N.e.quest Volume 2 Issue 2 July 2008

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Newsletter of North East India Research Forum

Dear Esteemed Members, A hearty welcome to all the members of North East India Research Forum! NE Quest is the platform for all the members of North East India Research Forum where they can express their scientific thoughts, ideas; exchange scientific Knowledges and convey important scientific findings. This issue of NE Quest is a special one, i.e. Women’s Special Issue where we have tried to enter into the scientific world of women. Today if we look at the global scienario of women in science we find that women are equally participating and contributing to science and technology as men. From Marie Curie to Sunita Williams, from Prof. Ashima Chatterjee to Dr. Malinee have proved that women are capable of excercising science. Marie curie was the first to beg Nobel Prize twice in the history of science. Every woman is the source of vast amount of energy. She has the capacity to be a wife, a mother, a teacher, a sister, a child, a pathfinder etc etc at different stages of her life. To be a complete woman, every woman should be well educated and healthy. Then only she can contribute to the society in an effective way. She can become the best teacher of her children and society as well. She should be aware and conscious enough of what is happending in her sorroundings. She will be able to run her family as well as the society when proper education and scientific knowledge will be provided to her. Hence, it is said that “Educating a Man is Educating an Individual but Educating A Woman means Educating a Society.” This modern era is providing lots of opportunities for all in modern science and technology irrespective of gender. So every woman should avail this opportunity and should take all the challenges of life in a positive way. She should learn to feel the enormous amount of energy within her. For all these every women should get education and proper training.

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Needless to mention that Indian women too are proving their capability with flying colours since olden days. Leelavati was the famous mathematician of the past. Gargi and Maitrei were two famous ancient philosophers of India. Dr. Kalpana Chawla was the first Indian woman to go into space. Dr. Chandra is the first physically challenged Indian woman to earn a doctorate degree in Microbiology and a reciepient of Golden Card from President. Dr. Indira Nath, Dr. Padma Mandopadhaya, Dr. Veera Hingorani and many other Indian women are contributing to their respective fields. N orth Eastern Indian women are also showing their talents staying around the globe. I am extremly happy that I have got the opportunity to write the editorial of this Women’s special NE Quest. I am greatful to all the members of NE Research Forum particularly Dr. Arindam Adhikari and the whole editorial team for giving me this opportunity. Thanks to the whole editorial team for their timely help and valuable advice. I am also feeling great to convey that this time the guest article is written by Dr. Malinee, a women scientist of international repute from North East India who is the source of inspiration for the whole North East Indian Women scientists. Thanking you all again,

(Rashmi Rekha Devi) N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008,


Newsletter of North East India Research Forum













7. INSTRUMENT OF THE ISSUE – ATR Spectrophotometer Dr. Khirod Gogoi 8. ARTICLES SECTION a) Invited Article We can develop wasteland through application of bioformulation Dr. Malinee b) The leading lady Dr. Utpal Bora c) Green Chemistry: A Perspective Parasha Hazarika d) Do They Contribute? Dhiraj Dutta e) India’s Missile woman-thumbs up to Dr. Tessy Thomas Ashim J Thakur f) The History of Women in Science Editor’s Collection g) First Indian Women………. Editor’s Collection


17 19 21 25 27 28 29

9. THESIS ABSTRACT Ms. Hijam Eskoni Devi
















Newsletter of North East India Research Forum

North East India Research Forum was created on 13th November 2004.

Kindly let us know your view regarding the following topic. What activities of this group you like most? 1. Research articles = 33% 2. Information about vacancy/positions available = 10% 3. Way to have a contact with all members = 29% 4. Scientific discussions = 14% 5. Others = 2%

Selection of name for Newsletter

1. How we are growing. Every forum has to pass through difficult phases at the time of birth. NE India Research Forum is also no exception. At the very beginning, it was a march hardly with few members (from chemistry only) and today the forum comprised of a force of more than 235 elite members. Now we are in a position such that people voluntarily come and join the group irrespective of disciplines.

There were total 36 proposals submitted by members of the forum for the Newsletter. The name proposed by Mr. Abhishek Choudhury, N.E. QUEST received the maximum number of votes and hence it is accepted as the name of the Newsletter.

2. Discussions held in the forum • • • •

Necessity of directory of all the members of the forum. Possibility of organising conference in the N. E. India. Taking initiation on setting up of South East Asian Scientific Institute. On selection of Best paper award.

3. Poll conducted and results •

How often should we publish our newsletter '' N. E. Quest’’? 1. Every 3 months = 61% 2. Every 6 months = 38% 3. Once a year = 0%

4. Editors of Previous NE-Quest Issues North East India is lacking behind the rest of the country due to1. Geographical constrain = 0% 2. Bad leadership = 40% 3. Lack of work culture = 36% 4. Corruption = 18% 5. Apathy from Central Govt. = 4% Which area of science is going to dominate by creating a great impact on society in next decade? 1. Nanoscience & nanotechnology = 22% 2. Biotechnology = 11% 3. Nanobiotechnology = 38% 4. Chemical Engineering = 0% 5. Medicine = 11% 6. Others = 16% 7. None = 0%

1. Vol 1 Issue 1 April, 2007 Editor: Dr. Arindam Adhikari 2. Vol 1 Issue 2 July 2007 Editor: Dr. Tankeswar Nath 3. Vol 1 Issue 3 Nov 2007 Editor: Dr. Ashim Jyoti Thakur 4. Vol 1 Issue 4 January 2008 Editor: Mr. Pranjal Saikia 5. Vol 2 Issue 1 April 2008 Editor: Dr. Sasanka Deka 6. Vol 2 Issue 2 July 2008 (This issue) Editor: Dr. Rashmi Rekha Devi

5. Future activities Proper planning and consequent implementation always play an important N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008,


Newsletter of North East India Research Forum role in every aspect. Some of the topics / activities / suggestions which were being discussed, time to time in the forum will get top priorities in our future activities. Those are mentioned here, • Preparing complete online database of N.E. researchers with details. • Organising conference in the N.E. region-proposed by Dr. Utpal Bora. • Research collaboration among forum members. • Motivate student to opt for science education. • Help master’s students in doing projects in different organisation-proposed by Mr. Khirud Gogoi. • Supporting schools in rural areas by different ways. • Best paper awards. 5. New activity • •

A new domain in the name of www. neindiaresearch.org is opened. An important and very interesting discussion has been going on the theme “Let us retrospect”. Several members have pointed out few vital points about our current education system and its impact on society. Guidelines for the members are being formulated by the moderators of the NE India Research Forum. These guidelines are placed in the forum for discussion.

To run the forum smoothly, to make it more organised and to speed up activities, formation of a committee/team is essential. The combined discussion of the moderators and senior members make the forum feel the importance of Advisors, co-ordinator, volunteer, webmasters etc. Of course it needs more discussion and will be approved by poll.

¾ "We still live in a world in which a significant fraction of people, including women, believe that a woman belongs and wants to belong exclusively in the home." -Rosalyn Sussman (Nobel Prize-winning medical physicist) ¾ "As a woman I have no country. As a woman my country is the whole world." -Virginia Woolf ¾ "For what is done or learned by one class of women becomes, by virtue of their common womanhood, the property of all women." -Elizabeth Blackwell (The first woman in the U.S. to become a physician) ¾ "The day will come when men will recognize woman as his peer, not only at the fireside, but in councils of the nation. Then, and not until then, will there be the perfect comradeship, the ideal union between the sexes that shall result in the highest development of the race." -Susan B. Anthony ¾ "I think the key is for women not to set any limits." -Martina Navratilova ¾ "There never will be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers." -Susan B. Anthony ¾ "I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand." -Susan B. Anthony



Newsletter of North East India Research Forum

™ A Ph.D. under her belt, at 81 (26 Jun 2008, TNN) Any woman in her 80s would prefer to spend time at home with her grandchildren or, may be, go for walks in the mornings and evenings. But 81-year-old Mandakini Dravid is certainly not one of that kind. She achieved an extraordinary feat on Tuesday when she got a PhD degree from the University of Pune. "It's a battle won," Dravid said, speaking to TOI. It wasn't a very easy road to success though for Dravid. She lost her only son while she was busy preparing her thesis. And it was an endless wait for the declaration of result from the University, after the viva. "I submitted my thesis in 2006 and my viva was conducted on April 8, 2008. However, I did not receive even a single response from the University even after two months. So, I wrote a letter to the director of the Board of College and University Development by the end of June. Later, it was discovered that the concerned clerk did not care to get the examiner's report. The director, after reading my letter, immediately looked into the matter and got things rectified. Had I not written the letter, the matter would still have been pending," Dravid said. Dravid has written a thesis on 'Medical and Psychiatric Social Practitioners Process Analysis' under the guidance of Sunanda Kaushik. Her complete thesis is based on her personal experience and not a single para in the thesis is taken from any reference. "It is the 40 years of experience that makes the thesis complete. Whatever work I did was

all authentic and it all happened due to my guide's continuous encouragement. It was she who said that all my experience has to come on paper and be shared with the next generation and that's how it all happened. So, age was never a bar for me because what was in my mind and my experience just came out in black and white," Dravid, who works as a consultant with Thermax, Pune said. Dravid has also worked as a social worker with the Sassoon Hospital, Pune after taking a degree in Masters in Social Work. She was also the first trained social worker of the hospital when she joined in 1961. Dravid started from scratch but her progress curve only traveled upwards after that even as she worked with various institutions and hospitals in the city like the Yerawada Mental hospital, Pune the Muktangan Deaddiction Centre, Seva Sadan among others. And in 1971, Dravid established a small orphanage called 'Shrivatsa'. She has also worked among the prisoners in the Yerawada jail. After her retirement, Dravid worked in various nongovernmental organisations and till today, she makes sure she contributes in some way and whenever and wherever necessary. Dravid feels her experience while she worked for the rehabilitation of Panshet floodaffected in 1961 needs to be shared with people. "The experience was overwhelming and I was pretty young and energetic during that time," she says. "It was a learning experience all together, be it working with the rehabs or even the mentally and physically handicapped children or even dealing with the suicide attempt cases," she says about her days with the Sassoon Hospital. Dravid's guide, Sunanda Kaushik said, "It's a stupendous performance from her and especially at this age. It is highly commendable. I pressed her to do it because her knowledge and experience is so vast. I wanted her to leave it all behind for posterity. It's amazing how an 81-year-old can do it and she's an inspiration for everyone. There have been several ups and downs in her life and it's amazing how she can diagnose a person N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008,


Newsletter of North East India Research Forum at the drop of a hat and give advice". Dravid, however, expressed disappointment over the lackadaisical attitude shown by the clerk at the University of Pune. "It is very sad how senior citizens are treated here. At 81, if I am expected to run around people and constantly remind them of their job, then the future is under real threat. I haven't even done this thesis for my own benefit. Where am I going to get any promotions by showing this thesis anywhere? I'm however lucky to have received the degree when I'm alive". Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articlesho w/ 3166319.cms

™ Google India announces engineering awards for women New Delhi, March 3 (IANS): To encourage women in computing and technology, Google India Monday announced awards for women studying computer science and related subjects. Based on the candidates’ academic background and demonstrated leadership, 16 women were chosen for the award from a pool of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students. Each was awarded a cash prize of Rs.75, 000. Students of various Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) dominated the panel of winners with 11 out of the 16 coming from the IITs in Mumbai, Delhi, Roorkee, Chennai or Kanpur. The others were from the Indian Institute of Science at Bangalore, Indian Statistical Institute in Kolkata, Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute at Mumbai and Anna University in Chennai. The aim of this award, the first of its kind given by Google India, part of search engine giant Google Inc, was to inspire women to become active participants and leaders in creating technology. Source: http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/busine ss/google-india-announces-engineeringawards-for-women_10023558.html


India’s permanent base near North Pole Science and Technology Minister Kapil Sibal recently inaugurated a permanent base near the North Pole to enable scientists to carry out research, especially on climate change. The research base named 'Himadri' is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and is situated on the west coast of Spitsbergen, the largest island in the Svalbard archipelago of Norway. Himadri will be managed by the National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research (NCAOR), an autonomous institute under the Ministry of Earth Sciences. With the opening of 'Himadri', India has become the 10th country to have established its fullfledged research station in the region. Other countries that have already set up their stations include Norway, Germany, Britain, France, Japan, South Korea and China.

Ocean algae could be rich source of bio-fuels- study Two Kansas State University (US) scientists (Zhijian Pei and Wenqiao Yuan) are taking the initiative to cultivate oil-rich algae in oceans for bio-fuel. Certain species of algae high in oil content could be converted into such fuels as bio-diesel. Algae also have several eco-friendly advantages over corn or other plants used for bio-fuels, including requiring no oil or water to grow. The duo plans to identify attributes of algae and properties of materials that enable growth of certain algae species on solid carriers. Solid carriers float on the water surface for algae to attach to and grow on. "Not all materials are equally suitable to make these carriers," Yuan said. "Some materials are better for algal attachment and growth than others, and we will be identifying what those 'good' materials are." The project could help with the design of major equipment for manufacturing algae bio-fuels from the ocean, including solid carriers, in-the-ocean algae harvesting equipment and oil extraction machines, Pei said. N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008,


Newsletter of North East India Research Forum

"This research aims to develop a costeffective process for growing algae on solid carriers in the ocean for bio-fuel manufacturing," he said. "If successful, it will greatly benefit the energy security of USA, as well as society in general."

Maria Mitchell (Astronomer) 1818 - 1889

Source: http://indiaedunews.net/Science/Ocean_algae could_be_rich_source_of_bio-fuels study_4887/


Agni-III test-fired successfully

BALASORE, May 8 – on May 8th India successfully test-fired its 3000-km range surface-to-surface nuclear-capable Agni-III missile for the second time giving the country a capability to hit targets as far as deep inside China. The all-solid-fuel missile took off from Wheelers Island off Orissa coast at 09:56 hrs and achieved its full range and accuracy by reaching its pre-designated target in 800 seconds. “The missile is now ready for induction,” jubilant DRDO scientists told reporters after the missile achieved its target in a copy-book style. With this second successful test-firing, India now joins a select group of nations having intermediate range ballistic missiles (IRBMs) with ranges upto 3000 kms. The missile will give the nation the capability to target cities in China like Beijing and Shanghai. It was a sort of golden jubilee gift of the DRDO to the nation as the organisation is about to launch from Monday celebrations to commemorate 50 years of its existence. The success of Agni-III paves the way for India to build its truly intercontinental range missiles Agni-IV with a range of 5000 kms in the near future. A miniaturised submarine-launched version of the Agni-III called Agni-III SL is also being developed and could be test-fired shortly. Source: www.financialexpress.com/news/agniIIItestfired-successfully/306657/

“For women, there are undoubtedly great difficulties in the path, but so much the more to overcome. First, no woman should say, ‘I am but a woman.’ But a woman! What more can you ask to be? Born a woman, born with the average brain of humidity, born with more than the average heart, if you are mortal what higher destiny could you have? No matter neither where you are nor what you are, you are a power. Your influence is incalculable”

Anandi Gopal Joshi (or Anandibai) (March 31, 1865 - February 26, 1887) was the first Indian woman to obtain a medical degree. She was the first Indian woman to be trained in Western system of medicine (the first Indian woman physician per se)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anandi_Gop al_Joshi



Newsletter of North East India Research Forum

1. Dr. Ritu Kataky

Dr. Ritu Kataky, had her early education at Shillong’s Loreto Convent. She did her M.Sc. at the IIT Delhi, followed by a couple of years lecturing at St. Mary’s College Shillong. After her marriage to Bipul Kataky in 1981, she moved to UK where she did her Ph.D. at the University of Newcastle-uponTyne. During her Ph.D. she had two children. Following this she joined the University of Durham, at first, as a postdoctorate and then as a Research Fellow. She is now a reader at the same university and also a member at the Centre for bioactive chemistry. Her research interests are in the field of bioactive electrochemistry and electrochemical sensors. She has over 60 publications, is a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a trustee of the Analytical Division. She has been to several countries on lecture tours.

lecturer in Lady Irwin College, New Delhi before going abroad for higher study and research. She did research in synthetic organic chemistry on orthomercapto azo compounds in the University of Manchester, U.K. from 1953 to 1957 and obtained Ph.D under supervision of Professor H. N. Raidon of chemistry department. After returning from England, she was appointed as a lecturer in Cotton College, Guwahati in the department of chemistry. Later she joined as a lecturer in the department of chemistry, Gauhati University. Dr (Mrs) Choudhuri took initiative to guide research in basic chemistry on organic sulphur compounds continuing her research in the field of orthomercapto azo compounds. She supervised seven Ph.D. students on organic sulphur compounds. Dr. (Mrs.) Choudhuri wrote two popular science books one on Biochemical Evolution and Origin of Life (in Assamese Jaiba Rasayanik Bikash aru Jibar Utpatti) and Heredity and its Chemistry (Bangsagati aru year rasayan). She is a devotee of Assamese literature. She translated halil Gibran's 'Prophet' and Bibhutibhusan's Chander Pahar to Assamese and was published.

3. Dr. Deepshikha Choudhury

2. Dr. (Mrs.) Arunmoni Choudhuri Arunmoni Choudhuri was born on 27 August 1928 in Guwahati, Assam. She is the grand daughter of great Assamese poet (Bihagi Kabi, Poet of Nature) late Raghunath Choudhuri. She did her XII th and graduation in science (Chemistry) from Cotton College, Guwahati, Assam in 1947. Then she did M.Sc. from Benares Hindu University in the year 1950. After M.Sc she joined as a

Deepskikha is the daughter of Ajit Kumar Choudhury of Dispur. She received a B.Sc N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008,


Newsletter of North East India Research Forum (Hons. in Physics) from Cotton College, Guwahati, India in 1995 and a M.Sc. (Physics) from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India in 1997. Thereafter, she joined Ohio University, Athens, in 2001 for a doctoral degree in Physics, which she completed in 2006. At Ohio University, under the guidance of Prof. Daniel R. Phillips, she focused on using Compton scattering on light nuclei in order to devise roadmaps that would enable the experimental extraction of neutron electromagnetic polarizabilities. As a graduate student she won the 2004 Ohio University Student Enhancement Award that provides individual research grants to graduate students. Deepshikha’s dissertation developed a new theory to allow measurement of important properties of the neutron, a basic building block of matter. Neutron properties are difficult to determine experimentally, mainly because a neutron is only stable when paired with at least one proton. Deepshikha Choudhury, a newly minted Ph.D. at Ohio University, Miami, Ohio, won the best dissertation award in her field for 2008. The prestigious award is given by the American Physical Society. Arguably, Deepshikha is the first from North East India to have ever received such recognition in nuclear physics by any American society. The award is given annually by the APS division of nuclear physics in recognition of recent outstanding doctoral research in nuclear physics. She joined the Department of Physics at the George Washington University at Washington, DC as a post-doctoral researcher in Nov. 2006. Here, together with Prof. Harald W. Griesshammer, she is currently working on Effective Field Theory techniques in the study of various physical processes involving few-nucleon systems.

DST's Women Scientist Scheme awarded to 16 women scientists of NE Imphal, May 10: Project sanction orders were awarded to sixteen women scientists of northeastern states under Department of Science & Technology (DST),Govt. of India's Women Scientist Scheme-A (WOS-A) during a solemn function held at Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD), Imphal. The award distribution ceremony was held under the guidance of DST, Govt of India (GoI) in collaboration with IBSD, Imphal. The function was attended by Dr. H.B. Singh, Scientist of DST who is also Officerin-Charge of WOS-A, Prof. Ruhinikumar Singh, Director, IBSD, Imphal, Akbar Mazid, Senior Administrative Officer, IBSD and scientists of IBSD, Imphal. Dr. H.B. Singh distributed the project sanction orders to the women scientists who are selected for taking up different projects under WOS-A. Out of the sixteen women scientists, thirteen women were from Manipur while two women were from Assam and one woman from Arunachal Pradesh. The selected women scientists will undertake research works in different institutes like Manipur University, D.M. College of Science, IBSD, Imphal, Assam Agricultural University and Regional Research Laboratory (RRL), Jorhat as per their project proposals submitted to DST, GoI. During the three years' project each scientist will enjoy Rs. 20, 000 per month as stipend besides purchasing equipments and other requirements. Dr. O.N. Tiwari, Scientist-B, IBSD, Imphal who is also Coordinator of

N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008, 10

Newsletter of North East India Research Forum WOS-A for north eastern states said that the main objective of WOS-A is to give a chance of research works by giving financial support to the unemployed women of the country who have completed M.Sc. or Ph.D. Today's award distribution ceremony was in continuation of sensitization workshop on DST's WOS-A held on November 5 and November 6, 2007 at IBSD, Imphal, he said. During the said 40 aspiring women scientists presented their project proposal before a multifaceted expert committee members of DST, GoI, he added. Out of the 40 project proposal, 26 proposals were recommended by the expert committee for submission in DST, GoI. Finally DST selected 16 project proposals and sanction orders were distributed to the women scientists in the award distribution ceremony held at IBSD, Imphal today. Source: www.e-pao.net/GP.asp?src=6.110508.may08

Herb with Anti cancer property A team of scientists from the Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD) are currently working on locallygrown herb in a Manipur village that is believed to have cancer-curing properties. The herb, locally known as 'zanlung damdei' was first spotted by an 82-year-old villager, Chawlien Hmar at Saikot village in Churachandpur district. Hmar then made a medicine from the herb, samples of which were sent to the Chawlien Cancer Medicine Research (CCMR) at Saikot last week, IBSD sources said. The IBSD team led by Project Coordinator Mohindro Singh Khaidem and Natural Product Scientist Ch Brajakishore would ascertain the medicinal value of the herb and its reported curative properties. Source: http://indiaedunews.net/Manipur/Scientists_d iscover_cancer_curing_herb_in_Manipur_vil lage_4596/

New Institute Homeopathy




An institute for ayurveda and homoeopathy, The North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda and Homeopathy will be set up in Meghalaya capital Shillong. This will be an autonomous organisation under the department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH). It will be built at a cost of Rs. 675 million. Out of a total of 225 ayurveda colleges and 181 homeopathy centres in the country, the northeast has only four. Despite considerable demand for ayurveda and homeopathy in the northeast, there are no teaching institutes for these subjects in the other states of the region. The establishment of the institute is also expected to improve research and development of bio-resources in the northeast. Source: http://indiaedunews.net/Meghalaya/Meghala ya_to_have_ayurveda_and_homeopathy_inst itute_3895/

AAU scientists develop high-yielding varieties GUWAHATI, May 4 – In a development that augurs well for the State’s agriculture sector, scientists of the Regional Agricultural Research Station, Shillongani, Nagaon, under the Assam Agricultural University (AAU), have developed two high-yielding Boro rice varieties that are disease-resistant and coldtolerant. Both the varieties – called NBR-2 and NBR-3 – mature early, and are suitable for multiple cropping. Significantly, during a recent all-India coordinated trial, both the varieties came out with flying colours, with NBR-3 securing the second position registering an average yield of 55.4 quintal per hectare and NBR-2 getting the seventh position with an average yield of 52.7 quintal per hectare. “The yield of NBR-2 and NBR-3 would be some 25 per cent more than the existing Boro rice varieties. That apart, the new varieties are resistant against the ‘blast’

N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008, 11

Newsletter of North East India Research Forum disease and cold-tolerant,” Dr. Bhubaneswar Barman, chief scientist of the Regional Agricultural Research Station, told The Assam Tribune. Dr. Barman said that the shorter crop duration of the new varieties, which is 160165 days, would facilitate multiple cropping. “This is a significant achievement in the field of varietal development of Boro rice by the AAU,” he said. Terming the development as the fruits of a seven-year research, Dr. Barman said that apart from the all-India testing, successful trial of both the varieties had also been done in 14 districts of the State. “All the tests and trials have effectively met the norms set by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR),” he said. Dr Barman said that scientists of the centre had also developed a new high-yielding jute variety, known as AAUOJ-1 Tarun. “The new variety can generate a yield of 30 quintal per hectare, which is way above the national average yield,” he said. The new jute variety has already been notified and released by the Central Variety Release Committee for cultivation in the entire country. Meanwhile, an official of the Agriculture department said that the new varieties of Boro rice would lead to a perceptible increase in production. “In accordance with the department’s thrust on seed production, massive programmes have been undertaken including creation of seeds villages,” the official said. (Source: The Assam Tribune)

State boy shines at NASA design contest GUWAHATI, April 26 – He has set his goal unlike others of his age who waver between decision making and taking the right step. With his eyes already fixed on the future, young Surajit Das of Guwahati does not get carried away even after winning international recognition.

The limelight, the excitement, the constant pouring of offers - the definite outcome when an individual wins an award. However, this natural result that has come in his life out of winning the third position in the NASA held Space Settlement Design Contest, has not taken the wits out of Surajit or shaken his objective of contributing towards the society. A HS final examinee from Cotton College and son of S.K. Das, Surajit has been receiving numerous offers from reputed universities of USA to pursue aerospace engineering after the results of the NASA contest were out. Though he has not made any decision yet regarding which university to join, Surajit has already decided one thing -to impart whatever knowledge he gains over the years to the younger generation by introducing an aerospace programme in the country. “I have a dream of introducing the young people of the country to the marvels of space through my programme,” he voiced his plans. Surajit’s design titled ‘Shristi’ showcases how space could be used for human settlement in the coming 50 years. It needs to be mentioned here that submissions for the contest numbered around 156 from 840 students sponsored by 74 teachers. The contest received entries from countries across the globe including Bulgaria, Canada, China, India, Iran and Japan. On an earlier occasion, Surajit could make it to the list of 23 selected Asians in the Asian Space Settlement Design Competition held by NASA and Atlantic Research Centre. “The coming decades will see aerospace dominating every other sector, and I am confident that India will emerge the leader,” said Surajit. Surajit is extremely grateful to his parents and guide Dr. Madhurya Prasad Bora of Gauhati University. He feels fortunate to be a student of Cotton College and said he would not have accomplished the feat without the support of the teachers of Cotton College. Source: The Assam Tribune

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Newsletter of North East India Research Forum


1. Dr. Joshodeep Boruwa is joining Institut de Science et Ingenierie Supramoléculaires, Strasbourg, France for doing his second post doc from August 2008. Right now he is doing his first post doc at Konstanz University, Germany. 2. Dr. Abdul Wahab joined as a post doc fellow with Prof. Josef Michl, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Colorado. His work place is J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Prague, Czech Republic. He did his first post doc at IPC Dept. IISc, Bangalore for two and half year. He did his PhD from RRL Jorhat in 2005. His research interests are Ion solvation, Electrochemistry, Nonlinear optical spectroscopy, Quantum chemical calculations and Carborane chemistry. 3. Dr. Utpal Bora has recently joined Biocon, Bangalore. He did his PhD from RRL Jorhat and then went for post doctoral study in Gifu University Japan as JSPS fellow. 4. Mr. Mahen Konwar has joined IITM (Indian Institute of Tropical Meterology) Pune as Scientist 'B' on 7th July 2008. He has submitted his Ph.D. thesis recently. 5. Mr. Lakshi Saikia has joined NEIST (RRL), Jorhat as Sc. ‘B’ He has recently submitted his Ph.D. thesis entitled 'Synthesis and catalytic activity studies of functionalized mesoporous silica materials' from Catalysis Division, NCL, Pune. 6. Dr. Prakash J. Saikia has recently joined NEIST, Jorhat as Sc ‘B’. Before joining NEIST he did his post doctoral






research in the Université du Maine, Le Mans, France and in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Inha University, Incheon, South Korea. Dr. Bharat Baruah will be joining Kennesaw State University, Georgia as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry on August 1st, 2008. He has been working as postdoctoral researcher at Colorado State University Chemistry Department since October 2003. He did his Ph.D. from Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS), Kolkata. Mr. Ankur Bordoloi attended Green Chemistry Conference held at Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherland. He has recently submitted thesis entitled ‘Hybrid inorganic-organic materials and nanocomposites; synthesis, characterizations and catalytic applications in organic transformations’ from Catalysis Division, NCL, Pune. Mr. Rahul Kar is going to attend Eighth Triennial Congress of World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists -2008, to be held from 14-19 September in Sydney, Australia. He also received best poster award in the Physical and Material Science category in the poster presentation held on Science Day at NCL. Mr. Rubul Mout is visiting Bindley Bioscience Center, Purdue University, US from May 2008 to August 2008. He is carrying out research on ‘Comparative and Functional Proteomics’. He is doing his Ph.D. at Dept of Biological Sciences, TIFR, Mumbai. Dr. Manash Sarmah has joined Jubilant Chemsys Ltd, New Delhi as a Senior Scientist. Before joining the present job he was working in the ChemBioteck, Pune. He did his Ph.D. from NCL, Pune and then he moved to Technion Haifa for doing post doctoral research. Dr. Rashmi Rekha Devi has joined as Sc. ‘C’ at DRDO, Kanpur under ROSSA (Registration of Students with Scholastic Aptitude) 2007 scheme of DRDO.

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Newsletter of North East India Research Forum


Mid-Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is an extremely reliable and well recognized fingerprinting method. Many substances can be characterized, identified and also quantified. One of the strengths of IR spectroscopy is its ability as an analytical technique to obtain spectra from a very wide range of solids, liquids and gases. However, in many cases some form of sample preparation is required in order to obtain a good quality spectrum. Traditionally IR spectrometers have been used to analyze solids, liquids and gases by means of transmitting the infrared radiation directly through the sample. Where the sample is in a liquid or solid form the intensity of the spectral features is determined by the thickness of the sample and typically this sample thickness cannot be more than a few tens of microns. The technique of Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) has in recent years revolutionized solid and liquid sample analyses because it combats the most challenging aspects of infrared analyses, namely sample preparation and spectral reproducibility.

windows e.g. NaCl, KBr, CaF2, which is then placed in the spectrometer for analysis by transmission. Potassium bromide (KBr) is probably the most widely used matrix material. Between 1 and 3 mg of ground material needs to be mixed thoroughly with about 350 mg of ground KBr. The mixture is now transferred to a die that has a barrel diameter of 13 mm. This is then placed in a suitable press and Pressed (evacuation is optional) at around 12,000 psi for one to two minutes. Re-crystallization of the KBr results in a clear glassy disk about 1 mm thick. This disk is now ready to be analyzed by transmission. Liquids are traditionally analyzed as thin films in cells; a cell consists of two IR transparent windows. A Teflon® spacer is generally used to produce a film of the desired thickness or pathlength. A constant pathlength is highly desirable when performing quantitative analyses. Overall, sample preparation is easier for liquid transmission studies when compared to solid transmission sampling but both suffer from inevitable reproducibility issues given the complexity of the sample preparation methods. In addition, preparation can be very messy and time consuming and is further complicated by difficulties in getting sample to matrix ratios correct and homogenous throughout the sample. The materials involved are fragile and hydroscopic and the quality of measurements can be adversely affected if handled or stored incorrectly. The technique of Attenuated Total Reflectance addresses these issues.

Issues surrounding traditional transmission sample preparation

Principles of ATR

The two most common forms of sample preparation for solids both involve grinding the material to a fine powder and dispersing it in a matrix. The ground material can be dispersed in a liquid to form a mull. The most commonly used liquid is mineral oil (nujol). Typically no more than 20 mg of solid is ground and then one or two drops of nujol are used to create a paste which is then spread between two Mid-Infrared transparent

An attenuated total reflection accessory operates by measuring the changes that occur in a totally internally reflected infrared beam when the beam comes into contact with a sample (indicated in Figure below). An infrared beam is directed onto an optically dense crystal with a high refractive index at a certain angle. This internal reflectance creates an evanescent wave that extends beyond the surface of the crystal into the sample held in contact with the crystal. It can N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008, 14

Newsletter of North East India Research Forum be easier to think of this evanescent wave as a bubble of infrared that sits on the surface of the crystal. This evanescent wave protrudes only a few microns (0.5 µ - 5 µ) beyond the crystal surface and into the sample. Consequently, there must be good contact between the sample and the crystal surface. In regions of the infrared spectrum where the

sample absorbs energy, the evanescent wave will be attenuated or altered. The attenuated energy from each evanescent wave is passed back to the IR beam, which then exits the opposite end of the crystal and is passed to the detector in the IR spectrometer. The system then generates an infrared spectrum. For the technique to be successful, the following two requirements must be met: • The sample must be in direct contact with the ATR crystal, because the evanescent wave or bubble only extends beyond the crystal 0.5 µ - 5 µ. • The refractive index of the crystal must be significantly greater than that of the sample or else internal reflectance will not occur – the light will be transmitted rather than internally reflected in the crystal. Typically, ATR crystals have refractive index values between 2.38 and 4.01 at 2000 cm-1. It is safe to assume that the majority of solids and liquids have much lower refractive indices. ATR accessories The traditional ATR design in which a thin sample was clamped against the vertical face

of the crystal has been now been replaced by a horizontal design. In horizontal ATR (HATR) units, the crystal is a parallel- sided plate, typically about 5 cm by 1 cm, with the upper surface exposed. The number of reflections at each surface of the crystal is usually between five and ten, depending on the length and thickness of the crystal and the angle of incidence.

When measuring solids by ATR, it is essential to ensure good optical contact between the sample and the crystal. The accessories have devices that clamp the sample to the crystal surface and apply pressure. This works well with elastomers and other deformable materials, and also with fine powders but many solids give very weak spectra because the contact is confined to small areas. The effects of poor contact are greatest at shorter wavelengths where the depth of penetration is lowest. The issue of solid sample/crystal contact has been overcome to a great extent by the introduction of ATR accessories with very small crystals, typically about 2 mm across. The most frequently used small crystal ATR material is diamond because it has the best durability and chemical inertness. These small area ATR crystal top-plates generally provide only a single reflection but this is sufficient, given the very low noise levels of PerkinElmer’s modern FT-IR spectrometers. Much higher pressure with limited force can now be generated onto these small areas. A much smaller area of contact is now required in comparison to the HATR units. As a

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Newsletter of North East India Research Forum result, spectra can be obtained from a wide variety of solid materials including minerals. Crystal materials and cleaning There are a number of crystal materials available for ATR. Zinc Selenide (ZnSe) and Germanium are by far the most common used for HATR sampling. ZnSe is a relatively low cost ATR crystal material and is ideal for analyzing liquids and nonabrasive pastes and gels but it is not particularly robust with a working pH range of 5-9. ZnSe scratches quite easily and so care must be taken when cleaning the crystal. It is recommended that lint free tissue is used. Germanium has a much better working pH range and can be used to analyze weak acids and alkalis. Germanium has by far the highest refractive index of all the ATR materials available which means that the effective depth of penetration is approximately 1 micron. For most samples this will result in a weak spectrum being produced, however, this is an advantage when analyzing highly absorbing materials; carbon black filled rubbers are typically analyzed using Germanium ATR accessories. Diamond is by far the best ATR crystal material because of its robustness and durability. The original purchase cost is obviously higher than that of other crystal materials available, but over the instrument’s lifetime replacement costs should be minimal. The same cannot be said of ZnSe or Germanium, both of which can scratch and break with improper use. As with all FT-IR measurements, an infrared background is collected, in this case, from the clean ATR crystal. The crystals are usually cleaned by using a solvent soaked piece of tissue. Typically water, methanol or isopropanol are used to clean ATR crystals. The ATR crystal must be checked for contamination and carry over before sample presentation, this is true for all liquids and solids.

Analyzing liquids After the crystal has been cleaned and an infrared background has been collected, the liquid is simply poured onto the crystal. The whole crystal must be covered if performing a quantitative or qualitative analysis. The crystal is recessed into the metal plate to retain the sample. Pastes and other semi-solid samples are readily measured by spreading them on the crystal. Horizontal ATR units are often used for quantitative work in preference to transmission cells because they are easier to clean and maintain. Analyzing solids Solids are generally best analyzed on the single reflection ATR accessories; diamond being the preferred choice for most applications because of its robustness and durability. After the crystal area has been cleaned and the background collected, the solid material is placed onto the small crystal area. Experience has shown that ideal results from powder samples have been achieved by placing just enough samples to cover the crystal area. The sample height should not be more than a few millimeters. Once the solid has been placed on the crystal area, the pressure arm should be positioned over the crystal/sample area. When using the Spectrum 100 Series’ Universal ATR accessory, the pressure arm locks into a precise position above the diamond crystal. Force is applied to the sample, pushing it onto the diamond surface. PerkinElmer’s revolutionary Spectrum™ FTIR software utilizes a ‘Preview Mode’ which allows the quality of the spectrum to be monitored in real-time while fine tuning the exerted force. It is good practice to apply pressure until the strongest spectral bands have an intensity which extends beyond 70% T, namely from a baseline at 100% T down to 70% T. Good sample/crystal interface contact has been achieved once this rule has been satisfied. This is very easy to achieve with soft samples and fine powders, this is shown in Figure 8. The strongest bands here extend beyond 20% T with relatively little force applied; the force gauge is registering N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008, 16

Newsletter of North East India Research Forum 80 N. A lot more pressure would need to be applied when analyzing high density polymers and coatings on metal surfaces. Once the user is satisfied with the spectrum shown in this ‘Preview Mode’, the data is then collected in the normal manner. The force should not be adjusted when co-adding the final spectrum. Unlike transmission measurements, ATR sampling does not produce totally absorbing spectral bands because the effective path-length is controlled by the crystal properties thereby minimizing sample re-preparation time. After the spectrum has been collected, which should typically take no more than 32 seconds, the user must return to the ‘Preview Mode’. This mode is now used to check that the crystal area is clean before placing the next sample on the crystal. A 100% T line with no spectral features should be seen if the crystal is clean, if spectral features are seen, the crystal should be cleaned again using a solvent soaked tissue. The next sample can be placed on the crystal area once the 100% T line has been displayed and the sampling steps are repeated. Conclusion ATR is an IR sampling technique that provides excellent quality data in conjunction with the best possible reproducibility of any IR sampling technique. It has revolutionized IR solid and liquid sampling through: • Faster sampling • Improving sample-to-sample reproducibility • Minimizing user to user spectral Variation Most importantly, the improved spectral acquisition and reproducibility associated with this technique leads to better quality database building for more precise material verification and identification. ATR is clearly an extremely robust and reliable technique for quantitative studies involving liquids. Source: www.perkinelmer.com

Invited Article WE CAN DEVELOP WASTELAND THROUGH APPLICATION OF BIOFORMULATION Dr. Malinee In North-Eastern region of our country after many years of independence, science and technology is getting importance as one of the subject for development of the nation. Even India and other developed countries like USA and UK, women were not given importance as a scientist, technocrat, administration, policy and decision making. Royal Society of London (RSL) was founded in 1662 but no women were allowed to become the society member. RSL elected its first female member in 1945 only. The first international forum, Third World Organization for Women in Science (TWOWS) was founded in the year 1993. The main objective of this organization is to unite all the eminent women in science to develop scientific temper, to strengthen their process, technology and leadership in science. With same objective Indian Women Scientists Association (IWSA) was established in 1973. Once upon a time although women are suppressed in male dominated societies, now that time is over. Women have overcome all the traditional barrier and showing their expertise in medical science, space science, ocean science, engineering, administration, politics, business, teaching, etc.

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Newsletter of North East India Research Forum North-Eastern women scientists have a key role to play in the development of the region by creating a scientific temper in the society. NE region is bestowed with natural resources. Therefore, womens’ contributing in protecting the environment, developing wasteland to cultivable land, conserving the biodiversity and ensuring its sustainable utilization etc is crucial.

contain high amount of hydrocarbons and several trace metals. Trace metals above the permissible level is adversely affect the soil and all the living objects. Even the essential elements, if they are above the tolerance level are toxic.

Here, I would like to give an example how we can reclaim wasteland due to crude oil spillage to cultivable soil. North-East India, particularly Assam rich in crude oil. In oil fields during normal operations, leakages and spillage of crude oil or other materials are very common. In oil fields, during drilling, gathering, transporting or in other operations some quantity of the crude oil is spilled out from drilling and operating sites. This spilled crude oil changes the biochemical nature of the soil. They cause serious threat to the flora and fauna of drill sites. Moreover, certain portions of crude oil gets leached out or percolate down to the rhizosphere region of the soil causing further damage to the soil health. As a result no vegetation takes place in such affected sites for long time. Once contaminated, the soil takes years together to have the natural plant succession. In such a situation, introduction of vegetation induced by innovative means may be a solution to reclaim. Crude oil is of organic origin and is an extremely complex structure of hydrocarbons. Besides carbon (C), hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N), sulphur (S) and oxygen O) many other elements like vanadium (V), nickel (Ni), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), manganese (Mn), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), potassium (K), chromium (Cr), arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), copper (Cu), magnesium (Mg), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), etc. are present in the crude oil. Depending upon the origin and depositional environment from which crude oil is formed; the types of the trace metals in crude oil may vary from oil field to oil field. The water associated with crude oil also contains a number of dissolved organic and inorganic materials. Therefore, drill sites area

Area before treatment Here at NEIST, Jorhat, Assam an approach was made to reclaim such areas for development of vegetation. Our study showed that soil is highly alkaline (pH 11.512.0) and oil content was recorded 16%. Essential elements including heavy metals (0.04-10.63 ppm) were detected in that area. Moreover Soil beneficial microbes like nitrogen fixers, phosphate solubilizers, sulphur oxidizers and cellulase degraders and their activities are recorded less in such contaminated site. As per the bio-chemical nature of soil, the area was treated with microbial bioformulation which is an important tool for bioremediation. Bioformulation is a culture of three types of bacteria isolated from soils of Assam, India. After the treatment soil characteristic was recorded every three months interval. N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008, 18

Newsletter of North East India Research Forum As the drill sites areas are contaminated with numerous elements and plant absorbs all dissolved elements and ions whether it is toxic or not therefore, fast growing, nonedible economically important and drill sites feasible plants were selected for this study. Elements recorded in the soil were detected in various parts of the plants grown in that area after reclamation. Our study showed hyper accumulation of metal content in root parts than the shoot and leaves in one year old plants.

Chambers of Commerce, Kolkota, India in the year 2004. She is a popular writer of stories, articles, science fictions, etc. She has offered a remarkable contribution to the literature particularly in popularization of science among children. She is a regular writer of many news papers and magazines of Assam. She was a noted columnist for the Assamese News Paper “Saptahik Janambhumi”. Dr Malinee has bagged two national awards for her books “Science in the form of stories” and “Adarshar Bowari” in the year 1999 and 2001 respectively.

The leading lady Compiled by Dr. Utpal Bora

Area after treatment For this work B.P. Poddar Memorial Award for Environment Protection and Improvement was awarded to me during the by Bharat Chambers of Commerce Kolkata.

Dr. Malinee is a scientist at North East Institute of Science and Technology (NEIST) (formerly Regional Research Laboratory (RRL), Jorhat. She has expertise in utilisation of soil microorganisms in agriculture, environmental pollution control, bio-control of insect, fungus and weed. Because of her bioremediation work on crude oil contaminated soil she has been awarded B. P. Poddar Memorial award for environment protection and improvement by Bharat

Among the many persons whom Bangalore can proudly call its own dear ones, biotech entrepreneur and CMD of Biocon India Group, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw is definitely one. Forward looking, driven, enterprising and definitely outspoken, Kiran is everything that one would look to in a woman of her stature. Her pioneering efforts in biotechnology have drawn global recognition both for Indian Industry and Biocon. Her unique vision has steered Biocon's transition to Integrated biopharmaceutical company. Just to indicate her background, she had her schooling at Bishop Cotton Girls School and Mount Carmel College at Bangalore. After completing her B.Sc. in Zoology from Bangalore University in 1973, she went to Ballarat Institute of Advanced Education (now University of Ballarat), Australia to study brewing and qualified as a master brewer in 1974. She started her professional career as trainee brewer in Carlton & United Beverages in 1974. In 1978, she joined as Trainee Manager with Biocon Biochemicals Limited in Ireland. So how did Biocon India happen? She can explain better "A chance meeting with the founder of BIOCON International, Leslie Auchincloss marked the N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008, 19

Newsletter of North East India Research Forum start of Biocon India. I had dreamt of doing many things but never of starting a company of my own,'' she has admitted. In the same year collaborating with the same Irish firm, she founded Biocon India with a capital of Rs 10,000/- in her garage. The initial operation was to extract an enzyme from papaya. But it was never smooth going. Banks and financial institutions had never heard of biotechnology back then and shied away from her proposals. An added reason was also that she was a woman. This was also the problem when she started recruiting, because people were wary of working for a woman. But it did not take long for Kiran to dispel those myths. Ask her today whether things have changed, and she will probably reel out statistics of the number of people working for her and remark with a twinkle in her luminous eyes, ''Ask my colleagues!'' Over the years, the company grew under her stewardship and is today the biggest biopharmaceutical firm in India. In 2004, Biocon went for an IPO and the issue was over-subscribed by over 30 times. Post-IPO, Shaw held close to 40% of the stock of the company and was regarded as India’s richest woman with an estimated worth of Rs. 2,100 crore (~US $ 480 million). But there is another face of Kiran, which many Bangaloreans are familiar with, though it has been less visible of late. She is a civic activist, especially with respect to municipal administration in Bangalore. In an interview with the Deccan Herald dated September 9th, 2003, Ms. Shaw revealed pride in Bangalore, the city where she was born and brought up and her disappointment about the changing beauty of old Bangalore she knows. She felt that Bangalore has a unique culture of its own and the infrastructure had not kept pace with development and hence led to decay in the beauty of the city. She felt that Bangalore culture includes its own theatres, food, music, academics, and architecture. "There are very few cities in India where academicians and scientists are glorified the way they are in Bangalore", she said. In her effort to preserve the character of Bangalore, she has been proactively involved in various city improvement plans. She has actively

campaigned and raised her voice for things, which she felt were need - civic amenities, roads, cleanliness etc. But her commitment is solid nevertheless. She was among the first to hail the Bangalore Agenda Task Force (BATF) initiative and added her mite to it by contributing Rupees One Crore. Her donations went towards starting the Swachcha Bangalore program of door-todoor collection of garbage. She is also an art collector. She has authored 'Ale and Arty,' a Coffee table book about brewing beer illustrated by paintings of some of India's renowned artists. Famous brewing families and beer firms are the subject of the book. Being a lover of art and arty things, her office is adorned with artifacts and paintings by Yusuf Arakkal and various other artistes reflect her feelings. She has been a trustee of the Karnataka Chitra Kala Parishat as well. A successful technocrat of global standing, Ms. Shaw is highly respected in the corporate world. She is the recipient of several prestigious awards including the ET Businesswoman of the Year, Best Woman Entrepreneur, Model Employer, Ernst & Young's Entrepreneur of the Year Award for Life, Sciences & Healthcare, Leading Exporter, Outstanding Citizen, Technology Pioneer, etc. Her most cherished awards are however, the PADMASHRI (1989) and PADMA BHUSHAN (2005) presented to her by the President of India, for her pioneering efforts in Industrial Biotechnology. She is married to John Shaw, a Scotsman who headed a leading textiles MNC, Madura Coats from 1991-1998 as Chairman and Managing Director. John Shaw has since joined Biocon as Director, International Business and is the Vice Chairman of the Board. So where does she go from here. "My vision is to grow into a global bio-therapeutics company with very innovative and proprietary products and technologies. Two years is a very short time to predict drug discovery but we hope to discover a few new

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Newsletter of North East India Research Forum drug molecules in three-four years through a new in –house initiative.



Parasha Hazarika

Utpal Bora received his Master’s degree (Chemistry) in 1999 from Gauhati University, Assam, India. He then joined Dr. R.. C. Boruah’s research group in the Medicinal Chemistry Division at the North East Institute of Science & Technology (NEIST), Jorhat-785006, Assam, India to pursue his Ph.D degree. Soon after Ph.D., he went to Gifu Pharmaceutical University, Japan to carry out postdoctoral study (JSPS fellow). Right now, he is serving as a Associate Scientific Manager at BIOCON, Bangalore.

Green is a strong colour. Green is the colour of chlorophyll. Being green has long been a battle of cry of environmental activities, and being green has become an important marketing tool for business. And for chemists, it is becoming increasingly important to be green by applying the principles of green chemistry to all facets of chemical sciences: basic and applied research, production and education. Green Chemistry, also known as sustainable chemistry, is an umbrella concept that has grown substantially since it fully emerged in recent years. By definition, Green Chemistry is, a chemical philosophy encouraging the design of products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances to prevent problems in future. Green Chemistry, a contribution Sustainable Development:


Sustainable development, the keystone of technological progress in this new century, challenges chemical sciences to play a primary role in converting old technologies into new clean processes and in designing new products and new eco-compatible processes. Green chemistry essentially refers to the new sustainability priorities in technological and scientific innovation, on the basis of general rules stressing the need to abandon harmful products and processes. Some strategies which can be adopted are: 1. Optimization of balance of global mass in order to minimize waste. 2. Minimization of energy consumption, e.g. designing processes at ambient temperature and pressure.

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Newsletter of North East India Research Forum

Green chemistry is increasingly seen as a powerful tool that researchers must use to evaluate the environmental impact of nanotechnology. As nanomaterials are developed, the environmental and human health impacts of both the products themselves and the processes to make them must be considered to ensure their long-term economic viability.

enable unique catalytic selective transformations as well as functional materials to be designed beyond the current state of the art. Biotechnology has already proved to be a successful tool for the efficient production of bulk chemicals, specialties and pharmaceutical active ingredients. However, there is still room for innovations. Conversely, the application of green chemistry design principles may benefit both nanotechnology and biotechnology by providing, for example, less toxic and efficient nanomaterials as well as environmentally benign reaction conditions and purification methods for bio-based synthesis. This will make it possible for the research achievements in these fields to become commercial realities in the short term.

Ambitious Goals of Green Chemistry:

The Challenge of Green Chemistry:

Green chemistry aims to introduce radical new technologies that will transform the nature of chemical use and manufacture. Green chemistry and engineering is vigorously changing the way we invent, manufacture and use chemical substances. Outstanding environmentally benign synthetic methods, reaction conditions, and safer chemicals have been developed since the Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry were formulated in the early 1990s. Today, the growing number of green chemical methods delivered by academic and industrial researchers enables companies to build strategies for green chemistry industrial implementation.

For chemists, it is increasingly becoming important to be green by applying the principles of sustainable chemistry to basic and applied research, production, and education. Meeting the criteria of green chemistry within a short time frame presents a major scientific challenge. Broadly, green chemical process research can be divided into three categories: alternative feedstocks, alternative solvents, and alternative synthetic pathways, many of which involve novel catalysis.

3. Use of raw materials taken from renewable sources. 4. Whenever possible, replacement of old compounds with others which maintain their functional efficiency while minimizing their toxic impact on the environment and human health.

Bioengineering is also seen as a promising technique for achieving green chemistry goals. A number of important process chemicals can be synthesized in engineered organisms, such as shikimate, a Tamiflue precursor which is fermented by Roche in bacteria. Cross-fertilization between green chemistry, nanotechnology, and biotechnology is expected to bring benefits to each individual scientific branch. By controlling matter at the nanoscale level, new nanostructures will

Alternative feed stocks. One proven approach, already widely implemented in industry, is to use the waste from one process as a feedstock or reagent in the next. The utilization of benign, renewable feedstocks is needed for addressing the global depletion of resources. Bio-based products hold great promise for achieving the goals of sustainable development and implementing the principles of industrial ecological and green chemistry. A more radical approach is to move from hazardous, resource-depleting materials such as petroleum to those from renewable or biologically derived sources. For example, bio-derived lactic acid is now being used as a

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Newsletter of North East India Research Forum feedstock for large-scale industrial polymer production.

Some Current Key Green Chemistry Research Areas:

Alternative solvents:

1. Green Chemistry for fuel Synthesis and Processing: Syntheses, processing and consumption of fuels represent many local and global environmental and safety challenges. The major issues in green chemistry for fuel synthesis and processing include eliminating waste from the production and consumption of fuels, utilizing alternative feedstocks to the depleting petroleum-based feedstocks or other fossil based feedstocks, developing novel catalysts and processes, using clean fuels, improving energy efficiency, and identifying renewable energy resources for future applications. Green chemistry for fuel synthesis and processing will remain a great challenge and also a tremendous opportunity to chemists and engineers worldwide.

Solvents define a major part of the environmental performance of processes in chemical industry and also impact on cost, safety and health issues. The idea of ‘‘green’’ solvents expresses the goal to minimize the environmental impact resulting from the use of solvents in chemical production. Recently, four directions towards green solvents have been developed: (i) substitution of hazardous solvents with ones that show better EHS (environmental, health and safety) properties, such as increased biodegradability or reduced ozone depletion potential (ii) use of ‘‘biosolvents” (iii) substitution of organic solvents either with supercritical fluids that are environmentally harmless (iv) with ionic liquids that show low vapour pressure, and thus less emission to air. A very broad range of chemical reactions from alkylation and polymerization to biocatalysis of chemical reactions from alkylation and polymerization to biocatalysis and electroplating have already been carried out in these solvents. Alternative synthetic pathways: Most new pathways that lead to cleaner chemistry involve catalysts. The design of selective catalysts is crucial to the future of green chemistry because improved catalysis can reduce the number of stages in a given process and hence reduce its environmental impact. The design of safer chemicals will necessarily change the detailed synthesis that is needed for a particular product. Nevertheless, there is still a major need for concerted research to improve the selectivity and performance of catalysts. For example, a novel catalytic step has almost halved the number of stages needed to manufacture the analagesic ibuprofen and has also eliminated the toxic solvent CCl4 from the process. Similarly, Pfizer has introduced a new process, designed on green chemistry principles, that greatly reduces waste in manufacturing sertraline, the active ingredient in the antidepressive drug Zoloft.

2. Green Chemistry and Biorefinery Research into renewable bioresources at York and elsewhere is demonstrating that by applying green chemical technologies to the transformation of typically low value and widely available biomass feedstocks, including wastes, we can build up new environmentally compatible and sustainable chemicals and materials industries for the 21st century. Current research includes the benign extraction of valuable secondary metabolites from agricultural co-products and other low value biomass, the conversion of nature's primary metabolites into specialty materials and into bioplatform molecules, as well as the green chemical transformations of those platform molecules. 3. Green Chemistry prospectives of Methane conversion via oxidative methylation of aromatics over Zeolites catalysts: Methane gas is known to be the most destructive greenhouse gas. The current world reserves of natural gas, which contains mainly methane, are also still underutilized due to high transportation costs. Thus, considerable interest is presently shown in conversion of methane to transportable liquid fuels and chemicals of importance to the N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008, 23

Newsletter of North East India Research Forum petrochemical industry. The catalytic methylation of aromatics is one possible new route for converting methane to more valuable higher hydrocarbons. The reaction, which has been termed oxidative methylation , was thus postulated to involve a two-step mechanism involving intermediate methanol formation by methane partial oxidation, followed by benzene methylation with methanol in the second step. However, strongly acidic zeolites can cause cracking of benzene to yield methylated products in the absence of oxygen. The participation of methane and oxygen, and the effective use of zeolite catalysts in this methylation reaction definitely have some positive green chemistry implications. 4. Green chemistry in the manufacture of oligonucleotide drugs: Synthetic oligonucleotides are an emerging class of drug molecules with a broad spectrum of therapeutic application. Safe and cost-effective methods are needed for the manufacture of these drugs at commercial scales. To that end, multiple modifications have been made by applying principles of green chemistry for large-scale oligonucleotide manufacturing processes. These methods include replacement of fish-derived nucleosides with synthetic nucleosides, use of pyridinium trifluoroacetate as a safer activator than 1H-tetrazole, use of water instead of organic solvent for chromatography etc. Green synthesis protocols for oligonucleotide manufacture yield less costly drug products when all direct and indirect costs are accounted.

manufacturing strategies available through nanoscience. The ultimate potential for green chemistry and nanoscience is an integrated approach, the development of green nanoscience, where the powerful tools of nanoscience and the rational designs of green chemistry lead to greener products, processes, and applications. High purity Carbon Nano Tubes (CNTs), which is supposed to be a key component of nanotechnology have been produced by chemical vapour deposition of camphor, an environment-friendly hydrocarbon. The revolution of green chemistry provides an enormous number of opportunities to discover and apply new synthetic approaches using alternative feed stocks, ecofriendly reaction conditions, energy minimizations and design of less toxic and inherently safer chemicals. The origin and basis of green chemistry for achieving environmental and economic prosperity is inherent in a sustainable world. We need the relevant scientific, engineering, educational and other communities to work hand in hand for sustainable future through Green Chemistry. Let the Green World be remained Green forever. References 1. C. Estevez, Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews, Vol. 1, March 2007, 5. 2. M. Poliakoff et.al, Science, 2002, 297, 807. 3. U. Fisher et.al, Green Chemistry, 2007, 9, 927. 4. Editorial, Green Chemistry, 2007, 9, 525. 5. J.H. Clark et.al, Green Chemistry, 2006, 8, 853.

5. Green Nanotechnology: Green chemistry has enormous potential in steering the responsible development of nanotechnology through the design of greener nanoscale materials and the discovery of green nanomanufacturing methods. The unique properties of nanoscale materials provide benefits in remediation, pollution prevention, and efficient use of resources; however, the greatest contribution to green chemistry is likely to be the new

Miss Parasha Hazarika, born in a small town Dergaon, Assam is a graduate in Chemistry from D.K.D. College, Dergaon in 1999 and post-graduate in Physical Chemistry from

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Newsletter of North East India Research Forum Gauhati University in 2002, presently working as a Senior Research Fellow (CSIRNET) for her Doctorate degree in the field of Green Chemistry in the North-East Institute of Science & Technology, Jorhat, Assam.

Do They Contribute? Dhiraj Dutta Actually, how long have people been active in science? The answer is the same for both women and men…..as long as we have been human. One of the defining marks of humanity is our ability to affect and predict our environment. Science - the creation of structure for our world - technology - the use of structure in our world - and mathematics the common language of structure - all have been part of our human progress, through every step of our path to the present. Women and men together have researched and solved each emerging need. The very first technical name was male Imhotep - the architect of the first pyramid. The second technical name was female - En Hedu'Anna (2354 BC). Certainly women were questioners and thinkers long before that. Most myths and religions place the beginnings of agriculture, of laws, of civilization, of mathematics, of calendars, time keeping and medicine into the hands of women (Shakti, Gyaan & Dhan). Dr. Gerda Lermer said in her address as the new president of the Organization of American Historians.1 "If the bringing of women - half the human race - into the center of historical inquiry poses a formidable challenge to historical scholarship, it also offers sustaining energy and a source of strength." Women contributed. They contributed in all the ways there are to the technical advancement of humanity. They held the

same burdens of scholarship as the men did, and they accomplished just as much. These women left a remarkable legacy. They were as resourceful and passionate about their work as any scientist today, and certainly as creative. Their stories are a clear light to the future. But the path of future has its root in past. As we obsereve the list of female Nobel Prize laureates, Marie Curie is one of the four people and the only woman to have been awarded two Nobel Prizes. Female Nobel Prize laureates accounted for thirty four out of a total of 731 prizes awarded as of 2006. Irène Joliot-Curie (1935) and Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin (964) are the other femal Nobel Prize winner in chemistry. Maria Goeppert Mayer (1963) is the physics Nobel laurates along Marie Curie (1903). Femal workers have wone 3 out of total awarded 149 Nobel prizes in chemistry, 2 out of 178 in Physics, 7 out of 185 in Physics Physiology/Medicine and 22 out of 119 in Literature and Peace. But the game of numbers has some hidden secrets. The famous chemist and physicist “Maria Skłodowska-Curie” or better known as "Madame Curie" shows the world that the results of science have no gender. She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity, the first and only person honored with Nobel Prizes in two different sciences, and the first female professor at the University of Paris. She was born in Warsaw, Vistulan Country, Russian Empire, and lived there until she was 24. In 1891 she followed her elder sister Bronisława to study in Paris, where she obtained her higher degrees and conducted her scientific work. She founded the Curie Institutes in Paris and Warsaw. She was the wife of fellow-Nobel-laureate Pierre Curie and the mother of a third Nobel laureate, Irène Joliot-Curie. While an actively loyal French citizen, she never lost her sense of Polish identity. Madame Curie named the first new chemical element that she discovered (1898) N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008, 25

Newsletter of North East India Research Forum "polonium" for her native country, and in 1932 she founded Radium Institute (now the Maria Skłodowska-Curie Institute of Oncology) in her home town, Warsaw, headed by her physician-sister Bronisława. This shows the female spirit of loyalty, which can easily take care of their birth place and work place, which can be in some sense can be related to home and office. In 1903, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded Pierre Curie, Marie Curie, and Henri Becquerel the Nobel Prize in Physics, "in recognition of the extraordinary services they have rendered by their joint researches on the radiation phenomena discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel." Curie was the first woman to be awarded a Nobel Prize. Eight years later, she received the 1911 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, "in recognition of her services to the advancement of chemistry by the discovery of the elements radium and polonium, by the isolation of radium and the study of the nature and compounds of this remarkable element".

succeed by using only one view, by using only one tool, by using only one person's thoughts, by looking at something only one way. Female scientists have generated the unique ways of solving the problems by the other angle of thought. We need to celebrate these women and raise them to be heros. Understanding of science and technology will only strengthen our life, our work and our world. Solutions to problems come from research, thought and technology. By the end of the 20th century we have women by the thousands achieving advanced degrees in all the technical fields. Perhaps it is time to put our women of the past into our stories of the present and our hope for the future. [N.B. Facts and data have been collected from various webpages.] References 1. Gerder Lerner, 1982, Journal of American History, 69, 1, 7-20.

In an unusual decision, Skłodowska-Curie intentionally refrained from patenting the radium-isolation process so that the scientific community could do research unhindered. Inherent social responsibilities makes female scientists to think in different ways. Only invention is not required but reacerh should contribute positively to the society. Irène Joliot-Curie the daughter of Marie Skłodowska-Curie and Pierre Curie and the wife of Frédéric Joliot-Curie. Jointly with her husband, Irène was awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1935 for their discovery of artificial radioactivity. This made the Curies the family with most Nobel laureates to date. Both children of the Joliot-Curies, Hélène and Pierre, are also esteemed scientists. A whole generation of scientists and scientific contributions. That’s the way female scintists contribute the science and the society.

Mr. Dhiraj Dutta is presently working as Scientist ‘B’ in Defense Materials Stores Research and Development Establishment (DMSRDE), Kanpur. An Honours degree holder from Darrang College, Tezpur, he did his M.Sc. in Polymer Science from Tezpur University, Napaam, Assam in 2005. His research interest is in the area of chiral polymers.

When we, as scientists, wear blinders, about anything, we fail. I have never seen science N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008, 26

Newsletter of North East India Research Forum

India’s Missile womanthumbs up to Dr. Tessy Thomas

Dr. APJ Kalam and have worked under seniors who always encourage me”.

Compiled by Ashim J Thakur Rather unusual, but true. Indian woman has shown it again breaking the barrier of home and career. 45 years old, Dr. Tessy Thomas of Defense Research and Development Laboratory, Hyderabad has been appointed as the project director of the upgraded version of the 2000 km intermediate range nuclear capable ballistic surface- to- surface missile, AGNI-II. In addition, Dr. Thomas is also associated with the 3,000 km range AGNI-III missile project as associate project director. Dubbed as India’s Missile Woman, she is the first woman scientist to head such a crucial missile project-reason to celebrate! Her primary area of responsibility is to design complex guidance system. Married to Saroj Patel, an Orissa born armament engineer working with the Indian Navy at Visakhapatnam, they have a son. More interestingly, her son is named as the India’s Light Combat fighter jet, Thejas.

At that time, there were about four to five women in DRDO, but now there are about 20-30 women in a lab of 250 scientists, a prestigious figure as remembered by Dr. Thomas. Keeping a successful balance between home and career, she posts a fantastic message to the world community that women can in deed contribute equally as man do.

‘Here, I am considered as a scientist and not a woman’-says confidently Dr. Thomas about the position of woman in DRDO. An expert on all solid propellants systems, Dr. Thomas acquired a B.Tech degree (Electrical Engineering) from Thrissur Engineering College, Calicut and an M.Tech from Institute of Armament Technology, Pune. Later she became a member of its faculty. Hailing from Alappuzha, Kerela, she started her journey into the DRDO (1985) under India’s Missile man Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s leadership and guidance. In this context, she feels very fortunate, “It was the determination of my mother that keep me going. My M.Tech degree in guided Missiles gave me an upper hand. Also, I joined under

Dr. Thakur is a faculty member associated with the Department of Chemical Sciences, Tezpur University, Napaam 784 028, Assam. His present research areas of interest are Bioactive molecules, synthetic methodologies and Molecular Container chemistry. An advocate of green chemistry programme, he is also interested in chemical education.

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The History of Women in Science Hildegard of Bingen First woman scientist whose writings still exist (1098-1179)

Hildegard was born into a wealthy German family, and received an education in a convent. Convents or abbeys were some of the only places women could receive formal education during the Dark Ages. Hildegard studied Latin, religion, and music. She became the abbess (leader) of her abbey. Hildegard wrote natural history books as well as medical books, and was the first person to write about the need to boil drinking water for sanitation. Hildegard also taught religion and medicine, and she emphasized the importance of exercise and diet. She is the first woman whose scientific writings still exist today. http://www.women-scientists-inhistory.com/historia.html

Hypatia- Mathematician, Astronomer (370-415)

Hypatia was a Roman woman who, unlike most women during her time, received a good education. Hypatia studied mathematics, astronomy and natural science, and was appointed as the head of the University of Alexandria. She taught mathematics and philosophy. Hypatia wrote many books about math, and even invented several scientific instruments. Because of her teachings, a new ruler became angry with Hypatia and she was murdered. Her writings were destroyed, but she is one of the most well known women scientists in history. Link: Biography of Hypatia - About.com http://www.women-scientists-inhistory.com/historia.html

List of female Nobel laureates Nobel Prize in Chemistry • • •

1911: Marie Curie 1935: Irène Joliot-Curie 1964: Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

Nobel Prize in Physics • •

1903: Marie Curie 1963: Maria Goeppert Mayer

Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine • • • • • • •

1947: Gerty Cori 1977: Rosalyn Sussman Yalow 1983: Barbara McClintock 1986: Rita Levi-Montalcini 1988: Gertrude Elion 1995: Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard 2004: Linda B. Buck

* Madam Curie won Nobel Prize twice1903 (Physics) and 1911 (Chemistry)

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The first woman Air Vice Marshal of India: Dr. Padma Bandopadhyay The first Indian woman who received Santi Swarup Bhatnagar Award: Prof. Asima Chatterjee (1961, Chemical Sciences) The first Indian woman to win Annie Meckanzei Prize for best student in Amerrican College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Dr. Veera Hingorani

Dr Kalpana Chawla American Mission Specialist Astronaut. Born 1 July 1961. Died 1 February 2003. Engineer. Perished in Columbia shuttle disintegration during re-entry.

The first Indian woman to participate in the cruise to the icy continent Antarctica: Dr. Aditi Pant The first Indian woman president of the UN general Assembly: Dr. Vijaylakshmi Pandit The first Indian woman to go into space: Dr. Kalpana Chawla The first Indian woman founder head of the department of biotechnology at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS), Delhi: Dr. Indira Nath The first Indian woman physically challenged to earn a doctorate degree in microbiology: Dr. Chandra The first Indian woman to serve as the secretary, Department of Biotechnology: Prof. Manju Sharma The first Indian woman to Head the Indian Science congress: Dr. Asima Chatterjee (1975) The first Indian woman to scale the Everest: Bachendri Pal (1984) Collected by the editor

Marie Sklodowska Curie Physicist (1867-1934) “You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end, each of us must work for our own improvement and, at the same time, share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful.”

(http://www.lucidcafe.com/library/95nov/ curie.html)

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Newsletter of North East India Research Forum

Traditional Market and Urban Planning: A Case Study of Khwairamband Keithel, Imphal Ms. Hijam Eskoni Devi The paper focuses on certain aspects of the “Khwairamband Nupi Keithel” or the “Women’s Market”, a 426 years old market, where 4000 women do brisk business everyday selling vegetables, fish, other food items, garments, handloom products, handicrafts and many other commodities.

is carried out. Policies and programmes related to informal sector are also analysed. Case studies of traditional market from differ part of India are studied carefully and conclusions are drawn. The cases includes “Women vegetable vendors of Kohima, Nagaland”, “HAT weekly market in tribal area of santrampur taluka of Panchmahal dist,Gujarat” and “Amar bazaar- Assam”. Some conclusions are: The traditional Institution is by local people perfected over centuries and according to the need of the people. With growing need of people’s participation in planning the first initiative is to understand the functional mechanism of the traditional institution and incorporate those ideas conducive for the well being and discard the outdated ones. Market place in the traditional Indian society forms an integral part of daily social life and due to its important role there is a need to incorporate the traditional market with the planning process. With the change of time there is a need of enhancing these institutions for the better performance. Due to lack of attention this traditional market is dying out. Chapter 3: Overview of Manipur and Nupi Keithel

Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter describes the need of the study, issues, aims, objectives, scope and limitation and methodology followed in the study. Chapter 2: Traditional Market in India: A Review of Literature In this chapter, detailed study of traditional markets which covers the definition and concept, market as an institution and its relation to planning and the market hierarchy

This chapter describes the hostory of the market and its importance to the society. The geographical location plays an important role in the development. It has a peculiar feature where we can see the active role played by the women in trade and commerce which in turn gives them certain status in the family and control over household decision making. This trend can also be seen in the South East Asian countries. The Nupi Keithel in Manipur could be a possibility of influence from these countries although the reason for the origin of such market run by women is completely different. Also can be noted is the influence of the Chinese in different spears like introduction of sericulture and use of bricks in construction. A very interesting thing is the existence of certain institution which compelled the women to take up such roles.

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Newsletter of North East India Research Forum We can thus see that the Khwairamband Keithel caters to a large population and it has been occupying a very important place in the city as well as in the heart of the Manipuris. Chapter 5: Organizational Set-up, Participatory Process and Linkages with Other Institutions There exists a proper organization system although it is of recent origin. The institution is linked with the state government institutions and also with institution in the neighbour state. Within the state it is linked with other social groups and NGOs. The organizations are also backed by different parties which include political mainstream as well as undergrounds. Inspite of their active participation and contribution in the socio economic matter, they do not have a status in the direct politics. Chapter 4: Khwairamband KeithelRegional Context This chapter deals with the evolutionary growth of the Keithel and the change in the system of exchange. The location of the market has been changed over time. The market in context of the surrounding area is very significant. The market is a very integral part of the food security link for entire populations and also a means of preserving the local traditional food habit of the place. Some of the local products are dying out due to the unavailability of raw materials. Hierarchy of the Keithel

The infrastructure facility is very poor. With the proposal of the new market the whole morphology of the place will be changed and this is aggravated by the upcoming flyover on the BT road. Development is required but it should address the need of the vendors and also consider the heritage importance of the place. Chapter 6: Socio- Economic Profile of the Vendors This chapter presents the socio economic profile of the vendors on how the level of literacy is related to the profit one makes. It also covers the family size variation of different vendors and its relation to the income and expenditure. It deals with the relation of the variation of age of vendor and the activities they are in and also the seasonality of the sale of produce and product. Chapter 7: Findings and Strategies: The findings of the study is explained in detail in this chapter and strtegies are given as to how we can preserve the trational market.

The significance of the market as the mirror of the society is well established. Maybe it is

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Newsletter of North East India Research Forum the sign of the changing times that the condition of the market is deteriorating. The shades are dilapidated, there is overcrowding, there is a lack of hygiene. It has to be rescued. The market too has to keep up with the changing times. It has to be restored. How does one restore a piece of history? One cannot. What one can do is to try to placate the present perils facing the market and allow for the future prevention of similar problems. What one can do is improve on the facilities available to make working conditions better safer and healthier. What one can do is to retain the essence and character of the place without compromising with the amenities that modern technology provides. What one can do is to create a design solution which keeps up with the changing times; changing character of the cityscape and the changing needs of the people.


CORE (2006), “Manufacturing Poverty: A Case of the Women's Market in Manipur”, E-Pao: June 30th


Dena, Lal (Ed) (1991), “History of Modern Manipur (1826-1949)”,


E.W. Dun (1975), “Gazetteer Manipur”, Delhi Reprint.


Hariharan, S.V. and Benjamin, R. E. (1991), “Informal sector”,


India (1975),”Manipur Town and Country Planning Act, 1975”, Government printer, Manipur [Laws]


Johnstone, James (1971), “Manipur and Naga Hills”


Shija, Nalini (2006), “Women entrepreneurship in North East Region of India: problems and prospects” 1st edition, Vista International Publishing House, New Delhi.


Most importantly what one needs to do is to see how this market has survived the perils of time and still stands out despite all the obstacles. In the name of development one has forgotten to see what lies beneath. For a short term gain one is sacrificing the long-lived heritage of the place. Development is necessary but not at such a huge cost. It is time we look back and learn from our ancestors before it will be too late. Bibliography ƒ

Akoijam, A. Bimol (2006), “Imphal City: Traffic Congestion and the Wrong Solution”, Kangla Online: 3rd Nov.


Barua, Indira and Devi, Anita (2006), “Women Market Of Manipur: An AnthropoHistorical Perspective”, Manipur Online: May 15


Bhowmik, Sharit K. (2000), “Hawkers on the urban informal sector: a study of street vending in seven cities” Report by National Alliance of Street Vendors of India (NASVI)

Ms. Hijam Eskoni Devi hold a B. Arch degree from Bengal Engineering and Science University, Howrah, West Bengal and an M.Tech degree in Urban and Regional Planning from Faculty of Planning and Public Policy, CEPT University, Ahmedabad. Currently employed as Senior Research Associate in the Center for Urban Governance in Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI), Hyderabad. She received the stipendship award from Sarai-CSDS for her work on “Traditional Market and Urban Planning: A case of Khwairamband Nupi Keithel”. Her interests have been in government reforms, basic infrastructure services, public private partnership, decentralization, participatory planning and gender in planning process.

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Swarnalee Dutta Dr. Swarnalee Dutta, a native of Rupai Siding, Tinsukia, Assam, completed her Ph.D. in Life Sciences in December, 2007 from the North East Institute of Science and Technology (NEIST), Jorhat, Assam under the supervision of Dr. Dileep Kumar B.S. She was registered in Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam for her Ph.D. thesis entitled “Interaction of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and rhizobia affecting crop production and induction of systemic resistance against fusarial wilt in pigeon pea”. She did her M.Sc. in Botany from Cotton College (Gauhati University), Guwahati in the year 2001 securing first class 2nd position, thereafter, joining the Biotechnology Division of NEIST in 2002. During her period of Ph.D. she was awarded the Prof. M. J. Narasimhan Merit Academic Award for the year 2005 on a part of her research work by the Indian Phytopathological Society, New Delhi during the 58th Annual Meeting held at North Bengal University, Siliguri. She has published her work in reputed journals

besides presenting papers in many national and international conferences. One of her research papers received the Researcher Award in ICOS 2004 International Conference on O-CHA (tea) Culture and Science, held at Sizuoka, JAPAN. She was also awarded the Dr. D. N. Goyle Award for the best speaker below 40 years during the International Symposium on “Integrated Management of Fungal Diseases (IMF): Technology Development and Application” organized by the International Society for Conservation of Natural Resources (ISCON), Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. After completing her doctoral thesis, she was engaged in a project at Tocklai Experimental Station, Tea Research Association, Jorhat, Assam for a year and a half. Presently she is working as a Post Doctoral Fellow in the Department of Plant Sciences, School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad.

We wish good luck in her future endeavor!

Nibedita Kapil Ms. Nibedita Kapil did her B.Sc. in chemistry from Handique Girls’ College, Guwahati, Assam in 2000. Then she joined Chemistry department of Gauhati N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008, 33

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University for her masters study and she completed her M.Sc. with specialization in Physical Chemistry in the year 2002. Later she joined with Prof. K.G. Bhattacharyya, Chemistry department of Gauhati University as a research student. She is involved in studying the water quality of the Deepor Beel Wetland (Assam) system sponsored by the North East Space Application Centre – a wing of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). She has already completed her experimental work and submitting her PhD thesis on the same topic in this month. We wish good luck in her future endeavor!

using MCM-41 based catalysts. She has prepared MCM41 mesoporous material and loaded the same with various transition metals through both direct hydrothermal synthesis and impregnation techniques. She is engaged in studying the preparation, characterization and catalytic reaction with MCM41 incorporated with transition metals, carried out wet oxidation of phenolic compounds, all of which persistent and toxic pollutants appearing mainly in industrial effluents. She has already completed her experimental work and will be submitting her thesis for PhD shortly. She has already published her work in several well reputed journals. We wish good luck in her future endeavor!

Mathematics began to seem too much like puzzle solving. Physics is puzzle solving, too, but of puzzles created by nature, not by the mind of man. Maria Goeppert-Mayer (Mathematician and physicist) 1906-1972

Suranjana Chaliha Ms. Suranjana Chaliha, originally from Namti Chariali, Sivasagar, Assam presently residing in Guwahati, Assam. She completed her B.Sc. (major in Chemistry) from B. Borooah College, Guwahati in the year 2000 and obtained M.Sc. degree (specialization: Physical Chemistry) from the Department of Chemistry, Gauhati University in the year 2002. After completion of M.Sc., she joined as full time JRF under the supervision of Prof. K G Bhattacharyya for her Ph.D. work in Chemistry Department, Gauhati University. Her field of work is catalytic wet oxidation of persistent organic compounds in water N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008, 34

Newsletter of North East India Research Forum

Women Scientists Programs

DST's Scholarship Scheme for Women Scientists and Technologists Women constitute an important section of the workforce. However, the present situation of a large number of well-qualified women scientists who due to various circumstances have been left out of the S&T activities needs to be addressed. The problems faced are several but, significantly, most often the "break in their careers" arises out of motherhood and family responsibilities. The option for revival of their profession is presently unavailable due to restrictions in age and qualification and no system at present addresses these issues. The "Women Scientists Scheme (WOS)" has been evolved in this context, by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) for providing opportunities to women scientists and technologists between the age group of 30-50 years who desire to return to mainstream science and work as bench-level scientists. Through this endeavour of the Department, a concerted effort would be made to give women a strong foothold into the scientific profession, help them re-enter into the mainstream and provide a launch pad for further forays into the field of science and technology, both from the point of view of pure science and its application to societal development. Under this scheme, women scientists are being encouraged to pursue research in frontier areas of science and engineering, on problems of societal relevance and to take up S&T-based internship followed by self-employment. Category of Scholarships Three categories of scholarships, with research grants, are available for Indian citizen. Scholarships are envisaged in both institutional and non-institutional modes. Under the institutional mode, national and state-level organizations, recognized universities, educations and R&D laboratories would be considered for grant by the Department. S&T - based NonGovernment, Voluntary and Non-Profit organisation, working on societal issues and having the legal status of a registered society would be considered under the non-institutional mode, The various categories of Scholarship available are indicated below: • • •

Scholarship for Research in Basic/Applied Science (WOS-A) Scholarship for Research in S&T - based Societal Programs (WOS-B) Internship for the Self-Employment (WOS-C)

The scheme is meant to encourage women candidates, preferably those having a break in career and not having regular employment. Website: http://dst.gov.in/scientific-programme/women-scientists.htm

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Newsletter of North East India Research Forum National Women Bioscientist Award The Department has instituted National Women Bioscientist award to encourage and recognize significant research contributions of Women Bioscientists. Senior Women Bioscientist award is given to a senior woman scientist for lifetime contribution, excellent research and application for the benefit of the society. The award carries Rs. 1 lakh along with citation and a gold medal. Two Young Women Scientists below the age of 45 years are awarded young women bioscientist award for pursuing a brilliant research career in biology. The awards carry a cash amount of Rs. 50,000/- along with a citation and gold medal. Every year 3 to 5 National Women Bioscientist Awards have been given w.e.f 1999-2000.


UNESCO-L’ORÉAL Co-Sponsored Fellowships for Young Women in Life Sciences – 2009

Within the framework of the UNESCO Co-Sponsored Fellowships Scheme, a joint programme has been launched with L’ORÉAL with a view to promoting the contribution of young women from all over the world – in research developments in the field of life sciences. L’ORÉAL has renewed its generous offer of 15 fellowships for deserving young women originating from UNESCO’s Member States, who, through their enthusiasm and innovative research are making valuable contributions to further the development of life sciences. The UNESCO-L’ORÉAL fellowships scheme focuses on UNESCO’s premise that people are the world’s greatest resource and that innovation and excellence, especially among the young women community, deserve to be supported and encouraged through the concerted efforts of the international community. The award of the fellowships constitutes a key strategy through which impetus is being given to the enhancement of the role of women in devising scientific solutions to problems confronting humankind in the twenty-first century. B. TARGET GROUP The programme is designed to identify and reward fifteen deserving, committed and talented young women scientists, from all over the world, active in the field of life sciences. With a view to ensuring that a balanced geographical representation is made, a maximum of three young women, from each of the five geo-cultural regions of the world, will be awarded fellowships. Candidates must already be engaged in pursuing research at the doctoral or post-doctoral level in one or allied fields of life sciences including biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, agriculture, medicine, pharmacy and physiology. Projects involving animal models (i.e. experimentation using vertebrate laboratory animals) are rejected, and proposals in the area of cosmetics research are NOT encouraged; preference is given to non cosmetic researches. Special attention will be given to candidatures from the Least Developed Countries (LDCs). C. ELIGIBILITY Applicants (maximum four from each applying National Commission) must meet the following general criteria: 1- The National Commission must endorse all applications. UNESCO cannot N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008, 36

Newsletter of North East India Research Forum entertain applications from individuals.2- Candidates must be no more than 35 years old. Thus, applicants born before1 January 1974 will not be considered under this programme.3- Preference will be given to candidates already possessing at the time of application a Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in the field of the life sciences. However, candidatures from students pursuing studies/research leading to a Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) will also be entertained. 4- Only candidates with the necessary qualifications, who demonstrate outstanding intellectual promise and personal qualities, will be considered under this programme. 5- Candidates must be proficient in reading and writing the language of instruction in the proposed country of study. 6- Applicants must be in good health, both physically and mentally. 7- Candidates may not be in receipt of another fellowship/grant for the project or for the period covered by the fellowship application. If the candidate receives another award, scholarship or fellowship for the proposed research, she should inform UNESCO immediately and her application will be reviewed and may be withdrawn. D. CONDITIONS FOR APPLICATION: 1. Field of study: Life Sciences 2. Closing date for receipt of applications: 30 June 2008 3. Duration of proposed study/research: 12 months With possibility of extension for additional: 12 months 4. Duration of stay in the host country/laboratory: At least half of the period of the fellowship must be undertaken abroad, for a minimum duration of 6 months and a maximum duration of 12 months. If an extension is granted then duration abroad is minimum 12 months and maximum 22 months. In the latter case, the applicant is requested to complete the studies in her own country for a minimum of two months. 5. Possible date of commencing the project: Any time between 1 March 2009 &1 March 2010 6. Requirements for application for an extension of the fellowship: The following documents should be submitted 3 months before the ending date of the fellowship: i . Three letters of recommendation issued by (a) the host institution, (b) the research supervisors at the host institution, and (c) the academic institution/laboratory in the fellow’s home country; ii. A research report on progress to date on the project and a proposal justifying the need for an extension with details of the work to be done iii. A budget estimate specifying how the second grant will be utilised. Applications for extension may only be made for the project for which the original fellowship was granted 7. Upon termination of the fellowship, the beneficiary must agree to return to her country so that the knowledge acquired may be put to good use in local research and training programmes. E. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: All applications must be submitted with the required documentation on the prescribed and enclosed application forms. Each Member State may nominate upto a maximum of four candidatures. It is the National Commission’s responsibility to select candidates that it wishes to submit to UNESCO. The National Commission is also invited to seek the cooperation of the local scientific community to ensure high standard candidatures that will then have more chances of being selected. The application(s) should reach the Fellowships Programme Section (ERC/RPO/FEL), UNESCO (7, Place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07P) before 30 June 2008. An electronic copy of this letter and the application form is available on the following site: http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.phpAn advance copy may be sent by fax on the following number: or by e-mail on the following addresses: [email protected] and [email protected] as a Word or PDF document exclusively. N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008, 37

Newsletter of North East India Research Forum 1. The application must have the following attachments: a) The UNESCO Fellowship application form duly completed, in English or in French, in duplicate. Two recent photographs should be included with the form. b) An e-mail address regularly used by the candidate. c) Certified copies of degree or diplomas (including transcript of grades) in duplicate. Proof either of having obtained a Ph.D. degree or of being in the process of studying for a Ph.D. degree must be included. d) A list of publications, if any. e) A letter of recommendation from someone familiar with the candidate’s work. f) A host institute’s letter of acceptance (i.e. the institute that has accepted the candidate for work should she be selected for a fellowship). This letter of acceptance must indicate the name of the academic supervisor, the date and duration, and the host institute’s willingness to provide the relevant training facilities required by the candidate in the chosen field of specialization. g) The certificate of language proficiency (on UNESCO form) duly completed in duplicate for the language of the country of study (should this be different from the candidate’s mother tongue) and signed by the competent authority. h) A detailed description, one to two page(s) (maximum), in either English or French, of the research work for which the candidature is being put forward. The research proposal should cover the following points: • Why? The concrete nature of the proposed project’s contribution to the life sciences; its innovative, original aspects; and the scope and purpose of the research project. The candidate should demonstrate that the reasons of the theoretical and practical knowledge or training acquired at the host laboratory would be beneficial to her on-going research project. • What? The expected results or impact of the research project being undertaken. • How? Describe the proposed arrangements for conducting the research. • Where? The proposed country, where research will be undertaken and the name and address of the host institute/laboratory. • When? The time-framework explicitly stating the proposed starting date and the suggested duration of research which should be of twelve months maximum. Because the possibility for extension exists, it would be useful also to give an indication of further development of the project beyond the 1-year time frame. • How much? A detailed budget estimate indicating the resources required for the candidate to undertake the proposed research. The amount should not exceed USD20,000. All figures must be shown in US dollars and must be stated on a separate page. The total amount indicated should cover, exclusively, the international or domestic travel costs for the proposed itinerary and tuition fees, if any, including personal subsistence abroad, etc. Applicants should be realistic in compiling their estimated budgets, and consider that an average of USD1500 per month for accommodation and meals (including local transportation and incidentals) should not be exceeded. Applications where funds requested are judged to be excessive in relation to the objectives and importance of the project are likely to be considered for a smaller grant. The following costs are not eligible: computer or equipment purchases; publication costs; attendance at conferences, unless a case can be made that such attendance is an integral part of the research and would make a direct and significant contribution to the outcome of the development of life sciences. 2. UNESCO and L’ORÉAL allocate the greatest importance to originality and quality. Consideration will be given only to well-structured projects that demonstrate innovation, creativity and relevance, and which are likely to contribute to enhance knowledge in life sciences. 3. Files which are incomplete or which are received after the deadline for application, as well as candidatures that do not meet the requirements mentioned above will not be taken into consideration. 4. Additional information on the results of the past years’ programme can be obtained by consulting the following website: www.forwomeninscience.com N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008, 38

Newsletter of North East India Research Forum F. FACILITIES OFFERED BY UNESCO-L’ORÉAL The awards financed by L’ORÉAL, and managed and administered by UNESCO will consist of the following: - A financial contribution, not to exceed USD20,000 per year for each selected beneficiary to support her on-going research proposal, with the possibility of an extension for a second year. - Round-trip travel for the selected beneficiaries from their country of residence to Paris, France, (date not yet determined) to attend an awards ceremony (sine qua non condition for the award of the fellowship). - Lodging and pocket money during the stay in Paris for the awards ceremony. - A certificate attesting to the special award. G. SELECTION OF BENEFICIARIES A special Selection Committee made up of representatives of UNESCO, L’ORÉAL, and Life Sciences research community or institutions will make the selection of the candidates. The International Basic Science Programme (IBSP) will be also consulted during the selection process. A member of the IBSP may take part in the selection. Only selected candidates will be contacted by UNESCO. Candidates who have not been informed of their selection by end of September 2008 should consider that their applications have not been approved in the selection process.

Association of Women Soil Scientists Announces its Travel Scholarship Program The Association of Women Soil Scientists is happy to announce its travel award for attendance at the 2008 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings in Houston. This program will award up to $500 to an undergraduate or graduate woman to travel to the Soil Science Society of America to present the results of her research. Grants may be used only for defraying the cost of registration, travel, and accommodations associated with the meeting. The application deadline is 15 August for the 2008 meeting. Eligibility and Selection: All applicants must be members of the Association for Women in Soil Science (may apply after award notice) and the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA). Deadlines (materials must be post-marked by deadline): 15 th August 2008 Please submit all application materials to: Dr. Sabine Goldberg, Award Committee Chair USDA-ARS, U.S. Salinity Laboratory 450 W. Big Springs Road Riverside, CA 92507 [email protected] Awardees will be notified via electronic mail (or other if indicated by applicant) no later than 15 September 2008. N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008, 39

Newsletter of North East India Research Forum In order to apply for the award, please submit the following: 1. A resume or CV that includes major and cumulative GPA (limit 2 pages) 2. A completed application form (see below) 3. An abstract of the work to be presented, including all authors and presentation format 4. A letter describing your reasons for applying to this program (scientific, financial, and professional) and whether you have made a previous presentation at a national meeting (any society) (limit 2 pages) 5. A letter from your advisor confirming your participation in the meeting for which you are applying for funds. Your advisor should comment on your technical ability and potential, and list any other travel support that may be available from the department or research grants. Award selection criteria (in order of importance): • Awards will be given with preference to those giving their first presentation at a national meeting (either poster or oral session) • Strength of abstract and recommendation • Accomplishments and career goals • Special circumstances (examples: non-traditional student, single-parent, illness) • Financial need


Source: http://www.mrseiler.org/cartoons.html N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008, 40

Newsletter of North East India Research Forum

Source: http://www.sciencecartoonsplus.com/gallery/chemistry/galchem2d.php

Source: http://www.sciencecartoonsplus.com

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I want to grow……..

Don’t frame me in the lenses, no no…

We friends looking same……..

Hey I am now full grown……

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Newsletter of North East India Research Forum

International Conference on Managing Next Generation Software Applications 5 to 6 December 2008 Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India

http://www.karunya.edu/mca/mngsa The Next Generation Software Applications is a new thrust to support multidisciplinary software research. The overall focus of the next generation software applications will be research and development for new software technologies. Organized by: Department of Computer Applications - Karunya University

International Conference on Web Sciences 10 to 11 January 2009 Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India

http://www.klce.ac.in/icws2009 The International Conference on Web Sciences shall bring together Industry, Academia, Scientists, Socialogists, Enterpreneurs and Decision Makers from around the world. Organized by: Computer Society of India Division - II on Software, Koneru Chapter & Koneru Lakshmaiah College of Engineering Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 2 September 2008

International Society of BioTechnology First Conference ISBT 2008 28 Dec 2008 → 30 Dec 2008; Gangtok, Sikkim, India http://www.chemenviron.org/rjbt/conference/index.htm Organizer: Research Journal of BioTechnology, International Society of BioTechnology and Sikkim Manipal University

2nd DAE-BRNS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MATERIALS CHEMISTRY (ISMC-2008) December 2-6, 2008 http://www.barc.gov.in/symposium/ismc-08/ Pre-registration & Submission of papers: August 14, 2008 Acceptance of papers: September 15, 2008 Payment of registration fees: September 30, 2008

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The editor is highly

TO ….



TO …..

SITASREE BHAR, Adept Software, Kolkata for the beautiful paintings on the cover page. & ANIRBAN ADHIKARI, Pune for the final lay out in the cover page.

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Newsletter of North East India Research Forum

Details about the Northeast India Research Forum Date of creation of the forum: 13th November 2004 Area: Science and Technology Total number of members: 238 as on 28-07-2008

Moderators 1. Arindam Adhikari, Ph.D. Institute of Surface Chemistry, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Email: [email protected]

2. Jadab Sharma, Ph.D. Email: [email protected] 4. Ashim J. Thakur, Ph.D. Email: [email protected]

3. Utpal Borah, Ph.D. Biocon Pharmaceuticals, Bangalore Email: [email protected]

5. Khirud Gogoi, Ph.D.

E-mail:[email protected]

Editorial Board of NE Quest 1. Dhanapati Deka, Ph.D. Reader, School of Energy, Environment and Natural Resources, Tezpur University, Assam Email: [email protected]

2. Tankeswar Nath, Ph.D. Scientist, R&D, Biotechnology, Jubilant Organosys Ltd. Gajraula, UP, Email: [email protected]

3. Manab Sharma, Ph.D. Dept of Chemistry, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel. Email: [email protected]

4. Rashmi Rekha Devi, Ph.D Scientist, Defense Material & Stores Research & Dev. Establishment, DMSRDE Kanpur. Email: [email protected] (Volunteer editor of this issue)

5. Joshodeep Boruwa, Ph.D. Fachbereich Chemie, L-940 Universitat Konstanz D-78457, Konstanz, Germany

6. Pankaj Bharali, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India. Email: [email protected]

7. Pranjal Saikia I & PC Division IICT, Hyderabad, India Email: [email protected]

8. Áshim J Thakur, Ph.D. 9. Utpal Borah, Ph.D. 10. Arindam Adhikari, Ph.D.

Logo designed by: Manab Sharma, Ph.D.,

Email: [email protected] Cover page designed by:

Anirban, Pune http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/northeast_india_research/ www.neindiaresearch.org N. E. QUEST; VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, JULY 2008, 45

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