New Law Of Universal Gravitation. The Variable Gravitation.

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  • Pages: 8
The universal gravitational variable (These works are protected by copyright, registered officially under the IGAC Nºs 4961/2008 a 4012/2011) José Luís Pereira Rebelo Fernandes Engineer - Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto Portuguese, 1957/01/29 E-mail. [email protected] Residence: 4100-454 Porto – Portugal

Abstract Local cosmological phenomena, such as the systematic and constant Moon removal of 3.8 cm, per year, from the Earth and the removal of the 60 moons of Jupiter and 40 moons of Saturn from its planets and the constant value of the velocity of light “C”, demand a review of the local universe and the laws govern. In this article the constancy of the Universal Gravitational Constant is called into question. In this article the constancy of the Universal Gravitational Constant is called into question. We conclude that it is variable and proportional to the expansion of the universe, that is, inversely proportional to the universal density of potential energy at the local. Keywords: Universe, gravitation, potential, gravity, speed, velocity, mass, physics, variable. (This study will be based on our Earth reference and considering it with immutable characteristics, such as mass, time, speed of light, etc.)

1-The local Universe With the available information that the Moon is moving away from Earth at a rate of 3.8 cm per year ( obtained as measured since 1969,


measurements taken for over 47 years, through the Apollo Laser Ranging Experiments Yield Results. “Jupiter has more than 60 natural satellites, but only the top four deserve particular attention: Io, Europe, Ganymede and Callisto. They have nearly circular orbits, and exhibit the same face toward Jupiter. They are also slowly moving away from the planet. Saturn has over forty satellites, except for two, always run

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with the same face toward the planet, and they are slowly moving away."(Extracted from the book "Discovering the Universe", PhD Teresa Lago from the Astrophysics Center of the University of Porto). These phenomena require an analysis of the local universe and the laws that govern it.

1.1-Local gravitational field It is known by all the expression that allows us to calculate the speed of gravitation of a body around the other and given by: 𝑈 =𝐺


The gravitational potential will always be constant. (Constant velocity of bodies in void U = V ^ 2): A body in the void in a null working system is always constant. On the other hand, the mass generating the gravitational field will also remain constant and we will have, solving Eq. (1.1): =


= 𝐾(constant)


r =K G


As we have seen before, bodies belonging to a gravitational field are moving away from the masses that generate these fields. In the Earth / Moon System, it is moving away from the Earth every year, that is, the radius of gravitation increases, 𝑟 >𝑟 . So it is with the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. From Eq. (4,1), we know that the gravitational radius increases indicating that G increases proportionally. Increasing G, we have the same gravitational potential, generated the largest distance of mass M and hence the Moon to adjust to the location of this potential, moving away. As the radius of gravitation increases to the constant value, then G will also increase to the constant value as it is proportional to it. We have a Universal Gravitational Variety and not a Constant. But why will G be variable and increasing?

2-The universal gravitational field 2.1-The constant velocity of light There is a data in the local universe that has come to us through Einstein, the constancy of the "speed of light" C in all directions. This is the maximum speed allowed in any direction of space. We are then in the presence of local maximum escape potential, given by:

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At where: ρ – Universal density of potential enegy at in place, generated in the locality by all the universal masses. G – "Universal gravitational constant" C =2Gρ As postulated, the speed of light is always constant. Gρ =


G ρ = 𝑊 (constant)




G is inversely proportional to ρ . G is no more than the coefficient of the radiation capacity through the vacuum through the Universal Density of Potential Energy at the site. The lower ρ ,

the lower the resistance to radiation propagation through the void, causing G to increase

in inverse proportion.

2.2-G and 𝛒𝐮 . In universal terms we then: Einstein characterized the speed of light as a result of the escape potential anywhere and in all directions. The same happens in the local escape potential where the escape velocity to abandon a mass is the same in all directions. In gravitational potential,

𝑀 𝑟

is the density of potential energy created by mass M at distance r. Since we

are facing a universal escape potential, 𝐶 , then 𝜌 can only be the density of potential energy created by all the universal mass in the place. C =2G ρ Where:

𝑀 =∑ 𝑀



The universal mass that creates density of potential energy in location.

∑𝑛1 𝑀𝑢𝑗𝑖 ∑𝑛1



- The Average distance to which is found as universal that creates density of potential


energy in location.

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ρ = The amount of universal mass / energy will always be constant.

ρ =



In an expanding universe, all the universal masses will be more and more distant from location i, so the average radius of universal mass emission to the site will be increasing. If the average radius of radiation increases, then the local density of universal potential energy decreases. On the other hand, as we have seen, and according to Eq. (3.2), we will have:



𝐺= 𝑃 R



G increases in proportion to the increase of the average universal emission radius. G is proportional to the average radius of universal emission, then G will also grow at the ratio of the average radius of universal mass emission to the local. Because we are in a homogeneous Universe, then we can say that G increases in proportion to the expansion of the Universe.

𝐺= 𝑄 R


We have a Universal Gravitational Variable and not a Universal Gravitational Constant. Note: Another solution other than increasing G to ensure constant C would imply that the universal mass would increase in proportion to the expansion of the universe which would be absurd.

2.3-The local universe and the Universal whole As we saw earlier in Eq. (4.1), the local gravitational radius increases in the proportion of G. Considering also Eqs. (3.2) and (5.2), we must have:

r =K


T=𝐾 r =T R


The local radius of gravitation varies in the same proportion of the average radius of emission of the universal mass to the local, that is, with the expansion of the universe. The constant increase in the

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average radius of universal emission for the site suggests that the universe also grows at a constant value and that the universe is homogeneous. In an expanding homogeneous universe, the part will grow proportionally to the whole. Like the whole, the Universe expands, so the parts, the local gravitational fields, also expand.

3-The speed at which the universe grows. Let's look at the behavior of mass and gravitational radiation in the universe.

3.1-Is the radiation of mass subject to the action of local gravity? To answer, let's look at the black holes. Masses that generate gravitational fields capable of completely curving their own light radiation. Although black holes do, they continue to create gravitational field, so this type of radiation does not curve under the action of local gravity. Gravity is not able to bend the mass radiation, so it propagates itself rectilinearly throughout the Universe. If we go back to the Big Bang then we understand that the Universe, the expansion of the Universal Density of Potential Energy, will be spherical, so: - The Universe will grow at speed C. - The universe / “vacum” will have a spherical shape. The distribution of potential energy in the universe is spherical, where the distribution of the universal masses if it is not completely spherical, will move very close to that. All universal matter is emersed in the universal energy density that permeates the void. We now know that the universe grows at velocity C, then grows at constant value as we had predicted.

3.2-The variation over time of the universal gravitational variable in the local I, is the age of the universe, for the same location: R


The universal radius is proportional to the universal age. Then, from Eqq.(8.2); 𝑟 =𝑇𝐾CI In a stable gravitational field, the centers of mass, of the masses that gravitate the field, will depart in proportion to the age of the universe.

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The phenomena, which we have previously proposed to study, are explicable with the increase of the "universal gravitational constant", that is to say with the appearance of the universal gravitational variable.

4- The space vacuum We find through the various analyzes already carried out that the universal space is permeated by the universal density of potential energy resulting from mass radiation. We also verified that the gravitational radiation is also dependent on the universal density of potential energy in the place, because the lower the gravitational radiation, the lower the resistance to the propagation of gravitational waves. This type of radiation is non-corpuscular, and our devices that, like us, are materials will not be able to detect them directly. This concept was already implied by Einstein when he made the potential C = 2 G ρ , the universal density of poteential energy in the place.

5-The cosmological variable. Given the proposed expression for the cosmological constant: k= Since G varies, then we will not have a cosmological constant but a cosmological variable whose value will vary in the inverse proportion of the universal gravitational variable. The cosmological variable will decrease in time.

6-The expansion of the universe don’t need "dark energy" When we get a variable universal gravity, which grows proportionally to the radius of the universe, there is the potential created by the masses for the same relative location of the universe (relative, because this point will follow the growth of the universe itself) will always constant. The universe expands, the universal density of potential energy decreases, which increases the gravitational variable in local, allowing the masses to deviate from the center of mass of the gravity field generator without changing their velocities. The process is interactive and the universe keeps stable. The local gravitational potential is constant for the same proportional local rise which means that the velocities are also constants. Therefore the universe, from the standpoint of constant gravitational potential created at a proportional distance, it will behave the same way as a "static universe" and not collapse. Now we don’t need any dark energy to explain the expanding universe.

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“Dark energy” isn’t more than the increase in gravitational variable.

7-Conclusion: - In the local Universe with the information that the Moon is moving away from the Earth, 3.8cm per year and that the Moons of Jupiter and Saturn are moving away from the respective planets, we conclude that the radius of gravitation is proportional to G and that as the gravitational radius are increasing at constant value, then G is also increasing and at constant value. - (The remoteness of the remaining moons from their planets also occurs at constant value, as one day will prove). "Though moving away, the Moon will always remain in the gravitational field of Earth. (Only a cataclysm would change such) - In an attempt to understand the reason for the increase in G, we look at the General Universe and the constancy of the speed of light would only be possible if the G variation happened in the inverse proportion of the value of the Universal Density of Potential Energy at the location, ρ . - These conclusions make us accept the existence of the Universal Gravitational Variable and not the Constant, being inversely proportional to ρ , because the smaller local universal density of potential energy, the greater the universal gravitational variable in the local, that is, the greater the radiation transmission capacity in space. - ρ decreases due to the expansion of the universe. The more distant the universal masses of a given place are, the less potential they create. ρ will thus be inversely proportional to this expansion. - Now we know that in our homogeneous universe, the part will grow in the same proportion of the whole. -Through the analysis of a black hole it is concluded that radiation that promotes universal energy density as well as gravity, which propagate at velocity C does not curve under the action of local matter. - From the Big Bang it is concluded that the limit of the universal potential energy density will be spherical and the dispersion of matter will also be very close to the spherical shape. The universal emptiness is permeated by the universal density potential energy, resulting from mass radiation, which radiation such as gravitational radiation is non-corpuscular in nature and thus not detectable directly by our apparatus of a corpuscular nature. Its detection will only be possible indirectly and through the fluctuation of G. - The universe grows at speed C. The universe grows at constant value.

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-The emergence of universal gravitational variable requires a review of gravitation and the space-time entity. "Now we do not need any dark energy to explain the expanding universe. The "dark energy" is no more than the increase of the gravitational variable. - Now we have the cosmological variable and not the cosmological constant. - The weight of matter in each of the stars will increase due to the increase of G. - The escape velocity of the stars will tend to increase. Will it ever be harder to leave Earth? What we have to do sooner or later, to preserve the species. - In all planetary systems, galaxies, clusters of galaxies, superclusters of galaxies are moving away from their centers of gravity. This is universal growth. - "All the planets in the solar system are moving away from the Sun, at least as long as the mass loss is less than the rate of expansion of the Universe. All natural moons are moving away from their planets. The Sun departs every year from the Center of the Milky Way. The planets in the past of the planetary system have been closer to their stars. Mars has been as far from the Sun as Earth is now. Venus will soon be as far from the Sun as Earth is now. "How was the moon created?" Was there a single double planet with two centers of mass in which the increase of G caused the centers of mass to move away, thereby "tearing out" the Moon, the single Earth protrusion of the surface layer of Earth? - Due to the increase in the universal gravitational variable over time, probably all the dates made from radioactive elements will have to be rethought. Is the solar system much older, at around twice the age so far pointed, and that its origin will be very close to that of the Universe itself? - Considering that the Magnetic Permeability of Vacuum will increase with the decrease of the Universal Density of Potential Energy, in the same direction and ratio of the increase of G, then applying the Quantum Mechanics we would conclude that the whole atomic ray will tend to decrease and the atomic electron energy increase? -To my daughter, my love, my encouragement. José Luís Pereira Rebelo Fernandes Porto, From2008 to 29/12/2017

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