Necron Codex Byarhurt V0200

  • June 2020
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v0 20 by 1 Ar hu rt

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stasis-tombs, their weaponry able to strip a man to atoms. But the

true terror of the Necron lies with their divine masters, who gorge themselves on the essence of billions.

Force Organization Chart Compulsory 1 HQ 2 Troops Optional 1 HQ 4 Troops 3 Elites 3 Fast attack 3 Heavy Support

Necron Special Rules The following special rules apply to models whose profile contain the Necron special rule.

We’ll be back Necrons have a remarkable ability to self-repair even the most horrendous damage. When a Necron model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a d6. On a 4+ the necron will be damaged and falls to the ground, but his self-repair systems will bring him back to combat at the beginning of the next Necron player turn. Place the models on their side and ignore them for gameplay purposes such as movement and line of sight of other units until the Necron player’s next movement phase. Note that these Necrons are still part of their original unit. When the models stand back up move them the shortest way so they are in coherency to their unit or as close as possible. The unit must try to get in coherency if it ends up out of coherency due to models returning to the fight. If there are no models of their unit still standing when they come back simply place them as close as possible to where they where killed. Models with multiple wounds always recover with a single wound left. If the Necron model was killed by a close combat weapon that allows no armor saves to be taken or by weapons with double it’s toughness value, then it cannot repair unless in range of a Resurrection orb.

Phase Out Necrons possess near infallible and ancient technologies, and can teleport, repair and refit their warriors faster than mortals could ever hope to. This allows them to get out of harms way in the most dire circumstances and return to the battle. A Necron unit that fails a leadership

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Co de x:

Terrifying, immortal, soulless warriors have risen from ancient

Chain Teleportation Necrons have several means of teleportation, such as deep striking models, or models that emerge from a Monolith’s portal. Under no circumstances can a Necron model use two or more means of teleportation on the same movement phase.

Fighting Necrons Despite being mainly mechanical creatures, Necrons are still affected by weapons such as poison and sniper rifles. It is expected that their opponents will change ammunition and prepare special alchemically altered formulas that interfere with the Necron’s circuits when facing them. So Necrons cannot claim any immunities to special kinds of weapons or attacks in the game.

Victory points It is possible for a Necron player to have units in reserve at later stages of the game when normally no units could be in reserve anymore. It is also possible to have necron models that are waiting to stand back again at the start of the player’s turn. Necrons that are in reserve or that are laying in the ground repairing are considered casualties if the game ends before they can rejoin the battle, and the opponent is awarded Kill points or Victory points for them.

Necrons Necron units are only those that have the Necron special rule in their profiles. Every time that an “Necron units” are dealt with, it’s these units only that are affected.

Necron Armory Weapon Range Str AP Gauss Flayer 24’’ 4 5 Gauss Blaster 24’’ 5 4 Gauss Cannon 36’’ 6 4 Heavy Gauss Cannon 36’’ 9 2 Gauss Flux Arc 12’’ 5 4 Particle Whip 24’’ 9 3 Staff of Light 12’’ 5 3

Type Rapid Fire, Gauss Assault 2, Gauss Heavy 3, Gauss Heavy 1, Gauss Heavy D6 (Per unit), Gauss Ordnance 1, Large Blast Assault 3, Gauss

Gauss Weapons Gauss weapons are terrifying devices that tear their targets layer by layer as they reduce it to it’s component atoms in a matter of seconds. Against infantry, Gauss weapons are considered to be Rending weapons. Against vehicles Gauss weapons will always score a glancing hit on a roll of 6 on the Armor penetration roll, even if the target’s Armor is greater than what could be normally penetrated. Note that rolls that normally penetrate the armor on a 6 will not score an additional Glancing hit. A Gauss shot that rolls a 6 on the Armor penetration roll will be considered AP 1 for that hit. This means that Gauss weapons have the potential to wound and damage any creature or vehicle in the game.

Staff of Light Arcane technology imbues this symbol of power wielded by the Necron Lords. As well as firing potent gauss rays, a Staff of Light is considered a power weapon when used in close combat.

Particle Whip The Particle Whip is a focused particle beam that houses an immense amount of energy. Any models that are found to be under the central hole of the blast template are subject to an AP 1 hit. The Particle Whip is an ordnance weapon.

Close Combat Weapons Warscythe Made from the same living metal that makes all Necron Ships and Vehicles, this fearsome weapon is capable of ignoring all kinds of armor with ease. Their phase blades slip through metal, rock and flesh with little effort. Warscythes thus ignore all armor and invulnerable saves, and roll 2d6+Strength when determining if they can penetrate a vehicle’s armor. Some Warscythes have built-in Gauss weapons, that can be used during the shooting phase.

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roll will attempt to fall back as normal, but if they suffer a sweeping advance, they will then phase out to return to the battle later. Units phasing out are removed from the table along with any models from that unit that passed their We’ll be Back rolls and are damaged on the ground. These phased out units will re-enter battle on a roll of 3+, regardless of what turn it might be. They can either re-enter play emerging from a Monolith’s portal or Deep Strike in. When Deepstriking after phasing out the models must choose their deep strike target in their own deployment zone and at least 12’’ away from any enemy models. If there is no room for the models to enter the battlefield they will stay out until the next Necron turn when they may attempt again. They are considered to have regrouped after they return and may act as normal. Enemies that where locked in combat with Necrons that phase out may consolidate. When a Necron force falls under 25% of the number of original Necron models, the entire force Phases Out and the necrons leave the battle entirely. This Phase Out occurs at the beginning of the Necron Player’s movement phase.

Wargear Only Necron Lords may select the artifacts described in this section, and they are limited by the type of Necron Lord and their power. See the Necron Lords entries for more details. Item Chronometron Disruption Field Destroyer Body Gaze of Flame Lightning Field Nightmare Shroud Phase Shifter Phylactery Resurrection Orb Solar Pulse Veil of Darkness

Cost 25 25 30 15 20 30 30 10 40 10 60

Chronometron A Necron Lord with a Chronometron may move himself and any unit he has joined up to 6 extra inches in the movement phase, after finishing his movement. Roll two dice and pick the highest to determine how far this movement is, ignoring difficult terrain.

Disruption Field Fields of energy surround the Necron Lord’s metal body and those of any unit he has joined. When attacking a vehicle in close combat, the Necron Lord and his unit score glancing hits on rolls of 6 regardless of the target’s armor value.

Destroyer Body The Necron Lord is mounted on a Destroyer platform, giving him the movement capacity of a Jetbike and increasing his Toughness value to 6.

Gaze of Flame Models belonging to units that charge the Necron Lord or units he has joined are inexplicably slowed by the gaze of the ancient being in their last moments. As a result they do not receive the extra attack that is normally given to charging units, but other charging bonuses still apply. Even Demons and Tyranids are affected by this power, such is the anger and hatred of the Lord. The enemy units also suffer a -1 to their leadership tests as long as they are in combat with the Lord and his unit.

Lightning Field Arcs of energy link the Necron Lord and his unit, and any enemies caught in melee with them are hit by these electrical discharges. For every unsaved wound inflicted upon the Lord and his unit, the enemy unit that caused the

wound will be hit by a Strength 3 attack. These attacks are calculated after all attacks have been made, and wounds caused by them are still accounted for combat resolution.

Nightmare Shroud The Nightmare Shroud may be activated during the Shooting phase instead of firing a weapon. When this happens all enemy units 12’’ away from the Lord must make a morale check as if they had suffered 25% casualties.

Phase Shifter This artifact grants the Necron Lord with an Invulnerable save of 4+.

Phylactery When a Necron Lord that has a Phylactery makes his We’ll be Back roll he may return with more than a single wound left. If he rolls a 4 he stands back up with a single wound as normal, but if he rolls a 5 he returns with 2 wounds left and if he rolls a 6 he returns with his full 3 wounds.

Resurrection Orb A Resurrection Orb boosts the self-repair capacity of Necrons near the Lord. Any Necron units 6’’ away from the Necron Lord can still make their We’ll be Back rolls even if killed by weapons that do not normally allow it, such as power weapons. In short, Necron units 6’’ away from a Lord with a Resurrection Orb are always allowed a We’ll be Back roll.

Solar Pulse The Solar Pulse can be activated at the beginning of the Necron turn. If the Night Fight rules are in effect, the Necron player may ignore them for this turn. If they are not in effect then the unit the Necron Lord has joined has the cover of arcane darkness summoned by the device. Any enemy units attempting to shoot at that unit in the turn it has been activated just use the Night Fight rules to determine if they can pick their target. Note that this misterious darkness in impervious to searchlights and acute senses are useless against it.

Veil of Darkness A Necron Lord can activate the Veil of Darkness instead of moving in the movement phase. The Necron Lord and any Necron unit 6’’ away from it are Phased Out and then placed back on the battlefield using the Deep-Strike rules. The Veil may be used even if the Lord or the unit are locked in combat. The enemy models are simply left behind.

HQ Necron Lord Pts/Model WS Necron Lord (Bronze) 80 4 Necron Lord (Silver) 100 4 Necron Lord (Gold) 120 5 Necron Lord (Platinum) 150 5

BS 4 4 5 5

S 4 5 5 6

T 4 5 5 5

W 3 3 3 3

I 4 4 4 4

A 3 3 3 3

Ld Sv 10 3+ 10 3+ 10 3+ 10 2+

Number/Squad: 1 Weapon: Staff of light Options: Any Necron Lord may upgrade their Staff of light for a Warscythe at the cost of 10 points.Also, Necron Lords have access to artifacts from the wargear section, and may carry an amount of wargear that adds up to it’s own points cost. Any Lord but the Bronze may take a Signet of Scarabs at 10 points, allowing Scarab Swarms to be taken as troop choices, or a Signet of Infiltration at 20 points, allowing Flayed Ones to be taken as Troop Choices. Character: The Necron Lords are independent characters and follow all the rules for them.

Special Rules Necron: The Necron Lord is a Necron and follows all the special Necron rules.

Elites Pariahs Pariah

Pts/Model WS BS S 40 5 3 5

T 5

W 1

I 3

A 2

Ld 10

Sv 4+

Number/Squad: 5-10 Weapon: Warscythe with built-in Gauss Blaster

Special Rules Feel no pain, Fearless. Psychic abomination: A Psyker within 6’’ of a Pariah at the start of their turn must take a morale check or fall back along with any squad they are leading. If the Psyker is locked in Close Combat he must still take the test, and if he fails he will only hit on a 6 in the assault phase. Souless: Any enemy unit with a model 12’’ of a Pariah counts as having Leadership 7, unless it is normally less than that.

Immortal Immortal

Pts/Model WS BS S 30 4 4 4

T 5

W 1

I 2

A 1

Ld 10

Sv 3+

Number/Squad: 5-10 Weapon: Gauss Blaster

Special Rules Necron: The Immortal is a Necron and follows all the special Necron rules.

Flayed One Flayed One

Pts/Model WS BS S 15 4 0 4

T 4

W 1

I 4

A 2

Ld Sv 10 3+

Number/Squad: 4-8 Weapon: Poisoned Claws

Special Rules Poisoned Weapons 4+, Infiltrators, Deep Strike, Move Through Cover. Terrifying Visage: At the start of each round of combat, units in close combat with the Flayed Ones must pass a leadership test. If they fail they will only hit the Flayed Ones on a roll of 6 regardless of WS. Necron: The Flayed One is a Necron and follows all the special Necron rules.

Troop Necron Warrior Necron Warrior

Pts/Model WS BS S 20 2 4 4

T 4

W 1

I 2

A 1

Ld 10

Sv 3+

Number/Squad: 8-20 Weapon: Gauss Flayer

Special Rules Necron: The Necron Warrior is a Necron and follows all the special Necron rules. Reserves: Necron warriors in reserve may be brought in the table using a Monolith’s portal. Declare which units will use the portal before deployment. When these units become available they must be immediately brought through a Monolith’s portal. If there are no Monoliths available then the unit must wait in reserve to enter the game at a later stage.

Fast attack Wraiths Wraith

Pts/Model WS BS S 45 4 4 6

T 5

W 1

I 6

A 3

Ld Sv 10 3+

Number/Squad: 3-6 Weapon: Claws and Barbed Tail

Special Rules Necron: The Wraith is a Necron and follows all the special Necron rules. Phase Shift: The Wraith has an invulnerable save of 3+. When attacking models in or behind cover, the Wraiths are considered to have frag grenades. Wraithflight: Wraiths move as jetbikes but ignore all types of terrain for movement purposes, ignoring difficult or dangerous terrain. Barbed Tail: Every time a Wraith attacks a single attack is considered to be made by a power weapon and will ignore Armor saves. Roll these attacks separately.

Destroyers Destroyer

Pts/Model WS BS S 50 4 4 4

T 5

W 1

I 2

A 1

Ld Sv 10 3+

Number/Squad: 3-5 Weapon: Gauss Cannon

Special Rules Necron: The Destroyer is a Necron and follows all the special Necron rules. Jetbikes: Destroyers count as jetbikes for movement purposes and may fire their weapon after moving.

Scarab Swarms Scarab Swarm

Pts/Model WS BS S 12 2 0 3

T 3

W 3

I 2

A 3

Ld Sv 10 5+

Number/Squad: 3-10 Weapon: None Disruption fields: The entire unit may have disruption fields similar to the Wargear for a cost of +4pts per model.

Special Rules Fearless, Vulnerable to Blasts, Deep Strike, Swarms. Small Targets: The scarab swarms are extremely hard to hit in cover and gain a +1 to their cover saves. Swarm flight: Scarab Swarms move as Jetbikes but ignore difficult terrain for movement purposes.

Heavy Support Tomb Spiders Tomb Spider

Pts/Model WS BS S 85 2 2 6

T 6

W 2

I 2

A 3

Ld 10

Sv 3+

Number/Squad: You may include up to 3 Tomb Spiders as a single Heavy Support choice, but they act and count as independent units in the battlefield. Weapon: Claws Options: A Tomb Spider may replace one of it’s claws with a Particle Projector that has the same stats as a Staff of Light for shooting purposes. This option reduces the amount of attacks made by the spider by one.

Special Rules Monstrous Creature, Fearless. Reconstruction: The tomb spider gives Scarab Swarms 6’’ from it the Feel no Pain special rule. Artificer: A Tomb Spider may spawn up to three Scarab Swarms at the start of the Necron player’s assault phase. Place the spawned scarab swarms in coherency with the Tomb Spider, they form a unit and must maintain coherency until the end of the game. Roll a D6 for each scarab produced, on a roll of 1 the Spider takes a wound with no armor save allowed as it drains itself in the process. Hover Engines: Tomb Spiders ignore difficult terrain for the purposes of moving. Support role: Even being Monstrous Creatures, the tomb Spiders may join any Necron units in the field. This boosts the self-repair capacity of the unit so that their We’ll be Back rolls are made on a 3+. A Tomb Spider cannot use the Artificer ability to create Scarab Swarms when it has joined a unit, and will never be able to join units if it has Scarab Swarms attached to it. When the unit the Spider has joined receives damage, always allocate at least one wound to the Tomb Spider. If a unit the Spider has joined Phases Out due to a Sweeping Advance, destroy the spider.

Heavy Destroyers Heavy Destroyer

Pts/Model WS BS S 60 4 4 4

T 5

W 1

I 2

A 1

Ld Sv 10 3+

Number/Squad: You may include up to 3 Heavy Destroyers as a single Heavy Support choice, but they act and count as independent units in the battlefield. Weapon: Heavy Gauss Cannon

Special Rules Necron: The Heavy Destroyer is a Necron and follows all the special Necron rules. Jetbikes: Destroyers count as jetbikes for movement purposes and may fire their weapon after moving. Targeter: The heavy gauss cannon is considered to be twin-linked if the Heavy Destroyer moved no more than 6’’ in the movement phase.

Monolith Monolith

Pts/Model FA SA RA BS 235 14 14 14 4

Type: Tank, Skimmer. Weapon: Gauss Flux Arc (see below) Transport: Special.

Special Rules Deep Strike. Living Metal: The Living Metal that composes the Monolith can change it’s structure to absorb most of the damage any weapons can cause against it. As a result of that, no weapon, power or ability may reduce the Monolith’s armor value and any attack made against it will never roll additional dice for armor penetration, in short, the Monolith always has armor value of 14 and will always be hit by at most 1D6+Strength. Ponderous: Monoliths are Skimmers that may move up to 6’’ in the movement phase. They may also stand completely stationary if they so wish. They are not affected by difficult terrain and if Immobilised will sink slowly to the ground and continue the fight from there. If a Monolith deep-strikes and scatters on top of other models, move the models so as to make room for the Monolith. If it lands on top of enemy models they may attempt a Death or Glory attack as if being Tank Shocked. But unless the Monolith explodes as a result of the attempt, the enemy model will be killed as the husk of the structure squishes it under it’s weight. Gauss Flux Arc projectors: The Flux Arc Projectors will fire D6 shots at every enemy unit 12’’ away from them. Each weapon destroyed result will lower the number of shots in one. Notice that a Weapon destroyed result may never be turned into an Immobilised result, and thus the Monolith is indestructible to weapons that cannot penetrate it. The Gauss Flux Arc projectors cannot be fired de turn the Monolith deep-strikes in. Power Matrix: The monolith may activate the Power Matrix once per Necron player turn. It may either teleport units trough the Monolith’s portal on the movement phase or discharge it’s power as a Particle Whip in the shooting phase. If the Monolith fires it’s Particle Whip it may not fire the Gauss Flux Arc projectors that turn. If there are Warrior squads in reserve that are eligible to enter play through the Monolith’s portal, then they must do so, even if you prefer to fire the Particle Whip. Note that the Power Matrix is always active and may never be destroyed or deactivated, and the player may still use it even if the Monolith moves or if it has been shaken or stunned. If attempting to use the Power Matrix to transport Necron units trough the portal, the player must first enter play with any warriors that where held in reserve and are available to enter play via the portal. If there are no Warrior squads in reserve to come through the portal, then the Necron player can teleport a unit of Necrons that is within 18’’ of the Monolith through the portal. Units may be pulled out of Close Combat by this. Units emerging from the portal may move and assault as normal if the monolith has remained stationary, but not if the Monolith has moved prior to the teleporting. Units that emerge from the portal are considered to be in range of a Resurrection Orb until the Necron player’s next movement phase.

Obelisk Obelisk

Pts/Model FA SA RA BS 150 14 14 14 4

Type: Tank. Weapon: Gauss Cannon Options: The Obelisk may have a Gauss Flux Arc projector at +30 points instead of the Gauss Cannon.

Special Rules Deep Strike. Living Metal: The Living Metal that composes the Obelisk can change it’s structure to absorb most of the damage any weapons can cause against it. As a result of that, no weapon, power or ability may reduce the Obelisk’s armor value and any attack made against it will never roll additional dice for armor penetration, in short, the Obelisk always has armor value of 14 and will always be hit by at most 1D6+Strength. Ponderous: Obelisks are immobile Structures that emerge from the ground. They are considered to be immobilised from the start of the game. If an Obelisk deep-strikes and scatters on top of other models, move the models so as to make room for the Obelisk. If it lands on top of enemy models they may attempt a Death or Glory attack as if being Tank Shocked. But unless the Obelisk explodes as a result of the attempt, the enemy model will be killed as the husk of the structure squishes it under it’s weight. Teleport Beacon: Units of Necrons that Phase Out due to a Sweeping Advance may deep strike 6’’ away from the Obelisk if they so desire. Any units of Necrons that Deep Strike within 6’’ of the Obelisk may make assaults the turn they arrive, but they must make a dangerous terrain test after making the charge movement.

Necron Special Characters The Deceiver Deceiver

Pts/Model WS BS S 300 5 3 9

T 8

W 5

I 5

A 4

Ld Sv 10 4+

Number/Squad: 1 Weapon: The deceiver carries no weapons Character: The Deceiver is an independent characters and follow all the rules for them.

Special Rules Eternal Warrior, Fearless. Monstrous Creature: The C’tan are considered monstrous creatures and their attacks ignore saves of all kinds. They roll 2D6 to penetrate vehicles armor. Immune to natural law: The C’tan ignore all terrain and are considered to have frag grenades when assaulting units in cover. They may even pass and end their movement in Impassable terrain, but may not claim to be “inside” it and can still be fired at. Necrodermis: The C’tan have an Invulnerable save of 4+. When their necrodermis is breached the C’tan releases it’s energy in an explosion. Roll 2D6 to determine the size of this explosion, every model within the blast radius suffers a Strength 6 hit with no armor save allowed. If wounded by a Wraithcannon the C’tan is not sucked in the Warp, but suffers a wound that ignores their Invulnerable save. If hit by a phase weapon the weapon is sucked in the Necrodermis of the C’tan disarming the Attacker. Drain Life: A C’tan drains the life energy of it’s enemies in close combat. Models killed by the C’tan may not benefit from Feel no pain, bionics, nartheciums, exsanguinators or any similar wargear. Synapse creatures and other Eternal Warriors are still subject to instant death by the hands of a C’tan. Manifestation: Models wishing to assault the C’tan must pass a Leadership test or the charge is failed. Above all others: C’tan will never join any units. Deceive: The Deceiver may cause an enemy unit up to 24’’ away to make a Morale check as if it had suffered 25% casualties. It may also force a Pinning test if it so desires. Grand Illusion: After all scout moves and infiltrators have been resolved, you may nominate one of your units to be redeployed. On a 4+ you may nominate another unit. This may result in the entire Necron force being redeployed. Misdirect: The Deceiver may leave combat at the enemy assault phase, after all charges have been made but before any blows are struck. It may make a fall back move in any direction. The enemy can only consolidate.

The Nightbringer Nightbringer

Pts/Model WS BS S 360 6 4 10

T 8

W 5

I 4

A 5

Ld Sv 10 4+

Number/Squad: 1 Weapon: The Nightbringer wields a Scythe Character: The Nightbringer is an independent characters and follow all the rules for them.

Special Rules Eternal Warrior, Fearless. Monstrous Creature: The C’tan are considered monstrous creatures and their attacks ignore saves of all kinds. They roll 2D6 to penetrate vehicles armor. Immune to natural law: The C’tan ignore all terrain and are considered to have frag grenades when assaulting units in cover. They may even pass and end their movement in Impassable terrain, but may not claim to be “inside” it and can still be fired at. Necrodermis: The C’tan have an Invulnerable save of 4+. When their necrodermis is breached the C’tan releases it’s energy in an explosion. Roll 2D6 to determine the size of this explosion, every model within the blast radius suffers a Strength 6 hit with no armor save allowed. If wounded by a Wraithcannon the C’tan is not sucked in the Warp, but suffers a wound that ignores their Invulnerable save. If hit by a phase weapon the weapon is sucked in the Necrodermis of the C’tan disarming the Attacker. Drain Life: A C’tan drains the life energy of it’s enemies in close combat. Models killed by the C’tan may not benefit from Feel no pain, bionics, nartheciums, exsanguinators or any similar wargear. Synapse creatures and other Eternal Warriors are still subject to instant death by the hands of a C’tan. Manifestation: Models wishing to assault the C’tan must pass a Leadership test or the charge is failed. Above all others: C’tan will never join any units. Lightning Arc: The Nightbringer may project his will in the form of a Lightning arc with the following profile: Lightning Arc Range 24’’ Strength 9 AP 2 Assault 1 Gaze of Death: Instead of using it’s attacks in the assault phase the Nightbringer may use his gaze of death. Place the ordnance template over the Nightbringer. All models below the template suffer a Strength 4 hit that ignores armor saves. Etheric tempest: The nightbringer cast an Etheric Tempest at the enemy assault phase, after all charges have been made but before any blows are struck. All enemy units with a model 6’’ from the Deceiver that doesn’t consist entirely of unmodified Strength 4 or more must make a fall back move away from the Nightbringer. This may push units away from close combat. Necron units that where locked in close combat but are now free may consolidate.

The forgotten, Wraithbody lord The forgotten

Pts/Model WS BS S 250 6 5 6

T 6

W 3

I 6

A 5

Ld 10

Sv 2+

Number/Squad: 1 Weapon: The forgotten uses a Warscythe. Character: The forgotten is an independent characters and follow all the rules for them. Options: The forgotten is a Necron lord and may have up to 80 points of wargear. He cannot have a Destroyer Body.

Special Rules Eternal Warrior, Fearless. Necron: The Necron Warrior is a Necron and follows all the special Necron rules. Phase Shift: The forgotten has an invulnerable save of 3+. When attacking models in or behind cover, the Wraiths are considered to have frag grenades. Wraithflight: The forgotten move as a jetbike but ignore all types of terrain for movement purposes, ignoring difficult or dangerous terrain. He can shoot his heavy gauss cannon after moving. Phase Shift generator: Necron units with models 12’’ away from the forgotten have a 5+ invulnerable save. Ancient cunning: The forgotten allows you to re roll the dice when trying to steal the initiative.

Necron army summary Necron Bronze Lord Necron Silver Lord Necron Gold Lord Necron Platinum Lord Pariah Immortal Flayed One Necron Warrior Wraith Destroyer Scarab Swarm Tomb Spider Heavy Destroyer Deceiver Nightbringer The forgotten

Pts/Model WS 80 4 100 4 120 5 150 5 40 5 30 4 15 4 20 2 45 4 50 4 12 2 85 2 60 4 300 5 360 6 250 6

BS 4 4 5 5 3 4 0 4 4 4 0 2 4 3 4 5

S 4 5 5 6 5 4 4 4 6 4 3 6 4 9 10 6

T 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 3 6 5 8 8 6

Monolith Obelisk

Pts/Model FA SA RA BS 235 14 14 14 4 150 14 14 14 4

W 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 5 5 3

I 4 4 4 4 3 2 4 2 6 2 2 2 2 5 4 6

A 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 3 1 4 5 5

Ld 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Sv 3+ 3+ 3+ 2+ 4+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 5+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 2+

Necron Armory Weapon Range Gauss Flayer 24’’ Gauss Blaster 24’’ Gauss Cannon 36’’ Heavy Gauss Cannon 36’’ Gauss Flux Arc 12’’ Particle Whip 24’’ Staff of Light 12’’

Str 4 5 6

AP 5 4 4

Type Rapid Fire, Gauss Assault 2, Gauss Heavy 3, Gauss

9 5 9 5

2 4 3 3

Heavy 1, Gauss Heavy D6 (Per unit), Gauss Ordnance 1, Large Blast Assault 3, Gauss

This is a fan codex, it is not endorsed by Games Workshop. It requires the agreement of both players to use unofficial rules. This is a fan work and not intended to infringe on any intellectual property of other.

Apocalypse Datasheets Harvester Orb - 750 points The Necron have special vehicles with purposes only know to their Overlord. One such vehicle is the Harvester orb, a skimming angular hull that encases the raw power of stars consumed by the C’tan. Similar in nature to the gigantic Aeonic orbs, these living metal crafts contain the last spark of energy of dying stars. It is speculated that these machines use this energy to refuel the power of the dead star, creating a kind of “seed” that could be later used to craft Aeonic orbs. Such is the complexity of these devices that a Necron Lord, known as the Harvester, manipulates it, using it’s raw energy to fuel incredible powers on the ancient artifacts they carry.

Unit: 1 Harvester Orb Type: Super-heavy Fast Skimmer Structure points: 2 BS: 4 Front/Side/Rear: 14/14/12 Weapons and Equipment: 1 Aeonic spark that can be fired as a focused beam, a gauss spark or create an etheric maelstorm.

Weapons Range Str AP Special Aeonic spark Primary weapon *Focused Beam 72’’ 10 2 Heavy 3, AA mount, Gauss *Gauss Spark 42’’ 8 3 Heavy d3*, Large Blast, Gauss *Etheric storm ** 8 5 Heavy 2, 10’’blast, Gauss, Rending *Roll a d3 to determine the number of shots charged and fired. **Place the 10’’ blast marker anywhere on the Harvester’s hull. The harvester and all units on the necron’s player army are immune to the Etheric Strom.

Special Rules Living Metal. Damage effects: Weapon destroyed results not ignored by the primary weapon rule will reduce the number of shots by one (no effect on Etheric maelstrom). Special Deployment: The harvester may enter the game as a flyer for the first turn.

Phase Shift generator: Necron Units 12’’ from the harvester gain a 5+ invulnerable save. Artifacts: The Harvester can have one of these habilities active, declare the ability to be used at the start of your turn, before any moves are made: • Major resurrection orb: Necron models 24’’ from the Harvester are considered to be in range of a Resurrection Orb. • Lightning storm: Any units assaulting the harvester are hit by lightning as they approach. These hit each model automatically before any blows are struck and are S4 AP3 weapons. • Chronometron: The BS of the harvester is increased to 6. • Shroud of darkness: Instead of moving, the harvester may simply be placed anywhere on the table (except impassable terrain). It ignores any other terrain for this type of movement and may use it even after being immobilized. Harvester Lord: If the Harvester suffers a Wrecked result on the catastrophic damage table, leave it as a wreck on the table but also add a Necron Lord (Silver) model anywhere 2’’ from the wreck. Treat this unit as a standard Necron Lord that can shoot the Etheric maelstorm centered on himself instead of firing it’s Staff of light if it is under 24’’ distance from the wreck or another active harvester. This lord has a Staff of Light, Lightning Field, Chronometron and Resurrection orb.

Necrosphere - 1500 points The Necrosphere are living fortresses created with a single purpose: To kill a world. Acting as a beacon to entire Necron armies, these huge hovering tanks destroy everything in their path. Their final purpose is to dig a hole to the center of a planet and suck all matter in it to it’s core, converting it to pure energy that can be manipulated by the Necrons.

Unit: 1 Necrosphere Type: Super-heavy Skimmer Structure points: 6 BS: 4 Front/Side/Rear: 14/14/14 Weapons and Equipment: 1 Aeonic core that can be fired as a focused beam or an Energy wave. 1 Gaus Flux Arc projector.

Weapons Range Str AP Special Aeonic core Primary weapon *Focused Beam 72’’ D 1 Heavy 3, 5’’ Blast, AA mount, Gauss, Destroyer. *Energy Wave** Hellstorm 8 3 Heavy 2, Gauss, Primary Weapon. ** For the Energy Wave, place the Hellstorm template so that the narrow end is within 18’’ from the weapon and the large end is not closer than it. Treat is as any other template weapon.

Special Rules Living Metal, Deep Strike. Gauss Flux Arc projectors: Function the same as the Monolith’s Flux Arc Projectors. Damage effects: Weapon destroyed results not ignored by the primary weapon rule will reduce the number of shots by one. Aeonic core: Necron Units 24’’ from the harvester may reroll their failed We’ll be Back rolls. Teleport Beacon: Units of Necrons that Phase Out due to a Sweeping Advance may deep strike 18’’ away from the Obelisk if they so desire. Any units of Necrons that Deep Strike within 18’’ of the Obelisk may make assaults the turn they arrive, but they must make a dangerous terrain test after making the charge movement.

Teleport Matrix: The Necrosphere allows for any unit in the Necron army list to be phased out and placed back in the game using the Deep-strike rules instead of moving it in the Necron player’s movement phase. Our Number is Legion: Every necron turn a previously destroyed unit of Warriors or Immortals may re-emerge from the Necrosphere at full power, as if emerging from a Monolith’s portal.

Necron Overlord - 800 points Necron Overlords are responsible for commanding necrons across entire star systems. They usually reside in the core of a Tombworld connected to their millions of minnions, but on rare ocasions they must be present in the battlefield.

Necron Warrior

Pts/Model WS BS S 600 9 4 9

T 9

Unit: 1 Necron Overlord Type: Gargantuan Creature Weapon: Warscythe with built-in Heavy Gauss Cannon

Special Rules Hatred: After losing close combat to the Necron Overlord, even fearless creatures that would never falter in battle are shaken by the pure hatred the lord has for them. Enemies in close combat with the Necron Overlord lose the fearless rule, mob morale or any other rule that makes them pass morale and leadership tests. They also suffer -2 to their leadership tests. Scarab infestation: Thousands of tiny Scarabs surround the Overlord, enveloping any that are near him in a cloud of biting living metal mandibles. The Overlord gains an extra D6+3 attacks at Strenght 3 and Initiative 3 against enemies in Close Combat. Necron: The necron Overlord is a Necron, and will roll for We’ll be Back as normal. The Overlord can also regenerate wounds inflicted on him. At the start of every turn, roll a dice for every wound he has taken. If you roll more then three 6s remove a number of wounds equal to the number of 6s rolled above three. Teleport Beacon: Units of Necrons that Phase Out due to a Sweeping Advance may deep strike 18’’ away from the Overlord if they so desire. Any units of Necrons that Deep Strike within 18’’ of the Overlord may make assaults the turn they arrive, but they must make a dangerous terrain test after making the charge movement. Phase Shifter: The Necron Overlord has an invulnerable save of 4+. Ancient plots: You gain the following bonus strategic assets: Reinforcements, Reconstruction Scarabs.

W 10

I 4

A 5

Ld Sv 10 3+

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