Nddc Forum: Land Use Code

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  • Words: 2,250
  • Pages: 61
NDDC Forum Land Use Code

Document Development Sequence Comprehensive Plan Adopted 2008; last revised in 2001

(with Land Use Principles)

Land Use Code Last substantial revision in 1981

Land Use Principles (n=12) Developed and approved by City Council prior to work on the Land Use Chapter of Comprehensive Plan

Principle 1: The small town character will be enhanced.

Principle 2: The natural environment will be protected, enhanced and better integrated in the community.

Principle 3: The preference for accommodating future growth is in infill locations, then redevelopment opportunities, and then on the edge of existing developed areas.

Principle 4: New and redeveloped residential communities (areas) will have strong neighborhood qualities.

Principle 5: Environmentally-sensitive and sustainable practices will be integrated into new developments and redeveloped areas.

Principle 6: Places with a mix of uses that are distinctive and contribute to increasing the City’s overall vitality are preferred.

Principle 7: Neighborhood serving commercial will be small scale and integrated with the residential context.

Principle 8: A wider range of housing choices will be encouraged – in the Community as well as in neighborhoods.

Principle 9: Rural character of certain areas of the Community will be protected.

Principle 10: Streets will create an attractive public realm and be exceptional places for people.

Principle 11: Places will be better connected, in part to improve the function of the street network and also to better serve neighborhoods.

Principle 12: Opportunities will be created to walk and bike throughout the Community.

Comprehensive Plan Contents • Demographics

• Transportation

• Community Identity

• Parks & Recreation

• Land Use

• Community Facilities

• Environmental Resources

• Economic Development

• Sewer & Water

• Housing

Each chapter identified: Goal Key findings of current status Objectives Strategies

Objectives: Community Identity • Strengthen downtown as historical & cultural center • Preserve historic sites & structures • Encourage a traditional development pattern • Host local arts and cultural activities

Objectives: Land Use • Protect & enhance the small town character • Promote downtown core as important aspect of community life • Encourage compact development pattern & support infill, redevelopment and land intensification • Encourage commercial/retail and office mixed use development (continued)

(continued) Objectives: Land Use • Improve transportation choices & efficiency • Improve development review process • Monitor the effectiveness of development regulations

Economic Development Goal | Objectives (n=4) | Strategies (n=19)

Goal for Economic Development • Promote economic development by supporting existing businesses, by talent attraction and retention, by aggressive business recruitment, and by increasing the availability of commercial and industrial land.

Objectives: Economic Development • Support existing businesses • Make sufficient land resources available for development • Expand Cannon River corridor to maintain historic character of Northfield • Support vitality through business retention and recruitment and enhancement of tourism

Objective: The City will support existing businesses.

Strategies: (an example) • Seek opportunities to address barriers to retention and expansion of existing businesses.

Objective: Expanding and revitalizing the Cannon River corridor will be a pivotal part of the strategy to maintain the historic character that is Northfield.

Strategies: (an example) • Any infill and redevelopment/intensification along the Cannon River corridor should be oriented to maximize the advantage that the river corridor creates for such opportunities.

Next Step: Finish Development of Land Use Code Current Draft written by – Consultant – City Staff – Some areas modified by Advisory Committee

Advisory Committee - City groups • • • • • • • • •

City Council Planning Commission (n=2) Heritage Preservation Commission Design Advisory Board Environmental Quality Commission Non-motorized Task Force EDA Park & Recreation Advisory Board Housing and Redevelopment Authority

Advisory Committee - non city group representatives • • • • •

Architects (2) Builders & developers (3) Civil engineer Sustainable development expert Rice Co. Soil & Water Dept.

Disclaimers about this code presentation: • Only some aspects of code related to C1 are included. • Is not purported to be comprehensive • Is no attempt to address C2 • Full document can be found on City Web site under Planning Commission • Current version is a DRAFT


Purpose of LDC

1.1.14 Encourage vibrancy in the downtown core and fringe areas;

BASE DISTRICTS – Residential Current



One-Family Residential District

R1-B Low Density Residential District


One- and Two-Family Residential District


Low to Medium Density Residential District


Medium Density Residential District

R2-B Medium Density Residential District


High Density Residential District

R3-B High Density Residential District


Manufactured Home Park District

R4-B Manufactured Home Park District


No Existing District

N1-B Neighborhood General 1 District

BASE DISTRICTS – Business & Industry Current


C-1 Downtown District


Downtown District

C-2 Downtown Fringe District

C-3 Gateway Commercial District LI Light Industrial District



Gateway Commercial District Industrial District


Industrial District



A-G Agricultural District

AH-S Agricultural Holding District

CDZ College Development District

CD-S College Development District



No Existing District

Public and Institutional District




Floodplain District



Wild and Scenic River/Shoreland/ Public Waters District


Downtown Historic District

WS Wild and Scenic River/Shoreland/ Public Waters Overlay District DH Downtown Historic Overlay District

PUD Planned Unit Development


Floodplain Overlay District

Planned Unit Development Overlay District




No Existing District

NC-F Neighborhood Center Floating District


No Existing District

ED-F Economic Development Floating District


C-1 Development Standards

Use: Ground floor

Permitted non-residential

Upper floor(s)

Permitted residential/office/ commercial

C-1 Development Standards (continued) Build-to-line (distance from property line) Front 0 ft. Side 0 ft. Setback Side 0 ft. Rear Adj. to residential 15 ft. Adj. to other use 10 ft.

C-1 Development Standards (continued) Building Form: Primary St. built to BTL Lot width Lot depth

80% min. 75 ft. max. 200 ft. max.

C-1 Development Standards (continued)

Height requirements Building min. Building max.

Finish ground floor level

22 ft. 3 stories, 50 ft.

12” max. above sidewalk

C-1 Development Standards (continued) • Corner lots: min. of 30 % at built-toline in both directions • Fence or wall must define any section along build-to-line without building • Façade variation a min. of every 25 ft.

2.5.3 Downtown Historic Overlay

• Activity in historic overlay requires a certificate of appropriateness from HPC.

3.44. Design Requirements (C2 + ED) • Building Facades – Blank walls facing streets forbidden. – Buildings in C1 & C2 will make use of river frontage.

• Roof Style – Pitched roof not more than ½ building height

• Building Design & Mass - Principal buildings will have base, body & cap

3.4.5 Large Scale (>10,000 sq. ft.)Non-res. Buildings • Façade – Variations every 50 ft. or roof line changes

• Flat roofs - Parapets no more than 2 ft. above roof • Wall openings - At least 25% window surface on street frontage

• Customer entrance - Entrance defined with features (options given)

2.6.1 Floating Zones – NC • In existing neighborhoods • Buildings subject to compatibility standards • NC lots located at intersection of two street types (collector and/or arterial) • Development standards address: use, off-street parking, landscaping, outdoor lighting, operation. • Compatibility standards address: setbacks & build-to lines, and building height & massing,


Permitted Uses in C1

Household living Multifamily dwelling (upper floors) Office use General Office, Office Business, Medical or Dental Clinic Commercial use Banks, Bars/Taverns, Funeral Homes, Hotel/Motel, Personal Services, Private Clubs, Restaurant, Retail Sales, Theaters


Permitted Uses in C1 (continued)

Mixed use Mixed use with residential uses Public, Institutional or Recreational Open space/conservation areas Urban, public open space (plazas) Public facilities Essential services Regional pipelines/utility transmissions, Utility structures

2.7 Conditional Uses in C1 Household Living Bed & Breakfast establishments Commercial use Parking lots Mining Extraction Public, Institutional or Recreational Cultural institutions Public access to rivers Public/semi-public buildings Religious institutions

2.7 Prohibited Uses in C1 (selected items) Household living Apartment house with 4-8 units Commercial Auto Service Stations Banquet Halls Convenience stores Day care facility Gasoline station Greenhouse, garden, landscaping sales (continued)

2.7 Prohibited Uses in C1 (selected items) (continued)

Industrial, Manufacturing, Research & Wholesale Industrial use (indoors) Research & development labs Public, Institutional or Recreational Uses Indoor recreational facilities School (trade, business or other) Public Facilities, Utilities Public transit stations, bus stops or park & ride lots

2.8.5 Commercial Use Category (Defines various types of businesses) Examples: Adult Uses Auto Service Stations Bars Convenience Stores Greenhouses Kennels Personal services Restaurant

Vet Clinics Banks Rec. Vehicle Sales Gas Stations Hotel/Motel Motor Vehicle Sales Private Clubs Retail Sales

2.10.4 Accessory Uses (E) Home Business Permitted Examples: Art & craft work, Tailors, Offices (architect, attorney, consultant, etc.), Physical therapy, Mail order businesses, Pet grooming Prohibited Examples: Animal hospitals, Automotive repair, Scrap yards, Fitness facility, Personal services On-site sales

Home Business (continued) Operating Standard examples: • Business is secondary to full-time use as residence • No more than one advertising sign not exceeding 4 sq. ft. • No window display or outdoor storage • No vehicles on property other than residents’ passenger vehicles • Customers limited to one at a time & only between 9 a.m.- 8 p.m.


Outdoor Dining, Display, and Storage (selected examples)

Outdoor dining on private property: • Parking: “Uses in C1-B district are exempt from off-street parking Space Requirements.” 3.8.5 •

Umbrellas must be secured

Enclosing dining area with roof or expansion of structure requires zoning certificate.


Outdoor Sale & Display

• Sales in vacant lots require a temporary use permit. • Merchandise on sidewalk must allow a min. of 5 ft. of clear walkway.


Outdoor Storage:

• Prohibited on vacant lots & between principal building & street. • Permitted in side or rear yard. • If more than 6 ft. high, requires a screen of 6 ft. compatible with main structure.

3.3.3 Outdoor Lighting Standards Max. Height (C1):

10 ft. for non-cutoff; 20 for 90° cutoff Illumination(C1): Max. footcandles across property line = 2.5; at property line when “adjacent to lot in the same district” = 0.1 Wall packs: Must be fully shielded, direct light downward, used to light unsafe areas vs. calling attention to the building.


NC Development Standards

Use Limitations: no drive-through, outdoor storage, or delivery services Required:

required off-street parking landscaping/screening

Outdoor lighting: fully-shielded, max. height of 15 ft. Operation: limit outdoor activity by 8 p.m. S-Th. & 10 p.m., Fri. & Sat.



Staff has reported, “We are not making significant changes to the sign regulations”


Off-street Parking

“Uses in C1-B district are exempt from off-street parking Space Requirements.”

User Friendly Goals of New Code • Reduce the number of conditional use permit reviews, • Provide clear regulations for developers, and citizens, and • Offer a more timely review process.

4.7 Development Review Committee Function: Performs technical review Membership: City Planner (chair) Community Development Director City Engineer, Building Official, Fire Chief Additional staff members as needed: Economic Development Manager, Police Dept., City Attorney, DNR, Soil & Water District Proposed addition for consultation: Architect, Design professional

Review Types 1 - 6 Type 1 City Planner Decision (alone; no DRC) Request: Zoning Certificate Temporary Use Permit Construction Drawings (may ask City engineer to review) Administrative Lot Line Adjustment Code Interpretation Timeline: Decision within 15 days of application Appeal: ZBA within 10 days of city planner decision Submit application

Application Certification

City Planner Decision

Review Types (continued): Type 2

City Planner Decision with DRC Consultation Request: Zoning Certificate Temporary Use Permit Flood Plain Permit Amendment to the PD-O District Appeal: ZBA within 10 days of city planner decision Preapp. meeting

Submit application

App. certification


City Planner Decision

Review Type (continued)

Type 3

Planning Commission/HPC Decision

Request: Zoning Certificate Amendment to the PD-O District Site Plan Review Certificate of Appropriateness (HPC) Conditional Use Permit Options: City Planner may request a neighborhood meeting Applicant may request an informal meeting with the PC Appeal: District Count within 30 days

Review Type 3 (continued)

Preapp. Meeting


Neighborhood Meeting, i.r.

App. certification

PC Informal Meeting, i.r.

Public notice & Staff report

Submit application

PC Decision

Review Type (continued) Type 4

Planning Commission Recommendation & City Council Decision


Heritage Preservation Site Designation Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat Zoning Map or Text Amendments to Code Annexation


City Planner may request a neighborhood meeting; required for subdivisions with 50+ lots Applicant may request an informal meeting with the PC Rezoning for a floating zoning district can receive an expedited review with joint meeting of the City Council and planning Commission.


Court having jurisdiction

Review Type 4 (continued)

Preapp. Meeting


Neighborhood Meeting, i.r.

App. certification

PC Informal Meeting, i.r.

Public notice & Staff report

Submit application

PC Recommends

City Council Decision

Review Types (continued): Type 5

City Council Decision (no PC

recommendation) Request: Minor Subdivision and Lot Consolidation Major Subdiv. Final Plat Appeal: Court having jurisdiction App. Public notice Application DRC


Staff Report

City C. Decision

Review Types (continued): Type 6 ZBA Quasi-Judicial Decision Request: Variance Appeals Appeal: District Court



App. certification

Public notice Staff Report

ZBA Review & Decision

Proposed Timeline for completion of Land Use Code May 22 Current draft of code is posted on the city website June 1 City Council decides on process for completion June-August Planning Commission works on code June-July Planning Commission accepts input from boards, commissions and public September - October Planning Commission completes work, holds public hearing and sends to City Council November City Council adopts LDC

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