS (1) Fr. Mike Baldwin (2) Fr. Chad Arnold (3) Fr. Adam Keiter SUNDAY (19) 7:00 (2) Parish Purgatorial Society 9:00 (1) People of the Parish 10:30 (1) Parish Purgatorial Society 12:00 (2) Intention of Celebrant 2:00pm (3 ) Int. of Celebrant (Spanish) MONDAY (20) 6:30 (1) Joe Monsour+ TUESDAY (21) 6:30 (3) Sharrene Meyer+ 8:00 NO MASS 11:30 NO MASS WEDNESDAY (22) ASH WEDNESDAY 6:30 (1) Evaughn Boswell+ 8:00 (2) Intention of our Clerical Staff 11:15 (1) Marguerite Bettega+ 6:00pm (3) Spanish Mass 7:30pm (1) Parish Purgatorial Society THURSDAY (23) 6:30 (2) Intention of Robert Switlik 11:30 (1) Tom Compton, Sr.+ FRIDAY (24) 6:30 (3) Mary Dulek+ 8:00 (1) Susan Clark Maffei+ 11:30 (2) Intention of Alex McConnell SATURDAY (25) 8:00am (2) Pete & Maralyne Monsour+ 5:30pm (1) Charlene Reineri+ SUNDAY (26) 7:00 (2) Parish Purgatorial Society 9:00 (2) Intention of Celebrant 10:30 (1) Boy Scout Sunday 12:00 (1) People of the Parish 2:00pm (3 ) Int. of Celebrant (Spanish) MASSES AT THE NEWMAN CENTER Fr. Adam Keiter Sun (19) 6:00pm Intention of Students & Faculty Mon (20) 8:30pm John & Rose Plumlee+ Wed (22) 9:00pm Amy Dow+ Thurs (23) 9:00pm Parish Purgatorial Society Sun (26) 6:00pm Intention of Students & Faculty

SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THIS WEEK We need God’s Word each day Mon (20) James 3:13-18; Mark 9:14-29 Tue (21) James 4:1-10; Mark 9:30-37 Wed (22) Ash Wednesday: Joel 2:12-18; 2 Corinthians 5:20—6:2; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 Thurs (23) Deuteronomy30:15-20; Luke 9:22-25 Fri (24) Isaiah 58:1-0a; Matthew 9:14-15 Sat (25) Isaiah 58:9b-14; Luke 65:27-32 Sun (26) First Sunday of Lent: Genesis 9:8-15; 1 Peter 3:18-22; Mark 1:12-15

VOCATION PRAYER: Dear God, bless our family life and nurture us with your love and care. Help us to be attentive to the needs of one another. Guide us to reach beyond our home in the service of others. We ask you to open the hearts of our children to hear your voice, to know their true vocation, and to find true happiness in you. Amen. BENEFIT LUNCHEON for the Brazilton Ruritan projects: Chili & Soup feed, Sunday, Feb. 12th, 11am to 1pm. Immanuel Lutheran Hall (3 miles North and 1 1/4 East of Brazilton). Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 21st, 4:30-6:30pm at the Zion Lutheran Church (Broadway & Jackson Street). Free-will donation is requested. 4-H Junior Leaders Sausage & Pancake Feed, Sunday, Feb. 26, Crawford County Exytesion Office, 120 E. Buffalo, Girard. Serving from 7am-1pm. Free will donation. SERVERS—FEBRUARY 25-26: 5:30pm –Haydn Dawson, Hannah Zerr, Kate Radell 7:00—Bailey Yoakam, Kash Marietta 9:00—Maddy VanBecelaere, Ryan Trowbridge, Cole Trowbridge 10:30—Boy Scouts Noon—Sophia Graham, Hannah Hodson, Abegail Wilson OFFERTORY GIFT BEARERS– FEBRUARY 25-26: 5:30pm—Chris Garzone Family 7:00— Ushers 9:00— Amanda Sukraw Family 10:30— Boy Scouts Noon— Orlando Bevilacqua Family EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS—FEBRUARY 25-26: 5:30pm— Richard Normand, Elias & Magda Tawil, Mary Wilson 7:00— Debbie Clawson, Ann Elrod, Joe Hart 9:00— Kyle Fleming, Beth Wishall, Bob Sanders, Diann Mazurek 10:30– Susie Edwards, Bob & Peggy Fleming, Aaron Besperat Noon—Bob & Donna Backes, Lizanne Franklin, Debbie Butler LECTORS—FEBRUARY 25-26: 5:30pm— Barry Bedene 7:00— Ron Seglie 9:00— Brian Coomes 10:30— Boy Scouts Noon— Brad Hodson

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