Nejat Newsletter - Issue 26

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Perio di cal Publi cation o f the Neja t So cie ty

Nejat Newsletter Issue No 26

31 December 2008

Inside this issue: Happy New Year!


Nejat Society in London


Modern Slavery in the cult of Rajavi


German Greens say no to MKO


An Interview with MKO former members


Lord MallochBrown:


Iran - MKO are No Freedom Fighters


Iraq Threatens to Expel Rebels


Iranian opposition exiles must leave


Is PMOI a democratic organization?


Maryam Garrison:


Nejat: Let ailing MKO members out


Nejat delegation met Shadow Minister for Sport


Nejat Society Asks UK to Support Iraqi Government


Meeting with Baroness Neville-Jones


UN denies sending letter in support of MKO


Cult survivors visit Iraqi embassy


Happy New Year! The Dawn of a new year is floating in the air, and the spirit of the winter is all around here! So, may the new year of 2009 bring you happiness and health, success and satisfactions in all you do! All our Best Wishes for You! Nejat Society in London December 15 2008 A delegation from Nejat Society travelled to London in December, 2008. During their visit to London, (including former members and families) delegates of Nejat NGO will pursue the case of Mujahedin-e-

Khalq members in Camp Ashraf in Iraq through their meetings with human rights organizations and western policy makers and media. The news of Nejat delegation’s trip to London was covered by various News agencies and web-

sites. Nejat’ s main demand includes opening the gates of Ashraf garrison to families and let those captured free. Read more of the news of the trip and the mission of Nejat Society to London on pages 8 to 11 of this newsletter.

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Modern Slavery in the cult of Rajavi December 29 2008

With the growth of globalization and immigration, it has become clear that modern forms of slavery are growing in the world. The definition of slavery, according to Joseph Rowntree Foundation includes three principal elements of the exploitive relationship: - Sever economic exploitation - Lack of human rights framework - Control of one person over another by the prospect or reality of violence. There are more than 27 million slaves in the world more than the number of people extracted from Africa throughout the 400 years of the slave trade. The very important factor that makes a difference between poor working condition and slavery is that the enslaved person has no real alternative but to submit to the abusive relationship. The withdrawal of passports or ID documents, deceit and abuse of power, the use of physical and psychological pressure are the functions of all abusive slavery

structures. The crucial point is that anyone who do protest against such conditions may be beaten, abused, raped, deported, tortured or even killed. These attacks can result in serious physical and psychological trauma. All the above-mentioned criteria of modern slavery are perfectly functioned by Mujahedin Khalq terrorist cult. Unfortunately slavery is a problem people think we solved long ago but in fact, it’s still alive. It has simply taken a new form. People in Auvers-sur-Oise in a Parisian suburb are living next door to slaves without knowing it. The MKO members in Camp Maryam, France and Camp Ashraf, Iraq, are suffering the same poor conditions of the enslaved captives. These victims who are kept in a strange land can grow dependent on their captors, if only to survive. The leaders of MKO cult use a range of crimes-fraud, coercion, physical and psychological violence to hold their victims captive. They confiscate passports and during Saddam Hussein’s leadership threatened to turn their captives over to the

Iraqi authorities if they refused to obey. Even if victims can escape, they often fear leaving because they are not able to deal with local difficulties. But since the American invasion to Iraq in 2003 and the disarmament of MKO by the US army, the victims found an opportunity to leave the cult. More than 600 have left Camp Ashraf so far. The 3300 members remaining in Ashraf and others who are residing in Auvers-sur-Oise are still victims of serious human rights violations. A broad-based awareness campaign should be launched to improve the supervision of Human Rights Organizations to strengthen protections for the modern slaves captured by the cult of Rajavi. Our former comrades who are victims of modern slavery need urgent help. We can make a tangible contribution to change their condition. The international community should get involved in liberating all slaves around the world especially those who are suffering the poor condition of living in cult of personality under the rule of the dictatorship of the Rajavis.

German Greens say no to MKO Sat, 29 Nov 2008 Press TV Maryam Rajavi, the leader of the outlawed Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO), or People's Mujahedin Organization, recently met with members of the German Parliament in a bid to rally support for the removal of the group from the European Union's list of terrorist organizations. "The Iranian exile organization of the People's Mojahedin Organization which acts under the cover of the National Council of Resistance of Iran is not a suitable partner in dialogue for a responsible policy towards Iran," a spokesperson for the Green Party, Claudia Roth said late Thursday. Roth told reporters that the group's position on the EU terror list should be carefully evaluated, as the Rajavi or-

ganization has a 'past of terror' and assisted the 'crimes' of the deposed dictator, Saddam Hussein, in Iraq. The Green Party, which holds 51 out of 614 seats in the Bundestag, said it clearly dissociates itself from considering the Mujahedin Khalq Organization as a legitimate 'democratic Iranian opposition'. The MKO which has been listed as a terrorist organization in Iran, the European Union and the United States, has a long and bloody history of targeting Iranian civilians and government officials. Incidents linked to the group include the June 1981 bombing of the offices of the Islamic Republic Party in which 72 high-ranking Iranian officials including judiciary chief, Ayatollah Mohmmad Beheshti, and tens of Majlis deputies were killed.

The following August the group assassinated President Mohmmad Ali Rajae'i, Prime Minister Javad Bahonar and National Police Chief Ali Dastgerdi at the Prime Ministry building. The MKO also assisted Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, in the massacre of thousands of innocent Iraqis and is responsible for several acts of terror in Iran including the 1994 bombing of a revered Shia shrine in Mashhad, eastern Iran. In 2003, French anti-terrorist police arrested 165 members in Paris, including Maryam Rajavi, for 'associating with wrongdoers in relation with a terrorist undertaking.' More recently, around 10 members of the notorious organization were arrested in France and Switzerland on charges of money laundering on September 29, 2008.

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An Interview with MKO former members Governmental Radio of Italy Rai GRR October 21 2008 The Italian Radio (RAI-GRR), in the program ’’ Voices of the world’’, published a report on the MKO, sent by its reporter in Iran, Bruno Rufolo .the main axis of the report are as the followings: -the organization struggles to overthrow the Islamic Republic and has been in the FTO list of EU and US for years. - The reporter interviewed a former member of the group who left the group and was granted amnesty by the Iranian Regime and is now working for Nejat Association that cares about the affairs of the defectors of MKO and tries to help them be received by the society once more. The visit was made in the office of Nejat Association. He says:” I don’t want the others to repeat my mistakes.” He compares the totalitarian nature of the organization to that of a cult, explaining that in 1995, he was recruited by the group in Vienne where he had gone for education.

He had been in Iraq until 2001 and after several terrorist operations, he was arrested in Iran and was imprisoned for 5 years, then he declared his regret and was released. - The report reads that:” an Iranian intelligence expert revealed that the organization is able to launch terrorist attacks in Europe. It seems that MKO has an influence in Brussel organizations something that makes Tehran be on the alert. The 27 members of European Union are still opposed to the removal of the group from terror list and the Supreme Court issued a ruling on the freezing of the MKO’s assets. The she-guru of the organization Maryam Rajavi went to Brussels a few months ago and her supporters in Washington are not a few. The group might have revealed the Iranian nuclear program in the past. - The reporter continued by asking a question on the nowadays role of the organization, to answer the question, a terrorism expert Guidio Olimpio says:” in the past, the organization was involved in violent activities in terrorist forms but

they have mainly dedicated their activities to the opposition since a few years ago and they are now definitly more active, although they don’t have the previous supporters.” - the reporter mentions that the organization fought against the regime of Shah in the 1970’s but after the revolution they were defeated by ayatollah Khomeini’s partisans, so they sought refugee in Iraq and were used as mercenaries by Saddam Hussein to launch terrorist operations inside Iran. After the occupation of Iraq, the 4000 member of the group went under the protection of American forces. They have no support among Iranian people. According to former members, the leaders of MKO force the members to absolute abeyance. Mrs. Singleton, a defector of MEK, in an interview on BBC said:” when I was in the organization, I thought that I am superior to normal people. The group’s leaders prevented us from having any contact with our family. We were completely separated from outside world.”

Lord Malloch-Brown: Camp Ashraf handover to Iraqi government imminent Iran-Interlink report from the House of Lords, December 26, 2008

A government spokesman in the House of Lords confirmed that the Americans will hand control of the Mojahedin-e Khalq’s military base in Iraq, Camp Ashraf, Iraqi authorities before the end of the year. Lord Malloch-Brown, minister of state for the foreign office, was responding to a question

about the situation of people in the camp following signing of the status of forces agreement between the US and Iraq. The Bulgarian unit which was also involved in protecting the foreign terrorist base will leave the country by December 20 according to Sofia’s leading news agency.

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Iran - PMOI Members are No Freedom Fighters Tobias Pflüger, Member Iran Delegation, Coordinator Security and Defence Sub-Committee (GUE/NGL) http://tobiaspflueger.twoday.n et/STORIES/5065181/ Letter to the Members of European Parliament concerning the People's Mujahideen of Iran (PMOI), Brüssel, 15.7.08

Dear colleagues, The United Kingdom recently decided to remove the People's Mujahideen of Iran (PMOI)* from the list of banned terrorist groups following a court ruling.

tified in a meeting of the Iran delegation last year -, dissident members "were tortured, beaten and held in solitary confinement for years at military camps in Iraq after they criticized the group’s policies and undemocratic practices, or indicated that they planned to leave the organization." Some were even sent to Abu Ghraib in order to be tortured by Saddam Hussein's security forces. According to Human Rights Watch, even deaths have been reported. Married couples were forced to divorce, children were separated from their parents against their will in order to be sent off into orphanages or foster families in Europe and the US.

We warn against the misunderstanding that the court's order to remove the PMOI from the terrorist list accords the PMOI democratic legitimacy and credentials as political opposition to the ruling Iranian regime. Moreover, their claim to be the only legitimate opposition rather proves their own totalitarian approach. The PMOI is an organisation which according to information from many different sources has degenerated over time from a political movement combining Marxist and Islamic elements into a psycho-sect with a history of heavy brainwashing and repression of its members. The Rajavi couple rules the organisation in a totalitarian style combined with an elaborate personality cult. According to Human Rights Watch and a number of exmembers - some of which tes-

Saddam Hussein in the war against Iran. The lack of democracy, the grave violations of human rights and the authoritarian elements of the present Iranian state are not in doubt and we do not need this group for confirmation. We urge all members of the European Parliament who are engaged for a more democratic Iran to be extremely circumspect and cautious vis-à-vis this group. Sincerely Yours Michael Gahler, Vice-Chair Foreign Affairs Committee (PPE) Christa Prets, Vice-Chair Iran Delegation (PSE) Annemie Neyts, Coordinator Foreign Affairs Committee, President of the European Party of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Angelika Beer, President of the Iran Delegation (Greens/EFA) Tobias Pflüger, Member Iran Delegation, Coordinator Securit y an d Def en ce Su bCommittee (GUE/NGL)

The PMOI members are no 'freedom fighters'. It is not the democratic, pluralistic, egalitarian, reform-oriented organisation, as which it presents itself. Within today's Iran, it does not play any role as a serious opposition force. For the Iranian public, the Mudjahedeen have discredited themselves completely due to their internal organisation but also due to their collaboration with

The Iranian abbreviation Mujahideen-y-Khalq (MKO) is equally used.

PMOI /MKO still remain on the EU and US terrorist lists, while the National Council of Resistance (NCR), basically a cover up organisation for the PMOI, is only on the US terrorist list and not on the European one.

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Iraq Threatens to Expel Iranian Rebels Iraq Threatens to Expel Iranian Rebels; Exile Group Has Protected Status Under Soon-to-Expire U.N. Mandate Washington Post, Ernesto Londono, December 22, 2008 Iraqi officials say they intend to expel members of an Iranian exile group living in a camp north of Baghdad that is protected by the U.S. military. The expulsion, which the Shiite-led government has long sought, is expected to become feasible once the U.N. mandate that regulates the presence of U.S. troops -- and which gave the Iranian opposition group protected status -- expires at the end of the year. Iraqi national security adviser Mowaffak al-Rubaie on Saturday traveled to the camp with several other government officials to deliver the message to members of the Mujaheddin-e Khalq, or MEK, an Iranian opposition group that was closely aligned with deposed Iraqi president Saddam Hussein but has been under U.S. military protection since shortly after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion. The government informed the group that it would soon assume responsibility for security at Camp Ashraf and that residents would be repatriated unless they find a third country willing to take them. The U.S. military currently protects Camp Ashraf, which is 40 miles north of Baghdad. "Staying in Iraq is not an option for them," the government said in a statement issued Sunday. The Iranian government has long called for the group's expulsion. The statement did not set a deadline for removing the MEK. Iraqi

officials have pledged to treat the group's members humanely but have made their disdain for the MEK clear. The delegation that visited the camp included officials of the Defense and Interior ministries as well as Iraqi intelligence officials. The statement also said the group is barred from participating in political activities and ordered it to cease media campaigns. The Shiite-led Iraqi government, which has close ties to Iran, has for years threatened to shut down Camp Ashraf because it regards the MEK, also known as the People's Mujaheddin Organization of Iran, as a terrorist organization. The European Union and the U.S. State Department have also labeled the group a terrorist organization. The MEK, which has about 3,500 members in Iraq, has strongly resisted the Iraqi government's expulsion efforts, saying members could be executed if they are forced to return to Iran. The group has aggressively lobbied U.S. and European lawmakers and has relentlessly sought sympathetic coverage in the Western news media. The MEK was founded in the 1960s as an opponent of the late shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. It was accused of carrying out several attacks in Iran, including some targeting U.S. officials. The MEK moved its headquarters to Iraq during the 1980s, when Iraq and Iran were at war. Former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein embraced the group, providing them weapons and financial support. Kurds and Shiites have long reviled the MEK because they say the group helped suppress the failed Kurdish and Shiite uprisings that followed the Persian Gulf War. Shortly after the 2003 invasion, the U.S. military persuaded the MEK to disarm and offered to protect the group. The arrangement was awkward because it tasked the U.S. military with sheltering a group that remains on the State Department's terrorism list. The group's charismatic leader,

Maryam Rajavi, is based in Paris, but France and many other countries have been reluctant to resettle the group's members. Also Sunday, Iraq's Interior Ministry issued a statement calling the recent detention of ministry officials by a special unit that reports directly to Prime Minister Nouri alMaliki "a brazen act of political retribution." Interior Minister Jawad al-Bolani had dismissed reports that the roughly two dozen detained officials were plotting to reconstitute Saddam Hussein's Baath Party, possibly to stage a coup. The statement makes clear Bolani was deeply unsettled by the detentions. Bolani, an independent, secular Shiite, has not previously criticized the Maliki government in such stark terms. With provincial elections a few weeks away, competition among Shiite parties has intensified. Bolani recently created his own party, and the statement appears to indicate he believes that the prime minister ordered the raid to undermine him. Under Bolani's stewardship, the ministry has fired or criminally charged tens of thousands of employees accused of corruption. The raid occurred last week while Bolani was out of the country. He said any concerns about misdeeds by ministry officials should be brought to his attention and not handled "Saddam-like under cover of the night under dubious threats of an imminent coup." "The Minister was outraged that anyone would interfere in the administration of the Ministry he is sworn to lead," the statement said. "He alone is responsible for this Ministry and he is accountable only to the Iraqi people." The statement, signed by Rafae Munahe, an adviser to Bolani, was e-mailed to reporters late Sunday by a representative of Brown Lloyd James, a public relations firm. Special correspondent Qais Mizher contributed to this report.

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Iraq says Iranian opposition exiles must leave Reuters News, By Michael Christie December 21, 2008

BAGHDAD, Dec 21 (Reuters) The Shi'ite-led Iraqi government told nearly 3,500 opposition Iranians living in exile in Iraq on Sunday that it planned to close their camp and they had to leave the country. A delegation headed by National Security Adviser Mowaffaq alRubaie told the Iranians, who have lived for two decades at Camp Ashraf north of Baghdad, that the government was taking over responsibility for their security from U.S. troops. They told the Iranians the government " keen to execute its plans to close the camp and send its inhabitants to their countries or other countries in a non-forcible manner, and that staying in Iraq is

not an option for them," the government said in a statement. The Iranians, who include members of the exiled opposition People's Mujahideen Organization of Iran (PMOI), have lived in the sprawling township 70 km (40 miles) north of Baghdad for around 20 years. The Iraqi government, which is friendly toward Shi'ite Iran, regards the Iranians as terrorists. The PMOI is also listed as a terrorist group in the United States and in Europe. U.S. forces have protected the exiles since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 after persuading the Iranian group, also known as the Mujahideen e-Khalq, to disarm. The U.S. military seized and destroyed more than 2,000 tanks, armoured personnel carriers and other weaponry at the time. The group had been protected by Saddam Hussein, who welcomed them as fellow enemies of the Iranian ayatollahs. The PMOI began as a leftistIslamist opposition to the late shah of Iran but fell out with Shi'ite clerics who took power after

the 1979 Islamic revolution. Its leaders fear many of them will be executed if they are forced to go back to Iran. Tehran has long demanded they be expelled from Iraq. The United Nations has had trouble finding other countries to accept the Iranian exiles as refugees because of their militant background but has urged Iraq to respect their rights. In the statement released on Sunday, the Iraqi government said people in the camp had been told that carrying out activities whether legal or illegal "against any neighbouring country, is a dangerous issue." Iraq will treat those in the camp "in accordance with Iraqi law, Islamic values and international order," the statement said. Amnesty International has urged Iraq and the United States to regard members of the rebel group as "protected persons" under the Fourth Geneva Convention. The 1949 pact bans the extradition or forced repatriation of people who could face torture or persecution. (Editing by Tim Pearce)

Is PMOI a democratic organization? November 19 2008 The self-assigned president of the so-called National Council Resistance (which is the political arm and the elegant admirable cover for MEK) without war and with a pen in hand wearing beautiful clothes, recently replied the Italian Newspaper, Metro, the question on the solution to Iran problem as : “Support the change inside Iran and by the Iranians, we believe that this is the only way to achieve democracy, free opinion and respecting the rights of minorities. We are a democratic organi zati on." (According to MEK’s website) As it is referred to Iranians, they always selected what they wanted and they will absolutely make a change whenever it is needed.

As it is referred to minorities, we have witnessed in MEK how the few number of other religions were forced to change their ideology the example is Mr. Edvard Termado (who is a defector of MEK, he is Christian who was forced by the group to convert to Islam But about Maryam Rajavi’s word:” we are a democratic organization.” There is a question since we have been in MEK and served there we can understand what you mean by Democratic!? The forced signatures you took from us or the forced meetings we had to attend every week to insult and beat each other. You mean the people who waist their lives in the prisons of Ashraf where under heavy physical and mental torture the opponents die. Or those who were

assassinated by the terror squads and then you claimed that they died due to illness! Your Democracy is also obvious in the testimonies of hundreds of defectors in various international communities where they denounce the way you forced mothers to leave their children or spouses to divorce, the way you destroyed the family relations. The pure democracy is shown in the ideological leaders’ order for the hysterectomy surgery on women of Ashraf! You might interpret democracy as the forbidden phone contacts between members and their families. We would be so pleased to realize your documented, clear description for this sentence:”we are a democratic organization”

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Maryam Garrison: Center for MKO’s crimes December 10 2008 By: Nejat Bloggers In 1981, the terrorist cult of Mujahedin-e-Khalq officially started its armed struggle against the regime of Iran in order to achieve power. The cult of MKO which had cooperated with the Islamic regime in the post revolutionary phases of the formation of the regime finally broke down with the Islamic Republic and ended with an armed clash between the both sides. Masud Rajavi, MKO’s guru, who claimed to be the first power, failed in all his tricks to gain political power in Iran, so in 1981 he declared his armed struggle against the Islamic regime. Then he fled Iran and settled in France together with his high ranking cult members. In France they resided in Auvers-Sur-Oise the small country side in the Province of Cergie Pontoise, where the cult leaders used as their headquarters to control their terrorist operations and also launch their political campaign and propaganda in the west. However, some years later, Masud Rajavi was forced to leave France and inhabit in Iraq but Auvers-Sur-Oise has always had an active part in MEK’s terror acts. During their three decades of terrorist activities, after the Islamic Revolution, the MKO has had two main bases: 1. Camp Ashraf in Diyala Province, Iraq. 2. Camp Maryam in Auvers-Sur-Oise, France. Although, after the Masud Rajavi’s settlement in Iraq under Saddam Hussein’s support, Camp Ashraf was MKO headquarters to lead its terror activities, Camp Maryam in Auvers-Sur-Oise has also played an vital role for years. After the fall of Saddam’s dictatorship and the disappearance of Masud Rajavi and the flee of Maryam Rajavi to France, Camp Maryam could find its central role once more. Despite MKO’s designation as a terrorist organization by the EU, the French government has tolerated the existence of Mujahedin terrorist in French

territory under the pretext of freedom and human rights. But now, the human rights activists and freedom advocates are exactly asking for more control on Camp Maryam in France to stop human rights violations in the camp. According to the testimonies made by former members of the cult, unfortunately it should be said that the cult officials’ behavior toward members is so violent and inhumane. Since the most high ranking person in the cult is now Maryam Qajar Azdanlu (Rajavi), Masud Rajavi’s wife, the direct responsibility of the committed crimes is on her. It should be noted that the cult members consider Maryam Rajavi as the second leader and Masud Rajavi’s co leader. Let’s have a look at the condition of captured ones in Camp Maryam and view the cases of human rights violations there: 1. The residents of Camp Maryam, in France, are completely under the control of Maryam Azdanlu (Rajavi) and the high commandants, having no free will to decide and behave freely. They are under intensive supervision. 2. They are never allowed to leave the camp except in group and by the permission of officials of the cult. 3. They have no access to mass media except MKO’s TV channels. Note: The political teams of MEK who work on political affairs are only allowed to have the access to a limited number of TV, Radio or websites that have already been assigned by the leaders. 4. They are never allowed to contact their families and to get married. Note: The only married person in the cult is Maryam Qajar. 5. No man or woman has the right to discuss the social or political issues with the other one. 6. The men are not allowed to sit at the same table where the women have their meals. 7. The restrooms, bedrooms, bathrooms… in camp Maryam is separated for male and female members and no one is allowed to enter the places allocated to the opposite sex. 8. Sexual relationships are forbidden in the cult of Rajavi. 9. The 24 hours of a day are completely scheduled. There is no free

time or free will for the individuals so as they have even no opportunity to think of anything except the organization and its ideology. 10. The mentally captured ones in the cult of Rajavi suffer mental problems due to extreme mental pressure and they need psychological treatments. 11. In Camp Maryam there are some individuals who have never left the camp for years, they are actually imprisoned. 12. Camp Maryam residents are forced to attend meetings every night and give a report on their activities and declare their loyalty to the cult regulations. 13. The manipulation meetings which are held daily in Camp Ashraf are usually accompanied with violence, insulting the members and even sometimes beating them. 14. Every week, mostly on Friday, the officials hold weekly meetings where the member has to confess the moments of his sexual thoughts… 15. Although the camp is protected by French police, all the walls are coveredwith the barbed wires. 16. The main commander of the camp is Maryam Rajavi who enjoys a Godlike personality and nobody has the right to disagree her. The ruling ordered by her are considered as the God’s rules and must be obeyed. 17. More and more, the camp is expanded because the MKO is transferring the most reliable Ashraf residents to France. Maryam Rajavi ordered to buy the neighboring houses in order to add them to the camp. 18. Most captured members of the cult are ready to commit suicide operations and self-immolations in France or elsewhere in Europe. One should not forget that the horrible camp Maryam is located in the soil of a country which the authorities claim it to be the cradle of democracy and human rights. Are the French authorities aware of the crimes committed in Camp Maryam, Auvers-Sur-Oise or because of their political interest have they closed their eyes to the facts? All civil, human rights activists and institutions should warn the French government of the crimes committed in camp Maryam in order to prevent a human catastrophe happening. They have to close down the camp.

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Nejat: Let ailing MKO members out Thu, 18 Dec 2008

the country.


Press TV

Nejat Association members have recently held meetings with the European parliament, human rights organizations, Amnesty International and British government officials in London to raise awareness about the humanitarian crisis occurring within the MKO. The leaders of the group, headed by Maryam Rajavi, are committing crimes against their own members.

"We urged the European officials to open Camp Ashraf doors to doctors and human rights organizations and rescue the trapped members who don't want to be part of this terrorist group anymore," Sameti elaborated. .aspx?id=78818§ionid=35 1020101 Defectors from the terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization allege the United States is thwarting the closure of MKO's Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

According to former members of the MKO, the organization's

Director of the Iranbased Nejat [Rescue] Association's Foreign Relations Department, Arash Sameti, said the United States refuses to hand Camp Ashraf over to the Iraqi government.

After the US-led invasion of the country, the US put the members under protection in north Iraq amid reports that they had been used by Washington for espionage and violence-related activities. Iraqi government officials believe the Mujahedeen Khalq Organization is playing a significant role in fueling violence and insecurity in the country. They have banned any deal with members of the MKO, calling on the US to stop supporting the terrorist group.

Most of the MKO members currently in Camp Ashraf are ailing, and being physically and mentally abused by their terrorist leaders, he added. The MKO is blacklisted by several countries, including the EU, as a terrorist organization. The group has launched terrorist attacks inside Iran and has killed nearly 12,000 citizens across

"We welcome the Iraqi government's decision to take over the control of the Ashraf Camp and seek the European countries' support for the release of its members."

leaders have set up a personality cult 'which brainwashes its

Nejat Association was established in 2003 by former members of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization and families of the members who remain at Camp Ashraf.

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Nejat delegation met Shadow Minister for Sport and for the Olympics in London Nejat association, December 18 2008 (Report by Iran Interlink)

Shadow Minister for Sport, Mr Hugh Robertson met with the Nejat Society delegation in London to hear about their humanitarian solution for Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

dam Hussein’s suppressive apparatus. TheMKO is officially regarded by the Iraqi government as a foreign terrorist entity. Although the MKO has been on the US list of terrorist entities since 1997, the army has not moved to dismantle the military infrastructure of what the American government itself describes as a foreign terrorist organisation, and its training base in Iraq. The US army has agreed to hand over control of the camp to Iraqi authorities by the end of this year when the Iraqi military will take over protection of the camp and its detainees. The Iraqi government is adamant that the MKO must leave Camp Ashraf but has

Nejat is asking UK policy and decision makers along with human rights organisations in the UK to support the position of the Iraqi government toward the MKO. The delegation explained that the first steps toward resolving the problem posed by Camp Ashraf include facilitating free and unfettered reunions between families and their relatives in the camp. A separate camp should immediately be established adjacent to the camp in which members can take refuge if they choose to renounce violence and go back to civilian life. Nobody should be forced to remain a member of a dangerous paramilitary force against their will.

Nejat representatives described conditions inside Camp Ashraf in Iraq. The camp is the military/ideological training base of the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MKO) cult organisation. The group has been detained there by the American army since 2003. Mr Robertson was sympathetic to the stories of two women in the delegation who have not seen their relatives for many years because of MKO directives for members to divorce from their spouses, children and families. Mrs Foroushani, from Isfahan, has a son in Camp Ashraf and Mrs Iranpour, from Shiraz, has two brothers in the camp. Nejat explained that for the past five years the Iraqi government has been demanding the MKO be removed from Iraqi territory as part of Sad-

given repeated that, in line with humanitarian law, be forced back to their will.

guarantees international no MKO will Iran against

Mr Robertson agreed that a humanitarian approach should be followed in resolving the problem. Report by Iran Interlink

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Nejat Society Asks UK to Support Iraqi Government Plans for Camp Ashraf Victims The Hill

remaining captives Camp Ashraf.

December 11, 2008 gibin/ OL.story&STORY=/www/story/ 12-102008/0004940128&EDATE=WE D+Dec+10+2008,+05:02+PMl

Iran-Interlink from London


Nejat [Rescue] Society, an Iranian NGO, has sent a delegation to London to brief policy and decision makers, human rights organisations and media on the US army handover of the Mojahedin-e Khalq's (MKO, MeK, NCRI, PMOI) military base, Camp Ashraf, to the Iraqi military on January 1st 2009. Nejat delegation comprises: Mr. Babak Amin, Mr. Arash Sametipour, (former MKO-members), Mrs. Mahnaz Akafian Foroushani and Mrs. Narjes Khatoon Iranpour (relatives of Camp Ashraf captives). Their aim is to prevent further political abuse of the Mojahedin-e Khalq members in Camp Ashraf held captive by their leaders, Massoud and Maryam Rajavi. In a meeting yesterday with Mr. Hugo Swire, MP, Chair of the Conservative Middle East Council and Chair of the UAE All-Party Group, Nejat delegates described the worsening human rights situation for the


Arash Sametipour said, "The Iraqi government has given guarantees that none of the captives will be forced to return to Iran against their wishes. The most serious threat to those left in Camp Ashraf comes from the MKO cult's leaders, Massoud and Maryam Rajavi. They will want to use their blood to extricate themselves from this crisis." Nejat is asking all UK agencies to cooperate with the Iraqi authorities to help restore basic human rights to the people

mates. Arash Sametipour said, "Every individual person in Camp Ashraf must be given the opportunity to decide for themselves without pressure or interference from MKO personnel whether to continue wearing military uniform, or to renounce violence and become civilians. The Iraqi authorities should open a separate camp where people can take refuge." Nejat Society believes the captives should be given access to external information, internet, radio, television, books, newspapers and conversation. Above all, the people in Camp Ashraf must be helped to contact their families and enjoy family visits as soon as possible. "Contact with their families re-connects the cult member with their emotions and provides a normal, trustworthy frame of reference in which they can reassess what the cult is telling them," explained Babak Amin.

trapped in Camp Ashraf. Nejat's demands are that: 1. A separate camp is reopened adjacent to Camp Ashraf to which people can escape and not be forced to continue as terrorists because there is no alternative. 2. The gates of the camp should be opened to allow doctors, families and humanitarian agencies free and unfettered access to the in-

Mrs. Iranpour told Mr Swire, "I visited the camp twice to see my brothers but the Americans army takes orders from the cult leaders. Once the Iraqi government is in control of Camp Ashraf, I hope it will be possible to freely visit our loved ones again." Nejat Society is in London for two weeks. For more information contact: Anne Singleton +44 (0) 113 278 0503

I S S U E NO 2 6



Meeting with Baroness Neville-Jones The British government should support Iraqi plan for Camp Ashraf detainees

Nejat Association, London, December 17, 2008

the MKO’s military/ideological training base, had reached European countries with disturbing descriptions of the current conditions for members. MKO members have been subjected to strict gender segregation for many years. A more disturbing development in the story of cult manipulation and exploitation is now being reported by those who more recently left the camp. They say that around ten percent of the women have undergone spuri-

their wellbeing. Baroness Neville-Jones expressed her sympathy for Nejat Society’s work toward finding a humanitarian solution to the problem posed by Camp Ashraf to the Iraqi government. Nejat Society said that the British government should by urged to support the Iraqi position toward the MKO. The Iraqi government has said the MKO will be given three choices. (Report by Iran-Interlink) Nejat Society delegation met in the House of Lords with Baroness Neville-Jones, Shadow Security Minister and National Security Adviser to the Leader of the Opposition. Baroness Neville-Jones welcomed the group warmly and spoke of her admiration for their courage. The Nejat delegation described in detail the problems faced by the captives in Camp Ashraf. They explained that the MKO members have been trapped in the camp by the Rajavis who demand total obedience. Infringements of the draconian conditions which the Rajavis have imposed upon all the members is harshly punished. As a result there is a high rate of suicide in the MKO. The delegation reported that MKO members who had escaped Camp Ashraf by taking refuge with the American army in a separate camp adjacent to

ous hysterectomies. This is being promoted as a value by Maryam Rajavi – who purports to support women’s emancipation – as a way for women to rid themselves of the desire to have children. For this reason, Nejat Society is asking that doctors and humanitarian agencies as well as the families of those trapped in Camp Ashraf be granted free and unfettered access to individual members as soon as possible in order to ascertain

1.To voluntarily repatriate to Iran under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross and other humanitarian agencies. No forced repatriations will take place. 2. To remove to another third country which is willing to accept them. 3. To stay in Iraq they would need to leave Camp Ashraf, take off their military uniforms and find paid employment and housing as a regular citizen of the country.


Address P O Box 14395/679 Tehran, Iran Fax: 88 96 10 31

Nejat Society [email protected]

We’re on the web

UN denies sending letter in support of MKO November 20, 2008 During the last two days some western media, and BBC in leading, have fabricated news saying the UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon has sent a letter to the Iraqi government and expressed concern on condition of Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO,MEK,PMOI) members residing at Camp Ashraf located in Diyala Province. The media also declared the UN Secretary General has called for Iraq to save the group from being deported. Seizing the opportunity, the organization started taking advantage of the publicized fabrications. At last in reaction to this news, the UN Spokesman Farhan Haq denied the news that the Secretary General has sent a letter to the Iraqi government concerning members of the organization. Reported by IRNA on Wednesday Farhan Haq is quoted saying “Ban Ki-moon has sent no letter on the MKO to the Iraqi government and the news is not true.” The MKO is at the present a blacklisted terrorist organization on several countries’ list including the US and the EU. It has also been recognized as a cult of personality whose main bastion is in Camp Ashraf in Iraq which was granted to them by the ousted Iraqi dictator Saddam for their collaboration with the Baath regime in the massacre of Iraqi Kurds and other suppressive tasks.

Cult survivors visit Iraqi embassy in Paris The following letter to Prime Minister of Iraq handed over to the Iraqi bassador in Paris during visit:

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Pers et Avenir, Paris, December 28, 2008 Dear Honourable Prime Minister of Iraq, Mr. Nori Maleki, With our best greetings to you, your government and the people of IRAQ. We, as a delegation of the separated people from PMOI ( PEOPLE MOJAHEDINS’ ORGANIZATION OF IRAN ) who submitted a letter on behalf of thousands innocent people in NOTORIOUS ASHRAF GARRISON, which was addressed to you, to IRAQ -Embassy in PARIS few months ago , and in this letter we urged you, as the prime minister – elect of IRAQ to help the innocent people who have been

stranded and stuck and treated like captives in RAJAVI’S cult in notorious ASHRAF GARRISON In IRAQ for decades to find an opportunity to separate from the RAJAVI’S cult and start over their new life in free world. TODAY, fortunately we found out that an honorable IRAQI delegation with honorable MR. MOVAFAGH ALRABIEE, as the head of this delegation, entered ASHRAF GARRISON in IRAQ and officially declared the shutting down of this notorious garrison in the near future. We, as the victims of this notorious and nefarious cult, would like to thank you and your honorable delegation that carried out such a humanitarian act which is the most fundamental and substantial step to help those who are stranded and captivated in this cult to breathe the fresh air of freedom after decades . We believe shutting down of this notorious garrison (ASHRAF) will help our friends

who are captives in it, to rescue themselves from their captors and decide for their own life in free atmosphere without the intervention of the cult’s cruel leaders, operatives and governing council of this inhumane cult. We would like to thank you again for your endeavors to shut down ASHRAF GARRISON. We hope all the innocent people who are stranded in this terrorist cult will be released from the RAJAVI’s cult clutch in very near future and start over their normal life in free and democratic countries, which have been deprived of it for decades. SIGNATORIES 1. MR. NADER NADERI 2. MR. MOHAMMAD RAZAGHI 3. MR. MANSOUR NAZARI 4. MR. MOHAMMAD BAZIYARPOUR 5. MR. HAMID SIAHMANSOURI 6. MR. HASSAN PIRANSAR 7. MR. HAMED SARAFPOUR

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