Net Beans Data View Features

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,077
  • Pages: 9
Dataview Module Overview The Database DataView Module for netbeans provides many new features for existing netbeans Database Explorer. Besides many advanced features it provides following features: • • • • • • • • • •

Sort results based on a column Edit data from a query and commit changes Display number of returned records Pagination, Option to set page size Copy selected records with/without HEADER detail Generate SQL script for CREATE, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements from resultset data. New records can be INSERTED in the table Delete Selected rows Truncate the table Optimized pagination for MySQL and Postgres

Result Pane is associated with SQL Editor and for each SQL Editor a separate Result Pane will be displayed. All the features are described below in detail.

SQL Editor

Full Screen View

Result Pane

The above diagram shows full view of Database Explorer SQL Editor Panel, where SQL script can be executed. Once SQL Script is executed results are displayed in lower pane. Lower pane has many features which are shown with different descriptive icons. Hovering mouse over a particular icon, displays the descriptive name of the icon. Most of the features are enabled when executed statement returns a resultset. The edit buttons are enabled when one table participated in the query otherwise edit buttons and row editing is disabled.

Result Pane Records displayed above in Result Pane can be arranged /sorted in following order based on any column. As per the order records are inserted Ascending Order Descending Order Records displayed in Result Pane can be modified and then can be committed into database. Column cell on modification turns green hence modified column can be differentiated easily. Result Pane has a toolbar where different icons are shown which provide different functionality. These features are described below: Insert Record: When Insert Record icon is clicked, it pops up a separate dialog, once valid values are provided, the record will be inserted when user clicks on OK button. When user clicks on Show SQL it shows the SQL based on the value provided for a columns.

Only valid values for columns are accepted if a value is invalid SHOW SQL Pane prints out a message that a particular column’s value is invalid and it doesn’t show SQL Script like above. Hide SQL will hide the SHOW SQL Pane. If a column accepts a NULL value, CTRL+0 can used to make it null, for a NON-NULL column when CTRL+0 is pressed, it will beep to notify this column can't be assigned to NULL. Delete Selected Record(s): Using this feature, selected record(s) can be deleted, if no record is selected and this icon is clicked, a message is displayed to select row(s) to delete. Commit Record(s): When record(s) are updated, using commit icon, updated record(s) can be committed in database. This feature in Result Pane is enabled only when record is updated/edited, by default it is in disabled state.

Cancel Edits: This feature is used to undo the updated column value before commit. This is enabled only when record is updated/edited, by default it is in disabled state. Truncate Table: Used to truncate a table Refresh Records: Refresh the records from database in Result Pane for the current page. PAGINATION Records can be displayed in multiple pages with user defined page size. So to facilitate navigation to different pages, following features are available in Result Pane toolbar. First Page: Used to return to first page of the record displayed in result pane hence first page records are displayed here. If very first page is displayed, this icon is disabled. Previous Page: Used to return to previous page of currently displayed page, if very first page is displayed, this icon is disabled. Next Page: Used to display records in next page from displayed page, if the displayed page is the last page then this Next Page Icon is disabled. Last Page: Used to move to last page of the records, if the displayed page is the last page then this Next Page Icon is disabled.

Page Size: Page size can be defined by user, depending on the page size number of pages is calculated and value is displayed in pallet like above.

In Addition to new features some of the features explained above are also available when mouse is right clicked on any record, Figure shown below.

Following features from the above figure work as described above Insert Record Delete Selected Record(s) Commit Selected Record(s) Cancel Edits Truncate Table Refresh Records Copy Cell Value: Copy cell value of selected cell (column) Copy Row Values: Copy values of selected rows Copy Row Values (With Header): Copy values of selected rows with header name. Show SQL Script for CREATE: Display SQL script to create table with the column definition of the selected table.

Show SQL Script for INSERT: Display SQL script to INSERT values into table with value(s) of selected record(s).

Show SQL Script for DELETE: Display SQL Script to DELETE for selected row.

Show SQL Script for UPDATE: Displays SQL Script for UPDATE. This is enabled only when records are modified. Modified cell is displayed in GREEN color.

Print Table Data: Prints the table data with Header.

DataVie API Overview

DataView Module is developed to show data for a given SQL query string, provides static method to create the DataView Panel from a given SQL query string and a connection. public static DataView create(org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.DatabaseConnection dbConn, String sqlString, int pageSize)

Create and populate a DataView Object. Populates 1st data page of default size. The caller can run this in background thread and then create the GUI components to render the DataView by calling DataView.createComponent() Parameters: dbConn - instance of DBExplorer DatabaseConnection queryString - SQL query string pageSize - default page size for this data view Returns: a new DataView instance public boolean hasExceptions()

Returns true if there were any exception in the last database call, false otherwise. public boolean hasResultSet()

Returns true if the statement executed has ResultSet, false otherwise. public Collection getExceptions()

Returns Collection of a error messages of Throwable type, if there were any exception in the last database call, empty otherwise public int getUpdateCount()

Get updated row count for the last executed sql statement. Returns: number of rows updated in last execution, -1 if no rows updated public long getExecutionTime()

Get execution time for the last executed sql statement Returns: execution time for last executed sql statement in milliseconds public JButton[] getEditButtons() Returns editing tool bar items, an array of JButton

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