Nejat Newsletter - Issue 1

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Nejat Newsletter

IS S U E 1 S EP T EM BER 2 0 06


The Purpose The purpose of this newsletter is to provide specialised facts and information to a limited targeted audience. We try to build our society’s identity amongst foreign diplomats and delegates in Tehran, but anyone might benefit from the information it contains. You can simply add your name to our mailing list by contacting us, and then receive the Newsletter regularly. You might even consider demanding the Society for our further materials and publications. We are aiming to publish this newsletter at least quarterly, or even monthly, so that it is considered a consistent source of information on our intended subject. You will look forward to its arrival. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there are any queries or opinions. We would be absolutely delighted to respond to your e-mails and communications.

Getting to know Najat Society The word “Nejat” in Farsi literally means “salvation”, or “rescue”. The Nejat Society consists of those defected members of Mojahedin-é Khalq Organisation (MKO) who have managed to rescue themselves from the boundaries of the Organisation, and consider themselves obliged to strive to help and rescue the members who are still mentally or even physically captive inside the Organisation. Up to 500 ex-members of MKO have managed to return home to their families since the overthrow of the former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Nejat Society of course played a vital role with the help of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the Iranian Red Crescent, and other international and domestic bodies as well as the families themselves to safeguard their homecoming. Around 300 of those who have managed to flee the Organisation are kept in a nearby component under the supervision of “Temporary International Presence Facility (TIPF)”. (continues in page 4)

The Purpose Getting to know Nejat Society


11 September 2001: in view of MKO


Iraq PM hints at expelling Iran opposition group (AFP)


The Mojahedin-é Khalq in Iraq


Ordering in Rajavi’s Cult Life story of Mr Abbás Sádeqi-nezhád


Why MKO insists on remaining in Iraq?


MKO out of Iraq now!


The MKO story




NEJAT SOCIETY • Nejat Society is aiming to rescue the members of the MKO who are still captive in Ashraf Camp in Iraq. • Nejat Society is in constant contact with the families of members of MKO, trying to connect them to their beloved ones. • Nejat Society is trying to build a good international support for its cause to save the MKO members from cultic relationships. • Nejat Society is organising meetings and conferences for the members and the families in order to bring them together and ease their grieves. • Nejat Society is willing to use all means possible to reach its goals and therefore seeks and needs your support.


P AG E 2


11th September 2001: in view of MKO It might be completely astonishing to learn that the Mojahedin-é Khalq Organisation (MKO) by now has made no official stances to condemn the terrorist disaster functioned upon the World Trade Centre in New York. But it would be worth paying attention to two former military combatants of the MKO, Naser Ravayi and Hojjat Seyyed Esmaeili, who happened to be at a public meeting in Ashraf Camp (the MKO military headquarters in Iraq during the reign of deposed dictator Saddam Hussein) on 11th of Septem-

ber 2001. They have now the combatants joined in defected the Organisation . with the Iraqis for their celeThey reported that when parbration. ticipants in The officials the meeting of the Organiheard the sation had News, the entold the memtire hall burst bers that the into jubilation cont inuous and Masud condemnation Rajavi ,the of the act by leader of then President MKO, looked of Iran so proud as he Khatami was was most simply a sign pleased with The most ruthless terrorist of weakness the terrorist catastrophe of the century against impeoperation. rialism. These men emphasized that (cont. in next page)

Iraq PM hints at expelling Iran opposition group AFP, July 19, 2006 BAGHDAD (AFP) - Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki says he is looking for ways to end the presence in his country of the Iranian opposition group, the People's Mujahedeen of Iran. "The presence in the country of this organization violates the constitution," he told a press confere n c e o n Wednesday, accusing the organization of interfering in Iran's internal affairs. "This organization has been behaving as though it is an Iraqi organization," he added, emphasizing that it is labelled as a terrorist organization in the United States and the European Union. Maliki said the cabinet decided

at a meeting Wednesday to restrict the movements of PMOI members to their base at Camp Ashraf, near the Iranian border, and to prevent them from contacting government officials.

US forces confiscated the organization's weapons following the March 2003 US-led invasion, taking away some 300 tanks, many of which were subsequently given to the Iraqi armed forces.

The government will also form a committee to decide whether to allow them to remain in Iraq or find a country to exile them to.

The estimated 3,000 PMOI members are now under a kind of US-supervised house arrest at Camp Ashraf, which is mainly for their protection against hostile population on both sides of the border.

Iran has publicly complained about the continuing presence of the PMOI across its border. Under the former Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein, the PMOI was supplied with weapons and tanks and periodically carried out armed incursions against Iran as well as helped Iraqi forces put down rebellious Shiites in 1991.

The group's activities are supported by its political wing, the National Council of Resistance in Iran (NCRI) which has offices in France and Germany and carries out lobbying efforts against the Iranian government. While the PMOI is characterized as a terrorist group by the United States and EU, it has many supporters in the US Congress and British parliament.


P AG E 3

The Mojahedin-é Khalq in Iraq On the 26th edition of the B r i t i s h monthly publicat ion, S u rv i v o r s’ Report, dated July 2006, under the subject of the ‘presence of MKO in Iraq’, it has been stated that: “In Iraq, the Mojahedin’s

role is similar to its role in Europe, acting as a minor irritant for those who wish to conduct serious activity in that country, and as a useful tool for the Iranian regime to point to western hypocrisy in its

declared war on terror”. The article therefore adds: “as part of their recruitment campaign in western political circles, the cult has successfully recruited some western figures to urge the Iraqi government to take necessary steps to ensure the security and safety of Camp Ashraf which is currently guarded by Multi National Forces.”

11th September 2001 (cont.) Maryam Rajavi then referred that they now realise what to the Internal Ideological the Ideology of Mojahedin is There exists this mere fact Revolution of Mojahedin all about. They then declared that the MKO has always and emphasised that: “Atá that now they have come to approved of sabotage and was so devoted t he u nd erterrorist activities as a mean to his cause and standing that of accomplishing political his ideology that Atá had given advantages, and this sort of “They did not denounce he had isolated up his life all approach has been theorised himself from all together for his the terrorist incident and accepted manifestly inattractions of the publicly because they goals and purside the Organisation. normal life parposes. They Hojjat Seyyed Esmaeili, a principally approve it.” ticularly the then stated that prominent former member of companionship they should do the Organisation’s Departof women in their jobs exment of Intelligence, reports any form even for after his actly in the same manner as that on a meeting where death.” Atá did. Maryam Rajavi was speakShe then conThe strategic turning point of ing to a limited cluded that all 11th September 2001, has number of audiM o j a h e d i n played a vital role in the Or“The MKO has always ence, she said: should reach ganisation’s political life in“Atá (the key approved of sabotage and that stage of ternationally. The ‘war on person in charge terrorist activities as a mean constancy and terror’ slogan yelled by the of the 11th of of accomplishing political compliance for west has somehow had its Sept. terrorist their practices consequential impacts on and social advantages.” tragedy) had and aspiraMKO too. designated in his tions. will that since he They did not denounce the does not wish to have anyEsmaeili then goes on exincident publicly because thing to do with women anyplaining that two of the they principally approve it, time at all, he does not want members present in the but they certainly cannot get any of them even to come to above mentioned meeting, away with it and the matter his grave after his death.” one after the other, professed has caught them. (cont. from previous page)


P AG E 4

Ordering in Rajavi’s Cult The Mojahedin-é Khalq Organisation (MKO), lead by Masud Rajavi and his wife Maryam, is well known for its cultic characteristics. This Organisation, which utilizes terrorism as a mean to reach its political goals, enforces a very harsh and disciplinary internal relationship amongst the members which is quite unique in its type. Former members describe

bers to the demands and the so called “iron disciwishes of the leaders on any pline” imposed status. within the Organisation as Members are the most brutal expected to cut and irritating ties completely sort of ordering with the outside any establishworld particume nt co u ld lar ly t h e ir practice. and Ordering in Rajavi’s Cult friends families and Ordering in Rabecome absolute obedient of javi’s Cult practically means the Organisation. total submission of the mem-

Getting to know Najat Society (cont.) long record of suppressing terest of then ruling Iraqi their despondent members dictator. And evidently there are some and they have used all forms 3000 members still left in Nejat Society is aiming to of mental and physical methAshraf Camp inside Iraq. end these unfortunate peoods in order to make their These people need to be resple’s misery. followers yield . cued out urThe members Nejat Society has been the gently. and authorities “Cults typically try to harass subject of all sorts of accusaMany members of Nejat Sociand intimidate their critics tions by the MKO officials, of MKO have ety are well since it tries to make the conleft their fami- and opponents, particularly aware that they tact of the members with lies and rela- those who try to help the are facing a their families possible, somet iv e s many fierce tackle. discontented members out.” thing the Organisation is years ago to join The Mojahetruly terrified of. the MKO ranks din-é Khalq Nejat Society tries to help with the hope of bringing Organisation of course has prosperity and welfare for the defected members in Iraq adopted a hostile attitude who reside in “Temporary the Iranians. But on the conagainst the Society and has trary they were themselves International Presence Facilnever stopped its intense caught up with a dreadful ity (TIPF)”. This propaganda aggracult that managed to control of course is an vation in order to their minds and lives all tounforgivable sin stop the Society gether through the years in from the Organihelping the MKO the boundaries of Ashraf sation’s point of members. view. Therefore Camp in Iraq. All cults, typically they even try to They practically became part try to intimidate of Saddam Hussein’s Army their critics and Marzieh Ghorsi returns home put TIPF subject in the war against Iran. They opponents, par- from MKO in Iraq to her to harassment. beloved son after many years. were misused by the MKO In one word Nejat ticularly those leaders to risk their lives for Society is to save the elewho try to help the disconterrorist activities against ments caught up in the MKO tented members out. MKO is their own people for the inand let them to live. no exception. They have a (cont. from opening page)


P AG E 5

Feature: Life story of Mr Abbás Sádeqi-nezhád, former member of MKO Abbás Sádeqi-nezhád, was acquainted stan was a woman called Zahrá called him to a joint meeting to tell to the People’s Mojáhedin OrganisaHamedáni whom Abbás mentioned his him that they were not sure at first but tion of Iran (PMOI), during the Islamic wife’s situation as soon as he saw that they have become certain since a few Revolution of February 1979. After new mas’ul. Zahrá’s reply to his plea days ago that his wife has died in the joining them, he was organised in the was of course that he must not involve hospital while trying to give birth to section of the students’ societies of the his mind on that problem and they the child and no baby was born. Organisation, and hence he continued would solve it. She said to him that Although this news was so hard and his political activities in that field. On soon the Organisation will send an horrible to Abbás but it seemed that June 1981, that is the commence of the envoy to bring her out of Iran. Two deep in his heart again he was not Organisation’s armed struggle against months later Abbás mentioned the case satisfied that his wife and his child the Islamic Republic of Iran, Abbás of his wife again and this time the were dead. He always kept them alive lost his contacts with the Organisation Organisation’s anin his heart and and consequently was taken to the swer was that the case occupied his mind military national service. There he should no longer be “The man Abbás got in with them and alcontinued his struggle in independent his interest and it is ways had the feelself-established resistance cells. In the Organisation’s touch with, did not believe ing that this news 1988, Abbás managed to make his concern only and they might not be true. him to be the right person contact with the Organisation again would see to it. Abbás Abbás continued his and then was put into the radio conafter two months and claimed that Abbás has work with the Monection. In 1990 the Organisation from receiving that jáhedin in Iraq until chose Abbás to look after one of the answer was trans- been killed 10 years ago” 1994 when he deinjured dissidents of the Organisation. ferred to Turkey. cided to leave the Abbás was living in Maláyer (south of There he brought up Organisation. On December 1994, Iran) and the person in trouble was in the case again and then he was told Abbás was put in detention since he Hamedán (west of Iran). After Abbás that his wife’s case must be followed had announced his will to leave the accomplished this rather dangerous from Iraq and it is impossible to keep Organisation. So he stayed in jail until troublesome task in the policed atmosto it from there. A month later Abbás May 1995. After leaving detention phere of Iran, his organisational conwas moved from Turkey to Baghdad. back to the Organisation in 2002, he tact warned him that he has been idenIn Iraq as soon as entering a Mojáhewas always thinking of fleeing and had tified by the state authorities and his din’s base he started his military trainno desire to stay there any more. presence in Iran is no longer safe for ings and after one month he asked him, so he must leave Iran as soon as about his family again. He did not get In 1997, after the election of possible. The Organisation showed the an answer for one month until a mas’ul Mohammad Khátami as the President policed situation to Abbas in a way approached him to say that they are of the Islamic Republic, the Organisathat he was convinced following his famtion in order to bring a deadlock to the he has to leave Iranian ily’s case and he reforms process and the political deterritory immediately “Although Abbás became would be informed velopment in Iran, tried to send militia without even acas soon as they get teams into Iran to do mortar operations knowledging his fam- very upset to learn that sort a definite reply. in the cities. Therefore the Organisaily. Abbás’s wife, Two months after tion was looking for some cover-up of news, but deep in his Fátemé was in that that another mas’ul people inside the country in order to time three months heart he was not convinced called him and after gain internal support for the teams. In pregnant. When Absome sort of usual this respect the Organisation had to bás mentioned his about what he had heard ” preparation talks ask all its personnel to make contacts wife’s situation and said that they with their relatives and friend inside his objection of leavwanted to inform Iran and try to persuade them to give ing the country his mas’ul (superior) him sooner about his wife who has aid to the people sent from Iraq. told him that they would solve his apparently passed out during giving It was now more than 10 years since wife’s problem and he should not birth to the child. He was then inAbbás had entered Iraq. He was asked worry about anything. Abbás only structed that now his concern should too to make contact with his relatives managed to acknowledge her wife only be the fact that he is a revolutioninside the country to arrange cover-ups about his departure from Iran through ary combatant with Mojáhedin and for the militia teams. Abbás had lost a messenger and not even by teleshould only think about struggling all his telephone numbers but the Orphone. The massage was that she against the Regime to overthrow it. ganisation managed to find a number would join him later and there is nothThat mas’ul then said that this is what for him. Then he contacted one of his ing she should be worried about. Abthey have learned so far and as soon as relatives in Iran and introduced himbás first on his way out of Iran was they receive more information they self. The man Abbás got in touch with, moved to the city of Rey (south of would let him know. Although Abbás did not believe him to be the right Tehran) and later to Záhedán (south became very upset to learn that sort of person and claimed that Abbás has east of Iran) and there, with the help of news, but deep in his heart he was not been killed 10 years ago while trying the contact person of the Organisation convinced about it at all. After two to leave the country and such person named Mohammad Hosein Arbáb, he months he again asked his mas’ul dose not exist any more. went to Karachi (Pakistan). The person about the death of his wife. This time a in charge of the Organisation in Pakifew higher organisational mas’ulin (cont. in next page)


P AG E 6

Why MKO insists on remaining in Iraq? The Mojahedin-é Khalq Organisation (MKO), otherwise known as the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI), is trying hard to safeguard its presence in Iraq after the collapse of Saddam Hussein’s regime. The Organisation enjoyed a safe heaven under the former Iraqi dictator for nearly two decades. They received financial and military support as well as intelligence from Iraqis to carry out sabotage and terrorist operations inside Iran for many years. Today they are determined to stay in Iraq on any price and do not wish to move their

members from the country which enables them to impose their cultic control over under any circumstances. the followers. The reason they present is that they have based their This explains why they made strategy to topple the Iranian a very strong objection to the regime on decision made armed struggle “MKO regards Iraq as a safe by the Iraqi and hence they government as heaven where it can continue have heavily well as the invested on the isolating members from st ance anNational Libera- outside world and keeping nounce by the t io n A r m y them under strict control” Iraqi Prime which is staMinister Nuri al-Maliki that tioned in Iraq. ‘they must by law leave the They claim that nowhere on country as soon as possible’. earth they would find the MKO has therefore launched same opportunity. a fierce public relations presBut in reality Iraq provides sure campaign against the the Organisation a unique Iraqi officials from Western chance to isolate members countries. from the outside world

Life story of Mr Abbás Sádeqi-nezhád (cont.) (cont. from previous page)

using this sort of tactics, aimed to prevent Abbás and Fátemé to look for each other, and hence it would have an open hand to do what ever it wanted to do to their fate. The suspicion of Abbás against the Organisation increased. Abbás describes the situation as follows: “If until then my motive to flee the Organisation was only say %10, after learning that my wife and my daughter were alive, I reached the motive of %100 to escape the Organisation.”

Abbás being in the state of shock tried to persuade his relative that he is well and alive and living in Iraq. The person asked Abbás to contact him after one hour time in order that he could call someone to come and see to the matter. Abbás called his relative after one hour again and was told by him that if he is really the person that he claims he must be recognised by his wife who is there right now. Abbás was astonished to hear that his wife is still “Abbás realised that he Abbás, after considalive and was so eaering escaping from ger to talk to her. had been mislead by the Organisation for After Fátemé and two years, finally Abbás believed they the Organisation all managed to do so are both alive, Fátemé on June 2002 with told Abbás that she through past ten years” the aid of two other received a call from combatants. Taking Denmark informing the risk of getting her that he has been killed by the Rekilled in the way, he finally reached gime while trying to cross the border. the province of Kurdistan (north of Fátemé added that not only she is well Iraq) and contacted the office of the and alive but his daughter Badri is safe UN there. After remaining in Kurdiand sound too and she is in the third stan for more than two months and contacting his wife in Iran and receivdegree at school. ing the sum of 5000 USD, he left KurAbbás realised that he had been misdistan for Turkey. After some two lead by the Organisation all through months of uncertainty in Turkey, he past ten years. The Organisation, by

arrived to Germany on winter of 2003. He was then granted political asylum in Germany after three months going through the appropriate procedures. Now that it is autumn of 2003, Abbás is living in Germany and her wife and his13 years old daughter are in Iran. Both parties on two different parts of the world are waiting anxiously to reunion with each other and start a new life again. Foot notes: Mojáhed or Mujáhid is an Arabic word meaning “striver”. Mojáhedin is the Arabic plural of Mojáhed therefore meaning “strivers”. In Quran the word is used to describe the person or persons who strive or struggle in the path of Allah. Mas’ul is an Arabic word meaning “responsible”. This title in the Organisation is used to describe the superior or the person in charge of some other people. Mas’ul usually has total domination over the individuals he or she is in charge of. Mas’ulin is the Arabic plural of Mas’ul.


P AG E 7

MKO out of Iraq now! The consequences of expelthe Organisation is utilizing ling the Mojahedin-é Khalq thought reform techniques Organisation from Iraq are and mind manipulating definitely to the best interests methods in a sectarian system to keep the members of the members themselves. committed to the leaders. Once they are out, say to a European country, the leadAnd this of course requires ers cannot hold the disciplibreaking their ties with their nary internal control over the families, friends, careers, members as even memothey do in ries of the Iraq at the past, and whatever present time. which might The Ashraf connect the Camp profollowers to vides them a t he fr ee sort of facility that they Camp Ashraf of MKO in Iraq, under the world. can keep the protection of US and multi-national forces. This is why fo llo wer s we insist that within a well guarded boundthey must be expelled from ary which no one is free to Iraq for they own good. make contact with the outThe members of MKO out of side world. Iraq would have the chance There is this mere fact that to familiarise themselves

with the free world and therefore be acquainted to the normal standards and manners of living. Followers inside the order of MKO have been severely manipulated and have been the subject of behaviour and attitude altering. The only practical way to help these unfortunate people is to remove them first physically and then mentally from the boundaries of the Organisation. They certainly could not be helped to a descent normal life while they are stocked in the bounded Camp Ashraf in Iraq. Since the primary goal of Nejat Society is to save and rescue the members to a free life, it insists that the Iraqi government must expel these people from the country.

The MKO story (cont.) (cont. from closing page)

Maryam Rajavi, and some of the Organisation's officials, moved to France shortly after the beak of war in Iraq to establish their headquarters in Auver-sur-Oise, a suburb in North of Paris. She started conducting the Organisation while Masud Rajavi had mysteriously been disappeared. She was arrested on terrorist charges by the French Gendarmerie on 17the June 2003. Following Maryam Rajavi’s arrestment in France a series of self-emblazing attempts occurred in Europe by the

devoted followers whom turned home to their families were instructed to do so by in Iran. the leaders. This of Although the Orcourse left a sever ganisation has lost negative impact on all its means to the Organisation’s carry out military already damaged and armed operareputation. The intions inside Iran, but cident left no doubt it has never offithat MKO is a culcially rejected the tic group. matter and even inWhereas Maryam, sists on it in its inbeing out on bail, is ternal teachings. awaiting her trial by Today MKO is dethe French Judici- “Maryam Rajavi and scribed and listed as her aides, arrested by ary, many Mojahe- French Gendarmerie.” a terrorist group by din-é Khalq comthe US State Debatants have left the Organipartment and the EU as well sation and some have reas the British Government.

BriefingPeriodical of Nejat Society

. . . heading for the reality of Cult


The MKO story

E.mail: [email protected] P.O.Box 14395/679, Tehran Fax: 88 96 10 31

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N ej at Soci et y

The 6th of Septemrevolution they supnounced the Internal ber marks the anniported the Islamic Ideological Revoluversary of the founState, but soon they tion which gradually dation of Mojahelaunched a massive turned the MKO din-é Khalq Organiterrorist campaign from a politicalsation (MKO) in against the new govmilitary organisation Iran in 1965. The ernment, and subseinto a notorious cult. guerrilla moveMasud and his ment was estabnewly wed wife lished to counter Maryam moved the Shah’s regime to Iraq a year who, in their later to form the view, was the National Liberapuppet of the tion Army which west. They carentered the Iranried out several Iraq war in the sabotage and ter- A dissident member of MKO returns home favour of the rorist activities from Iraq after many years of discontent. Iraqi side. After against the the invasion of quently the leader Shah’s police as Iraq and collapse of well as American Masud Rajavi flow Saddam Hussein this civil and military to Paris in 1981. In army were disarmed personnel in Iran the year 1985 Masud by the US Forces. Rajavi, the selfbefore the Feb 1979 Ever since the situaappointed charisIslamic Revolution. tion of the Organisamatic leader of the During and after the tion has change draOrganisation, an-

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