New Newsletter October 2009

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October 2009 / Newsletter

Wow!! My summer went so fast, and the new school year is here. I am excited to start youth again. Thanks for a great Sabbatical. I was able to learn a lot, rest, and renew my passion for ministry. I hope you are ready for a new youth year with some changes coming. Together we are going to learn about God, our faith, and what it means to serve Him. Get ready to serve in some new ministries, to study your faith, creation, and how to resist our world. Finally, get ready to worship God with your life.

Food Drive Join us and the other youth groups in town to canvas Morden for nonperishable food items for our local food cupboards. Last year we collected more food than Winkler! Let’s do it again. Meet at Mike’s at 6:30, pickup will be at the Westside Church at 9:30.

Penny Carnival Last year we had so much fun with the Penny Carnival we are doing it again. We welcome any kids 12 and under and this is a perfect event to bring your friends. Bring your pennies and an appetite for fun. There will be a coffee corner for parents where you can enjoy coffee and donuts while you wait. So come to church from 7:00 - 9:00 PM for a great time.

Name: Glencross Youth Group Location: In the sticks Bio: The Glencross Youth is a group of junior and senior high students who are excited about learning about God and what it means to be His hands and feet in our world. Contact: Check us out on Facebook @ Glencross Youth Or our blog @ Any Questions?? Contact Mike Penner 822-3864 or 822-8070 [email protected]

Calendar Sr. Youth October 1 - Bible Study @ church @ 7:30 “Paul’s self confidence - Romans 1” 8 - Food Drive 14 - Bible Study @ church @ 7:30 “We are rebels - Romans 2-3” 21 - Bible Study @ church @ 7:30 “Faith - Romans 5” 30 - Penny Carnival Jr. Youth October 8 - Food Drive 19 - Bible Study @ church @ 7:30 “Made - Isaiah 64:8”

October 2009 / Page 2

T-shirt Design


So what do you guys think about the new t-shirt design? I hope to print some shirts and have them for sale in the near future. Let me know what you think.


The Key to a Good Life …whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Matthew 20:26-28 I don’t think I’ve ever met a person who didn’t want his or her life to matter. I think God creates us with a desire to live a great life. The problem is that we lose sight of what makes a life truly great, what it means to make a difference during our lifetime. I heard a true story of a man who once was an athlete. He played college football until one day, as a young adult, he suffered a stroke at practice. The stroke caused brain damage and the man was in a coma for a couple of weeks. When he woke up, he was paralyzed and couldn’t walk. The doctors told him that he would never walk again. Eventually, he regained the use of his legs and re-learned how to walk, but the brain damage was severe enough that he would never be his old self again. He would be challenged for the rest of his life. The university where he had played football gave him a job as a custodian. He loved his job. He said that he is so thankful to God that he is alive and can hug his wife and give piggyback rides to his kids. He said he was thankful that the school gave him a good job—even though it was picking up other people’s trash—because he loves helping people. Here was a guy who has all the reason in the world to be angry with God and to give up. But instead, because his life has been touched by God’s love, he found real life and the way to greatness—to live a life that matters—by loving God and serving others. By the world’s standards, this custodian will likely never be considered great. But, in God’s eyes? Absolutely! This man makes a difference by being a servant, which by the way, Jesus defines as the core value of real leadership! Sadly, many people never recognize that the key to greatness lies not in the amount of money they make, prestige of their career, or how many times they show up in a Google search. True greatness is not limited to the most popular, the most outgoing, the smartest or the most gifted. Rather, it is available to each of us, and is found in the simple, and often quiet, role of servanthood. GOING DEEPER: 1. How have you defined greatness? Has your definition been in line with God’s definition? If not, why not? 2. Think about the people in your life. Who can you serve today? How can you serve that person? FURTHER READING: Matthew 20:20-28; John 13:2-17; Luke 10:27-37

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