New Political Media Environment Compress

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,494
  • Pages: 95
The New Political Media Environment From The Media To WE Media

Thank You to Key Sources „

Brian Reich, Media Rules Author


Simon Rosenberg, NDN President


Morley Winograd, Millenial Makeover Author


Theo Yedinsky, Former NPI Directors


Andres Ramirez, NV Dem Party


Eric Greenberg, Generation WE Author


Catalist (Voter Targeting Firm)

What’s Different About this Ad? „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „

Spanish Language Played on Cable TV Entertainment Marketing – for the World Cup Niche Marketing – for the World Cup Multiculturalism, Unity More than Party Politics Actors All Young Emotions, Not Policy Nod to Cultural Catholicism Links to Website Asks People to Get Involved

Part 1 Overview „

Technology is fueling a major shift in how we communicate. The broadcast era has been replaced with the internet age.


New norms require us to change the way we speak to our audience.


We’re beginning to understand a fundamentally new relationship between people and politics – which drives how people choose to support candidates and policies.


Progressives MUST understand the massive demographic shift happening right now and MUST respond by using new tools.


Doing so will enable a major wave of positive progressive change akin to the New Deal era.


Failure will mean your voice will not be heard.

3 Major Shifts „

Millennial Generation „


Population „ „


4th Civic Realignment in US History

End of Southern Strategy Beginning of the Southwest Strategy

A New Style of Political Communications „ „ „

The End of the Broadcast Era The Return of Direct Contact Tapping into the Groundswell: The Necessity of the 2-way Conversation

Millennial Generation „

Born in 80’s and 90’s …


81 million eligible voters in 2016 = largest voting bloc ever

Strauss Howe generational type: Hero. As a Millennial subgroup, they are presumably characterized by optimism, ability to achieve, and strong group orientation. …

Gen X = Nomad. Presumably characterized by greater orientation toward risk taking, pragmatism, free agency, and more limited group affiliations. … Baby Boomers = Prophet. Presumably characterized by being self-absorbed and very morally driven and value oriented. „

Traits … … …

Civic-minded, Socially and Personally Responsible Highly Entrepreneurial, Problem Solving and Practical Super-interconnected, Globally focused, Intolerant of Intolerance

Mail / Telegraph, Mass/Rapid Transit, Telephone RADIO



Civic Realignment: “Hero” generation + New communications technology + Major problems to solve

Electoral College 1920

Electoral College 1924

Electoral College 1928

Electoral College 1932

Electoral College 1936

Electoral College 1940

Electoral College 1944

Electoral College 1948

Electoral College 1952

Electoral College 1956

Electoral College 1960

Electoral College 1964

Electoral College 1968

Electoral College 1972

Electoral College 1976

Electoral College 1980

Electoral College 1984

Electoral College 1988

Electoral College 1992

Electoral College 1996

Electoral College 2000

Electoral College 2004

Electoral College 2008

Electoral Map Scaled for Population

County Results Map Scaled for Population

County – Population - Intensity

Population Shift: America in 2030 „

88% of population growth will take place in the Southern and Western states …


8 of the 10 fastest-growing states are “Red” states. …


65% of Americans will live in the South or the West by 2030.

97 of the 100 fastest-growing counties voted Republican in 2004

The U.S. Hispanic population will nearly double between 2000 and 2030.

Population Shift: Hispanic Electorate Growing Rapidly

Hispanic Vote Share in Battleground States

The End of the Broadcast Era The Beginning of the Internet Era „

In 1960, we could reach 80% of women with 3 channels. 100 channels are now required for the same penetration


We now receive messages in ways we never imagined – through internet radio, video game advertising, on computer screens in elevators, and much more sophisticated targeted mail


The web surfer has replaced the couch potato. Obama YouTube chats


We are now in the web 2.0 generation of internet advertising


Media integration is the defining characteristic


Direct targeting of small communities is much easier: Google ads appear in our email

Direct Æ Indirect Contact

The Communications Arch

Info r ----- mation --------- Richne ----s ----- s -->

Print Media on the Decline

Print Media Decline: Not Just Young People

Radio on the Decline

TV Segmentation: Cable

Cable now commands over 50% market share in Primetime.

TV Segmentation: Ethnic Media „

One-fourth of U.S. adults --51 million people-- access an ethnic news source …


Consumers of ethnic media vote differently than consumers of mainstream media …


29 million prefer ethnic news sources as primary

Consumers of Asian ethnic media were 30% more likely to vote for George Bush than Asian consumers of mainstream media

Hispanics have the highest ethnic media use, with 87% of adults regularly accessing ethnic media sources. … … …

Univision, the top Spanish-language network, reaches 98% of Hispanic Households During November sweeps, the #1 Spanish-Language network attracts more Hispanic adults 18-49 than ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, WB, combined In ’04-’05 Univision won 18-34 year olds for 22 nights

Internet Rising

Internet Rising

Web 2.0 User Generated Content

Web 2.0 Rich Media

Web 2.0 Content Shift to Entertainment

Web 2.0 Advertising Example „

Charlie Brown vs. John Doolittle 2006 Congressional Election


$2500 radio buy accompanied by targeted blog ads


3X returns in fundraising after print media covers the story


Direct Contact is Back: Advertising Dollars

Direct Contact is Back: Campaign Evidence I

Direct Contact Is Back: Campaign Evidence II „


Tim Kaine for VA Governor 2005 Emerging Suburbs in Northern Virginia experiencing rapid growth

Direct Contact Is Back: Campaign Evidence II „

GOTV universe increased by 116,000 voters and Tim Kaine wins

Direct Contact is Back: Obama 18 16 14 12 559





8 6 4

Unique 8




0 Year 2004

Year 2008

Counties with 50% Contact Rates (1 in 2 registered voters hears directly from a person representing the campaign)

Year 2004

Year 2008

Democratic Voter ID’s Nationwide (in millions)

With media saturation and segmentation, peer-to-peer influence has skyrocketing value

The Groundswell Peer-to-Peer Influence „

A changing America is growing to expect a newer, better, more direct relationship with those who seek to advance their ideas


Obama : Napster :: Hillary : Record Industry


Great Profit is to be had … Dell example … Lego example

WE Media Made Easy „


We Media Made Easy Facebook „ Advanced Google Search „

To Search Truman Fellows:

WE Media Made Easy Facebook „ Google Advanced Search „ Truman Project YahooGroups „

WE Media Made Easy Facebook „ Google Advanced Search „ Truman Project YahooGroups „ Digg „

WE Media Made Easy Facebook „ Google Advanced Search „ Truman Project YahooGroups „ Digg „ RSS Feeds „

iGoogle + RSS 2.0 Feed =

Always Up To Date!

WE Media Made Easy Facebook „ Google Advanced Search „ Truman Project YahooGroups „ Digg „ RSS Feeds „ Google „

WE Media Made Easy Facebook „ Google Advanced Search „ Truman Project YahooGroups „ Digg „ RSS Feeds „ Google „ Twitter „

Silly Name – Serious Opportunity „

U.S. grad student gets out of prison in Egypt



„ „ „

New Scientist Magazine – Twitter and VA Tech shootings L.A. Fire Department – Track Wildfires October 2007 American Red Cross – Disaster Updates U.S. Army Intel Report AQ – It Twitters C-SPAN at Democratic Convention – #DNC08

Who’s On Twitter? „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „

Greta VanSusteren (Gretawire) George Stephanopoulos (GStephanopoulos) Nicolas Kristof (NYTimesKristof) Chris Cilliza (TheFix) Fred Thompson (FredThompson) John Boehner (JohnBoehner) Eric Cantor (EricCantor) Chris Dodd (SenChrisDodd) Nancy Pelosi (NancyPelosi) Al Jazeera English (Al Jazeera English) AJGaza (which links to a site with real time updates of strikes) Qassamcount (Israeli's realtime update of strikes in Israel) IDFSpokesperson


His Progressive Story

His Conservative Story

KSM sounds like Dems

Traitors/unfit to lead

Tough on US’ enemies

KSM ranted about torture

Agree with America’s enemies

Disagree with enemies

Military/intel vilified

Don’t respect military

Honor the troops

Forgotten terror threat


See/fight evil abroad

Obama for appeasement

Are French

Stand for victory


Our Progressive Story

Our Conservative Story

More than military power

Understand 21st century

Don’t understand 21st C

Redo days after 9/11

Would have gotten job done

Messed up big time

Not opposed to all wars

Know when to fight

Bad judgment

To the gates of hell

Mean what they say

Rhetoric over policy

Tough and smart

Understand roots of terror

Understand little


Progressive Anti-Hero

Bad Progressive Story

More than military power

Militarism hurts security

Don’t respect military

Redo days after 9/11

We messed up after 9/11

Blame America first

Not opposed to all wars

War, what is it good for?

Won’t face enemies

To the gates of hell

War supporters = chickenhawks

Slogans over substance

Tough and smart

Work with allies and UN

Won’t stand up for US

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