Ncm 101 Finals

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A. B. C. D.

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION COLLEGE-ALBAY Daraga, Albay NCM 101 (Care of Mother, Child, and Family) FINAL EXAMINATION Name: _________________________

Block: __________

INSTRUCTIONS: Say your prayers. Read each item carefully. Choose the best response to each question and shade the circle of the corresponding letter in the separate answer sheet provided. Keep your answer sheet clean. Do not make any unnecessary markings on your answer sheet. SRICTLY NO ERASURES. Good luck! 1.

The functions of the ovaries are the following EXCEPT: A. Produce, mature, and discharge ova B. Produce oxytocin C. Produce estrogen D. Produce progesterone


The layer of the uterine wall that grows and thickens each menstrual cycle in preparation for implantation is the: A. Endometrium B. Myometrium C. Perimetrium D. Epimetrium






What type of pelvis is the most favorable for labor and delivery? A. Android B. Gynecoid C. Platypelloid D. Anthropoid For a woman having a 30-day cycle, ovulation would occur on: A. Day 13 B. Day 14 C. Day 15 D. Day 16 While discussing the growth and development of the fetus, you were asked by the patient, “During what time in my pregnancy is my baby most vulnerable?” as a nurse your best response is: A. “As your baby is forming in the first 2 months because organ development takes place at this time.” B. “Throughout your pregnancy.” C. “Near the end of your pregnancy.” D. “Halfway through your pregnancy: around 20 weeks or 5 months.” Ellain, a student nurse, is asked by a patient, “What determines if my baby’s lungs are mature?” Ellain’s correct response is: A. Fern test B. Nitrazine test C. Phosphatidylglycerol test D. Lecithin-sphingomyelin ratio


The fetal heart sounds are audible with an ordinary stethoscope at the end of: A. 12th week B. 16th week C. 20th week D. 24th week


Which of the following immunoglobulins crosses the placenta to provide the fetus a temporary passive immunity against diseases for which the mother has antibodies? A. IgA B. IgG C. IgM D. IgE


The immunoglobulin described in item no. 12 crosses the placenta during the: A. 1st trimester B. 2nd trimester C. 3rd trimester D. 4th trimester


At A. B. C.


When teaching a pregnant woman the position to maximize uterine perfusion, the nurse instructs the client to lie: A. Supine B. Prone C. On her right side D. On her left side


Pregnancy tests are based on detecting the presence of what hormone in the urine or blood serum of a pregnant woman? A. Human Placental Lactogen B. Estrogen C. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin D. Progesterone


Which of the following is NOT a positive sign of pregnancy? A. Positive pregnancy test B. Audible fetal heart tones C. Fetal movements felt by an examiner D. Fetal outline by ultrasound


A pregnant woman asks the nurse if the reddish streaks on her abdomen will disappear after pregnancy. The nurse’s best response will be: A. “Yes. That is only transient and will completely disappear after you give birth.” B. “Yes. That is only a result of overproduction of pigment hormones.” C. “No. Those reddish streaks will be permanent.” D. “No. It will be permanent but it will lighten and become barely noticeable.”


During a prenatal visit, a pregnant woman complains of nasal stuffiness. What will you advise this client for the relief of nasal congestion? A. Oral antihistamine B. Oral decongestant C. Cold compression D. Saline nasal drops


A pregnant woman comes to the clinic complaining of lightheadedness, faintness, and palpitations while lying down. The nurse based on these data suspects: A. Supine hypotension syndrome B. Orthostatic hypotension

The L/S ratio that indicates fetal lung maturity is: A. 2:1 B. 2:2 C. 1:2 D. 1:1

1. At about 24th week of pregnancy the fetus starts producing surfactant. The function of surfactant is to: A. Lubricate the fetus B. Cushion the fetus C. Increase the surface tension in the alveoli D. Prevent collapse of the alveoli 1.


The portion of the uterus whose significant characteristic is to stretch during childbirth is the: A. Corpus B. Fundus C. Cervix D. Internal os The fetal heart beat can be heard using a Doppler at:

6th - 8th week 8th - 10th week 10th - 12th week 12th – 14th week

20 weeks age of gestation, the fundus is: Just above the symphysis pubis At the level of the umbilicus Midway between the symphysis pubis and the umbilicus D. At the level of the xiphoid process

C. Shock D. Physiologic anemia 1.


To prevent the occurrence of vena cava syndrome, the nurse must instruct a pregnant woman to: A. Lie on her right side B. Lie on her left side C. Elevate her legs while lying down D. Lie on her back What condition is chiefly attributed to cause nausea and vomiting in pregnant women? A. Hyperglycemia B. Decreased serum estrogen C. Decreased serum progesterone D. Increased serum hCG

A. It facilitates detection of congenital anomalies. B. It provides the opportunity to obtain the client’s baseline data C. It determines cephalopelvic proportion. D. It serves as the best opportunity for client preparation for labor and delivery. 1.

Which of the following is NOT includes in the first prenatal visit? A. Leopold’s maneuver B. Complete physical examination C. Laboratory tests D. Extensive health history


As part of gathering Mrs. Evangelista’s health history, you asked for her last menstrual period (LMP) and learned that it was last September 25. Using this data, when is Mrs. Evangelista’s expected date of delivery? A. June 29 B. June 30 C. July 1 D. July 2

1. The psychological task during the first trimester is: A. B. C. D.

Accepting the baby Accepting the pregnancy Preparing for parenthood Preparing for childbirth


What is the common emotional reaction expectant parents during the first trimester? A. Anticipatory role-playing B. Impatience C. Ambivalence D. Narcissism


To prevent breast discomfort, what kind of bra will you instruct a pregnant client to wear? A. Firm, supportive bra with wide straps B. Firm, supportive bra with narrow straps C. Loose, push-up bra with wide straps D. Loose, push-up bra with narrow straps



by the

What would you instruct a pregnant woman on what to use for washing her breasts? A. Antibacterial soap and water B. Mild soap and water C. Water only D. Diluted hydrogen peroxide solution A pregnant woman asks the nurse what is the best exercise during pregnancy. The nurse correctly responds by saying that it is: A. Swimming B. Jogging C. Boxing D. Walking


Which of the following would be a favorable sleeping position for a pregnant woman? A. Prone B. Supine C. Modified trendelenburg D. Modified Sims’


A nurse teaching a primigravid client about prevention of constipation in pregnancy. Which statement if made by the client indicates the need for further teaching by the nurse? A. “I need to drink at least 8 oz of fluids in a day.” B. “I have to move my bowel regularly.” C. “I need to exercise regularly.” D. “I should avoid roughage in my diet.”


Which of the following will be helpful in reducing the pressure on rectal veins in a pregnant woman having hemorrhoids? A. Knee-chest position for 10-15 minutes daily B. Prone position for 10-15 minutes daily C. Semi-Fowler’s position for 10-15 minutes daily D. High-Fowler’s position for 10-15 minutes daily

1. Mrs. Evangelista asked you how often she should have her prenatal visits. Knowing that she is in her 4th week of pregnancy, you will tell her to come to the clinic: A. Every week B. Every 2 weeks C. Every 3 weeks D. Every 4 weeks


You will also tell Mrs. Evangelista that from week 32 to week 36 of her pregnancy, she will have to visit the clinic: A. Every week B. Every 2 weeks C. Every 3 weeks D. Every 4 weeks


How frequent should a woman on her 36 weeks age of gestation onwards have her prenatal visit? A. Every week B. Every 2 weeks C. Every 3 weeks D. Every 4 weeks

1. Mrs. Evangelista has had 3 previous pregnancies. Her firstborn was delivered full term and is now 7 years old. She had a miscarriage with her second pregnancy. On the third time she became pregnant, she bore twins on its 35th week of gestation. One of the twins did not survive and died just after 2 days following birth but the other one has survived and is now 4 years old. Mrs. Evangelista is presently pregnant and is on her 4 weeks age of gestation. Using the GTPALM format, determine Mrs. Evangelista’s OB Score based on the given data. A. Gravida 4, Para 11122 B. Gravida 4, Para 11121 C. Gravida 4, Para 12122 D. Gravida 4, Para 12121 1.

During the first prenatal visit, the nurse should teach the client how to identify danger signs of pregnancy and to immediately report any of these signs if they occur. Which of the following is NOT a danger sign of pregnancy? A. Continuous and severe headache B. Blurring of vision C. Swelling of the ankle D. Bleeding from the vagina


For the first trimester, how much is the recommended weight gain of a pregnant woman? A. 1 kg per week B. 1 kg per month C. 0.4 kg per week D. 0.4 kg per month


For the second and third trimester, how much is the recommended weight gain of a pregnant woman? A. 1 kg per week B. 1 kg per month C. 0.4 kg per week

Situation: Mrs. Evangelista comes to the prenatal clinic for her first prenatal visit after testing positive for pregnancy using a home test kit. For Item Nos. 31 to 38, refer to the above situation. 1.

What is the primary importance of the first prenatal visit?

D. 0.4 kg per month 1.






How many additional calories is recommended to meet the increased needs of pregnancy? A. 200 kcal B. 250 kcal C. 300 kcal D. 350 kcal A pregnant woman was prescribed Ferrous sulfate for daily iron supplementation. When providing client instruction, the nurse tells the client to take the supplement: A. On an empty stomach with milk B. On an empty stomach with orange juice C. On a full stomach with milk D. On a full stomach with orange juice A woman on active labor had an escape (sudden gush) of clear fluid from the vagina. The FIRST nursing action to take is: A. Transfer the woman onto the delivery table B. Perform an internal examination C. Place the woman in a knee-chest position D. Auscultate the fetal heart tone The fetus is said to be “engaged” if the fetal head is at station 0. What anatomical landmark is in line with station 0? A. Symphysis pubis B. Ischial spine C. Ischial tuberosities D. Sacral prominence What is the MOST common fetal position? A. Right occipitoposterior B. Right occipitoanterior C. Left occipitoposterior D. Left occipitoanterior What is the correct sequence of the cardinal movements of labor? 1. Flexion 2. Extension 3. Engagement 4. External rotation 5. Expulsion 6. Descent 7. Internal rotation A. 3,6,1,4,2,7,5 B. 3,6,1,4,7,2,5 C. 3,6,1,7,4,2,5 D. 3,6,1,7,2,4,5


Which parameter indicates that a woman in labor can start pushing? A. Full cervical effacement B. 10 cm cervical dilatation C. Crowning fetal head D. Rupture of membranes


In order to prevent the fetal head from being expelled too rapidly, it should be delivered between contractions. To accomplish this, you instruct the mother to: A. Push with contractions B. Pant with contractions C. Perform long, sustained pushing D. Push as hard as she can


Which of the following actions is your priority immediately after the delivery of the head? A. Suction out the infant’s mouth using a bulb syringe B. Inspect for a nuchal cord C. Wipe the infant’s nostrils with a sterile gauze D. Apply Crede’s prophylaxis into the newborn’s eyes


Methylergonovine maleate (Methergine) 0.2 mg IM is ordered for a client to stimulate uterine contraction after delivery of the placenta. Prior to administering the medication, you assessed the client’s blood pressure and obtained a reading of 150/90 mm Hg. What is the most appropriate action in this situation? A. Give the medication B. Reassess client’s BP after 15 minutes C. Give oxytocin instead

D. Withhold the medication For Item Nos. 51-60, identify if the statement is referring to TRUE LABOR CONTRACTIONS or FALSE LABOR CONTRACTIONS. Write your answers in the space provided in the separate answer sheet. STRICTLY NO ERASURES. _________ 51.

Do not increase in duration, intensity, and frequency

_________ 52.

Begin and remain irregular

_________ 53.

Achieve cervical dilatation

_________ 54.

Often disappear with ambulation or sleep

_________ 55.

Begin irregularly but become regular and predictable

_________ 56.

First felt abdominally and remain confined to the abdomen and groin

_________ 57.

Do not achieve cervical dilatation

_________ 58.

Increase in frequency

_________ 59.

Felt first in the lower back and sweep around the abdomen in a wave

_________ 60.

Continue no matter what the woman’s level of activity




Have a restful sem break! Enjoy! –

Sir PJ

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