Neonatal Considerations: In addition to the pediatrics considerations Metabolic→ risk of hypoglycemia→ S/S: apnea, convulsion Glucose infusion @ 4-8 mg/kg/min → hyperglycemia → cerebral hemorrhage, glucosuria→ H2O and lytes depletion Physiological jaundice → alter drugs pharmacokinetics, and ↑ free bili→ kernicterus, which ↑ by hypoxia, acidosis, hypothermia Renal→ ↑ Na loss, immature renal function CNS→ fragile cerebral vessels → risk of IVH→ ↑ by hypoxia, hypercarbia, ↑Na, fluctuation in BP, low Hb, rapid administration od NHCO3 Eye→ ROP maintain O2 sat 90-95% or PO2 50-70